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Rules for technological connection. Activities during technological connection: preparation of technical specifications

The procedure for technological connection to electrical networks power receiving devices is defined by the Federal Law, as well as the Rules for the technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers electrical energy, electrical energy production facilities, as well as electrical grid facilities owned by grid organizations and other persons, to electrical networks approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 27, 2004 No. 861.

2. What is the procedure for concluding an agreement on technological connection to the electrical networks of JSC UEC?

To conclude an agreement, the applicant sends an application (in two copies) to technological connection in case the Company's power grid facilities are located at the shortest distance from the boundaries of your site. If at a distance of less than 300 meters (500 for rural areas) there are network facilities of several organizations located from its borders, then you have the right to send an application to any of them. In order to obtain information about the electricity supply closest to your site network company, it is enough to send a request to local authorities - all necessary information must be provided to you within 15 working days.

The application shall indicate information in accordance with clause 9 of Section II of the Rules for the technological connection of power receiving devices of electrical energy consumers, electrical energy production facilities, as well as electrical grid facilities belonging to network organizations and other persons to electrical networks, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2004 No. 861.

Next, we enter into an agreement with the applicant, which specifies the scope of construction and installation work required to be performed by the applicant and the network company. Afterwards, the parties, in accordance with the agreement, carry out a number of activities.

The next step is activation, during which the client receives and signs an act on the implementation of technological connection and acts of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and delimitation of operational responsibility.

The last step is to apply voltage. The actual reception of voltage and power is carried out in the presence of a concluded agreement with the sales organization.

3. How to apply for technological connection?

The application can be submitted in person at the Customer Service Center (115035, Moscow, Raushskaya embankment, 8 or sent by mail, .

4. What are the main requirements for the application and its completeness?

For a technological connection to the electrical networks of JSC UEC, it is necessary to fill out an application in accordance with clause 9 of the Rules for Technological Connection and attach a set of documents in accordance with clause 10 of the Rules for Technological Connection. Sample applications and their completeness can be found on the portal for technological connections.

5. How much does technological connection to electrical networks cost?

The fee for technological connection to the Company's networks of power receiving devices with a capacity of up to 15 kW (inclusive) is set based on the cost of technological connection activities, but not more than 550 rubles when connecting an applicant who owns objects classified as the third reliability category (for one source of power supply), provided that the distance from the boundaries of the applicant’s site to the electrical grid facilities of the voltage class required by the applicant of the network organization to which the application is submitted is no more than 300 meters in cities and towns and no more than 500 meters in rural areas.

Amount of fee for technological connection of power receiving devices maximum power over 15 kW is installed by the Regional Energy Commission of Moscow on the territory of Moscow and by the Ministry of Economy of the Moscow Region on the territory of the Moscow Region. For consumers with a power of up to 8900 kW at a voltage level below 35 kV, the technological connection fee for 2015 was approved by the resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission (543-tpe dated December 25, 2014).

For consumers with a power over 8900 kW and a voltage level over 35 kV, the fee for technological connection is approved according to individual project authorized body executive power in the region government regulation tariffs (Regulatory Energy Commission of Moscow).

6. How to re-issue documentation confirming technological connection?

Having extensive experience as a contractor of PJSC MOESK (formerly OJSC MOESK) and knowing all the bureaucratic procedures inherent in the system of the former Mosenergo, we know how to solve any of your problems in the field of electricity supply.

We offer the following consulting services in the field of electrical energy:

  • comprehensive customer support in the process of connecting electricity (submitting an application for technological connection to electrical networks, receiving an Agreement and Technical Conditions (TS), fulfilling the requirements of the TS, submitting the TS, receiving acts, concluding an agreement with Mosenergosbyt);
  • adjustment technical specifications (selection of optimal connection points, change in reliability category, change in power, etc.);
  • adjustment of the technological connection agreement(reduced cost, reduced time);
  • control and minimization of deadlines implementation of technological connection activities carried out by MOESK;
  • delivery of electrical installations inspectors of MOESK (ISS, Energouchet), OEK, Rostechnadzor;
  • energy lawyer(settlement of any issues with inspectors of MOESK, OEK, Rostekhnadzor, etc.);
  • obtaining an admission certificate electrical installations into operation in Rostekhnadzor (required for electrical installations of the 2nd reliability category from 150 kW);
  • and many other services, allowing you to save your money.


