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Full detail of beeline calls. Ordering detailing in the Beeline point

Many Beeline subscribers take a very responsible approach to the issue of controlling the cost of cellular communications. They know their tariff well and can quickly identify suspicious account leakage. When ordering cost details on Beeline, subscribers receive detailed information about their communication costs in order to take the necessary measures in time, for example, to disable paid subscriptions. And I must say that it is a really great tool to control your finances... Let's and we will learn how to receive information about expenses.

You can get detail on Beeline in several ways:

  • At the nearest service office;
  • In the "Personal Account";
  • In the application "My Beeline".

It is also available to order detailing by SMS-command by e-mail and receive a brief detailing about the last five actions in the form of SMS. Let's consider all the possibilities in more detail.

Control of Beeline expenses through the "Personal Account"

Beeline's "Personal Account" is a convenient tool that allows you to manage your number, check connected services and order detailed expense reports. To get details, you need to log in and go to the "Finance and detailing" section. On this page we will see the details of the services provided for the selected period - if necessary, the display of unnecessary items can be turned off, for example, disable the sending of advertisements. Here you will also see the subscriber fee write-offs and credits to the account. By the way, below we can upload information on payments.

In a separate tab, a tool for presenting information in the form of graphs is presented - this is very convenient, since graphs are easier to perceive. In order to get information about expenses for certain days, you should select an interval at the top of the page and click on the button to compile a report - charts and tables will be rebuilt, showing figures on expenses for the selected period.

If such a presentation of information seems to someone not very convenient, then the "Personal Account" is ready to provide the ability to download information in the form of PDF or XLS files (your choice). To do this, you need to click on the corresponding button next to the fields for selecting the detail period. The generated file will be available for download, it can also be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the "Personal Account".

The order of detailing in the "Personal Account" of Beeline is free of charge.

Other ways to find out the costs on Beeline

"How to see my expenses on Beeline on a tablet or smartphone?" - such questions are often asked by the owners of mobile devices who love to tinker with additional software. The service application "My Beeline" was created especially for them. Having installed it on your tablet or smartphone, you must go through authorization using the login and password from the "Personal Account". Next, we order detailing as we did in the previous section of our review.

Did you know that you don't even need to use mobile applications and "Personal Account" to order details of expenses on Beeline? This is really so - we can order detailing using an SMS sent to the service number 1401. In the text of the SMS, write your e-mail address. A few minutes later, the details for the last month will be sent to the specified address. Service cost - 0 rubles, the maximum number of requests is no more than 10. in a day.

There is nothing to tell about getting detail in Beeline's offices - just select the nearest office and pay a visit there, not forgetting to take your passport with you. If the number is not issued to you, then you do not have to go to the office, since the details are only handed out to the real subscriber who owns the number.

Finally, let's talk about the Easy Control service. It allows you to get information about the last five paid actions performed in the last 10 days. For short details dial USSD-command * 122 #.

To register in the "Personal Account", get a temporary password using the USSD-command * 110 * 9 #. In the future, this password can be changed to a more complex one.

Beeline call detailing is a fairly common service among many subscribers. It is needed to control calls, time, cost and other information. In addition, you can make detailed calls from the child's phone in order to understand where the money is going. But it should be noted that the printout of calls is possible to get only your own number. It is quite problematic to get information on someone else's phone, but it is possible and examples of how this can be done will be presented below.

Detailing and methods

There are not so many methods for obtaining information on calls from the Beeline company, but also not few. Therefore, each subscriber will be able to receive a printout by any convenient method, including:

  • Use for detailing a personal account. This method allows you to take information on calls from your number absolutely free. But how to get the details of calls to someone else's number through your personal account is a more difficult question. Since you will need someone else's phone to view the necessary information.
  • You can get a printout by email. To do this, you need to write a text message, in the body of the letter of which put the mail address and send an SMS by phone 1401. After that, an office document with data will be sent to the mail, and an SMS message is sent in confirmation. The option is provided free of charge.
  • You can install the option from Beeline "Easy control" and be always aware of the cost of calls.
  • Clients can detail the data through the mobile application.
  • You can also get a printout in branded communication stores. This will require a passport.

Detailing someone else's number

To receive a printout of calls from someone else's number, the client will need to take possession of the phone of the person who needs to be checked for a couple of minutes. Also, if it is necessary to check the child, then the procedure is somewhat simplified, since you do not need to use the child's phone. A SIM card, as a rule, is issued for parents, so they should take a passport and go to any branded beeline communication salon and ask for a printout. Passport specialists will establish the data and after filling out the application they will be able to provide the data, then this service is not provided free of charge, therefore, you will need to pay for the detailing of Beeline calls to someone else's phone number in the communication salon.

