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A similar image. Video about photo search by photo




Example: we have a photograph of a landscape, but we do not know what this beautiful place is:

As in the previous versions, we press the button in the form of a camera in the search bar, upload a photo and get the result:

I warn you - this does not always work. For a correct result, this photo or a very similar one should already be in the Google image search database, i.e. be on the Internet, there should also be a description next to the picture on the page. If the sights can be easily recognized (since a well-known place is “known” on the Internet), then with objects the chance of finding a description is almost zero.

If there is no information about the place, we will see a page with similar photos by analogy with the following example.

Previously, the TinEye search engine was strong in this, as I mentioned earlier. But Google Pictures is also not a bastard.

As before, open the Google image search, click the camera icon in the search bar and load (for example) a photo of a ginger kitten:

And click the link " Similar Images". Let me remind you: you can not upload a photo, but indicate its address on the Internet, or simply enter the query “ginger kitten” into the search, move the mouse over the photo and click “ Similar«.

In any case, these actions will lead to a search for similar photos:

Pay attention to the inscription "Similar" above the pictures. This means that this mode is working now. Clicking on the cross on the right will turn it off. Clicking on the picture will open, as it should, an enlarged copy in the background of the site where this picture is located.


Google image searches always work the same way. Depending on what was found, the search page changes. If the result is very successful, when it is possible to accurately identify the name of the photo and find information on it, we are redirected to the text search page (as in the case of searching for a sightseeing).

In fact, the search site tries to predict what we really need. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. There is virtually no difference between the above examples. The search always happens the same way, we just look at different places in the search and click on the links we need. I just gave the most "contrasting" examples, so you shouldn't look for the button "Find similar photos" or "Find a person by photo". There is none of them. The search is always one. It all depends only on what we are looking for.



And also the photographs that you have on your computer. This issue deserves attention, if only because this search option works stably, but not all users of the worldwide network know about it.


Today, the Internet has firmly settled in our lives. At the slightest need, we turn to him for help. He helps us find the information we need, communicate with people, receive the latest world news and even organize the work of highly specialized equipment and machines. We can communicate, without leaving home, with a person who lives on another continent, and this is quick, convenient and does not require special costs. Almost all of our life is closely connected with the World Wide Web, because today every person has a laptop or computer. Most of us are familiar with words like "server", "site" or "browser". Moreover, for most modern people, the word "surfing" has not been associated with a board and rolling waves for a long time. This is the world of modern man. It has changed a lot over the past few decades, but it didn’t get any worse, it just became a little different.

About Google

Surely every netizen knows that the best search engine today is Google. Not a single modern person can do without it, and he really can find almost everything. - in fact, it is not always an easy task. absolutely everyone can face difficulties in communicating with a computer. To avoid such troubles, just a little is enough: to own certain knowledge and skillfully use it in practice. One of these daunting tasks for many is finding a picture or image on the Internet. Not all users know how to search in Google by pictures. For those who have not yet mastered this function, we will try to help.

Find by picture in "Google": с uty functions

Let's say you have a photo of a painting by an artist you don't know, and you want to know whose hands you liked the creation so much. Or you have an image in unclear quality and want to get it in a better or larger format. Or maybe you came across a photo of a beautiful model girl and are eager to find out who she is. Or is it a gorgeous architectural monument, and you are interested in its history. Whatever it is - Google to the rescue.


Quite recently, such an opportunity for search engines was not available, but the development of the possibilities of the Internet is moving forward by leaps and bounds. Today you can find not only identical pictures on the net. Searching for similar images in Google is also possible. They may differ only slightly from your original request. Their subject matter may be the same, the color scheme or other aspects will be the same. So, let's take a closer look at how to search in Google by pictures. There are several options that you will need to be aware of.

Search by image: "Google Chromium"

Almost all browsers that exist today in the nature of the modern Internet age are capable of helping you with your search. But the most popular and reliable today is Google Chrome. Its design has already built in the ability to find information on the picture in "Google". But for convenience, you can install an additional extension into your existing browser by downloading it from the official website. For the convenience of using such a service, you will need to right-click on the context menu and select the "Search in Google with this image" section. A tab for search will open in front of you, in which you will enter additional information. But this option is not the only one, and if you do not do this kind of searches all the time, there are options that are much easier and faster.

In fact, the smart and all-knowing search engine already has a built-in function "Google" - "search by photo". Nothing complicated here either. You need to open and go to the "Pictures" service in it. You can do it like this: In this case, on the start page of the search engine, you will see an image of a small camera. He is exactly what you need. By clicking on it, you can enter the Internet address of the image of the existing picture. To do this, by right-clicking on the camera, select the line "Specify a link" and enter the URL of the image. For a start, you can practice with the pictures of Google itself. You will quickly learn how to do it quickly and correctly.

We use information on the computer

How to search in "Google" for pictures if they are on your computer desktop? There is such a possibility too. You can download the search image from your PC file. The actions are the same as in the first case. We click on the camera, select the line "Upload image" and specify the path to the file. By the way, in the Chrome browser, you just need to drag the picture into the search bar with the mouse. It's even easier here: just drag the image into the search engine line with the mouse - and you're done. Open the image and click on it while holding the mouse button. Drag to the address bar of the search engine. Release the button when the image moves to the line. Wait for the Internet pages to load. It should be noted that for this method of searching the network, the image must be at least 20 bytes in size, otherwise difficulties will arise.


