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Get windows 10 uninstall update. Sophisticated manual method

As you know, Microsoft recently presented the new Windows 10, and also offered users a free update from already installed copies of the system. Including pirate ones. I am constantly reminded of this by the icon in the notification area. But what if you, like me, do not want to update from your favorite 7, and the eye icon is a callous? As far as I know, the system is still crude and not everyone wants to switch to it. Therefore, I wanted to remove the Get Windows 10 notification.

Disable notification receive windows 10

In this article I will tell you how to hide the hated icon in the notification area and how to make sure that the system no longer prompts you to upgrade to Windows 10. In order to remove the Get Windows 10 notification, you first need to uninstall the installed updates. To do this, you need to find the item "Windows Update" in the Control Panel. On the left you will see the item "Installed updates".

Here you can sort the updates received by the date they were downloaded, so it will be easier to find what you need. For Windows 7, you need to find the following updates in the list: KB3035583, KB2952664 and KB3021917.

If your favorite system is Windows 8, and you do not want to part with it, then you should look for updates KB3035583 and KB2976978.

Next - right-click on one of the updates and select the item to remove the update. This should be done with everyone, and then hide these updates in the same log. After that, it is enough to restart the computer and Windows will no longer offer updates to the "ten". So that in the future these updates do not accidentally penetrate your PC, you can also make some changes in the registry. Press the Windows icon plus the R key. Here you need to enter the word regedit, the registry editor will open.

Find the Signup parameter on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ WindowsUpdate \ WindowsTechnicalPreview branch. Then just delete it. Reboot and you're done.

In this article, I've shown you how easy it is to get rid of Windows' annoying offer to upgrade to version 10. After removing the updates and tweaking the registry, you can safely continue using the system that is most convenient for you.

Windows 10 comes with a ton of pre-installed applications, and during its operation, almost any user installs a few more programs from the store.

And when it becomes necessary to get rid of them (even immediately after installing the OS), questions arise. Today we will take a look at how you can remove built-in Windows 10 applications without resorting to tricks using third-party software.

One of the options for achieving this goal is to use the new Tens settings interface, which is a partial replacement for the Control Panel. This is the Options menu.

1. We call it through the Start context menu or through the combination Win → I.

2. We visit the "System" section.

3. Activate the "Applications / Features" tab.

4. Click on the icon or the name of the unnecessary program and click "Delete".

As a result, uninstallation of the program will start without additional windows and confirmation dialog.

The user is given the opportunity to uninstall not all applications, therefore, next to some of them, the "Delete" icon will be inactive.

Note that it is easier to uninstall classic programs through the Control Panel applet "Add / Remove Programs", using the so-called uninstallers, or by running the uninstaller from the directory with the software files or via a shortcut in Start.

Using the extended command line

A tool with more functionality than the command line has appeared in the top ten. This is PowerShell. To use it, you need to find out the system names of the packages that are going to be removed.

1. We call PowerShell with administrator privileges.

We enter the name of the application into the search bar and using the context menu of the corresponding element from its results, select "Run as administrator".

2. To visualize the list of utilities installed from the application store, enter and execute:

In order to simplify the process of removing software, we will enter the names of the packages in the commands. Naturally, they are easier to copy and paste than to print, therefore it would be expedient to export the displayed information to a "txt" document.

3. We send the command to the system:

Get-AppxPackage | Set-Content "$ Env: userprofile \ Desktop \ X.txt"

It will save the list of detected software products with their full names to the desktop, and if you change the path and file name specified after "$ Env:" - to the specified directory under the specified name.

For more detailed information, and in a more readable form, run a command like:

Get-AppxPackage | ConvertTo-Html | Set-Content "$ Env: userprofile \ Desktop \ X.html"

The file path can be anything. The application is uninstalled by entering the uninstall command and the package name PackageFullName. To obtain this information, you must enter and execute it.

Get-AppxPackage -Name * News *

This will display information about the News program.