Comprehensive service for connecting the client to electrical networks: from collecting documents and submitting an application for connection to supplying voltage and concluding an energy supply agreement.


Connection to the electrical networks of PJSC "MOESK" is a complex process consisting of many stages:
1. Collection of documents and submission of an application for technological connection of new capacities (or to increase existing capacity).
2. Receipt of the draft technical specifications (technical conditions) and offer of an agreement for technological connection to the networks of PJSC "MOESK". THIS IS THE FIRST IMPORTANT POINT! It is necessary to monitor the specifications and assess the possibility of their adjustment (changes in technical conditions regarding connection points, reliability categories, etc.).
3. Monitoring the correct application of the tariff (fee for technological connection) IS THE SECOND IMPORTANT POINT. The cost of the technical connection agreement and, accordingly, your costs directly depend on the correct application of the tariff.
4. Signing of the TP agreement.
5. Electrical installation design.
6. Coordination of the electrical installation project in the MKS RER, in EnergoUchet, in RosTechNadzor.
7. Execution of specifications (installation of electrical installations in accordance with technical conditions and design). 8. Handover of the electrical installation to the commission of PJSC “MOESK” - inspectors of RER MKS/Energouchet (and/or “MosEnergoSbyt”).
9. Signing an act on the fulfillment of technical conditions, an act on the implementation of technical connection and ARBPiEO (delimitation act).
10. Handing over the electrical installation to the inspector of RosTechNadzor (for subscribers connected to the second category of power supply reliability, this is necessary).
11. Obtaining a Certificate of Approval of the electrical installation for operation (Rostechnadzor).
12. Actual voltage supply.
13. Conclusion of an energy supply agreement (MosEnergoSbyt).

The Elektroset group of companies is ready to offer the implementation of any of these stages or COMPLETION OF THE ENTIRE COMPLEX “TURNKEY”.


Obtaining an admission certificate from Rostechnadzor is necessary to supply voltage to the electrical installations of subscribers connected under the second category of power supply reliability.


Subscribers connected to electrical networks according to the second reliability category, if the power of their electrical installation is 150 kW or higher, must provide voltage to network organization Certificate of approval of the electrical installation for operation, obtained from RosTechNadzor. To receive such a certificate, the subscriber must:
1. Coordinate with Rostechnadzor the internal power supply project.
2. Provide your person in charge of electrical facilities and his deputy, who have an electrical safety clearance group of at least 4.
3. Present the fully assembled electrical installation (from the point of connection to the terminal devices) for inspection by the inspector.
4. Provide a technical report on laboratory tests of electrical equipment included in the electrical installation.
Only a very good specialist can hand over an electrical installation to Rostechnadzor without any comments. Even if at first glance the electrical installation complies with all PUE standards, the Rostekhnadzor inspector will definitely find violations that will allow him not to issue an admission certificate immediately, but to insist on a repeat visit. All repeat visits by the Rostechnadzor inspector are paid.

The Elektroset group of companies is ready to offer its services for handing over electrical installations to Rostechnadzor inspectors and handing over your electrical installation in one inspector visit, reducing your time and financial costs.


An agreement with a sales organization (in Moscow this is PJSC Mosenergosbyt) must be concluded no later than 60 days from the moment the meters are sealed and the electrical installation is turned on, otherwise the subscriber faces a fine for non-contractual/unaccounted use of electricity). We'll collect everything Required documents and we will conclude an energy supply agreement with Mosenergosbyt PJSC on your behalf.





