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The position of the fingers on the keyboard when typing. An easy way to learn blind ten-finger typing

Many modern users of a personal computer or laptop, who are constantly faced with typing, will surely be surprised by the fact that touch typing has existed for 125 years! Widely replicated in American films, the ten-finger typing method is an excellent solution for increasing efficiency and is useful to everyone today. To a large extent, this explains the presence of many materials teaching touch typing on the Internet, online lessons and typing simulators to increase typing speed.

What it is?

Blind printing method(typing, American blind ten-finger typing, in English there are also touch input and touch typing) - keyboard text input in which a person does not look at the keys. And printing with 10 fingers is carried out through the development of muscle memory through constant practice.

History of the method

Blind typing was made famous by F. E. McGurrin, who worked as a stenographer in the Salt Lake City Court. This man, who practiced his own ten-finger fast typing method, won a typing speed competition on July 25, 1888 against an opponent who used the sighted eight-finger method. This event was widely described in the periodical press, resulting in a huge increase in the popularity of typewriters. The printing method itself became famous (Wikipedia).

The layout of the keys on modern keyboards is mostly standardized, but some manufacturers sometimes resort to a non-standard look, which makes it difficult to get used to and type when changing workstations. Initially, the symbols on the keys, primarily letters, did not have the usual QWERTY arrangement for us, but were made in two rows in alphabetical order. This created a problem with the levers engaging with each other and led to the invention by Christopher Scholes in 1868 of the QWERTY layout. A feature of such a keyboard was that the keys with the most common letter combinations in English were placed as far as possible from each other, which made it possible to avoid interweaving of levers and make the typing process more comfortable. It was on a typewriter with such an arrangement that F. McGurrin won the competition, which glorified QWERTY. Today, experts criticize this layout for inconvenience, offering alternative ones (Dvorak, Colmack), but in popularity they are significantly inferior to the traditional one.

The Russian YTSUKEN did not have problems similar to alphabetic and QWERTY keyboards, it was initially the most convenient for typing, since the most frequently used letters were in the center, it was easy to reach them with the index finger.

Benefits of ten-finger blind typing

Computer technologies have become so firmly established in everyday life that we cannot imagine our life without them. When we need to prepare an essay on a university course, when we need to find information of interest on the Internet, we first turn to input devices (keyboard and mouse). The complexity of the task and the time spent largely depend on the speed of typing. Proceeding from this, the first plus of blind typing is that by focusing on the text, and not on the keys, concentration and attentiveness are significantly increased, it is possible to avoid absent-mindedness. It also makes it easier to work in a poorly lit room.

Secondly, with ten-finger typing, without looking at the keyboard, the typing speed increases significantly. For everyone, it is unique, but indisputably higher than that of a person who does not use it. For the Russian layout, the record for the number of entered correct characters in touch typing (officially included in the Guinness Book of Records) was set by M. Shestov and is 720 characters per minute. Obviously, by using short typing, typing will become easier, since you will be able to automate the process to some extent. This is very important if every day you are faced with the need to type large texts, because now it will be less energy consuming, and efficiency will increase.

Thirdly, with the right speed dial, oddly enough, the number of errors and typos is significantly reduced.

Fourth, an important advantage, which is sometimes emphasized by the authors of various simulators, is physical convenience. The absence of the need to look from the keyboard to the display and back contributes to the conservation of vision, maintaining the muscle tone of the neck, and healthy posture. The use of the ten-finger method involves all fingers in the process of work, which also allows you to protect yourself from occupational diseases.

Blind Printing Methodology

The advantages of the blind ten-finger printing method are undeniable. Greater typing speed for all people working with a computer is directly proportional to the efficiency and amount of time spent on work.

An interesting fact is that in the United States 95% of people own touch typing, because they begin to teach this in elementary school. Numerous programs are also designed to help develop this skill: from children's flash games to paid multifunctional keyboard simulators for adults. In Western Europe, teaching the ten-finger typing method is also included in the educational program. But in our country, not everyone can boast of this useful skill, despite the fact that, according to experts in the field of typing training, everyone can learn to type quickly.

1. "Home" keys

The ten-finger set is based on the fact that each finger has its own keys, which should be pressed by it. In fact, the process of developing a skill comes down to the constant training of “muscle” memory. In order to learn how to quickly type blindly, the first thing you need to remember is how the fingers should be located on the keyboard - the so-called "home" keys.

The initial position of the left hand (standard Russian keyboard layout): little finger on the "F" key, ring finger on "Y", middle finger on "B", index finger on "A". Starting position for the right hand: little finger on "F", ring finger on "D", middle finger on "L", index finger on "O". The thumbs of both hands are located on the gap. For greater convenience, almost all computer equipment manufacturers make special protrusions on the "A" and "O" keys, so that even without looking at the keyboard, you can easily find the "home" line and always return your fingers to their original position.

2. Each finger has its own keys

In addition to the "home" keys, each finger is assigned, as a rule, buttons above and below the original one. At first, it is very difficult to teach yourself to type in this way due to the unnatural position with individual clicks, but later, with practice, convenience will come.

