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Catch 20 digital TV channels. Set-top boxes for digital TV, why and what to buy

Digital terrestrial DVB-T2 broadcasting is carried out in the UHF television range of 470-862 MHz, divided into 48 channels of 8 MHz (21-69 channels). That is why it is necessary to select 8 MHz in the settings of a digital receiver or TV, 7 MHz is for countries with a different broadcasting standard, where the channel width is narrower.

Also, in the settings, you should select the channel number or the corresponding channel center frequency. Not to be confused with the image carrier frequency, this is for analog.

The UHF range has never been fully occupied by analog channels, therefore (and not only), free channels are used to transmit digital multiplexes. One 8 MHz TV channel can transmit one analog channel or one digital multiplex with several digital channels. The fewer channels are included in the multiplex, the higher their quality.

It is, in principle, even easier to install and configure an antenna for receiving digital television on your own than for analog, but you need to understand some simple things.

  • Indoor antennas only for areas of reliable reception with a good location - high point, line of sight to the transmitter. Indoor active antennas may slightly improve reception in the absence of a good location. In other cases, they will be just an element of the interior of the apartment.
  • For high-quality reception of digital television, it is necessary to use outdoor band UHF antennas. The antenna itself has a gain, the more elements in the antenna design (passive directors), the higher its gain. Two antennas of different design at one receiving point will have a different signal level at the output.
  • At a greater distance from the transmitter, it will be more correct to use more powerful antennas than active ones. Any passive antenna can be made active at any time by supplementing it with an antenna (mast) amplifier, and there is plenty to choose from.
  • Those who wish to gain a deeper insight into the choice of an antenna for digital television should read on the topics: "wave channel antenna", "calculation of UHF antennas"
  • When choosing an antenna design, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the transmitter, and when installing the direction. Sometimes, if it is not possible to set the antenna to a direct signal, you can try to receive the reflected one, with a reasonable approach, the result will always be positive. For mountainous terrain, everything is much more complicated.
  • If you are in an area where the transmitter has not yet been activated, you can try to receive a more distant signal. Here you need to experiment with more expensive antennas and amplifiers.
  • If the antenna has amplification, then the elements of the "wiring" are just the opposite with weakening. All passive elements: cable, splitter, antenna sockets, connectors contribute their share of attenuation to the signal. In this case, it must be remembered that the signal received by the antenna will be greater than the signal fed directly to the TV... Amplifiers are used to compensate for attenuation, but here you also need to remember that "a lot" of the signal is also bad, over-amplification will come.
  • He is a splitter divider, the more parts we divide, the less goes to everyone. If one apple is divided into three, then the losses of each will be 2/3 of the apple. Antenna sockets are not only for beauty, but for signal attenuation too.
  • Any receiving device, including a DVB-T2 receiver, has sensitivity. Sensitivity is the signal level, from some minimum to some maximum value, with which the receiver can work. All changes in signal level values ​​that fall within this range do not affect the quality of the picture on the TV screen(as opposed to analog TV). Anything less - weak signal(it is impossible to receive the entire multiplex), all that is more - overpowering(again, it is impossible to receive the entire multiplex).
  • The signal level of the multiplexes can be roughly estimated from adjacent or nearby analog channels. Each region has its own situation.

Generally speaking, the correct approach is to measure the signal level and calculate and / or control its attenuation.

If, for example, take the entrance of the 16th floor, then the main task there is not in receiving a digital television signal, but in its correct distribution over the house network. People encounter the same problem only in miniature in private houses and apartments when several TVs are connected.

In most apartments and even private houses within any, even a small city, there are almost no problems with the quality of TV signal reception, since cable TV is almost everywhere. In most apartment buildings in cities with a population of over one million, several cable TV operators can be present, which gives residents a fairly good choice.

But as you move away from the city center, the availability of high quality cable TV is gradually "reduced to naught." And outside the city, as a rule, cable TV completely absent.

