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Polishing paste for the phone screen. The cost of special formulations

Every mobile phone user remembers how the newly purchased gadget sparkled for the first time after purchase. However, within a couple of months, this original factory shine fades, scuffs and small scratches appear on the screen, which significantly reduce the aesthetic appearance of the device. However, there are several proven ways to restore its former beauty and brilliance without visiting a repair shop.

How to remove scratches from phone screen

Smartphones of modern users constantly suffer from unintentional negligence. Either they are thrown into one pocket with keys, then they are thrown into the general compartment of the bag, then they are accidentally dropped on the floor - as a result, after several months of use, the body and screen of the phone are covered with scratches, which makes the gadget careless. In order not to change damaged surfaces and save money, there are several proven methods that allow you to remove scratches from a cell phone yourself.

Polishing with toothpaste

This is the easiest and most affordable way to remove scratches. In this case, there is only one condition - the paste must be traditional, and not in the form of a gel.

The polishing process is as follows:

  1. Take a cotton swab or piece of cotton wool and apply a small amount of toothpaste. You can also take a soft cotton cloth.
  2. Then gently rub the composition on the area of ​​​​the screen where there are scratches.
  3. Keep moving for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Then wipe the screen of the mobile gadget with a dry cloth to remove excess paste.
  5. Ready.

Removal with baking soda

Traditional baking soda has been equally successful in polishing a phone screen and repairing scratches.

The user manual includes the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to mix soda with water in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively. It is advisable to mix the components in a deep container.
  2. Then apply the resulting paste to a piece of cotton cloth or cotton pad and wipe the damaged area of ​​the screen with light movements.
  3. After that, wipe the phone display with a damp cloth and check for scratches.
  4. This completes the process.

Removing scratches with sandpaper

This method just sounds ominous. In fact, the trick is to use the finest paper you can find on the market. However, to be completely sure that this method will be safe and effective, it is recommended to practice polishing similar surfaces.

Removing scratches with baby powder

This method involves the removal of scratches by means of a composition that is made on the basis of powder and water in a ratio of 2: 1. The paste obtained in this way is applied to a cotton pad, which should be rubbed on the scratched area of ​​the screen. At the end of the polishing process, you need to remove the remnants of the composition with a damp cloth.

How to remove scratches from phone case

If you find scratches on the body of your mobile gadget, do not get upset ahead of time. Most of these problems are solvable and for this you will need the simplest tools at hand. Let's take a closer look at ways to remove scratches from your phone. Computer polish This tool is available for sale in almost all computer stores, as well as points of sale of household appliances.

Step by step instructions for polishing the screen is as follows:

  1. We apply the composition to the places where scratches form and rub it with a piece of cotton wool or matter for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Then wipe off the remaining paste with a damp cloth. However, it is worth considering that such a tool is only suitable for shallow scratches.

Paste GOI

Removing scratches from the case with this tool must be done with extreme care. To do this, mix GOI paste and a few drops of machine oil, then apply it to a piece of fabric and rub it on the damaged areas of the phone case for several minutes. After the scratches disappear, it is necessary to rub the surface with a dry cloth.

Using an electric shaver

Scratch removal can also be done with an electric razor with a linear drive.

The process itself looks like this:

  1. Remove the mesh from the razor blade.
  2. We place on it a piece of fabric cut, folded in the form of a semicircle.
  3. We fix the napkin, paying special attention to the edges so that it does not crumple in the process of polishing the phone case.
  4. We turn on the device and gently polish the damaged areas for several minutes.
  5. Ready!

Thus, we examined the main methods for removing scratches from the screen and body of a mobile gadget, which are simple and affordable.

Hello everybody!
It all started with the fact that I bought an iPhone 4, no, not for 14,000 rubles in 2011 :). I bought it in 2016 for 3700, the average price for Avito 5500. It had a couple of scratches on the screen, which of course annoyed me a little, and I decided to fulfill my dream and buy a polish for phones, which I had dreamed of since the days of Sony Ericson K790 :) whose screen was pretty scratched. My choice was conscious and I knew what I wanted, having reviewed the offers of offline sellers, I did not find an offer that would fit the price and switched to ebay and aliexpress. I was looking for the name that is sold offline, the choice fell on "Displex".