Example 1. The classic scheme for matching keys to fingers

Example 2: Modified Finger Key Mapping

In the second option, according to Andrey Mikhailov (Habrahabr), you do not need to slip the left little finger under the ring finger.

3. Constant practice

Practice leads to perfection. Try closing your eyes and, placing your fingers on the home line, type your first and last name on a blank sheet. Keep practicing until you can do it without making mistakes. Then move on to simple sentences like "Mom washed the frame" or "I have an apple." Try not to look at the keyboard while doing this. Be persistent - it won't work right away. If the activity gets annoying, take a break and continue later.

4. Special training programs

To further develop the skill, you can use a variety of both paid and free programs that will help you learn the location of the keys and quickly type text, develop finger motor skills. Details about the pros and cons of keyboard simulators can be.

  • Take your time in the early stages of learning. High typing speed will come later as a result of practice. First, it is important to remember the location of the keys and learn how to type without errors, the rest is a matter of technique.
  • Press the corresponding keys only with the corresponding fingers. It may not be very convenient in the beginning, but once the habit is developed, it will be much easier. Although if it is more convenient for you to “change the purpose” of individual fingers, you can try using your own technique.
  • Learn not to look at the keyboard. More precisely, wean yourself from this, if necessary - use improvised means to hide it.
  • Keep your fingers close to the base position. There should be no randomness in the movements of the fingers and hands, only naturalness.
  • Mark your progress. Most programs automatically count characters per minute and errors. Once you have mastered touch typing enough, play a game with yourself - blindfold and write free text, and then check.
  • When typing, keep your back straight and your head straight in front of the screen.
  • If you are using a desktop computer, it will be more convenient if you hold the keyboard slightly to the right of the monitor, as shown in the picture below for the right computer (inf. Habrahabr):

Let's do the following exercise before we start.

Thus, we can say the following: the possibility of error-free typing without looking at the keyboard is based on a strict distribution of keys between all the fingers of the worker. That is, strictly defined letters correspond to each finger. In turn, the computer keyboard is arranged in such a way that in the central part (as the most convenient) the most used characters are located, which are served by the most developed fingers (index and middle).

Fig 1. Strictly defined letters correspond to each finger

To facilitate the "hit" of the hands on the main position on the keys BUT and O there are small ledges. Thus, placing the index fingers on these keys, the remaining fingers automatically take their original position.

As mentioned earlier, the main row of the keyboard is second from the bottom. The basic position for the fingers is as follows:

Left hand:

Little finger - F; nameless - S; average - AT; index - BUT.

Right hand:

Little finger - AND; nameless - D; average - L; index - O.

The thumbs of both hands are located above the space bar.

Fifty percent of success depends precisely on the correct positioning of the hands, on how accurately and quickly you learn to put your fingers in the starting position, on the ability, without looking at the keyboard, to find the main position, feel it, feel it. This is where the pimples will help you.

Fig 2. The main row of the keyboard

Before starting the training, do the following exercise:

Put your hands in the main position (you can look at the computer keyboard). Your fingers should lightly touch the keys. The hands form a straight line with the forearms. Under no circumstances should you put your hands on the table. They should hang above the keyboard, because. during operation, the hands will move. Fingers, if possible, should be perpendicular to the surface of the keys. The shape of the brush is rounded (hold a large apple).

Figure 3. Proper placement of fingers relative to the keyboard

Now that you have fulfilled all the above conditions, close your eyes. Sit for a few seconds, feel the keyboard. Then remove your hands and, without opening your eyes, try to put your hands in the starting position. If it didn’t work out the first time, don’t be discouraged - it’s rare that someone succeeds right away. I strongly recommend doing this simple exercise several times before the start of each lesson, until you learn how to get into the main position the first time.

Correct hit

Keyboard strokes while writing brush by keys. You cannot press the keys with your fingers. Raise your right hand above the keyboard. Move it vertically. Not the whole arm moves vertically, but only the hand, bending at the wrist. These are the movements your hand should make. Put your right hand in the main position OLJ. Slightly lift the brush up. Pull down the middle finger (letter L). Hit with a brush (extended finger) on the letter L. The blow should be short and jerky. Like the keys are hot. They hit hard, and the finger bounced off the key. After that, the other fingers gently lowered to the main position. OLJ. The fingers of the hand are "in a bunch", they practically touch each other, they feel the keys, but do not press them. Just a light touch. Practice hitting the keys correctly with different fingers.

(1st-4th grade)

The federal state standard for elementary general education approved the requirements for the basic educational program for elementary schools: the content, conditions and results of its development.

The results of mastering the main educational program include personal, metasubject and subject.

The meta-subject results, which include the universal learning activities mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), which ensure the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts, include the ability of students to “enter text using the keyboard, record (write down) in digital form measured values ​​and analyze images, sounds, prepare your speech and perform with audio, video and graphic support; comply with the norms of information selectivity, ethics and etiquette.

The substantive section of the exemplary basic educational program of primary general education includes a program for the formation of universal educational activities for students, including the formation of students' competencies in the use of information and communication technologies.

Orientation of junior schoolchildren in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to correctly apply them (ICT competence) are one of the important elements in the formation of universal educational activities of students at the stage of primary general education.

