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The computer is constantly shutting down what to do. Computer Turns On and Off Abruptly: Root Causes of the Problem

What if your computer starts and then shuts down during boot?

Does your computer turn off by itself immediately or at some point before the operating system boots? If so, you could run into anything from harmless power surges to serious hardware problems.

Since there are several reasons for the computer shutting down during the boot process, it is important to follow the logical troubleshooting process that is presented sequentially below.

Important: If your computer turns on and continues to run even if you can't see anything on the screen, you should refer to a more general guide.

Computer turns on and off during boot: How to fix it?
This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on why the computer shuts down immediately after starting up.

1. Eliminate the cause of the beep, provided that you are lucky enough to hear the system beep. The beep code gives you an idea of ​​exactly where to look for the problem with shutting down your computer. As a rule, a sound signal indicates a shutdown or failure of vital equipment inside the system unit.
If this does not solve the problem, please return to this article and continue troubleshooting based on the information below.

2. Using a surge protector? Make sure your surge protector is supplying the correct voltage. If the input voltage is not within the specifications of your power supply, your computer will shut down.
Most likely, your computer will not turn on at all if the voltage is not supplied correctly, but sometimes this leads to a quick shutdown of the computer after starting. Of course, this problem is relevant after moving the computer to a new location.

3. Check the computer for the cause of the short circuit. Oftentimes, a short circuit causes a problem when the computer turns on for a second or two and then shuts down completely.

4. Check the power supply. If your computer turns on for a few minutes, this does not mean that the computer's power supply is working properly. In our experience, the power supply tends to cause more problems than any other piece of equipment, and it is often the power supply that causes the computer to shut down on its own.
Replace the power supply if you suspect it.

Advice: If you eventually replace the power supply, leave the computer off for about 5 minutes (with a new power supply) before turning it back on. This will give the CMOS battery some time to charge.

5. Check the power button on the front of the computer chassis. If the button sticks a little in the case, it may cause the computer to shutdown after startup.

Replace the power button if it fails testing or you suspect it is not working properly.
6. Reinstall all components of your computer. When you reinstall it, you will restore any contacts inside your computer that may have come off over time.

Try reinstalling the following components, and then checking the health of your computer:
Reinstall all internal data and power cables;
Reinstall memory modules;
Reinstall all cards in the motherboard;

Note: Disconnect and reconnect your keyboard and mouse, among other things. The chances are small that they are causing the problem, but you shouldn't overlook them while reinstalling everything else.

7. Reinstall the processor. But only do this if you suspect that the mount is loose or it could have been installed incorrectly.

Note: This wording is due to the fact that the chance of disconnecting the central processor is incredibly small, and its installation is a very delicate task. Reinstalling your processor won't be a problem if you're careful, so don't worry!

8. Start your computer with the minimum required hardware. The goal of this solution is to remove all third-party hardware as much as possible while still being able to turn on your computer.
If your computer turns on and stays on with the minimum hardware required, go to step 9.
If your computer continues to shut down by itself, go to step 10.

Important: This troubleshooting methodology is simple enough for any user and does not require any special tools, and can also offer a lot of useful information. You should not skip this step if, after following all the previous solutions, the computer continues to shutdown by itself.

9. Install each piece of non-essential hardware, one piece at a time, checking the computer after each installed piece.
If your computer works with only essential pieces of hardware, those components work as expected. This means that one of the additional devices is causing your computer to shut down on its own. When installing each component back into your computer, turning it on will ultimately help you find the component that is causing the problem.
Replace the faulty hardware as soon as you identify it.

10. Test your computer with a POST card (Power On Self Test). If your computer keeps shutting down on its own, running only the most essential hardware, the POST card will help determine which piece of the remaining hardware is at fault.
If you do not have such a card and do not want to buy it, proceed to the next step.

11. Replace each required computer hardware piece with a “Good” or equivalent replacement part, one component at a time, to determine which component is causing the computer to shutdown at startup. Test your computer after each hardware swap to determine which device is defective.

