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Practical work on the computer operator. Computer operator at the factory

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Practical work Verd №1.docx


Work number 1.

"Entering and editing text, defining modes and viewing scale of the document"

Objectives of the work:

    get acquainted with the basic concepts of a text editor;

    learn how to create, save and open documents;

    masterinstallationpage parameters;

    meet tochangetype and scale of presentation of the document on the screen;

    learn how to search for files;

    learn toselect fragments of text different ways, theircopy and move;

    learn automatically ncheck spelling and hyphenation of words in the text.



    Createnewfile, enter text.

    Save document to drive C: \ My Documentsunder the name Example1.doc. Close the document.

    Openfile Example1.doc, addtextandsave the file with the same name.

    Installpage settings.

    Changetype of document in different modes viewing. Zad different scaleswould display the document on the screen. Preview the document before printing in preview mode.Close the document file, saving the changes made.

    Find fileExample1.doc, using commandStart  Find  Files and folders and open it.Move around the document using special keys.

    Selection of fragments of text.

    Copy the first paragraph to the end of the text and then delete itpouring.

    Using control buttons< Cancel>,<Вернуть>.

    Check spelling and hyphenation.

    Present the results of the work to the teacher. Exit the editor and save the changes in the document.

Work technology

Task number 1. Run Microsoft Word... Explore some of the topics in Word Help.

Operating procedure:

    RunMicrosoftWordby clicking the buttonStart, choosing inHeads num menu WindowsProgram item, and then in the list of programsMicrosoftWord.

    Explore HelpWordabout automatic startMicrosoftWordwhen you turn on the computer, for which call the helpWordclickingbutton "?" in the main menu of the editor. In the help window, select the tabTable of contents, themeStartup and parameters, chapterInstallation and configuration, then selectConfiguring the startup of Microsoft Word . After studying the lawMinimize help window to the taskbarWindows.

Task number 2. Create new file, enter text.

Operating procedure:

    Create a new document file,file-create


“A significant proportion of the time of modern personal computers is spent on processing various text information. Type of processed documents: prose, table, language program programming.

Processing of textual information on a computer is provided packages application programs - text editors (text pro cessors). Distinguish between built-in text editors (in Norton Commander , in Turbo Pascal, etc.) and independent ( Editor , Lexicon , MultiEdit , Microsoft Word ).

In the process of preparing text documents, you can select the next next steps:



orthographic control, text formatting, markup pages;

printing (preview before printing text on the screen, printing on paper magician) ".

Operating procedure:

    Write downdocument to drive C: to folderMy documents under the nameExample 1.doc, why run the commandFile  Save As .

Rice. 4. Dialog boxSaving the document

In the dialog boxSaving the document in fieldFolderopen folderMy documents, in fieldFile nameset a nameExample1, open the listtypes in the fieldFile type and choose the typeWord 97-2003 document (* .doc),thenclick the button< Save> .

    Close the document file with the commandClosemenuFile.

Task number 4. Open file Example1.doc, add text and save the file under the same name

Operating procedure:

    AgainopenfileExample 1.docteamOpen menu File . In the dialog boxOpening a document in fieldFolderopen folderMy documents, in fieldFile typechoose typeWord document (* .doc), then in the list of files, select the file with the mouseExample 1.docand clickbutton< Open> .

Rice. 5. Dialog boxOpening a document


“A word processor is commonly referred to as a powerful text processor. a dactor with advanced processing capabilities text documents. Among these functions:

formatting of paragraphs (alignment to the width of the page and av tomatical hyphenation);

page design ( automatic numbering, entering a header fishing and footnotes);

registration document (automatic construction of tables of contents and pointers);

creation and processing of tables;

spell check, etc. "

    Savefile under the same name by commandFile  Save or click on the iconPreservation on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Task number 5. Set page parameters.

Operating procedure:

Installthe followingpage settings for the whole document:

    paper orientation:landscape ;

    margins: Top and Bottom - 2 cm, Left - 3 cm, Right -1 cm;

To change the page parameters, execute the PAGE LABEL commandon the menu. In the tabFields - custom fields set specified signsfield readings,in fieldOrientation enable parameterlandscape .

Task number 6. Change the view of the document in different view modes. Set different scales of the document image on the screen. Preview the document before printing in preview mode. Close the document file, saving the changes made.

Operating procedure:

    By choosing from the menuViewcommands:Page Layout, Web Document, Reading Mode, Outline,observe the changetype of document in different viewing modes.

By clicking the button<Масштаб>on the View toolbar, command Scale, set the following scales of the document image on the screen: 100%, 200%, 75%, fit to page width, fit to text, whole page, multiple pages and observe the image of the document at different scales.

Rice. 6. WindowScale

    Switch to modePreview before printing,by executing the command in the menufile - seal . View opportunities.Close the document file, save the changes made, and close the windowWord.

Task number 7. Find the file Example1.doc and open it. Move around the document using special keys.

Operating procedure:

    Move around the document by checking the actions of the comkey bindings:< Home>, +, +, +, +.

Task number 8. Selection of fragments of text.

Operating procedure:

    Find andhighlight in green in the text of the word:symbol, text, paragraph, tables, CPU, for this:

I way place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the word and, while holding down the left mouse button, “paint over” the word;

Method II position the cursor at the beginning of the word and with the pressed key< Shift> move through the word with the cursor keys;

III way double-click on the word with the left mouse button.

IV way in another way known to you

    Highlight first line, for this useIorIIway of highlighting words;

    Similarly to step 2, select the first 2 lines.

    Highlight first paragraph, for this you can useIorIIway of highlighting words or three times left-clicking on a paragraph.

    Select all text, for this useIorIIways of highlighting words or run the commandmain- highlight , or press the key combinationCtrl + A , which is more suitable for selecting all text.

Task number 9. Copy the first paragraph to the end of the text and then delete it.

Operating procedure:

    Copy the first paragraph to the end of the text, for this:

    highlight the first paragraph,

    execute commandmain - copy

    position the cursor at the end of the text

    execute commandmain - insert and paste this paragraph twice

    Udapour one of the inserted fragments, for this:

    highlight a paragraph;

    press the key < Delete>.

Task number 10. Using control buttons<Отменить>, <Вернуть>.

Operating procedure:

Task number 11. Check spelling and hyphenation.

Operating procedure:

    To check spelling, run the File-Options-Spelling command and follow the instructions in the Spelling and Spelling dialog box that opens.

    Arrange word hyphenation, for which call the commandPage layout - hyphenation - hyphenation options

Rice. 8 Dialog boxHyphenation

set the Automatic word wrap checkbox in the command window, set the width of the hyphenation zone to 0.3 cm.

Task number 12. Present the results of the work to the teacher. Exit the editor and save the changes in the document.

Operating procedure:

    C: \ My Documents \ Example1.doc, the text of the document must contain 4 paragraphs;

    page settings:

orientation - book;

margins: top and bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm;

    There are several ways to exit the editor:

    by executing the command File  Exit;

    by clicking on the title bar of the program;

    at simultaneous pressing key combinations< Alt> + < F4>

When asked about saving changes to the documentExample1.doc answer in the affirmative.

Selected document for viewing Practical work Verd №4.docx


Practical work No. 4.

"Presentation of information in tabular form"

Target : - learn how to create tables in various ways;

    learn how to edit and format tables;

    learn how to make calculations using the formulas in the table;

    consolidate skills in editing and formatting data, previewing a document before printing


    Start Word. Create a class schedule table in a new file.

    Make out the table.

    At the end of the document, enter a list of students.

    Sort this list and create a table from it.

    Add a column to the left and a row to the top of the table.

    Add a row after the bottom row of the table.

    Make calculations using the formulas in the table.

    Preview document before printing. Save the created document.

    Assignment for independent work : create a table, format it, save as Table 1.doc. Submit results.

    Log offfrom the editor, saving the changes. Turn off your computer.

Work technology

Task number 1. Create a class schedule table in a new document.

Operating procedure:

RunWordand create a new file. Create a table to record the class schedule for the week of the following form:











































Task number 2. Checkout the table,setting the borders of the frames, as indicated in the example table.

Operating procedure:

    Using the commandConstructor- Styles- Borders- All Borders set the display of the borders of the table (note what other options are offered to you). Fill the cells with the recording of the days of the week with the color of your choice on the Fill tab (Constructor-Styles).

    Fill the table header (day, subject) with a 15% filling of the color of your choice against a background of a different color (call the context menu on the selected cell or group of cells, selectborders and shading , in the window that appears in the Fill tab, select the required pattern, fill and colors).

Task number 3. At the end of the document, enter a list of students.

Operating procedure:

Go to the bottom of the document and enter a list of students with five names:






Task number 4. Sort this list and create a table from it.

Operating procedure:

    Select the list and sort it with the command Home-paragraph-sort. In the Sort Text dialog box, select the option to sort paragraphs in ascending order (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Window Sort text

    Create a table from the given list by running the commandInsert - Table  Convert Table (the list must be highlighted).

    In the Convert to Table dialog box, specify the number of columns 1, width - 3 cm, selecting the paragraph mark as a separator (Fig. 20),<ОК>.

Fig. 20 Window Convert to Table

Task number 5. Add a column to the left and a row to the top of the table.