In ICT competence, educational ICT competence is singled out as the ability to solve educational problems using ICT tools and sources of information that are generally available in primary school in accordance with the age needs and capabilities of a younger student.

The solution of the problem of the formation of ICT competence should take place in all classes in individual academic subjects, and may also be included in the content of optional courses, circles, and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren.

Modern realities are such that the personal computer has become an integral part of everyday life for many. The modern PC user writes e-mails, communicates on forums and blogs every day. At the same time, the speed and ease of communication with new and old friends are directly related to the speed of printing.

Blind typing(blind ten-finger typing method) is a technique for typing with all fingers without looking at the keyboard keys.

The ten-finger touch typing method provides:

  • literacy training (students better remember the image of a printed letter, train to compose, read and print syllables, words and sentences);
  • development of spelling vigilance;
  • increasing literacy;
  • accumulation of experience in working with information objects (texts, figures, tables, animation, etc.);
  • preparatory training in informatics and successful mastering of ICT from elementary school, mastering the computer as a tool;
  • development of memory, imagination, thinking;
  • stimulation of fine (fine motor skills) and activation of the corresponding parts of the brain, as well as neighboring areas responsible for speech;
  • development of tactile sensitivity and complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands;
  • quick communication with friends and classmates via the network;
  • low fatigue during prolonged work (there is no need to look from the monitor to the keyboard and vice versa, as well as from the "paper" original to the monitor when reprinting text and vice versa).

Common in the initial study of a computer is the so-called. "sighted", or "two-finger" dialing method - "find and press". With this set, you need to find each next character, visually guided by the markings on the keys (which significantly slows down the set, but, on the other hand, does not require any prior user preparation).

Learning the blind typing method can allow you to enter text "blindly" quickly and accurately. With touch typing, more emphasis is placed on muscle memory and tactile sensations of the fingers than on vision. However, this method requires special training.

The speed of mastering the method largely depends on the psychophysiological characteristics of a person, and the speed of touch typing depends on the time of training and individual characteristics of a person (structure of hands, state of the nervous system, etc.). The average trained user achieves speeds of 200 to 400 beats per minute when passing the "10-minute test".

Blind typing training

The advantages of the blind printing method are not only in saving time, but also in health-saving aspects, such as maintaining vision and posture.

If you type a long text, constantly looking from the monitor to the keyboard and back, then your eyes very quickly begin to get tired. The reason is that the distance from the keyboard to the screen is usually different, there is a constant refocusing. In addition, the position of the eyes when looking at the keys is often close to the extreme bottom, in which it is not easy to hold them (this, of course, depends on the location of the keyboard). In poor lighting, the situation is even worse - there is a big difference in the brightness and contrast of the objects between which our gaze moves. As a result, at first, the eyes may simply start to hurt, and then, probably, the vision may deteriorate.

The correct body position when working at a computer is something like this: the back is not bent, the shoulders are straightened. And if you look at the keyboard, you just want to hunch over, lower your head and, as a result, earn scoliosis.

Blind Printing Methodology

Proper posture and hand position

Each session should begin with a check on the fit and position of the hands.

Before completing assignments, always draw students' attention to the landing and position of the hands.

Sit preferably in a chair or swivel chair with a back. The angle between the spine and thigh and between the thigh and lower leg should be 90 degrees. You need to sit straight, without bending over or tilting your head. The gaze should be directed forward to the center of the monitor screen. Wrists should not sag. The distance from the eyes to the monitor screen is from 40 to 70 centimeters.

Practice the correct hand and finger placement on a PC keyboard with students:

  1. Bend your arms at the elbow, stretch your hands forward with your palms down.
  2. Connect the brushes, touching with index fingers; thumbs down.
  3. Lower the first two phalanges of the fingers down, slightly bending them.
  4. Spread the brushes apart, leaving a distance of 4 cm between the index fingers.
  5. Place your hands on the keyboard (the left index finger will land on the A key, and the right index finger on the O key; these keys have a protrusion that allows you to control the correct position of the hands).

If the recommendations are followed correctly, then all fingers will take the main position, touching the tips of the middle of the keys assigned to them. When entering the main position, the fingers should be slightly bent, as if the hand is holding a round object. The index fingers lightly touch the tips of the middle of the keys A and O, but do not rest on them. Landing at the PC and the correct position of the hand are shown in the figure.

Advice: When practicing the first strokes on the keys, do not forget about the position of the elbows. Do not press them too tightly to the body or take them far to the sides. From the shoulder, the arms should be freely lowered down, otherwise the hands will take the wrong position on the keyboard.

Printing Rhythm

When doing exercises, draw students' attention to the rhythm of typing.

The typing rhythm is the alternation of keystrokes at regular intervals. The shorter the intervals between strokes, the higher the print speed.

Advice: When working on a computer, it is necessary to observe a certain rhythm, evenly perform strokes on the keys. This is the only way to achieve high print speed.

To develop rhythmic typing, rhythmic training is used, which is part of the system of exercises for working out the correct strokes on the keys and finger movements. Hits on the keys should be jerky and not strong, but sharp, without delaying the finger on the key; finger movements to the keys of the corresponding zone are accurate. The blow is performed with the fingertips, the hands also take part in it. When typing, the hand is raised above the keyboard by about 1-2 cm, and then quickly and vigorously hit the desired key and return the finger to its original position. The impact force must be sufficient to achieve a jerky impact.