So, an order on Ebay:

Ordered on May 25, 2016. The mail was delivered on 06/09/2016. The seller is German, sends from Germany. Here it is a polishing paste, made in Germany:

polishing paste


Pasta description in the offline store

“When using cell phones without the use of special protective cases, scuffs or scratches inevitably appear on the surface of the case or display. This makes the phone not presentable. It is not always possible to replace the display of a cell phone or its case. And sometimes it comes at quite a cost. In this case, a convenient and rational solution to the problem is the use of a special paste DISPLEX.
DISPLEX offers a simple solution to a pressing problem. This is a completely new type of polishing paste that does not contain abrasive elements. End users can use the paste to remove scratches (including deep scratches) from cell phone displays. The procedure for removing scratches and abrasions is carried out quickly, and most importantly, cost-effectively. The user may well use the paste himself, without the involvement of a cell phone repair specialist.
It is only necessary to apply DISPLEX paste on the surface to be treated, and then rub it with a soft cloth with some effort. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times until deep scratches on the cell phone display are removed. The contents of the tube (5 grams) with proper use is enough for 8-10 polishes (depending on the area of ​​the treated surface).
The paste does not contain abrasive elements, and the removal of scratches occurs as their volume is “rubbed out” by the contents of the paste. After applying DISPLEX paste, the cell phone display will not become cloudy or glare.

So here's what I wanted to fix:

Scratches on phone screen

Scratches on phone camera

And here is the result.:

After 1 hour polishing:

When polishing the screen, the rag did not stain at all, while polishing the camera it turned black. Surely the camera could be polished, in 5 - 10 hours, tk. the color of the cloth indicates the removal of a layer of polished material. But apparently the scratches are quite deep and take much longer to remove.
We can say that the result = 0. Displex paste was not able to remove scratches on the screen of the phone, nor on the rear camera.

In order not to be at all upset by the result, I did the same experiment on a BluRay drive, which was pretty scratched and did not look presentable.

BluRay before polishing:

During polishing:

After 20 minutes of surface polishing:

The result is excellent, the surface shone like new. Of course, you could notice the remnants of scratches, but the look of BluRay has changed for the better. The surface after polishing restored its luster, roughness is not visible, if you do not peer, scratches are not visible.
P.S.: Displex paste is suitable for screens made of plastics and plastic glossy surfaces. All sorts of Gorilla Glass are unlikely to be polished, and hard glass too.

I plan to buy +34 Add to favourites Liked the review +22 +44

I would like to immediately warn fans to use the cheapest methods of polishing phone glasses - toothpaste, baby powder (talc) or soda gruel - this is a lottery. In the worst case, such means can cause even more damage to the glass, making it completely cloudy. So if you chose "cheap and cheerful" then do not demand a guarantee from these compounds.

I do not advise experimenting with tools not intended for this, but applying what you need.

For polishing telephone glasses, there are good tools such as -

Polirun. This set contains a paste of nano-components that heat the glass surface during rubbing. Micro-scratches are filled with the composition of the paste. The paste is applied with a microfiber cloth. Fine-tuning (polishing) is carried out with a napkin from a felt pad.

HAMA Displex. Polishing paste from German manufacturers, positioned precisely as "paste for polishing smartphone glasses" The polishing process is simple - the paste is applied to the screen with one napkin and rubbed, the second is polished. The paste has a good antistatic effect.

Ex Pro The set consists of a bottle with a spray (actual cleaning and polishing agent) and two microfiber cloths. I myself use the same for wiping the screens of gadgets and the lens of the camera and video camera of the phone. Perfectly removes small scratches, and does not leave bluish streaks (which is very important for lenses)

Even an ordinary E-Cloth moistened with plain water can wipe out minor scratches. And when dry, the same napkin polishes perfectly.

The touch screen today is an integral part of the life of an urban person. Phones, tablets, e-books - these conveniences have become so deeply and firmly merged into modern life that we hardly remember the times when they did not exist. With a flick of a finger, we can open our favorite book, watch any movie, connect with friends on the other side of the country - it's hard to resist such opportunities, and why?

However, each barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. As for the touch screen, its drawback is scratches. They appear on your favorite devices after a long regular use or due to simple sloppiness and carelessness. After their appearance, the visualization of the electronic device and, of course, its appearance suffer sharply.

To remove scratches from the screen of a phone or tablet, you need to determine the extent of the damage caused to the electronic device. If the scratches are deep and multiple, it may be worthwhile to immediately replace the touch screen in a service center.

