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  • Presentation on the topic: “Computers are all around us. When I was leaving school, Sasha gave me a disk with the game for twenty minutes

Presentation on the topic: “Computers are all around us. When I was leaving school, Sasha gave me a disk with the game for twenty minutes

When I left school, Sasha gave me a disk with the game for twenty minutes. What rules did the student break? There was no time to undress. I flew into the computer class. It turned out that the disc could only be rewritten on Natalya Yuryevna’s computer. I turned it on and began to rewrite the disc. To avoid getting bored, I took out a sandwich and had a snack. I shook off the crumbs that fell on the keyboard. When the disk was ready, I unplugged the cord from the outlet. The screen went dark, I quickly ran out of the classroom.

An image is displayed on its screen when the computer is running. This is where everything we work with on the computer is stored and processed. For example: texts, drawings, music, films. It is through them that sound is output when the computer is running. With its help you can: point and move objects shown on the monitor screen, draw and erase, indicate the place where any action will be performed, make a choice from a set of options. It is used to enter letters, numbers and other characters into the computer. This is a system unit speakers keyboard monitor (display) mouse

1.1. Computers are all around us

It is difficult to name an area of ​​human activity in which computers are not used today.

Do you like watching cartoons and science fiction films on TV? Many fragments from science fiction films were created using the most powerful computers, and some cartoons are created entirely on computers.

You, of course, have seen large crossword puzzles in magazines and newspapers. Many of them are developed by humans on a computer.

Many writers and journalists write and format articles for magazines and newspapers, books and textbooks using a computer.

We are often interested in the weather forecast - what the weather will be like today, tomorrow and even in a month. We learn weather reports from radio and television reports, from newspapers and simply from each other. When compiling a weather forecast, employees of weather centers use computers: they accumulate all the information from weather balloons and weather stations in space, this data is processed and compared with the weather that has happened on our planet over the past hundreds of years.

Using computers, people can predict earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes and tornadoes. Knowing these forecasts, rescuers can evacuate the population from dangerous areas and thus save people's lives.

People have found uses for computers in medicine. Using computers, doctors can examine the patient, establish an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment.

Flights into space would generally be impossible without computers. After all, a huge number of calculations must be made so that the spacecraft can leave the Earth. You know that people have launched spaceships to the Moon, and to Mars, and even beyond the solar system. Scientists use computers to process signals coming from other galaxies. Scientists believe that we are not alone in space, and that someday we will be able to establish contact with our brothers in mind.

Questions and tasks

1. What areas of human activity where computers are used do you know?

2. Ask adults about how they use computers at work and at home.

1.2. Buthigh professions

People's professional activities are related to their chosen specialty. You, of course, know that there are professions: doctor, teacher, hairdresser, salesman, driver, grain grower, baker, pastry chef, military man, policeman and many, many others.

The advent of computers led to the emergence of many new professions. The characteristics of new professions were related to the level of computer development. At first (from the 1950s to the 1970s) these were the professions of programmer, electronics engineer and operator.

ooperator– a person who spends almost the entire working day at a computer, performing various tasks: typing texts, letters, performing calculations, and so on;

oprogrammer- a person who writes programs for a computer. These include programs for working with a computer, programs for teaching, programs for drawing and processing photographs, programs for mathematical calculations, games, and so on;

oelectronics engineer– a person who assembles a computer and monitors the operation of the computer’s internal devices.

Today, the range of professions has expanded. These professions are related to:

    development and creation of new computers, including the development of microcomputers for various machines, such as cars, subway turnstiles, etc.;

    laying and administering local and global computer networks for access to these user networks;

    development and debugging of new programs, both for personal computers and micro devices;

    maintenance of technical equipment that uses electronic devices;

    support by specialists of special computers and programs used in other areas - economics, medicine, printing, etc.

Currently, computers are being introduced into all areas of human activity. Anyone should be able to find the necessary information on the Internet, send and receive electronic messages over the Internet, correctly draw up electronic documents, and be able to use remote support from various institutions. Many specialists now need to work well on a computer, so modern students learn to work on a computer in schools.