Operating procedure:

    Select the last name column in the table and add the column to the left by clicking the buttonPaste left on the Layout toolbar - Rows & Columns - Insert Left.

    Set the left column width to 1 cm with the commandLayout - cell size .

    Select the first line and add a line at the top by clicking the buttonLayout - Insert from Top on the toolbar.

    Enter the title in the first line of the table: No. p / p Surnames.

    With the Surnames column selected, insert a new column on the left and move the text from the Surnames column into it. To do this, select the text in the Surnames column without selecting the cell symbol, and drag it with the mouse into the second column.

    Set the heading Height to the third column and set its width to 1.5 cm (similar to item 2 of this task).

    Put in the column No. p / p serial numbers: 1,2,3,4,5. Fill in the Height column with approximate height values, for example: 168, 173, 182, 177, 172.

Task number 6. Add a row after the bottom row of the table.

Operating procedure:

    Execute commandInsert - Table  Draw Table or click the button of the same name in the Design panel. The mouse pointer changes to a pen. Move the pen from one corner of the added line to the other. Then draw a border separating the Surname and Height column.

    Add two more such lines after the bottom line of the table (in any way).

    On the left side of the added lines, enter the following texts: Largest height, Smallest height, Average height.

Task number 7. In the corresponding cells of the Height column, insert the formulas for calculating the maximum, minimum and average height.

Operating procedure:

Rice. 22. Window Formula

Specify the cell where the formula is inserted and select Table  Formula;

    In the Formula window, enter the formula accordingly: = MAX (C2: C6) (IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE !!!) (Fig. 22);

    Perform similar actions to calculate the minimum and average values ​​of the fields, writing in the appropriate cells the formulas: =MIN(C2: C6), = AVERAGE(C2: C6).

Task number 8. Format the table.

Operating procedure:

Task number 9.Preview document before printing. Save document to disk C: \ My documentationunder the name Table.doc.

Operating procedure:

    Check the location of the table in the text using the File  Preview command. The table will look something like this:

p / p

















17 2

Largest rise


Smallest growth


Medium height


    Savedocument to drive C: \ My Documents under the name Table.doc.

Present the results of the work to the teacher: files Table.docwith two tables, Table 1.doc- independent work.

Task number 11

Exit the editor and save the changes in the documents. Turn off your computer.

Selected document for viewing Practical work No. 2 Verd.docx


Practical work No. 2.

"Text formatting"

Target : - learn how to format text;

    learn to use style, font, font size;

    learn to arrange text in columns;

    learn to decorate text with color and frame ;

    learn how to draw up a paragraph with a drop cap;

    learn to use the format by example;

    learn how to create bulleted and numbered lists;

    consolidate the skills for creating, saving and opening a document;

    to consolidate the skills of copying and moving text fragments


    Launch a text editorMicrosoftWord. Open file Example1.doc. Install the font to the whole documentTimesNewRomanCyrsize 12 points and Align the text to Width.

    Formatparagraph by setting parameters: alignvanieBy width, 1.5 cm, interval before paragraph 12 points, after - 6 points, betweenline intervalOne and a half.

Check the position of the text on the sheet.

    Set the style for the first paragraphHeading 1.

Checkoutparagraph of text styleHeading 2

    Change styleHeading 2by giving him a fontCourier Newsizerum16 points filling 5%.

    Make a paragraph starting with the text: "Word Processor rum is usually called a powerful text editor ... "In two columnsthe same width with a divider and 1 cm spacing between columns.

    Place a drop cap in the first paragraph.

    Save formatted documentunder the name Example2.dwasps... Present the result of the work to the teacher. Turn off computer.

Work technology

Task number 1. Open file Example1.doc. Install the 12 point Times New Roman Cyr font for the entire documentand Align Text To Width

Operating procedure:

    Launch a text editorMicrosoftWord.

    Open the file Example1.doc from the C: \ My Documents folder.

Rice. 9. Dialog windowFont

Select the entire document. Choose for him in the teamHome  Font (or on the selected text, click the context menu and selectfont ) font Times New Roman, 12 points (Fig. 9),OK... And align the text by clicking the Fit to Width icon on the toolbarhome -paragraph.

Note that in the dialog boxFontyou can also change the style, color of the text, underline, set the modification of the text and view the result of the changes.

Task number 2. Create a bulleted list.

Operating procedure:

    Select paragraphs:



spelling control, text formatting, page layout;

printing (preview before printing the text on the screen, printing on paper).

character formatting (using different fonts and weights);

paragraph formatting (alignment to the width of the page and automatic word wrap);

page design (automatic numbering, input of headers, footers and footnotes);

document formatting (automatic creation of tables of contents and indexes);

creation and processing of tables;

spell check etc.

Task number 3. Format the paragraph by setting the parameters: alignment Fit to width, indents to the left and right 1 cm, indent in the first line by 1.5 cm, spacing before the paragraph 12 points, after - 6 points, line spacing One and a half. Check the position of the text on the sheet

Operating procedure:

    Format a paragraph starting with words"A word processor is usually called ...", setting the following parameters: alignvanieBy width, left and right indents 1 cm, first line indent1.5 cm, interval before paragraph 12 points, after - 6 points, betweenline intervalOne and a half.

For this:

    set cursor to abzats;

    call the context menu and select the commandParagraph ;

    in the dialog boxParagraph in the tabIndents and spacing ask specified parameters(fig. 10) and click the button<ОК>for their application.

Rice. 10Dialog box Paragraph

    Check the position of the text on the sheet by switching to the preview modePreview before printing (File -> Print - Preview ).

Task number 4. Set the style for the first paragraph Heading 1. Style the paragraph of text "In the process of preparing text documentscomov, the following stages can be distinguished: ... " style Heading 2.

Operating procedure:

    Place the cursor in the first paragraph and style itHeading 1, for which, by clicking in the Style window on the panelhome , choose fromlist styleHeading 1 .

    Decorate a paragraph of text"In the process of preparing text documents comov, the following stages can be distinguished: ... " styleHeading 2 .

Task number 5. Change the style of Heading 2 to a Courier fontNew in size 16 pointsand border Frame with shadow with fill in gray filling 5%.

Operating procedure:

Change styleHeading 2by giving him a fontCourier Newsizerum16 points and the border Frame with a shadow filled with gray color behindfilling 5%,for this:

    In the Main menu - styles Heading 2, open the context menu on it, select Change ... from the drop-down list;

    In the Change Style window set the Courier New font, set the size to 16 points; clicking the button<Формат>, select Border;

    In the Borders and Fill window, on the Border tab, in the Type field, select a shadow, line ─, color - blue and width - 1.5 pt. On the Fill tab, select the pattern 5% gray, the background color is Turquoise, in the Apply to field, set the scope of the formatting to the paragraph. Finish setting the type of border and fill by clicking the button<ОК>;

    Then close the Change Style window by clicking the button<ОК>.

See how the styling of a paragraph of text has changed"In progress preparation of text documents, the following stages can be distinguished: ... " due to change in styleHeading 2.

Task number 6. Checkout a paragraph, starting with text: "Word process rum is usually called a powerful text editor ... " in two columns of the same width with a separator and a space between columns 1 cm wide.

Operating procedure:

    Select a paragraph by double-clicking onthe margin to the left of the paragraph;

    On the menuPage layout select teamLoudspeakers . In the Columns dialog box (fig 11) define the type of two columns, enable parameterDelimiter, in fieldWidth and spacing pergive a space between columns 1 cm, enable the parametercolumnsthe same width,in fieldApply choose youoption to selected text. By clicking<ОК>, finish formattingparagraph and view the result.

Rice. 12 . Window Initial letter

Rice. eleven . Dialog window Loudspeakers

Task number 7. Place a drop cap in the first paragraph.

Operating procedure:

Place a drop cap in the first paragraph. For this:

    Place the cursor in the first paragraph of text;

    Choose Format  Drop Cap;

    in the Drop Cap Dialog Box, select Position: in the text or in the field (Fig. 12);

    Set the Parameters: font - Garamond or Arial, height in lines - 3, distance from text - 0.25; click<ОК>.

View how the paragraph with the drop cap has changed.

Operating procedure:

Save a formatted document in the C: \ My Documents folderunder the name Example2.dos using the command File  Save how.

Present the result of the work to the teacher:

    two bulleted lists;

    a paragraph beginning with the words "A word processor is usually called ..." has the following options: alignmentBy width, indents on the left and right 1 cm, indent in the first line by 1.5 cm, spacing before paragraph 12 points, after - 6 points, line spacingOne and a half;

    the first paragraph is styledHeading 1;

    paragraph of text"In the process of preparing text documents comov, the following stages can be distinguished: " formalizedstyleHeading 2with fontCourier newsizerum16 points and the border Frame with a shadow filled with gray color behindfilling 5%;

    paragraph starting with the text: "A word processrum is usually called a powerful text editor ... "two columnsequal width with separator and column spacing1 cm;

    the first paragraph is framed with a drop cap;

    the formatted document is located in the folder C: \ My Documents \ Example2.dos

Selected document for viewing Practical work No. 3.docx


Practical Work No. 3.

