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Represents a web page. What does the message "web page slows down the browser" mean?

09/06/17 1.5K

What is a web page? It is a document written in hypertext markup language ( HTML), which can be viewed with a browser. The web page is accessed by entering a URL.

A web page may contain text, graphics, and hyperlinks to other pages and files.

How to open a web page

A browser is required to view the web page ( e.g. Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Firefox or Chrome). You can open a web page in a browser by entering the URL in the address bar. For example, entering "”, you will open the ESD Computer Hope page.

If you don't know the URL of the site you want to visit, you can use a search engine to find the web page or use the site search.

When was the first web page created?

The first web page was created in CERN by Tim Berners-Lee August 6, 1991 Before, you can visit and view the first site and the first web page at

What is the difference between a website and a web page?

A site is a place that contains more than one web page. For example, our resource is a site that includes thousands of different web pages, including the one you are currently reading:

In the URL example above, "url.htm" is a web page and is always the last part of the URL. For URLs that do not end in .htm , .html , .php , .cgi , .pl , or another file extension, the server loads the index.htm web page by default. For example, there is no web page for the contact page URL. In this case, the default index file is loaded from the /contact directory.

Web page examples

We have already mentioned that browsers are used to view web pages. A web page is made up of several elements, including CSS, images, and JavaScript. The body of the web page is created using HTML. This code can be created using an HTML editor, written by a human, or generated using server-side scripts. Typically, a human-generated web page ends with a .htm or .html extension. For example, this page has the file name " webpage.htm". Pages generated by the script may end in .cgi , .php , .pl , etc.

What elements does a web page contain?

Below is a breakdown of the main elements so that web designers can understand what the logical web page structure:

  1. The site name, logo, or company name is almost always in the top left corner of every web page. It's also a good idea to use a slogan or a short description of the page to give new visitors an idea of ​​the site. This web page element is usually a link that leads to the main page;
  2. The search bar allows visitors to quickly find a web page. It must be present on every page;
  3. The navigation bar or menu is usually found at the top or left side of every web page. It should include links to each of the main sections of the site;
  4. Banner ads may appear in various places on a web page. They usually appear at the top, left, right, or bottom of a web page, or are included in the main content;
  5. Social buttons allow visitors to share a link to a web page on social networking sites;
  6. In the created web pages, breadcrumbs help the visitor understand where he is, as well as navigate to other sections of the site;
  7. The title should be at the top of every web page. It is created using the HTML tag


  8. The opening paragraph is one of the most important elements of a web page. It should interest the visitor to familiarize themselves with the content of the web page. One way to capture the attention of visitors is to insert an image next to the opening paragraph;
  9. Every web page should be broken down into lower-level headings that allow the visitor to easily browse through the content and find what interests them most on the page. When creating a web page, this can be done using HTML tags

  10. It's a good idea to provide visitors with a link or button that redirects to a feedback form so they can let them know if the web page was helpful to them or not;
  11. Additional information and tools, such as a button to print a page, may also be useful to users;
  12. The footer should include additional information that is important for the company or site. As well as links to other web pages;
  13. The copyright and any legal or confidential notice must also appear on all web pages. In the basics of web page design, this element can not only refer to relevant legal information. It also indicates that visitors have reached the end of the web page;
  14. The Page Top button can help visitors quickly return to the top of a web page to access menu links.

What can users do on a web page?

Most web pages have interesting hyperlinks that you follow to find more information. You can also listen to music, watch videos, shop, chat and more.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The word "web" has long become a household word and very often it is used as a synonym. But what does it really mean? , Web 2.0, web search, website, web page, web browser, webmaster and other-other-other including this word?

Naturally, all these words are directly related to the Internet, but what they specifically mean in a nutshell cannot be said. It seems to me that it is better to start in order so that a confusion does not form in the head. Do not be afraid, there will not be “many letters”, but each term will still have to devote a couple of paragraphs. What did you think? High tech is...

What is web and online? How is Web 2.0 different from 1.0?

Very often, the word “web” is also used instead of the word “online” (only now, starting to write this note, I caught myself thinking about this). People add the word web or online to their query to mean they want to find something accessible through a browser (for example, write "" or "").

That is, "Web" and "online" are essentially synonymous here and mean the possibility of receiving something through an active Internet connection. Reading a book online, watching a movie, listening to music via the web, chatting or playing online are all characterized by the words "web" or "online". By the way, now people are buying less and less personal computers, but more and more mobile gadgets, the main advantage of which is a constant connection to the network.

