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The procedure for recovering files deleted by the antivirus. Recover files deleted by antivirus avast

Sometimes there are cases when antiviruses have a false positive, and they delete completely safe files. It is not bad if entertainment or irrelevant content is deleted, but what if the antivirus has deleted an important document or system file? Let's find out what to do if Avast deleted the file, and how to restore it.

Avast antivirus has two types of deleting virus content: moving to quarantine and complete deletion.

When moving to quarantine, it is much easier to recover deleted data than in the second case. Let's see how to do this.

In order to restore files from quarantine, go to it along the following path: "Avast main window" - "Scan" - "Scan for viruses" - "Quarantine".

After we are in quarantine, we select with the cursor, pressing the left mouse button, those files that we are going to restore. Then, click on the right mouse button, and select the "Restore" item.

If we want these files never to be mistakenly quarantined again, then click on the "Restore and add to exclusions" item.

After completing one of these steps, the files will be restored to their original location.

Recovering completely deleted files with the R.saver utility

If Avast antivirus completely deleted files mistakenly marked as viral, then it is much more difficult to restore them than in the previous case. In addition, there is not even a guarantee that the restoration will be completed successfully. But, if the files are very important, then you can and should try. The main principle: the earlier you start the procedure for recovering from removal, the more chances of success.

You can recover files completely deleted by an antivirus using one of the special data recovery programs. Among the best of these is the free R.saver utility.

We launch this program, and select the disk where the deleted file was stored.

In the window that opens, click on the "Scan" button.

Then we have to choose the type of scan: full or fast. If you have not formatted the disk, and it has not been so long since the deletion, you can use a quick scan. Otherwise, choose full.

The scanning process begins.

After the completion of the scanning process, we see the file system in a reconstructed form.

You have to find the deleted file. We go into the directory in which it was previously located and look for it.

When we find the file deleted by the Avast program, click on it with the left mouse button, and, in the context menu that appears, select the action "Copy to ...".

After that, a window opens in front of us, where we must choose where the restored file will be saved. After selecting the directory, click on the "Save" button.

After that, the file deleted by Avast antivirus will be restored to your hard disk or removable media in the location you specified.

Do not forget to manually add this file to the antivirus exclusions, otherwise it is highly likely to be deleted again.

As you can see, restoring files moved by the antivirus to quarantine does not cause any particular problems, but in order to bring back to life the content completely deleted by the Avast program, you may have to spend a lot of time.

And without waiting for the continuation you promised, As, I decided to independently install this anti-virus program on my home computer, but ran into some ambiguities. The installer downloaded the program on the official website, then installed this program on his home computer, and it turns out that it still needs to be registered. I coped with this, now I can not figure out the settings. Specifically, I am interested in the Sandbox function or the sandbox, many people are talking about it now, it is a kind of virtual environment in which you can run any suspicious program without fear of infecting the entire system. So, it is in the settings, but I don’t understand whether it works or not. And I still can't find such a useful function as Scan at startup, they say this is a very good remedy for ransomware banners, and if it is enabled, Avast checks the boot files before loading Windows itself. I would be grateful for any help. Maksim.

How to install free antivirus Avast

This article is written as a continuation of the article Which antivirus is the best, where we have sorted out the question on what principle almost all antivirus products, both paid and free, build their protection. How do they differ from each other, as well as many other things, for example, how best to build protection of your home computer from viruses and which programs besides antivirus should be used for this. Here we will consider the question of how to download and install free antivirus Avast... We will analyze the basic settings of the program, its maintenance, scanning for viruses, and so on.

Note: Friends, if for any reason you want to remove the Avast antivirus program, use. A good overview of paid and free antiviruses awaits you in our article ""

Basically, the protection of our Avast antivirus program is built on a very powerful Resident Protection. This happens with the help of a kind of screen means. In other words, program modules are constantly present in RAM and track everything that happens on the computer.
For example, the File System Shield is the main protection tool and monitors all operations that occur with your files. Firewall-monitors network activity and stops viruses trying to get through the Internet. Mail screen - monitors e-mail and naturally checks all letters that come to your computer. Another program Avast, has a fairly advanced Heuristic analysis, effective against rootkits.

Here's a free antivirus for you!

Before installing AVAST! Free antivirus, you should know that you can only use it at home. You can download the antivirus on the website If you have any problems with downloading Avast antivirus, download it on the official distributor page of "Avsoft", at:
Well, we will download our antivirus on the official website Please select Free Antivirus and click download,

in the Welcome Avast Free Antivirus users window that appears, click the Download Now button.

Downloaded, run the installer of the program. From the seventh version, there is a choice between the usual installation and installation as a second antivirus. If you have Kaspersky installed as your first antivirus, a conflict is possible.

You can choose express installation.

If you need Google Chrome browser, check the box. Installation takes place within one to two minutes.
Installation completed. We press ready.

Many people, once in the main window of the program, are surprised that the AVAST antivirus needs to be registered, but this is actually the case. Registration is very simple. Click to register.

Choosing Basic Protection AVAST! Free antivirus.

We fill in a very simple form. We press registration for a free license.

