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Popular browsers. Which browser to install on an old PC

In order to understand which of the browsers is the easiest, you need to try installing at least a few of them. Then they are launched in turn (the main thing is that the conditions are the same, that is, the pages are the same).

To compare, take the following three Internet pages:




When each of the sites is open, you need to click on the "Task Manager" to look at the processor load, as well as memory.

Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge

Desktop computers usually do not shine with good performance, so you can use what the system offers, that is, a standard browser. Of course, Internet Explorer is not so convenient and a small number of people use it, but it needs much less memory to work than the well-known browsers Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

1. The Internet Explorer browser opens on the page Called "Task Manager" and looks first of all "Memory" - 66.7 MB.

3. And now it's time to open the last page In the "Task Manager" "Memory" will be displayed as 84.9 MB.

In Windows 10, the standard browser is different - Microsoft Edge. It looks quite promising. The browser is not loaded with various themes, plugins and extensions. His opening speed is really impressive.

1. Launch Microsoft Edge and go to We call "Task Manager" and look at "Memory" - 14.8 MB.

2. In the browser, open the page In the "Task Manager" "Memory" will be 17.6 MB.

3. Open the last page In the "Task Manager" again, we look at "Memory" - 23 MB.


Chromium can be called a lightweight version of Google Chrome, which is perfect for a weak computer.

1. Open the browser and the first site from the list of tested - In the "Task Manager" "Memory" will be 29.6 MB.

2. Launch the site Now in the "Memory" section of the "Task Manager" will be 36.1 MB.

3. We go to one more last site In the "Task Manager", "Memory" shows a figure of 48.1 MB. In this, as in other screenshots above, you can see that there are a number of additional (background) processes nearby that use no less, if not more, memory.

Comodo Dragon

Comodo Dragon works well on a weak computer. This browser has everything you need to surf the web.

1. Launch the browser and go to the page The site in Task Manager uses 134.9 MB of memory.

2. Go to the page In the "Task Manager" "Memory" will be 148.9 MB.

3. Last page In the "Task Manager", "Memory" shows 164.3 MB.

Opera developers have optimized the performance of this browser to the maximum. On relatively weak computers, it works quite well, which attracts a large number of users.

1. Open the browser and go to the site according to the already familiar scheme. In the "Task Manager" pay attention to "Memory" - 27 MB.

2. We go to the site In the "Task Manager" "Memory" will appear - 31.7 MB.

3. Go to In the "Task Manager" look at the "Memory" - 35.7 MB.

Yandex browser

Yandex.Browser has a lot of features in some areas, so it looks promising and alive.

1. Launch the browser and go to The Task Manager will show 30.7 MB of memory.

2. We go to the website In the "Task Manager" look "Memory" - 37 MB.

3. And launch the last page In the "Task Manager" "Memory" will be 42.7 MB.

In today's world, the Internet is becoming more and more important. Therefore, one should not be surprised by the fact that the browser today is not just a program for displaying web pages, but perhaps the most important application on the entire computer.

Indeed, with its help, we do not just travel across the expanses of the network, but perform a lot of necessary actions: we work and pay for purchases, communicate with friends on the other side of the world, and also write applications to government authorities.

It is not surprising that many users are constantly wondering which browser is best for Windows 7 and other operating systems. After all, not only the convenience of everyday work, but also its safety depends on the correct answer to this question. Consider the most common types of Internet browsers, discussing their advantages and disadvantages.

Internet Explorer

Perhaps, almost all users ten years ago began their acquaintance with the World Wide Web from this particular browser. The reason is simple - it is Explorer that is installed as a standard tool for browsing web pages on the vast majority of computers in our country.

In fairness, it should be noted that in 2001, when Windows XP was released, Internet Explorer 6, which was part of this OS, was not only not bad, but was the best solution at that time. In any case, all other Internet browsers could not offer such opportunities. For Windows 7, IE is no longer so relevant, as competitors have not stood still.