And in general, people are less and less using stationary programs and more and more web applications (online services) with similar characteristics. For example, I already wrote about, about and others. But once upon a time this was not the case. It’s even hard to imagine how people lived before.

So what is web? In fact, this is all that I already wrote about in the article linked to. It turns out that this is a collection of millions of websites that are located on web servers (similar to ordinary computers, but with a bias towards performing certain tasks - there is no monitor, a lot of RAM and hard drive space). The servers work 24/7 and are accessible from anywhere in the world thanks to the connection via the Internet.

But WEB (what we now call WWW) appeared much later than the Internet itself (the physical possibility of connecting computers to a network). Only in the late eighties did Tim Berners-Lee come up with and create all the tools necessary for this, and a few years later the first graphical web browser appeared. It is precisely from the mid-nineties that you can start counting the era of the global web - the online interaction of millions of user computers and web servers.

It is generally accepted that then there was an era of the so-called "Web 1.0" when simple ones ruled without any hint of interactivity. The latter (interactivity - formed by visitors) allowed, to some extent, to implement only forums, guest boards and chats.

Moreover, all this was done rather clumsily (fancy colors, background in the form of a texture), poor (remember the weather or currency widgets on almost all sites), without the use of CSS and Java script.

On the other side all the disadvantages of WEB 1.0 were due to which web users possessed at that time (most often it was a dial-up, with a download speed of 5 megabytes per hour!). Modern sophisticated sites at such Internet speeds would be loaded for half an hour, and the capabilities of browsers and PCs of that time simply would not allow displaying most of their functionality. In general, everything corresponded to its time and technical capabilities.

Search engines are the best solution. quite simple - they crawl all the sites on the Internet, examine the contents of all their web pages, and give the best answer to a web search user's query (in the form of a list of the most relevant pages, sorted by their relevance to the query).

However, what is simple in words is very difficult to implement in practice. Can you imagine just how many web servers you need to use to store a copy of the entire Internet on them? But this data still needs to be processed and answered in real time. It is not for nothing that the largest assembler of computers is a company that does not sell them. Guess what? Google, of course. They use all these computers (servers) to implement web search capabilities. Oh how!

This is a lot of money and allow you and me to perform web searches for free, albeit with viewing ads.

Websites, pages and web servers

Both engine files and database tables are again stored and loaded at the request of the site user from the web server, located at the hoster (even now, where you can host sites on engines without payment and without advertising).

Moreover, the web server is not always a whole computer allocated to your full disposal (this is the so-called dedicated web server). Most often, you get at your disposal (both on paid hosting and on free hosting) only a part of it (part of the hard drive, part of the RAM and part of the processor time). Therefore, a web server is often called the software environment that allows your website to function.

Raise a web server you can even on your own home PC (programs and will help you with this). This will allow you to work on creating websites without providing access to them from the Internet. And when everything is debugged and configured, it will be possible to transfer the web project to a real server located on a paid or free hosting.

Well, somewhere it turns out like this ... If something is not clear, then ask - I will try to answer.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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As part of this article for beginners and ordinary users, I will consider what a web page is, as well as the nuances associated with it.

Today, the Internet is already commonplace, available for use even for the most novice users. The Internet provides access to entertainment resources, communication sites (for example, social networks), search engines, and much more. However, few people at the same time even a little imagine what a "web page" is. This is neither bad nor good, but it is still useful to know at least some of the basics, which will be discussed further.

Note: I also advise you to read the article what is the web.

First of all, you should know that all sites, blogs, forums and other Internet resources consist of these same web pages. Moreover, these pages are interconnected through Internet links, clicking on which in the browser you move from one page to another. This article is also a web page. Moreover, all the content of this page is called content. That is text, pictures, etc. Even video and audio is included in the concept of content.

Thus, webpage- this is a special document containing a number of meta-data for display in the browser (and other technical things), as well as content (text, pictures, etc.) that can be viewed, listened to, and so on.

Most often, web pages are divided into two types:

1. Static web pages. This phrase is periodically misunderstood by users and all because of the presence of the word "static". The point is that the word "static" is there only because this whole special document remains the same. At the same time, the page can be animated (blocks move smoothly and other beautiful things), it can contain video, audio and other media elements. However, these pages are a regular immutable html document, as well as related files that are loaded by the browser to display the web page correctly (special CSS style files that allow you to format the display of content, pictures, video, audio, etc.).