Questions and tasks

1. What were the first professions that appeared with the advent of the computer?

2. What professions involve working on a computer nowadays?

3. Select from the list professions related to working on a computer:

a) Operator;

b) Railway worker;

c) Electronic engineer;

d) Writer;

d) Programmer;

f) Cook.

1.3. Computers at school

A computer designed to be used by only one person, such as a programmer or student, is called personal computer.

Using a personal computer, you can count, write, draw, study lessons, receive and send email messages, access the Internet, listen to music and watch videos, play games and do much, much more.

In modern schools, computers are used in almost all subjects: mathematics, Russian, literature, foreign languages, drawing, history, music, computer science, and so on.

The teacher can demonstrate visual material, educational films, educational programs on a large wall screen or on an interactive whiteboard using a computer. Students can write, draw, and enter answers to questions into the computer directly on the interactive whiteboard, because they are connected to each other by special wires. Such lessons are easily learned by students, and studying at school becomes more fun and interesting.

Nowadays, many students have home computers. Using a computer, children study educational programs and electronic textbooks, find the necessary information in electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, take entertaining virtual excursions on the Internet, communicate and correspond with friends.

Currently, during the period of rapid development of information technology, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. That is why today we should pay attention to Internet security both in an educational organization and at home (in the area of ​​responsibility of parents). Our main task is to teach children to evaluate content, to understand which sites and materials on the global network will become indispensable assistants for them, and which ones pose a threat and pose a real danger.

We bring to your attention a report on “Information Security Week”, as well as developed materials for parents and children of various age categories.


about the “Information Security Week”

Goal: increasing the information security of children on the Internet, creating a culture of responsible, ethical and safe use of information technology

Dates: 09/05/2016 - 09/09/2016

Participants: grades 2-11

As part of the “Information Security Week”, events were held covering all participants in educational relations (teaching staff, students and their parents (legal representatives)):

Increasing the level of awareness of students and their parents about modern information threats

Class hour "Safe Internet":

2-4kl. (presentation + video + conversation);

5-11 grades (video + conversation about modern information threats)

Computer science lesson “Safe Internet”:

2-4kl. (presentation + video + conversation);

5-9 grades (presentation + conversation);

10-11 grades (presentation + questions for discussion)


2-4 grades children's drawing “The computer is my friend, the computer is my enemy”;

5-9 grades children's story “The computer is my friend, the computer is my enemy”

Training course for children

5-11 grades "Online Safety" on

Production and distribution of booklets and leaflets “Safe Internet”

Test “Safe Internet” + questionnaire for grades 5-11.

Checking the organization of protecting children from information harmful to their health and development

Pedagogical meeting on the topic “Fundamentals of information security”

Checking the quality of Internet access service providers provide to educational organizations, ensuring content filtering of Internet traffic

Checking anti-virus protection of computer equipment in an educational organization

According to Russian legislation, information security of children is a state of protection of children in which there is no risk associated with information, including information distributed on the Internet, causing harm to their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development (Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development").

Such protection for the child should be provided, first of all, by the family and the educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the School).

To increase the level of awareness of students and their parents about modern information threats, computer science lessons, classroom hours, a training course, competitions and competitions were held, and booklets were distributed.

During thematic classes, teaching staff drew students' attention to the importance of ensuring information security on the Internet. The teaching staff introduced the children to the rules for selecting information on the Internet and told them how to behave competently and safely on social networks. During class hours, we used presentations, videos, and organized communication.

As part of extracurricular activities, students in grades 5-11 were invited to take the “Internet Security” training course on the website, where the children saw what dangers can be encountered when working on the Internet and were tested to test their knowledge of information security. This independent activity turned out to be very effective in developing information literacy.

In order to form a clear understanding of the rules of behavior on the Internet, a drawing competition was held with students of grades 1-4, teaching workers of the fine arts, and a short story competition with students of grades 5-11, teaching workers of the Russian language and literature. Booklets and “Safe Internet” leaflets were distributed. In computer science lessons, students became acquainted with the culture of responsible, ethical and safe use of information technology.

Winners of the drawing competition “The computer is my friend, the computer is my enemy”

Winner of the short story competition “The computer is my friend, the computer is my enemy”

My friend is a computer.

