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Search for groups of files in windows 7. Restore the search field in the start menu

Finding files can be difficult for novice users and take a long time. In this article, we will look at all the ways to search for files on a computer.

Important: Search results through the Start menu display not only files, but search results will also display Windows system commands of the same name. For example, entering the search query "cmd" will result in a command (program) that launches the command line.

Main search box

Explorer window

The next way to find files is to use any explorer window. To search for files using Explorer, you must make a request to the appropriate section of any open window (for example, “My_computer”).

This method is more convenient than the others because, using Explorer, you can search for files directly inside the specified (open) hard disk partitions (folders) without the need to enter the appropriate restrictions through the search filter. What is significantly the file search process.

Search filters

In addition to how you find files, it's also important how you can narrow your search results to find exactly the file you're looking for. This is done through the use of special search filters, you can use them when looking for files in the explorer window. Since the submariner uses the most filters that filter out unnecessary search results.

Search settings

Sometimes the search is unable to find the file of interest, this happens if it is located inside an unindexed hard disk partition. This can be fixed if you configure, expand the search parameters. To do this, follow the instructions below.

Search Operators

Operators are symbols/words that include additional options for filtering search results. In other words, these characters are used to quickly filter out results, similar to how it is done in Internet search engines (Yandex, Google, Yahoo).

The most popular operators:

  • Quotes "" - finds files containing the exact phrases of the search query in the name (for example, "rules of the game");
  • Asterisk * - finds files of the extension specified after the asterisk (for example - *.doc);
  • Logical "AND" "AND or +" - finds files containing all the listed words, between which "AND or +" is written. (for example - "rules + game + football", "rules AND football + game");
  • Matching relative to the specified file parameters >, 1GB, color depth:
  • Exact value = - searches for files equal to the specified parameters (for example - dimensions:>="800 x 600");


If after reading the article you have any questions regarding the search for files, then you can find answers to them in the specially created help section of the operating system. The help menu will open after pressing the F1 key. For information on searching for files, enter the search term - "search".

This way you will find all Windows help topics related to file search.

Search is an integral part of the work of any computer, in fact, it is its most important function. If, say, you need to find answers to elementary questions, then, of course, there is no point in bothering with search settings. However, if you set more difficult tasks for yourself and the computer, and the final result is important to you, it is better to worry about it. The standard search in windows 7, of course, will bear fruit, give a lot of results, but will they be suitable and necessary? The question is rhetorical, but if you are still concerned about properly setting up your computer, I offer variations on how to upgrade / improve the built-in search in windows 7.

How to set up search in windows 7

First of all, let's understand how the search works. You can only find indexed files and folders, that is, those that have been assigned an index. It is assigned to all items that are in standard folders. In order to set up indexing, you need to do the following: go to the start menu, look for "search options" and select "Change search options for folders and files" in the drop-down list. In the window that appears, select the "Search" tab, and check the boxes wherever you see fit, but it's better to do it as in the picture below . By the way, I advise you not to choose search by file name, but to give preference to indexed applications, so you limit yourself from unnecessary garbage.

It also does not hurt to set up indexing by extension. To do this, click on the "Advanced" tab - "File Types". This allows you to index exactly the contents of the folder, if you decide to search by this parameter. Then everything is as usual: click "OK", and go ahead, search for files in windows 7. And in order for the search to occur as quickly as possible, use from time to time.

Search Sources

In order to consolidate the material, let's clearly formulate the places where an extensive search for information will be carried out, namely:

  • start menu;
  • main search window;
  • libraries;
  • other explorer windows, such as folders, Open, Save As.

In general, if you calmly sit down and figure it out, setting up a search turns out to be a fairly simple process. To do this, you do not need to have narrow-profile knowledge at all, just follow the simple tips of this article, and I'm sure you will succeed!

It so happened that after the release of Windows 7, many users became disillusioned with the file and folder search system. The fact is that in the standard version of the settings there is not even a search for the contents of the file. Windows 7 is somewhat unusual in this regard.

Search Basics in Windows 7

It goes without saying that some basic search elements have been retained. But the search for files in Windows 7 has become slower. In addition, if you enter a normal computer scan for files with a specific extension, the system itself assumes that the comparison of the entered type is used only in the name of the file or folder.

Unfortunately, the same search for the contents of a Windows 7 file in the initial settings does not suggest at all. It, as well as other parameters, has to be configured manually. What this approach was connected with still remains a mystery.

