How to set up smartphones and PCs. Informational portal

Correct keywords. Expanding the semantic core

For the creation of a site, as well as for any work, everyone undertakes in different ways. Someone took the template, added a couple of texts - and you're done. And someone painstakingly works on the structure of the site, design, ergonomics, logical location and fills it with content. And it is right! But it so happens that not only the first, but also the second have no visitors. As well as referrals from search engines. Why is this happening?

You can improve the content and design as much as you want, but it's useless if no one visits the site. Most of the visitors come to the site from search engines, especially in the initial stages. Therefore, before working on improving the site, you need to take the first step - to acquaint search engines with the site. This is where we need keywords, since they are responsible for "acquaintance", or rather, their quantity and "quality" in the text.

What are keywords and the semantic core of the site?

First, let's figure out (or recall) what the keywords are. This is a word or phrase that describes the content specific page... At the same time, this is a search query that the user writes in search engine.

There are several types of requests:

  • Informational (the user is looking for certain information, not caring about which resource he will find it on). Example: "the text of the anthem of Russia."
  • Navigational (a person is looking for a site that, in his opinion, accurately contains necessary information). Example: "Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University official site."
  • Transactional (express the user's willingness to take an action). Example: "buy an iPhone."
  • General - short and fuzzy queries. Examples: "furniture", "windows", etc. Such requests do not express the needs of a person: it is not clear what exactly he is looking for and what action he wants to perform.

If the search query matches and keywords on the page of the site, the search engine considers that the page matches this query. The set of KS is called the semantic core of the site.

In this case, there can be many keywords - more than 100. For example, the selection of KS for an online furniture store may look like this:

Cost of promoting queries to TOP10

And that's not the whole list!

Wait, though, are you sure we really need them? Maybe you shouldn't bother?

Or maybe that’s okay? Can you find the site yourself?

No, it won't. A keyword is a search query. Keywords help Yandex determine if the subject of a page matches the information you are looking for. The position of the site in search engines depends on how optimized the texts for keywords - how fully selected and used the keywords in them. And your attendance accordingly.

With the help of "keys" the user will find what he is looking for, exactly on your resource. But only on condition that the keywords are selected and used correctly, otherwise the search engine will not "notice" you. And “right” is like, you ask? Let's figure it out now.

Keywords for the site: how to choose them?

Let's start with the process of selecting "keywords". The set of all keywords for which the site pages are optimized is called the semantic core (SY). There are several popular ways collect the semantic core of the site, let's look at them:

1. Self-selection of synonyms

The first method that comes to mind for an "uninitiated" person is an independent selection of synonyms (it is also the most ineffective if you do not combine it with others described below). Using, for example, dictionaries of synonyms, it is really possible to collect some keywords. For selection, you must first designate a word or phrase (search query) that describes the topic as succinctly as possible (for example, "mobile phone"). And then find synonyms for it.


Not all synonyms are suitable for constructing a SY. For example, for the phrase "mobile phone" among suitable optionscellular telephone"," Mobile phone ") there is also such a synonym as" radiotelephone ". And this is not exactly the same thing. And if your company is engaged in the sale of mobile phones, then the keyword "radiotelephone" will be useless here.

2. Selection of words Yandex and Google

If you want to independently and at the same time quite effectively (albeit very painstakingly) select keywords, free search engine services will help you. They show statistics for the search query, as well as for similar queries. The most convenient of them is Yandex.Wordstat.

Let's see how it works!

Yandex.Wordstat: search keywords online for free

We go to the site, select the region of promotion and enter the key request for which information is needed in a special field. For example, “custom-made cakes”. Click "Pick up".

This is what a request in Yandex.Wordstat looks like.

Yandex.Wordstat shows search statistics in YandexEpo given request and for similar queries. In the first column, the service issues all requests that include search phrase(“Custom-made cakes”), and the number of times they were requested in the last month. In the right column there are queries that are similar in meaning and topic, the so-called related queries, and the number of these queries over the last month. This way you can find out what else people were looking for on a given topic and how often.