Select the value 6 of the "PackageFullName" line and copy it to the clipboard via the context menu or by pressing Ctrl + C.

Removing the "News" application is carried out by running the system command:

Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.BingNews_4.16.18.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe –Confirm

Where Remove-AppxPackage is responsible for uninstalling the specified software;

the –Confirm argument will display information about the requested action and ask for confirmation to complete it. Without it, uninstallation will take place in the background and without notifying the user.

It remains only to remove the installation package itself from the dozen repositories. The line performs the action:

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | where-object ($ _. packagename –like "* 3DBuilder *") | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage –Online

Where 3DBuilder is the name of the package to be removed.

This removes the programs for the current user. You can uninstall applications for other accounts, if you have the rights to do so. Here the argument "-User UserName" is used, for example, "Get-AppxPackage -User My_Name" will display a list of applications for the My_Name account installed from the Windows Store.

Removing software for a specific account is carried out in the same way, but with the addition of the "-User Username" parameter. Removal of software for all computer accounts is carried out using the "-AllUsers" parameter.

To clean Windows 10 from all programs in the Store, there is a line:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage

Consequently, there is nothing complicated or incomprehensible with uninstalling classic programs in the top ten, except for the moment that some of them are systemic and cannot be removed. If necessary, any utility can be installed on a computer, and when a new user is added, the classic set of software from the Store will be installed on the first visit. To avoid this, enter and execute:

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage –Online

If you uninstall all programs, the Store will also be uninstalled, which will prevent you from getting anything from its storage in the future.

Uninstalling classic programs from the command line

The command line also allows you to get rid of unnecessary software imposed by Microsoft. To do this, you will have to use the Windows 10 Management Tool (WMIC). Alas, it only allows you to manage software products installed through the Windows Installer.

1. We call the command line with administrator privileges.

2. We execute "wmic" in it.

3. We execute "product get name" in order to get a list of products to be removed via CMD.

wmic /output:C:\list.txt product get Name, Version

An extended HTML version of the list of programs in the form of a table is saved using the command:

wmic /output:C:\list.html product get Name, Version / format: htable

You can change the names and saving path of documents.

In this case, in comparison with PowerShell, information about the application version (Version), its developer (Vendor), installation date (InstallDate) and a short description (Description), if any, are also displayed.

In Windows 10, you can filter the list by any of the above options. So, for example, to get a list of software from Piriform, follow the line:

wmic product where "Vendor like '% Piriform%" "get Name, Version

And the line will help to display a list of office programs:

wmic product where "Name like '% Office%" "get Name

Let's remove an application, for example, Word from Microsoft, through the command line. The command will look like this:

product where name = »Microsoft Word MUI» call uninstall / nointeractive

The name of any other program must be specified in quotes after "name", the "/ nointeractive" argument will save the user from confirming the operation.

For advanced users, it should be noted that WMIC is capable of managing installation packages at remote stations, but this requires the IP of the target computer to connect to it.

Any user can understand the WMIC and PowerShell commands for managing the installed software, even if they do not know the basics of programming and do not have skills in administering Windows 10-based PCs.

After the appearance of the new Windows 10 operating system, the GWX utility was automatically installed on all personal computers on which Windows 7 or higher was installed, prompting the user to update the system. In fact, it turned out that not everyone needs it. A hanging icon "Get Windows 10" appeared in the system tray. Not all users know how to remove the notification itself and its components. But this is quite simple. Here are the main methods for performing this operation.

Why does a mention of installing Windows 10 appear in the system tray?

Before we start solving the problem related to the removal of the "Get Windows 10" icon in the system tray, let's study the main reasons for its appearance. There may be several of them in total. Probably, after registering on the Microsoft website, the user decided to try out the new operating system. When using an existing system and creating an account, the installation system of the new one is designed so that the user is first queued to receive the installation package. On the other hand, when you enable Windows automatic update system starting from the 7th version, after installing all service packs, the GWX service is automatically activated. In this case, there is a constantly hanging reminder allowing you to get Windows 10.

