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  • Red streaks appear when the phone heats up. Why did the bar appear on the screen on the iPhone? The data cable is worn out or loose from the socket

Red streaks appear when the phone heats up. Why did the bar appear on the screen on the iPhone? The data cable is worn out or loose from the socket

Depending on the nature of the breakdown of the phone screen, stripes or spots of a different nature may appear on it. They differ in shape and color and can be either harmless or cover part of the image.

Some appear after dropping the phone, some after overheating or moisture on the device. Let's figure out what's what with these spots and stripes and how much it can cost to repair your iphone (or other phone) if defects appear on the matrix. Go!

  • Orange or yellow spots in the corner of the screen or opposite the volume buttons of the phone

Most often, regardless of the phone model, the following option is found:

Or like this:

Both of these spots appeared as a result of heating (90% of cases) or as a result of an impact (less often). The thing is that between the top glass and the display of the phone there is an OCA film (glue) which, under the influence of heat and UV radiation, changes its color to orange or green. And since modern phones get pretty hot, the hottest is the LTE modem and CPU, the heating source is located directly under the glass.

However, this is typical for phones with ill-conceived heat dissipation or for phones whose users often leave them in the sun.

Solution to the problem: If the stain is just starting to appear, fix it on the photo and try to use the phone only for calls until you hand over the device under warranty. If the stain appeared a long time ago, then it will remain even if the phone cools down, in this case replacement will help display module or top glass in a service center where there is the appropriate equipment.

  • Spot as if the display is wet, looks like an air bubble

In fact, this is an air bubble. Found on older phones and tablets where touch glass and the display does not stick to each other and has an air gap. As a rule, in order to obtain such a defect, one must either strongly deform the top glass or install Chinese glass of mediocre quality.

Solution: gently bend the phone half a millimeter as if you were surviving a towel, first in one direction and then in the other. CAREFULLY!!! Well, you probably have to replace the touch glass.

  • Black or purple streaked spots

Such an effect as in the photo can be achieved by leaving the phone at sub-zero temperatures, and then suddenly placing it in a warm room and turning it on. Due to the temperature drop and condensation, you will see approximately the same as in the picture.

Solution: replace the display module and do not leave more phone in a car outside or in a cool room for more than a few minutes. This applies incl. waterproof phones.

  • Barely noticeable gray stripe in the middle of the iphone screen

Typical for iphone and other phones that have no partition between the display and the battery. This happens if the battery is not properly secured after iPhone repair or fell into disrepair and began to swell. The black strip (spot) is where the battery presses.

If you see a spot like this elsewhere iPhone screen- most likely something presses on him from below, for example, parts chinese display(the Chinese like to make the display thicker than it is :)

Solution: replace the part that presses on the screen from the inside.

  • Large white spots that look like snow or champagne spray

Moisture or condensation after the phone has been in a damp room for a long time. By the way, if you pour champagne on a phone that is not protected from moisture, there will be just such an effect.

Solution: Replacing the display.

  • Small white circles in different places on the screen

Such spots (dots) appear as a result of impact or strong pressing on the screen. You can hit the phone both from the front and from the back, this deforms the layer behind the display, which makes the backlight glow either stronger or weaker in this place.

Solution: Replacing the display or individual layers of the display (if the design of the screen allows it).

a. What to do and how to treat?

Many users face the problem when phone or tablet on Android base begins to be capricious. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with defects of one kind or another in the image, color rendering, etc.... This may be due to:

1st: Software glitch- i.e. the problem is crashing software

2nd: Hardware failure - i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (that is, it requires replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems the operation of the adjustment system for color correction, detail and other functions of the display smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch, which you can easily fix on your own.

We fix the software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings" find there « backup and reset " where you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, the use of this method is often effective, but it entails the removal of all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving network communication and reception problems phone s and tablet based Android method introduction of additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all controls the functions of the system, corrects, and corrects everything possible mistakes settings and synchronization and easy to use, free utility for Android devices. Download app from Google play and watch it additional options in the description you can. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing else is required. The application will completely take over the control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% ​​faster, and its performance will also significantly increase, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system works on 50% faster.)
Method 3.