On the left, the number above the column shows how many people searched for the phrase “cakes to order” - 254,153 times per month. Here it is necessary to clarify. 254,153 is the total of all requests containing “cakes to order”. That is, the requests “custom-made cakes”, and “custom-made cakes for the day”, and “ordering cakes for a birthday” and others. This is called broad match (includes various cases, numbers, and word order).


Yandex has statistics for different types occurrences search phrase... By default, Wordstat shows exactly the wide entry. Operators are used to indicate the type of occurrence. If we want to see how many times we searched for "custom cakes" without any additional words, then we put the query in quotation marks “”.

Operator “” in Yandex.Wordstat

If we want to see the number of requests for the phrase "cakes to order" with a fixed form, number and case of the word "cakes", then we put a sign! In front of this word.

Operator! in Yandex.Wordstat

There are other operators as well. Square brackets fix the order of the words that are enclosed in parentheses. And the minus (-) operator is needed to show only those queries that do not contain a negative keyword. For example, for the query "custom-made cakes - wedding", all phrases containing the word "wedding" in any form will not be counted.


To find the right words, you need to select a specific region. Query usage statistics different countries or cities will be different.

Selection "By regions" in Yandex.Wordstat: statistics by city

Google adwords

The Google service is less convenient and is used when the site is optimized for this particular search engine. As in the previous service, we enter the desired key phrase, and then select the appropriate words.

The process of using the service is similar to Yandex. But be careful: broad match concepts and operator assignments differ here.


To use the service, you need to be registered with Google. This will make it possible to load keywords into Excel.

Search engine optimization

Price search engine optimization varies depending on the initial state of the site, place in the top issue and the package of services used in the process of improving the resource.

Cost from 40,000 rubles

2. Search hints

Yandex and Google hints are options popular queries which start out the same as entered in search string, and appear in the drop-down box below it. Search engines form hints from the stream of requests to them, which are then processed and grouped.

"Dropdown" tips in Yandex

In addition to hints, search engines provide recommendations at the end of the first search page (and subsequent ones). Recommendations show what users are still looking for with this query. Here you can find phrases that do not contain a single word from the search query, but are similar in topic and search purpose.

4. "Highlighting" in the search results

When searching by specific request Yandex and Google show pages with words and phrases that are considered relevant to this request, and highlight (highlight in bold) these phrases on the SERP page.


Search engine logic is sometimes not very clear. At the request "cell phone" Yandex identifies "mobile phone", "cell phone", "mobile phone". But at the request "mobile phone" Yandex highlights in bold only "mobile phone" and "mobile phone". And does not distinguish "cell phone". To take into account as many options as possible, you need to be careful and check as many options as possible.

First page of issue (pos. 6-10) on request "cell phone"

The first page of issue (pos. 6-10) on request "mobile phone"

KeyCollector Main Page

  • AllSubmitter is a multifunctional SEO tool convenient for selecting Yandex.Direct keywords;

AllSubmitter program menu

  • KeyHunter and MetrikaSpy - search for sites with open statistics Yandex.Metrica and collect data from them.

Working at MetrikaSpy

3. Keyword bases, such as:

  • MOAB is the largest database of queries on the Russian Internet; after purchase, access to remote server with an expanded base;
  • UP-base - Russian and English base of keywords, after purchase it is tied to one computer;
  • The Russian-language base is Pastukhov's base. There is a special wrapper where you can sort and filter keywords.

And other less popular and less efficient services.

Although these programs and services are often paid, they do their best job. They take into account many nuances that are important for search engines and are invisible to humans.

After selecting keywords, you need to filter out words (phrases) that are not suitable in terms of frequency of impressions. There will be very few transitions on them, so they are not of interest to us. For this, the services Yandex.Wordstat and Google adwords showing the frequency of requests.

Also, keywords are screened out using the programs (services) listed in clause 4, most of which are multifunctional and convenient for sorting by frequency.

So, we have selected keywords and assembled a semantic core. Go ahead.

What to do with keywords after collecting CJ?

After selecting keywords, many questions arise. How to place keywords? Where to insert, on which page? How many keywords to use on one page? And others like them. Answers to these questions are in the next stages of text optimization. Let's consider each stage separately.

1. Clustering. Words, unite!

Clustering is the unification of key queries into groups for which you can promote certain text (page).

