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Step-by-step instructions on how to find a person on Facebook. How to find someone on Facebook - social media and third-party services

Hello dear readers of the blog site. I want to continue the conversation about such a wonderful social network (especially for doing business) like Facebook (read about if you need it).

A little earlier, we met in all details with the topic in this social network, and today we will talk about how to learn how to effectively and profitably use the search built into this network.

The problem here is that in the Russian-speaking segment of Facebook, the search works rather poorly, but even using it, as well as a group or business page for keywords. True, there are several nuances that you need to know and which I will definitely tell you about.

In addition, we will talk about the ranking factors and the basic conditions that need to be met in order to promote your page or group to the Top of Facebook for the desired keyword. Well, and we will also get acquainted with, which allows you to solve almost any problem and find anything, however, entering queries only in English. But first things first.

How does Facebook search by default work?

Let's see how Facebook search works? In fact, it works somewhat differently than we are used to. For example, in Yandex () or Google (), you can actually enter the query phrase as it was formulated in your head. The search engine will understand you and give you the sites that are most relevant to your query (as far as possible). It goes without saying that you can also use all sorts of operators, which I wrote about in the articles on the links above.

On Facebook, search on this moment not as flexible. In any case, in its Russian-speaking segment. A little later we will talk about social search, which has been launched so far only in English, but it can already be used to solve very interesting and useful tasks. Which ones? I will write about this a little below, but for now let's look at what they are "slipping" to us in the Russian-speaking segment and what can be found with this tool.

So, facebook search bar located at the very top of any page (white box on a blue bar). After entering a query into it, the most relevant results in the opinion of this social network will be shown below in the drop-down window. To see the entire list, you will need to click on the link located at the bottom of this drop-down window, or on the magnifying glass icon at the end of the search bar (clicking on Enter will open the topmost search result, not the search page). It's not entirely usual after Yandex or Google, but you can adapt.

Facebook is able to divide search results into sections (people, business pages, groups, etc.). Depending on the text of the request, the drop-down window will be dominated by the results from the most suitable group.

When you go to the page with full results (there will be a lot of options), then in the left column this social network will kindly give you the opportunity to select only those results that will correspond to a certain section:

By default, the filter from the left column is used. "The closest"... How exactly the ranking of the results is carried out in this case (their arrangement according to the places they occupy and the formation of the Top), we will talk a little below, but for now you can see how the rest of the filters work.

Basically, their purpose is obvious - to filter out results from the sections of Facebook you don't need. For example, if you are looking for a person by last name, then it makes sense to use the "Users" filter, and if you are looking for a business page on "website promotion", then by entering this query it makes sense to apply the "Pages" filter. You can read it. I think that everything is obvious here.

Now what concerns directly search... The query you enter in the search bar will be searched for in usernames, names of their pages, profiles, groups, etc. Moreover, if the request consisted, for example, of two words, then in the results you will be offered, for example, business pages containing these two words in their title (or they will be included in more complex words).

Therefore, if, for example, you want to build a database of groups or business pages on a specific topic (for some of your business tasks), which can be described by several keywords that are similar in meaning, then it would be better to enter these words in the search bar separately so as not to narrow your target audience too much. For example, instead of the query "site promotion and promotion" it would be better to search for two separate queries: "site promotion" and "site promotion". I think that the meaning will become clearer in practice.

It turns out pretty clumsy. Well, no imagination and detailed semantics. It also becomes obvious that by default (and also by name), but not by areas with information about the user, his interests, etc. Although, this information may appear in the search results as a snippet (depending on the section to which it belongs - users, groups, pages, places, events or applications).

How to find someone on Facebook?

In a social network, ordinary users most often search for people, and not for pages or groups. To do this, by default, this system provides several options, which boil down to narrowing the search circle by specifying any data from the user profile (email, phone, place of residence, study or work). Everything is quite simple and primitive, but I think it's worth talking about it anyway. Below we will look at a more advanced way of social search, but for now let's talk about the "classic".

How to find people on Facebook by phone or email?

Actually, in addition to searching by first and last name, you can find the person you need by entering him or a phone number into the search box. If the user used them when registering or indicated when filling out the profile, then the only correct search result will be returned.

The same will happen when you enter your mobile phone number:

Quite an effective and quick way if you know these contact details of the opponent. However, there are several nuances.

  1. Firstly, it is easier to search, of course, by mailbox than by phone number, because it must be indicated during registration (unless some special mailbox was used, to which everything is registered so that you do not receive spam later).
  2. Secondly, the user can close this information from indexing by internal Facebook search in the privacy settings. In this case, a search by E-mail or phone will give nothing.