Therefore, summer residents for the most part are content with the fact that they watch at most several channels of terrestrial television, which they manage to catch on. And image quality is often poor... Especially if the summer cottage is located far from the emitting station of terrestrial television, then on the TV screen you can see a lot of interference from "snow" to "stripes" and a black and white image instead of a color picture.

In most of Russia, terrestrial television is still transmitted to analog format... This method of signal transmission has one significant drawback: signal-to-noise ratio drops dramatically with distance from the emitter.

Noise (interference) with distance from the TV center begins to dominate more and more over the main signal. This is exactly what is shown in the appearance of "snow" on the screen. If the cottage or village is very far from the transmitting station, then the noise will eventually interrupt the signal completely, and it becomes completely impossible to watch a TV channel.

Now the country is introducing the transmission of a TV signal in a digital format, and over time it is planned to completely abandon the transmission of television programs in an analogue format.

What is the advantage of digital TV over analog TV?

Signal transmission "digitally encoded" in comparison with direct transmission in analog format gives several advantages:

  • Improving the noise immunity of transmission and recording paths for television signals.
  • Reducing the power of the transmitters.
  • A significant increase in the number of TV programs broadcast in the same frequency range.
  • Improving the image and sound quality in TV receivers.
  • Creation of TV systems with new standards of image decomposition (high definition television).
  • Creation of interactive TV systems, using which the viewer gets the opportunity to influence the broadcast program (for example, video on demand).
  • Start Transfer function.
  • Archive of TV programs and recording of TV programs.
  • Transmission of various additional information in the TV signal.
  • Choice of language (more usual two) and subtitles.
  • Expansion of the functionality of studio equipment.
  • Ability to add radio to multiplexes

But there are also some limitations:

  • Fading and scattering of the picture into "squares" with an insufficient level of the received signal, the data is either received qualitatively at 100% or restored, or poorly received with the impossibility of recovery.
  • Almost complete signal fading in a thunderstorm.
  • Even a transmitter with a power of 10 kW and a suspension height of a transmitting antenna of 350 m provides reliable reception at a distance of 50 km, and as a result, the need for a larger number of transmitting centers than with analog TV (more frequent location of transmitting antennas).

Since we are discussing from the point of view of an ordinary user, basically only image quality, then we can single out only one main feature of digital terrestrial TV over the outdated analog one:

Digital TV is highly immune to interference... For this, the signal is encoded with some redundancy. The digital tuner will provide the perfect picture even when there is a lot of interference. And he will do this until the signal-to-noise ratio drops to a minimum, when the signal arrives completely on the verge of the capabilities of the equipment.

That is, in analog broadcasting, as the signal level drops, you will see the picture worse and worse. In digital broadcasting, you will not notice a drop in the signal until the tuner is already able to recover the lost parts of the image, and it “falls into squares” and then disappears altogether.

Types of digital television

By transmission channel, digital TV can be divided into four types:

  • Cable (DVB-C)
  • Terrestrial (DVB-T2)
  • Satellite (DVB-S)
  • Internet TV (IP TV)

We will not consider cable TV and IP television at the dacha due to their great rarity. But satellite and terrestrial digital television broadcasting in the country is relevant.

Moreover, satellite DTV has been used by consumers for quite a long time, and in especially remote areas there are no alternatives at all. We will consider it in a separate article.

But on-air DTV began to enter the life of gardeners and summer residents relatively recently. Let's talk about him in more detail today.

Terrestrial digital television in the country

The network of terrestrial digital television broadcasting in the Russian Federation is still in the process of construction and available so far mainly near large cities... But it already covers a significant part of the dacha territories. Therefore, the issue of connection is becoming very relevant lately.

How to connect to terrestrial DTV?

If you want to try to connect digital television in the country, first you need to determine Does your site fall within the coverage area of ​​one of the DTV transmitting antennas... The location of the site will determine how your TV receiver will pick up the digital signal.