In the process of clustering, two main tasks are solved:

  1. Identifying requests with the same intent. The user's intent is his intention, that is, the purpose with which he comes to the search engine and the site (from the English intent).
  2. Checking the compatibility of requests in a group. If the requests in the group are compatible, they can be promoted on the same page.

Clustering can be carried out both independently, manually (using logic and a search engine), and using clustering programs. Looking ahead, we note that the second option is much more effective, because search engines are illogical, and we have to "play by their rules." Let us first describe how "self-directed" clustering is performed.

"Self-hosted" clustering: everything is very complicated

1. If you have followed carefully previous items(selected keywords), then you already have all the required phrases. Now you need to break the keywords into logical groups - try to group them by intent. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an intensive " brainstorm", Periodically reviewing the TOP results for each specific request to make sure that the search engine" understands "it as well as you do.

An example of the existence of multiple intents for the same query is the word "taxi". The first intent with such a request is the desire to order a taxi, and the second is the desire to download or watch the movie "Taxi".

2. It is very important to check the compatibility of queries in the group, since search engine logic is different from human logic. For example, a clustering program that groups queries based on the logic of search engines, distributes the queries "jewelry" and "jewelry" to different groups... (Although, in fact, the clusterer did of course perform a compatibility check, only in automatic mode.) Therefore, to achieve best results verification is required. How to do it?

Compatibility testing is carried out using the experience of competitors. The bottom line is to see if it is possible, by simultaneously using (promoting) certain two queries on one page, to get to the top of the search results. The experience of our competitors allows us to test this in practice.

The verification process is as follows:

  1. We take two key queries.
  2. We enter each of them into a search engine and see if there are common URLs (namely URLs, not sites) in the TOP of the results (first 10 positions).
  3. If there is a match of 5 (for example) or more, we can combine these requests into a group.

The number 5 in this case is the "clustering threshold". Its value is chosen by the optimizer. Typically, the "threshold" is taken in the range of 3-6 URLs, more often 4 or 5.

Distinguish between "Soft" and "Hard" clustering. In the "Soft" option, one main query is first selected, then all the others are compared with it in pairs according to the number of common URLs in the TOP of the search results. With "Hard" clustering, queries are compared all together "with each other".

"Soft" clustering and "Hard" clustering (schematic)

The first method is easier, but it can lead to the fact that in the group for every two requests there are the same URL, and all requests from the group together do not have a single URL in the TOP of the search results. However, for certain cases, "Soft" clustering works well, especially with good breakdowns. The second method is more complicated and time consuming, but also more effective.

Clustering using special programs

It is much more convenient to group using special clustering programs. They automatically split requests by intent and in parallel check their compatibility in a group, comparing the TOP of search results. Clustering can be done using one of popular services eg and some of the above. The last way preferable.

The "stand alone" option takes much longer, especially for a large number queries, and "Hard" clustering manually is almost beyond anyone's power (unless, of course, you are ready to spend several weeks on it).

Let's give an example of the automatic clusterizer operation.

An example of the clusterizer operation

As you can see from the picture, for this case the clusterer divided requests with the words "reviews", "price", as well as requests for comparing models into different groups. At the same time, I was not mistaken with the writing of companies in transliteration, attaching them to similar requests with an English description.

In the process of clustering, we formed groups for which we will promote certain pages... Therefore, after breaking down, we need to take different groups (clusters) and distribute them according to different pages on the principle of "One page, one group." As a rule, the text is optimized for 1-4, maximum 5 queries. Therefore, the cluster must be the same size. With automatic clustering, programs usually receive groups of 1-5 requests. With "manual" clustering, you need to strive for the same amount .

3. Text analysis

Now we need to decide how many occurrences of keywords on the page we will make and in which zones. optimal amount"Keywords" on the page, you need to adhere to a simple rule:

It's important to know

For every 1000 characters of text with spaces, there can be a maximum of 7-10 one-word keywords and 4-5 two-three-word keywords.

Analyzer programs allow you to determine the "entry window" - the difference between the minimum and maximum number"Keywords" on the TOP pages. Also, the programs help to see the shortcomings, lack or excess of keywords in different areas of the page.

4. Use of keywords

So, we collected the keywords, clustered them and even decided on how we will distribute them across the page. Now you need to write a text tailored for a group of requests.