Reasons for "Loss of Trust"

Relatively high speed and security quickly made this program one of the most popular in the world. Unfortunately, Microsoft completely forgot that the browser needs to be updated from time to time. IE 6 was released in 2001, but IE 7 didn't arrive until 2006. In five years, competitors have made a huge leap forward, and the former world leader in the browser market is now in the role of always catching up.

By the way, which browser is better for Windows 7, if we talk specifically about the IE family? Oddly enough, but Internet Explorer 11 is quite good. Of course, the rumors about its incredible speed are somewhat exaggerated, but this program actually works quite quickly.

Unfortunately, normal versions (IE 9-11) are available only to owners of Windows Vista/7 and older. XP owners will have to switch to something more modern, or choose a different browser for themselves. So which browser is best for Windows 7?

Google Chrome

This browser appeared relatively recently. Since Google Corporation has worldwide recognition in the global IT community, few doubted the ultimate success when its specialists announced the start of work on creating their own browser.

The need for this at Google is long overdue: despite the excellent relationship with Mozilla, the corporation was interested in promoting its own products and services. In addition, for the right to be the default search engine in Firefox, Google annually pays millions of dollars, so it would be beneficial for its creators to “push” a competitor.

All these plans were only partially successful.

Advantages of Chrome

Let's start with the fact that today "Chrome" is indeed the most popular browser. It has overtaken Firefox and IE and is recommended by leading IT publications. It is Chrome that is not only functional, but also the simplest and most secure browser.

This is exactly what newcomers liked: a minimum of settings, security and high speed. In addition, various extensions are supported, with the help of which this browser for Windows 7 can seriously expand its functionality.

Of course, we should also note the high speed of page rendering. It is this positive feature that catches the eye in the first place.

Some of the negatives

Unfortunately, this simplicity is the cornerstone of Chrome. Yes, many people like a lightweight interface that is not overloaded with details. But for some reason, the developers decided that this minimalism should extend to everything else: there are no advanced settings in the browser, and many menu items are overly simplified.

For example, why can't you put the picture you like on the desktop by simply selecting the appropriate item in It is strange that while developing this browser for Windows 7, the developers somehow did not pay attention to such a banal thing.

As for undemanding to system resources, you can safely forget about it. So, a practically clean (with three or four extensions) browser starts up almost three times (!) Longer than IE on an average computer.

The distribution of resources over several processes does not look too good either. Only three or four tabs with photos are able to tightly "hang" a computer with 2 GB of RAM, while the aforementioned FF works in this mode without any particular complaints. Less requirements once differed only browser "Safari". For Windows 7, its development has already been discontinued.

An unpleasant feature of Chrome is also its active unwillingness to work normally offline. Simply put, when you try to open saved web pages without an Internet connection, the browser often gives errors.

And one more minus concerning those who like to change the design of the browser to their liking. The Blink engine, which was developed by Google, has almost no support for customization. All the "themes" that can somehow change the appearance are banal color schemes.

Yandex Browser

The Russian "Yandex" did not stand aside either: they created their "best browser" for Windows 7. Of course, they did not think about the name for a long time, calling the new browser "Yandex.Browser". However, it can only be called “new” formally, as it is entirely based on Chrome.

However, in the latest versions, the situation with this clone began to change dramatically: support for mouse gestures appeared, the design was significantly improved. So many are already unofficially comparing Yandex.Browser for Windows 7 with the old Opera, which will be discussed below.


Five or six years ago, when even ADSL was considered a luxury, and 3G technology was considered an overseas curiosity, advanced users in our country had the No. 1 browser Opera. And this is despite the fact that in the rest of the world the creation of Norwegian programmers was known, but did not receive much popularity.

This is due to the prevalence and technical quality of the Internet in our country. When the vast majority of users were still using Dial Up, and the cost of a megabyte of mobile Internet was more like a barcode of a distant country, every kilobyte of mobile traffic counted.

