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Law enforcement agencies, ed. in Bozhev. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation

The textbook is based on the programs of a number of leading law schools that meet the requirements of the State Educational Standard. It takes into account the Constitution of Russia, federal constitutional laws on courts and other normative acts. In addition to materials covering the traditional issues of the course " Law enforcement”, the textbook contains chapters on the internal affairs bodies, security, justice, tax police, customs authorities, private detective and security services, the history of the main law enforcement agencies. The new Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Advocacy and Advocacy in Russian Federation”, Federal Law “On Bodies of the Judicial Community”; reflects the changes and additions made to the federal constitutional laws and the Federal Law "On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation". The fourth edition presents new chapter(Chapter 11) on the bodies of the judicial community and a new paragraph (§ 3 Chapter 16) on the service of bailiffs.

It is intended for students and students of law schools (regardless of specialization) and faculties, graduate students, teachers, judges, prosecutors, investigators, investigators, lawyers, as well as anyone interested in the organization and activities of the judiciary, prosecutors and other law enforcement agencies.

General characteristics of the regulatory framework of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation".
In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation includes: the establishment of a system of federal judicial authorities; judiciary; prosecutor's office; the formation of federal judicial authorities, as well as federal executive authorities, including law enforcement agencies (MVD, FSB, FSNP, etc.)1, the Prosecutor General's Office; regulation and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (paragraphs “c”, “d”, “o” of article 71; paragraph “e” of article 83; paragraphs “g”, “h”, part 1 of art. 102).

The subject of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects are: protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen; ensuring law and order, public safety; personnel of judicial and law enforcement agencies; advocacy; notaries (paragraphs "b", "l" part 1 of article 72).
The above provisions of the Constitution indicate that the competence of the Russian Federation includes issues of legislation of federal significance, ensuring the organization and activities of courts, the prosecutor's office, and other state bodies, the study of which is included in the subject of the course "Law enforcement agencies in the Russian Federation". At the same time, important issues are assigned to the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects.

The organization and activities of state bodies and non-state entities studied within the framework of this course are regulated by many regulations of various levels and unequal legal effect. These normative acts can be classified according to their subject matter (content) and form (types of sources).

Table of contents
List of accepted abbreviations 4
Preface to the fourth edition 7
Preface to the first edition 9
Section I General provisions
Chapter 1. Basic concepts, subject and course system 12

§ 1. Law enforcement agencies. Concept, main features and tasks 12
§ 2. Functions of law enforcement agencies 16
§ 3. Main activities of law enforcement agencies 20
§ 4. The subject and system of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" 22
§ 5. Correlation of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" with other legal disciplines and branches of special knowledge 24
Chapter 2. Sources of law on law enforcement agencies 27
§ 1. General characteristics of the regulatory framework of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" 27
§ 2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation as a source of law 34
§ 3. Federal constitutional law "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation" 40
Chapter 3 Judiciary 43
§ 1. Meaning, character traits, legal regulation 43
§ 2. The court as the bearer of judicial power 53
§ 3. The system of courts of the Russian Federation 56
§ 4. The content and properties of justice 61
Chapter 4. Historical outline of the development of the judiciary 63
§ 1. Retribution for insult in Ancient Russia (IX-X centuries) 63
§ 2. Court and investigation according to the Pskov judicial charter 66
§ 3. Court and search according to the Law Code (1497 and 1550) and the Cathedral Code (1649) 67
§ 4. Petrine reforms of judicial institutions (beginning of the 18th century) 69
§ 5. Court reform under Catherine II (second half of the 18th century) 71
§ 6. Judicial institutions according to the Statutes of 1864 73
§ 7. Court in the period from 1917 to 1991 76
Chapter 5. Constitutional principles of the organization and activities of the judiciary 78
§ 1. Concept and system of principles of justice 78
§ 2. The principle of legality 80
§ 3. The principle of the administration of justice only by the court 82
§ 4. The principle of independence of judges 85
§ 5. The principle of the administration of justice on the basis of equality of all before the law and the court 87
§ 6. The principle of ensuring to everyone the right to apply to the court for the protection of their interests 89
§ 7. The principle of the presumption of innocence 90
§ 8. The principle of ensuring the suspect and the accused the right to defense 92
§ 9. The principle of competitiveness of the parties 94
§ 10. Publicity of the proceedings in court 96
§ 11. Language of legal proceedings 98
§ 12. The principle of participation of citizens in the administration of justice 100
§ 13. The principle of protecting the honor and dignity of the individual 102
§ 14. Immediacy and oral proceedings 103
Section II. Judicial system of the Russian Federation
Chapter 6. Federal Courts of General Jurisdiction 105

