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Proper computer shutdown. Getting Started

Many users who are just starting to get acquainted with a computer are faced with the question of how to properly turn off a laptop so as not to damage the equipment and without losing their work data. It is unacceptable to turn off the laptop by disconnecting it from the power supply, since the equipment becomes unusable from this. This article covers the main ways to shut down a laptop.

All shutdown operations are performed through the Start menu, the icon of which is located in the lower left part of the screen. When you click on the icon, on the right side there is a Shutdown tab, next to which there is a horizontal arrow. When you click on the arrow, a menu opens in which you can choose how to turn off the laptop. In each version of Windows, the same ways to turn off the laptop are offered:

- sleep (standby) mode or sleep;

— shutdown (completion of work);

— session termination (user change).

Latest laptops have an additional hibernation feature.

Sleeping mode.

In this case, the laptop does not stop working. All files, folders and programs that have been opened by the user retain their information. In essence, sleep mode turns off the monitor to consume less power. It can be immediately noted that modern laptops, when working from the network, consume a negligible amount of electricity, so sleep mode can be used when the equipment is running from the built-in battery.

To exit this mode, just move the mouse or press any key on the laptop. The user immediately sees the tabs he has not closed on the desktop.

With frequent use of the transition to sleep mode, the laptop's RAM becomes clogged with unnecessary information, from which the equipment begins to "slow down" - programs do not open for a long time, the computer reacts to user commands for a long time. The result will inevitably be a computer freeze. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to turn off the computer completely at least once a day.


Hibernation as a separate system shutdown mode first appeared in Windows Vista. This mode is similar to the previous one in that it also saves work data in the system before shutting down. But unlike sleep mode, hibernation involves a complete power outage and no energy is consumed.


When using this function, all programs that were opened by the user terminate their work, the laptop's RAM is completely cleared. Therefore, after turning it on, you will have to re-open every document, program and site that was used before the shutdown.

If the user tries to use the Shut Down tab while any files are open on the laptop, the system will prompt you to save all changes first, otherwise the information will be lost forever.

This function is similar to the previous one, since it also completely shuts down the laptop. The difference is that after turning off, the laptop turns on by itself. Programs do not open at the same time, as the RAM is cleared.

This mode can be used after installing new programs and applications on the laptop, since they work better after a reboot. Reboot is also used if the laptop freezes.

User change.

In this mode, the laptop does not turn off, the user goes to the beginning of his work to the welcome message of the system. Using the mode is possible if several users work on one laptop. It will be more convenient for each of them to work on their desktop, using personally installed programs. It is for such users that the Change User function is provided.

Dear colleagues. If you are among the novice users of personal computers and are constantly worried that it does not break, then the lesson discussed below will be very useful to you!

In this lesson, we will learn how to properly shut down the computer. After all, by simply pulling the plug out of the socket, this cannot be done. Such an action in relation to your PC will be tantamount to hitting a person on the head with a stick. The computer can suffer significantly from this, completely forgetting what was in it before shutting down - all data that you did not save will be irretrievably lost. But the greatest danger is that such a shutdown can simply lead to the failure of your computer.

Therefore, let's do everything right: first, pressing the Start button, and then - Shutdown. After completing these steps, a special window will open.

Note. The Windows operating system doesn't necessarily look as modern as mine. Perhaps you have its classic version installed, and in this case, instead of such a window, you will need to work with a drop-down list, from which you should select the option to turn off the computer - they do not differ.

So, what are the ways to shut down your PC?

Shutdown (Shutdown for the classic version). When this function is selected, all the information contained is unloaded from the computer's RAM, and all programs that were previously running are closed. The next time you turn it on, you will need to reopen documents and run the necessary programs, etc.

Therefore, in my daily practice, I personally prefer to use a different option - Sleep mode.

To activate it, in the shutdown window (Fig. 1), you must press the Shift key, after which the Standby button will change to Sleep mode. When you press it, before turning off, the computer will write all the information contained in its RAM to the hard disk. The next time you turn on your machine, even after a day or more, you will find all previously unfinished documents on your desktop. In this case, you will not need to waste time searching for the place where you saved them. All documents that require revision will be in your sight. At night, when the cost of the Internet is much cheaper, I open the pages of various sites I need in the browser (sometimes there can be 20-30 of them). But it's not easy to work with documents at this time of day, so I turn off the computer by putting it to sleep, and the next morning I start studying open documents. By the way, the process of turning on the computer in this mode takes much less time than after turning it off completely.