Advice: For fast typing, you should observe a uniform rhythm with a gradual increase in tempo, that is, a reduction in the time intervals between keystrokes.

From the first lessons it is necessary to achieve independent finger movements: when one finger strikes, the others are relaxed. The muscles of the fingers must act during the execution of the blow, and immediately after it relax.

The automatism of finger movement is developed as a result of prolonged training. Blind printing method can be considered mastered only when the operator ceases to control the movement of the fingers on the keyboard.

Advice: Do not chase speed, pay special attention to the error-free printing. Typing speed is easy to increase in the course of everyday work, after you have already mastered the keyboard in full.

Ten-finger typing method on the keyboard

Show students that PC keyboards are designed to allow you to perform all the necessary operations: type, edit and format texts using keyboard shortcuts without using the mouse, which greatly increases the speed of writing texts.

Explain to students why the typing speed slows down when the typist looks at the keyboard.

Advice: You should not press the keys with the wrong fingers, which can subsequently greatly reduce the speed of typing.

When performing exercises, one should achieve complete automatism, only mechanically and in the right sequence by pressing the keys.

Advice: To effectively learn the ten-finger method, it is better to practice daily.

Each student will master the blind typing method, at their own pace, move on to each subsequent task.

Student advice: You should not move on to the next exercise without having achieved sufficient flexibility in the fingers in the previous exercise.

Position of fingers on the keyboard

Please note to students that all computers, regardless of operating system and brand, have a standard keyboard with alphabetic characters, numbers, and symbols. The keyboard consists of four rows: the top row contains numbers and special characters, the rest are letters and punctuation marks. In the center of the keyboard there are keys with letters that are most often repeated in texts; they are served by more developed and mobile fingers: index and middle.

The rows of the keyboard are arranged from bottom to top: the 1st row is called the bottom, the 2nd - the main, the 3rd - the top, the 4th - the digital. Keyboard learning start from the second row. This row is called the main row, since it contains the letters of the alphabet that are most often repeated in texts. From this row, located in the center of the keyboard, it is convenient to make finger movements when hitting while writing within the zone allocated to them.

The figure shows a diagram of the Russian keyboard. The scheme gives an idea of ​​the zones of movement of the corresponding fingers to the desired keys, teaches to blind writing with ten fingers.

Particular attention of students should be paid to the location of the fingers on the keys of the main row (see figure):

These keys are called the "home position".

Letters not included in this list are located on the so-called additional keys of the second, main row of the keyboard.

Letter keys are distributed as follows:

  • left hand: little finger - f, ring finger - s, middle - c, index - a;
  • right hand: index - o, middle - l, nameless - d, little finger - f;
  • to the left index finger - a, p, k, e, m, and;
  • to the right index - o, p, n, g, t, b;
  • to the left middle - y, v, s;
  • to the right middle - w, l, b;
  • to the left nameless - c, s, h;
  • to the right nameless - u, d, u;
  • to the left little finger - d, f, i;
  • to the right little finger - h, f, e, x, b;
  • press the spacebar with the thumbs of both hands.

At the initial stage, training blind ten-finger printing method conducted without regard to register. Cases, punctuation marks, numbers, auxiliary symbols - this is the next stage, which you can proceed to after mastering the skill blind ten-finger typing in lowercase (lower case). Practice shows that their study takes no more than 5–10% of the time spent on studying the lower case of the keyboard. Yes, and their location on different keyboards, in different operating systems is different.

Before you start mastering typing in Russian, draw students' attention to the following keys: backspace, Delete, Enter, Space.

  • key backspace pressed with the little finger of the right hand. This key is used to delete the character to the left of the cursor. It is designed to correct errors that occur when typing texts.
  • Key action Delete resembles the action of the backspace key. It is also pressed with the little finger of the right hand. Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
  • key Enter pressed with the little finger of the right hand. Used to translate strings.
  • key Space press with the thumb of the left or right (currently free) hand. It is designed to put spaces between words in a sentence.

A set of exercises necessary to master the touch typing method

Level 1 Exercises (Beginner)

Exercise 1.1. Set your hands in the main position. Print the letters of the main position one by one. Under the left hand you get FIVA, under the right - OLJ. When typing, try to capture in memory the sensations that arise when you move your fingers. After each hit, reproduce it mentally.

Exercise 1.2. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the index finger of your right hand on the P key and return it back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.3. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the index finger of your left hand on the P key and return back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.4. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the H key with the index finger of your right hand and return it back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.5. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the index finger of your right hand on the G key and return back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.6. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the index finger of your right hand on the T key and return it back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.7. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the b key with the index finger of your right hand and return it back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.8. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the I key with the index finger of your left hand and return back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.9. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the index finger of your left hand on the M key and return it back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.10. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the K key with the index finger of your left hand and return it back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.11. Set your hands in the main position. Hit the index finger of your left hand on the E key and return it back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.12. Set your hands in the main position. Print W and B with the right middle finger, Y and C with the left. The fingers should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.13. Set your hands in the main position. Print with the right nameless Yu and Shch, with the left - C and Ch. The fingers should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Exercise 1.14. Set your hands in the main position. Print with the right little finger E, Z, X, b and Y, with the left - I and Y. The fingers should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides.