Let's see how you can block this search option if you want to, i.e. how to prevent your email or phone number from being found on Facebook... First, you will need to go to your account settings by selecting the "Settings" item from the drop-down menu at the top of any window from the drop-down menu on the rightmost arrow (pointing down or a triangle - whatever you like):

On the page that opens, select the "Privacy" item from the left settings menu. On the page that opens, we are interested in the area located at the very bottom under the name, namely the first two fields in it. To change these settings, you will need to click on the "Edit" button in the required line on the right:

The default option is "All", but you can replay this and maximally narrow the range of persons able to successfully conduct such a search only to their friends on this social network. Well, or choose the middle option - friends of friends, which will significantly expand the circle of “chosen ones”.

How do I find people on Facebook by region, school or work place?

When you enter the name or surname of the person you want to find in the search box of this social network, then open all the results (using the corresponding link at the bottom of the drop-down window) and select the "Users" filter from the left menu, then in addition to everything else you will be offered three filters that you can use in order to narrow your search and not see a bunch of results that are not interesting to you.

To the line of the first filter "Location" you can enter the geographical name of the city. A drop-down list will appear, allowing you to clarify which settlement you had in mind:

You can also try using the field and enter the name of the company where the person you are looking for works. The same can be done using a field, i.e. enter, for example, the name of the higher or secondary educational institution where he studied.

However, it should be borne in mind that the search will be carried out according to the user's profile, and how he wrote there (for example, MPEI or the Moscow Power Engineering Institute) is difficult to guess, because the same educational institution may have many spelling options.

By the way, if you don't need any additional filter fields now (for example, you changed your mind about filtering by city), then you can click on the cross to the right of it. You can return the field back using the "Add filter" button that appears below.

How to get to the top of Facebook search results?

When you type something into the search line of this social network, the analysis of the results obtained may prompt you to think that it is not entirely clear, but why, in fact, the SERP was built in this way.

Why is your business page or group with a huge number of fans or subscribers below other pages (), which have much less of this good? Where's the justice? A? And it is, but it is hidden behind those things that we sometimes do not notice.

Let's take a close look at the SERPs and try to find some kind of relationship in order to figure out which factors most affect Facebook search rankings. Let's say I want to joke about business pages dedicated to "website promotion". There is no logic in the formation of the SERP, as already mentioned, (a page with a huge number of readers is lower than a page with practically no fans at all):

Also, in the snippet (under the heading of one of the search results), the number of your friends (under my account they simply are not in this topic) who have joined this page can be displayed, but this number is not the main factor in ranking on Facebook, because at the top there may be the page with far fewer of your engaged friends than the one below. The number of occurrences of the key request in the title of the page or its description also does not give any explicit dependence.

It turns out that there is no obvious criterion by which the SERPs are ranked. However, it remains relevant. In ordinary search engines, we can somehow imagine (by the way, there are a lot of them). Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that we are dealing with a social network, which means that it will be logical to take into account the criteria characteristic of this environment.

Key Facebook ranking criteria can be represented, probably, something like this:

  1. in the name of the page, group, (not real) profile, where not the full name is used, but the keys. Those. the presence of keywords is a prerequisite for getting into the Facebook search results, but not yet sufficient to get into the Top (read about that). The ranking of the results thus selected will be carried out using the following criteria.
  2. (who clicked on the "Like" button on the pages found in the search results) or. But not a simple number, but taking into account the number of your Facebook friends who got into this number of fans or members. Obviously, in this situation, the SERP will be different for different users, because a different number of their friends will be involved.
  3. with pages and groups participating in the issue. Interaction means likes, writing posts, comments and other activities. This ranking factor further individualizes search results for the same query made by different users of this social network.
  4. ranked for this key query. That is, it takes into account how often and how regularly new content is added. This is a social network, which means that the "liveliness" of the presentation of information is an important criterion and an undeniable advantage.
  5. Quantitative reflection within a Facebook page or group. All likes (not only from your friends), comments, etc. are taken into account. things. Their total number is taken into account, as well as the regularity and duration of this activity.

Most likely, it is the above criteria that determine (in combination) which search result will be in the first place, which in the second, and so on (i.e., they are responsible for building the Top). The mechanism itself is unknown to anyone, and the degree of influence of each criterion is also not fully understood. But it is enough just to know them and try to improve them as far as possible, thereby getting into the Top more and more users of this social network, if you decide to use the internal search.

