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User license agreement 1c enterprise 8. License agreement "1C-Bitrix: Mobile application

Many citizens prefer to resolve disputes in court - in a conflict-free environment and in accordance with the law.

However, not everyone is acting in good faith in the case process. For example, they are being presented to the court. What to do in such a situation? What to do if your opponent provides false evidence? We will tell you about the consequences that await him, and show you how to prevent the court from accepting falsified evidence as appropriate.

What is falsification of evidence?

Falsification of evidence is a falsification of information on the basis of which the court establishes the circumstances of the case and makes a legal decision. In civil proceedings, evidence includes:

  • the documents;
  • witness's testimonies;
  • photo and video filming;
  • expert opinions, etc.

If one of the participants in the process deliberately provides false evidence, then he can be brought to justice. For example, a fabricated contract, an act of reconciliation of settlements or an act of acceptance and transfer of works.

Let's note one nuance. Deliberately providing a false expert opinion or incorrect translation from a foreign language is not falsification of evidence. For these actions they are judged under another article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Forged documents or testimony - falsified evidence.

How to detect fraud?

There are several ways to determine whether a proof is fabricated or not:

  1. Comparison of information from different sources

If the evidence presented clearly contradicts the rest, then falsification can be suspected.

  1. Interviewing witnesses

If you don't trust the testimony, you can find other people to help match the data. Any inconsistencies may indicate the presence of a fake.

  1. Absence of "traces" of evidence

A vivid example is obligations that are confirmed by dubious securities, but are not reflected in the financial statements.

  1. Opponent's illogical behavior

The evidence was presented after the other party stated its reasons. For example, they testify to the fact that the plaintiff missed the statute of limitations.

  1. Doubt about action

If there are doubts about the possibility of a person to enter into concrete civil law relations, then it "smells" of falsification. For example, the issuance of a multimillion-dollar loan to an enterprise by an ordinary citizen.

Often in civil proceedings, texts of receipts, signatures in wills are forged, new data are entered into an existing document. Various examinations can confirm the guess about falsification. For example:

  • handwriting - will determine the affiliation in the contract, power of attorney or other document;
  • forensic-technical - will determine the unity of the text, the method of signing and the term for the production of the document;
  • complex (forensic, technical and handwriting) - will determine the authenticity or prescription of the production of the document, the ownership of the signature.

If the examination establishes falsification of evidence, the court will transfer the case materials to the police. Initiation of a criminal case is already the competence of law enforcement agencies. Also, the party guilty of forgery will reimburse all the costs of the examination.

Expertise is a reliable method to confirm a falsification.

What is the responsibility for falsifying evidence?

It is a criminal offense to provide falsified evidence to a court. The violator will be prosecuted under Art. 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He faces not only a large fine - from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles, but also a very real imprisonment - arrest up to 4 months. The court may also impose another punishment:

  • compulsory work up to 480 hours;
  • correctional labor up to 2 years.

So citizens who decide to provide false evidence in a civil case should think twice. The sanctions for this crime are tough enough.

But that's not all. Such a "victory" in the civil procedure will result in a revision of the results. And it is not a fact that the court will side with the deceiver.

A criminal record is the smallest that can threaten for falsification of evidence in court.

Statement of falsification of evidence in civil proceedings

If you suspect that your opponent is presenting fabricated evidence, be sure to apply. If you fail to file it, you run the risk of losing the case, since the court may recognize such evidence as appropriate and accept it.

How to compose it? There is no form approved by law, as well as explanations of the RF Armed Forces. Therefore, you will have to be guided only by judicial practice. However, the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation points to one circumstance - if you assume forgery of evidence, then you have the right to apply to the court and ask for an examination. It turns out that the statement about falsification of evidence is drawn up in free form.

It is also possible to declare the examination to be carried out orally during the court session. Your request will be recorded.