It is unlikely that in our time you can find a person who has never dealt with a computer. About fifteen years ago he was not in every family, but today his absence is more likely to cause surprise. Personally, I can hardly imagine ordinary life without a computer. This is an assistant for both adults and children. A keeper of a large amount of useful information, as well as a means of communication and acquiring new knowledge. Plus, computer games are one of the fun ways to spend time.

I dreamed of my own computer for a very long time. And finally, a year ago my dream came true - they bought me a laptop! “Hurray, dreams come true!” - that was the first thought when I saw him. Happiness knew no bounds, but then I didn’t know that the computer would become my friend. Of course, my acquaintance with it was traditional: I downloaded a dozen games and played, played, played. My parents told me that I was constantly stuck on it, and later I began to distribute my time working with the laptop more rationally. After all, you can’t live on computer games all the time; a lot of time is spent on lessons, school, and household chores, and meeting friends not “online” is much more pleasant. Well, if you don’t control yourself at all, you can spend all your time playing on the computer. My computer does not disappoint me and does not let me down. He has a remarkable ability to act quickly, and this saves time and effort. He helps you type texts, underlines bad phrases, checks spelling errors... He is simply an irreplaceable friend!

Sometimes I think: “What will happen if all the computers on earth disappear?” Most likely, people would feel difficult, or rather unusual. If I need some information, then how easy it is to find it on the Internet! If my friend is sad, then you can always chat with him on Skype and cheer him up at any time! And the films! And the music! Everything is publicly available, there is no need to buy discs in the store. From all this we can conclude that I have more free time and this is not unimportant. And knowledge of basic office programs will definitely come in handy in life.

I believe that every thing has its pros and cons, but my computer is all pros!

Malkin Vladislav

Booklet, memo for parents

To study the problem of security on the Internet and the attitude of students at the School to it, class teachers of grades 5-11 conducted a survey (+test) of students. The proposed questionnaires allow us to analyze the current situation in the educational environment.

Analysis of the questionnaires showed that

98% of students have free access to the Internet through various devices (cell phone, home computer) and spend more than 2 hours a day on the Internet;

96% of students use computers and the Internet mainly for educational purposes, 2% only for games and online communication;

96% of students do not disclose personal information about themselves or their family, they try to follow the rules of the “Safe Internet”, but there are also those guys who consider social networks not dangerous.

As part of the “Information Security Week,” students acquired new knowledge about Internet threats, learned to distinguish and prevent their consequences, and protect themselves and their loved ones from them.

Sections: Computer science , Primary School

Class: 3

Topic: Computers around us. Material and information technologies

1 lesson. Integrated lesson: computer science and technology


  • introduce students to the use of computers in everyday life;
  • introduce students to the concepts of “material technologies”, information technologies”;
  • develop the ability to perform operations on materials and obtain results.

Equipment: projector, interactive smart board, presentation, materials for products (napkins, colored paper, scissors, glue, Whatman paper, cotton wool, markers and felt-tip pens, New Year's tinsel)


I. Organizing time.

II. Communicate the topic and goals.

Guys, what holiday is coming up? (New Year)

Today, we will create a collective creative work “New Year's Carnival”, and for this we will get acquainted with the types of technologies.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Computers are all around us . Annex 1 . Presentation “Computers around us” 1 slide

Today we are surrounded by computers everywhere. 2 slide

Tell me, using the presentation slides, what are computers for?

How did people work before the invention of the computer? 3 slide

What new professions appeared with the invention of the computer? 4 slide

Where and how are computers used at school? 5-8 slides

2. Technologies – material and information. Slide 9

A person who knows how to use a computer to work with texts, images, sounds or to search for new information is said to be proficient information technologies. Technology is a method of processing materials to produce finished products. 10 slide

Using the diagram, explain how to work with material technologies (using various technologies, we perform an operation on materials and as a result we obtain a finished product)

Let's look at examples of material technologies. 10 slide

Information technology must be processed to achieve results. 11 slide

What materials are information technologies made of?

What operations are performed on materials?

What is the result of information technology?

