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Rules for formatting the text of a page footnote. Add footnotes and endnotes in Word for Mac and iOS

One of the tasks that every author faces is to convey the meaning of his work to the reader. The presence of terms or specific vocabulary can complicate this process.

Footnotes are special links to comments-explanations. Numbers and signs are used to designate footnotes. The author arranges the characters in the text manually in the required places. Notes can be placed both at the bottom of each page, and at the end of the entire text. The ability to place footnotes is also provided in the MS Word text editor.

How to make footnotes in Word: place explanations in the middle of the text

This type of links is the most convenient for the reader, as it allows you to see the source of the information or comment-explanation on the same page as the main text. You do not have to be distracted and go to the end of the document, and then come back. How to set footnotes in text?

Working with prepared text

  • Place the mouse cursor after the word that needs clarification.
  • Highlight it.
  • Select "Insert Link" (or "Insert Footnote").
  • Next to the selected word and at the end of the page (under the line) will appear the serial number of the link.
  • Under the line, you type text - an explanatory comment or the source of the information provided.

The first serial number is "1" ("A"). You can keep consecutive numbering or start again from one on each page.


The question of the further location of the footnotes can be decided even before writing the text.

  • Go to the "Links" section.
  • In the "Footnotes" block, click the icon in the lower right corner - a small arrow in a square.
  • A window opens in front of you to set the format, location and features of the numbering of links.
  • In the "Regulations" column, select the "Footnotes" item.
  • In the drop-down list, specify the position of the links - text will be placed in one or more columns, whether there will be continuous numbering in the document, what symbols will be used to indicate footnotes.
  • Next, press the "Apply" button.

How to make footnotes in Word: place explanations at the end of the document

Endnotes are most often used to indicate the literature that the author refers to when submitting information. They can be located either at the end of the entire document, or at the end of each section. There are several ways to set up such links.

Working with the finished document

  • Place the mouse cursor next to the word that needs clarification.
  • Go to the "Links" tab.
  • In the "Footnotes" section, find the "Insert Endnote" option.
  • You click on it.
  • In the place where the cursor was placed, a link symbol appears, and at the end of the document - a horizontal line with a similar designation.
  • Write your comment below.

Link preconfiguration

You can specify the features of the location and numbering of endnotes even at the stage of planning and structuring the text.

  • In the "Link" tab, go to the "Footnotes" block.
  • Click on the arrow icon in the lower right corner.
  • In the window that appears, mark the item "Endnotes" and their location - the end of the text or section.
  • Proceed to the choice of symbols for designating links and numbering type.
  • Click the "Apply" button.

Footnotes in Word: application features

If you have comments on each page, then you just need to decide on their appearance (number of columns) and designation.

  • When the text contains chapters, sections, and each such block will be numbered, be sure to set the “Section break”. To do this, go to "Page Layout" - "Breaks" - "Section Breaks". Choose "Next Page".
  • In some cases, the author prefers to set different footnote designations for different chapters or paragraphs. To do this, in the link options, when choosing a number format, select "Apply" - "To the current section".

Properly placed footnotes in the text greatly facilitate the perception of the material presented.

How to make footnotes (bibliographic references)

Attention! The term " footnotes”is not a synonym for bibliographic references, and it is incorrect to use it in this case!

However, the vast majority of students, when writing term papers and theses, are looking for an answer to the question: “ how to make footnotes ", I mean how to format bibliographic references. That is why we will use the correct term in the article - bibliographic references. Next, we describe the differences between these concepts. Unfortunately, university professors themselves often use the term " footnotes” is wrong, misleading the students themselves.

How to format bibliographic references in

footnotes, when writing term papers and theses

Bibliographic references in term papers and theses are drawn up according to the rules of the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for drafting”, approved. by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated April 28, 2008 N 95-st. Entered into force for the first time since January 1, 2009.

At the same time, GOST 7.1-2003 continues to operate successfully, but it does not apply to references, but it is recommended to make a list of references just in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 !!!

Despite the current GOST for the design of bibliographic references, the experience of writing term papers and theses shows that universities continue to establish independent requirements for the design of bibliographic references and lists of references for diploma work. Despite this, if you do not know how bibliographic references are made out in footnotes in your educational institution, feel free to use the above-mentioned GOST.If there are any questions in relation to you, refer to this GOST for the design of bibliographic references (footnotes in common parlance), in force in the Russian Federation.