What to indicate in it:

  • the name of the court that is considering the case;
  • civil case number;
  • data of the parties (full name, address);
  • circumstances indicating the falsity of the evidence, its details;
  • a request to conduct an examination of the authenticity of a document or to recognize the evidence as fabricated, to exclude it from the case;
  • list of attached documents;
  • date of application and signature.

The petition can be submitted to the court registry. Ask for a mark of acceptance on your copy. The application is submitted free of charge.

Because evidence affects the final decision, the court will review your application immediately. Depending on the requirements, one of the decisions will be made:

  1. Ask to completely remove the document from the list of evidence - the court will comply. However, you will need to provide those papers that the court asks for.
  2. Ask for an examination of the authenticity of the document - the court will appoint an inspection. Based on its results, it will become clear whether the evidence is fake or not.

In any case, it will not be possible to confirm the falsification without a statement. Therefore, be careful and carefully check the papers provided by your opponent.

LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR USING THE SOFTWARE "1C-BITRIX: CORPORATE PORTAL 12.xx" Dear User! Before you start installing, copying or otherwise using the Program, carefully read the terms of its use contained in this Agreement. Installing, launching or otherwise starting to use the Program means the proper conclusion of this Agreement and your full agreement with all of its terms. If you do not agree to unconditionally accept the terms of this Agreement, you do not have the right to install and use the Program and must remove all of its components from your computer. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is concluded between 1C-Bitrix LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Licensor) and any individual, individual entrepreneur, legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the User). 1. BASIC TERMS 1.1. Program - a computer program "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 12.xx" of the corresponding edition (both as a whole and its components), which is presented in an objective form as a set of data and commands, including source text, database, audiovisual works included by the Licensor in the composition of the specified computer program, as well as any documentation on its use. 1.2. Authorized user - an active user registered in the Program and authorized in it at least once. 1.3. Portal is an information resource, which is a collection of data from one Program with a unique identifier, with the help of which program objects (information blocks, web forms, forums, templates, letter templates, and others) are grouped for their joint display and use, usually in one appearance, interface language, domain name or directory. Each Portal has a corresponding entry in the "Settings / Product Settings / Sites / Site List" list of the administrative control panel. 1.4. Use of the Program - any actions related to the functioning of the Program in accordance with its purpose (including writing to the computer memory). 1.5. Activation is an action aimed at registering the Program for a specific User, carried out in the manner prescribed by the license of the corresponding type. 1.6. Activation code is a set of symbols (license key), which is a technical means of copyright protection and is designed to activate the Program in the manner prescribed by the License Agreement. 1.7. Edition is a configuration of the Program that has a certain set of functionality. 1.8. Demo version - a version of the Program in which there is a restriction on the period of its use and which is intended solely for the purpose of self-familiarization, evaluation and verification by the User of the functionality of the Program. 1.9. Technical support - activities carried out by the Licensor within the limits and volumes established by him to ensure the functioning of the Program, including information and consulting support for Users on the use of the Program. 1.10. License agreement is a written agreement on the basis of which the Licensor or another person with the appropriate rights granted the User the right to use the Program under the terms of the Standard License. 1.11. Kernel - a set of Program files located in the / bitrix / modules / directory. 1.12. The "Cloud 1C-Bitrix" module is a component of the Program that ensures its information and technological interaction with the electronic computing facilities of third parties in order to place materials and data on the corresponding servers of the software and hardware complex for backing up the User's data in the manner specified on the Licensor's website in the Internet at This module is not included in the demo version. 2. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 2.1. The Licensor grants the User the right to use the Program (simple non-exclusive license), subject to all restrictions and conditions of use of the Program in accordance with its technical documentation, functionality and terms of this Agreement, taking into account the types of licenses specified in section 5.1 of this Agreement. 2.2. All provisions of this Agreement apply both to the Program as a whole and to its individual components. 