Standard Tools

Naturally, when calling the standard explorer, you can use either the search bar in the upper right part of the main application window, or the Ctrl + F key combination. Actually, it works in almost all programs, with rare exceptions.

But now about the system. As for the search for programs and applications, everything is simple here. The system is optimized in this regard very well. Even in the Start menu in the line below, you can enter at least part of the name. The result will be instant. If for some reason the user does not like it, a link is displayed below, indicating that you can familiarize yourself with other search results. Basically, it's very convenient. In addition, in this case, all expected matches will be shown, even sorted by file type.

Search settings

In order to properly configure the search for files in Windows 7, you just need to type the phrase “Search Options” in the bottom line in the main menu “Start” and select their change in the results.

In the new window, you should not use the search option by name or file content. This is due to the fact that the system will give a huge number of extraneous results, especially if the service responsible for the partial match is involved.

In this case, when searching for files in Windows 7, it is better to use a change in indexing parameters. In this case, you should not select system folders in which the desired file simply cannot be located.

Another important point in the indexing parameters is setting the search by extension. On the "Advanced" tab, you just need to select the desired types of registered extensions in the system, and then set the property and content indexing option as a priority. Thus, you can get rid of the appearance of results that may coincide with the original at least partially.

In the same "Explorer" when you click on the search line, you can select the appropriate filters. It’s worth noting right away: the more filters, the slower the search for files in Windows 7 will be. You yourself understand that you need to use them with a certain degree of caution, and even then only as a last resort, when you need to find something specific with full confidence that that such a file or folder exists on the hard drive or logical partition.

Search for duplicate files

Unfortunately, it is quite problematic to find duplicate files using standard Windows 7 tools. That is why it is recommended to search for duplicate files using third-party utilities.

One of the simplest programs is the well-known Duplicate File Finder application. It is designed even for an inexperienced user and allows you to perform almost all operations without his participation. But the trouble is - then you have to puzzle over which of the duplicates to delete. The fact is that some programs, when installing different versions, can embed files with the same names and extensions into the system, which the application itself can identify as the same (even when comparing checksums). So you have to be very careful here.

File Finder for Windows 7

As for the search tools, we have already figured out a little what they are. Now it is worth noting that the question of how to enable file search in Windows 7 has another aspect. Everyone knows that the recovery of deleted files and folders in the system is not provided.

Here it is better to use system utilities such as the Recuva program, which is able to recover deleted data even after formatting the hard drive or partition. Unfortunately, it, like some other software packages, does not always work correctly in terms of determining the status of a deleted file. In addition, some utilities have a generally narrow focus. For example, they can only search and restore media files (graphics, video, or audio) or office documents. So here you need to choose exactly what the user needs at the moment.

As for how the search for hidden files is carried out in Windows 7, everything is simple here. When using standard system tools, you must first enable their display in the service menu on the "View" tab, where the corresponding parameter is activated. Naturally, after that, you can use a regular search engine using the same indexing or search by extension or content. As you can see, there are no problems.


In conclusion, it remains to add that although the search for files in Windows 7 is organized somewhat differently compared to, say, the same XP or Vista system (not to mention earlier versions), nevertheless, with the right approach, you can configure the search engine itself , as they say, for themselves, using some additional features.

This should not cause any particular difficulties. A little patience, and customization will be done within a couple of minutes. Moreover, the use of some specialized settings compared to those that are set by default will even reduce the search time in terms of information processing. And we are not talking about specialized programs and applications designed to use many additional features that are simply not available in Windows 7 itself.

The search mechanism in Windows 7 is organized a little differently than in Windows XP, but it is no less convenient, and it is performed at a much faster speed.

How to start a search

To start searching for files in Windows 7, you need to open Explorer and select the folder in which you want to search, or if you do not know what directory the file is located in, select "My Computer". Then the search will be performed on all hard drives.

You need to search for files of any format using the search bar, which is located in the upper right corner of Explorer in any of its windows. The keyword or phrase must be entered on this line.

The search is very fast, similar to the request processing mechanism in any search engine. As you enter the query word, the system immediately begins to scan the files and return results with names containing the entered characters, words or phrases.

How to use search filters

At first glance, it might seem that the usual filters available in XP, such as created or modified date, file type, size, and author, are not available when searching in Windows 7, but this is not at all the case.

When you enter a search query in the drop-down line below, a list of filters corresponding to the desired file type appears, the conditions of which can be set right there, in the search line. To do this, click on the desired filter and set its value, for example, the date of the change is “Last week”.