Basically, based on the above arguments several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The results for the same search query will differ for different users (strongly or not), because they all have different people recorded as friends, and they have different numbers of these friends. And they can interact in different ways with the ranked business pages or groups (more actively or passively). Your activity is also taken into account, but not as some kind of prevailing factor.
  2. Therefore, if you want as many network users as possible, you would be in the Top results for some query you need, then you need to:
    1. This keyword would be in the title of the page or group.
    2. Have on the page (those who have clicked on the "Like" button), because this increases the likelihood that among them there will be friends of the person who enters this request. Basically, this can be called an increase in the social rating of your Facebook page.
    3. On your page or in a group. Content rules not only on sites, but also on a social network (there is a way). If it is interesting (it is liked, commented on, repost), then Facebook will increase the search ranking of your page and it rises in the search results (it will tend to the Top).

It is precisely the degree of compliance with the last three conditions that will determine whether you get to the Top of the search results of the current user or not.

Facebook social search

This is a new kind of search that appeared a couple of years ago. It is available, however, so far only for English-speaking users of this social network. It differs from what we considered above, is that, and not stupidly looking for the entered words in the names of groups or usernames. At the same time, it takes into account the social connections and preferences of the user who performs this search.

You can enter whole sentences and he will understand you (for example, "music that my friends like" or "a cafe in Moscow where my friends have been" or "motocross lovers from Uryupinsk"). But, unfortunately, all this works only in English and the introduction of the given queries "as is" in the search bar (in Russian) will not lead to anything good. Trying queries in English is also useless:

What to do? You just need switch the interface of your Facebook account to English and semantic search is automatically activated. How to do it? Pretty simple. Go to the home page WWW.FACEBOOK.COM(in the news feed) and at the bottom of the third column from the left (which is located to the right of the feed itself) find the link "Russian":

It will allow you to switch the interface language. From the list that opens, you will need to select the option "English (US)"(American English). After that, the search string will already begin to understand semantic queries, but entered in English. This does not mean at all that you can only search through the bourgeois part of the web. It all depends entirely on the wording of your request.

For example, if you want to find women of a certain age among Facebook users and living at the same time in a certain place (for example, to make them some kind of commercial offer or in some other way to motivate this unnatural desire), then it will be enough to enter a query like:

Women who live in Moscow and older 20 and younger 30

Changing it only the age range and the city to fit your needs. The logical "AND" here looks like "and", which makes it clear to the search engine that all these conditions (in fact, there are three of them) must be met.

If you enter a query directly in the search bar (and not insert it entirely by copy-pasting), then Facebook will offer you hints (by analogy with conventional search engines) sorted by the frequency of using this phrase when other network users try to search.

At the same time, they will be the same as we voiced above. In this regard, nothing has changed, but this is not the point, because the most important thing is that now you can explain in words what exactly you want to find. In social search, not the words of the query themselves will be searched, but the meaning that you put in them. The difference is significant and gives almost limitless possibilities.

However, you can still filter your search results by the sections that interest you most. In our example, we obviously wanted to find people matching the given criteria, so it would be logical to switch to the second “People” tab.

As you can see, the Facebook social search perfectly understood us and picked up girls from Moscow from a given age range.

Let's consider the options for using this tool for the needs of an ordinary user of a social network and for business needs in the next article of this series, because the material will be quite voluminous.

As you yourself know, social networks are created so that people from the same or different cities can easily communicate with each other in real time. In addition, this is a great opportunity to find your classmates, colleagues, distant relatives and other people whose life and fate are not indifferent to you.

However, when searching for this or that person, one nuance arises that can become an obstacle: both of you must be registered in the social network in which the search is carried out. But what if you are sure that the person you need is in the database, say, Facebook, and you are not registered there, and you do not plan to do this? Don't worry, this problem is very solvable!

How to find a person without registration

If it is important for you to search for people on the Facebook social network without registering, there is only one option for further actions for you. More precisely, the well-known Yandex service will help you in your search, which, however, is already actively used by a large number of modern users. So, first of all, you need to go to the Yandex search form using the link After that, a new window will open with many lines to fill. The most important thing is to indicate the full name of the user you are looking for and select the social network Facebook. If you have more detailed information about a person, you can fill in other fields, indicating, for example, age, place of residence, educational institutions with which he is associated. Remember that the more data you enter, the higher the chance of a positive outcome for your searches. By the way, you can search for people in OK in the same way. I talked about this in more detail here.