The most reliable way to find out is to interview the neighbors in the summer cottage, perhaps one of them is already watching TV channels in digital form. Then you can be completely sure that "the signal is reaching you."

If no one in the district has ever heard of digital TV, then you need to try to find out if your site falls within the boundaries broadcasting radius of the local emitting DTV station.

Coverage area

The broadcasting radius of a DTV station usually lies within 20-50 km, depending on the terrain and building density. On average, about 30 km is reliable reception area.

Each region has its own local organization - on-air DTV operator, which is responsible for building and maintaining the network. On their website, you can usually see the locations of broadcasting stations and even coverage maps. Or you can get information from them by phone or written request.

The DTV network in the Russian Federation is being built by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network.

Each region has a subdivision of this organization.

You can call and find out everything by the phones of your region from the page.

If you are lucky, and you found out that your summer residence is in the "digital" broadcasting zone, then it's time to decide on necessary equipment for receiving DTV.


So, you already have a TV set at your dacha, a plot in the DTV broadcasting zone. We proceed to the installation of digital television in the country. What else do you need to receive a signal? At the very least, you need an antenna.

Antenna for receiving digital television

Universal antenna MV / UHF for digital TV reception

If the digital TV tower is nearby, then it is enough and indoor antenna... I will say even more, I personally was sure to catch the DTV signal in the city of Ufa with a meter piece of wire.

If the signal level is not so perfect, then you will need to install an antenna in the country to receive digital channels. Now most of the antennas on the market are well suited for this, since they support reception of signals in the decimeter range (UHF / UHF).

For example, you can put the antenna "GAL", "Locus", "Zenith", "Meridian", "Ether", etc. I bought my antenna in Auchan for 1000 rubles.

If you know the exact location of the DTV tower, then everything is simple: pointing the antenna on her and that's it. This is usually enough to pick up the signal and watch digital TV without any problems.

If the exact direction is not known, then you need to gradually turn the antenna until you find the best position. Most digital set-top boxes have signal level and quality indicator which is displayed on the TV screen and from which you can find the best antenna position. This is usually done together: one person turns the antenna, the second monitors the signal level.

When you have found the maximum possible signal level and the antenna is installed in the desired direction, you need to search for channels on the set-top box.

Setting up digital television in the country

The easiest way is to find the item "Autosearch for channels" in the STB menu, and then the STB will do everything by itself: it will find all available digital channels and number them in order.

Digital terrestrial television channel list

Now for the fun part: what channels does digital TV show for free?

Since my dacha is in the suburbs of Ufa, and I write from my own experience, it means that I am considering digital terrestrial television in Ufa. But as far as I understand, list of channels throughout Russia will be the same, with rare exceptions, so the information will be useful to everyone, not just the residents of Bashkortostan.

At our dacha, DTV shows 20 channels: 10 for each multiplex.

Digital TV Channel List

Here full list of channels in Ufa:

1 "First channel"
2 "Russia 1"
3 "Match TV"
4 "NTV"
5 "Petersburg-5 channel"
6 "Russia K"
7 "Russia 24"
8 "Carousel"
9 "Public television of Russia"
10 "TV Center - Moscow"
12 "SAVED"
13 "The first entertaining STS"
14 "Home"
15 "TV-3"
16 Friday
17 "STAR"
18 "PEACE"
19 TNT
20 "Muz TV"

I hope I helped you understand all the nuances of digital TV. If you have any questions, write, I will definitely try to help you.

Television can be scolded, praised, but it is impossible to ignore its influence and ubiquity. The TV set became the background, and turning it on became an action brought to automatism.

Interest in television has also led to increased requirements for broadcast quality.

Digital broadcast standards

New technologies make it possible to broadcast images and sound in digital format and in high definition (HDTV) format. The modernization also affected terrestrial television broadcasting, which is switching from analog to digital terrestrial standard, while preserving the leitmotif of public TV - accessibility and free of charge for everyone.

The development is carried out by the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS), which began work in 2010. Since its launch, the terrestrial signal has been transmitted in two formats: DVB-T1 and DVB-T2.