"Inserting graphic objects.Printing a Document»

Target : - learn how to insert pictures, customize their image, set the position and text flow;

    learn how to convert drawings to a substrate;

    learn how to add a name to a picture and determine its position;

    Learn how to insert curly text in the WordArt object and give it the desired effect;

    learn how to insert autoshapes into the text;

    learn how to insert date and time into text;

    learn how to create footnotes on words;

    learn how to add pagination, determine its position on the page;

    learn how to print a document;

    to consolidate the skills of opening and saving a document, previewing a document


    RunMicrosoft Word... Insert a picture from a folder into a documentCollection Microsoft Office

    Insert a picture from a file into the last paragraph and adjust its image, add a title to it.

    Embed the drawing via the clipboard.

    Insert a WordArt at the end of the document by specifying the proverb text. Give the object the desired effect.

    Insert AutoShape into the text.

    Self-study assignment: Using the tools in the Drawing panel, draw your computer. On the screen, type the following text: “Exploring Inserting Graphics into Word document».

    Insert at the end of the document current date and time.

    Insert footnotes on words: prose, word processor, character formatting.

    Number the pages in the document.

    Print the first page on paper. Present the results of the work to the teacher.

    Turn off computer.

Work technology

Task number 1. RunMicrosoftWord... Open fileExample2.doc from the C: \ My Documents folder. Insert a picture from a folder into the first paragraph Microsoft collection Office (or from anywhere else), adjust its image, set the position and text flow. Convert the drawing to a substrate.

Operating procedure:

    RunWordand open the fileExample2.dos from folder C: \My documents.

    Insert a picture from a folder into the first paragraph. To do this, select the menu command Insert  Picture (or clip).In the panel that opens on the rightClip collectionselect hyperlinkArrange Clips.

    In the opened dialog boxClips on the panelList of collections open folderMicrosoft Offi Collection ceselect folderNature and in the right half of the window select the required picture,For example, Tiger ... Copy the picture to the clipboard by clicking on the picture right click mouse and in the context menu selectCopy ... Close the dialogCollection of picturesclicking the button<Закрыть>... When asked about saving a clip to the clipboard, answer -Yes.

    Paste a picture from the clipboard by executing the commandHome - Insert , orShift + Insert , or using the command Insert in the context menu .

    The picture you selected is inserted into the document. Click on it with the left mouse button to select it, while it will be highlighted (markers and an outline frame will appear along the outline of the picture). UseUsing markers on the outline frame of the picture, reduce its size (arbitrarily).

    Explore the buttons on the menuFormat (the picture must be highlighted!).

Isusing the panel toolsFormat, change contrastthe brightness and brightness of the image.

Task number 2. Insert a picture from a file into the last paragraph and adjust its image, add a title to it .

Operating procedure:

    Insert a picture from a file into the last paragraph, for which, by specifying the insertion point, select the command from the menuBox  Drawing ... In the dialog boxAdding a pictureopen the folder, select the file that contains the picture you want, and click the button< Insert >.

    Reduce the size of the figure (see instructions in item 5 of task No. 1 of this work).

    To insert a drawing as floatable, i.e. insert into graphics layer, which allows you to set its exact position on the page and place it in front of or behind text and other objects, select a picture, in the menuFormat - Arrange , findWrapping text and set the option to wrap text around the picturearound the frame ... View the result of changing the formatting options for the picture.

    Select the picture with the mouse and, holding down the left mouse button, drag it to the middle of the line, observing how the text wraps around the picture.

    Add a name to the picture, for which, by selecting the picture, in the context menu, select the commandInsert title ... In this case, the mouse pointer will take the form+ ... With the left mouse button pressed, draw the frame of the desiredthe size of the inscription, type the text of the inscription. Finish the set by clicking outside the frame. If necessary, resize the frame, as was done to resize the picture.

To the object Inscription the Format caption command is applicable, which is similar to the Format Picture command.

To delete an object Inscription select it by clicking on the frame and press the key< Delete>.

Task number 3. Embed the drawing via the clipboard.

Vwe will use a graphical editorPaint, in which the necessary drawing has already been created, or we will create it right now.

Operating procedure:

    Without closing the documentWordrun through the buttonStarttaskbar programPaint... A running program window will appear on the screen.

    Using the tools provided by the paint editor, create an illustration that you want to embed in a Word document. Select a fragment of the illustration intended for embedding, for which on the toolbarPaintclick on the button< Highlighting >, place your mouse cursor on the left top corner of this fragment and, keeping the left mouse button pressed, enclose this fragment with a dashed selection rectangle.

    On the editor menu barPaintselect teamEdit  Copy... The selection is now on the clipboard.

    Return to the Word window using the taskbar.

    Place the text cursor where you want the picture to be inserted in your Word document. Select from the menu Home- Insert-Paste special... A dialog box will appear on the screen.Paste special... In the list"How"chooseBitmap (Object).Click on the button< OK>... As a result graphic object prepared in editorPaint, will be inserted into your document.

In the future, this figure can be edited (resize, set the flow, etc.) as it was done in tasks 2, 3.

Task number 4. Insert a WordArt at the end of your document by specifying the proverb text. Give the object the desired effect.

Operating procedure:

Task number 5. Insert AutoShape into Text: stars, callouts, curly arrows.

Operating procedure:

    On the menuInsert - illustrations choose a toolShapes .

    Selecting from the offered autoshapes, specify the placeinsert into the document and set its size.

To the object Autoshapes the Format command is applicable, which is similar to the Picture Format command. To delete an object Autoshapes select it and press the key< Delete>.

Task number 6. Assignment for independent work.

Operating procedure:

Using the tools in the Drawing panel, draw your computer. Enter the text: "Explore inserting graphics into a Word document."

Task number 7. Insert the current date and time at the end of the document.

Operating procedure:

    On the menuInsert - text select teamdate and time

    Select the required format,<ОК>.

Task number 8. Insert regular footnotes on words: prose, word processors, character formatting .

Operating procedure:

Rice. 15 Window Footnotes

To insert a footnote on a wordprose mouthnew cursor to the end of a word, select from the menuLinks  footnotes and open the footnotes dialog (click on the small square in the lower right corner of the footnotes).In the Footnotes window, specify the Position, Footnote Format, click the button< Insert > (fig. 15).

    Enter footnote text in the footnote area at the bottom of the page (the text should contain explanations for these words).

    Click to return to the main body of the document.

    Similarly, enter footnotes for words.word processors, character formatting .

Task number 9. Number the pages in the document.

Operating procedure:

    Execute commandInsert  Headers and Footers - Page Numbers .

    In the windowPage numbers (fig. 16)determine the position of the numberTop of the page, alignmentOutside.

    By clicking the button< Format of page numbers > , define the format of the number,indicate from which number to start pagination of this document(fig. 17).By clicking< OK>, close a windowPage number formatand the windowPage numbers.

Rice. 16. Window Rooms pages

Rice. 17. Window Page number format

    Save the document with the same name.

Task number 10.View how the document looks like.Print the first page on paper.

Operating procedure:

    Switch to document preview mode beforeby clicking the button< Preview> on the toolbarStandard ...View the document, and then close the viewer.

    For nechat the current document, select the command from the menuFile Seal. In the dialog boxSeal in fieldPages specify the number 2, in the Copies field, specify the numberLo copies - 1, in the fieldTurn on choose optionAll pages of the range(fig. 18) and click the button< OK> to start printing.

Rice. 18. Dialog box Seal

    To watchAfter the printing process, right-click in the taskbarprinter icon and select the command from the context menuOpen. In the windowprinter, observe the print status of the document.Close the printer window.

You can also cancel printing of the document. To do this, you need to select a document, Find material for any lesson,

Computer's operator. Practical work. Strumpe N.V.

7 ed. - M .: 2015 .-- 112 p.

The set of practical tasks for independent execution on a personal computer contains sections: Windows operating system, MS Word text editor, table processor MS Excel, MS Access database management system, MS PowerPoint presentation development system. It is recommended for independent practical work of students on a personal computer and serves to consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained in the framework of studying the disciplines of the computer cycle, as well as to acquire skills in practical work on a PC.

Format: pdf

The size: 10 Mb

Watch, download:

Foreword 3
Chapter 1. Operating room Windows system 4
1.1. Operating system. File system 4
1.2. Graphical interface Windows 5
1.3. Standard Windows programs 6
1.4. Graphics editor Paint 7
Chapter 2. Text editor MS Word 9
2.1. Font formatting 9
2.2. Formatting paragraph 11
2.3. Force end of line. Nonbreaking Space 15
2.4. Making a drop cap 18
2.5. Page formatting. Columns 20
2.6. Numbered Lists 22
2.7. Bulleted Lists 23
2.8. Tiered Lists 23
2.9. Working with indexes 25
2.10. Creating footnotes 26
2.11. Inserting symbols 27
2.12. Embedding Graphics in Document 28
2.13. Drawing toolbar 30
2.14. Creating tables 32
2.15. Formatting tables 34
2.16. Calculations in Table 36
2.17. Document Styles 40
2.18. Working with templates 41
2.19. Creating an Index of Terms 42
2.20. Writing Math Formulas 44
2.21. WordArt Toolbar 45
2.22. Creating a table of contents 46
Chapter 3. MS Excel Spreadsheets 47
3.1. Basic concepts of MS Excel. Data types. Formatting a Table 47
3.2. Auto-fill function 50
3.3. Building Diagrams 51
3.4. Entering a formula. Calculations by formulas 52
3.5. Standard functions. Calculation of mathematical functions. Plotting 54
3.6. Using MS Excel to solve math problems 57
3.7. Constructing surfaces 58
3.8. Using MS Excel to solve accounting problems 60
3.9. Working with multiple worksheets 65
3.10. Calculation automation function Parameter selection 68
3.11. Logic functions 69
3.12. Data processing 72
3.13. Sorting and Filtering Data 75
3.14. Usage spreadsheet as a database 79
3.15. Using MS Excel for numerical modeling. Finding a Solution 83
Chapter 4. Database Management System MS Access 86
4.1. Basic concepts. Data Types 86
4.2. Designing the Structure and Creating a Table in Design Mode 87
4.3. Creating a Table Using the Wizard 88
4.4. Sorting records. Finding and Replacing Values ​​in Table 89
4.5. Filtering records 90
4.6. Forms. Creating a Shape Using the Wizard 91
4.7. Linking tables 93
4.8. Creating Forms Across Multiple Tables 94
4.9. Requests. Creating a request using the Wizard. Creating a Query in Design Mode 97
4.10. Calculated Fields in Request 100
4.11. Reports. Creating a Report Using the Wizard 102
Chapter 5. Program for creating computer presentations MS PowerPoint 104
5.1. Creating a Presentation Using Template 104
5.2. Creating hyperlinks in your presentation 105
5.3. Create a Presentation Using Graphics, Animation, and Hyperlinks 106
References 107

Practical work in computer science

Word processor WORD


Practical work 1

Topic: Basic Interface Concepts Windows

Lesson objectives:

- cognitive - to acquaint students with the basic concepts, interface and main menu of Windows.

Developing - the formation of a new system of concepts related to the graphical presentation of the interface

  1. Customize the desktop as you like: in the context menu of the desktop windows desktop select the Properties command and set the appearance style, select the background and splash screen.
  2. Open Main windows menu and create shortcuts on your Desktop Paint programs and MS WORD and position them in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. In the context menu of the taskbar, select the Date / Time Settings command and specify the current date and time.
  4. In the context menu of the taskbar, select the Properties command and configure the taskbar so that it automatically disappears from the screen.
  5. In the context menu of the taskbar, select the Properties command and remove the language indicator from the taskbar, change the switching of keyboard layouts.

Practical work 2

Topic: STANDARD WINDOWS "Notepad" and WordPad,

Lesson objectives:

- cognitive - to acquaint students with basic techniques for entering text, formatting a font and copying text fragments

Educational - education personality traits ensuring the success of performing activities: discipline, attentiveness, hard work

Answer the questions:

1. List the standard WINDOWS programs.

2. List utilities WINDOWS

3. Give comparative characteristics features of text editors Notepad and WordPad

4. Launch Notepad and type the following text:

In the second half of the last century, computers appeared, which were created to facilitate the work of mathematicians. Study of computer science and tools computing technology was necessary for scientists, software engineers and for computer maintenance personnel.

With the advent of the personal computer and information technology, accountants and clerks, writers, journalists and publishers, designers and architects, artists and designers, educators and students have gradually added to this category. What is informatics?

Informatics is a complex science about information and information processes, hardware and software means of informatization, information and communication technologies, as well as about the social aspects of the informatization process.

5. Copy the typed text and by running WordPad program, paste it.

7. Add the title “ Practical lesson”, Center it using the toolbar.

8. Using the Format - Font command, change the title font: color - red; type - Arial; typeface - bold with underline.

9. Change the style and font size of the body text to 16 italics.

Using the Insert - Object command, insert a picture or photo from a file after the text.

Practical work 3


Lesson objectives:

- cognitive - to acquaint students with the basic techniques of creating and transforming a computer drawing

Developing - the formation of a new system of concepts related to the creation of a graphic document

Educational - education of personal qualities that ensure the success of performing activities: discipline, attentiveness, hard work, creativity

Answer the questions:

1. List the types of computer graphics.

2. What type of graphics are drawings created with Paint?

3. What is the default format for files created in Paint?

4. List the formats of computer graphics files known to you.

Practical task 1

1. Start the Paint program.

2. Create a picture according to the suggested sample using: commands; text attributes panel; colored eraser.

3. Save the drawing in a private folder under the name "Apples".

4. Select the picture, copy it, open the Text 1 file in your personal folder, and insert the picture after the second paragraph. Close the Text 1 file and save the changes.

5. Create a "Pictures" folder in your personal folder and send the file to it Apples.

Practical task 2

1. Create a picture "Domino" according to the proposed sample.

Note. Hold down a key to apply tools Ellipse and Rectangle gives a circle and a square, respectively, and a straight line turns out to be vertical, horizontal or at an angle of 45°.

Save the picture in the Pictures folder as Domino.

Create a picture "Driving directions" according to the proposed sample.

Save the picture in the "Pictures" folder under the name "Directions".

Rice. 1.3

Practical exercise 3

Create a drawing according to the sample (Fig. 1.4) using the tool Curve.

Save the drawing in the Drawings folder under the name Sea.

Perform the following figure (Fig. 1.5) using the tool Curve, commands Copy, Paste, Flip / Rotate.

rice. 1.4 fig. 1.5

Practical work 4.


Lesson objectives:

- cognitive - to teach students the basic techniques of font formatting in a text editor WORD

Developing - the formation of a new system of concepts related to the creation of a text document

Educational - upbringing of personal qualities that ensure the success of performing activities: discipline, attentiveness, hard work.

Formulate the definition:

A text editor is __________________________________________

Answer the questions:

1. What text editors do you know?

2. Which software package includes the WORD text editor?

3. List the main features of the text editor WORD

4. What type of font formatting tools do you know?

Practical task 1

Create a Documents folder in your personal folder.

Start the WORD program.

Begin the activity with the heading "Practice Activity". Do this in the future.

4. Type the text observing all formatting elements using the Font dialog box or the corresponding buttons on the toolbar


A font is a collection of letters, numbers, special characters and punctuation marks displayed in a certain way. The concept of a font includes: font type, font size, style, color, special effects.

The most common fonts in Russia are Times ET, Times New Roman Schoolbook, Optima, Arial New, etc.

Size is usually expressed in points, or point. One point equals 0.376 mm (American units - Pica Point equals 0.351 mm).

For the main text, they usually choose the size 12, 14, for headings - larger sizes (16 and above), for footnotes and notes - 10.

The formatting process is reduced to setting the required parameters for the symbols. You can format previously entered text or make settings, after which the entered text will be formatted as needed.

The main parameters of the font (type, size and style) are assigned using the command Format , the "Formatting" toolbar, the keys and context menu.

Possibilities of WORD when working with a font

Select a typeface (font type). Please select different types font for one sentence, in parentheses indicate the name of the font:

A modern personal computer can be implemented in a desktop (desktop), portable (notebook) or pocket (handheld) version.

A modern personal computer can be implemented in a desktop (desktop), portable (notebook) or pocket (handheld) version.

A modern personal computer can be implemented in a desktop (desktop), portable (notebook) or pocket (handheld) version.

A modern personal computer can be implemented in a desktop (desktop), portable (notebook) or pocket (handheld) version.

A modern personal computer can be implemented in a desktop (desktop), portable (notebook) or pocket (handheld) version.

II. Different style of letters (w, k, h):

You can use different combinations of styles.

III. Choice of font size. Font size is measured in special units - points. The more points, the larger the letter.

Print the numbers, setting the font size equal to the number:

16 18 20 22 24 26 28 29 30

IV. Type the phrase, completing each letter in a different color:

Bits and bats.

V. Print formulas using superscripts and subscripts:

CH 4 + 20 2 = C0 2 + 2H 2 0

(a + b) 2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2.

Vi. Type the phrase using different letter spacing (font menu, Spacing tab):

Word processor - regular spacing.

The word processor is 2 pt sparse.

The word processor is 4 pt sparse.

The word processor is compressed by 1 pt.

Practical work 5


Lesson objectives:

- cognitive - to teach students the basic techniques of creating and formatting a paragraph

Developing - the formation of a new system of concepts related to the creation of a text document

Educational - education of personal qualities that ensure the success of performing activities: discipline, attentiveness, hard work

Answer the questions:

1. What is a paragraph?

2. What command should be executed to set all parameters of the paragraph?

3. What are the functions of the ruler sliders?

the upper left triangle sets ...

lower left triangle ...

right triangle ...

rectangle …

4. What is the name of the tool that allows you to repeat all the parameters

formatting a paragraph for other paragraphs in the document?

Practical task 1

1. Type a text containing information about the PC and program WORD, respecting the formatting options specified in parentheses and text alignment.

The word "computer" means "calculator", that is, a device for computing. This is due to the fact that the first computers were created as devices for computing: improved automatic adding machines. (Left-aligned.)

The fundamental difference between computers and adding machines and other calculating devices (counting, slide rule, etc.) was that the adding machines could perform only individual computational operations.


Computers allow complex sequences of computational operations to be carried out without human intervention according to a predetermined instruction - a program. Although the computer was created for numerical calculations, it soon turned out that they could process other types of information as well. (In width.)