§ 1. Supreme Court of the Russian Federation 105
§ 2. The Supreme Court of the Republic, the regional (regional) court, the court of the city of federal significance, the court of the autonomous region, the court autonomous region 120
§ 3. District Court 128
§ 4. Military courts 136
Chapter 7. Federal Arbitration Courts 143
§ 1. Becoming arbitration courts Russian Federation 143
§ 2. System and powers of arbitration courts 147
§ 3. Tasks of arbitration courts 153
§ 4. Principles of organization and activity of arbitration courts 154
Chapter 8. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation 156
§ 1 Fundamentals of the organization of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and its powers 156
§ 2 Principles and general rules constitutional proceedings 161
§ 3 Features of proceedings in certain categories of cases 168
Chapter 9. Courts of subjects of the Russian Federation 172
§ 1 Bodies of constitutional justice in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 172
§ 2 Justices of the peace in the Russian Federation 175
Chapter 10 Legal status judges 181
§ 1 General Provisions 181
§ 2 Prerequisites, conditions and procedure for the selection of candidates for the positions of judges 182
§ 3 Mechanism for conferring judicial powers 186
§ 4 The rights of judges in the exercise of judicial power and their provision 188
Chapter 11. Judicial community in the Russian Federation 199
§ 1 General Provisions 199
§ 2 The procedure for the formation and powers of the All-Russian Congress of Judges, Conferences of Judges, Councils of Judges and General Meetings of Judges 201
§ 3 Procedure for formation and powers of qualification boards of judges 205
Section III. State bodies ensuring the protection of order and security
Chapter 12. Internal Affairs Bodies 210

§ 1 Internal affairs bodies, their tasks and structure 210
§ 2 Organization of the militia in the Russian Federation 216
§ 3 Other structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 220
Chapter 13 Security Bodies 225
§ 1 General characteristics of the security of the Russian Federation and its system 225
§ 2 Security Council of the Russian Federation 228
§ 3 Bodies Federal Service security 230
§ 4 Foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation 235
§ 5 Border Service of the Russian Federation 237
§ 6 Federal bodies of government communications and information 241
§ 7 Federal bodies of state protection 243
Chapter 14. Tax Authorities and Tax Police Authorities 252
§ 1. Tax authorities of the Russian Federation, their tasks and competence 252
§ 2 Federal tax police authorities 257
Chapter 15 Customs Authorities 263
§ 1 The concept of customs in the Russian Federation 263
§ 2 Historical outline of the development of customs legislation 265
§ 3 System of customs authorities 269
§ 4 Powers of customs authorities 272
Chapter 16. Bodies of Justice of the Russian Federation 276
§ 1. Functions and powers of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 276
§ 2. Organization of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and its bodies 288
§ 3. Bailiff Service 292
Section IV. Bodies of preliminary investigation
Chapter 17. Bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry 300

§ 1 Historical sketch of the development of bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry in Russia 300
§ 2 Pre-trial investigation bodies and their tasks 305
§ 3 Structure of the investigative apparatus 309
§ 4 Bodies of inquiry and their tasks 311
Section V. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Chapter 18. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation 318

§ 1 The system of bodies and institutions of the Prosecutor's Office and its organizational structure 318
§ 2 Principles of organization and activities of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation 326
§ 3 Functions and activities of the prosecution authorities 330
§ 4 public service in the bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office 336
§ 5 Historical sketch of the organization and development of the prosecutor's office in Russia 340
Section VI. Authorities for legal support and legal assistance
Chapter 19

§ 1 Concept and tasks of a notary 345
§ 2 Historical outline of the formation and development of notaries 350
§ 3 Organization of notaries 351
§ 4 Basic rules for notarial acts 359
Chapter 20
§ 1 Tasks of the bar, principles of its organization and activities 362
§ 2 Historical sketch of the development of the bar 366
§ 3 Rights, duties and status of a lawyer 371
§ 4 Forms of organization of the bar 376
Chapter 21
§ 1 Concept and general characteristics private detective and security activities 384
§ 2 Private detective and security companies 387
§ 3 Legal status private detective and private security guard 390.