2.3. This Agreement is concluded before or immediately at the start of using the Program and is valid throughout the entire period of its lawful use by the User within the term of the copyright to it, provided that the User properly observes the terms of this Agreement. 2.4. The Licensor grants the User the right to use the Program without restrictions on the territory on the terms and in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement. 3. COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARKS 3.1. The program is the result of intellectual activity and an object of copyright (computer program), which are regulated and protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property and the norms of international law. 3.2. The algorithms of the Program and its source codes (including their parts) are trade secrets of the Licensor. Any use or use of the Program in violation of the terms of this Agreement is considered a violation of the rights of the Licensor and is a sufficient reason to deprive the User of the rights granted under this Agreement. 3.3. The Licensor guarantees that it has all the rights necessary under this Agreement to provide them to the User, including the documentation for the Program. 3.4. Responsibility for copyright infringement occurs in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 3.5. This Agreement does not grant the User any rights to use the Trademarks and Service Marks of the Licensor and / or its partners. 3.6. The user cannot, under any circumstances, delete or change the appearance of information and information about copyrights, rights to trademarks or patents specified in the Program. 4. TERMS OF USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND RESTRICTIONS 4.1. This Agreement grants the right to install (install), run and use one copy of the Program within the framework of its functionality. The User is granted the right, on the basis of one copy of the Program, to create an internal Portal of one organization using a common Core and a database, while the number of Authorized Users should not exceed 25 (twenty five). 4.2. Use of the Program in excess of the number of Authorized Users specified in clause 4.1 of the Agreement is possible only if the license is extended on the terms posted on the Licensor's website on the Internet at and clause 6.5 of this Agreement. 4.3. For Editions containing the "Extranet" module, the User, solely for the purpose of using the specified module, is granted the right to create one additional Portal using a common software Core and database on the basis of one Program. 4.4. The program can be temporarily installed on an additional computer (computer) for the purpose of using it exclusively for the development, testing, filling and / or preparation of the Portal for work, provided that no more than 5 (five) Authorized Users have access to it and there is no other "external" access to it (including from the Internet or from outside the User's local network). The specified copy of the Program must be immediately removed after the completion of the above work. 4. 5. The components of the Program may not be divided and / or used on different computers (computers), with the exception of the components of the "Holding" Edition. Users of the "Holding" Editorial Office are granted the right to distribute (move) the components of the Program to various computers to ensure the operability and functioning of all Portals created under a valid license in aggregate. 4.6. Special conditions: The inclusion of the "Cloud 1C-Bitrix" Module in the Program and its use is carried out in a test (experimental) mode and without charging an additional license fee. At the same time, the Licensor reserves the right, at its discretion, without giving reasons and special notifications, to change the mode of using the specified module. 4.7. The user has the right to change, add or delete the files of the Program only in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright. 4.8. The User is not allowed to use the Program in any way if such use contradicts or leads to a violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.9. If the User violates the requirements of clause 4.2 of the Agreement, the Licensor has the right to limit the functionality of the Program provided for by the Standard License, including clauses 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.6, during the entire period of the specified excess. 5. ASSIGNMENT (TRANSFER) OF RIGHTS 5.1. The User, with the exception of the cases established by this Agreement, has the right to assign (transfer) completely his rights and obligations under this Agreement to another User once only subject to the written consent of the Licensor. The specified right to assignment (transfer) is not granted to those Users who have acquired the rights to use the Program as a result of a similar assignment (transfer). 5.2. The assignment (transfer) of rights and obligations is carried out only subject to the full and unconditional consent of the new user with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the License Agreement. 5.3. By ceding (transferring) the rights to use the Program, the User undertakes to completely destroy all copies of the Program installed on the computers of the User, including backup ones. 5.4. The User is obliged to provide the Licensor with complete data about the new user to re-register the Program for him in accordance with this Agreement. 