After uploading the image, you will see all the possible options available on the network. The very first will be exactly what you were looking for, in large format and many similar miniatures. All images and photos can be completely different, these are miniatures, and similar images in style and color. To make the search result as accurate as possible and meet more specifically your requirements, enter the information that you own in the search bar. For example: "old camera", "Peter I" or something else. Based on the results, you can not only search for a similar or better-quality photo by Google photos, but also find links to pages with information you are interested in reading. It remains only to go through them.

Now you know how to search for the information you need in Google by pictures. There are actually a lot of options for this type of search, and it is very popular. Google's ability to search by photo can not only give you information of a technical nature of any device, but also find a person with whom you have not seen, for example, since your university years. If you are lucky, the photo you are looking for may well be stored by your friend in the portfolio of social networks. Resources such as Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, for example, have many photographs of people whose names or surnames we do not remember due to the passage of time. But the main thing is desire, and you will succeed. Google will find everything and everyone.


I must say that there are separate services to search for information of this kind on the Internet. One of these is This site is also quite capable of helping you. You can work with it in the same way as with the Google search engine. Enter the address or the image itself - and you get search results. If Google, for some reason, provided you with incomplete information, use this resource, perhaps it will help you. If the image you're looking for isn't the most popular image on the web, it's best to use multiple search options.

He who seeks will always find, the main thing is to have a desire and quite a bit of free time, but you already know how to do everything right. It remains only to wish you successful and efficient searches. Good luck!

Hello dear friends!

Over the many years of the existence of the World Wide Web, Internet users have perfectly learned to find any information, files and data in it by entering a standard text query in a search engine.

However, in Yandex, the most popular search engine on the Russian Internet, there is another way to search - by image. What does it mean? Let's say you are interested in a certain image and would like to get as much information as possible about it. You form a request by entering the URL of a picture or by downloading it from your PC, and the search engine will display similar images and articles where it is present and even information about what is depicted on it (monument, personality, etc.).

Quite convenient, isn't it? Moreover, such a search can be organized both from a PC and from a phone. This function will be useful primarily for those who often have to search for information for study or work. In this article I will tell you how to search in Yandex by a picture.

On the selling pages of most online courses, there is a photo of the person who sells them, his full name. Save the seller's photo on your computer. After that, upload it to the Yandex image search server to find similar pictures. You will be surprised if there are similar photos on the Internet, but with a different surname. Draw your own conclusions.

The same is the case with your ill-wishers on social networks. Want to know who's in the photo? Just upload it to the service and get the information in no time.

Or here, for example, another option. You have come across some unusual thing on the Web (a tool, a designer handbag, a device, etc.). Turn to a well-known service and get information about what kind of product it is, how much it costs and in which online store you can buy it.

Professional artists and designers often have to look for drawings for their work.

Step-by-step instruction

To upload your image, you need to follow the link, no registration is required.

Click on the "Search by image" button (the image to the left of the search line). You can upload your graphic file in three ways:

  1. Drag the image with the mouse to the appropriate window.
  2. Upload a picture from your own PC.
  3. Insert the internet address of the picture and click "Find". This method is appropriate if you need to find information on an image from the Web.

If your activity is connected with numerous graphic files, remembering or writing down the URL of the image every time is not very convenient and time-consuming. It is better to save the drawing found on the Internet on your computer.

Saving a picture from the Internet to your computer

If the graphic file does not have special protection, then it is enough just to click on the picture from the Web with the right mouse button.

You will see a menu in which you should select the "Save as" option. A dialog box will appear to save the photo to your PC. Select the folder where you want to place the file, and if necessary, give it the name that you like best.

Search algorithm "Siberia"

How does Yandex search for images?

The search algorithm, which the developers gave the name "Siberia", is based on special algorithms for computer vision. From my own experience, I can say that it functions better when you enter an Internet address, and not when booting from your computer.

The search system really works great - you can see 100% exact copies of the pictures in the search results. But the search base of outlines is formed only from images indexed by Yandex, and if the requested photo is absent in it, the result will be zero.

The service for finding similar drawings has long been provided by Google. The Siberia algorithm is very different from the Google algorithm. This difference is primarily expressed in the fact that the Russian search engine is focused on searching by outlines, while the American analog distinguishes colors. After performing the analysis, Siberia creates a query for verbal search by images.

The program recognizes all kinds of trademark logos, as a rule, without difficulty. This also applies to architectural monuments. That is, those pictures with clear outlines are found well.

However, Google image search also does not always work correctly. Let's say you want to find a movie or video based on a screenshot from it, and the search results will show various pictures with a similar range of colors.

Image search has just begun to develop, the Russian search engine follows its path right and does not lag behind its main competitor. Our developers already declare that they will soon make a real breakthrough in this direction. Well, wait and see!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Thanks to the presence of special web services and applications, you can easily find a person by photograph.