Line spacing

Microsoft Word is a powerful text editor designed to perform all text processing processes: from typing and typesetting to spell checking, inserting graphics into text, printing text. MS Word allows you to work with many fonts. MS WORD has many useful properties, for example: automatic text correction by borders, automatic word wrap and word spelling correction, saving text in a certain settable period of time, the presence of text masters and templates that allow you to create a business letter, fax, autobiography, schedule in a matter of minutes , calendar and more.(Single spacing.)

MS Word provides a search for a given word or a piece of text, replacing it with a specified fragment, deleting, copying or replacing by font, typeface or font size, as well as by superscript or subscript characters. The presence of a bookmark in the text allows you to quickly jump to a given place in the text. You can also automatically include in the text the date, time of creation, return address, and the name of the author of the text.(One and a half interval.)

MS Word allows using macros to include in the text of the database or graphic objects, music modules in * wav format. To restrict access to the document, you can set a password for the text, which MS Word will ask when loading the text to perform any actions with it. MS Word allows you to open various windows for simultaneous work with several texts, as well as split one active window horizontally by two.(Interval "exactly" 12 pt.)

Practical task 2

Type the text respecting the formatting options in parentheses and aligning the text.


Practical work 2.2.2

1. Type the verses by AA Akhmatova, observing all formatting elements.

Attention. There is a space between words and, moreover, one.

Practical exercise 3

1. Type the poems by AA Akhmatova, observing all formatting elements.

Attention ... There is a space between words and, moreover, one.

2.3. FORCED LINE END.Non-breaking space

Answer the questions:

1. In what cases it is necessary to use non-breaking space?

2. What keyboard shortcut produces a non-breaking space?

3. When do you need to use forced line endings?

4. What keyboard shortcut gives a forced line end?

Practical work 2.3.1

1. Create a document according to the proposed template, using a non-breaking space when writing dates, first and last names.

In 1642 Blaise Pascal invented a device that mechanically adds numbers. In 1673, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz constructed an adding machine that makes it possible to mechanically perform four arithmetic operations. Since the 19th century. adding machines are widely used. Even complex calculations were performed on them, for example, calculations of ballistic tables for artillery fire. There was also a special profession - a counter, a person working with an adding machine.

In the first half of the XIX century. English mathematician Charles Babbage attempted to build a universal computing device - an analytical machine that was supposed to perform calculations without human intervention.

Ch. Babbage could not complete the work on the creation of an analytical machine - it turned out to be too complicated for the technology of that time. But he developed all the basic ideas, and in 1943 the American Howard Aiken, with the help of Ch Babbage's work on the basis of electromechanical relays, was able to build a machine called "Mark-1" at one of the enterprises of the IBM company. Even earlier, the ideas of Ch. Babbage were rethought by the German engineer Konrad Zuse, who in 1941 built a similar machine.

In 1943, a group of specialists led by John Mauchly and Presper Eckert in the United States began to design a similar machine based on electronic tubes rather than a relay. Their machine, called ENIAC, ran a thousand times faster than the Mark-1, but it took hours or even days to hook up to set its program. the right way wires. To simplify the process, Mauchly and P. Eckert began to design a machine that could store a program in its memory. In 1945, the famous mathematician John von Neumann was involved in the work, who prepared a report on this machine. The report was sent to many scientists and became widely known, since in it J. von Neumann clearly and simply formulated general principles functioning of universal computing devices, i.e. computers.

The first computer, which embodied the principles of J. von Neumann, was built in 1949 by the English researcher Maurice Wilkes. Since then, computers have become much more powerful, but the overwhelming majority of them are made in accordance with the principles set forth in his 1945 report by J. von Neumann.

2. Save the file in the "Documents" folder under the name "VT History".

Practical work 2.3.2

Sometimes it's convenient to pre-set all the paragraph formatting options and then start typing. Create a document according to the suggested template using forced line endings.

1. Before you start typing the first poem, you should execute the Format - Paragraph command and fill in the fields of the dialog box (Fig. 2.1).

(Fig. 2.1)

2. When typing a poem, use a forced line end and a normal line end. With the button pressedπ the first poem should look like this:

More ⬪in⬪fields⬪snow turns white,
A ⬪water⬪justspring⬪noise -
Are running ⬪and⬪wake⬪sleepbreg,
Are running ⬪ and shine and proclaim ... π

They All the ends say:
"Spring It's coming, it's coming!
We ⬪young⬪spring⬪gonians,
She "We have sent" forward! "π

3. Apply similar instructions for the second poem (Fig. 2.2).

Sounded Over a clear river,
Rang out ⬪withinturnedluga,
Rolled Over the goodbye,
Lit up I will take care of it.π

Long away, ⬪in the half-light, ⬪lugami
Runs away ⬪on the⬪western⬪reka.
Pogorev ⬪ golden rims
Scattered ⬪like⬪smoke ,⬪clouds.π

4. For the third and fourth poem, format it yourself.

* * *

V in the crimson glow, the sunset is effervescent and foam,
White birches burn in their crowns.
Greets my verse to the young princesses
And youthful meekness in their tender hearts.

Where shadows are pale and sorrowful,
They are to the one who went to suffer for us,
Outstretched the regal hands
Blessing them for the hour to come.

On a white bed, in a bright blaze of light,
The one whose life they want to return is crying ...
And the walls of the infirmary shudder
From pity that his chest is squeezing.

Pulls them closer and closer with an irresistible hand
Where sorrow puts a seal on your forehead.
Oh, pray, Saint Magdalene, For their fate.

Sergey Yesenin

* * *

Wait! it is nice here! Serrated and wide
By the border, the shadow fell from the pine trees in the moonlight ...
What silence! Because of the mountain high
There is no access here for the mutinous sounds.

I will not go where the treacherous stone is,
Sliding from under the heel from the steep banks,
Flies to the cartilage of the sea; where is a huge shaft in the sea
He will come and run away into the embrace of the trees.

One before me, under peaceful stars,
You are here, the queen of feelings, the ruler of thoughts ...
And then a wave will come - and it will break out between us ...
I will not go there: there is eternal splash and noise!

Afanasy Fet

5. Save the file in the "Documents" folder under the name "Poems".


Create a document according to the proposed template (use the heading and drop caps in the font ScriptC green).

Split text into separate pages: 1 paragraph on each page

Number pages in the right margin. On each page, come up with headings and add them using the Heading1 style. At the end of the text on separate sheet add a table of contents.

vegetation ult, the oldest of the cults, goes back to the earliest forms of belief - magic. Observing plants reflects the most important stage in human cognition of the world, the stage of comprehending the laws of nature. In ancient times, the first law of nature was discovered - the law of life and death. The solution to the semantics of the floral ornament of different peoples and eras convinces us that everywhere it was an illustration of the unity of the fate of all living things, plants and humans, the change of natural phenomena, i.e. the cycle of life, its continuity. It was demonstrated by the very nature of the incessant change of dying and rebirth of flora and fauna.

asthenia, trees are symbols of motherhood, fertility and the embodiment of vital energy, ambiguous symbols known to almost all peoples of the world. Each nation worshiped, deified the tree or plant with which it most often came into contact in everyday life. Many peoples have their own trees-shrines, trees-symbols. Oak ranked first among the ancient Jews, ash - in Scandinavia, among the Germans - linden, among the Russians - birch, the sacred bodhi tree - in India, among the Buryats - pine and larch. A deciduous tree that changes foliage every year is a symbol of the renewal of life. Pine is one of the oldest tree species, evergreen and durable tree that is not prone to decay. She can grow in the poorest soil, but she needs a lot of life. Due to these properties, it serves as a symbol of longevity, immortality, perseverance and overcoming adverse circumstances.

approved by man, a tree, a plant are oriented vertically: leaning on the ground, it strives upward, towards the sun and light. The shape of a tree, a plant with its roots in the ground, trunk and crown personified three worlds: the crown is the heavenly, the middle trunk is the earthly and the lower roots are the underworld. The tree as a world vertical is ringed with circles in the cut of the trunk, the shape of the crown and leaves. The crown is a haven for birds, animals and clouds, through which the sky and stars are visible. A plant, like a person, is subject to a natural cycle: it multiplies, grows, grows old and dies. Just like a person, it lives at the expense of life juices, energy. When they are lacking or when they dry up, it dies. Trees and plants contain a living, inextricable link between the past, present and future. According to these ideas, the tree embodies the idea of ​​a human ancestor. In the East, it was believed that the spirits of the gods and the dead live in trees.

and one culture did not know such tree worship as the culture of the ancient population of India. The sacred books "Vedas" and "Upanishads", which reflect the religious views, ethical and spiritual criteria of the people, glorify the beauty and grandeur of the forests of India. The lotus among the peoples of India has always been a symbol of purity. This flower grows out of dirt, but it is never stained. The lotus is compared to a person who does not adhere to any defilement.

2. Save the file in the "Documents" folder under the name "Drop Cap".


Practical work 2.5.1

1. Place one half of the text in three columns with 0.5 cm spacing between columns, and the other half in two columns with 0.6 cm spacing.

Let's talk about the monitor

Although there are no trifles in the matter of preserving health, the monitor is perhaps the most affecting it. Savings on good monitor unacceptable. It is easy to spoil vision, but it is extremely difficult to restore.

Compliance with the latest safety standards does not mean that a monitor is completely harmless. Proof of this is the simple fact that standards are constantly being revised towards more stringent hardware requirements.