Imagine yourself as a copywriter. You are used to writing high-quality and meaningful texts on a given topic, but here they tell you: keywords are what your text must contain. And you have a template break. How do I embed keywords in text to keep it readable?

What are the keywords? ..

  • Morphological occurrence;
  • Synonymous entry;
  • Keyword entry with a typo;
  • Reverse entry;
  • Difficult entry.
  • Let's take a closer look at each of them.

    • Exact (it is also - pure) entry:
      We do not make any changes to the key phrase. It is not broken by prepositions or punctuation marks, the endings of words do not change. We write the keyword in the same form in which the customer gave it.
      For example, we need to insert a clean entry of the key "laptop repair" into the text. This means that a sentence with a keyword will sound like this: "We have found a master who repairs laptops at the best price."
    • Direct entry:
      We use the key in the originally indicated gender and case, but in the sentence we break it down with a punctuation mark. Most often it is a comma. If the customer has given the key "phytobars in Moscow", we can formulate it as follows: "It is not so easy to find a phenomenon that has recently come from resort cities - phytobars - in Moscow."
    • Diluted occurrence:
      We supplement the key phrase with other words. Take the phrase "buy headphones." It will be included in the offer like this: "The seller in the store will help you find and buy inexpensive headphones."
    • Morphological occurrence:
      change the form of the word. This is the easiest way. For example, our key phrase - "theater tickets" - in the sentence will sound like this: "Today I stood in line for an hour for theater tickets."
    • Synonymous entry:
      we replace one or more words from the key with synonyms, jargon, abbreviations or abbreviations. If the keyword is "tickets to St. Petersburg", the offer will sound like this: "Until November 20, you can buy tickets to St. Petersburg at a discount."
    • Occurrence of a keyword in a text with a typo:
      this is the case when we make a typo on purpose. Many Internet users do not know how to spell a word correctly, or they accidentally make typos. For the sake of attracting these users to the site, you can afford to write "agency" instead of "agency" a couple of times.

    Don't be afraid of typos - sometimes they can help :)

    • Reverse entry:
      Everything is very simple here. We take and change the places of the words in the original key. Instead of "buy a fur coat" write "buy a fur coat" - and you're done!
    • Difficult entry:
      in this case, we mix some of the above methods in the text. For example, we have the key “buy gingerbread in Moscow”. He can enter into the offer like this: “The city of Moscow offers to buy gingerbread at the most best prices! ". Here we use reverse synonymic entry and complement it. In doing so, consider two spelling options: "buy an iPhone" and "buy an iphone".

    How not to use keys

    It is important not only to use keywords in the text, but also to do it wisely. Therefore, we do not advise you:

    • Write a list of keywords at the end of the text. Listing "keywords" at the end - search spam rather than optimizing the article.
    • Too often use the same keywords in headlines. If your article is a review of a laptop, there is no need to repeat the model name in every subheading. Search engine will take it as spam.

    Keywords are friends of the optimizer

    Now you, like Philip Petit, are not afraid of any height! The ropes are tight, the suit is in order, so it's time to select keywords.

    True, without a team of assistants and friends, you cannot cope. The process of selecting keywords, analyzing them and distributing them across pages is not an easy task. Pitfalls may arise that negate all efforts. Therefore, we recommend contacting professional companies. Only SEO experts know how to properly optimize the texts on your website.

    If you use the keywords correctly, you will become as happy as this walrus :)

    Hello comrades! Sasha Borisov with you! In my last article "" I talked about how to write articles correctly, observing all basic rules seo optimization... In it, in the second paragraph, I wrote about brainstorming, namely the selection of keywords for the article (keywords), but I did not describe it in great detail.

    Today I will just write about how I select keywords for each article, what mistakes beginners make when choosing keywords for their articles, and indeed for the entire blog as a whole, and I will also tell you about how to choose the right keywords words for articles so that they (articles) are closer to the top of search engine results. Let's start!

    So, first, let's say a few words about the semantic core! Oh my God, the words that are scary, "semantic", they came up with a pancake. Don't be alarmed. The semantic core is a simple set of key phrases (words) for your blog, selected in accordance with its topic and written in the all in one seo pack plugin in the "Home Keywords (comma separated)" column.

