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Proof of domain ownership using a TXT record. DNS

Advice. Expand all the steps in this manual and print it out so you can see it when you verify ownership.

Why do you need confirmation

By verifying your domain ownership, you can use your Google service, such as G Suite, Drive Enterprise, or Cloud Identity. A G Suite account gives you access to Gmail, Google Drive, and more.

Note. If you purchased your domain when registering for a G Suite account, you do not need to verify ownership of the domain.

Verifying Google Domain Ownership

Domain name ownership can be verified through the domain registrar (usually the company from which you purchased the domain). The registrar stores special settings - DNS records that direct Internet traffic to your domain name.

Google will provide you verification record TXT to add to the domain registrar's DNS records. The presence of this record confirms that the domain really belongs to you. This action will not affect your email or website.

How to add a TXT verification record (instructions for popular domain registrars)

  1. Identify your domain registrar (for example, using this article).
  2. Take advantage of step by step instructions(they are available for some domain registrars).

If there are no instructions for your registrar, add a TXT verification record using the general instructions below.

How to add a TXT verification record (general instructions for different domain registrars)

1. Get a verification record.

After registering with Google, run the setup wizard. It guides you through all the steps of setting up your account, including verifying domain ownership.

If you have not exited the wizard yet, go to step 3. Otherwise, start from step 1.

2. Open the DNS records for your domain.

  1. Open the domain registrar website in a new window or tab. Learn more about how to identify your registrar ...
  2. Open the DNS records for your domain. The corresponding page may be called DNS Management, Name Server Management, Control Panel or Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the command to add a new entry.

3. Add a verification record.

  1. Select TXT.
  2. In field Name / Host / Alias enter @ or leave it blank. Some registrars need to add a domain in this field, for example correct version can be viewed in other DNS records).
  3. In field Time to Live (TTL) enter 86400 or leave the default.
  4. In field Value / Answer / Destination Paste the copied confirmation entry from the setup wizard.
  5. Save your changes.

Note. If a warning about changing DNS settings appears, ignore it. Adding a TXT record will not affect your site and DNS settings.

You can manage DNS records... In subsection Helpful information you can see a list of our DNS servers... Meaning A records by default, you can look at the technical domain.

Editing DNS servers

If your domain is on our service, then in this section you can change for it DNS servers... To do this, you need to select the required domain from the drop-down list and click the " Editing DNS servers".

Make the necessary changes and then save them by clicking on the " Save". Please note that changes in NS-servers take effect within 24-72 hours from the moment of their change, depending on the speed of updating the DNS-cache of your Internet provider.

Add subzone

You can add a subzone for your domain directly from the section DNS without creating a subdomain. The created subzone will appear in the general list.

When creating a subzone, it is possible to select settings MX records for the work of mail through services such as Yandex., Google or and also indicate verification code(in the form of a TXT record), confirming the ownership of the domain for search engines.

Full text of the zone

In order to view the complete configuration file of the main zone, you can click on the button Full text of the zone

Zone editing

In subsection Quick add You can literally add the desired entry to the desired subzone in a "couple of clicks". To do this, select the required subzone in the drop-down list, record type ( A, AAAA, MX, SRV, TXT) and enter the entry itself, then click " Add"

In the same subsection, there is a brief help on the selected record. You can view the help by hovering the mouse cursor over the icon.

To edit the required zone (subzone), press the button. Here you can both view, change and delete the current DNS records, and add new ones.
To delete a record, press the button opposite it.

By clicking on the button, you can restore all default DNS records:

  • As A records will be installed IP address the server where your account is located
  • MX records change to mx1 website and

In front of each subzone there is a button that allows you to delete a subzone. In this case, the subdomain itself will not be deleted.

For subdomains, redirection to alternative is also available. NS servers. NS records are responsible for which DNS servers you need to search for information about your domain (subdomain). The option is available only for subdomains if our DNS servers are registered for the main domain. In order to install NS records NS and then enter the necessary NS records and apply the changes.

It is also possible to create a record alias for a subdomain. CNAME (canonical name record) or the canonical name notation is used to redirect to another name. In order to install CNAME record for a subdomain, you need to go to editing the desired subzone and select CNAME, then enter the required entry and apply the changes.

Any Internet user who has domains on the servers of hosting providers can create and edit their DNS records. DNS records have Name, Record Type and Address. These names may change in different panels. For example, it could be like this:

Name / Host / Nickname; Record type; Value / Answer / Purpose / Address.

In all variants "Record type" remains unchanged.

Record name

The name of the record, it is also the host / alias, is the domain name to which the created record belongs or is bound.