Consultation (in person in our office or by phone)

For any questions related to power supply

For free

On-site consultation at the Customer's site

Inspection of the customer’s facility for a more complete assessment of the situation and consultation. The cost of travel in Moscow is indicated

Technological connection

Collecting documents, submitting an application, obtaining technical specifications and a technical connection agreement, obtaining ARBPiEO acts, a technical connection act, a metering device approval act

For free*

Minimizing the Client's expenses for technological connection

Obtaining optimal specifications and technical connection agreements with minimum tariff

Negotiable, 50% of the Client's savings

Redistribution, re-registration, confirmation of capacity

Submitting an application, obtaining technical specifications and ARBPiEO

Connection of certain real estate objects to electrical networks is carried out within the framework of technological connection agreements. Their conclusion is regulated at the level of federal legal acts. What are the key provisions of these sources of law? What are the nuances of connecting objects owned by individuals and legal entities to electrical networks?

regulatory regulation

The way in which technological connections to electrical networks should be carried out is regulated by a separate legal act - Russian Government Decree No. 861, adopted on December 27, 2004. This regulatory source established a number of rules:

On non-discriminatory access of persons to electricity transmission services, according to dispatch control, as well as those provided by the administrator of the trade infrastructure within the wholesale market;

On the technological connection of energy receiving devices belonging to consumers and other objects.

In general, the set of these norms forms the rules for technological connection. Let us consider the features of this procedure in more detail.

In what cases is technological connection carried out?

Technological connections to electrical networks can be carried out if:

Devices for receiving electricity are being put into operation for the first time;

The capacity of previously connected infrastructure of the corresponding type increases;

Data on the categories of reliability of supply of devices, points of connection, types of economic activity of electricity consumers have been changed, as a result of which adjustments have been made in the scheme of external supply of devices for receiving electricity.

Technological connection is a procedure that is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the supplier - a network company, and the applicant in the status of an individual, individual entrepreneur or organization. Technological connections to electrical networks are carried out in several stages. Let's look at them.

Stages of technological connection

Technological rules for connecting to electrical networks involve the implementation of this procedure within the framework of such stages as:

Submitting an application for accession;

Signing an agreement with the supplier;

Fulfillment of obligations under the contract;

Obtaining permission to admit objects into operation;

Actual connection and voltage supply;

Drawing up an act of accession and accompanying documents.

Let's study the specifics of the marked stages in more detail.

Joining stages: submitting an application

So, first of all, in order to carry out technological connection, one or another subject of legal relations submits an application to the supplier - the network company, which is located at the closest distance to the applicant’s territory. If necessary, the supplier's contact details can be provided by the municipal authority.

An application for technological connection to electrical networks is sent by the customer personally or through an authorized representative. You can also send the relevant document to the network company by letter. In some cases, providers may request that you pre-arrange the application process over the phone. But in any case, it is recommended to contact the network company in advance and find out which method of document transfer will be optimal.

Signing the contract

After the application for technological connection to electrical networks is processed by the supplier, the relevant organization draws up and sends to the customer a draft contract, as well as technical conditions as an appendix to it. The network company must prepare and send the contract to the customer in general case within 30 days from receipt of the application.

If the partner is not satisfied with the terms of the contract, then he has the right to send to the supplier a reasoned refusal to conclude the contract, as well as proposals for its adjustment. If, within 60 days from the date of receipt of the draft agreement, the customer does not confirm his consent to conclude it or does not express a desire to make changes to it, the application for accession is canceled. But as soon as the copy signed by the customer is received by the network company, the contract between it and the consumer is considered concluded.

Fulfillment of the terms of the contract

Technological connection to electrical networks is a legal relationship in which the rights and obligations of the parties are assumed to arise. Their list is prescribed in the contract, which is drawn up and concluded by the electricity supplier and the consumer at the previous stage. After the contract is signed, the parties must carry out the activities provided for by it. Their list can be presented in sufficient detail wide range- but mainly these activities are aimed at preparing the necessary infrastructure for putting facilities into operation.

Permission from authorities

Technological connections to electrical networks can only be carried out if the admission of certain facilities into operation is permitted by the competent federal authority that carries out technological supervision. Please note that the Rules of Accession, approved by law, may stipulate cases in which obtaining the appropriate permission is not required for certain categories of applicants.