After reading the above, you can decide for yourself: “Then I will always use this method of turning off the computer!”. But the thing is, it's not that simple. After such shutdown options, all kinds of garbage will be collected in the computer’s memory and, after a certain time, you will find that your PC “slows down”, that is, it reacts to your actions for a very long time. It starts to “bug out” - the trey with the clock may disappear, the Taskbar may appear and disappear, and when you try to type a web address in the browser, it may not be typed. In general, you can't list everything.

In this case, at the end of the working day, the computer should be turned off for real by selecting the Shutdown (Shutdown) function in the window. But if you plan to continue working throughout today, and you are already tired of the “glitches”, you need to Reboot. Before this procedure, unless of course the computer has completely frozen, you must save and close all applications.

Next - select the Restart button in the window and press OK. While using your computer, you will need to restart quite often. It is required in such cases when new programs have been installed on the computer, when its “braking” is noticeable or it simply “freezes”.

Waiting mode. Such a shutdown of the computer is not real, or rather, it does not turn off at all. It goes into low power mode and turns off the monitor.

This mode is good for use, say, during a lunch break. By the way, it is possible to set the computer to automatically go into standby mode if it is not used for a long time. To be honest, I don't find this mode very useful, since newer LCD monitors consume negligible amounts of electricity and the savings in this case will be small. And it also happens that the computer is very much immersed in waiting and it will be possible to get it out of this state only by rebooting (with the complete loss of unsaved information), or by pressing the Reset button, which is a real mockery of your PC.

Ending a session - a mode that involves changing the users registered on the computer. You end the session and your colleague starts it. If you don't like the settings he has chosen for your work (perhaps the set desktop background image annoys you), you can easily set your own for the session under your name. You can also put a password on your account so that no one can work under your name.

Let's sum up this lesson. There are two main modes for shutting down a computer: Shutdown and Sleep. Both of them are equivalent to disconnecting the computer from the network. The rest of the existing modes do not provide for a complete shutdown of the PC. I would also like to warn you that on some machines, the hibernation function may not work due to an outdated computer configuration. In addition, this mode requires an additional 500 MB of disk space to work, so it is possible that this mode was not enabled when you installed Windios on your computer. If you want to enable it, here's how. First, you need to press the Start button, which is already familiar to us, and after it, the Control Panel.

The control panel can be of two options: made in the classic version or with buttons grouped by category. I find the first option the most convenient. Therefore, in the event that you have provided for grouping buttons into categories, in order to get rid of the lengthy search for the necessary button, you need to transfer the control panel to the classic view by clicking on the link circled by me in red pencil.

In it you need to click on the Sleep tab. Here, check the box Allow the use of sleep mode. Next, click Apply and OK.

That's all, the sleep mode function is active for you and you can use it successfully! Read more...

  • Article "How to properly shut down the computer"

Properly turning on and off the computer

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Turning on and off the computer, it would seem, is a simple task, business, pressed the button and that's it, turned on, clicked on another button and that's it, the computer turned off. But do not forget some subtleties

Properly turning on the computer

1. Make sure that the surge protector (a device that protects electrical appliances from overcurrent) is turned on, the most common model looks like this:

Make sure the indicator is red (or otherwise)

2. Press the computer's power button (power button), usually the largest and most visible button on the computer (also make sure the monitor and speakers are turned on).

3. After turning on, you will hear a squeak, indicating that no errors were found during startup. If there are several such sounds, then some kind of failure has occurred.

4. Either the desktop or the user selection window will appear immediately, then you need to log in under the desired user and after that the desktop will start loading.

5. After the desktop appears, the mouse cursor will take the form of a circle (or a circle will rotate near the cursor itself) - this means that the operating system is still loading. Important: you do not need to immediately open folders and programs, poke at everything. Wait 1-3 minutes, let the computer wake up and collect its thoughts

5. After the cursor icon has become normal, you can start working.

Proper computer shutdown

There are several ways to turn off your computer, but to save all your data, we recommend using the "Shut down" button, which is located in the "Start" menu.