A flat monitor is not a luxury at all and is needed not only by designers for maximum realism of the picture. It is very harmful for the eyes to adjust the sharpness within a small range all the time. Therefore, for example, it is harmful to read in transport, keeping in focus a constantly vibrating book.

With a convex monitor, when the eye moves from the center of the screen to the periphery, the muscles of the lens perform the hardest job... Their fatigue eventually leads to a spasm of accommodation, and one can lose up to three units of vision only due to this spasm without any organic changes. Such loss of vision can be compensated by gymnastics for the eyes, sometimes wearing glasses with diopters +1, +2 helps. In advanced cases, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. There are more effective techniques, but they are selected individually.

The muscles of the pupil are tuned to change the brightness of the lighting, and if it changes 60 times per second, then it is not difficult to imagine what work they have to do to adjust. This work is usually not perceived by consciousness, but this does not mean that it is not. You can check if you are the one who perceives the screen flickering and it is at this frequency that you can look away from the screen so that you can see it at an angle of about 45 °. Peripheral vision is more sensitive to flicker. When you stop perceiving flicker, add another 20 Hz. Everyone perceives 72 Hz, 85 Hz is the most part, 100 Hz is a sufficient minimum when flickering is indistinguishable for most of people.

Practical work 2.5.2

1. Type the text taking into account the formatting elements (use columns with separators).


Computer's operator


fundamentals of informatics and computer technology;

basic information about computing systems and automated systems management;

the main functional devices of the computer, their connection and purpose;

general information about the software;

structure, functions and capabilities of the operating system (OS);

structure, functions and capabilities of shell programs, rules for working in shell programs;

basic concepts of information banks: principles of construction, types of database management systems (DBMS);

integrated environments for working with databases, security tools;

the method of working on the PC keyboard using the blind ten-finger method in Russian and Latin registers;

principles of organizing and entering data and programs into computers;

basics of text editing;

information about spreadsheets and how to work with them;

sanitary and technical requirements and labor safety requirements;

information about specialized packages of applied programs; prospects for the development of computer technology (BT);

types and causes of failures in the operation of devices and programs, measures of their prevention

is able to:

conduct the information processing process;

to carry out input-output of information from data carriers, communication channels and to process this information;

write, read, copy information and rewrite from one medium to another;

take advantage of the opportunities operating systems; load the OS and manage their work;

work in shell programs;

work with databases;

work with text and graphic editors;

work with spreadsheets;

comply with the norms and rules of labor protection;

master new software products;

establish the causes of failures in the process of information processing and decide on further actions.


Practical work 2.6.1

1. Print a list of last names and first names, sort by last name and create a document with numbered lists according to the proposed template:

  • Bakushina Yulia
  • Balashov Dmitry
  • Byshko Alexander
  • Generalov Maxim
  • Gerasimova Maya
  • Egorova Marina
  • Egorov Mikhail
  • Alexey Kucheryavykh
  • Melioransky Andrey
  • Svetlana Palacheva
  • Pimenova Nadezhda
  • Yulia Protasova
  • Romanova Marina
  • Sereda Alexey
  • Slonskaya Julia
  • Sergey Soloviev
  • Shurygina Elena
  • Oleg Shcherbakov
  • Irina Malashina
  • Chernikov Anton
  1. Bakushina Yulia
  2. Balashov Dmitry
  3. Byshko Alexander
  4. Generalov Maxim
  5. Gerasimova Maya
  6. Egorova Marina
  7. Egorov Mikhail
  8. Alexey Kucheryavykh
  9. Melioransky Andrey
  10. Svetlana Palacheva
  11. Pimenova Nadezhda
  12. Yulia Protasova
  13. Romanova Marina
  14. Sereda Alexey
  15. Slonskaya Julia
  16. Sergey Soloviev
  17. Shurygina Elena
  18. Oleg Shcherbakov
  19. Irina Malashina
  20. Chernikov Anton
  1. Bakushina Yulia
  2. Balashov Dmitry
  3. Byshko Alexander
  4. Generalov Maxim
  5. Gerasimova Maya
  6. Egorova Marina
  7. Egorov Mikhail
  8. Alexey Kucheryavykh
  9. Melioransky Andrey
  10. Svetlana Palacheva
  11. Pimenova Nadezhda
  12. Yulia Protasova
  13. Romanova Marina
  14. Sereda Alexey
  15. Slonskaya Julia
  16. Sergey Soloviev
  17. Shurygina Elena
  18. Oleg Shcherbakov
  19. Irina Malashina
  20. Chernikov Anton
  1. Bakushina Yulia
  2. Balashov Dmitry
  3. Byshko Alexander
  4. Generalov Maxim
  5. Gerasimova Maya
  6. Egorova Marina
  7. Egorov Mikhail
  8. Alexey Kucheryavykh
  9. Melioransky Andrey
  10. Svetlana Palacheva
  11. Pimenova Nadezhda
  12. Yulia Protasova
  13. Romanova Marina
  14. Sereda Alexey
  15. Slonskaya Julia
  16. Sergey Soloviev
  17. Shurygina Elena
  18. Oleg Shcherbakov
  19. Irina Malashina
  20. Chernikov Anton

2. Save the file in the Documents folder as Lists 1.


Practical work 2.7.1

1. Create a document with bulleted list according to the proposed sample.

  1. Printed editions
  • Work of art
  • literature
  • Tutorials
  • Readers
  • Workbooks
  • Didactic materials
  • Albums
  • Reproduction of paintings
  • Filmstrips
  • Audio cassettes
  • Computer programs
  1. Printed editions
  • Work of art
  • literature
  • Tutorials
  • Readers
  • Workbooks
  • Didactic materials
  • Albums
  • Reproduction of paintings
  1. Audiovisual teaching aids
  • Filmstrips
  • Movies
  • Audio cassettes
  • Computer programs
  1. Printed editions
  • Work of art
  • literature
  • Tutorials
  • Readers
  • Workbooks
  • Didactic materials
  • Albums
  • Reproduction of paintings
  1. Audiovisual teaching aids
  • Filmstrips
  • Movies
  • Audio cassettes
  • Computer programs
  1. Printed editions
  • Work of art
  • literature
  • Tutorials
  • Readers
  • Workbooks
  • Didactic materials
  • Albums
  • Reproduction of paintings
  1. Audiovisual teaching aids
  • Filmstrips
  • Movies
  • Audio cassettes
  • Computer programs

2. Save the file in the Documents folder as Lists 2.


Practical work 2.8.1

Test on the topic WORD

  1. Which extension is given by default to text files in Word format.
  1. What is a document template?
  1. means for storing the format, styles and text of typical documents;
  2. sample form for a number of standard documents;
  3. form for standard documents;
  4. file with extension DOT.
  1. What is a paragraph style?
  1. a named set of character and paragraph formatting parameters;
  2. a way to quickly design typical text fragments;
  3. button on the formatting bar; the Format menu command.
  1. How do I double-space lines of text?
  1. command Format → Indents and spacing;
  2. command Format → Paragraph;
  3. add a line of spaces;
  4. this is done automatically.
  1. How to quickly increase the size of letters in text?
  1. the command Format → Font;
  2. using the Font size list on the Formatting panel;
  3. using the View → Scale command;
  4. impossible.
  1. How do I preserve paragraph formatting and apply it to the entire document?
  1. create new styles and replace old styles with new ones;
  2. using the Format → AutoFormat command;
  3. using the Edit → Replace command;
  4. button Sample format on the Formatting pane.
  1. How do I set the margin size and paper size?
  1. command Print → Page settings;
  2. command File → Page settings;
  3. command Format → Indents and spacing;
  4. using the scale bar.
  1. How do I highlight some words with underlining?
  1. the command Format → Font;
  2. select words and execute command Format → Font;
  3. use the underscore character on the keyboard.
  1. How do I arrange text in columns?
  1. team Table → Add table;
  2. using the panelTables and Borders;
  1. How do I position the table column headings exactly in the middle of the column width?
  1. add some spaces at the beginning of each heading;
  2. align all columns in the center;
  3. center align the title bar with the command Format -> Paragraph;
  4. using the tab key.
  1. How to separate rows and columns of a table with lines?
  1. the command Table → AutoFormat;
  2. command Format → Borders and shading;
  3. command Format → Paragraph;
  4. using the toolbar Painting.
  1. How to quickly compose a table of contents for a large document?
  1. command Insert → Table of Contents and Indexes;
  2. copy the section headings in the "Main document" mode;
  3. make all text invisible except for headings;
  4. start printing the document from the table of contents.

Copy the typed text, change the internal lists in the copy to bulleted ones.

Save the file in the Documents folder as Lists 3.


Answer the questions:

1. What tricks do you know for entering indexes? Answer:

2. How to add tools to the toolbarSuperscript and Subscript! Answer:

Practical work 2.9.1

1. Create a document according to the proposed sample.

Basics of mechanics

Hooke's Law: (Rcontrol) X= -kh,in which the proportionality coefficient(To) called rigidity bodies (springs).

The work of the force of gravity applied to the body:A ~ t% (n \ - I2 ).

Soft hyphenation is used to indicate where to break a word or phrase if it ends up at the end of a line.CTRL + Hyphen

The non-breaking hyphen prevents words, numbers, or phrases containing a hyphen at the end of a line from breaking. For example, you can prevent the number "555-0123" from breaking. CTRL + SHIFT + DEFIS.