List of digital channels

First multiplex First, Russia 1, Match TV, NTV, Petersburg Channel 5, Russia K, Russia 24, Karusel, OTR, TV Center, Vesti FM, Mayak, Radio Russia Second multiplex REN TV, SPAS, STS, Domashny, TV3, Friday , Star, WORLD, TNT, Muz TV Third multiplex Sport 1, Sport 2, Fight club, My Planet, Science 2.0, Russian novel, Russian bestseller, Russian detective, History, Cartoon, Sundress, Country, Living planet, IQ HD, 24 dock, Techno 24, Mom, NST, Amusement Park, Moscow Trust, Euronews, Music of the First, House of Cinema, Time, Telecafe, Beaver, 365 days, TNT Comedy, Much tv, HD Life, STV, India tv, Fighter, Comedy tv , A minor, Men's cinema, Kitchen TV, Auto plus, Life News. Channels replace each other during the day, only 10 are broadcast at the same time

The first T1 signal worked in test mode, broadcasting only 10 channels. Today broadcasting for Moscow and the region is carried out from three frequencies in the T2 standard, which allows broadcasting about 30 channels. Signal transmission in DVB-T2 format is carried out in the form of three multiplex packets (10 channels each).

Development will continue in the future: RTRS will add new channels. Additional services will appear: payment via the Internet, notification of the population about emergencies, access to government services, etc. Paid services will develop, but the main channels will remain free.

Features of digital terrestrial television DVB-T2

  1. Broadcast channels in high definition, including HD.
  2. The ability to transmit up to 10 channels on one frequency.
  3. High quality overable picture and sound.
  4. The image is not distorted by signal reflections from buildings or trees.

For watching digital TV, the requirements for the quality of the incoming signal are minimal. Therefore, where it was previously possible to catch the signal of two or three analogue channels, today you can watch about 30 in good quality, regardless of the remoteness of the settlement from Moscow.

In particular, in the capital, broadcasting is carried out from the Ostankino TV tower, the coverage area of ​​which is on average 100 km. However, even in the Moscow region, broadcasting is carried out not only from Ostankino, but also from other transmitters receiving and relaying the signal. For example, around the capital, such transmitters are located in Shatura, Zaraysk, Volokolamsk and other settlements.

Connection cost

To connect a television, in addition to a digital antenna, you will need an amplifier, a coaxial cable, an arm or a mast, and signal wiring elements.

The TV must support the DVB-T2 reception standard (supported by almost all TVs released in recent years). If the TV does not support this format (typical for outdated models), then to organize viewing of the broadcast, you will need to buy an external DVB-T2 tuner (receiver). The choice of an external receiver does not depend on the TV model, and its cost is much lower than similar satellite receivers.

When choosing an antenna, the quality of the incoming signal is determined. In some regions of the Moscow region, signal reception is unstable, therefore, to ensure stable viewing, you will need a powerful antenna with an amplifier, oriented towards the nearest transmitter.

Free terrestrial digital television in Moscow and the region

The expediency of connecting terrestrial TV will be more appreciated by the owners of country houses and summer cottages. On the one hand, digital television is free (the subscriber pays a one-time fee only for the equipment and its installation), on the other hand, it allows you to watch a large number of channels in high quality.

The choice of DVB-T2 television saves users from having to install an expensive satellite TV with a monthly subscription fee, the amount of which depends on the number of TVs connected. When installing television in Moscow and the region, you will need to purchase a signal distributor to route the signal to television points.

Conditions for receiving digital TV

An important advantage of terrestrial digital television, in contrast to satellite, is the high quality of television broadcasting, regardless of weather conditions (cloudiness or precipitation).

To receive the signal, you will need a decimeter antenna operating at a frequency of 470-860 MHz. For Muscovites, a simple indoor or outdoor antenna (mounted outside the window or on the roof) without an amplifier is suitable for receiving a signal.