For a laptop, another way to turn off is possible - just slam the lid. But remember that for most devices, this method does not turn off the computer, but puts it into sleep mode, in which the battery is still consumed.

Always save necessary data before shutting down

It is not necessary to turn off the surge protector, just like turning off the monitor or speakers separately. However, if you are disturbed by the light from the indicators (bulbs that indicate that the device is on), then electrical appliances can be turned off.

Should I turn off my computer at night?

That's a moot point. Microsoft has published data on its study, which reports that about half of Americans do not turn off their computers at night, but put them into sleep mode. The reason for this behavior is the banal unwillingness to wait until the computer turns on. How harmful is this to the system unit and is it expensive in terms of electricity?

In sleep mode, the computer consumes around 2.3 watts, remember that in the off state, the computer does not waste energy at all if it is not connected to a local network. So the power consumption is small.

Remember that most often the computer breaks down when you turn it on and off, more often when you turn on the computer, when power surges and power outages can occur. Therefore, try not to turn off your computer too often during the day.

The disadvantage of continuous operation of the computer may be faster wear of the components of the system unit, but it usually takes more than two years of uninterrupted operation of the fan to require lubrication. Which option to choose - whether to leave the computer on or turn it off every night - decide for yourself what is more convenient for you.

So, with this lesson, we are finishing the study of the most basic functions of a computer and moving on to exploring the possibilities of the Internet, as well as learning even more new things in the advanced program.

How to properly shut down your computer

When finished working with the computer, turn it off. Shutdown is an event. It initiates a process called shutdown. This process is different for different operating systems. Windows XP has a special shutdown procedure. When it is executed, the work of all programs and services of the operating system is correctly terminated, data and settings are saved, and files are closed. This process takes some time, because of which you cannot turn off the computer by turning off its power. Turning off the computer without executing the shutdown procedure can cause data loss, and sometimes even damage to the logical structure of hard drives.

Save all open documents and close all windows before shutting down. Theoretically, after the command to shut down the computer, the operating system itself can close all programs, but this procedure is slightly different from the normal exit from the program. Although you are usually prompted to save documents, changes to program settings may be lost. And in general, you should not trust automation that it is better to do manually.

Give the command Start - Turn off the computer (Start Shutdown). You can also press ALT+F4 on an empty desktop (when no windows are active). The Turn off computer dialog box will appear on the screen. Click the Shutdown button.

The operating system will shut down and prepare the computer for power off. The latter is usually also done automatically. If the computer does not turn off by itself, turn off the power manually.

Many modern computers have the ability to quickly turn off using a button located on the front panel. Pressing the button initiates an automatic shutdown and power off procedure. The presence or absence of such an opportunity on a particular computer is determined by the functionality of the motherboard. If it has such a function, then the Windows XP operating system connects the appropriate setting during its installation. But before using this feature, be sure to check if it is really enabled.

Preparing to turn off the computer with the power button

  1. Open the Properties: Power Options dialog box (Start - Control Panel Power Options).
  2. Open the Advanced tab.
  3. If this tab has a Power Buttons panel, the computer can be turned off with the button. If there is no such panel, configuration is not possible.
  4. If the required panel is available, select the "Shut down" item in the list that opens after pressing the "power on the computer" button. Now, when you press the power off button, the shutdown procedure will start.


How to turn off your computer and laptop properly

Today we will learn how to properly shut down the computer. After all, the computer cannot be turned off by pulling the plug out of the socket. It's like hitting a man on the head with a stick.

The computer can also forget everything that happened before such a shutdown - all unsaved data will be lost. And most importantly, such a shutdown can simply disable the computer.

Therefore, we do everything according to science: we press the Start button, and then - Shutdown.

A special window opens.

Note. The Windows operating system may not only look as modern as mine.

Perhaps you have it presented in a classic style. Then, instead of such a window, you will have a drop-down list. From that list and choose the option to turn off the computer - the options are the same.

So, what are the options for turning off the computer?

Shutdown (in the classic version - Shutdown). With this option, all information is unloaded from RAM, all programs and open documents are closed.

When you turn it on again, you will have to start programs again, open documents, etc.