    As I said in my previous articles, there is a lot of information on this on the Internet, search, study and compose a high-quality semantic core for your blog. Drafting semantic core very important for successful promotion, remember this!

    So, now about how to select keywords for blog articles! So you sat down at your computer and decided to write new article to the blog. You already know the algorithm for writing an article, the link to the article is above. But how do you choose keywords for your article?

    This is where you have to take it very seriously. Correctly selected keywords for an article is the key to success in promotion. The more correctly you enter the keywords in the "Keywords (comma separated)" column of the all in one seo pack plugin for the article, the more more likely the fact that it will be better for people in search engines.

    What are the 3 worst mistakes beginners make when typing keywords in this column? Keyword errors:

    1. They enter powerful keywords.
    2. They write words, not phrases.
    3. They enter too many (few) keywords.

    I don't like to generalize everything, so let me, as always, give an example. Let's say my penultimate article "". Let's pay attention to the keywords that I picked up for the article: how to organize a competition on a blog, how to organize a competition on a blog, how to make a competition on a blog, how to hold a competition on a blog. We go to the site auditor program (more about it) and check the positions:

    In the TOP-10, the article is published everywhere, in Google it is generally on the 1st place! Yes, these are not super mega queries, I admit it, my task is to show you a simple example. Now to the mistakes of newbies.

    No need to write powerful keywords for the article! Keywords by type are divided into HF (high-frequency), MF (mid-frequency) and LF (low-frequency). And beginners are very fond of grabbing exactly high frequency words for his articles from wordstat statistics, "The bigger the number, the better."

    No, that's not true! Better less number and more chances to reach the top than more, but to get into the TOP, you need to work a lot on promotion. This is me for beginners!

    Here's an example:

    HF - competition
    Midrange - competition on the blog
    LF - how to organize a competition on a blog

    So, powerful keywords are high-frequency queries. A lot of newbies do not correctly enter keywords for articles. Let's go to the statistics of Yandex keywords and type in the keyword "contests".

    Yes, I would like to go to the top for this request! And you? In fact, the number 2000283 is a figure that says how many times a month the word contest was shown in the Yandex search results along with other requests containing the word contest.

    If in wordstat you enter the word "competition" in quotation marks, then Yandex will give you another number:

    18634 is a number that says how many times a month given word with various endings (contests, contests, contests, contests) was shown in Yandex.

    If in wordstat you enter the word "! Contest" in quotes and with exclamation mark before the word, then Yandex will give out another number, even smaller:

    5128 is a figure that says how many times a month the word "contests" was shown in the SERP when people typed "contests" in the search.

    I think you understand now how it is necessary to select keywords for an article. "! Key word" - that's it!

    Don't chase numbers, newbies, chase quality. If you wrote an article on the topic of making money on the Internet and decide to go to the top on the request "how to make money on the Internet", then nothing will come of your at least on the initial stage! This is a very mega powerful query! If you just started a blog yesterday, then do not hope that you will go to the TOP for high-frequency queries, no!

    In the next six months your site will be in a sandbox, which will prevent it from reaching the top in high-frequency units. And if you move along high-frequency request By actively increasing the link mass to the promoted article, you can generally get a BAN from search engines. Consider this!

    Please note that it is not necessary to always drive into statistics search queries the keywords you need in quotes and an exclamation mark by which you want to reach the TOP, sometimes statistics show "0". Here's my article about contests again:

    We see that for the query "how to conduct a competition on a blog" it shows "0", but I know that people are looking for information on this issue on the Internet, so I decided to write an article. The main thing is to sharpen it for the right keywords. Yesterday, for example, my blog was already found (liveinternet statistics):

    A lot of newbies enter some words in keywords, it is also not correct. Many people see the same error. I wrote an article, for example, on the topic of making money on the Internet and writes the keywords: earnings, Internet, earn money, business, network, etc.

    So the article won't go far friends! See point one! It will be more correct!

    Well, the third mistake. Oh, how I used to like to cram a bunch of words into keywords, for 20-30 minutes I collected them in wordstat, 30-50 pieces each, and then hammered them into the "Keywords (comma separated)" column. It's so funny now. I thought the more the better! Of course not!