Change of device software, or, as it is also called "Per firmware ".This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. To independently carry out this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website for your device, download the utilities and the firmware itself necessary for the firmware, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repair of your tablet a or smartphone a.

On the smartphone screen, either Android tablet stripes or dots appear. Ripples, flickers, blurs the image of the display of a smartphone or tablet. What to do and how to treat?

One not very fine day, streaks and ripples of unknown origin may appear on your favorite tablet. What is it and how to deal with it?

The data cable is worn out or loose from the socket

This most often happens after dropping the tablet or hitting hard objects. At the same time, physical damage is not visible on the display, there are no cracks, lighted zones or spots. In case of sudden shaking, the connecting cables of the display can "jump out" from the socket. To restore the functionality of the device in this case, it is enough to press on the cable and drive it tightly into the socket. True, when disassembling the tablet, you should be careful not to accidentally touch any other elements, because this is a rather miniature device with small spare parts.
In rare cases, the loop simply refuses to transmit data as it should. In this case, a trip to service center can no longer be avoided. Although replacing a loop is usually inexpensive.

The display (matrix) is damaged

When falling most frequent breakdown- it physical damage matrices or protective glass... Such damage is expressed in the appearance of stripes, ripples on the tablet screen, which appear immediately after the fall. Even more obvious symptoms are palpable or visible cracks, stains. Sadly, but troubleshoot such problems on their own will fail. You will need to replace the display or matrix in the service center, which will result in a tidy sum. The price depends on the screen size and tablet model.

Software glitch

If ripples, stripes, unnatural color distortions, or other types of inappropriate behavior appear on the tablet screen (overlapping several pictures on top of each other, etc.), the cause may be a software failure. In such a situation, you can try to reset the tablet to factory settings or even more radical method- full flashing.

Normal tablet operation with periodic freezes, during which image artifacts appear
Due to poor cooling, tablets can overheat, and in such conditions the video chip often does not cope with its duties and stripes and ripples may appear on the tablet screen. This is most commonly seen in games when streaking and other artifacts start to appear. There are several ways to improve cooling on the internet. chinese tablet at home. If the device is from a reputable company, it is best to take it to a service center.

The tablet has streaks and ripples after being in the water

If the device comes into contact with water, first of all, it must be thoroughly dried, for which it is best to disassemble it first. If this method did not help restore the functionality and the stripes and ripples from the tablet screen did not disappear, you will have to visit the service center. There are skilled craftsmen who can determine what exactly was damaged during bathing.

South Korean Samsung fiasco after fiasco. After a long list, the responsibility for which lies entirely with the manufacturer, appeared new problem- pink stripe on Galaxy screen S7 Edge. The number of complaints and photos on various forums makes it clear that the problem is global in nature.

All the online media are full of headlines about the mysterious pink stripe appearing on the Galaxy S7 Edge screen. And despite the fact that Samsung itself has not yet recognized the magnitude of this problem, there is no doubt that these are not isolated cases.

As reported by users, on Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, a vertical pink line appears on the screen. Moreover, some of its appearance were noticed in the summer, which means that the problem is far from new. I must say that this bug has no territorial binding - complaints come from different corners the world. Some carriers have already acknowledged the problem and are even ready to replace the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge with a new one, provided that the warranty has not yet expired.

How to remove pink line on Galaxy S7 Edge

As for the solution to this error, they say that you can remove the pink stripe on the screen using program methods... Accordingly, we can say that this is a hardware problem. Some users have been able to find workarounds to remove the vertical pink bar from the display.

So, one was helped by the method of resetting the display via service menu(you need to press * # 0 * #, then red, green and blue colors). However, this method may not work for you the first time. For others, the pink line temporarily disappeared after clicking on the top of the screen, next to Samsung logo... It is possible that the pink stripe on the Galaxy Es 7 screen is just the beginning of the problem. Already several smartphone owners have reported that after its appearance, the display turns completely black for a while.

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