Therefore, personally, I most often use another option - Sleep mode.

To do this, when you have a computer shutdown window on your screen, you press the Shift key and immediately the Standby button will change to Sleep mode.

In this mode, the computer, before turning off, saves all information from RAM to the hard disk.

Turning on the computer the next day, you will see on the desktop all the unfinished documents yesterday. No need to look for where you saved them yesterday, and what documents still need to be completed - they are all in front of your eyes.

Often at night, when the cheapest traffic, I open the necessary Internet pages on various sites in a web browser, sometimes I get 20-30 pieces.

But working with documents at night is hard, so I turn off the computer by entering sleep mode, and in the morning, turning on the computer, I start studying these documents.

By the way, the computer turns on in this mode much faster than after a complete shutdown.

You will say: “Then I will constantly just turn off the computer like this!”

But not everything is so simple! The fact is that after such shutdown options, any garbage will accumulate in the computer’s memory and after a while you will notice that the computer “slows down” - reacts slowly to your commands, starts to “fail”: the trey will disappear along with the clock, then it will stop disappearing or vice versa, the Taskbar will disappear and not appear.

When you try to type a web address in a web browser, it does not type.

In general, all possible "glitches" cannot be listed.

In this case, at the end of the working day, the computer must be turned off for real by selecting Shutdown (or Shutdown) in the box, and not sleep mode.

If you still need to continue working today, and the “glitches” are already tired, then you will have to reboot. Before that, unless, of course, the computer "freezes" tightly, you need to save and close all documents and programs.

And then select Restart in the window and press the OK button. You will often have to use a reboot, both after installing various programs, and in cases where the computer "freezes" or begins to shamelessly "fail".

Waiting mode. This is not a real computer shutdown. More precisely, it does not turn off at all, but goes into low power mode. In particular, this turns off the monitor.

In this mode, the computer can be entered, for example, during a lunch break. By the way, you can configure it so that the computer itself will enter this mode when it is idle for a long time.

However, I do not find this mode particularly useful. Modern LCD monitors consume little energy, so the savings are negligible.

In addition, sometimes the computer “waits up” so much that it is possible to get out of this state only by rebooting with the loss of unsaved data or even by pressing the Reset button (and this is generally a mockery of the poor computer!).

Ending a session. This mode provides for switching between users registered on this computer: you end the session, and your colleague starts.

If you don't like the settings a work colleague sets (maybe even the screen saver they set annoys you), then you can set your own settings and start a session under your own name. At the same time, you can even set a password so that no one can work under your name.

Let's wrap up today's lesson. There are two main shutdown modes: Shutdown and Sleep. In these cases, you unplug the computer from the outlet. The remaining modes do not provide for a complete shutdown of the computer.

The only thing I want to warn you is that sleep mode may not work for some of you. Why? Perhaps the outdated configuration of the computer does not allow.

In addition, this mode requires an additional 500 MB of disk space, so you may not have this mode enabled when you installed Windows on your computer.

Connecting the Sleep function

We press the button Start 1 already known to us,

then - Control Panel 2

The control panel can look in two versions: in a classic form or buttons are grouped into categories. The first one I find more convenient.

Therefore, if you have buttons grouped into categories, so as not to search for the desired button for a long time, switch the control panel to the classic view by clicking the link that I circled in red pencil.

Now click on the Power button (shown with a red arrow).

The Properties dialog box opens: Power Options

Click on the Sleep tab.

And here we put a checkbox or a simple checkmark in the box Allow the use of sleep mode 1.

Now click Apply 2, then OK 3.

That's it - sleep mode is enabled! Use on health!

Chapter 2 How to Turn Your Computer On and Off Properly | Read online without registration

Chapter 2 Turning Your Computer On and Off Properly

Did you know that turning the computer on and off incorrectly is one of the most common mistakes novice users make. What is the risk? An illiterate start and end of work promises you spoiled nerves, wasted time and, most importantly, problems with your PC. And it does not matter at all whether you use a stationary computer or a laptop - the technique does not tolerate disrespectful attitude towards itself, and will not serve for a long time those who do not know how to handle it. In addition, an illiterate shutdown may prevent you from saving the results of your work and lead to a number of system errors that will interfere with your work.