3. Practical work.

I propose to create products to decorate the New Year's carnival.

You have various materials on your desks, and each group has their own. Discuss what operation you need to perform on these materials to get a New Year's product. And one of the groups will create a New Year's story using a computer.

Work in subgroups




1 group

Landscape sheet, cotton wool, colored paper, scissors, glue, tinsel

Cutting, gluing


2nd group

Colored paper, napkins, scissors, glue

Cutting, gluing

New decorations, snowflakes

3 group

0.5 sheets of whatman paper, markers, tinsel, glue, scissors

Coloring, cutting, gluing

4 group

Geometric shapes, animated pictures, sounds, inscription

Drawing, copying, pasting, pasting images and sounds

New Year card

IV. Lesson summary

  1. Generalization. Each group presents their products and explains: what materials were used, what operations were performed and what they got as a result.
  2. Reflection

Topic: Rules of behavior in the computer class. Basic computer devices.

Lesson 2. Computer Science and ICT.


  • introduce students to the rules of conduct in a computer class;
  • introduce students to basic and additional computer devices;
  • develop independent computer skills;

Equipment: multimedia projector, smart interactive board, presentation, laptops.


I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of covered material.

What technologies are there?

What relates to material and what to information technology?

III. Learning new material

1. Rules of conduct in the computer class . Appendix 2.1 slides 1-8.

Consolidation of the studied material is carried out according to the textbook p. 11

What rules did the student break?

2. Familiarity with the main and additional devices of a computer.

Appendix 2.2 Presentation “Basic computer devices”

  • A modern desktop computer usually consists of several devices. The main part of any PC is system unit. Used to display computer information monitor, and to enter information and control the computer - keyboard and mouse. In addition, you can connect many additional devices to your computer.
  • A monitor is also called a display. Outwardly it looks like a TV. Like a TV, a monitor has a screen that can display pictures, texts, and films.
  • There are convex and flat screens, color and black and white, large and small. Screen size is usually measured diagonally and expressed in inches (1 inch equals 2.54 cm).
  • The image on the monitor screen actually consists of individual dots that we do not notice because they are very small. The smaller these dots, the more of them fit on the monitor screen and the higher quality the picture looks.
  • System unit. This seemingly unremarkable box is the main part of the computer. This is where its main details are concentrated. All other devices are connected here. The system unit is the computer itself.
  • A computer keyboard is very similar to a regular typewriter keyboard. It has buttons for all the letters of the alphabet (very often several alphabets), a separate numeric keypad, as well as special keys for controlling the computer.
  • The computer mouse was invented in the 1960s by American engineer Douglas Engelbart. It actually looks like a mouse (hence its name).
  • Some modern mouse models use light rather than a ball to transmit movements. Such mice are called “optical”.

Presentation “Additional computer devices”

  • A scanner is a device that allows you to enter texts, photographs, photographic films, in short, any images on paper or film into a computer.
  • A printer. Laser printers provide the best print quality. In them, paint is applied to a special drum using a laser beam, forming letters in a mirror image. From the drum they are imprinted on paper.
  • Gaming devices. The simplest gaming device is an analog joystick - a handle with buttons mounted on a stand. By moving the handle, you can control the movement of a computer character, and by pressing buttons, you can perform special actions - for example, shooting. Special devices are also used for simulators - for example, a steering wheel and pedals help you feel like a racer, and an airplane control wheel makes you feel like a pilot.

IV.Consolidation of the studied material.

  1. Work from the textbook p.13 Game "Name the missing word."
  2. Working with multimedia didactic materials (in the SMART program). Appendix 2.3
    1) Students must arrange the pictures according to the names of the devices.
    2) Divide the main and additional devices into 2 groups)

V. Lesson summary. What was the most interesting? What was the most difficult thing for you?

Topic: Computer programs. Operating system. Desktop. Launching programs. Terminating programs

Lesson 3 Computer Science and ICT


  • introduce students to the concepts of programmers, programming, programs;
  • complete several teacher tasks in the Notepad and Calculator programs.

Equipment: "Informatics and ICT"


I. Organizing time.

Appendix 3.1

Guys, name the rules of conduct for each prohibition sign.