Concrete actions(fromlat. concludo- I conclude, I conclude) - actions of a person expressing his will to establishlegal relationship (for example, commitdeal ), but not in the form of an oral or written expression of will, but by behavior, according to which it is possible to draw a conclusion about such an intention.

Possibility of conclusiondeal by committing implicit actions is provided forCivil Code Russian Federation .

In some cases, silence can act as a conclusive action, which in the strict sense isinaction .

Committing implicit actions is tantamount to concluding an agreement with all the ensuing legal consequences.

Examples of implicated actions

  • Buying goods or exchanging currency through vending machines
  • Buying goods from self-service stores
  • Public transport fares
  • Gift by transferring a key (symbol)
  • Acceptance of inheritance directly

Contract contractingis a specific type of sale and purchase, which is widespread in the sale of agricultural products, raw materials and food. Under a contracting agreement, a producer of agricultural products undertakes to transfer the agricultural products he has grown (produced) to a procurer - a person who purchases such products for processing or sale.

Insert SmartArt

2.14. Creating tables

Answer the questions:

1. What techniques do you know for creating tables?

2. What toolbar is convenient to use when working with tables?

3. Which command provides the greatest opportunity for setting tables and filling table cells?

2.15. Formatting tables.

1. Create a document according to the proposed sample. Cell size 3.5× 3.5 cm. Font size - 11.

Note. Choose a border and fill of your choice.

Table 2.2

Different direction and alignment of text in a table



on the left







on the right






on the left






on the right





from below

on the left



from below



from below

on the right




Concatenate and split table cells. Cell numbering.

Table 2.2

2.16. Calculations in the table

The WORD word processor allows you to perform calculations in a table by writing to individual table cellsformulasusing the commandWorking with tables - Layout - Formulas.For instance,= A5 * B5, where A, B are conventional column names, 5 is the row number in the table.

In formulas you can use:

  • cell block names (for example, A2: B5);
  • LEFT - cells located in the row to the left of the cell with the formula;
  • RIGHT - cells located in the row to the right of the cell with the formula;
  • ABOVE - cells located in the column above the cell with the formula;
  • BELOW - cells located in the column below the cell with the formula.
  • constants (for example, 3.5); text in double quotes(for example, "rub.");
  • embedded WORD functions(see note);
  • operation signs: (+ - * /% => =).

Formulas can be copied; after copying, it is necessary to edit the links, in the Table - Formulas mode.

After changing the data, you need to select the formula and run the commandUpdate fieldin the context menu of the cell.

Practical work 2.16.1

1. Create a document according to the proposed sample and make calculations in the "Cost" column

P / p No.

Name of product

The supplier

Price, p.



Business card




16 640





= D3 * E3





RUB 55,800.00

Children's portfolio








Kids' backpack




Ladies bag




Travel bag









Note.Examples of built-in functions:

AVERAGE (A1: C20; B25; A30) - calculates the average value for a range of cells;

MAX (A5: B15; B25: C30) - finding maximum value in the specified block of cells;

PRODUCT (C1: C20; B25: B30) - the product of numbers in the specified range;

SUM (Е2: Е15) - the sum of numbers in the specified range, etc.

Additional task for calculating in tables.












Children's portfolio








Ladies bag








Course $



Practical work 2.16.2

Build a histogram by product name and price:

- set the pointer to an empty spot on the sheet;

- execute the command Insert - Diagram;

- select the type of diagram - Ok; A sheet will open workbook EXCEL spreadsheet;

- Select the column Product name, press Copy, move the pointer to cell A1 EXCEL sheet, execute the command Insert;

- similarly copy the Price column to cell B1.

Select a chart; using the menu Design, Layout, Format, change the appearance, add axis and data labels, change the title of the chart.

Build a bar chart for the Product Name and Quantity columns.


In Microsoft Office Word 2007, frequently performed tasks can be automated by creatingmacros. A macro is a collection of commands and instructions grouped together as a single command to automatically complete a task.

Typically, macros are used to:

  • speed up frequently performed editing or formatting operations;
  • combining multiple commands, such as inserting a table with specific dimensions, borders, and the number of rows and columns;
  • simplify access to parameters in dialog boxes;
  • automation of complex consistent action in tasks.

You can use the macro recorder in the formsequence of actionsor create a macro yourself by entering the code in the languageVisual Basic for Applications (VBA.) The version of the Microsoft Visual Basic macro programming language used for programming Microsoft Windows applications and supplied with some Microsoft programs.)vVisual Basic editor.

When creating a macro, you must define its name, the document for which it is intended, a list of actions to be performed. You can create special button on the toolbar to run the macro.

  1. In the tabDevelopment ofin GroupThe codeselect teamMacro recording.
  2. Enter a name for the macro in the boxMacro name.

NOTE.If a new macro is given the same name as a macro embedded in Office application Word 2007, the new actions will take place instead of the built-in actions. To see a list of built-in macros, selectMacroin GroupThe codein the tabDeveloper... In the listMacros fromselect itemWord commands.

  1. In the listMacro is available forclicktemplate (Template. A file or files that contain structure and tools for creating complete file elements such as style and page layout. For example, Microsoft Word templates allow you to create individual documents, and Microsoft FrontPage templates allow entire Web sites.)or the document in which you want to save the macro.
  2. In fieldDescriptionenter a description for this macro.
  3. Perform one of the following actions.
  • To start recording a macro without associating it with a button on the Quick Access Toolbar or keyboard shortcut, clickOk.
  • To link a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar, follow these steps.
  1. Click the buttonbutton.
  2. In GroupCustomizing the Quick Access Toolbarselect the document or all documents for which you want to add the macro to the Quick Access Toolbar.
  3. In the dialog boxSelect teams fromselect the macro you want to record and clickAdd.
  4. Ok.
  • To assign a keyboard shortcut to a macro, follow these steps:
  1. Click the buttonKeyboard.
  2. In the listCommandsselect the macro you want to record.
  3. In fieldNew keyboard shortcutenter any key sequence and press the buttonAssign.
  4. To start recording a macro, clickClose.
  1. Follow the steps to include in the macro.

NOTE.When recording a macro, you can use your mouse to select commands and options, but not to select text. You must use the keyboard to select text. To select text using the keyboard, seeText selection.

  1. To stop recording actions, select the commandStop recordingin GroupThe code.

Topic: "Scheme design"

Assignment: Draw up the scheme according to the example:

1. Design the scheme using the following WORD tools:

Insert labels with text;

Insert lines or arrows;

Copying objects;

Aligning objects;

Object decoration;

Grouping of objects.

2. Present the work to the teacher.

Approve Approve

Deputy Director for SD Head

GOBU SPO VO "BIT" of the computer center "Alt"

S.S. Prokhorova __________ A.A. Basov

"___" ____________ 20__ "___" ______________ 20___

Exam tasks for conducting

qualification exam in the specialty "Computer operator"

« Word. Basic document operations "

Task number 1. (2 points)

    Create Microsoft document Word with your short autobiography (At least 15 lines: name is so-and-so, was born then, I love this, I am fond of this, I do not like this, etc.). Heading to your text: Task number 1. Autobiography.

    Format the title: font size 15, Bookman old style, bold italic, title color red, underline (any type), underline color red (Select title, Format menu  Font).

    Format the font of the rest of the text: font size 14, type Arial (select text, Format menu  Font).

    Align the title to the center. Align all text to the width.

    Set margins by 2 cm. (File  Page Setup)

    Set the red line (select all the text, menu Format  Paragraph  indent of the first line 1 cm).

    Make the text in one and a half spacing (select text, format  paragraph  line-to-line  one and a half).

    Insert page numbers (insert  page numbers  select location: top of page, from center  confirm insert).

    Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 1” (File  Save As …). Sign the floppy disk with your surname.

Task number 2. (maximum 2 points)

    Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View  Headers and Footers).

    Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 2”. Sign the floppy disk.

Task number 3. (maximum 3 points)

    Create a Microsoft Word document with a short story about your studies at our institute (at least 15 lines). Heading to your text: Task number 3. Institute.

    Format the text according to points 2 to 8 of task # 1.

    Start each sentence of your text on a new line.

    Number the lines of the text (highlight the text  format  list  numbered).

    Add a Draw toolbar (View  Toolbars  Draw).

    Create the proposed scheme using the elements of the Draw panel:

    Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View  Headers and Footers).

    Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is "Task No. 3". Sign the floppy disk with your surname.

Task number 4. (maximum 4 points)

    Create a Microsoft Word document. Create a table - your schedule for the week - according to the proposed template. Title: Task number 4. Schedule.



    Red week

    Blue week





    Yeah, monday

    Difficult day!

    8 30 - 9 50

    There is also a couple here, for sure there is, I remember.

    10 00 - 11 20


    To study

    To study

    11 50 - 13 10

    And Study again!

    11 50 - 13 10


    Well, I don't go to this pair, it's hard to wake up ...

    8 30 - 9 50

    I always try not to be late ... I have never succeeded

    10 00 - 11 20

    Hmm, and sometimes I am still capable of something ...

    11 50 - 13 10

    Oooh, this is unbearable, 4 pairs a day! I want to go home!

    13 20 - 14 40


    Everything, I begin new life, will be studying…

    8 30 - 9 50

    I will go to anyway the following pairs... Promise!