Before turning on, you must make sure that your system unit is connected to a 220 V power supply line. On some types of power supplies there is an “On” - “Off” toggle switch, which is located directly on the device itself. Also making sure it is in the "ON" position.

So, if your personal computer is connected to the network through an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), then you must first implement the power supply mode to the computer. If the computer is connected through a voltage regulator, then you need to turn it on. Then you need to turn on the computer monitor and peripheral devices (printer, scanner, modem) ... After that, turn on the system unit with the button, which in most cases is located on its front wall. If after that you heard a uniform hum of working coolers. The letters and numbers that ran across the monitor mean that the first stage of turning on the PC was successful. And the computer performs an initial self-test, and then loads the Windows operating system.

After the operating system starts to load, you will then need to enter the account password if you have previously set a password.

Sometimes among novice users, and not only, there are discussions about the need to install a UPS (uninterruptible power supply). The answer is unambiguous - it is necessary to install. Even if you have installed an apartment voltage stabilizer, this does not guarantee the protection of the area to which your hardware is connected. After all, the main tasks of the UPS are:

1. Protection against switching off during short-term power failure.

2. The correct withdrawal of the computer from the operating mode, into the shutdown mode in case of emergency.

3. Protection and time for successfully saving files when working in Microsoft Office programs and various text notepads.

Topic number one, for novice PC users. Today on the site, you will receive detailed instructions on this issue.
I deliberately combined these two actions used in one post. Due to the fact that the person who came to the site received as much information as possible on this topic and in one place.
So let's get started:

How to properly turn on the computer

In order to properly turn on the computer, you must:

  1. First make sure that it is connected to a 220V voltage network;
  2. That there is voltage in this network;
  3. All cables and connecting cords are firmly in place;
  4. Press the power button on the power supply (if any);
  5. Press the power (Power) button on the front panel of the system unit;

If you are the only one working on your computer, then there is no practical need to configure login by.
If you have several people on one PC and you have something that needs to be hidden from prying eyes. Set a password to log into your account.
To do this, we go along the path: —Start—User Accounts—Select yours and by clicking—Create a password— go through this procedure. And take care of its safety, in a place inaccessible to other users. Usually this is your head, or a personal notebook.

How to properly turn on a laptop

In order to properly turn on the laptop at home, you must:

  1. Check the availability of power in the 220V network;
  2. Connecting a removable (portable) power supply;
  3. Raise the top panel of the laptop (display) by 90 *;
  4. Press the power button;
  5. Wait for the operating system to load.

Well, if you are away from home and there is no 220V outlet nearby. To turn on the laptop correctly, perform steps 3 to 5.
And while working, do not forget that the capacity of your power supply is not unlimited.

How to turn off your computer or laptop

After you have completed all the planned work and you need to turn off your computer or laptop, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Point the cursor at the start button (lower left corner of the monitor) and click LMB (left mouse button) to open it, or press the windows-WindowsXP button on the keyboard. In the seven, click on the windows icon on the monitor, or press the same icon on the keyboard;
  2. In the menu that appears on the monitor, select -turn off- by clicking the left button on it;
  3. Wait for the computer to completely exit the working state.

All these actions also apply to turning off the laptop..

When turning off the computer and laptop, pressing the button power for this action is regarded as an emergency stop. And should only be done in an emergency.

Because it can have extremely negative consequences for the trouble-free operation of the OS (operating system). Until the blue screen of death appears, at the next start. And if, in addition, you are not ready to install the OS yourself. And in addition, you don’t know how to connect to the network your own. Then the line of contingencies in your budget will grow by a certain amount.

Agree the above rules are quite easy to implement. And the topic: for today it can be considered closed.
And if you found this information useful. Then please press the twitter button in order to notify all your friends and acquaintances about it.
Thank you and Bye.. Bye.

Publication date: 02.10.2010

How to turn off the computer? It seems that everything is simple... However, people who are little familiar with computers, but are accustomed to TVs and all sorts of players, often make mistakes. A working TV can simply be turned off in mid-sentence or even unplugged from the outlet. This will not harm the TV. But you can't do that with a computer! We analyze the options for turning off the computer.