If you want to remove scratches on your tablet or phone yourself, you have two options.

1. Remove scratches on the phone screen by professional means

Professional touchscreen polishes are paste-like products designed specifically for this task. They are of several types:

  • Paste "Displex". To polish the phone screen with this tool, you need to squeeze a little paste onto a light soft cloth and gently rub it into all the bumps. As soon as the cloth darkens, finish the process, wipe the glass and check the result. If it doesn't satisfy you, try again;
  • Polirun set. This tool contains nano-components that heat the screen when rubbed. Low-abrasive substances grind the edges of scratches, allowing the other component to fill in the voids. The principle of working with this paste corresponds to the previous one;
  • "Disc Repair" paste, originally used for CDs. It is applied to a cotton swab, after which it is rubbed into the surface of the phone. After drying, you can repeat the process.

2. Remove scratches and scuffs from the phone screen with folk remedies

It is possible to remove scratches on touch screen glass at home, but this does not guarantee success. Before you start, keep in mind that there is a risk of making things worse.

So, you decided to take a chance, then you need to carefully prepare for the procedure:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Wipe your phone screen to get rid of dust and other small particles.
  3. Seal all external ports and connectors with adhesive tape or electrical tape, thereby preventing accidental ingress of liquids into the device.
  4. Be patient throughout the "treatment". Sometimes it can take not even minutes, but hours.

Now you can proceed directly to removing scratches from the surface of the phone using home remedies.

Get rid of scratches on the surface of the phone screen with toothpaste

Toothpaste is one of the most commonly used methods, given its prevalence. It is necessary to choose a toothpaste, not a gel one.

  1. Apply some toothpaste to a cotton swab.
  2. Rub into the screen surface in slow, circular motions.
  3. At the end of the procedure, wipe the touch screen with a damp cloth.

We remove scratches on the phone and tablet using GOI paste

GOI paste is commonly used for polishing jewelry and uses chromium oxide as an abrasive. Screen polishing with this paste is possible only with minimal abrasive ability.

  1. Apply some paste to a clean piece of cloth.
  2. Gently rub the paste into the screen surface.
  3. Wipe the screen until the surface is completely clean.

Slight haze and small scratches can still be removed with this paste, but deep ones - never.

Get rid of scratches on the phone screen with car polish

In order for the procedure with the help of auto polish to be successful, you need to purchase exactly a polish for your phone with cerium oxide. If you purchased the powder, dilute it with water to a paste-like consistency. Watch carefully so that there are no lumps.

  1. Apply phone screen polish to a cotton pad.
  2. Rub in a deliberate circular motion over the screen surface until the scratches disappear.
  3. Carefully wipe the car polish off the screen.

Removing scratches with baking soda

Do not use powdered baking soda. You need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 2: 1 to get a paste. Keep an eye on consistency.

  1. Apply some of the resulting paste on a cotton pad.
  2. Treat the surface of the phone screen.
  3. Wipe the touch screen dry.

Removing scratches with vegetable oil

Ordinary vegetable oil can also help for a while in such a difficult problem, especially when the scratches are not deep.

  1. Put a drop of vegetable oil on the screen.
  2. Rub into the screen surface.
  3. Clean the screen of oil residue.

How to remove scratches from the screen and phone case with a mixture made from egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

In order to get the mixture, you need to combine one egg white with a teaspoon of potassium sulfate (which can be purchased at any pharmacy). After heating in an aluminum dish to 65 degrees. Moisten a piece of microfiber in the resulting mixture and put it on aluminum foil, sending it to an oven preheated to 150 degrees until the fabric is completely dry. Next - moisten the microfiber in cold water and repeat the whole process again 3 times. The cloth can be used to polish the touch screen two days after the procedure, completely dry.

How to remove scratches from the camera of a tablet or phone

We have dealt with removing scratches from the surface of the phone and tablet screens in detail, but what about the camera? How to polish the camera of the tablet and phone?

Any of the above methods for polishing the touch screen will work on the camera. However, it is worth being even more careful and careful due to the smaller surface area. And also, if necessary, seal the edges of the camera with tape.