    Guys, the article needs to be sharpened for 2-3 key queries, my advice to you! You already know how to sharpen from the articles:, and.

    Enter 3-5 key phrases in Keywords (comma separated), well, maximum 7, no more! If you enter one keyword, then this will not be enough, at least 3.

    That's it for beginners' mistakes and correct selection keywords for articles! Remember this expression - every article on your blog should bring visitors from the search engines! Every article!

    Get yourself a separate document (notebook) on your computer, after writing and sharpening an article for a specific key request (s), enter them in this document and keep track of the positions.

    Track the arrival of visitors to the blog through liveinternet statistics, if some of your articles lie dead weight on the blog, be sure to sharpen them under others key queries or advance along the first ( better than the second option). That's all for me! I hope the article was helpful to you!

    Now you also know how to choose the right keywords for articles!

    P.S. How do you like the article? Don't miss out on the new free video courses and blog contests!

    Best regards, Alexander Borisov

    Good day, dear reader. We will continue to hone our skills in the development of blogs and sites. One of the primary skills that every webmaster should have is keyword selection. After studying the material in this article, you will be able to correctly pick up keywords, optimize articles for them and get search traffic. And this is the basis for the further monetization of the project.

    Why choose keywords?

    If you look at the beginning of my blogging path, you will notice that I did not immediately understand this common truth. That is why there is not as much traffic now as we would like.

    So, the main rule that you should remember when starting to write your next article is material should be optimized for keywords. Only in this case, and every day it will grow. Not bad, right?

    I will not say that now the situation pleases me 100%, but I firmly know where to strive and HOW to achieve results (I repeat: each article is optimized for the required COP).

    Keyword classification

    Frequency is the number of impressions key phrase in the search engine. It should be understood that quantitatively this classification for each topic is different. That is, a high-frequency key in the Internet, construction, business is about 3,000,000 requests per month.

    And in the subject LED lamps, sports betting- completely different indicators.

    Personally, I adhere to this classification of keywords when writing texts for a blog.

    • Low frequency - 0-100;
    • Medium frequency 100-1000;
    • High-frequency - 1000 and above

    You also need to look at the competition of a particular keyword. I estimate this parameter simple viewing search results. Let's just say - I analyze the sites that are in the TOP and see what needs to be done to push them out of there.

    How to find keywords for writing an article

    I select keywords for the article in accordance with a certain algorithm. I will not say that I adhere to it all the time, but I try.

    As an example (and practical illustration of each step), consider the article about. Review it right now and determine what keywords it is optimized for.

    Step 1 - analyzing Yandex.Wordstat

    The first thing I do is look at Yandex.Wordstat and see if there is any traffic at all for this keyword.

    Step 2 - evaluate the occurrences of the COP

    For those who do not have the KeyKollector or Slovoeb program, we parse the Yandex issue with our hands. That is, we check the occurrence of a keyword in the form "! Keyword!" Such a query shows how many times the given words are entered into search results exactly in this form (exact occurrence).

    Step3 - we enter data into the table

    We group the obtained data into a table with the following parameters: article address, keywords, base frequency, exact frequency, the quality of the COP.

    Note: We calculate the quality of the CS as follows - exact frequency / base frequency * 100.

    For convenience, I rank the keywords (highlight them in color) according to the quality score. That is, if this parameter is above 30%, the selection is green, if it is 10-20%, I select the cells yellow if below 10% - selection in red. Hope you don't get confused.

    To make everything clearer, here is an example from practice:

    With a key collector, all this is done much faster and easier:

    Step 4 - choosing keywords for writing your article

    How do we choose the keywords we need? The answer is simple: we analyze the resulting table and select the least competitive keys for which the traffic will be.

    From practice: as the main request, I take the key highlighted in yellow, as additional ones - almost all green ones. It turns out that we are optimizing the article for low-frequency and medium-frequency queries.

    Moreover, we do not have " empty requests", Which are very little used in the exact entry.

    Step 5 - write an optimized article for the keywords we have chosen.

    I am waiting for your opinions in the comments. How do you choose keywords? Are you doing this at all? Was this article helpful?

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