Advice: Do the exercise again with all the letters: hit once and mentally reproduce three times, keeping your hands in the main position. Make sure that only the working finger is tense. The hands should only make vertical movements, otherwise the fingers will lose their main position. Perform all exercises rhythmically, without rushing.

Through the beginner level exercises, students should be able to:

firstly, to be able to put hands on the main position automatically and not to shift them during work;

secondly, to know the location of the letters on the keyboard perfectly;

thirdly, remember the movements of the fingers to each key;

fourthly, all exercises, including mental ones, should be performed only rhythmically, that is, at the same speed.

Advice: To quickly memorize the keyboard, we use the imagination and the senses. Imagine that your index fingers and the keys assigned to them are green, the middle fingers with their keys are red, the ring fingers are blue, and the little fingers are yellow.

Look at the picture.

Perhaps for students, the best color arrangement would be the arrangement of colors in the rainbow. The order of the colors is suggested by the well-known phrase: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits. By the first letter of the words, it is easy to remember the order of the colors.

But in this case, the coloring of the keyboard is made in four opposite colors. Red is the opposite of green, and yellow is the opposite of blue.

Advice (physical minute “I am a finger”):

Stand up straight, bend your arms as if you are about to type. Imagine yourself as the yellow little finger of your left hand. You are hanging over the yellow square key F. Jump forward and, as it were, a little up on the yellow triangular key Y. Pause a little and imagine a large soft and hot key under your feet. Return to your original location. While jumping with the little finger of your left hand, perform movements similar to what you do when printing. Jump back and, as it were, a little down on the yellow round key Y. Feel the cold of prickly ice under you. Come back. Jump up and imagine that you hit the F key. Do the exercise with imitation of the movements of all fingers. If you are not tired, repeat again. During the exercises, the fingers whose movements you imitate exactly repeat the actual movements at the keyboard.

One lesson should last at least 20-25 minutes. Spend at least an hour studying every day. And it’s better to spend two or three short lessons a day separated by time than one long continuous one. Don't overwork.

Tip: If your hands are tired, clench your fingers into a fist and straighten them sharply, lower them down and relax. Do 8-10 times. Massage your hands with movements reminiscent of putting on tight gloves..

Level 2 Exercises (Basic)

Remind students to use punctuation marks when typing. Remember the rules for punctuation.

Familiarize students with the rules for printing punctuation marks. For example, to type a period, you need to hit the key with it and immediately with the other hand (thumb edge) - the space key.

  • The Backspace key is pressed with the little finger of the right hand. This key is used to delete the character to the left of the cursor. It is designed to correct errors that occur when typing texts.
  • The action of the Delete key is similar to that of the Backspace key. It is also pressed with the little finger of the right hand. Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
  • The Enter key is pressed with the little finger of the right hand. Used to translate strings.
  • The Space key is pressed with the thumb of the left or right (currently free) hand. It is designed to put spaces between words in a sentence.

Set your hands in the main position. Type punctuation marks: dot, comma, exclamation and question marks. Mentally repeat everything three times. During the exercise, try to remember the spatial-muscular sensations.

Exercise 2.2. Set your hands in the main position. Print the line:

i can i can i can i can

Advice: At the beginning of the lesson, students type in lowercase letters and without punctuation marks 3-4 times with the obligatory mental repetition of each new word. The sentences are separated from each other by a space. You need to try not to look at the keyboard, type without typos and keep the same spacing and margins.

Exercise 2.3. Set your hands in the main position. Print lines:

I can (mental repetition) I can (mental repetition)

Advice: Hit the keys rhythmically, but don't rush. Rhythm reduces fatigue and increases productivity.

Exercise 2.4. Set your hands in the main position. Print the line:

I can type I can type I can type I can type

Exercise 2.5. Set your hands in the main position. Print the line:

I can type fast I can type fast

Exercise 2.6. Set your hands in the main position. Print lines:

I type faster I type faster

Exercise 2.7. Set your hands in the main position. Print lines:

typing easier and faster typing easier and faster

Exercise 2.8. Set your hands in the main position. Print lines:

can i type well can i type well

Exercise 2.9. Set your hands in the main position. Print lines:

I print everything in an instant I print everything in an instant

Exercise 2.10. Set your hands in the main position. Print lines:

I'm good at it I'm good at it

Exercise 2.11. Set your hands in the main position. Print lines:

and easier with every moment and easier with every moment

Exercise 2.12. Set your hands in the main position. Print the couplet four times:

I can type fast

and every moment faster

Exercise 2.13. Set your hands in the main position. Print the lines:

I will remember everything quickly. I will remember everything quickly.

Punctuation exercises.

Exercise 2.14. Set your hands in the main position. Print the lines:

I remember a simple rhyme:

Quotes, semicolons,

Star sign, parenthesis and other,

Plus, equality and transfer,

Percentage, number, comma,

Both an exclamation and a question.