The textbook is written in a concise, compact and accessible form on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws on courts, other legislative and regulatory acts. It takes into account last changes legislation on the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, advocacy, etc. After the chapters, questions and tasks for self-control are given, a glossary of terms is given at the end of the textbook.

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  2. The textbook is written in a concise, compact and accessible form based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws on courts, and other legislative and regulatory acts. It takes into account the latest changes in legislation on the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, advocacy, etc. After the chapters, questions and tasks for self-control are given, and a glossary of terms is given at the end of the textbook.

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    2. 4 -e ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Spark, 2002. - 4 00 p.

      The textbook is based on the programs of a number of leading law schools that meet the requirements of the State Educational Standard. It takes into account the Constitution of Russia, federal constitutional laws on courts and other normative acts. In addition to materials covering the traditional issues of the Law Enforcement course, the textbook contains chapters on internal affairs, security, justice, tax police, customs, private detective and security services, and the history of major law enforcement agencies. The new Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law “On Bodies of the Judicial Community” were taken into account; reflects the changes and additions made to the federal constitutional laws and the Federal Law "On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation". The fourth edition introduces a new chapter (ch. 11) on the bodies of the judiciary and a new paragraph (§ 3 ch. 16) on the bailiff service.

      It is intended for students and students of law schools (regardless of specialization) and faculties, graduate students, teachers, judges, prosecutors, investigators, investigators, lawyers, as well as anyone interested in the organization and activities of the judiciary, prosecutors and other law enforcement agencies.