"Opera", which had a "Turbo" mode, was a real salvation. When the user turned it on, the traffic began to go through third-party servers, compressing along the way. Some pages were reduced by 40% or more. It's easy to imagine how much money this fast browser for Windows 7 saved.

In addition, many users unanimously recognized that Opera is the most convenient browser that supports almost complete customization of program properties for itself, having numerous mouse gestures in its “repertoire”, which quickly learned to automatism, helping to comfortably surf the Internet.

Unfortunately, it has not been without drawbacks. Many experienced users say with displeasure that with each new version, Opera has become more and more clumsy. At first, the update mechanism was also not very pleasing, which did not imply automatic search and download.

Not all changes are for the better...

By the 12th version, the slowness of the browser and its demands on system resources have already finally bothered most of the users, and Opera Software has prepared another “surprise” for its admirers.

The company's new owners announced with fanfare that Presto's own engine would no longer be developed and replaced by Google's Blink. As a result, the browser was actually rewritten anew, losing up to 70% of its own capabilities. The developers promise to gradually return them. So, relatively recently, they made a truly "revolutionary" step, returning bookmarks to the unfortunate "Opera".

So now Opera can be considered as just another Chrome clone, with all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in the latter.


The legendary browser based on the late Netscape Navigator. The first versions were terrible, but already the 2.14 and later releases have finally confirmed that the company is on the right track.

All the latest browsers for Windows 7 copy each other in some way, but Ognelis has always stood apart. Its distinguishing feature was the additions, with the help of which you can turn an unremarkable browser into something special, completely adapting it exactly to your needs.

Everything is regulated: the appearance and size of controls, the embedding of new functions and even small independent programs. Moreover, the developers tried to please everyone: advanced users have advanced settings, and beginners are offered a fairly simple browser that does not make it difficult to independently study its capabilities.


So which browser is best for Windows 7? Based on the foregoing, one can easily conclude that for the average user, Google Chrome or Firefox are the most suitable options. They are developed and maintained by a huge number of specialists and volunteers, they are developing rapidly and offer their users the widest possible opportunities.

More importantly, all of these browsers are officially supported by all major third-party software developers. You will not have problems integrating into Chrome or FF a plugin for downloading files, a special antivirus application, or something like that.

Unfortunately, there is a downside: almost all malware is just as easy to infiltrate them if the user has not bothered to get an antivirus program.

Choosing an Internet browser is easy: you just need to download one of the popular browsers, and after a while you will definitely get used to it. But in order for the process of getting to know the browser to be most comfortable, you still need to know a little about each of them. There are actually a lot of Internet browsers, but the most popular are Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer and Opera

Users often joke that the Internet Explorer browser was created in order to download other browsers. It has few advantages, but for the average user who needs to find information or download various content, this browser will be enough. This browser is available in every Windows and does not need to be installed. It also allows you to save battery power and requires less RAM than all other browsers. A huge minus - the browser is very slow. Although in the latest versions, the developers have taken up the solution of this problem.

Opera is the easiest browser to learn. Opera copes very well with many open bookmarks, has a convenient download manager, all popular search engines are built into the search bar, it is possible to change themes, etc. Among the minuses are the low speed of hardware acceleration and the poor speed of script processing.

Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome

The Firefox browser (also called "chanterelle") has a simple and user-friendly interface. Initially, the browser has only the most necessary functions, but they can be expanded with applications. There are quite a few plugins and extensions for Firefox, and some were created just for it.

The advantages of this browser include a high level of data security (including saved passwords), data synchronization between Firefox browsers on other devices, and hardware acceleration when downloading videos. In various tests (for performance, loading speed, web technology support, etc.), Mozilla Firefox scores above average in almost all parameters.

As for the Google Chrome browser, it has no equal in speed. It is the fastest and most undemanding browser. The browser has an unusual design, which is devoid of almost all interface elements, except for a few inconspicuous buttons. But the number of extensions and games is simply huge.