    10 00 - 11 20



    11 50 – 13 10

    Isp. modern inf. and communication technologies

    13 20 – 14 40



    14 50 - 16 10

    Comment: make a table for all school days of the week. Fill the table.

    Write down the time in the table using superscripts (Highlight minutes  Format  font  superscript). Use the fill of the table cells (Select the desired cell  Format  Borders and fill  Fill tab).

    Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View  Headers and Footers).

    Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is "Task No. 4". Sign the floppy disk with your surname.

Task number 5. (maximum 5 points)

Task number 6. Creative. ( maximum 10 points)

Create a Microsoft Word document about Me and My Life! Demonstrate your Word skills: use everything you can: tables 1, pictures 2, Word objects Art 3, formatted text 4, indices 5, characters 6, columns 7, diagrams (autoshapes 8, arrows 9, lines 10, labels 11), frames 12, fill 13, page numbers 14, text animation 15, formulas 16, footnotes 17 , markers 18, headers and footers 19.

« Excel. Creating tables and formulas "

    Create a table as shown without filling in numerical data.

    Customize the name of the table using the menu Format -Cells- Alignment (centered and merge cells)

    Fill in the scores data (in columns C - F) using the get function random numbers: enter the formula in cell C8 = INT (RAND () * 10)... Extend this formula to cell block C8: F17.

    Calculate your total score using the function Autosum(SUM).

    Calculate the averages for each applicant and exam using the function AVERAGE (Insert - Functions- Statistical).

    In the Enrollment Message column, use the function IF: boolean expression G8> $ E $ 5, value if true enrolled, value if false refuse... (The total score for the first student is compared with the passing grade, and the message "enrolled" or "rejected" is displayed).

    Using the menu command Format - Conditional Formatting adjust the cells of the Enrollment message column so that when the words “enrolled” appear in them, they are filled in yellow and the message itself has been highlighted in bold blue. To do this: in the first field of the window select "value", in the second "equals", in the third enter "credited" (without quotes) by clicking the button Format select font color and cell color. After clicking OK, don't forget to copy new format to all other cells of this column.

    Apply the font design, fill the cells.

    Save the work in your folder under the name Ball . xls .

Made up:

Chairman of the information technology center _________________ G.V. Torgashin

Teacher _________________ E.G. Triodina

Computer science, cybernetics and programming

Copy or move a formula. Absolute, relative and mixed links. Arithmetic operators... Give examples. Logic function IF. Syntax, application. Nested IF function. Give examples.

V.A. Kanya

Computers in practical tasks

Omsk 2007

Federal Agency for Education

Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy


V.A. Kanya

Computers in practical problems

Workshop for students of technical specialties

Approved by the UMO of universities of the Russian Federation for education in the field of transport machines and transport and technological complexes as a textbook for university students studying in the specialties of training areas"Transport machines and transport and technological complexes", "Operation land transport and transport equipment " and "Organization of transportation and management

on transport "


Publishing house SibADI

200 7

UDC 681.3

BBK 32.973

C 19


Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, GOU VPO Omsk State Pedagogical University (Head of the Department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof. ZV Semyonova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor L.A. Vnukova); Cand. tech. Sciences, Assoc. Department of Computing Systems, Omsk State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education state university them. F.M. Dostoevsky S.S. Efimov.

The work was approved by the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Academy as a textbook for students of specialties in the areas of training "Transport machines and transport-technological complexes", "Operation of land transport and transport equipment" and "Organization of transportation and management of transport"

Kanya V.A. Computers in practical problems: Workshop for students of technical specialties. - Omsk: Publishing house SibADI, 2007.- 42 p.

The tasks for students of correspondence and distance learning are placed in.

Designed for students of technical universities.

ISBN 978 - 5 - 93204 - 306 - 6 Original Russian Text © V.A. Kanya 2007

Assignments for correspondence and distance learning students

In the process of studying the discipline for better assimilation of the material, the student extramural form training must complete the test.

The test consists of theoretical and practical parts.

Doing the theoretical part test work, each student answers four questions. The questions are divided into groups. From each group, the student chooses a question, the number of which coincides with the last number of his grade book. If the last digit of the grade book is 0, the student answers 10 questions.

The answers to the questions must be complete and must contain an example.

When completing the test, at the beginning of the answer to the question, the question itself is completely unchanged.

Answers to the theoretical part of the test work should be formalized using a computer program Microsoft Word on A4 sheets in compliance with all ESKD requirements.

The practical part of the test consists in completing five tasks, of which three tasks are for the application Microsoft Word and two tasks for the application Microsoft Excel . Practical tasks are also divided into groups: Forms, Tables, Drawings, Graphs and Calculations ... The selection of a task from each group is made by last number grade book similar to the theoretical part.

Record the finished tasks on a floppy disk and submit them to the methodological room together with the formalized answers to the theoretical part of the test.

In addition, group assignments Charts import into app Microsoft Word , arrange as in the samples of tasks for the section " M i crosoft EXCEL "(See p. 95 ... 97), print on A4 sheets in compliance with all ESKD requirements and attach to the answers to the theoretical part of the test.

Questions of the theoretical part of the test

Group 1

  1. Explain the rule of forming long and short file names. Give examples of a long file name and a short conversion.
  2. What is the extension in the file name? Its purpose? Give examples special extensions, application extensions.
  3. File access path. Give examples of the full path of access and if the current one is a disk, a directory, a subdirectory.
  4. Basic techniques for working with the mouse. Give examples.
  5. Keyboard: alphanumeric, special, function keys... Their purpose, methods of work. Give examples.
  6. The order of turning on / off the computer.
  7. Keyboard: numeric keys, keys Shift, Ctrl, Alt. Their purpose. Give examples of use.
  8. What is a directory, folder? Formation of the folder name. Give examples.
  9. The main attributes of the file. Give examples.
  10. What information is stored in the directory? How is file size measured? Give examples.

Group 2

  1. What is Desktop ? What elements does it contain? What's happened Task bar ? Draw all the elements Desktop and Taskbar.
  2. What is Badge, Label? How to create a Shortcut, Folder using the context menu? How do I remove them?
  3. What types of windows do you know for their uniformity in design? Give an example of a dialog box Label Properties , describe its elements.
  4. The structure of the application window, its elements. Give an example of an application window Microsoft Word.
  5. What is File Explorer ? Give an example of its two-pane window with all elements.
  6. How to add / remove to Panel Explorer Browser, Tools?What items does the menu containBrowser panel?
  7. In what form can information be displayed in the right panel Conductor ? What do the + \ characters mean, installed side by side With A folder in the left pane of Explorer?
  8. What is Main Menu ? What elements does it contain? How do I start it?
  9. How to select multiple objects (icons, shortcuts, files, folders)? How to delete, copy, move objects (icons, shortcuts, files, folders)?
  10. What are the ways of launching programs, opening documents.

Group 3

  1. How to setup Toolbar? How to return the regularToolbar, create your own? Draw the required dialog boxes, give an example.
  2. How to customize page margins, paragraph indents, line spacing? Draw the required dialog boxes, give an example.
  3. What are tabs? How to use them? Draw the required dialog boxes, provide examples.
  4. Working with a table: inserting a table; adding rows, columns, cells; selection of table elements; resizing table elements. Give examples.
  5. Working with a table: inserting a formula; repetition of the title; joining and splitting; direction of the text. Give examples.
  6. Framing and filling. Draw the required dialog box. Describe the required toolbar. Give examples.
  7. Page number, header, footer, footnote, list. Working with them. Give examples.
  8. What is an object WordArt ? Give examples.
  9. How to draw geometric shapes? Draw a dialog box for changing the parameters of geometric shapes. Give examples.
  10. How to combine geometric shapes? How do I place shapes in relation to each other and the text? Give examples.

Group 4

  1. Copy or move a formula. Absolute, relative and mixed links. Arithmetic operators. Give examples.
  2. Function syntax. Argument types. Comparison operators. Examples of
  3. Logical functions AND, OR, NOT. Syntax, application. Address operators. Give examples.
  4. Logical functions TRUE, FALSE. Syntax, application. Text operator. Headings and names. Give examples.
  5. Logical function IF. Syntax, application. Nested IF function. Give examples.
  6. Math functions... Syntax. Nested functions. Building formulas. Give examples.
  7. Trigonometric functions. Syntax. The order of performing actions in formulas. Cyclic links... Give examples.
  8. Logarithmic functions. Syntax. Links R 1 C 1. Give examples.
  9. Rounding functions. Syntax. Function wizard. Give examples.
  10. Erroneous values. Syntax. Give examples.

Tasks for the practical part of the test

When performing the practical part of the test, it is necessary:

  1. The name of the student, the group number and the date of the file creation should be placed in the header or footer.
  2. In all tasks set:
    1. Fields, cm: top 2.5; bottom  3.0; left - 2.5; right - 2.5.
    2. From the footer, cm - 1.25.
    3. Paragraph borders and alignment - as in the sample.
  3. All parameters of tasks (size and style of the font, type and thickness of lines, outer borders and method of filling, sizes of figures in figures, etc.) should be kept as in the sample.
  4. Items in tasks are numbered using the menu item Form m at - S p isok ...
  5. Explanations for the tasks are given in the footnotes.
  6. All full names, positions, department names, dates, etc. can be changed.

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