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      Table of contents
      List of accepted abbreviations ............................................................... ................................... 4
      Preface to the fourth edition .................................................................. ......................... 7
      Preface to the first edition .................................................................. ............................... nine
      Section I. General Provisions
      Chapter 1. Basic concepts, subject and system of the course .............................. 12
      § 1. Law enforcement agencies. Concept, main features and tasks ...... 12
      § 2. Functions of law enforcement agencies .............................................. ........ 16
      § 3. The main activities of law enforcement agencies .... 20
      § 4. The subject and system of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" 22
      § 5. Correlation of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" with other legal disciplines and branches of special knowledge .. 24
      Chapter 2
      § 1. General characteristics of the regulatory framework of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" 27
      § 2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation as a source of law ....................... 34
      § 3. Federal constitutional law "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation" 40
      Chapter 3. Judicial power............................................... ............................................... 43
      § 1. Significance, characteristic features, legal regulation .................................. 43
      § 2. The court as the bearer of judicial power .......................................................... ................... 53
      § 3. The system of courts of the Russian Federation .............................................. ........... 56
      § 4. The content and properties of justice .............................................. ................ 61
      Chapter 4
      § 1. Retribution for insult in Ancient Russia (IX-X centuries).................................................. ...... 63
      § 2. Trial and investigation under the Pskov Judicial Letter .............................................. 66
      § 3. Court and search according to the Law Code (1497 and 1550) and the Cathedral Code (1649) 67
      § 4. Peter's reforms of judicial institutions (beginning of the 18th century) .............. 69
      § 5. Reform of the court under Catherine II (second half of the 18th century) .................................. 71
      § 6. Judicial institutions according to the Statutes of 1864 .............................................. ........ 73
      § 7. Court in the period from 1917 to 1991 ............................................... ................. 76
      Chapter 5. Constitutional principles of the organization and activities of the judiciary 78
      § 1. The concept and system of principles of justice .......................................... ..... 78
      § 2. The principle of legality ............................................... ............................................... 80
      § 3. The principle of the administration of justice only by the court .................................................. 82
      § 4. The principle of the independence of judges .............................................. ....................... 85
      § 5. The principle of the administration of justice on the basis of equality of all before the law and the court 87
      § 6. The principle of ensuring to everyone the right to apply to the court for the protection of their interests 89
      § 7. The principle of the presumption of innocence .............................................. .............. 90
      § 8. The principle of ensuring the suspect and the accused the right to defense 92
      § 9. The principle of competitiveness of the parties .............................................. ................. 94
      § 10. Publicity of the proceedings in court ........................................................ ........... 96
      § 11. Language of legal proceedings............................................... ................................. 98
      § 12. The principle of participation of citizens in the administration of justice ....................... 100
      § 13. The principle of protecting the honor and dignity of the individual .............................................. 102
      § 14
      Section II. Judicial system of the Russian Federation
      Chapter 6. Federal Courts of General Jurisdiction ............................................. .... 105
      § 1. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation .............................................. ........ 105
      § 2. The Supreme Court of the Republic, the regional (regional) court, the court of the city of federal significance, the court of the autonomous region, the court of the autonomous district 120
      § 3. District Court .................................................. ................................................. 128
      § 4. Military courts ............................................... ................................................. 136
      Chapter 7. Federal Arbitration Courts............................................... ........... 143
      § 1. Formation of arbitration courts of the Russian Federation .................... 143
      § 2. System and powers of arbitration courts .................................................. .. 147
      § 3. Tasks of arbitration courts .............................................. ................................... 153
      § 4. Principles of organization and activity of arbitration courts ............... 154
      Chapter 8. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation 156
      § 1 Fundamentals of the organization of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and its powers 156
      § 2 Principles and general rules of constitutional proceedings 161
      § 3 Features of proceedings in certain categories of cases 168
      Chapter 9. Courts of subjects of the Russian Federation 172
      § 1 Bodies of constitutional justice in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 172
      § 2 Justices of the peace in the Russian Federation 175
      Chapter 10. Legal Status of Judges 181
      § 1 General Provisions 181
      § 2 Prerequisites, conditions and procedure for the selection of candidates for the positions of judges 182
      § 3 Mechanism for conferring judicial powers 186
      § 4 The rights of judges in the exercise of judicial power and their provision 188
      Chapter 11. Judicial community in the Russian Federation 199
      § 1 General Provisions 199
      § 2 The procedure for the formation and powers of the All-Russian Congress of Judges, Conferences of Judges, Councils of Judges and General Meetings of Judges 201
      § 3 Procedure for formation and powers of qualification boards of judges 205
      Section III. State bodies for ensuring the protection of order and security
      Chapter 12. Internal Affairs Bodies 210
      § 1 Internal affairs bodies, their tasks and structure 210
      § 2 Organization of the militia in the Russian Federation 216
      § 3 Other structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 220
      Chapter 13 Security Bodies 225
      § 1 General characteristics of the security of the Russian Federation and its system 225
      § 2 Security Council of the Russian Federation 228
      § 3 Bodies of the Federal Security Service 230
      § 4 Foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation 235
      § 5 Border Service of the Russian Federation 237
      § 6 Federal bodies of government communications and information 241
      § 7 Federal bodies of state protection 243
      Chapter 14. Tax Authorities and Tax Police Authorities 252
      § 1. Tax authorities of the Russian Federation, their tasks and competence 252
      § 2 Federal tax police authorities 257
      Chapter 15 Customs Authorities 263
      § 1 The concept of customs in the Russian Federation 263
      § 2 Historical outline of the development of customs legislation 265
      § 3 System of customs authorities 269
      § 4 Powers of customs authorities 272
      Chapter 16. Bodies of Justice of the Russian Federation 276
      § 1. Functions and powers of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 276
      § 2. Organization of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and its bodies 288
      § 3. Bailiff Service 292
      Section IV. Bodies of preliminary investigation
      Chapter 17. Bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry 300
      § 1 Historical sketch of the development of bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry in Russia 300
      § 2 Pre-trial investigation bodies and their tasks 305
      § 3 Structure of the investigative apparatus 309
      § 4 Bodies of inquiry and their tasks 311
      Section V. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
      Chapter 18. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation 318
      § 1 The system of bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office and its organizational structure 318
      § 2 Principles of organization and activities of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation 326
      § 3 Functions and activities of the prosecution authorities 330
      § 4 Civil service in the bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office 336
      § 5 Historical sketch of the organization and development of the prosecutor's office in Russia 340
      Section VI. Bodies for legal support and legal assistance
      Chapter 19
      § 1 Concept and tasks of a notary 345
      § 2 Historical outline of the formation and development of notaries 350
      § 3 Organization of notaries 351
      § 4 Basic rules for notarial acts 359
      Chapter 20
      § 1 Tasks of the bar, principles of its organization and activities 362
      § 2 Historical sketch of the development of the bar 366
      § 3 Rights, duties and status of a lawyer 371
      § 4 Forms of organization of the bar 376
      Chapter 21
      § 1 The concept and general characteristics of private detective and security activities 384
      § 2 Private detective and security companies 387
      § 3 Legal status of a private detective and a private security guard 390

