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  • After the reboot, Instagram has changed how to return the old one. If your Instagram profile was deleted by the administration for violating the rules

After the reboot, Instagram has changed how to return the old one. If your Instagram profile was deleted by the administration for violating the rules

You can’t log into your Instagram account, and the problem with this is that you completely forgot your password. We hope that this answer, in the form of a step-by-step guide, will become the most comprehensive for those who do not know how to recover a password on Instagram and for everyone who, for some reason, cannot remember it. It is not difficult to recover a password on Instagram, but without knowing basic things, it seems impossible. We will try, regardless of which device you are going to recover the password on, to tell you in detail about it.

Recover Instagram password from gadget

Naturally, you need to open the Instagram web application on your mobile device - the login tab. You will be prompted with two options, enter your username and password, or the second option is to log in with Facebook.

The main problem is that the password is something we forgot. So, the first and easiest step to recover your Instagram password: on the application page, as shown in the photo above, click on the “Forgot?” link. Then we get to the password reset method page, to password recovery via Facebook, we will return a little later. Touch the tab "Username or a ..." and go to the next tab.


Alternatively, or if you have other problems with your Instagram account, you can visit the help center.

On this page, as you can see in the picture, you need to enter your name that you use to log into Instagram or your email address. the email address you provided during registration. Next, touch the active field - search.

It's great if you did everything right and entered the exact name or email address. mail, you will see a page with the following options. Send by mail, or via facebook, we choose to send by mail.

After tapping, send an email. message, the tab will become inactive, and at the bottom of the screen it will be displayed that the letter has been sent to the Email associated with your account. See the figure below. Then you need to go to your mail and find the password recovery letter.

We open mail on a computer or any gadget and find a letter from instagram with a button - Change password.

We make the transition on the active button and we open a page on which you create your new password for your Instagram profile.

After you have created a new password, click the reset password button. The page will then refresh and you will be congratulated on resetting your password. Now you can enter your profile, both from a computer and from a mobile device, by entering your username and password.

How to recover instagram password from computer

In order to recover your Instagram password from a computer, you will need to open any browser and go to the Instagram website. On the site that opens, click the button to enter, but since we do not remember the password, of course, it will not work to enter.
Therefore, we click on the active link “Forgot your password?” , which means “Forgot your password” in English, and a new page opens for us, with which we can recover our password. To do this, we need to enter our username or email address on the page that opens. mail, then enter the captcha, and click the reset password button. An email will be sent to the email address you provided during registration with a link to reset your password and create a new one.


Of course, if you specified a non-existent email address. mail, then recovering the password on Instagram will be unrealistic.

How to reset instagram password using facebook account

Going back a little, namely to the first way to recover the password from your Instagram account, we will tell you how you can easily and simply log into your account through Facebook.


This option is only possible if your Instagram account was linked to Facebook before you forgot your password. If this was not done, then the method loses its relevance!

You can see if your Instagram account is linked to Facebook on the Facebook website by going to the settings page, to the application tab. If this page does not have an inscription and an Instagram icon, then the service is not linked.

If there is an icon, then the way to recover your Instagram password through Facebook is right for you. To do this, open the application on your device, go to the active login field and click on the link forgot. On the page that opens, touch the "Change via Facebook" tab


It is advisable to log in to your Facebook account in advance, then logging into Instagram will take a few seconds.

Otherwise, you will need to perform a simple series of manipulations on your device. Let's look at an example of how it will look like. After clicking on the active tab to recover your password via Facebook, Facebook will open in your browser window. You need to log in by entering your username and password.

And then you will be redirected back to instagram, where you will see a page where you will create your new password for instagram.

Not to recover your password

The password should be complex, but not so complex that it cannot be remembered. If you often forget passwords, then be sure to get a notepad application on your mobile device and write down passwords there. Maybe then you won't need to search for this article!

Get popular on Instagram. Order likes and followers.
You can place an order by.

Sometimes it happens that someone forgot password on Instagram. In this case, you need to know how to recover your password on Instagram. In this article, we will look at how to do this.

How to recover Instagram page password.