Among the advantages of Chrome, one can note the only line that is used both to enter the address of sites and to search for information, crash control, which keeps the browser working during an error in one of the bookmarks, warning the user about malicious sites, etc. Among the minuses of Chrome, it is worth pointing out poor performance with a large number of open bookmarks (at the same time, the browser “eats” a lot of RAM).

So, if you want the fastest browser for Windows 7, then this is definitely Chrome. But do not forget that the browser that is in the lead in one thing is sure to fail in something else. So when choosing a browser, it is worth considering not only the speed of its work.

Internet without a browser, web browser - nonsense! To work on the Internet, you need a program with which the user finds information on the global network in the form of Internet pages. The browser opens the found pages in the workspace, organizes work with them. And work means working with textual information, playing various computer games, viewing, listening to media content, music, video and calculations, and much more! So, before you is a modern computer running the Windows 7 operating system and the desire to work with the very best web browser. So which browser for Windows 7 is better to choose? We will talk about this right now.

What do users pay attention to?

  • The attractiveness of the appearance of the program, the convenience of the interface;
  • The speed of searching and opening web pages on the Internet;
  • The exactingness of the program to the resources of the computer, including the type of operating system;
  • Functionality, saturation of the browser with options, the ability to use additional extensions;
  • Ability to synchronize data between different devices;
  • Ensuring the security of the user's personal data.

Any choice is subjective, just like the rating! From the point of view of opportunities, the Buridan donkey (sorry for the cattle!) When choosing a feeder, was in a less stressful state than a modern Internet user when choosing a browser. Unlike the legendary animal that stood between two roughly identical haystacks, a website surfer has to choose between a dozen great programs. The choice is yours, you need to compare information on at least the most common browsers for Windows 7.

Which browser is faster for Windows 7?

Working in Yandex.Browser

Standing out from a number of browsers of recent years, the browser of Russian programmers with the Webkit engine combines security, speed and ease of use. Despite the external similarity with the popular Chrome, which, by the way, has the same engine, even a short work with

Yandex. The browser captures the user. Captivates with its advantages:

  • convenient work with a "smart" address bar that combines search functions;
  • fast;
  • increased content loading security using the SafeBrowsing$ algorithm
  • page auto-translation service;
  • availability of Opera Turbo modes;
  • built-in programs from Adobe.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the possible slowdown of work on outdated systems. It can be stated that this browser has combined the best solutions of competitors, having received a wide range of plug-ins as add-ons. The program deserves to be downloaded and installed on computers running Windows 7

Opera is a free browser

The old man in the browser family. Carrying its burden properly since 1994. In 2013, he changed his engine to a Webkit + V8 hybrid, the same as Crome. Opera Mini and Mobile versions have been developed.

Despite its considerable age, it holds the third place in popularity in Runet. It is provided:

  • good speed of working with sites, the ability to use Turbo mode, the use of "cloud" technologies;
  • the presence of an Express panel that provides the fastest access to your favorite pages;
  • the presence of a well-established Opera Link synchronization process;
  • wide use of "hot" keys;
  • running its own Opera Unite web server.

The disadvantages include:

  • high consumption of RAM resources, when opening several tabs, work is greatly slowed down;
  • insufficient stability, violation of script execution, the possibility of failures and glitches;
  • a problematic, peculiar solution to the Piggy Bank bookmark system.

In general, Opera is a worthy contender for the role. your chosen web browser.

Choice of Google Chrome browser

It appeared on the Internet in December 2008. It was created on the basis of the Safari browser. Was named Cromium. Google finalized its version faster than other participants in the development of the project, and the browser they presented quickly began to gain a leading position among browsers. In the spring of 2015, Chrome already occupied a leading position in Runet. In fairness, it must be said that the browser preset in mobile devices running Android helped in such an increase in the rating.