2. Dynamic web pages. Unlike the previous type of web pages, this type provides that the content of the same page may change. For example, pages in forums where people leave their comments. Various search pages and many other examples. It is worth noting that these pages are also an html document with accompanying files, but their content is generated by a separate computer, which is usually called a server. At least once, but probably heard about such languages ​​as PHP, Asp.Net C#, Java and others. It is with the help of them that the generation of pages is carried out.

Also, pages can be divided according to their purpose (I will give several options):

1. Personal page. This is such a web page, the information of which relates to a certain person. It should be understood that such a page can be either official or not. Applies to both a real person and a fictional one. For example, in the forums there are pages called "user profile" - this, in fact, is a personal page. If we consider another example, then your page on a social network can also be called personal.

2. Media pages. On this kind of web pages, usually the content contains some kind of media information in a predominant form. For example, various photo galleries, collections of audio or video.

3. Information web page. In principle, in general, any web page can be called informational, since it contains some content. However, it is customary to call information pages those pages whose main purpose is to provide information to the user. In this case, information can be associated with anything. For example, this article is a good example of an information page.

4. Search page. This page is designed so that you, as a user of the site, can search for the information you need. Typically, such a page contains fields for entering the phrases to be searched for, and various controls for setting the scope of the search (for example, search the entire site or only in comments).

A Web page is a specially formatted document that may include text, graphics, hyperlinks, audio, animation, and video.

Several web pages that share a common theme, design, and links, and are usually located on the same web server, form a website.

Web site ait (from English. website: web- "web, network" and site- "place", literally "place, segment, part in the network") - a collection of electronic documents (files) of a private person or organization in a computer network, united under one address (domain name or IP address).

All sites together make up the world wide web , where communication (web) unites segments of information of the world community into a single whole - a database and communications on a planetary scale. For direct access of clients to sites on servers, a protocol was specially developed HTTP .

A Web site is structured like a magazine that contains information about a topic or issue. Just as a magazine is made up of printed pages, a Web site is made up of computer-generated Web pages.

The program that displays a web page is called a web browser.

The creation of Web sites is implemented using the markup language of hypertext documents HTML. HTML technology is that control characters (tags) are inserted into a plain text document and as a result we get a Web page. The browser, when loading a Web page, presents it on the screen in the form specified by the tags.

HTML allows:

Formatting text

include images, multimedia in the document;

This language creates hypertext links to other Web pages.

HTML is used to create the information content of a file and to define the structure and format of Web pages. Since HTML files are plain text files, such a file can be sent to virtually any computer.

To create Web pages, simple text editors are used that do not include text formatting control characters in the document being created. As such an editor in Windows, you can use the standard Notepad application.

Typically, a Web page file has the extension .html or .htm.

In addition, there are many technologies in which the main steps for creating sites are already automated, it remains only to make changes in accordance with their subject matter.

Viewing an HTML page is as simple as typing its URL in your Web browser's address bar and then following the hyperlinks. But this is precisely the main problem - how to find out the address of the page? Most often it happens that you know what you need to find, but you don’t know exactly where to look. To solve this problem, there are special search engines. From the user's point of view, a search engine is an ordinary site on the main page of which there are links to other sites divided into categories ("Sports", "Business", "Computers", etc.). In addition, the search engine allows the user to enter multiple keywords and returns links to pages containing those keywords.

Web site

Website (eng. Website, from web - web and site - "place") - a set of documents of a private person or organization united under one address in a computer network. By default, it is assumed that the site is located on the Internet. All Internet websites collectively make up the World Wide Web. The HTTP protocol was specially designed for direct client access to websites on servers. Websites are otherwise known as the Internet representation of a person or organization. When they say "your own page on the Internet", it means a whole website or a personal page as part of someone else's site. In addition to websites on the Internet, WAP sites for mobile phones are also available.

Initially, websites were collections of static documents. Currently, most of them are characterized by dynamism and interactivity. For such cases, experts use the term web application - a ready-made software package for solving the problems of a website. A web application is part of a website, but a web application without data is only technically a website.