III. Repetition of material learned in the previous lesson.

Name the main devices of a computer. What is the monitor and keyboard used for?

Tell us about additional devices. What is a scanner, printer, microphone used for?

IV. Learning new material. Appendix 3.2 . Presentation “Comp. programs"

All the rules for computer operation are made by people of a special profession - programmers. And the science of writing programs for a computer is called programming. 1-2 slide

A program is an ordered set of actions written in a language that a computer can understand. A computer program describes in detail, step by step, the actions that a computer must perform to solve a specific problem. How should it respond to pressing certain buttons, mouse clicks, how should it display text and pictures, show movies, etc. 3 slide

There are different types of computer programs. Some programs are used for working with texts, others for working with pictures, others can work with music, films, etc. These are programs that people use as a tool to achieve their goals they are called - applied. 4 slide

Knowing how to work with a graphics program, a person is able to realize any fantasies.

5 slideEven bring pictures to life!

6 slide. Special programs - drivers - control the operation of individual machine devices, including expansion cards, scanners, and printers. Programs whose main purpose is to ensure the normal operation of the computer are called utility programs.

7 slide Every computer always has a “main” program, called the operating system. It automatically starts when you turn on your computer and turns off only when you turn off your computer.

8 slide The operating system organizes the work of all parts and all programs of the computer. The most popular operating systems are programs from the Windows family.

Slide 9 Reflection: “Test yourself!”

Physical exercise.

V. Independent work according to the textbook, read pages 19-20.

VI. Practical part of the lesson:

a) Repetition of safety rules when working with computers

Continuous activity of classes directly with a VDT or PC should not exceed 15 minutes for students aged 7-10 years.

b) Find the button on the desktop "Start", A window appears, find the line in it to select a program. Find the programs “Calculator”, “Notepad” and open one of them.

VII. Lesson summary.

  1. Generalization
  2. Reflection. What was new for you? What was the most difficult thing for you?

Topic: Generalization on the section “Getting to know the computer.” Check of knowledge

Lesson 4 Computer Science and ICT


  • summarize students’ knowledge in the section “Introduction to Computers”;
  • complete several teacher tasks in the Notepad, Calculator, and Minesweeper programs.
  • develop independent computer skills.

Equipment: laptops, lesson presentation, textbooks "Informatics and ICT"


I.Organizing time.

II. Rules of behavior in the computer class. Appendix 4.1

III. Generalization of the section “Getting to know the computer” and testing of knowledge.

  • Test work using an interactive whiteboard. Appendix 4.2. Presentation “Find mistakes and swap pictures”»
  • Test work based on the textbook p. 23. Figure 2


V. Practical part of the lesson(The same work is carried out as in the practical part of lesson 3, only the teacher changes the tasks for the pairs).

VI. Lesson summary.

  • Generalization. Each group shows the result of their work in the program.
  • Reflection. What was the most interesting? What was the most difficult thing for you?

Lesson topic: Assignments in situations. Computer graphics

Lesson 5 Computer Science and ICT

Lesson Objectives:

Equipment: computer science textbook 3rd grade; electronic manual “Affordable Education”; laptops; interactive board; presentation.


I. Organizing time:

Computer science country
A school student really needs it!
Let's study drawings, simple diagrams,
Programs will not be a problem for us.
And then, there is no doubt,
The INTERNET will conquer us!

1-3 slides

The topic of our lesson : Computer graphics. 4 slide

II. Learning new material

Creating images on a computer is called computer graphics. We will get acquainted with two types of computer graphics. Your task is to listen carefully and name their differences.

- Raster graphics. 5 slide

The image is stored in the computer's memory as a set of numbers describing points of different colors. To depict this smiling face, you need to specify 361 dots of white, yellow and black in a small 19X19 square.

- Vector graphics. 6 slide

The image is stored as a description of a set of points, lines and shapes of different colors. For example, an image of this smiling face might be stored as a description of a yellow circle with a black border, two black circles, and one curved line.

Consider vector and raster graphics. What is the difference?

How is drawing on a computer different from drawing on a piece of paper?