The choice of an antenna for the Moscow region depends on the distance of the house from the Ostankino tower or repeater tower and, accordingly, on the power of the incoming signal. That is, the lower the level of the received signal, the more powerful the antenna and the amplifier for it should be. In this case, the antenna is mounted on a bracket or on a mast, which provides a high level of reception.

The choice and conditions for connecting atennas

The company "Spectr TV" has been working in the field of installation of terrestrial and satellite antennas for over 15 years. Our specialists have accumulated significant experience in the selection and installation of equipment, taking into account the location of the facility.

Extensive work experience and a team of specialists make it possible to offer the best solutions for apartments or country houses, as well as high-quality installation of equipment with subsequent warranty (warranty for all types of work - 12 months).

Connecting to DVB-T2 television will allow you to watch free TV channels broadcast in high quality with minimal investment.

Modern civilization cannot be imagined without television, with its help it is customary to find out the latest news in the country and the world, and, thanks to the multitude of channels, you can brighten up your leisure time in the evening or on a weekend. But not all residents can afford to pay for high-definition channels and buy expensive equipment for digital television in the form of satellite dishes or cabling. This article describes the methods that you can use to receive a digital signal, how to set up an antenna for a TV, and also describes the process of automatically and manually searching for channels on a conventional receiver.

Types of signals from the TV tower

Most large cities have their own system of TV towers operating in a certain wavelength range, which transmit the signal to consumers' TVs. Such television is free of charge, since you do not need to pay a monthly subscription fee to watch it, but the number of channels is also limited here. Depending on the type of signal, there are two types of televisions:

  1. Analog signals are signals that have a low frequency and are capable of carrying a limited amount of information. This type of signal has been used for a long time; most modern transmitters and televisions operate on its basis;
  2. Digital television. There are many more channels for the consumer, most often commercial entertainment programs. Instead of an analog signal, digital information of high definition and high content is transmitted over frequency waves in this case. As a result, the consumer receives an accurate picture with a large expansion.

It is worth noting! Unlike an analog signal, special equipment is required to transmit a digital signal, so the introduction of such technology and its replacement with an obsolete one is taking place gradually.

Now digital television, transmitted through an antenna, has gradually begun to replace analog TV, since most of the channels are trying to switch to digital, and television receivers are more focused on this type of signal. Therefore, most likely, after a while, analog television will become obsolete and completely disappear.

Digital TV reception methods

In order to connect a digital TV, you can use two methods. First of all, this is a connection through a regional operator by connecting to a cable network. This method is quite simple and allows you to use a large number of entertainment and information channels, but you will have to pay a monthly subscription fee, which directly depends on the tariff and volume of programs.

The second way is to use a household indoor or public antenna, as well as an amplifying receiver that allows you to watch cable TV, but in limited quantities. Every year, several channels are added to the list of available for free use, which can be received without a monthly fee, it is enough to catch a signal at the desired frequency. Most often, this method is used in remote regions, when there are no cable TV operators in the vicinity, for which users direct the indoor antenna towards the TV tower and independently tune the television channels.

How to set up digital TV

For the reception of digital and analogue television, dvb antennas are most often used, which are either outdoor or indoor. It is worth noting that this type of antenna has good signal reception characteristics only if it is positioned towards the television tower, so the most advantageous position for it is on the roof of a building or on its facade.

In order to tune analog and digital signals on the TV using the above antenna, you must follow the proposed algorithm:

  1. Determine the approximate location of the television broadcasting tower. To do this, you can use the connected antenna, simply pointing it in different directions and monitoring the signal quality. You can also see these coordinates on the broadcaster's website, which contains all the details of the nearest towers;