Most modern programs and sites use artificial intelligence technology.

It allows you to increase the accuracy of face recognition in a photo as the number of program users increases.

It should be understood that no search engine can give a 100% guarantee of finding the image. Errors often occur when reading pixels, or the browser is looking for photos that are similar in meaning and color palette.

Below are some of the most effective ways. If one of them did not help you, feel free to move on to the other.

Ultimately, one of the methods will be the most suitable for your picture and the person will be found. Also, we advise you to take it through several photos at once, if any.


The first and easiest way to search by image is the well-known Google. The developers of the popular system have implemented a function for working with user images.

Now you can not only enter a query, but also insert individual images into the text box. The search engine carries out analysis for all sites and social networks that are indexed in the system.

Let's look at a simple example how to use the function:

  • Let's go to the site. This page differs from the standard by the presence of an additional button for adding;
  • To get started, click on the camera icon. A window for choosing the type of photo upload will appear. The user can specify a direct link to an image already posted on the Internet or download graphics from the computer's memory;
  • Click on the "Search by picture" button.

The result of processing your request in Google will look like this:

It will automatically indicate the person's name or subject. Also, the user will be able to see similar images. Another element of search results is pages that have a mention of the found person.

Often, the result will only produce similar images without specifying a name. This means that there are too many similar images on the Internet and the system cannot find a 100% exact match. Try scrolling down to the Matching Image Pages box. This will allow you to view the list of links in which the search term is found.

With it, you can search not only for people, but also for various objects. As practice shows, a search engine can be very useful when you need to find out the name of an unknown object or find things you like.


Photo search from Yandex is another popular service that searches for graphic content across all sites. At first glance, it practically does not differ from Google, except for the interface and design. However, Yandex developers claim that their system uses a modified algorithm using machine vision.

Thus, using both systems, you can get a better chance of finding the one you want. To start the analysis, go to the main site. Find the text line and next to it click on the "Pictures" tab to go to the corresponding section:

  • In the tab that opens, click on the camera icon;
  • Now, in the tab that opens, click on the button for downloading a photo from the PC memory or provide a direct link to a picture on the network. Click on "Find";

The result will be a set of the most similar images with which you can find a person. Also, you can select different picture sizes and continue the analysis with a better quality photo. Be sure to look at the list of mentions on other sites to increase your chances of spotting the person.

Analysis by photo inVK

In addition to standard systems, there are a lot of services for photo monitoring only on specific social networks. Since 95% of Runet users have a profile on VKontakte, it is better to look for it using special resources that work only with this social network. Thus, you will reduce the analysis time and the number of similar images.

To start monitoring photos in VK, you need to install the extension for the Chrome browser. The application is called "StopFake". Go to the software store and enter the name of the extension. Then click on the install button and wait for the button to appear in the upper right corner.

Despite the fact that the program is designed to quickly identify fake accounts, it can also be used to find people. You will need to upload a photo to your album on VKontakte, since it can only be done using the one that is in the site's database.

  • Open the photo in your album on VK. The album can be closed, the main thing is that it is on the site;
  • After opening the image, press the button to start the StopFake extension. It is located in the upper right corner of the browser toolbar. To eliminate possible errors in the utility, we recommend restarting the browser immediately after installing the extension;
  • It will automatically detect them on the social network where the desired photo is posted. Thanks to the signature of the author, you can easily find the person you want. Click on the author's name to go to it.




Example: we have a photograph of a landscape, but we do not know what this beautiful place is:

As in the previous versions, we press the button in the form of a camera in the search bar, upload a photo and get the result:

I warn you - this does not always work. For a correct result, this photo or a very similar one should already be in the Google image search database, i.e. be on the Internet, there should also be a description next to the picture on the page. If the sights can be easily recognized (since a well-known place is “known” on the Internet), then with objects the chance of finding a description is almost zero.

If there is no information about the place, we will see a page with similar photos by analogy with the following example.

Previously, the TinEye search engine was strong in this, as I mentioned earlier. But Google Pictures is also not a bastard.

As before, open the Google image search, click the camera icon in the search bar and load (for example) a photo of a ginger kitten:

And click the link " Similar Images". Let me remind you: you can not upload a photo, but indicate its address on the Internet, or simply enter the query “ginger kitten” into the search, move the mouse over the photo and click “ Similar«.

In any case, these actions will lead to a search for similar photos:

Pay attention to the inscription "Similar" above the pictures. This means that this mode is working now. Clicking on the cross on the right will turn it off. Clicking on the picture will open, as it should, an enlarged copy in the background of the site where this picture is located.


Google image searches always work the same way. Depending on what was found, the search page changes. If the result is very successful, when it is possible to accurately identify the name of the photo and find information on it, we are redirected to the text search page (as in the case of searching for a sightseeing).

In fact, the search site tries to predict what we really need. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. There is virtually no difference between the above examples. The search always happens the same way, we just look at different places in the search and click on the links we need. I just gave the most "contrasting" examples, so you shouldn't look for the button "Find similar photos" or "Find a person by photo". There is none of them. The search is always one. It all depends only on what we are looking for.



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