5.5. The assignment (transfer) of rights under this Agreement cannot be carried out: (1) indirectly or through any third party, as well as (2) if the User uses the Demo version or NFR License, in respect of which a complete prohibition on alienation is established right. 6. LICENSES, THEIR TYPES AND TERMS OF VALIDITY 6.1. Standard License: 6.1.1. The Standard License is provided on the basis of the License Agreement for a period of one year from the date of activation, unless otherwise provided by the License Agreement. At the end of the specified period, the User has the right to continue using the Program under the terms of a Limited License, or conclude a new License Agreement and extend the use of the Program under the terms of the Standard License for another period. 6.1.2. The Standard License grants the right to use the Program without restrictions and in accordance with the functionality stated in the technical documentation, including, but not limited to, obtaining information about new versions (updates) of the Program, as well as access to their installation and use without paying additional remuneration ... 6.1.3. The activation of the Standard License must be carried out without fail by entering the Activation Code in the appropriate field in one of the following ways: (a) at the appropriate stage of installing the Program on a computer; (b) in a special field of the Updates section; (c) on the Licensor's website on the Internet at If activation is not performed within the period set on the Licensor's website at the above Internet address, it will occur automatically after this period. 6.1.4. The rights to all new versions (updates) of the Program are provided to the User within the framework and during the term of the Standard License under the terms of this Agreement, unless, when updating the Program, the User is prompted to read and accept amendments to this Agreement or a separate license agreement. The parties agree and confirm their understanding that the installation of new versions (updates) of the Program does not entail a new grant of rights to use the Program or renewal of the current Standard License. 6.1.5. The User has the right, within the period specified on the Licensor's website on the Internet at, and calculated from the expiration date of the previous Standard License, to conclude a new License Agreement on preferential terms and extend the use of the Program on the terms Standard License (preferential renewal). 6.1.6. During the entire period of validity of the Standard License, the User has the right to switch from one to another Edition of the Program, subject to the additional payment of the amount of the license fee determined by the Licensor. The User has the right to use the new Edition of the Program under the terms of the Standard License until the end of the term of the Standard License for the Edition of the Program from which the transition was made. At the end of the specified period, the User has the right to continue using the new Edition of the Program under the terms of a Limited License. 6.2. Limited License: 6.2.1. The Limited License is provided to the User without additional remuneration (free of charge) for the entire duration of the exclusive rights to the Program (Article 1281 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) only in the event and from the date of granting him the Standard License. 6.2.2. The Limited License grants the User the right to use the functionality of the Program that was provided to him under the Standard License, with the exception of the 1C-Bitrix Cloud Module, as well as the capabilities of the Marketplace section in the administrative part of the Program, which provides access to the installation of additional components, as well as new versions (updates) of additional components and the Program platform. 6.3. Demo version license: 6.3.1. The user has the right to use the Demo version of the Program for a limited period specified in it and without payment of remuneration (free of charge). 6.3.2. Installing the Demo version means acceptance by the User of all the terms of this Agreement. After the expiration of the established period of use of the Demo version, the User is obliged to stop using it, or to conclude a License Agreement or otherwise proceed to the lawful use of the Program. 6.3.3. The Licensor is not responsible for the safety of the data entered by the User into the Demo version, if, after the expiration of the established period for using the Demo version, the User does not start the lawful use of the Program. 6.4. NFR License: 6.4.1. The NFR License grants the User the right, with the consent of the Licensor, to use the Program under the terms of this Agreement solely for the purpose of independent use by the User, including work on the development, testing and / or filling of the Sites, without the right to sell and / or otherwise alienate to third parties. 6.5. License extension: 6.5.1. Extension of the license for additional Authorized Users allows the User, until the expiration of the current Standard License, to use the Program with as many additional Authorized Users on the basis of one copy as provided by the extension. 