      Table of contents
      List of accepted abbreviations ............................................................... ................................... 4
      Preface to the fourth edition .................................................................. ......................... 7
      Preface to the first edition .................................................................. ............................... nine
      Section I. General Provisions
      Chapter 1. Basic concepts, subject and system of the course .............................. 12
      § 1. Law enforcement agencies. Concept, main features and tasks ...... 12
      § 2. Functions of law enforcement agencies .............................................. ........ 16
      § 3. The main activities of law enforcement agencies .... 20
      § 4. The subject and system of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" 22
      § 5. Correlation of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" with other legal disciplines and branches of special knowledge .. 24
      Chapter 2
      § 1. General characteristics of the regulatory framework of the course "Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" 27
      § 2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation as a source of law ....................... 34
      § 3. Federal constitutional law "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation" 40
      Chapter 3. Judicial power............................................... ............................................... 43
      § 1. Significance, characteristic features, legal regulation .................................. 43
      § 2. The court as the bearer of judicial power .......................................................... ................... 53
      § 3. The system of courts of the Russian Federation .............................................. ........... 56
      § 4. The content and properties of justice .............................................. ................ 61
      Chapter 4
      § 1. Retribution for insult in Ancient Russia (IX-X centuries).................................................. ...... 63
      § 2. Trial and investigation under the Pskov Judicial Letter .............................................. 66
      § 3. Court and search according to the Law Code (1497 and 1550) and the Cathedral Code (1649) 67
      § 4. Peter's reforms of judicial institutions (beginning of the 18th century) .............. 69
      § 5. Reform of the court under Catherine II (second half of the 18th century) .................................. 71
      § 6. Judicial institutions according to the Statutes of 1864 .............................................. ........ 73
      § 7. Court in the period from 1917 to 1991 ............................................... ................. 76
      Chapter 5. Constitutional principles of the organization and activities of the judiciary 78
      § 1. The concept and system of principles of justice .......................................... ..... 78
      § 2. The principle of legality ............................................... ............................................... 80
      § 3. The principle of the administration of justice only by the court .................................................. 82
      § 4. The principle of the independence of judges .............................................. ....................... 85
      § 5. The principle of the administration of justice on the basis of equality of all before the law and the court 87
      § 6. The principle of ensuring to everyone the right to apply to the court for the protection of their interests 89
      § 7. The principle of the presumption of innocence .............................................. .............. 90
      § 8. The principle of ensuring the suspect and the accused the right to defense 92
      § 9. The principle of competitiveness of the parties .............................................. ................. 94
      § 10. Publicity of the proceedings in court ........................................................ ........... 96
      § 11. Language of legal proceedings............................................... ................................. 98
      § 12. The principle of participation of citizens in the administration of justice ....................... 100
      § 13. The principle of protecting the honor and dignity of the individual .............................................. 102
      § 14
      Section II. Judicial system of the Russian Federation
      Chapter 6. Federal Courts of General Jurisdiction ............................................. .... 105
      § 1. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation .............................................. ........ 105
      § 2. The Supreme Court of the Republic, the regional (regional) court, the court of the city of federal significance, the court of the autonomous region, the court of the autonomous district 120
      § 3. District Court .................................................. ................................................. 128
      § 4. Military courts ............................................... ................................................. 136