How can you delete such a message? The Windows 7 operating system offers several solutions to this problem. It should be noted right away that all these methods are quite simple. The user does not have to edit the settings of group policies and "climb" the registry. Everything is much simpler. So how can you remove the Windows 10 receipt notification from the visible area of ​​the system tray?

Let's take a look at the simplest way to remove this annoying icon. First of all, you need to click on the button with the triangle icon in the system tray in order to display hidden icons. There is nothing left. To remove the "Get Windows 10" icon, you just need to move it to the area of ​​hidden notifications. That's all. Here you should take into account the fact that this method can only be used to prevent the icon from getting on your nerves. It will simply be hidden. When the time comes to download the distribution and then install the system, it will activate again and display the familiar warning.

How do I customize the notification area?

You can use an easier method to remove the Get Windows 10 notification from the system tray. To do this, you need to configure the display of items in the notification area. You need to use the right click on the panel and select properties. Next, you need to go to the parameter settings section. In the window that opens, all services that will be allowed in the system to issue notifications about the performance of certain actions will be indicated. It will also display the actions that accompany the display of messages. In this case, you need to select the GWX service and just choose to open the icon. Then you need to save the changes you made. This method of removing the icon does not deactivate the service, but simply hides it, as in the first method. When the installation deadline comes, the service will restart automatically.

The easiest way to delete the "Get Windows 10" message

What if the user of the operating system Windows 8 or Windows 7 for some reason does not want to upgrade to the updated version? Perhaps he just got used to the OS used and does not want to change anything. There can be many reasons. In such a situation, you can uninstall the Get Windows 10 service by using the system update feature. The fact is that it is installed on the computer as an update. To get rid of it, go to the system update center through the standard "Control Panel".

Look at the installed packages here. It is advisable to sort them by name. You need to find the update with the number KB3035583. This is the GWX service you need. On the package itself, you need to right-click, call the uninstall command and confirm the execution of this operation. It is worth noting that the automatic system update has been disabled, the icon will never appear. Many users advise to automatically receive updates for their version of Windows. Keep in mind, however, that KB3035583 may download again. With this approach, the GWX service can be reactivated.

Disable reinstalling an update

Let's see if you can avoid installing the very package that installs this service. How can you remove the Windows 10 receipt notification in this situation? Very simple. The principle is simply to prevent the package from installing on the system. Simply put, you need to turn it off. You will need to manually search for available updates and find the same GWX service package. Right-click on the line with the package name and select the hide command. The icon will not only disappear after that. You will be able to install all the necessary updates, and the service that offers to install the top ten will no longer bother you.


As you can see for yourself, dealing with the Get Windows 10 notification isn't all that difficult. As you probably already understood, a dozen are not initially installed over versions of the operating system Windows XP and Vista. Owners of computers with such systems have nothing to worry about. The question is different: how can you disable the notification about the possibility of installing the Windows 10 operating system? It is clear that if the installation of "tens" is not supposed to be at all, you need to use the methods associated with disabling the installation of the service pack. But if in the future the user is going to install a new system, then it is better to use the first two methods, which simply hide the reminder.

Completed work: Development of an automatic script for deleting an upgrade reservation to Windows 10 and instructions for it.

Result: To cancel the reservation for the upgrade to Windows 10, do the following:

Create a system restore point according to the instructions:

Attention, after executing the following script, 2 updates and some system folders will be removed, exit all programs, since after the script is running, the computer will be restarted within five minutes.