The most interesting thing is that requirements for the design of bibliographic references different in different universities. Therefore, it is so important to use a methodological guide for writing a course (thesis) work.

How to make bibliographic references, how to make footnotes: recommendations

What is a footnote and a bibliographic reference, and how do they differ from each other

Footnote- this is an additional text placed at the very bottom of the page under the main text and separated from it by a line (Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. St. Petersburg, 2001). A footnote may contain notes to the main text, translations of a foreign text, bibliographic references, etc.

Bibliographic link contains bibliographic information (author, title, imprint, physical characteristics (pages), etc.) about the document (book, article, etc.) cited, considered or mentioned in the text of the work.

And the relationship between a footnote and a bibliographic reference is this: a footnote is the place at the bottom of the page where you can put a bibliographic reference.

Here we will talk about the design of the latter.

According to GOST R 7.0.5-2008, there are three types of bibliographic references: in-text, out-of-text and subscript.

I. Intratext link contains additional information about the link object that is not included in the body of the document. An inline link is enclosed in parentheses. This design of bibliographic references is used extremely rarely in universities. For design examples, see GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

II. Off-text bibliographic references taken out of the text of the work. They are numbered and linked to the main text by a system of references. References are enclosed in square brackets, for example: , where 8 is the serial number of the document included in the text references, 15 is the page to which you refer in the document under No. 8.


III. Subscript bibliographic references got their name because they are taken out of the text down the strip (page), in a footnote.


In Microsoft Word, on the toolbar, which is located at the top of the computer screen, select the "Insert" window, then "link - footnote". Now you need to set the format of the footnote: select the numbering of the footnote "on each page". Now, throughout the text of the thesis, subscript links will be located exactly on the page where our quote is located.

Example of subscript bibliographic references

EXAMPLE: 1. If we have indirect speech in the text, as in the example, then to the link itself it is necessary to add words like: see about this:, see, for example: etc. O. Shilokhvost, believing that the contracts provided for by part four of the Code can be built both on the model of a consensual and on the model of a real contract, nevertheless indicates that "the best model should be considered a consensual contract." one

1 See about this: Commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part four (item-by-article) / rev. ed. L. A. Trakhtengerts. M. : CONTRACT -: INFRA-M, 2009. S. 45.

Accordingly, if direct speech, then the link is made as follows:

The well-known legal scholar Yu. A. Krokhina gives the following definition of the concept of control: “Control is a legal structure designed to ensure strict and strict enforcement of laws, compliance with legal discipline by public authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities” 2 .


2 Krokhina Yu. A. Financial Law of Russia. General part: textbook. - M. : Norma, 2008. - S. 135.

According to paragraph 4.9.1 of GOST R 7.0.5-2008, “it is allowed to replace the prescribed sign dot and dash with a dot separating the areas of the bibliographic description.” So the same bibliographic reference might look like this:

Krokhina Yu. A. Financial Law of Russia. General part: textbook. M. : Norma, 2008. S. 135.

Dear students, make out bibliographic references in the footnotes of diploma and term papers according to the standard!

In the training manual for the thesis (course) work, there may be other requirements for the design of bibliographic references in footnotes. These differences are mainly related to the placement of the dash, the indication of the publisher in which the book was published, the emphasis on the author's name in italics or bold, changing the font size of the footnote to 12 or 10, indicating the ISBN (for example, ISBN: 978-5-93684-061-6 ) etc. THEREFORE, THE MANUAL FOR THE THESIS (COURSE) WORK IS MANDATORY TO READ! It is possible that your university has other requirements that differ from the standard ones.

Different sources of information (textbook, monograph, article in a magazine or newspaper, legal act, electronic resources, etc.) are formatted in different ways. In order not to be unfounded, we will give specific examples of the design of references in footnotes to sources from the methodological manual of a state university in our country.

Technical points

When designing a footnote, you need to perform the following operations on the computer in sequence: Insert → Footnote → Normal → Bottom of the page → Number format 1,2,3… → Start from each page (or “Links” menu tab → Insert footnote). Now, throughout the text of the work, footnotes will be located exactly on the page where our quote is located.