      Chapter 7. Federal Arbitration Courts............................................... ........... 143
      § 1. Formation of arbitration courts of the Russian Federation .................... 143
      § 2. System and powers of arbitration courts .................................................. .. 147
      § 3. Tasks of arbitration courts .............................................. ................................... 153
      § 4. Principles of organization and activity of arbitration courts ............... 154
      Chapter 8. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation 156
      § 1 Fundamentals of the organization of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and its powers 156
      § 2 Principles and general rules of constitutional proceedings 161
      § 3 Features of proceedings in certain categories of cases 168
      Chapter 9. Courts of subjects of the Russian Federation 172
      § 1 Bodies of constitutional justice in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 172
      § 2 Justices of the peace in the Russian Federation 175
      Chapter 10. Legal Status of Judges 181
      § 1 General Provisions 181
      § 2 Prerequisites, conditions and procedure for the selection of candidates for the positions of judges 182
      § 3 Mechanism for conferring judicial powers 186
      § 4 The rights of judges in the exercise of judicial power and their provision 188
      Chapter 11. Judicial community in the Russian Federation 199
      § 1 General Provisions 199
      § 2 The procedure for the formation and powers of the All-Russian Congress of Judges, Conferences of Judges, Councils of Judges and General Meetings of Judges 201
      § 3 Procedure for formation and powers of qualification boards of judges 205
      Section III. State bodies for ensuring the protection of order and security
      Chapter 12. Internal Affairs Bodies 210
      § 1 Internal affairs bodies, their tasks and structure 210
      § 2 Organization of the militia in the Russian Federation 216
      § 3 Other structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 220
      Chapter 13 Security Bodies 225
      § 1 General characteristics of the security of the Russian Federation and its system 225
      § 2 Security Council of the Russian Federation 228
      § 3 Bodies of the Federal Security Service 230
      § 4 Foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation 235
      § 5 Border Service of the Russian Federation 237
      § 6 Federal bodies of government communications and information 241
      § 7 Federal bodies of state protection 243
      Chapter 14. Tax Authorities and Tax Police Authorities 252
      § 1. Tax authorities of the Russian Federation, their tasks and competence 252
      § 2 Federal tax police authorities 257
      Chapter 15 Customs Authorities 263
      § 1 The concept of customs in the Russian Federation 263
      § 2 Historical outline of the development of customs legislation 265
      § 3 System of customs authorities 269
      § 4 Powers of customs authorities 272
      Chapter 16. Bodies of Justice of the Russian Federation 276
      § 1. Functions and powers of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 276
      § 2. Organization of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and its bodies 288
      § 3. Bailiff Service 292
      Section IV. Bodies of preliminary investigation
      Chapter 17. Bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry 300
      § 1 Historical sketch of the development of bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry in Russia 300
      § 2 Pre-trial investigation bodies and their tasks 305
      § 3 Structure of the investigative apparatus 309
      § 4 Bodies of inquiry and their tasks 311
      Section V. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
      Chapter 18. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation 318
      § 1 The system of bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office and its organizational structure 318
      § 2 Principles of organization and activities of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation 326
      § 3 Functions and activities of the prosecution authorities 330
      § 4 Civil service in the bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office 336
      § 5 Historical sketch of the organization and development of the prosecutor's office in Russia 340
      Section VI. Bodies for legal support and legal assistance
      Chapter 19
      § 1 Concept and tasks of a notary 345
      § 2 Historical outline of the formation and development of notaries 350
      § 3 Organization of notaries 351
      § 4 Basic rules for notarial acts 359
      Chapter 20
      § 1 Tasks of the bar, principles of its organization and activities 362
      § 2 Historical sketch of the development of the bar 366
      § 3 Rights, duties and status of a lawyer 371
      § 4 Forms of organization of the bar 376
      Chapter 21
      § 1 The concept and general characteristics of private detective and security activities 384
      § 2 Private detective and security companies 387
      § 3 Legal status of a private detective and a private security guard 390

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