To turn off a computer or laptop, you need to click the very last line in the Start menu (the penultimate one - “logout” is designed to go to the profile of another computer user (if there are several of them, this happens on work computers or on home computers when they use one computer, for example , brother and sister).

This button can be called differently: Turn off the computer, Shut down, etc. When pressed, the system will dim the screen, make it monochrome, and give you a dialog box that will present three ways to shut down: Standby, Shutdown, Restart. Different operating systems may have different inscriptions, but these three methods are the main ones.

Team shutting down the computer closes one by one all running programs, and then turns off the power. Turning off the computer is not worth it. The system should close all applications and programs, delete temporary files, etc. If you just “cut down” the computer, then all sorts of garbage remains on the disk. In this connection, malfunctions and various failures may occur. It may happen that the computer does not want to turn off. In this case, do not try to turn it off by any means. This may mean that the computer needs to install drivers (very important), or some process does not want to end (or just slows down). In this case, you need to find this process through the Task Manager (started by pressing the CTRL - ALT - DELETE keys) and forcibly terminate it.

Since the question is important, a few more words about the incorrect shutdown of the computer. By "incorrect" is meant turning off not in the above way: Start - Turning off the computer, but turning off by pressing the power off button, according to the principle of turning off, for example, a TV. Such a shutdown also occurs when there is a power outage in your apartment or office. This is fraught with damage to system files and failures in the system when it boots. It happens that after such a shutdown, the system does not boot at all and you have to reinstall it. But even if this did not happen, incorrect shutdown of the computer for several times leads to the accumulation of various "garbage" on the hard disk and in the computer's registry - as mentioned above. Sooner or later, this garbage will lead to crashes, freezes, and even a complete loss of operating system performance.

Reboot must be selected in the event that a program or application crashed. For example, when working in a graphical editor, an error occurs and the editor is closed (forced to exit). At the same time, when you try to start it again, it may not start for you. In this case, you need to restart the computer (not just with the Reset button on the system unit, but just select the command in the main menu !!!). Reboot is turning off all applications and exiting the operating system (the power is not turned off), and then a new start. Reboot is used not only in case of failures, but also when it is necessary to switch to another operating system (if you have several installed). A reboot is also necessary if you have installed some new program (the system will prompt you to reboot), or if you have not updated the anti-virus database for a long time, then after the update you will need to reboot.

Waiting mode you need it when you need to go somewhere, but you don’t want to turn off the computer. After executing this command, your monitor, hard drive, fan will turn off (not always). If you want to start the computer, then just press a key or just move the mouse. Standby mode is often used by laptop owners, because. they don't want to waste their batteries.

There is another command that you may not find in the menu - this is Sleep mode. This mode, in addition to turning off the monitor, hard drive and fan, also turns off the power supply. However, programs are not closed before shutting down. The system copies the entire contents of RAM to the hard drive. When turned on, everything will be rewritten into memory again, and exactly the same type of programs and windows will be restored as it was before falling asleep. For example, you typed text in word and then turned on sleep mode; then the next time you start this document, it will open again and all the information will be saved there (even the cursor will be in the same position!).
Now about how to enable sleep mode (i.e. the function itself). First of all, go to the Power Options utility (Control Panel -> Power Options). There you will find the "Sleep Mode" tab. Then enable hibernation by checking the box.

The main thing to keep in mind is that all RAM will be dumped to the hard drive. Those. If you have 2 GB of RAM, then you will need 2 GB of hard disk space. After you have done everything, you can switch to sleep mode by pressing the standby button and holding the Shift key.

Finally - bonus from the Free Tips project. Extremely small, light and very handy program Poweroff, which literally translates as "off". The program does not even need to be installed - just copy it to your desktop and, if you wish, run it by double-clicking the left mouse button. The system does not just turn off the computer correctly, but allows you to do it according to a schedule: turn it off at a certain time in the future, or turn it off according to a schedule you set for each day of the week. What is it for? The simplest example. You are downloading a large file on your work computer. There are still two hours left to download, and your working day has come to an end. You either have to wait two hours or leave your computer on all night. With the help of the program, you can set the time to turn off the computer and calmly go home. After downloading the file, the computer will turn itself off at the right time!