III. Consolidation from the textbook p.30

IV. Tasks in situations.

Read on for descriptions of situations in which the ability to create drawings using a computer may be useful. Choose the situation that is most interesting to you and divide into groups as desired.

Group work



Group 1 - Preparation of the next issue of a children's magazine

Riddle drawings

Your role

Publishing house artist


The pages with riddle drawings are not ready for the next issue of the children's magazine.

Come up with and draw riddle pictures


Group 2 - Creating a school newspaper

School newspaper

Your role



Interview classmates about interesting incidents from school life

Record an interview, take a photograph.


Group 3 - Preparation of the emblem for the school anniversary.

School emblem

Your role


The teacher asked the students to make an emblem for the school’s anniversary

Come up with and draw an emblem.

Demonstration of student work results.

V. Bottom line.

Topic: “Graphic editors. Basic operations when drawing."

Lesson 6 Computer Science and ICT


  • introduce students to the types of graphic editors and broaden their horizons;
  • teach how to work in the graphic editor "Paint";

Equipment: computer science textbook 3rd grade; electronic manual “Affordable Education”;
laptops; interactive board; presentation.


I. Organizing time

Briefing. - Tell us what is strictly forbidden to do in the computer science classroom?

(An interactive whiteboard is used in the task to complete the rule) Appendix 6. (slide 1)

Subject : "Graphic editor. Basic operations when drawing" (slide 2)

II. Repetition. Activation of students' knowledge.

What types of computer graphics did you learn about in the last lesson?

Call this type of graph (slide 3. Raster graphics)( slide 4. Vector graphics)

How is such an image stored in the computer's memory?

III. New material:

To create such drawings, you need to learn how to use programs called "GRAPHIC EDITOR".

Now we will look at examples of graphic editors.

Open your textbooks to page 31. (slide 5)

Name the types of graphic editors. (“Paint”, “kid pix”, “tax paint”, “photoshop”)

The first three types are children's editors, the rest are professional editors, name them... (“gimp”, “photoshop”)

Sometimes graphic editors can be built into other more complex programs. You can learn about such programs in the textbook on page 32. (slide 5)

IV. Practical part of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will learn how to work with the PAINT graphic editor. To do this, listen carefully to the explanation. (Working with the “Accessible Education” disk)

V. Consolidation.

Now, let’s create the drawing ourselves, but first we’ll repeat the basic operations. (Slide 6)

  • Group 1 works at computers and draws the SUN.
  • Group 2 will work on the interactive whiteboard and draw a TREE.

Demonstration of drawings. What operations did you use to create your drawings?

(Drawing dots, straight and wavy lines, drawing shapes, filling)(slide 7)

V. Bottom line.

What did you like, what did you not like about the lesson, what was the most difficult?

What program did you learn to work in today? (Graphic editor "PAINT")

What is this program for? (For creating drawings)

Topic: Generalization on the section “Program for creating drawings.”

Lesson 7 Computer Science and ICT


  • summarize students’ knowledge in the section “Drawing Creation Program”;
  • complete the teacher’s assignments in the programs “Paint”, “TuxtPaint”, “PervoLogo”.
  • develop independent computer skills.

Equipment: laptops, lesson presentation, textbooks "Informatics and ICT"


I.Organizing time.

II. Safety precautions in the computer science classroom. Appendix 7. 1-2 slide

III. Generalization on the section “Creating drawings” and testing knowledge.

What graphic editors do you know? 3-6 slide

(To repeat the studied material in class, it is effective to use the interactive whiteboard in the SMART program).

What are the basic operations used in drawing? 7-8 slide

IV. Practical part of the lesson.(Students work in programs set by the teacher, repeating safety rules when working with computers)

Find the programs “Paint”, “TuxtPaint”, “PervoLogo”, open the desired program.

Use geometric shapes, animated pictures, color filling.

V. Lesson summary.

  1. Generalization. Each group shows the result of their work in the program.
  2. Reflection. What did you like, what did you not like about the lesson, what was the most difficult?

Topic: Introduction to the programs: “Computer animation”, “House design and interior design”, “Creation of computer games”, etc.