Note: Most ordinary computer users do not have a collection of spare computer hardware. We recommend going back to step 10, the POST card is inexpensive, and this is a much smarter approach than purchasing spare parts for your computer without proper diagnostics.

Finally, if all other solutions have failed, you probably need to seek professional help from the service.
Unfortunately, if you don't have a POST card and spare hardware for your computer, you won't be able to determine which piece of hardware is causing the problem. In this case, you have no choice but to rely on the specialists from the repair company who have the necessary resources.

Tips and additional information
Did you find this problem on the computer you just built? If so, check your PC configuration three times! It is much more likely that your computer shuts down on its own due to a misconfiguration rather than an actual hardware failure.

It happens that when using a personal computer, it shuts down spontaneously. Oddly enough, this is one of the most common problems, and also extremely unpleasant. There are several reasons. Let's consider several reasons, ways to solve them, and methods to prevent this problem in the future.

Causes and solutions to the problem

Problems in the power supply. If the computer shuts down by itself while playing a game, there are two possible reasons related to the power supply.

  1. The first is the lack of power supplied to the video card at the moments of peak load.
  2. The second is the wear and tear of the power supply, it is outliving its resources, for this reason the computer may not turn on at all.

This problem can be solved by replacing the power supply.

Another reason why the computer turns off during a game can be overheating of the processor, caused by several reasons.

The first is the dust that settles on the hardware components of the computer.

Second malfunction or complete failure of the cooling system. This problem can be solved by cleaning the system unit from dust and replacing the faulty parts of the cooling system, if any. To prevent this, it is necessary to regularly, once every six months, clean the system unit from dust, and apply thermal paste to the processor.

If an easily bending case was used to assemble the computer, for example, made of galvanized steel, then vibration, or external physical interaction, the contacts between the parts may be broken.

However, you should not check the integrity of all contacts yourself, without the skills available for that.

Why does my computer turn on and off immediately

Immediately, we note that in this situation, everything is much more serious. This problem is not much different from the previous one. However, the reasons may be completely different things. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

If before the appearance of such a problem, "brakes" and freezes of the system, a long reboot were noticed, then perhaps the fault is a malfunction of the RAM. To determine whether the RAM is "guilty", it is worth swapping the RAM strips in places. Check separately one stick of RAM in each slot. If after these steps, the computer turns off immediately after turning on, the RAM is in order. For prevention, it is only necessary to clean the system unit from dust.

Problems in the motherboard

If the problems in the operation of the RAM have not been confirmed, then you should take a closer look at the motherboard. Let's consider 3 possible reasons causing the motherboard to malfunction:

As sad as it sounds, the motherboard will come to an end. With such a verdict, the repair is inexpedient for economic reasons. Connectors in different motherboards are guided by a narrow range of possible components, then the owners of outdated computers are an excuse to change their computer.

If parts of the computer have not yet lost their popularity, they can be replaced.

If it is possible to prove the presence of a factory defect, then everything will be replaced. The reason for the appearance of microcracks is improper use, then only buying a new motherboard will help.

  • breakage of capacitors on the motherboard;

This problem can be solved by replacing defective capacitors, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Does not turn off after completion of work - reasons

In some cases, users are faced with the fact that the computer continues to work after shutdown. Let's consider two main reasons for this problem.

If the fears about the virus have not been confirmed, you should look for a program that prevents the computer from shutting down.

Let's look at windows 7 as an example, in general, the common path must match.

  1. Let's open the shortcut "My Computer".
  2. At the top there is a panel with the "Open Control Panel" button.
  3. From the list that opens, select the "Support Center" item.
  4. Expand the Maintenance tab.
  5. Click on the link "Show stability log".

In the presented monitoring, select the date with the submitted error report. The report will indicate the program that prevents the computer from completely shutting down. After finding this program, you should turn it off, you will need to perform a couple of simple steps.

  1. In the Start menu, find the Run button.
  2. In the field that opens, enter "msconfig" and press the "Enter" button.
  3. In the window that opens, select the "General" tab.
  4. Then you need to check the box next to "Selective startup" then "Load system services".
  5. After that, you need to visit the "Services" tab and from the list provided, find and forcibly terminate the program presented in the report.