When creating a record in the "Name" field, the domain name is specified in full. The subdomain or alias name does not need to be specified in full. It is enough to indicate the name of the third level: mail, www, ftp. If you are entering a full name, be sure to include a period at the end. That is, the name is mail and it is the same name in the Name / Host / Alias ​​field.

DNS records - types

Let's consider the main types of DNS records that you will have to deal with when servicing your domains.

Record type A

Record type: A (address record) or (Internet address 4)... This type of entry binds a specific domain name to a specific, precise IP address.

You can add more than one IP address for one domain (hostname). This is necessary if a firewall is used. To do this, add a second record of type A, similar to the first. By specifying only a different IP.

In theory, you can specify more than one domain for one IP address. However, you do not need to do this because the Domain Name System (DNS) has a record specifically for creating aliases. This record is called CNAME.

Record type AAAA

Record type: AAAA (address record for IPv6) or (Internet 6 address)... Too. As record type A, but the IP address looks like IPv6. For example: IPv6-2a03: 4900: 0: 3 :: 99: 155

CNAME Record Type

CNAME (canonical name record)... A CNAME record allows you to have and use more than one domain (host) name on a server.

First, one record of type A is created, for one IP address. The domain name in a record of type A is called the canonical name. Other domains are called mnemonic. Mnemonic names can be aliases (arbitrary names) or subdomains. Here's an example of a CNAME record: CNAME't forget the dots at the end).

The server can have any number of aliases. For each alias, you need to create a CNAME record.

Another example of a CNAME record:

hosting-1 IN A

www IN CNAME hosting-1

ftp IN CNAME hosting-1

We buy a second IP and transfer the ftp subdomain to the second IP:

hosting-1 IN A

hosting-2 IN A

www IN CNAME hosting-a

ftp IN CNAME hosting-b, transferring to the second hosting FTP-server.

Another example of a CNAME record:

hosting-1 IN A

peter IN CNAME hosting-1

oleg IN CNAME hosting-1

We bind aliases with the following CNAME records: IN CNAME IN CNAME IN CNAME

thereby we link the domains,, with the canonical domain The dots at the end are required.

Another example of a redirect (redirect) using a CNAME record IN CNAME

Usually, servers by default only create CNAME records for subdomains of the main domain and do not make them for other domains (as in the photo).

MX record type

MX (mail server). This entry creates a subdomain that is served by an internal (own) mail server.

For instance: Name / host / alias -; Record type -MX (mail server); Value / response / destination / Address - mail. With this entry, you create the mail subdomain If the internal mail service of the server is used, then for the subdomain you need to create a record type "A". Name: mail- A (record type) - Address: Server IP.

Third-party mail servers can be used as a mail service. To do this, you need to bind your domain to a third-party mail server. An MX record will be created automatically on it. If they do not create it, they will give the address of the mail server. After that, you need to create CNAME and MX records on your server.

Use a CNAME record to redirect the mail domain to the address of the mail domain. And an MX record for the domain itself. set the address of your third-party mailbox. The Yandex mail server can be used as an example.

  • For Yandex, the MX record type will be as follows:

Name / host / alias -; Record type -MX (mail server); Value / response / purpose / Address - Priority 10.

  • The CNAME type is as follows:

Name / host / alias - mail; Record type –CNAME; Value / response / destination / Address – Priority 10.

On the Yandex mail server, you can, without delegating the domain, connect it only to the Yandex mail server by creating a mailbox there.

In addition to Yandex, using MX records, you can bind a domain to the mail servers Google, and others:

NS record type

Record type NS (name server). This is perhaps the most important recording type. It defines the domains (addresses) of DNS servers serving this domain.

TXT Record Type

TXT (text entry)... This is an informational record. It does not carry a functional load.

SOA (Start Of Authority) record

SOA record shows where the basic information about this domain is stored on which server. The SOA record specifies the fully qualified domain name of the zone. The qualified domain name must end with a period. The SOA record can contain the @ symbol instead of the qualified name. In this case, the domain name will be taken from the configuration file.

  • Arbitrary serial number of the data version (Serial). When a secondary server requests a data update, it first checks the serial number;
  • The frequency of the request for updating data from the secondary (Secondary) server (Refresh), in seconds;
  • Secondary server re-request period on primary failure (Retry);
  • Data validity period (Expire), otherwise the expiration of time after which the secondary server will stop serving requests if it fails to restore connection with the primary server, in seconds;
  • Last but not least, the time to live for DNS zone data in the server's TTL cache, in seconds.

I will give an example of a SOA record, for Microsoft DNS

How to edit DNS records in the ISPManager panel

In the panel ISPManager DNS records are edited on the tab: Domain names → "Click" on the domain.

How to edit DNS records in DirectAdmin panel

In the DirectAdmin DNS panel, records are edited on the tab: DNS Management.

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