6.5.2. At the end of the specified period, the User has the right to continue using the Program during the entire period of validity of exclusive rights to it under the terms of the Limited License with the number of Authorized Users that was lawfully applied at the time of the expiration of the Standard License. 6.5.3. Subsequent renewal of the Standard License is possible only if it is paid for together with the license extension required for the corresponding number of Authorized Users. 7. TECHNICAL SUPPORT 7.1. The Licensor provides Technical support to the User, including on issues related to functionality, installation and operation features on standard configurations of supported (popular) operating, mail and other systems of the Program in the manner and on the terms specified in the technical documentation for it. 7.2. The user has the right to contact the Licensor's technical support service without paying additional remuneration. 7.3. To provide Technical Support, the Licensor has the right to require the User to provide information regarding the license key number, the Program identification number, and the technical characteristics of the equipment. 8. LIABILITY OF THE PARTIES 8.1. For violation of the terms of this Agreement, liability is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 8.2. The Licensor is not liable to the User for any damage, any loss of income, profit, information or savings associated with the use or inability to use the Program, including in the event of prior notification from the User of the possibility of such damage, or any claim by a third party ... 9. LIMITED WARRANTY 9.1. The Program is provided on an "as is" basis and the Licensor does not guarantee that all of its functionality will meet the expectations of the User or be applicable for his specific purpose. 9.2. In any case, the Licensor cannot be held liable for changing the mode of use of the Bitrix Cloud Module, even if as a result of such a change the Program and its functionality no longer meet the User's expectations and / or such a change will cause the User to stop using the Program. 9.3. The Licensor does not initiate or control the placement of any information by the User in the process of using the Program, does not affect its content and integrity, and at the time of its placement does not know and cannot know whether it violates the legally protected rights and interests of third parties, international treaties and current legislation of the Russian Federation. 9.4. When using the "Cloud 1C-Bitrix" Module, the procedure and conditions for data backup are set by the person who determines the parameters of the functioning of the software and hardware capacities through which information and technological interaction is carried out; the amount of data allowed for backup is determined by the functionality of the corresponding Edition of the Program. In any case, the Licensor cannot be held responsible for the correct transfer of information and / or its safety. The User independently encrypts the data when it is backed up, the encryption key is not available to the Licensor, in this regard, the responsibility for the safety of the specified key rests solely with the User. 9.5. This Agreement does not regulate the relationship between the User and the copyright holders of all additional components from the "Marketplace" section, the terms of use of which are determined in a separate agreement with the respective copyright holder. The Licensor is not responsible for the correct operation, scope of functions of the specified components and / or other non-compliance of these components with the User's expectations. 9.6. If errors are found while using the Program, the Licensor will take measures to correct them as soon as possible. The parties agree that the exact definition of the time period for eliminating the error cannot be established, since the Program closely interacts with other computer programs of third-party developers, the operating system and hardware resources of the User's computer, and the operability and time for eliminating problems do not fully depend only on the Licensor. 9.7. The Licensor does not guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the Program and the correct installation of additional components, as well as new versions (updates) if the User changes the Core, components / bitrix / components / bitrix / or the structure of the Program database. 10. VALIDITY, AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 10.1. For all issues not regulated by this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 10.2. The Licensor has the right in case of violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement on the use of the Program, including, but not limited to the provisions of Section 4 of this Agreement, to unilaterally terminate this Agreement by notifying the User about it. 10.3. Upon termination of this Agreement by any party and for any reason, the User is obliged to stop using the Program completely and destroy all copies of the Program installed on the computers of the User, including backups and all components of the Program. 10.4. In the event that a competent court declares any provisions of this Agreement to be invalid, the Agreement will continue to operate in the remainder of the Agreement. 11. CONTACT INFORMATION OF THE LICENSOR "1C-Bitrix" LLC 127287, Russia, Moscow, st. 2nd Khutorskaya, 38A, bldg. 9 Technical support service:

Despite the fact that the licensing rules for 1C Enterprise 8 are quite simple and each copy of the program contains a license agreement in Russian (which no one reads) there are no less questions on this topic. This material represents a revised note-memo that we prepared for ourselves, and is based only on official sources, and also includes our practical experience in licensing 1C Enterprise 8.

Basic concepts

To understand all the intricacies of the 1C licensing policy, you should study and firmly remember the basic concepts underlying it:

  • Basic supply- platform + application solution (configuration) + license for one workplace. This is a fundamental product, the entire licensing policy is built around the main package and client licenses for it. Physically it is a boxed product containing disk (s), documentation and a single-user security key
  • Client license- allows you to use any legally acquired configuration of 1C company (several are possible) on the number of workplaces not exceeding the number of purchased licenses. This rule does not apply to applied solutions 1C: Compatible, which may have their own licensing features.
  • Server license- allows you to use on the application server an unlimited number of infobases of any legally purchased configurations on the number of workstations not exceeding the number of existing licenses. Please remember that licenses for access to the DBMS server must be purchased separately.
  • Scope of fair use- It applies to main supply and is limited to the local network of the enterprise / department, remote access to the network is allowed via VPN, web interface or terminal mode, in all other cases, to use 1C Enterprise outside the local network, a mandatory purchase is required main supply, even with free licenses.

There are also kits that include several basic products. The most common is 1C: Accounting 8. Set for 5 users, which also gives the right to use in five workplaces, in addition to Enterprise accounting, any legally purchased configurations. The disadvantage of this kit is its indivisibility, for example, if you need to expand the number of workplaces to 10, you cannot replace one key for 5 licenses with one key for 10, you will have to buy another key for 5.

For the client-server option, products are of particular interest 1C: Enterprise 8 + MS SQL Server and 1C: Enterprise 8.2 + DB2 v9.x server licenses which contain, in addition to the 1C Enterprise server license, a license for a DBMS server and a client license for access to the database of one user. Client licenses contain, in addition to 1C Enterprise licenses, the corresponding number of licenses for access to the database. This solution is much cheaper than purchasing 1C Enterprise and a DBMS separately, but it contains one important limitation: DBMS can be used exclusively to work with the 1C Enterprise system. For any other application, you will need to purchase the full version of the DBMS.

Licensing rules

Let's start with the basics - in each area of ​​fair use, i.e. within the same physical local area network, for each applicable configuration you must purchase a basic shipment. Licenses are not tied to configurations and are purchased according to the number of required workplaces.

Example 1. It is necessary to organize the work of employees with configurations Enterprise Accounting for 6 workplaces and Trade Management for 8 workplaces.

The main supply is purchased Enterprise accounting(BP) and basic delivery Trade management(UT) + 10 client licenses. In this case, you can legitimately use each configuration on 11 workstations.

Second option: purchased Enterprise accounting set for 5 users,Trade management+ 5 client licenses. In this case, the power supply unit can be used at 10, and the UT at 11 workplaces.

Here we come to one important point. Single-user keys included in the main supplies give the right to use at 1 workplace exclusively of this configuration, in contrast to client licenses and a set for 5 users, which give the right to use any configuration on the specified number of seats.

If the organization has several departments located within the same territory, but not connected to a single local network, each department will need to purchase its own basic supply.

The options for remote connection to the enterprise network deserve a separate discussion; we will consider them in more detail. With a VPN connection, a single virtual network is formed, i.e. the client has direct access to the resources of the local network of the enterprise, according to information letter No. 3895 of 03/31/2005 if the work is carried out with an infobase located in the main office and there are no infobases at a remote workplace, then in this case it is not necessary to purchase the main supply, it is enough to provide a remote workstation with a client license. Similar rules apply for terminal mode.

Example 2. A branch of an organization needs to provide work with configurations of BP and UT for 3 workstations each in terminal mode and for another 5 UTs locally, in distributed mode (RIB), the main RIB node is located in the central office.

You need to purchase a basic delivery for UT only and five client licenses. Also, the central office must have CALs for three remote clients.

Another often overlooked point is connections to the infobase or configuration of other programs (for example, via a COM connection), in which case a separate client license is required for each such connection.

Most of the questions and errors arise when licensing web extensions and web services. Many people consider the licensing policy in relation to them to be too strict or unnecessarily complicated, in fact, everything is quite simple.

By themselves, web services are not subject to separate licensing, however, each workplace from which in one way or another access to the data in the infobase requires a separate client license.

If, using 1C Enterprise web services, it is planned to organize access to data for a wide range of people (for example, a dealer interface), it will be necessary to purchase a number of licenses that allow simultaneous access to the infobase for the full number of users.