How to find files of a specific type

To find a file whose format is known, such as audio, video, photo, or document, but whose name, creation date, or other parameters are unknown, you can use the search by file type by specifying its extension in the search conditions.

The documents . To search for documents in Word format, you need to enter the characters "*.doc" (for Word 2003 format) or "*.docx" (for Word 2007-2010 format) in the search line. An asterisk denotes any sequence of any characters.

For Excel files, you must use the symbols "*.xls" (for the Excel 2003 format) or "*.xlsx" (for the Excel 2007-2010 format).

For text format files created using the Notepad application, you need to enter "*.txt" in the search box.

Video. To search for video files, enter the video file extension in the search bar. Most popular extensions: "*.avi", "*.mp4", "*.mpeg", "*.wmv", "*.3gp", "*.mov", "*.flv", "*.swf ". You can find out the file extension by right-clicking on it and selecting "Properties" from the context menu, where its extension will be indicated in the "File type" line.

Audio. The most popular audio file format used on computers is MP3, and to search for them, you need to enter the characters “*.mp3” in the line.

Images and photographs. To search for pictures in the search bar, you should enter the most used extensions of such files "*.jpg", "*.jpeg", "*.png", "*.bmp", "*.tiff", "*.gif".

How to find a file in a large list of already found files

It often happens that the attributes of a file are unknown, or only one is known, and it is very uninformative. For example, it is known that the document was created last year. However, over the past year, a huge number of documents have been created, stored in various places. Viewing and checking a huge number of files found on the same basis is often not realistic.

To find the desired file in the list of already found files, you can use several filters at the same time, setting and changing each of them during the search as needed. Each time you add a new filter, the selection will be made again in the list of found files, reducing the processing time and the number of results, which greatly simplifies the search for the very file you are looking for.

How to find a file by content

As a rule, searching for files in Windows 7 is performed by the content of the query in the file name, and not in the text that the file contains. To find a file with the desired word in its text, and not in the name, you need to make simple settings.

Suppose the task is to find among 500 files a document with the word "Shovel" in its content. To do this, on the control panel, click "Organize" and select the line "Search Folder Options" in the drop-down menu.

It is worth noting that searching with this parameter will take a longer time, and when the need to search by content is no longer needed, this option should be disabled.

How to save search terms

It often happens that files need to be searched frequently, for this the same search conditions are used, and there are several of these conditions. In order not to waste time entering the same search parameters every time, the list of these conditions can be saved.

To do this, you need to set the search conditions, wait for the results to appear, and at the end of it, click on the control panel "Save search conditions", and in the window that opens, enter the file name for the repeated request, for example, "JULY 2013".

In the future, when the saved set of search conditions is needed again, the desired shortcut can always be selected in Explorer and in the Favorites folder under the saved name.

How to clear search terms

By clicking on the cross at the end of the search line, you can clear the previously entered information and filter conditions that were used for the search, and the line will become empty.

Having tried several times the search in Windows 7, you can see in practice its practicality, ease and speed. Now you know how to search for files in Windows 7.

If in Windows XP the search for files was slow, but still workable, then in Windows 7 it turned into something completely incomprehensible. Many people successfully use search in Far "e or Total Commander" instead of standard Windows tools. When there are a lot of files on the disks, such a search is also slow. I would hardly believe it if I had not tried it myself that files can be found instantly (!), right at the time of entering the file name in the search bar. Interested?

The miracle program that saved me a lot of time and continues to help me every day is called Everything. This free mini-application (portable version is 272 KB) does one simple thing - it searches for files on disks based on part of the file name. The magic is that the search happens instantly, as you type the letters of the file name into the search bar (as with Google's "live search"). This opens up much more possibilities for finding files. For example, if you forget the exact name of a file, you can quickly try different variations of the name. With a “classic” search, you would have to wait a long time each time for the search to complete, but here you can immediately see whether something was found or not:

How it works?

The program scans the file allocation table (NTFS MFT) at the first start and saves the scan result to a small cache file. Scanning disks is very fast - even with several terabytes of data, scanning will take no more than one minute. Based on the complete list of files on all drives, Everything builds an in-memory data structure for quick retrieval. On subsequent launches, all disks will no longer be rescanned: the program will take information from the cache file and only update it. To track file changes, the program uses information from the USN log of the NTFS partition.

Program restrictions:

  • The program searches only NTFS partitions.
  • The search is performed only by file names (attributes, dates and file contents are not searchable).

I'm sure Everything will be your trusted companion and save you many, many hours. And for Microsoft, this is an occasion to think about how search should actually work;)

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