Lesson 8 Computer Science and ICT


  • give students general concepts about computer programs;
  • develop interest in studying information technology;
  • cultivate a culture of behavior when working on a computer.

Equipment: multimedia presentation by A.V. Goryachev, projector, interactive board, laptops.

1 of 13

Presentation on the topic:

Slide no. 1

Slide description:

Slide no. 2

Slide description:

In recent years, enormous changes have occurred in human life. The flows of information surrounding a person change the person himself. A person does not have time to follow these changes. Life is becoming more and more interesting. There are so many new and interesting things around... Modern people use computer technology at every step - at home, at work and at play. Digital photographs, digital video and television, digital music and animation, transmitting information over a distance, processing huge amounts of data, and so on.

Slide no. 3

Slide description:

What is computer science? Computer science is the science of methods of obtaining, accumulating, storing, transforming, transmitting, protecting and using information. It includes disciplines related to information processing in computers and computer networks: both abstract, such as the analysis of algorithms, and quite specific, for example, the development of programming languages.

Slide no. 4

Slide description:

Slide no. 5

Slide description:

Slide no. 6

Slide description:

Slide no. 7

Slide description:

Slide no. 8

Slide description:

How well do you know the Internet? What is INTERNET? The Internet is a global network that operates according to “single rules” and connects millions of computers and thousands of computer networks around the world. What is a protocol? A protocol is pre-agreed rules for transferring data between two devices. The main parameters described by the protocol include the type of error checking used, the method of compression (compression) of information (if any), the method by which the transmitting device determines the end of the transmission, and the method by which the receiving device determines whether the message has been received.

Slide no. 9

Slide description:

What is IP? IP is an acronym that stands for Internet Protocol. One of the main protocols used on the Internet. The operation of the IP protocol can be compared to the operation of regular mail. The purpose of the IP protocol is to deliver packets to their destination, and it is not necessary that all packets take the same path to the destination. The IP protocol defines the packet format and addressing scheme. What is an IP address? An IP address is when sending information via TCP/IP protocols, each computer connected to the Network must have its own unique address (otherwise, how will the IP protocol understand from which machine the packets should be transferred to which). This is called the IP address. Currently, digital IP addresses consist of four integers (0 to 255) separated by dots, such as

Slide no. 10

Slide description:

What is a domain name? A domain name is a name that identifies one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name corresponds to the IP address Domain names are parts of URLs that point to specific Web pages. Each domain name has a suffix that identifies the top-level domain to which the name belongs. This suffix comes in the very last place (.com, .net, .edu, .org, etc.). What is HTTP? HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer protocol used in distributed hypermedia information systems. It determines how messages are formatted and transmitted, as well as the actions that Web servers and browsers must “perform” in response to certain commands.

Slide no. 11

Slide description:

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Internet 2011 in numbers: 2 billion online users More than two billion people on the planet use the World Wide Web. It is noteworthy that almost half of active Internet users live in Asian countries. According to a global analytical study by The Royal Pingdom, almost 1 billion Internet users (922.2 million) live in Asia. It is interesting that Internet penetration among the population of Asian countries is only 23.8%. Residents of European countries are dependent on the World Wide Web. 476.213 million Europeans know what the Internet is (58% of the total population of European countries). The most Internet-addicted users live in North America. 272.066 million use the Internet, with network penetration at 78%. Residents of Latin America and the Caribbean are slightly behind their “northern colleagues” - 215.939 million network users. Internet penetration for this part of the world is 36.2%. The fewest Internet users are in Australia and Oceania - only 21 million. It is interesting that 11 years ago, the countries of the Middle East were the most “lagging” region (only 3 million Internet users), and now in this region 68.553 million citizens know and actively use the international network

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Proverbs that are paraphrased in computer terms: A Corvette on the table is better than a Pentium in a dream. Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky. Every new program is a well-forgotten old one. Everything new is a well-forgotten old one. They are greeted by computers and escorted by programs. They greet you based on their clothes and see them off. They don’t look into the system unit of a gifted computer. They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Not everything is WINDOWS that hangs. All that glitters is not gold. What is removed from the basket is lost. What falls from the cart is lost.

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