However, without resorting to searches, you can check the box next to "Do not display Microsoft services" and then click on the "Disable all" button. After these steps, you must restart your computer. This option will terminate all third-party programs.

Why does Windows 7 computer shut down for a long time?

Since windows 7 is one of the most popular operating systems, we will talk about one specific reason inherent in this version of windows. There are several reasons for a long shutdown of a computer running this OS version. Let's consider each one.

Extra background processes

Windows 7 is distinguished by a large number of unnecessary background processes (about 140, for example, in windows XP there are about 25) that start together with the system. When shutting down, the system needs to save the data collected by this or that process, and this takes time. To fix this problem, you need to disable unnecessary background processes.

Software conflict

For this reason, the computer may shutdown for a long time under other versions of windows. For windows 7, this problem is most typical, since the program does not respond, then when shutting down, the system has no right to abnormally terminate the program. In such cases, it is sometimes worthwhile to resort to disconnecting the computer from the network. To prevent this from happening, you need to independently shut down all active programs.


No other system like windows 7 has such frequent driver problems. This version often stores drivers with errors, then reinstallation may not bring results.

Incorrectly installed drivers can reduce performance, which will affect shutdown times.

To remove incorrectly installed drivers, you can use the DriveCleanup program, and then reinstall the drivers. If the operating system, in this case windows 7, has not been completely changed on the computer for more than one year, it is not recommended to update any drivers.

This article provides the main reasons and solutions for such problems as: spontaneous shutdown and startup of the computer, long shutdown of the computer running the windows 7 operating system.

A computer is a complex device, where each component must work correctly, ensuring the well-coordinated operation of the entire system. If a serious problem occurs in the operation of your computer, for protection purposes, it may suddenly turn off immediately after it is turned on.

The problem with an abrupt shutdown of the computer is quite common, and there are not many reasons for such a problem. Below we will consider the main ones, which most often affect the appearance of such a breakdown.

Advice: if the BIOS emits sounds before shutting down, they must be remembered and poked through any search engine. Often, the BIOS can indicate to the user what kind of problem in the computer caused it to shut down, and therefore you will be able to identify the cause much faster and, accordingly, solve the problem.

Reason 1: violation of the cooling system

First of all, when faced with a sharp shutdown of the computer immediately or almost immediately after turning it on, you should look under the case of the system unit and see if there is dust and dirt in it.

If the computer has not been cleaned for years, then large amounts of dirt and dust could accumulate on coolers, boards, microcircuits, etc. If you see that there is enough dust in the system unit, it is imperative to collect it with a vacuum cleaner, and then gently clean it from the remnants with a brush.

Particular attention should be paid to the cooling system: thoroughly clean the heatsink and cooler and dust, as well as replace the thermal grease between the heatsink and the processor. After assembling the computer, turn it on and check if the cooler is spinning - it is quite possible that the fan is completely out of order, and here it may need to be replaced.

Reason 2: problems in RAM

Incorrect connection of RAM or failure of the strap can cause a problem with an abrupt shutdown of the computer.

Carefully inspect the computer's RAM to see if all the brackets are connected properly. It is recommended to carefully examine the strips themselves and the slots into which they are connected: if damage is found, this only confirms the cause of the problem.

If several strips of RAM are connected to the computer, it is recommended to disconnect one punk at a time and check the operation of the computer: if one strip is out of order, the computer will normally start and work.

Reason 3: power supply problems

The power supply is the most important device of a computer, which plays an important role in its correct operation. Faced with a system shutdown, you need to think about the performance of the power supply.

It is imperative to inspect the internal component of the power supply: whether it is clogged with dust, whether a foreign object has fallen into its insides that causes a short circuit, and whether the capacitors are swollen.

Reason 4: problems with the motherboard

Quite often, the reason for a sudden shutdown of the computer can be caused by the computer's motherboard: failure of any of the connectors, a problem with capacitors, etc. In this case, as a rule, the motherboard needs a complete replacement.