For example, if you plan to organize access to web services for 30 dealers, you need to purchase 30 client licenses, regardless of the number of users using the system at the same time.

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Without exception, all standard and industry-specific configurations of the 1C: Enterprise line, as well as client licenses for expanding the number of workplaces for network versions, are paid. 1C has developed a licensing policy, and when purchasing any of the software products, the buyer will be offered to conclude a license agreement.

The license agreement is an official document governing the use of 1C: Enterprise software products, developed on the basis of current legislation and concluded between two parties: the CEO of 1C, as a representative of a legal entity, and the buyer (natural or legal person) of any of the software products.

The document contains the main provisions of the licensing policy in relation to one or more software products of the 1C: Enterprise system, which is a set of a technological platform distribution kit and one or more configurations or application solutions.

The license agreement describes the rights and restrictions regarding the use of the software product by the buyer, as well as the principles of licensing the workplace, 1C: Enterprise 8 server, basic and educational versions.

In order to ensure licensing of 1C: Enterprise applied solutions, each software product has one of the types of protection: hardware or software, differing in cost, but performing the same functions. Simultaneous work with the infobase of both hardware and software protection is supported.

Software protection

The protection program is a kind of closed-code software module installed on a computer and activated using the PIN code contained in the delivery envelope. Compared to hardware, 1C software licenses have both a number of advantages and some disadvantages:

  • using a software license consumes less computer system resources, it is possible to bind to a virtual server with the required number of licenses;
  • the number of software licenses installed on one computer is unlimited, while only one hardware key can be installed;
  • software protection increases the level of scalability and database administration, simplifying the connection of new licenses;
  • the cost of software licenses is significantly lower than software licenses;
  • a significant drawback is the binding of the software license to the computer hardware and the operating system: when replacing individual components (motherboard, RAM, processor, etc.) or reinstalling the operating system, you will need to obtain a new software license.

Hardware protection

1C hardware license is a physical HASP key that is connected to a computer USB port. The keys differ among themselves by the number of licenses they distribute (single-user or multi-user), marking and color. For some industry configurations to work, two keys are required: a hardware key for the 1C: Enterprise technology platform and a specialized hardware key for an industry solution.

USB keys also have advantages and disadvantages:

  • a hardware license can be easily transferred from one computer to another without being tied to its characteristics;
  • makes it possible to work with an infobase on different computers or a home laptop with a key;
  • one of the drawbacks: like any physical electronic device, a dongle is susceptible to mechanical damage, deformation and short circuits.

When deciding on the choice of purchasing a software product with one or another protection option, the end user must proceed from his needs and capabilities, which determine, first of all, the convenience of working in applied solutions of the 1C: Enterprise system.

Violations of 1C licensing policy and their consequences

The 1C firm in its activities relies on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in particular on the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, and also on the Law on the Legal Protection of Software Products for Electronic Computers and Information Databases.

Failure to comply with any of the clauses signed when purchasing the License Agreement, installing unlicensed versions on workplaces with a hacked technological platform or software protection is a punishable violation of the 1C licensing policy. Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for illegal use of copyright objects:

  • the monetary fine for unlicensed use of 1C will be 200-400 minimum wages;
  • imprisonment for up to two years.

The use of unlicensed 1C, in addition to legal and legal consequences, also has some functional ones:

  • the inability to receive technical support advice from 1C specialists and monthly methodological materials within the framework of the ITS subscription;
  • lack of documentation on working with the applied solution, which is attached to each licensed product and is not released for free sale;
  • impossibility of obtaining licensed updates of software applied solutions.

Considering the rather significant cost of 1C software products, users are always subject to the temptation to use illegal, pirated versions and licenses of workplaces for work. But at the same time, one should remember about those advantages, the use of which in such cases is impossible, as well as criminal liability in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

You shouldn't even think about installing a pirated version of 1C, in any case, illegal use of software products is illegal activity.

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