Actual connection and supply of electricity

After permission for technological connection has been received, the actual connection of the customer’s facilities to the electrical networks can be carried out. As part of this procedure, various technical events related to setting up the applicant’s infrastructure and supplying electricity to it. After being checked required parameters networks and their activation will be allowed - electricity is supplied.

about accession

The final stage of the technological connection procedure is the signing of an act on its implementation. In addition, compiling of this document may be accompanied by the formation of a number of other sources. In particular, such as an act on the delimitation of the balance, on operational responsibility, coordination of technological or emergency armor.

Let us consider in more detail what specific measures are implemented within the framework of such a procedure as technological connection to electrical networks. Russian Government Decree No. 861 also regulates their list.

Joining Events

Relevant activities include:

Preparation of technical specifications;

Development project documentation;

Fulfillment of technical conditions;

Inspection of electricity receiving devices;

Actual connection and activation of the switching infrastructure.

Let us consider the specifics of these events in more detail.

Activities during technological connection: preparation of technical specifications

The rules for connecting to electrical networks require this measure to be carried out. In addition, this company must also agree with the system operator - the person who performs operational and dispatch functions in electric power systems, as well as with related organizations that provide services for the supply of electricity, in cases established by law.

Development of project documentation

The development of relevant documentation is carried out by both the network company and the connection customer. In this case, the first subject of legal relations must follow the obligations that are specified in the technical conditions. The customer develops this documentation, in particular if technological connection to electrical networks is carried out land plot. In this case, it must reflect the boundaries of the relevant territory. Let us note that in some legal relations the customer does not develop design documentation.

Fulfillment of technical conditions

The next event that must be carried out as part of the technological connection procedure is the implementation of the approved technical conditions. IN in this case tasks are assigned, again, to both the network company and its customer. The first subject of legal relations, in particular, is responsible for connecting devices for receiving electricity to the infrastructure that ensures emergency operation of the automation.

The event in question also involves the network company checking the customer’s compliance with technical conditions. Results of this procedure technological rules connections to electrical networks are required to be recorded in separate acts. This check is not carried out if:

The maximum power of the applicants' devices for receiving electricity does not exceed 150 kW within the framework of temporary connection;

The applicant is an individual, and its equipment has a power not exceeding 15 kW.

Device Survey

This event, in turn, must be carried out by a representative of the competent federal body authorities who are responsible for carrying out state supervision in the field of electricity supply. In addition, the network company and the owner of the electricity receiving devices can also participate in the survey. In some cases, a representative of the organization performing operational dispatch functions is involved in the event in question.

Actual connection

This event actually corresponds to one of the stages we discussed above, which establish the rules for technological connection to electrical networks. Thus, it is planned to connect the customer’s facilities to the power grid, and then activate the switching infrastructure. Similarly, as soon as the relevant event is completed, acts are signed: on accession, delimitation of balance, operational responsibility, approval of reservation.

The most important aspect of legal relations within the framework of which the technological connection of objects to power grids is carried out is payment for the services of electricity suppliers. Let's take a closer look at it.

Payment for services of electricity suppliers

Payment for technological connection to electric networks - IDGC or another supplier - is carried out in accordance with tariffs, rates per unit of power, as well as payment formulas approved by the relevant organization. In addition, the customer may be required to pay costs that, from a legal point of view, are not included in the connection fee. Lists of these costs are usually fixed in separate legal acts adopted by the authorities of Russian regions.

It can be noted that the customers of network companies’ services in many cases are budgetary organizations. In this case, they need to correctly reflect the costs of technological connection to electrical networks in the balance sheet. KOSGU - Classifier of operations of the public administration sector, prescribes budgetary institutions fix these costs within the framework of subsection 226.

Certain nuances characterize the connection to networks of private residential buildings. Let's take a closer look at them.

Connection to electrical networks of private houses

The rules of accession are generally based on the same rules of law that govern the corresponding procedure, the participants of which are legal entities. The algorithm for solving the problem of connecting an individual to the electrical grid at home involves the following basic actions:

Contacting the network company closest to the land plot,

Submitting an application to the appropriate organization, a plan for the location of devices for receiving electricity,

Copies of documents certifying ownership of a private house and plot,

Obtaining and fulfilling technical conditions - independently within the site, with the assistance of a network company - outside it,

Organizing the inspection of network company equipment and its actual connection.