Exercise 2.14. Set your hands in the main position. Print the same lines, replacing the name of the punctuation mark with its symbol:

I remember a simple rhyme:

Exercise 2.15. Set your hands in the main position. Print the same lines, gradually replacing all the characters with words according to the chaining rule. First four times:

I remember a simple rhyme:

(and another

And the transfer

%# comma,

AND! and a question.

Then four times:

I remember a simple rhyme:

Quotes, semicolons,

(and another

Plus = and carry,

% number, comma,

Both an exclamation and a question.

And so on until the complete replacement of signs. Print each new word also mentally.

Numeric exercises.

Exercise 2.16. Set your hands in the main position. Print out the rhyme as follows:

I will not tire of repeating:

One, two, three, four, five.

Six, seven, eight, nine, zero.

Then four times like this:

Repeat again four times, adding signs to the digital rows:

I will not tire of repeating:

№6, №7, №8, №9, №0.

Level 3 exercises (basic level)

Exercise 3.1. Set your hands in the main position. Type text:

At the apiary.

Alyosha Solovyov lives in the village of Sosnovka. It stands on the banks of the river Bystrica.

Alyosha has an older brother, Kostya. He works as a beekeeper. Alyosha loves to help him.

Early in the morning the brothers come to the apiary. Among the trees are beehives. The bees are buzzing. The brothers are preparing the frames, cleaning the notches.

The day passes quickly.

How to quickly learn touch typing with all 10 fingers? Review of programs and on-line keyboard trainers for teaching blind and fast ten-finger typing (typing).

There are even specialized courses for this purpose, and in the West this is one of the subjects in general education schools.

The main advantages of the blind typing method:

1. When typing with all fingers, the number of errors is reduced.

2. All fingers are occupied, and each of them corresponds to a certain number of letters.

3. The work becomes completely mechanical - the desired letter is unmistakably struck by the finger with which it is learned to hit it.

4. By mastering the blind ten-finger method and putting it into practice, people will save their health. They will not have to look from the keyboard to the monitor and back dozens of times, their eyes will not get tired, their vision will not deteriorate. Learners will become less tired during the working day, as a result of which they will perform more work.

5. Using the ten-finger blind method, anyone can achieve a typing speed of 300-500 characters per minute. If we take into account the work team, where all the people in it have mastered the blind ten-finger method, then they work 10% - 15% more efficiently. All letters, texts, balance sheets, reports, notes, documents are processed faster, better and more accurately.

6. When typing blindly, attention is not focused on the fact of typing, but only on how to express your thoughts (suggestions, conclusions, recommendations, conclusions) in the best possible way.

How to learn?

There are many resources, and the touch typing courses already mentioned, and online classes, and special programs. We will not stop at the courses, but we will consider programs and online simulators.


In general, most of these programs are based on a similar methodology. First, the "student" studies the middle row of the keyboard - this is FYVAPROLJE, trying to learn how to type certain letters with the corresponding fingers. Here, as practice shows, the most difficult thing is to “stir up” the ring finger and, especially, the little finger. After mastering the middle row, the upper and lower rows are added. Learning can be accompanied by irritation due to the fact that the fingers are pressing the wrong keys, that there are many mistakes, etc. - it cannot be avoided. But you don’t need to be very upset either - this is a fairly serious skill, and in order to acquire it, you need to work hard, don’t expect an easy “victory”.

SOLO on the keyboard

The most famous program in Runet for mastering the blind ten-finger typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. I will dwell on this keyboard trainer in more detail, since this is not just a program, but an advanced training course. In addition to simply typing certain letters in SOLO, the keyboard contains detailed instructions, tips and many other materials to help you cope with the annoyance of mistakes and help you not to stop halfway.

The entire course consists of 100 exercises. After passing all 100, you are guaranteed to be typing with all 10 fingers, regardless of the keyboard - verified. Each exercise contains up to 6-7 tasks. In addition, after many exercises, you will need to repeat one of the previous ones. At the beginning of each exercise, there are anecdotes from the creators of the program, which are sure to cheer you up and help you relax a bit. There are also numerous letters from people who have already gone through SOLO, in which they describe the problems they faced and what was the most difficult for them. In them you will find something of your own, and this will help you overcome difficulties. After completing the task, you will be graded on a 5-point scale.

Stamina (Recommended)

This is a free typing trainer with a simple yet "fun" interface. The author of this program is not devoid of a sense of humor and did not hesitate to express it in the program's interface. Training is based on step-by-step execution of tasks with increasing complexity. For example, in the first task, you will need to type the letters A and O in different combinations, then B and L are added, and so on. Tasks are performed to pleasant music. Also, various events in the program are accompanied by cool sounds, for example, when the program closes, Arnold Schwarzenegger's phrase “I`ll be back” sounds. The program also has an entertaining toy, which, however, does not apply to learning, but you can play.

Rapid Typing

A free application from Western developers that supports learning in Russian and English layouts. It has an attractive, friendly interface. Class statistics are kept, which helps to navigate the learning process. Below, as usual, shows the layout of the keyboard.