If you have forgotten your page password, you can discard and replace with a new one. It is enough to know the login or email. It can also be restored through your Facebook page. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to Instagram, in the data entry field, click, as shown in the photo.
  2. Select recovery by username.
  3. Enter your login or email mail, which was used to create the account.
  4. Next, click to sent a letter. In the received letter follow this link.
  5. You can also log in through your Facebook page. To do this, click " Login with Facebook' and enter your details. You will then be prompted to create a new profile password.

How to recover Instagram password using phone number.

In the event that you specified a phone number when creating your account, you can restore it using it. For this:

As you can see, using a phone number helps a lot. Especially if you do not remember the mail or have lost access to it.

How to reset your Instagram password on a computer.

If it is more convenient to return access to the computer, then this is possible. Follow these steps:

If you cannot remember your mail or cannot enter it, and you have not linked your account with a page on Facebook, Instagram can't regain access. You can try to contact the server of the mail services in order to have access to the mail again. There are also cases when an incorrect email address is indicated during page creation. In this case, this will also be impossible. Thus, there are several ways to recover a password on Instagram.

Recovering an Instagram password via a phone number is not difficult, but prudent users must prepare in advance for such situations so as not to find themselves in an extremely unpleasant situation later. It is important to fill in the most important profile fields in a timely manner, since this is the only way to be able to regain control over the account.

In the most difficult situations, when the usual solutions are not available, you can contact the consultants of the photo network, who will definitely try to help you cope with the existing difficulties. But you should not rely only on support operators, because sometimes even they are not able to help. It must be remembered that it is better not to fight troubles, but to avoid them or prepare in advance to meet difficulties.

Those who want to figure out how to recover a password on Instagram must choose between 4 options:

These methods are quite close and similar, but each approach has its own characteristics and nuances that distinguish it from the general background. At the same time, certain solutions are more suitable for returning secret combinations through a computer, the rest are more relevant for smartphones.

The final decision depends only on the owner of the page and should be dictated only by existing preferences and desires. At the same time, if none of the above approaches brings the desired result, users will have to accept the loss and register again.

What to do if you forgot your Instagram password

Everyone who has thought about how to recover a password on Instagram through a phone number has already appreciated the convenience of this approach. To use this method, it is enough to have a mobile connected to the social network at hand. You don't have to use anything extra.

The whole recovery process looks like this:

  1. the first step is to log into Instagram;
  2. next you will need to click on the inscription offering to sort out a difficult situation (just below the login button);
  3. after waiting for the recovery form to load, you will need to indicate the preferred method by switching to receive information on the cellular;
  4. enter the mobile used;
  5. wait for an SMS message with a link to the page for creating a new combination.

That is what will be used in the future.

It is important to note that the described option is indispensable if you forgot your password and mail, and the account itself is not connected to Facebook.

How to restore a page on Instagram if you forgot your password from your phone

Having considered the most convenient method of recreating a password, you can begin to explore other actions that help return access to the social network from your phone. You should start by using Facebook, since this social network is closely related to Instagram. To return the ability to publish photos, it is enough to specify Facebook as the source of information for recovery.

The next option is the least convenient for regaining account control via phone, since it requires the mandatory use of a browser. It consists in obtaining a link to virtual mail.

To order a letter to the email address specified in the profile settings, you just have to specify a mobile nickname instead. The further procedure does not contain anything new, unusual or special, so almost anyone can handle it.

What to look out for

All of the above will be meaningless if a full account setup was not performed during registration. In order not to end up in a situation where you have to fill in requests like “I forgot my Instagram password, how to recover via phone number”, you should follow simple rules:

  • the most reasonable and easiest way to register is to combine the created account with a Facebook page;
  • when registering, it is worth indicating the most complete and honest information, especially mobile and email addresses are of great importance;
  • do not neglect the simple traditional ways of preserving the most important information, the password written on the sheet will not be forgotten;
  • it is recommended to update personal data in a timely manner, since it is almost impossible to regain control without mail and a SIM card;
  • you can not trust confidential information to strangers, strangers;
  • secret combinations must be kept in a safe, secure place.

If you do not neglect the above, it will not be difficult to avoid trouble, and the Instagram page will be protected.