In addition to shutting down, using this program, you can restart your computer or put it into sleep mode at a specified time or on a schedule, as well as turn it off after the last music track has finished playing (if you like to fall asleep to music) or with minimal processor load. This is such a useful program!

We start work. How to turn your laptop on and off

Properly turning on and off the computer is very important for its long and productive life.

So, open your laptop. On the operating panel, directly above the keyboard, usually in the middle, there is a large button on which (or near it) is written power(translated from English “energy”), next to it, as a rule, there is a smaller button RESET(emergency restart, used only if the laptop freezes and does not respond to commands).

Click power. The first thing you can hear at the same time is a quiet noise or hum of a rotating fan (cooler), and an indicator light on the laptop panel will light up.

While the computer is “thinking” (booting), it is red, in the main (working) mode it is green.

How not to turn off the laptop

How to turn off the laptop (and any other computer)? It would be logical to assume that turning off the power of the computer, as well as turning it on, is done using the same button power.

You can't do that!

Such a shutdown can lead (and will certainly lead over time if you practice this method) to a laptop breakdown (it may simply burn out) or to malfunctions (the order in the “head” of the computer will be disturbed). Such a shutdown can be compared to going to sleep with a blow to the head with a hammer. Sleep will be strong, but it is unlikely to benefit you.

Proper shutdown is done like this

At the bottom left is the operating system icon Windows, next to which the word can stand Start(or maybe not, depending on the settings). This is the control center for your computer. You will sometimes press this button before starting work and always - at its completion.

So, move the mouse cursor over the system icon and press the left button. A window will appear, at the bottom of which you will see the inscription on the right Shutdown.

By hovering over this inscription and pressing the left key, you will open another window.

The window has five buttons:

Change user- if two or more people use the computer, then the other user will have his own password, and this button will take you to the place where you need to enter it.

Log out- it is by pressing this button that you need to use to turn off the computer.

Block - it is a blocking of computer functions.

Dream- when you press this button, your laptop enters the so-called "sleep" mode, when it appears to be off, but is activated by any touch on the mouse or keyboard.

So, to turn off the computer, you need to select the line Log out.

If the computer freezes and does not respond to any command, you must restart the system. This needs a button. RESET. When you click on it, the laptop will immediately reboot.

Use this button only as a last resort, as misusing it can cause system crashes.

You are ready to work on your laptop, but before we start talking about the main programs and working with them, you can do one more thing - connect an additional mouse. This is not necessary since you have a touchpad. But, as we have already said, working with the mouse is much faster and more convenient.

Connection with laptop

Plug the mouse cord into the desired port.

All modern devices have USB connectors, and every modern laptop has a USB port.

What if there are more devices than USB ports?

USB connector on the cord that connects the mouse to the computer.

The first difficulty you face when connecting additional devices to a laptop is the lack of USB ports. Laptops now typically have 3-4 external USB ports, but given the need to simultaneously connect a cable modem, printer, scanner, etc., this number of ports may not be enough. This is where a port splitter comes to the rescue: a special device that allows you to connect up to 4 devices to the system through one USB port.

What should I do if the device is not connected via a USB port?

If the mouse does not have a USB input, but a PS / 2, there is no need to buy a new one. Just buy an adapter from USB to PS / 2 input.

Ordinary modern mice do not require any drivers (that is, special programs that are necessary for the operation of the device). You simply insert the mouse wire into the USB port and the computer immediately finds the device. The mouse is ready to use. Wireless mouse

If you are connecting a wireless or advanced mouse (with additional buttons), then a driver disk should be included with the purchase. In such a case, you must proceed as follows.

1. Connect the mouse as described earlier. The wireless mouse also has a USB input that you need to connect to your laptop.

2. Insert the driver disk into the CD/DVD drive. The setup window will appear on the display.

3. If the installation disk is in Russian, follow the instructions, as a rule, all you have to do is keep pressing the button Further.

4. If the disc is in English, don't be afraid. Press the button all the time next, until you see the license agreement window. Check the box below to indicate your agreement to the terms of the agreement, and click next.

5. After installation is complete, remove the drive from the laptop.

6. Your mouse is ready to go.

According to the same scheme, other devices can be connected to the laptop - an additional keyboard, scanner, printer. For them to work, you will definitely need drivers.

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