Footnotes in the work are page-by-page, that is, they are formed at the bottom of the sheet with a separate numbering on each sheet or continuous numbering. Footnotes are subject to the same design rules as the bibliography, with the only difference being that the page from which the information was taken is indicated. In the case of material taken from two pages, double values ​​are entered through spaces and hyphens (the rule for placing pages in periodicals).

If the footnote refers to material taken from the Internet, then the full Internet path to this material is indicated.

The main text of the footnote is typed in Times New Roman with a regular style and font size 10, with single line spacing. Justify the font.

The footnote sign is written together with the last letter of the last word in the sentence. The punctuation mark is placed after the footnote, also together with it.

For example: N.V. Samarina in her article analyzes the socio-cultural basis of the relationship between the state and society 1 .

If on one page of the text a repeated reference follows the primary reference to the same document (source), then the bibliographic description is replaced by the words "Ibid" and the page number is indicated.

For example:

1 Legal communication. Statement of the problem / Ed. L.S. Mamut. Moscow: Yurlitinform. 2012. P.45.

2 Ibid. S. 58.

For example:

1 Marchenko M.N. Decree. op. S. 98.

If several references to different works of the same authors are given in a row, then in the second and subsequent references the names of the authors can be replaced by the words “He”, “She”, “They”, “His”, “Her” , "Them."

For example:

O. Shilokhvost, believing that the contracts provided for by part four of the Code can be built both on the model of a consensual and on the model of a real contract, nevertheless, indicates that “the best model should be considered a consensual contract 1 .

1 See about this: Commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part four (item-by-article) / Otv. ed. L.A. Trakhtengerts. M .: Law Firm "KONTRAKT", Infra-M, 2009. P. 45.

1 For more information about the autonomization of social norms and their features in primitive society, see: Murashko L. O. Initial types of social normativity // Journal of Russian law. 2002. No. 2. pp. 83–95.

Quoting in the text of the work can be either direct or indirect. With direct quotation you express the author's thought (opinion) without changes and in quotation marks, while in the footnote after the number immediately goes the description of the publication.

For example:

The well-known legal scholar Yu. A. Krokhina gives the following definition of the concept of control: “Control is a legal structure designed to ensure strict and strict enforcement of laws, compliance with legal discipline by public authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities 2 ”.

2 Financial law of Russia: textbook. A common part. / Yu. A. Krokhina. M.: Norma, 2008. P.135.

1 Tishaev B.B. The main approaches to the classification of the economic and legal status of an individual // History of State and Law. 2008. No. 18. P.15.

When citing indirectly you are retelling the author’s thoughts in your own words (that is, you are not using an exact quote), in this case no quotation marks are put in the text, and in a footnote before the description of the publication “See:”, “Sm. more: "etc..

For example:

O. Shilokhvost, believing that the contracts provided for by part four of the Code can be built both on the model of a consensual and on the model of a real contract, nevertheless, indicates that a consensual contract 1 should be considered the optimal model.

1 See: Commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part four (item-by-article) / Resp. ed. L.A. Trakhtengerts. M .: Law Firm "KONTRAKT", Infra-M, 2009. P. 45.

Social norms as generally recognized forms of behavior arose at the dawn of human society, and regulate a wide range of relations that arise in the process of implementing political, socio-cultural tasks facing society or an individual 1 .

1 See, for more details: Murashko L.O. Initial types of social normativity // Journal of Russian law. 2002. No. 2. pp. 83–95.

If you make a footnote to normative legal act , then the first time it is mentioned in the text, a reference to the full imprint of the document is required, in the future, if you again refer to the specified normative act, an additional reference is not required.

For example:

For all forms of education within the framework of a specific basic general education or basic professional educational program, the unified federal state educational standard or federal state requirements 1 apply.

1 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014) "On Education in the Russian Federation" // Official Internet portal of legal information 12/30/2012

The problem of how to make footnotes in a Word is most often faced by students writing qualification papers, diplomas, coursework. Recently, schoolchildren have been actively participating in design and research competitions, where strict requirements are also imposed on the design of citations, the use of borrowed tests, and even the mention of thoughts belonging to other authors. In all these cases, it is necessary to indicate the source, the name of the author of the statement. This is where footnotes are made in Word(e).