As a last resort, if all possible actions to return access have been tried, and the desired result has not been achieved, it is worth writing to support operators. They will certainly help to deal with the difficulties that have arisen, if at all possible to do so.

For starters, calm down. The situation is unfortunate, but fixable. On the Internet, you often have to deal with this, so a non-working password is not a reason for frustration. What could have happened? What to do?

Reasons for login problems

Incorrect login or password entry is the simplest and most easily fixable reason. Check which keyboard language is selected. If you are trying to access Instagram from a computer, look at the status of "Caps ..." and "Num Lock". Calm down, focus and try entering your credentials again. If it didn't work out, you either completely forgot your password, or your account was hacked and the password changed. Often, attackers steal other people's accounts, using them to earn money.

The password was stolen or forgotten, there is only one way out - password recovery. This will not be difficult if, during registration, reliable data on the postal address (electronic, not physical) were entered. Linking your account to Facebook will also help. If you are reading this article and access to Instagram is not lost, check if this data is filled in your profile. Otherwise, in case of loss of control over the account, nothing can be done. You can check the pairing of Instagram and Facebook by going to the latter in the settings menu. If the Apps tab contains an icon or the word "Instagram", the accounts are linked.

How to restore Instagram without mail

Restoring access using Facebook is the easiest way. Only it allows you to restore your Instagram account when access to mail is lost or the mailing address is entered incorrectly (not entered). The only drawback of the method is that it can only be used from a mobile device. From a computer (from a browser), this method does not work.


Try not to forget the new password. Either make it long but memorable, or save it in a secure password storage program.

How to restore Instagram via e-mail

This is the only possible way to recover a password from a computer. If the mobile device does not work or it is more convenient for you to work with a PC, use the recovery via the e-mail attached to your account.


  • open the Instagram website, click the login button;
  • select the link "forgot your password?" in the form for entering credentials;
  • enter the email address on the page that opens;
  • check e-mail (the letter does not arrive immediately, so you have to wait);
  • follow the link;
  • enter a new password in the form;

How to restore "Insta" in case of a ban

By registering on the resource, you see the rules. In case of violation of the rules, a ban is often followed. In this case, it is almost impossible to restore the profile. There were cases when well-known public people with millions of subscribers were banned by the administration and were forced to create a new profile. An example is the ban of the singer Rihanna for candid photos.

If you are sure that you did not commit gross violations and the account is very dear to you (for example, if it is an organization page with many subscribers), you can try to convince the moderators to cancel the ban.

To do this, use the following algorithm:

  • follow the link on the support page;
  • select "I think my account has been hacked" and "Report it to us";
  • fill in the opened form;
  • indicate how you are related to the account;
  • mark the item "Account not hacked, there were other problems";
  • attach a scan of a document proving the connection with the organization (for example, a registration document);
  • click send;

Next, you need to wait for an email from the administration asking for a detailed description of the problem. Try to highlight the problem as much as possible and give arguments that you are not a spammer. Write what was posted on the page, what you used and why you could be banned. Please apologize for the possible violation of the established rules. If there were no serious violations on the account, there is a chance to remove the ban. The decision of the administration is not made immediately. You may have to wait a week. A positive decision of the administration will come by e-mail. Don't worry if you can't log in to Insta immediately after reading the email. Access is not restored immediately. Sometimes they wait several hours.

If everything went smoothly, write a letter of thanks to the administrator. The person made concessions to you, but was not obliged to do so.

Now you know how to restore Insta.

When it is impossible to restore Insta

  1. Account deleting. The resource policy does not provide for the possibility of recovering accounts that have been deleted by the owners. Therefore, the decision to remove must be taken carefully. Of course, the account can be deleted not by you, but by a hacker. But even then the intervention of the administration will not help.
  2. Lack of communication with Facebook and mail. As mentioned above, without a connection to Facebook or mail linked to Instagram, the account cannot be restored. If access to the e-mail specified in the account is lost and there is no connection with Facebook, the only way left is to restore access to the mail. To do this, contact the administration of the mail service or use the links to restore your account.

Remember: Instagram recovery is a free service. You should not pay money to someone who promises to restore your account. If the latter has no connection with e-mail and Facebook, then only a scammer can offer to restore it.