In general, the actions of the home owner are obviously similar to those that characterize the tasks of the organization ordering the services of the network company, which we discussed above in the context of technological connection activities. In this sense, the legislator’s approaches to regulating this procedure are characterized by uniformity.

At the same time, it is quite possible that one or another rule for connecting electrical installations to electrical networks, formulated in a certain way in the legislation, in practice can be interpreted differently in the context of solving problems characterizing the connection of corporate and private facilities. Therefore, in order to carry out the technological connection procedure in full compliance with the requirements of the law, it is advisable for the home owner to seek advice from competent specialists.

The cost of services for connecting residential buildings to electrical networks is usually based on calculations based on the tariff for 15 kW of connected power. The distance of a residential building to the nearest object is also important. If it exceeds established by law indicators, then technological connections to electrical networks are carried out on the basis of a tariff determined by orders of regional authorities. For example, the tariff service or the energy commission.

The time period for connecting residential buildings to power grids should not exceed 6 months if the supplier’s energy infrastructure is located at a distance of up to 300 meters from the customer’s property in the city, or within 500 meters in rural areas. This period increases to 1 year if the distance exceeds the specified values.

Upon completion of connecting the house to the electrical grid, acts are signed, as in the case of legal relations involving legal entities, on technological connection, delimitation of the balance and operational responsibility of the customer and supplier.

The rules determine the list of persons and objects subject to this regulation. Among them:

  • facilities engaged in the production of electricity,
  • objects belonging to electrical network facilities,
  • devices that receive electricity for consumer needs.

These Rules have the force of law and are approved by decree of the Government of Russia and it applies to those cases when the following occurs:

  • energy receiving devices of new facilities put into operation;
  • energy receiving facilities in which, for technical reasons, the following indicators of the level of reliability of electricity supply, connection points, and production methods have been changed. At the same time, changes appeared in the facility’s power supply circuit, although this did not lead to changes in the increase or decrease in permissible power.

Technological connection- a mandatory condition for connecting electricity to the consumer

Connecting electricity to the consumer becomes possible only after such a mandatory procedure as technological connection- and everyone is subject to it electrical devices and equipment. It is worth noting that similar works must be carried out in accordance with the regulations specified in the current regulations and carried out by qualified companies. Unauthorized connection is illegal and can have serious consequences for the offender. Let's look at all the intricacies of technological connection.

What is technological

According to current government rules, such a thing as technological connection to electrical networks is a set of measures aimed at supplying electricity to consumer equipment from electrical networks. This procedure carried out not only for new energy-receiving devices, but also for those specifications which have been changed (this may be changes in power supply circuits or a change in connection points).

In what cases is it not necessary to repeat connection to electrical networks

When an object that is already a registered consumer of electrical energy changes its owner, then connection to electrical networks not required if two conditions are met:

  • the previous owner made an authorized connection of all energy equipment in accordance with the current regulations;
  • the new owner’s activities do not require changes to the facility’s electricity supply schemes.

Wherein new owner must notify the network organization supplying electricity about the transfer of ownership rights to this facility.

How is technological connection to electrical networks

As a rule, the process connection procedure is carried out in five stages:

  1. Application for connection to electrical networks.
  2. An agreement is concluded, to which technical conditions are attached.
  3. The parties to the agreement fulfill all its terms.
  4. Based on the results of the merger, all necessary acts are drawn up.
  5. An object connected to the power grid receives permission to operate.

All of the above activities are regulated by relevant government regulations.

Why is it so important to consider

If you want to connect an object to the power supply system, you will have to take everything into account rules for technological connection to electrical networks- only in this case the connection will have legal grounds. The professionals of the Center for Energy Solutions and Innovations (http://website) will not only help you understand all the nuances of this procedure, but will also perform everything efficiently necessary work By

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