  1. Installing the antenna on the base. To do this, it is necessary to fix the base in the form of a bracket or a mast, on which the device itself will subsequently be attached. The antenna is made of aluminum or copper tubes, so its weight is insignificant, and fixation can be carried out with simple metal clamps;
  2. A cable of a special configuration is laid from the receiving antenna to its power supply, which is located near the TV inside the room. This product is only designed to transmit a digital or analogue television signal, and to supply power to the antenna itself;
  3. Connecting the power supply to a network with a nominal value of 220 volts. Before supplying power, you must connect the carrier cable from the antenna to the amplifier, after which you can connect to the TV;
  4. The next step is to tune the channels broadcast by the TV tower. To do this, there is no need to call the wizard, all actions can be performed independently, most TVs are equipped with an automatic search, which, when the program is launched, finds all available channels by itself. Also, the setting can be done in manual mode, for this you need to enter the digital range from the table of channel providers;
  5. After the search has stopped, the TV will automatically remember all the programs. You can independently swap the channels by placing them in the desired order.

As you can see, the process of installing and configuring digital television is very simple, so any user can handle it.

Important! All work at height must be carried out using protective equipment and a safety rope.

Most modern TVs are equipped with a built-in tuner, which, when connected from an antenna, independently determines the channels available for viewing and stores them. But there are times when there is no such device, then you can use a special antenna with an amplifier, which is marked dvb t2. Such a device, in addition to receiving fittings, has a special device in its kit that amplifies the received digital signal and transmits it to the TV. In this case, this unit acts as a tuner, it has its own control panel, and tuning, as well as channel switching, occurs with its help. The main disadvantage of such a system is the number of devices included in its kit, as well as the way of operation, when you need to use two remote controls at the same time.

How to connect dvb t2 device? Tuning the antenna in this case is done in the same way as described earlier, the only difference is channel tuning, when an amplifying device is used instead of a TV, and the connection is made with the same TV cable.

List of available channels

Depending on the region, the program provider that broadcasts through the TV tower offers several packages, in which the TV channels are usually grouped into groups of 20. Based on this classification, several blocks can be distinguished, for which twenty channels are available.

Into the first multiplex of free channels that the system is able to receivedvb t2, ten digital channels are included:

  1. First channel;
  2. Russia 1;
  3. TV Center;
  4. Russia Culture;
  5. Match TV;
  6. Carousel;
  7. Fifth channel;
  8. Russia 24.

All of these channels are distributed on the waves of the 546 MHz C30 range, therefore, during tuning, it is necessary to select the thirtieth level.

Digital channels received through a conventional antenna, according to the 2017 list, are available from the following list of the second category:

  1. REN TV;
  2. Saved;
  3. Home;
  4. TV channel TV3;
  5. Sports plus;
  6. Star;
  7. Muz TV.

These television channels are received in the 498 MHz broadcasting range at level 24, so this parameter must be selected on the set-top box during tuning.

The third broadcasting package includes ten more programs, including:

  1. Sports 1;
  2. My Planet, Science 2.0, Fight Club;
  3. History, Cartoon, Russian detective, Russian bestseller;
  4. Country, Sundress;
  5. Mom, 24 doc, Amusement Park;
  6. Euronews, Trust;
  7. Music of the first;
  8. A Minor, Kitchen TV, Auto Plus, India TV, HD Life;
  9. Life News;
  10. Our football.

These channels appeared relatively recently, so they are broadcast on a grid, depending on the time of day. The frequency for tuning the antenna is 578 С34, previously this channel was occupied by analog programs, which are currently outdated. Thus, using the indicated lists, you can independently install the dvb t2 system and find the programs of interest.

Important! It is necessary to use the antenna very carefully, since the slightest fluctuations, especially of a room unit, can lead to signal loss and disruption in broadcasting.

The quality and number of channels available for viewing directly depend on the type of transmitter and its distance. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in other large cities, the signal level of digital television will be much better and stronger, since they have powerful emitters that are located on TV towers. The further into the province the receiver is located, the worse the signal will be, therefore, the amplifier will be needed much more powerful.