Reason 5: BIOS failure

Typically, this cause of the problem concerns you if you have previously made changes to the BIOS settings. Incorrectly set parameters can easily cause the computer to turn on first, but abrupt shutdown will occur due to the inability to continue.

In this case, collecting BIOS settings will help to get out of the situation. As a rule, a similar procedure can be performed if you enter the BIOS, and then find and select the parameter Load Optimized Defaults, Load Fail-Safe Defaults, or Load Setup Defaults.

These are the main reasons that can suggest why the abrupt shutdown of the computer is still occurring. If the problem cannot be resolved on your own, do not postpone the trip to the service center.

Any PC breakdown is an unpleasant incident, and if failures occur regularly, we begin to wonder why the computer turns off by itself and what to do about it.

Possible causes and solutions

# 1 Problems with the system unit

If the computer turns off by itself after a while, Windows 7 or 10 is not important - the reason may lie in the system unit, which has accumulated dust and dirt. Remove the side cover and check. If the components are covered with an unpleasant layer, take a vacuum cleaner and treat the inside of the PC with it at low power. Use a paintbrush and cotton swab for hard-to-reach areas.

# 2 High temperature hardware

In case of overheating, an emergency shutdown system is triggered. There are many programs for checking the current status, such as CPUID HWMonitor. What to do if the computer turns off by itself for Windows 7 - instruction:

  • Download the program from the site
  • Install and open. In the "Temperature" section, you will see the required indicators.

  • If the temperature of the motherboard or video card is higher than the established norm, you should change the location of the PC itself and clean the fans.

Attention, if you have a laptop, purchase a stand and do not place it on soft surfaces.

Contact a technician to change the thermal grease on the processor. Too large a layer is harmful as well as a dried one, so it is not recommended for a beginner to do this on his own.

# 3 Malicious software

When the computer turns off by itself - what is the reason - is the most logical question. In Windows 7, we are looking for an answer in the antivirus program. Run it and go through the full test. If you use pirated versions of games or often download them from the Internet, your computer is probably infected.

The same is with the frequent question that comes to us, sounds like this: "If the computer (PC) turns off by itself - what could be the reason on Windows 10 and what to do about it?" The very first advice we give to such requests: you have reduced protection, activate the defender of Windows. This is a built-in antivirus, which also copes with its task quite efficiently.

# 4 Nutrition

When buying components (video cards, etc.), few people pay attention to the power of the power supply. But it is from him that the hardware part receives electricity. When assembling a new PC, check how much all the components are consuming. You can get this information from documents on devices.
If they are not saved, look at the correct hardware name in the task manager and look for information on the network.

To find out what is the reason when the computer turns off by itself, in Windows 7 call the manager from the control panel (Start button). Write down the names associated with the word "Chipset" in the system section and rewrite the name of the video card from the block "Video adapters"... Further check on the manufacturer's website.

The same sequence of steps must be followed to find out why the computer turns off by itself after a while for Windows 10. In it, the dispatcher is called by right-clicking on the main button.

# 5 Bad RAM

When the computer turns off by itself after a while, the reasons may lie in bad sectors of RAM or malfunction of the dies themselves. You can run the test yourself. To do this, hold down the + [R] buttons together and enter the sequence mdsched.

Restart your computer as requested by the system and wait about 20 minutes for the verification process to complete. If there are too many errors, it is better to replace the RAM. A specialist will help you to understand in detail.

# 6 Problems in the motherboard

Understanding why the computer shuts down abruptly by itself, you cannot ignore the motherboard. Due to voltage surges, a capacitor may swell on it or a transistor may be punctured.

The first problem can be seen immediately, the second can be identified by a professional in radio engineering. He will change. Better to contact the service center.

# 7 Bad contact

When the computer began to turn itself off during operation, remember if the system unit was hit or if you disassembled it. Any contact could come off, from the power supply or the motherboard. Disassemble the system unit and check all the plugs - they should fit snugly into the connectors.

# 8 Upgrade

Before buying new components, check their compatibility - if there is enough power from the unit. We wrote above how to do this. Another way is to enter all the parameters on the website and click the count button. As a result, you will get the values ​​you want.

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