Not quite a standard keyboard trainer. The authors of the program talk about the extraordinary effectiveness of their method of mastering the blind typing method. Their website claims that after 5-15 hours of practice, you will be able to type blindly at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique is really different from the standard. Here you are immediately invited to type text consisting of letters in all rows of the keyboard. At the same time, the proposed strings for dialing are generated by a special algorithm that generates phonetic associated sequences of characters.

However, I think that this approach will be very difficult for beginners. Explanations on how to hold hands, which fingers to press, etc. are in the help of the program, and are described quite clearly, but it is not easy to switch from two-finger “poking” into the keyboard to typing with all 10 fingers. At the same time, it is very difficult to study which finger is responsible for what, looking only at the keyboard model. I think there is a high probability that the student will simply abandon this business until better times.

Speed ​​Printing School

This keyboard simulator is designed for those who want to learn touch typing on the keyboard. The simulator has various interesting sections:
1. step-by-step study of the keyboard "muscle memory";
2. the game "falling letters" helps to distract from studying the keyboard and develop a reaction;
3. typing - skills development;
4. touch typing - imitation of work on a typewriter, enhances and consolidates the skill of touch typing;
5. sound dictation - just like in school, the voice dictates the story and you need to type without errors for speed.

There are other programs of this kind, but I do not think that they are fundamentally different or better than those that we have considered. This is quite enough.

Keyboard online simulators

Here we look at 2 good online resources that are dedicated to mastering touch typing.

Keyboard solo online

Training is provided free of charge. However, if you want, you can transfer money to ErgoSOLO LLC in the amount of 150 rubles (this is the same as their SOLO on the keyboard program costs). The process and methodology of training does not differ from those presented in the program. Everything is very high quality and with care for the student. Here you can compete in the rating with other "online soloists", which, by the way, are already quite a few. Users who have paid for the course have an asterisk next to their name. In general, both the SOLO program on the keyboard and the online course are what a beginner needs. I think this is the best option.

All 10 (Recommended)

Another new project that promises to rid us of the habit of poking two fingers on the "clave". At the beginning you will have to take a test to check your typing speed. Then the exercises begin. Two courses are available - Russian and English. The training section provides detailed instructions and recommendations for completing assignments.

The basic rules of the game are simple. The game will select a random piece of text that you and your opponents must type exactly. As soon as possible. When you successfully type, your typewriter (it's always at the top of the list) moves forward. If a typo is made, you must correct it or there will be no promotion. Based on the results of the race, the winners will be determined and some parameters of the passage of the text will be shown - time, typing speed in characters per minute and the percentage of characters in which errors were made. The results of each race are stored in your personal statistics. For each text passed, you are awarded a number of points, depending on the length of the typed text.

Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer

The main goal of the "Time Speed ​​Keyboard Simulator" project is to enable the widest range of computer users to master typing (touch typing or ten-finger typing). We offer a series of touch typing training courses as well as typing speed development.

VerseQ online

This is an online version of the famous VerseQ keyboard trainer, but, unlike its offline counterpart, it allows you to study from anywhere in the world, participate in competitions, and share your progress with friends and acquaintances. You need the service if you want to quickly, easily and naturally learn touch typing. And if you're already a typing pro, then show off your skills to others!

More online keyboard trainers - the first typing championship in Cyrillic


To all of the above, you can add the following. Everyone who works at a computer, and especially if you have to type a lot of text, needs to buy an ergonomic keyboard. It is also called separate, because the keys for each hand are separated in it. In addition, the right and left blocks are at an angle to each other, which allows not to bend the hand at the wrist when placing the hands in the initial position of FYVA-OLJ. Working on such a keyboard, you will definitely get less tired, and this will increase the average typing speed and, accordingly, productivity.

I have already said that you should not hope for an easy "conquest" of the blind printing method. It's quite difficult, especially in the beginning. To pass, for example, SOLO on the keyboard completely, you will need to make a lot of effort and patience. In addition, you will need to allocate special time for this. However, you should not be afraid of this, everyone who wants to undoubtedly cope with this task. Good luck!

Hello colleagues! Are you familiar with the expressions "fiwa" and "olj"? If not, then I'll tell you how. learn how to type fast and at the same time look only at the monitor, not looking at the keyboard. I'll tell you about the online services that I use myself and about the chips that help speed up the process. Go!

Many may admit that they type on the keyboard much more often than they write with a pen on paper. Computers have firmly entered our lives, the absence of which can complicate even everyday life and leisure, not to mention work related to information processing. The question of the possibility of fast printing today confronts people more often than it might have been expected five years ago.

While still at school, I took typing courses, it was the year 2001. We studied on typewriters and paper, so the teacher could track all our mistakes. Now you can learn how to quickly print on your own, resorting to training, without spending money and time on a trip.

But for this it is necessary not only to remember the location of the characters on the keyboard, but also to accept several conditions:

  • Regularity of classes. Blind typing (this method is considered the fastest and most effective) involves working with muscle memory. Muscle memory develops through many repetitions. The minimum period for a strong (up to automatism) “recording” in muscle memory is considered by scientists to be 40 days. If you regularly perform classes during this period, then the ability to quickly print will remain with you for life;
  • Body and hand position. Often this point is omitted, believing that typing teachers advocate it because of the prevention of spinal curvature. Health is important, but there are other reasons as well. The main reason is rationality.