Preventive measures

How to protect your phone from scuffs and scratches? To do this, you can take some precautionary steps:

  1. Use a screen protector. Pros: thin, almost invisible coating. Cons: if the phone falls, it will not be able to protect the screen.
  2. Buy protective glass. Pros: Much stronger protection. Cons: not all models have a suitable protective glass, not insured against scratches.
  3. Buy a handy phone case. Pros: ease of use, protection not only of the screen, but of the entire structure. Cons: when dropped on the screen will not save from scratches.


All of the above leads us to several main conclusions:

  1. A scratched touch screen of a phone or tablet can only be polished by professional means, however, it does not guarantee a 100% result (only a case or a protective film with glass will save you from deep scratches).
  2. From the very beginning, you can and should avoid the whole situation as a whole, for this it is worth taking preventive measures and always treat your electronic equipment with caution and respect.

Modern smartphones have made it possible to control all actions with the touch of your fingers. However, this gadget is quite easy to damage with careless touches and sharp manicure. An excellent solution is to attach a special film to the phone that protects its screen. But what if it's already damaged? How to remove scratches from the phone screen at home? This will be discussed below.

How to remove scratches from phone screen

Using a phone that has a touch screen as intended, it is very difficult to avoid damage to it. It's quite a shame when a new smartphone, for which a considerable amount was given, quickly loses its visual appeal. Therefore, the solution to the question of how to remove scratches from the phone screen comes to the fore.

Before proceeding to troubleshoot the problem, you need to prepare the mobile device:

  • turn off the phone;
  • close the external connectors with adhesive tape so as not to damage it by moisture or cleaning agents;
  • prepare for painstaking work, polishing the screen may take some time.

Ways to remove scuffs from a smartphone:

  • apply a little on the fabric;
  • add machine oil;
  • rub the resulting composition into the phone screen with light movements;
  • wipe the smartphone dry with a cloth.

  • in an aluminum bowl you need to pour a teaspoon of alum (which can be purchased at a pharmacy) and egg white;
  • heat the mixture to 65 degrees;
  • apply a product on a microfiber cloth, then send it to dry in the oven, laying it on foil;
  • after the fabric is removed from the oven, it must be lowered into a container of cold water;
  • repeat this ritual three times;
  • the fabric should dry on its own for 2 days, after which it can be used for polishing.

How to remove scratches from phone case

With the help of GOI paste, it is possible to polish the phone case by wiping it with a felt cloth.

Appeared scuffs of a brand new mobile phone can spoil the mood, but do not be upset, it is better to get down to business and find a way to remove scratches from the phone case. As a rule, each person will definitely find tools at hand that will significantly update the appearance of the device.

When removing damage to the case, you must first remove this panel from the device. There are 3 most popular methods:

  • Remove scuffs with an electric razor. To do this, you need to place a small piece of soft matter on its blade with the mesh removed and fix it. After that, simply plug the device into the network and polish the phone case with soft movements. It is important to monitor the safety of matter in the place where it was located at the beginning in order to prevent damage to the mobile phone.
  • You can polish the smartphone body for 20–30 minutes with a soft cloth (ideally, felt) on which GOI paste is applied.
  • The polish that is used for computer disks has shown itself well. It must be applied to the body and rubbed with a cotton swab.

If you are going to remove scratches from the case, you should make sure that it has a metal base. Otherwise, starting to process a plastic surface, you can only worsen its appearance.

How to remove scratches from a phone camera

If you are going to solve the question of how to remove a scratch from the phone’s camera, you need to make sure that the problem is in external scuffs, and not in the functioning of the device itself.

In order to put the camera in order, you need to do the following:

  • remove the glass from the surface of the phone camera;
  • take a cotton cloth and carefully polish the glass with toothpaste;
  • it is worth paying attention to the fact that the paste should not contain large particles, so as not to damage the surface even more with such an impact;
  • to remove scratches from the camera, you can use a nail file that polishes your nails. It should have a good degree of abrasiveness. First you need to process the screen, and then take a soft file and rub the camera screen with it.

How to remove scratches from phone film

The film, which is created from a polymer and glued to the screen of a smartphone, aims to protect against minor damage and scratches, as well as from global troubles in the form of a broken screen. True, its rare appearance is able to save the phone from damage in the event of a fall.

On the shelves of stores you can find a wide variety of such films, which are created from a variety of materials. In addition, they differ both in size and characteristics (they can be matte or mirror).