The programs supposedly restoring Instagram are also fraudulent. No need to download and install them, much less pay for them. Either nothing useful will happen, or you will simply bring in malicious software.

Access can be lost for various reasons: the password is forgotten, hacked, banned by the administration, or the user himself temporarily froze the profile. This can happen to anyone, because when passwords from dozens of resources are kept in your head, one can be forgotten. From the article you will learn how to recover your Instagram (instagram) account.

Removing a temporary block

Users, wanting to take a break and take a break from using the service, temporarily block their accounts. This opportunity is available to everyone, and the procedure itself takes a minute.

But, when the break is over, the question arises - how to restore an account (profile) on Instagram. And during the blocking, it is indicated how to do it, but not everyone notices the notification.

How to unfreeze a profile:

  • Open the app or the official web version of Instagram.
  • Enter password and login.
  • Click Login.

  • After that, the page will be restored to its original form.

It happens that the application gives an error when logging into your account. In this case, log in through the web version.

If the account was not just blocked, but deactivated forever, then access cannot be restored.

Forgot password

Restoring a page on Instagram if the password is lost is not difficult. The main thing is to have access to the mobile number or mail to which the page is linked.

Access recovery instruction:

  • Open application.
  • Under the authorization form, click on the line "Help logging in...".

  • Select the recovery option: by nickname, mail, SMS or Facebook. Let's take SMS as an example.

  • Select the country code (the first digit after the plus) and enter the number.

  • Open a link to restore access from SMS.
  • Come up with a password.

You can choose any option. The principle is the same - a letter arrives with a link to reset the password. If you select "via Facebook" - log in using your social account. the network to which the profile on Instagram is linked.

Blocked by the administration

An administrative ban can be obtained due to a violation of the rules of the service.

Instagram account recovery, in such a situation, is possible if the violations are not serious and the blocking is the first.

What should be done:

  • Open a browser on your smartphone or PC.
  • Go to the support contact form.
  • Fill in the required fields.
  • Write why the account needs to be restored. Explain to the administration that you and your publications did not violate the rules of the service, if so. Arguments are required. If not, then write about the account being hacked.

Within seven days, access can be restored. If there is no answer after a week, start a new profile.

Lost all access data

Now let's figure out what to do and how to restore your Instagram account if you forgot all the data. The help center of the service for this case offers the following options:

  • Restore the email address the profile is registered to.
  • Through the Facebook profile, if it was linked.
  • Recover linked phone number.

That's all: the article in the help center says that in case of loss of access to the number and mail, access will not be granted. In this case, it remains only to start a new profile.

Recover hacked account

If the attackers did not have time to change access, use the password recovery form.

If all data in the profile has been changed:

  • Open the Instagram app.
  • Press "Help Login".

  • Select the first item in the block Access to your account.

  • Enter a nickname. If it was changed, ask a friend to write to you what the account is now called.
  • Click on the arrow in the upper right corner.

  • Find the line "Need more help" and press.

  • Enter your email.
  • Select the type of account you are recovering.

  • Press "Account Hacked".
  • Write additional information.
  • Submit your request using the button below.

After submitting the form, an email will be sent to the specified email address requesting additional information about the problem. In response to this letter, send everything you need:

  • Description of the problem.
  • Mail and number from the account, type of mobile device.
  • Previous usernames.

After that, you will receive a letter in which you will need to take a photo with a code. If all conditions are met, you will receive a link to reset your password in a few days.

Suddenly, if your friend comes up with the idea to delete an account from the phone, then it's better to do it with our instructions.

How to restore a profile on another phone?

If everything is in order with access, but you just changed the device, read how to restore Instagram on a new phone:

  • Open the app.
  • Enter your login details.
  • If you have forgotten your password, use the recovery form.

If the new one is not only the phone, but also the number, you can bandage the profile:

  • Log in to the app.
  • Go to your profile and click on the edit button next to your nickname.

  • Enter the new number in the field at the bottom of the page.
  • Enter the six-digit code from SMS.

To avoid such situations and not lose access, store passwords in special programs - KeePass, 1Password, eWallet and others. You can also use the two-factor authentication feature.

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