Our version of the antivirus is registered, a similar letter will be sent to the mailbox.

We are immediately offered to switch to the Internet Security version for 20 days, after this period, if you wish, you can return to the free Free version or buy the Internet Security version. What would you like to compare with, use the AVAST version first! Free antivirus, you can upgrade to the paid version at any time. Click on the cross in the upper right corner and close this window.

After 365 days, you will need to re-register and that's it. As you can see, downloading and installing the free Avast antivirus is, in principle, not difficult, and it is not difficult to register it.

You can say everything is very convenient and understandable, even a beginner can figure out all the controls. Now, friends, attention, by default the program is configured very well, but there are some settings worthy of your attention. Avast is updated automatically, usually immediately after turning on the computer and starting the operating system.

If you wish, you can check if there are updates on the official website at any time. Select Maintenance Update Software. You can also update the virus scanning and detection module.

There are several ways to scan your computer for viruses. Click on the button Scan your computer... And choose the option you want, for example
Express scan- Startup objects and all areas of the operating system partition where viruses usually nest will be scanned.
Full computer scan(No comments)
Removable media scanning- your flash drives, USB hard drives and so on are scanned
Select a folder to scan, you yourself choose the folder to scan for viruses.

Or you can right-click on any folder and select Scan in the drop-down menu and this folder will be scanned for viruses.

Scanning when loading the OS. If, for example, you have to surf the Internet for a long time, you can enable checking the boot files in advance at the next boot of the system. Avast will check all files related to normal system loading, bypassing Windows itself, personally I have not noticed such a function anywhere except Avast. A very good tool that helps against ransomware banners, though not in 100% of cases.

Avast antivirus window, before the main Windows boot.

Automatic sandbox (" AutoSandbox"). Runs suspicious applications in a virtual environment that is naturally separate from the normal system. In our free version of AVAST! Free antivirus, only those applications that Avast considers suspicious will start, if the program turns out to be malicious, the program window will simply close. The paid versions of AVAST! Pro Antivirus and AVAST! Internet Security, you can run any application in this environment yourself, as you wish.

Blocking certain websites by their address. You can use this feature as a parental control tool.

Everything else is available in the window Live screens and the window Settings... We can say that the average user should be satisfied with the default settings, if you don't understand something, write.

How to recover my files deleted by Eset NOD32 antivirus”- a request that can often be seen on the Internet. Nevertheless, there are not so many possible solutions to this issue, which often creates the feeling that there is no way to return the lost documents.

First of all, you need to understand that the antivirus will never block or delete a file that in one way or another does not affect the functioning of the operating system or other installed programs.

Accordingly, if your document has been deleted, you can safely suspect its harmfulness. However, there are also files that simply modify the program by interfering with its processes, but do not pose a threat.

Are there ways to recover a file deleted by an antivirus? Definitely there! In this article, we will look at what the Eset NOD32 application is, the features of working with it and an effective way to recover files erased by an antivirus.

What is Eset NOD32?

It is no secret to anyone in the modern world how important, and most importantly, relevant antivirus applications. They allow not only to eliminate the vast majority of malicious files, but also help to prevent a possible threat even before it manifests itself, harming the system in one way or another.

Antivirus Eset NOD32, which is most often referred to simply as NOD32, is a whole package of antivirus software created by the Slovak company Eset back in 1987.

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There are two editions of the program:

  • Home version.
  • Business version.

The main difference between the business version and the home version is the possibility of remote control and the presence of cross-platform protection. No less pleasant is the feature that allows you to easily and flexibly customize the program to suit any needs.

Eset NOD32. How do I enable or disable antivirus?

It often happens that when installing a program, we are required to disable the antivirus, otherwise it will “eat” an important file without which the application simply cannot start.

Another common reason for looking for answers to the question of enabling / disabling the antivirus is the goal of reducing the resource consumption of the “defender”. This is due to the peculiarity of the work of antiviruses - they usually take up a fairly large amount of memory even being in a passive state, and when you run other "heavy" programs, you sometimes have to pause protection.

So how do you complete the task of enabling or disabling NOD32? Let's look at this issue in the instructions below.

1. Run the app Eset NOD32 and go to Settings.

2. In the window that opens, you will find all installed NOD32 service packages. Visit each one and enable / disable the options depending on your needs.

Eset NOD32. Antivirus quarantine and exclusions.

Quarantine- a storage that is necessarily present in any antivirus, regardless of its manufacturer and version (home or business). It contains all suspicious files that, according to the antivirus, in one way or another can harm your operating system.

It is worth noting the fact that not a single document, even if it is a Trojan, is deleted instantly. First of all, the threat emanating from it is neutralized: the file is quarantined and the antivirus patiently waits for the user's responsible decision on further actions - you can either delete the infected document or mark it as an exception, which we will analyze a little later.

How to find quarantine of Eset NOD32 antivirus? Very simple! Let's take a look at the instructions below.