It is best to entrust the gluing of the protective film to the seller, the consultant of the communication salon, but this process is quite possible to carry out on your own:

  • before sticking, you need to thoroughly clean and degrease the phone screen;
  • the surface of the applied film should be smooth, like a mirror surface;
  • you need to carefully monitor so that specks or pile do not get under the film, which will nullify all the work;
  • before gluing, you need to align one, and then the second of its ends.

The protective film can be cleaned with a disc polish.

So, the film is glued to the screen of the device and can serve the good cause of protecting it from all sorts of damage, preventing small scratches that come from nowhere. Over time, the user may have a question about how to remove scratches from the phone, or rather, from the film that covers it.

It is best to use the substance that is used to polish the discs. True, you will have to repeat the process of such processing at least once a month. Otherwise, if the scratches on the phone screen that appeared on the film do not go away, it makes sense to purchase a new protective coating.

How to remove scratches from a metal phone case

Owners of smartphones enclosed in a metal case, who neglect the use of protective cases, may sooner or later face the inevitable appearance of scratches.

You can polish the phone case with a soft cloth and an electric razor.

You can remove damage to the phone cover, but for this you need to do the following manipulations:

  • First you need to remove the panel from the device.
  • The first method of polishing the display, as well as the cover of the phone, involves the use of an electric razor, on which a soft cloth will be attached instead of a mesh. The device is plugged into the network and smoothly polishes the case.
  • Another method involves the use of manual labor: you can grind the surface of the metal if you apply GOI paste or ordinary toothpaste to soft matter. Both of these substances are equally effective in removing microcracks and abrasions on the metal case of the smartphone.

How to remove scratches from the tablet screen at home

It is recommended to close all slots on the tablet before using automotive polishes.

Tablets, which are widely used and often given to children for a good time, quite often get scratches or other damage to the screen. You can remove such abrasions from the tablet, and the methods will be almost identical to those with which scratches are removed from smartphones:

  • The use of GOI paste, so appreciated by jewelers, is considered the most effective method. The only drawback of this method is the duration of exposure, because it takes at least half an hour to polish the device with a paste applied to a soft cloth.
  • The polishes that motorists use give a good effect: the main thing is to pre-glue all the connectors, after which you can clean the screen surface with the application of these substances.
  • Ordinary toothpaste or powder copes well with scratches that have settled on tablet screens. The agent must be applied to a soft cloth and carefully rubbed into the surface of the device.

If the tablet has tempered glass, it is unlikely to work on it, it is better to worry in advance and cover the screen surface with a protective film. Any friction will only give the screen a matte tint and ruin the picture to a great extent.

How to remove scratches from iphone screen

Like baking soda, baby powder will remove scratches from your iPhone screen.

Almost all modern mobile devices are prone to scratches, because they are controlled directly by the fingers. Expensive gadgets of the iphone brand are not without the occurrence of this trouble.

How to stick a protective glass or film on the phone screen

How to remove scratch from iphone screen? You can do this using one of the following methods:

  • polishing using toothpaste that does not contain abrasive substances;
  • a special car cream that can remove scratches;
  • minor damage is perfectly removed with soda, which must be mixed with water and gently rubbed over the screen, then wipe the remnants of the product with a dry cloth;
  • treatment with powder for baby skin gives an effect comparable to the action of soda;
  • very small abrasions on the screen on the iPhone can be tried to smooth out using a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil.

How to remove scratches from your phone with toothpaste

Polishing gel toothpastes are not suitable.

The most famous way to remove damage from the screens of mobile devices requires the use of toothpaste as a tool that is always at hand, and also has a low cost.

To remove scratches using this method, you need to do the following:

  • first you need to prepare a paste or powder for cleaning your teeth (you should not take a gel-paste, it may not be able to cope with the task);
  • the composition must be squeezed onto a piece of matter or a cotton swab;
  • rub the substance into the surface of the screen with gentle circular movements in those places where there is damage (do not press too hard on the screen so as not to damage it);
  • as soon as the result is visible, the procedure can be completed;
  • the remains of the product must be removed with a dry cloth or napkin.

In conclusion, it should be noted that special protective glasses, films and cases are created not only to make a mobile phone more attractive. Their main purpose is to protect gadgets from damage and scratches. Do not neglect the purchase of these devices, so that later you do not waste your time removing scuffs that spoil the look of your favorite smartphone.

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