How to find a person for a registered user

I think it would be useful to talk about how to find a person if you are already a registered Facebook user. In this case, finding someone becomes even easier!

I still hope you can find the user you want on your first try!

First of all, let's look at the Graph Search search engine. This is a fairly powerful tool in which the search is carried out using special commands in the form of questions in English.

Facebook search is more suitable for personal purposes like finding people by interests, restaurants, old photos, videos that you liked, etc. However, with the correct formulation of questions and commands, you can quickly check and find the information you are looking for for other purposes.

Before you start working with search, you should know:

1. The Graph Search engine works only with the English version of the Facebook interface (the system is under development and does not work with other languages).

2. You can only search by months or years, not by specific dates. That is, for example, it will not be possible to find photos for August 24, 2015.

3.Graph Search is not case sensitive, so all words of the search phrase can be entered with a lowercase letter.

4. Facebook users can hide their posts from the search engine. More details about privacy -.

5. At the beginning of the search, results are always shown related to those with whom you most contact, that is, your friends. Next - with the friends of your friends (mutual friends), at the end - all the rest.

6. Search results can be sorted by many parameters.

Search video / photo

For video search the operator is used videos, then you need to dial taken in / taken at / of / at, after that - indicate the location / subject, at the end (optional) - the time frame. Examples:

Search photos follows a similar principle, but the operator is used photos.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct determination of the location, because users can designate the same area in different ways. Inquiries photos taken at Maidan Nezalezhnosti from january 2014 and photos taken at Kiev, Maidan from january 2014 will show different results.

If you don't know how to spell a geographic feature, you can use the Facebook hint. To do this, you need to go to your page and in the field for creating a post, click on the Check in button. Once you start typing the name, Facebook will offer pre-made options.

People search

On Facebook, you can also quite easily search for people by place of work, education, profession, interests, place of residence, etc. There are three main people search filters:

  • (my) friends- friends
  • my non-friends / people who are not my friends- everyone except friends
  • people- all


Most people are active users of social networks. Statistics only confirm this opinion. Indeed, on average, a resident of our country spends in social networks from 40 minutes to 2 hours a day. And every year the number of accounts increases by 10%.

There is nothing strange about such testimony. After all, social networks allow you to have a good time and help you to perform many actions. For example, you can often read articles on how to search for people or by parameters in a few minutes.

Features of working with a resource

The first way, how to search for people on Facebook by country:

  • enter in the search field at the top of the person's data that you have (last name, first name, patronymic) and select "Find more search results". Also here you can specify the country, city, educational institution;
  • select the "Show more results" option if you did not find the person you were looking for;
  • enter first and last name in English if the required person was not included in the presented result.

Here's how to search for people on Facebook around the city: you must take into account the fact that the information on the page may not be displayed quite correctly. For example, a girl lives in a small village near the Moscow region, and the settlement of Moscow can be entered in the account. Therefore, there is a need to repeat requests in several versions.

Alternative way

Here's another tip on how to properly search for people on Facebook using your email:

  • go to the list with friends;
  • select "Find Friends" (the button is on the right);
  • click on the icon corresponding to your email;
  • enter her address and password;
  • select Find Friends.

In this way, you can find people to whom you have ever sent a message from this email address. If these individuals are registered on the Facebook social network, a positive result will certainly appear on the page. In the same way, you can find people using Skype, ICQ.

Even if you have a profile created for a business, surely sooner or later you will need information on how to find a person on Facebook. And although it seems that it is easy, I can still cover this topic in a whole article. So, after reading you will not have any difficulties.

Ways to find a person in FB

So, we can go two ways to find the user. I'll tell you more.

Is it possible to find a person in FB by phone number?

Some people don't know that you can search for people on Facebook by phone number. First, let's talk about how to prevent this. For this we:

Now about where to enter the phone to go to the profile. In fact, the answer is simple - use the search bar to do this.

Why can't I find a person in FB

So what could be the reasons for a failed search?

  1. Poor photographic angle. It is best to use good quality portraits;
  2. The person blocked the ability to find him through a phone number;
  3. Invalid data was entered on Facebook. In this case, little will help you.


How to find someone on Facebook? The search bar at the top of the page will help you with this. There you can use various filters. The functionality of this section is actually quite broad - so you can find more than just profiles. Publications, apps, groups and more are searchable here. Therefore, use it, do not deny yourself anything. Another place for finding people is the well-known Google - here you will find not only memes, but also any other information, including links to those you need.

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