In most cases on the Internet, one website corresponds to one domain name. It is by domain names that sites are identified in the global network. Other options are possible: one site on several domains or several sites under one domain. Usually several domains use large sites (web portals) to logically separate different types of services provided (,, It is also not uncommon for separate domains to be allocated for different countries or languages. For example, and are logically a Google site in different languages, but technically they are different sites. Combining several sites under one domain is typical for free hosting. To identify sites in the address, after specifying the host, there is a tilde and the site name:

Everything that we see on the browser screen, "traveling" on the Internet, is called a WEB page. A WEB page can contain a wide variety of content (or content): text, pictures, videos, sounding music or an interesting online game.

Every WEB page has an address. At this address, the page can be found on the Internet. The page address is displayed in the address bar of the browser. For example, the WEB page you are currently reading has the following address:


Check if it should be displayed in the address page of your browser.

Now many people enter a keyword or a whole phrase into the address bar. Previously, the browser program generated an error in this case. No such address, page not found! Now the browser handles this error as follows: it accesses the search engine (Google, Yandex or another) with a request consisting of a word or phrase entered in the address bar. Thus, the search engine tries to push the user to the correct answer to his question and find the necessary WEB page on the Web, where the words entered by the user are found most often. Try to write in the search bar the question posed in the title of this article, and you will receive a whole list of links that contain answers to this question. It is quite possible that you will find this article in this list.

But back to the WEB page address. This address is read from left to right and consists of several parts. The first part of the address for WEB pages will always be http:// or https://. These letters are the designation of the protocol by which WEB pages are transmitted over the Net. This protocol is called the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). WEB pages are typical hypertext, i.e. text with links to other textual and multimedia materials. Therefore, the HTTP protocol is always used to transfer WEB pages.

If a WEB page is, as it were, a page of a book posted on the Internet, then the book itself can be considered an Internet site that combines several WEB pages interconnected by Internet links. Just like a WEB page, a website also has an address. The website address is part of the WEB page address and is located between the characters // and the first character /.

The site address has two forms: digital - for a computer and symbolic - so that this address is perceived by people. It is easy to translate one form of representation into another. This is done by a special Domain Name System (DNS) that serves the Internet.

The site address, written in symbolic form, has several components separated by dots, among them the site name (topauthor) and the name of the national domain to which the site belongs (ru, which means Russia). The / symbol is followed by the name of the WEB page, which is essentially the address of a page on the site.

The addressing system does not end at the page level. All content items (image, music and video files) also have addresses. Such addresses are otherwise called Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). So, for example, the address of the TopAuthor logo is as follows:

The fact that this content component is a picture is indicated by three letters, png, following the dot at the end of the address. The name of the picture is placed between the / symbol and the dot. This picture is called logo and is placed on the website www.

What happened? The browser program at the address found the location of the image on the website, copied this file to the user’s local computer (sometimes they say “downloaded”) and showed the corresponding image on the browser screen, which is now stored not somewhere in the Internet sky, but under hand, on the local computer.

In fact, the pieces of content posted on a WEB page do not have to be stored on the same site. For example, to post the picture “Again the deuce” on the WEB page, you can give a link to a file located on another site, for example, on the Wikipedia website in the article “Again the deuce” or on the website of the Tretyakov Gallery, where this picture is exhibited. The result will be the same. In both cases, the picture will appear on the WEB page.

The WEB page itself is a text written in a special hypertext markup language (HyperText Markup Language - HTML). This text can be seen if you give the browser a command to show the source of the WEB page (View page source). The HTML language allows you to unambiguously describe the placement of all content components on a WEB page. For example, the types and sizes of fonts that are used when printing texts, the sizes of pictures and their position relative to the text.

Any Internet site is hosted on a server. A server is a computer controlled by a special program. The server serves all requests directed to the site. Thanks to the operation of the server, information is exchanged between the site and the browser. The browser is hosted and runs on the user's computer connected to the Internet. The user's computer is also called the local computer. The process of exchanging information between the server and the local computer begins in response to a browser request from the local computer. This process is much like a radio broadcast, where the server is the radio transmitter and the browser is the radio receiver.

Text written in HTML is transferred to the local computer. We can assume that a photo album has been transferred to the local computer with empty spaces left for pictures, music, video clips and programs. In these places so far there are only URL addresses of all multimedia content components. The browser "passes" to all these addresses and copies image files, music or video files from them to the local computer. Then all these files are placed on the screen, as it was intended by the programmer who developed the WEB page. The browser copes with this in a few seconds, and then it's up to the user: read, listen to music, watch videos. Internet at your service!

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