1. Run Eset NOD32 and go to section Service.

2. Open the tab Additional funds... It is located in the lower right corner.

3. We now have a complete list of additional services provided by Eset as part of its antivirus. Open up Quarantine.

4. In the menu that opens, NOD32 gives you full control over all isolated files.

We found quarantine and found him main functions:

  • Isolate file... This parameter allows you to manually find a malicious file and block it if the antivirus cannot cope on its own.
  • Restore... An option that allows you to recover an accidentally locked file.

Simply restoring an isolated document does not always avoid further blocking. Can this be changed? Let's consider.

1. Without leaving the window Quarantine, right-click on the file you want to unlock.

2. Select an option Restore and exclude from scanning.

3. If you are confident in your actions, click Yes... If you do not know the file is dangerous or harmless, we recommend clicking No.

Eset NOD32 deleted files. How to recover?

Antivirus Is the only barrier that holds back an incredibly large number of possible threats that can penetrate our computers via the Internet. It is quite natural that it blocks absolutely all files with a similar operating mechanism; such documents that in one way or another interfere with system or program processes.

Unfortunately, antiviruses are not able to differentiate files, because any malicious file can easily disguise itself as a Windows process and gradually destroy the computer from the inside.

Consequently, the program tries in every possible way to protect the PC, blocking everything that, in its opinion, poses a certain threat. In most cases, locked documents can be easily restored by simply adding an exception, but sometimes they are completely deleted if the antivirus considers the file to be critical.

Starus Partition Recovery will be a good helper in everyday work with the file system. The application will relieve you of any fears about personal documents in the long term and will help you recover a file of any format, no matter how you lost it.

You can evaluate all the chances of "recovering what was lost" before registering the Starus Partition Recovery tool. Download the program for recovering personal documents erased by an antivirus and try it for free. All functions are available in the trial version, including preview of recovered files. The preview window will allow you to make sure that a particular file is not damaged or overwritten and is subject to complete recovery.

Has antivirus deleted the files it needs from your computer? Do you need these files at least in whole, at least in fragments? The situation is familiar, it happens quite often. Office documents often fall under the hot hand of an antivirus - PowerPoint presentations, Word and Excel files, as well as photos, videos, music and other multimedia, which I didn't want to lose at all. Naturally, you have to worry.

And some may seriously panic, because not everyone knows where and how to search for files deleted by an antivirus. However, you should not be prematurely nervous.

If you notice the loss a short time after the anti-virus scan, then most likely you will be able to recover the deleted data. You just need to choose the right tool for this.

There are thousands of programs designed to improve the efficiency and speed of computers, manage memory and protect against malware.

On the other hand, there are also a lot of programs that are developed by various unscrupulous citizens to damage other people's computers or establish unauthorized control over them, in other words, there are a lot of viruses, plus new ones appear every day.

This attack cannot be ignored in any way, therefore programmers create and improve programs that can identify and remove malware, as well as protect computers and the data stored in them from unauthorized use. Fortunately, there is no shortage of quality antivirus software today. For example, article about Doctor Web - one of the best free antivirus utilities for checking home PCs. In addition, any user can name a dozen more popular antiviruses offhand.

However, how does it happen that the antivirus deletes seemingly completely harmless files? The fact is that we all use the Internet, so the risk of a virus entering the computer is always present. At the same time, we know that if a computer is protected by an antivirus, then it constantly monitors the OS for suspicious spyware, viruses and other nasty software. Antivirus is programmed to detect and remove malicious code and programs infected with it, which can damage your computer and / or data.

If during anti-virus scanning such malicious code is found in any of the files, including the mentioned documents, photos, videos, etc., then they are identified as infected and must be deleted. If the antivirus operates in maximum protection mode, then not only infected files will be deleted, but also those that the program regards as suspicious.

Since such an emergency has happened, then a good software tool for recovering data on a computer (laptop, tablet, smartphone) can solve the problem. You need to choose a program that:

  • can work with different versions of operating systems;
  • which provides the function of deep scanning of the hard drive (SSD, USB flash drives and memory cards);
  • in which there is an effective algorithm for recovering files deleted by the antivirus, including in the case of so-called difficult scenarios;
  • which allows you to efficiently recover files deleted, including through the key combination "Shift + Delete";
  • which is able to find and recover files deleted after anti-virus scanning by their unique signature.

BUT also it is necessary to remember that it is better to play it safe than to regret later. In this regard, before each anti-virus scan, it is imperative to back up important files and folders. In addition, it is better to use only original antivirus software, with which the risk of losing important data is significantly reduced. Well, of course, don't download anything from unsecured sites.

Actually, now about how to recover files deleted by antivirus (we took the Remo Recover program as an example):

STEP 1: download to a separate flash drive, install and run the trial and therefore free version of Remo Recover, on the control panel press the button "Recover Files"

* IMPORTANT : you cannot save and install the program on the same storage device from which you want to restore the lost data!

: in the window that opens, select "Recover Deleted Files"

STEP 3: select the drive where you want to find and restore deleted files

STEP 4: after the scan is complete, the program will display a list of all files that have been deleted by the antivirus

STEP 5: save search results in a separate folder

And further: if the antivirus has deleted really important information, then to restore it it is better to contact a specialized service center.

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