Positive properties:

  • high speed of work with resources;
  • increased security, additional protection against virus attacks;
  • the ability to use the "Incognito" mode, protection from the transfer of information about their work to the network;
  • simple, uncluttered interface, quick access page, search bar combined with the address bar;
  • stability, no glitches, ;
  • if problems appear, they can be tracked using your own task manager;
  • a large selection of additional extensions;
  • there is a Google Translate menu;
  • and even voice control.


  • support for Flash Player has ended;
  • requires more than 2 gigabytes of RAM;
  • many extensions with English interface;
  • uneconomical energy consumption due to the heavy load on iron.

Benefits of Internet Explorer

IE since 1995 has been an integrated software product of the Windows operating system. Before entering the Google Chrome arena, it ranked first in popularity. Today, it is losing ground to the more advanced Yandex.Browser. This is the reason for the termination of development and support of Explorer.

And, although the latest version of IE is approaching the leaders in terms of speed and stability and security, it is increasingly lagging behind in the race for the user.

Network hardware designers use Internet Explorer as a reference, but a different browser is better for media content.

Working with Mozilla Firefox

Browser "Fire Fox", developed in 2004 by Mozilla Corporation, deservedly took the leading place in the rating among European users. The popularity of Mozilla Firefox and currently occupies the second step of the podium in Runet.

Powered by the Gecko engine, the program is still being improved. And the range of additional extensions is second only to Chrome!

The positive qualities include:

  • simplicity and convenience of work, friendly interface of this program;
  • the ability to very fine-tune the browser;
  • more than a hundred thousand different plugins, extensions;
  • the ability to work with any operating system;
  • excellent reliability of the program;
  • convenient organization of bookmarks;
  • ensuring security, protection of personal, accounting data on various sites;
  • background software update service.

Program disadvantages:

  • insufficient reaction speed to user actions, some “hanging” of processes;
  • not very high performance of the program;
  • some scripts are executed with errors, there may be refusals to display content;
  • memory requirements.

If you have any questions about " Which browser for Windows 7 is better to choose? “, you can ask them in the comments

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A browser is a piece of software that is essential in every computer. You can choose and download a browser for Windows 7, 8, 10 for free on our website.

We have collected the most popular latest Russian browser versions of 2018.

Why is it needed? Firstly, it is designed to work on the Internet (and this is necessary everywhere these days). It opens web pages and all kinds of web documents. Secondly, the browser also comes to the rescue in managing the machine, making it easy to view computer files and their directories. Regarding the management of web applications - also to the browser.

To date, browsers for Windows - a truly great variety. You can download the best browsers for Windows from our website. And they differ not only in the shortcut that you see on the desktop (although it’s a sin to complain here, the developers tried to make each one individual and not like the others). All sorts of additional features, built-in extensions that give the user all the new features and make life easier on the network. One gets the feeling that developers from different companies are just competing with each other. And, perhaps, somewhere it is. The competition among browsers is serious, so you have to puzzle over how to stand out so that users choose your product. You can download several browsers and try them out, leaving the most convenient for you.

Nevertheless, if we discard all the additional "goodies", the browsers look very similar. Even despite the fact that they were created using different engines. This is due to international standards that all developers follow. They do this not out of desperation (no one twists their arms and does not force them to work ONLY like that). However, uniform requirements make it possible to ensure that all information will be displayed correctly in the browser, and the user will not want to put the mixer in his eyes when he sees the open page.

Browsers are distributed for free, they don’t take up much space, they don’t conflict with each other (unless everyone wants to be the “Default Browser” without fail). So it is not uncommon for several such programs to be installed on one computer at once, according to the principle “each is good in something of his own.” This option is also convenient when several users work on the same machine at once - each has its own browser, and there are no problems with saving tabs, bookmarks and passwords.

So you can start downloading from our site right now as many browsers as you need, and those that you like. If it suddenly turns out that you made a mistake, and the browser of your dreams is not hidden behind the “beautiful label”, you can always replace it with another one.

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