Footnote types

Footnotes are regular and trailer

Regular footnotes are set as a superscript (most often a serial number), and additional information is automatically placed at the end of the page:

Endnotes. They are written in square (rarely round) brackets and indicate the number of the note or source in the bibliography. Endnotes can refer to a list of references or notes at the end of a section or at the end of an entire document.

Now let's talk in more detail about how footnotes are created.

By tradition, we will show this in the form of a step-by-step algorithm.

  1. To make a footnote in a Word, place the cursor at the end of a word or quote.
  2. Go to the Links tab.
  3. On the Footnotes panel, we find a large inscription-command Insert footnote. We choose her

It remains only to find the same number at the bottom of the sheet under the line and enter additional information, the text of the footnote.

  1. The footnote is ready.

By the way, to go to the text of a footnote or note, you do not have to use the scroll bar - double-clicking on the number of the footnote will take you to the end of the page and vice versa, double-clicking on the number at the bottom of the sheet will return you exactly to the place in the text where this footnote was inserted. Those. in an electronic document, a footnote works like a regular active link.

The footnotes you create are easy to find. Press ctrl+f and the Navigation window will open on the left side of the window. Select Footnotes from the search options.

Working with endnotes

Note that the footnote in the text is superscripted (a small number above the body text).

Most often, this option needs to be disabled. To do this, select a number, and on the Home tab, deselect the Superscript button.

We get a regular record, we enclose it in square brackets.

Additional settings

You can configure special settings for footnotes in the dialog box (click on the arrow on the panel):

We study the settings. We select the desired option.

Well that's all. We hope that the article helped you find the answer to the question of how to make footnotes in Word. It remains only to wish success in applying the acquired knowledge.

Footnotes- These are small notes to the text, usually placed at the bottom of the page and separated from the main text by a horizontal line. The footnote font in documents makes the font size of the body text smaller.

Each footnote in a document is identified in the text by a special footnote character, usually a small uppercase number.

Adding a footnote to a MS Word 2007/2010 document

In order to make a footnote in MS Office Word 2007 (2010), let's consider a simple example.

Let's say we have a piece of arbitrary text in a Word document (Fig. 1):

In order to add a footnote to the text, place the cursor in the text where the footnote will be - a link to the explanatory text.

Then, in the toolbar, select the " Links", and in the toolbox " Footnotes» press the button « Insert Footnote"(Fig. 2):

After adding a footnote, the cursor will move to the bottom of the document sheet, where the footnote number and horizontal bar will be displayed. Here you need to specify the explanatory text for the new footnote. For example, as shown in fig. 3:

The Microsoft Word program offers the possibility to view the explanation of the footnote immediately in the text. This means that there is no need to scroll the document to the end of the page to read the explanation for the footnote - just move the mouse cursor to the number of the footnote or to the word after which this number is, and hold for a couple of seconds. A tooltip will appear with the text we added as an explanation at the bottom of the page (Fig. 4):

Endnotes in MS Word 2007/2010

Endnotes are the usual footnotes in a Word document. They differ only in that the horizontal line and explanatory text are located at the end of the document. This means that if your document is less than one page, then the explanatory text will be immediately below the main text of the document (Fig. 5):

At the same time, if the document is, for example, 10 pages, and the index number is on the first page, then the explanatory text will be located at the end of the document, i.e. on the tenth page.

To add an endnote to a Word document, select the " Links”, then in the toolbox “ Footnotes» press the button « Add Endnote» (Fig. 6):

To remove an endnote, you need to follow the same steps as when removing a regular footnote in a Word document (see below).

Removing a footnote from a MS Word 2007/2010 document

To remove a footnote, you do not need to call special commands in Word. To delete a footnote, just place the cursor after the number of the footnote, press the " backspace” (Space) on the keyboard, which will highlight the number, then press the “ Delete”, i.e. just remove that character. As a result, the footnote associated with this figure will be automatically deleted.

This short article is intended to help novice users of Microsoft Office Word 2007 (2010) in working with footnotes in documents. If you have any questions or requests, please leave a comment below. We will be notified and will try to respond as soon as possible.

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