It is worth noting! The quality of production of parts directly depends on the final cost, so there is no need to purchase an antenna at a too low price, since, most likely, its resource will be much less. It is better to buy a product from a manufacturer who enjoys prestige in the market and has many positive reviews, most often these are domestic organizations.

Possible malfunctions

What to do if distortion appears on the TV, or the signal disappears completely, and why does digital TV not work? There may be several reasons why an antenna stops picking up a digital TV frequency. First of all, this is a change in the position of the antenna when the main carrier field is lost. To eliminate this cause, it is necessary to direct the antenna towards the television tower. To do this, without disconnecting it from the network and the TV, try to rotate it 180 degrees around the fastener and at the same time observe the signal quality on the receiving device. As soon as the image has improved, it is necessary to put a mark on the case and fix the device in this position.

The second reason for the breakdown may be weak performance of the unit or a large distance from the signal translator, this is especially true when using the device without an amplifier, then the antenna does not catch the desired channel due to lack of power. In this case, the installation of an additional dvb t2 module will help, which several times enhances the quality of the received signal.

Further, a breakdown or lack of signal may occur due to a violation in the broadcasting network of the TV tower itself. This cause cannot be eliminated, since it does not depend on the consumer. Most often this happens during maintenance work on the transmitter, after their completion, broadcasting will resume in the same mode.

The fourth reason may be a settings error during a power outage on the receiver. Although it is equipped with an internal battery that controls the system in a configured form, it certainly does not last forever, so when the lights in the house are turned off, the digital TV signal sometimes disappears. To eliminate the breakdown, you will have to re-configure the channels.

Also, a common reason why the TV does not catch channels may be the failure of the antenna power supply. Since it operates from a 220 Volt network, and only 12 is needed to power the amplifier, the unit includes a device to reduce the current, which can overheat during operation and it seems that the signal has disappeared, although in fact it does not disappear, but simply not passed on to the consumer. You can eliminate the malfunction by replacing the battery with a new part, while there is no need to completely change the antenna, since most of its elements are interchangeable.

All of the above causes of breakdowns can be eliminated on their own without resorting to the help of specialists, but this must be done very carefully and carefully, since all parts of the antenna and amplifier unit are very fragile.

Important! If you do not have sufficient experience in this area or a special tool, then it is better to turn to professionals who will be able to perform the installation or repair of the installation with high quality and on time.

In order for an antenna with an amplifier to serve for many years and not stop catching a digital signal, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the fasteners, since most often the unit is located on the outer wall of the building or a bar, the fittings for fixing must be selected from metal, otherwise, during precipitation or wind, the part may break off and fall. Before installation, you need to carefully study the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer.

Aim the antenna in the correct direction so that the amplifier does not tune channels multiple times. If the unit does not find the necessary programs, then when entering the digital value of the range, it is better to write the standard on paper so as not to enter the same number several times.

To connect the plug from the amplifier to the TV, it is better to use PVC electrical tape, it is wrapped around the junction of the cable and the metal rod. This will allow the contact to be securely fixed, and the line will not be disturbed during manipulations.

After most of the digital broadcasting channels are found, they need to be sorted, for which it is better to use the receiver's settings. To do this, set the unit to the configuration mode and in the dialog box we place the channels of interest in the first lines, and the rest can be blocked or deleted.

Since the voltage in the network, especially in rural areas, is not constant and has fluctuations, it is better to use a stabilizer that is connected to a 220 Volt network and performs the functions of equalizing the current.

You should not buy antennas with an amplifier that are made in China. Why? Because in most cases, such products are made of low-quality materials, and after the equipment is installed, its service life becomes limited.

It is not recommended to carry out maintenance work on the connected amplifier station, since any manipulation with electric current can be dangerous to health. Also, it is impossible to place the antenna amplification and power supply unit near heating radiators and other hot devices, since these parts may interfere with or completely fail when the temperature rises.

Thus, in order to answer the question of how to correctly install an antenna with an amplifier, and which units to use for this, it is imperative to study the manufacturer's recommendations, as well as the installation and operating instructions.


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