The detailing of Beeline calls to someone else's number is done for free by two methods:

  • You can get information by e-mail. To do this, take a stranger's mobile device for a couple of minutes and send a short message from it to 1401. In the body of the letter itself, you should indicate the mail address. The printout of calls for the last 30 days will be delivered to it. This operation is provided by the Beeline company free of charge. The person who asks for a printout should, after sending the message, delete it from the mobile device, as well as delete the opposite incoming SMS with confirmation of the request. After that, you can check your mail and get acquainted with all the calls made.
  • Obtaining information through a personal account on the company's website. To do this, you should also use someone else's phone and go to the beeline website. Further, in the right corner, you need to find a section with a personal account and go through it. After that, an authorization form will be provided. When you first log in, you need to register and get a password, and if you previously entered the account, you should enter the phone number and password in the login field. To receive a forgotten password, you need to dial the service request * 110 * 9 # on the device and make a call. The password will be delivered in the incoming message. After that, you need to write down the password and you no longer need someone else's phone. Next, you should go to financial services and get a printout of the calls. In addition, it is now possible to regularly check the information on calls, since the number and password are known.
  • To receive only data on the last 5 paid services, you need to dial * 122 # on your phone and make a call. A message will be delivered to the device with data on the latest debits of money.

There are not so many ways how you can get the details of the Beeline account, but, nevertheless, it is enough to carry out "work on errors." In our article, we will consider the classic option for obtaining a service by an individual. If you are unable to implement the methods described below, then contact us. Printouts of someone else's number are our specialty.

Receiving options

1. Detailing the account through the Personal Account

On the official website of the Beeline company, you can go to your personal account and get complete information on spending funds. There you will find not only data on incoming and outgoing calls / calls and sms messages, but also a list of expenses. The balance will be displayed in your personal account, you can select a certain period and you will see the entire history of payments for the subscriber number, its costs and replenishment. Link to enter your personal account -
Access and use of your personal account, as well as ordering the details of calls and Beeline accounts are provided free of charge.

2. Order a report by email

It is a little less informative here, but quickly and there is no need to delve into the intricacies of working with a subscriber's personal account. Just send an SMS to the short number 1401, in which write your e-mail address. Within a few minutes the operator will process your application and send you an SMS-notification that “Your request has been fulfilled and the ordered file with details has been delivered to your specified e-mail address”. Next, check your e-mail, which was indicated, and there really will be delivered a free detailing of the Beeline account in MS Excel format.

In addition, using a simple command * 110 * 0221 # "call", you can set a ban on the delivery of details by e-mail. If over time you decide to cancel this prohibition, then this can be easily done by number 0611, either through your personal account, or at the Beeline service office.

3. Service "Easy control"

A very convenient service that connects from the phone and does not require the presence of the Internet. With its help, you can quickly find out about spending the balance, when and on what funds were spent from your Beeline account. Dial on your mobile - * 122 #, in response to the request you will receive an SMS message, which will indicate the last five debits from the account, as well as a link to a description of your tariff plan.

4. Mobile application "My Beeline"

The mobile application works not only on all modern smartphones that are compatible with Android, but also on iPhone and iPad. By installing this application on your gadget, you can quickly make a request for printouts of calls, which will be delivered to your email in PDF format.
How to make detailed calls through the My Beeline application? It's very simple: on the main page of the application or in the "Finance" section, select a period and write your e-mail address to which you want to deliver the printout. You can download the application for free in the AppStore and Google Play.

5. Detailing the subscriber's account in the company's offices

The above methods allow you to get a report remotely. This option assumes personal attendance at the office. Here you will receive details of Beeline calls on paper. You will need to present your passport (if the contract is in your name), or a passport and a notarized power of attorney to receive details from the person in whose name the contract is concluded.
In this case, the printout of calls will be paid.

Detailing beeline calls to someone else's number

We have considered the options for obtaining a printout of your number and there are quite a few of them. But how to get detailed calls without the knowledge of the subscriber? Of course, everyone is interested in what is happening behind a closed door. There are thousands of them. Today this question is very popular, because if there is information, then there is a path that will lead to it. And you are right. There is a huge amount of information and it is quite easy to get it. If we talk about how to independently take a printout, then only having direct access to the phone, having carried out the manipulations that were described above. In such a simple way, you can get a printout of calls from beeline and other operators for free. If there is no access to the phone, then place an order and within a few hours you will have a printout. Prices are cheap and affordable for most.

There are several methods to find out how many calls you made on Beeline, sent SMS and how much money it took. This article provides information on how to make details of Beeline calls for free and in what cases you will have to pay for it.

You can get the most complete picture of the spent minutes, megabytes and SMS via the Internet on the operator's official website.

To do this, go to the portal and go to the "Personal Account" section.

If you are not registered, then you will need to do this.

After authorization in your personal account, you will have access to information about the tariff, balance, services and the ability to manage them.

On the page above, find the "Detailing" tab and go to it.

A window will open, in it you must specify the period for which you plan to receive details of Beeline calls. This could be the last day, week, or month. Here you can specify any period of time using the calendar.

The selected period cannot be more than 30 days. Therefore, if, for example, you want to order Beeline detailing for the last six months, then it is better to set the period from the first to the first day of each month.

After you have specified the days, you just have to click the "Generate report" button.

As a result, a Beeline account detailing will be issued, including a list of expenses, the amount of services spent and the amount of money spent.

If you go to the "Detailing" tab in this table, you will get more detailed information about the services rendered.