List of updates to remove:

Create a new text document and open it with Notepad. Copy the text into it:

taskkill / f / im GWX.exe

taskkill / f / im GWXUX.exe

wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 3035583 / quiet

REG DELETE HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ WindowsUpdate \ OSUpgrade / f

REG ADD HKLM \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ WindowsUpdate / v DisableOSUpgrade / t REG_DWORD / d 1 / f

Takeown / F "% systemdrive% \ $ Windows. ~ *" / A / r / d y

RD / s / q "% systemdrive% \ $ Windows. ~ BT"

RD / s / q "% systemdrive% \ $ Windows. ~ WS"

RD / s / q "% systemdrive% \ ESD"

RD / s / q "% AppData% \ .. \ local \ GWX"

net stop wuauserv

RD / s / q "% systemroot% \ SoftwareDistribution \ Download"

net start wuauserv

wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2976978 / quiet / warnrestart: 300

wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2952664 / quiet / warnrestart: 300

Then click in the notepad window "File" - "Save as ..." - File type: change to "All files (*. *)" - File name: write "delOSupgrade.bat" - then click on the "Save" button and bury your notebook. If prompted to save your changes, click Don't Save.

The delOSupgrade batch file will appear in the folder where you saved the file. Right-click on it and run as Administrator!

After executing the script, if everything went well, the computer should restart in 5 minutes.

If you don't want to wait, you can send your computer to reboot right away.

After rebooting, you need to open the update center and search for new updates.

If before that you had all the updates installed, then, depending on the OS version, you will see 2 updates for installation in the list:

For Windows 7 SP1: KB3035583; KB2952664

For Windows 8.1 Update: KB3035583; KB2976978

From myself: After executing the script, the following window will appear:
From my own experience, I recommend that you send your computer or laptop to reboot yourself, since while waiting for an automatic reboot, updates will start downloading that will need to be hidden and finally, you may have $ Windows. ~ BT and $ Windows. ~ WS folders with residual files that can be easily deleted through disk cleanup. After completing this process, the reservation to Windows 10 is canceled.

How to uninstall receive windows 10 - notification?

Hello everyone, in the next blog article Computer76 I will tell you how to get rid and uninstall to get windows 10 - a notification that flashes daily on the computer and laptop monitors of any happy owner of Windows 7 and later operating systems.

Microsoft has long offered free download and installation of the Windows 10 operating system for users of its penultimate versions. At first it seemed like a time of untold generosity on the part of Microsoft had arrived. It was not so.

Less than a month later, nosy users began to notice that the new Windows began to more openly crawl into confidential information with its paws and accurately tell the servers of the American IT giant about us. Problems with updating the operating system and the equipment installed in the womb of the computer and laptop began to be added to the problems with personal security: windows ceased to like the manufacturer's drivers.

In general, the lion's share of users who still had a choice decided to postpone the transition to fresh Windows 10. But it's not so simple ...

Notification " get windows 10“Despite all the silent protests, it continues to meet users every day. The Windows icon in the system tray, despite its seeming intrusiveness, begins to annoy. Can be deleted get windows 10- notification by calling the task manager and stopping the ad serving. The process name is not masked:

Using the button End the process you can stop the process, but only for the duration of the current session. After the reboot, the announcement “ get windows 10"Will haunt you again. Again and again…

Is it possible to get rid of this "get windows 10" at all and how?

In fact, I know of several ways to do this. But now I will write about the method in a few clicks. We need a program GWX Stopper.

From my site (RAR-archive, 1.6 MB)

The program has GWX Stopper one and only purpose: it removes the traces of annoying ads from your system " get windows 10". All that needs to be done is to run the utility with administrator rights (no installation required), choose from two options and press the button.

The program works even if you have removed the message “ get windows 10". So, when you start you will be greeted by a window:

I have a badge " get windows 10»Has already been removed using the Task Manager, but the utility sees the possibility of restarting the notification. Let's choose Disable ‘Get Windows 10’ App (permanently remove icon) and the icon will disappear forever.

By the way, if you still decide to upgrade to Windows 10 by means of the system, it will not be difficult to return the offer " get windows 10"To the system tray. It will be possible to run the program again GWX Stopper and choose Enable ‘Get Windows 10’ App (permanently restore icon).

It remains to add that the program is free and free to use.

Read: 13

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