Straight posture (smooth spine) is the maximum speed of interaction between the limbs (in our case, the fingers) and the brain. Another reason is the connection to the work of peripheral vision, the signals of which, bypassing the analytical center of the brain, create an express bridge between the fingers and the central nervous system.

When working on the keyboard, the elbows are in a “suspended” state, guaranteeing a greater degree of freedom for the hands and fingers.

You need to remember the initial position of the fingers on the keyboard, and during further exercises, observe the “zone of influence” for each finger, even if at first it seems that it is easier to press a particular key with another finger, and not with those that are recommended during classes. The typing system has been worked out for many decades, the rationality of the position and use of fingers has been carefully studied. As soon as the fingers learn to work "as they should", all sensations of inconvenience will disappear without a trace.

The position of the fingers on the keyboard: "fiva" and "olj"

A frequently asked question is “why are the letters on the keyboard not in alphabetical order?”. If the letters are arranged alphabetically, then they can be found faster, right? But not everything is so simple.

The main criterion for the arrangement of letters on the keyboard was the frequency of use of the letter. The letter "a", for example, is used more often when typing than the letter "b", so "a" was placed under the zone of the index finger, with which we manage more confidently than with the little finger (no wonder beginners start typing with the two-finger method, using only the index fingers ).

Therefore, the most frequently used letters are collected to the center of the keyboard (the area for the index fingers), and those that are printed less often are collected to the periphery.

Initial position of the fingers. Touch the keys that show the Russian characters "a" and "o". These keys have embossed marks. These are the start keys. They are needed so that you can find the correct position of your fingers without looking at the keyboard.

You need to learn how to find the "start" keys as confidently as with your eyes closed, you find your own tip of the nose with your finger. And this skill is developed as follows: we look at the top of the monitor, and with our index fingers we try to immediately put on the “a” and “o” keys. Ten successful attempts in a row out of ten possible - and you can move on to the next exercise.

The fingers of the left hand at the starting position occupy the keys: "a" (index), "c" (middle), "s" (nameless), "f" (little finger).

The fingers of the right hand at the starting position occupy the keys: "o" (index), "l" (middle), "d" (nameless) and "g" (little finger).

Separation of keys by fingers

Each finger on the keyboard has its own "zone of influence", which must be observed and ensured that the fingers do not violate each other's "sovereignty". This is achieved through hard work.

The thumbs share the least among themselves: the thumb of the left hand “owns” the “space” and “Alt” keys (left), and the thumb of the right hand works with the “space” and “Alt” keys (right). More temptation to "violate sovereignty" occurs with "confident" fingers - index and middle, which are drawn to the keys of the little finger and ring finger.

Working out so that the finger does not jump to the key of another finger is carried out by a series of typing training words and sentences, which include the letters of neighboring zones.


A common beginner mistake: hitting the key too hard. It is possible that on mechanical typewriters, the force of the blow is of some importance, but on electronic devices, the blow can be replaced by a simple keystroke. It doesn't take much force to close the contact under the keyboard.

Strong blows lead not only to rapid fatigue when typing, but also greatly slow down the process itself.

In order to remove the main load from the fingers, you can use the rule: pressing is carried out with a fingertip, and not so much the muscular strength of the finger as the weight of the hand is involved in pressing. The hand resembles a centipede that steps (or jumps) with its fingers from one key to another.

Blind typing rhythm

Rhythm development is another secret to fast and error-free typing on the keyboard. But you need to move on to working with rhythm only when all the previous exercises have been completed. Fingers must accurately and confidently know their own keys (Remember "fiva" and "oldzh").

You need to start exercising with rhythm at a slow pace. The main task in this case is to achieve error-free typing at a given (smooth) rhythm. Taking into account the growth of skill, the speed of the typing tempo also increases, but the quality criterion always remains - this is the evenness of the rhythm (without acceleration and deceleration) and the accuracy of the fingers hitting their own keys.

Many creative people, when the long process of comprehending typing is over, seem to release the rhythm “to freedom”, and it begins to “lead” their imagination, clarifies analytical decisions, and sets the pace of work as a whole.

  • The main mistake in mastering fast typing is irregularity. The best condition is daily exercise to achieve the desired mastery;
  • The pace is set too fast. Fatigue accumulates from day to day. It is better to perform one exercise, but every day, than torturing yourself with a dozen exercises in a day. Often they quit classes just because they are tired, and the result is less than expected;
  • The pace is set too slow. Exercises should strain a little, make you achieve new achievements. Relaxed execution does not lead to development. Occupation turns into a useless pastime.

As you understand, I didn’t learn anything from school typing courses, I forgot everything over time, because there was no proper practice. I learned to print using the ten-finger method again, already consciously with the help of services on the Internet. Here they are:

  • Vse10 (address: - with statistics and consecutive lessons. Recommend for beginners
  • Klavogonki (address: is a place for training, there are several different modes.

By devoting 10-15 minutes a day, in a month you will notice the result, and another 2 months of regular training will help you learn to type on the keyboard so quickly that you will forget your old method. Good luck in your endeavors!

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