Also, next to the button for drawing up a report, there is a button for saving it - in case you want to get a result in order to make a printout of calls.

You can download this file directly to your computer or send it by e-mail. It can be done in two formats: for Adobe reader or MS Excel.

If you choose the XLS file, then pay attention to which version of the office you have installed.

On the same page "Finance and Detailing" you will see your account balance and accrued bonuses for the set period, as well as payments made.

How to find out the detail by phone

If suddenly there is no opportunity to go online, or you just do not want to waste time on registration, you can always use your mobile phone. There are three ways how to make detailing on Beeline through a smartphone:

  • Order via SMS.
  • USSD.
  • Mobile app.

Consider the methods by which Beeline calls detailing is carried out for free.

Detail order via SMS

To view the details of calls, you just need to send a message with the email address to which you would like to receive a history of expenses. It must be sent to number 1401. After your application has been processed, you will receive a notification that a printout of calls has been sent to your specified e-mail.

To see the result, you need to check your mail. There you will find a letter with a file that you can open in MS Excel. The document will contain the history of your finances for the last 30 days.

Order using USSD

You can order detailed calls from Beeline directly to your phone using the "Easy Control" option. To do this, dial the command * 122 # and press - and soon you will receive an SMS with the last five charges in 10 days.

In the event that during this time you did not use the services of the operator, then you will receive information about your balance and the connected tariff.

Mobile application "My Beeline"

To use all the functions of the utility, you can download it from the AppStore or GooglePlay for free. In the application "My Beeline" details are sent to the email in PDF format.

To enter the application, you will need the data that you provided when creating your Beeline personal account.

You can make a printout of calls in the application in the finance section on the "Detailing" tab.

The period, as on the website, can be selected manually or suggested by the program.

To send the result to your mail, click the envelope icon in the upper right corner, write your address and click "Send details".

Paid details of Beeline calls

If, for some reason, the detailing of mobile costs by the proposed methods seems to you insufficient, or you want to get a paper printout of Beeline calls, then you should know how to get it in the office.

To do this, come to any subscriber service point with a passport or a notarized power of attorney, if the SIM card is not issued to you.

In the office, detailing communication services will require cash costs:

  • One copy, covering up to 15 days within the last 8 months, will cost you 30 rubles.
  • If you want to make a printout for more than 15 days, then for every extra 24 hours you will need to pay 2 rubles.
  • If you want to get a history of expenses nine months ago, then for each month you will need to pay 1000 rubles.

The maximum possible time for which you can be provided with a report is three years.

Mobile communication is an integral part of the life of a modern person, allowing you to establish contacts and conduct all over the world, at any time of the day. But in all this turmoil, subscribers often pay little attention to controlling their communication and do not notice when and how the funds on the account have evaporated. It is for these cases that Beeline calls detailing is used - an extended report on all incoming / outgoing calls, their duration, direction, cost.

Methods and forms of the report

Detailed information on all connections made during the reporting period can be applied both for and for several third parties (family members, children whose expenses need to be monitored). In practice, about five different approaches are used to obtain detail:

  1. Possibilities of the "Personal Account" service on the official website of "Beeline";
  2. Order sending a report to your own e-mail;
  3. Connection to the "Easy Control" service;
  4. View account status through;
  5. Ordering a report on paper in any of the offices of the operator's company.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Through your personal account

This software is available free of charge on the operator's official website and is available for each of its subscribers. Here you can get the most complete detail of calls, SMS messages, Internet connections, as well as the distribution of costs for each type of service. In addition, the "Personal Account" allows you to control the costs of all connected numbers, if necessary, replenish the balance, and also carry out:

  • Additional services management (Answering machine, etc.);
  • Receive or modify it;

Access to the service, as well as detailing, is provided by the company is free... First you need to go to in your browser. Next, you will have to enter a valid username and password, or use the option to log in through an account on social networks Facebook or VKontakte.

Order a report by e-mail

This is a somewhat less informative method, which, however, frees the subscriber from the need to study the intricacies of his work. To receive a report, you need to send an SMS message with a personal e-mail address to the short number 1401. Within a few minutes, the application will be processed, a report in Microsoft Excel format will be sent to the specified mailbox, and a notification will be sent to the mobile phone number.

The service is available free of charge to individuals and legal entities-subscribers. The maximum number of requests per day is limited to 10. You can also set a ban on receiving such notifications using the service command * 110 * 0221 #.

Service "Easy control"

You can get a report on the last five debits from the account using the combination "* 122 #". In addition to the displayed operations, the SMS message will contain a link to the subscriber's tariff plan.

Application "My Beeline"

On smartphones running Android or iOS operating systems, cost details can be ordered by e-mail through the My Beeline application. This is a convenient mobile alternative to the "Personal Account" service, which can be found in the SIM menu of the device.

For Android smartphones, an approximate search algorithm looks like this:

Owners of gadgets from Apple can search for the service in the phone settings:

Visually, the application for Android and iOS (iPhone) looks like this:

You can download it to your mobile phone for free using the AppStore or Google Play services.

Request at company offices

» » Detailed report on calls to Beeline

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