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  • Detailed information about the domain. WHOIS services - information about the domain (whose it is, what is its age and history, when it is released) or IP address

Detailed information about the domain. WHOIS services - information about the domain (whose it is, what is its age and history, when it is released) or IP address

The initial stage of website publishing is checking the domain name availability. A correctly chosen network name largely determines the time of its initial indexing by search engines, the growth rate of visitors and, in general, the entire future success of the Internet resource.

Things to consider when verifying an address:

  1. First of all, the domain name should be free: this can be checked using any WHOIS service. If the domain was previously occupied, it is important to look at the history - how exactly the former owner used the domain, what information he posted.
  2. The website address on the network should be short (preferably no longer than 7-10 characters), easy to read and remember by users. In order to check how convenient the domain you choose will be for visitors, try dictating it to someone over the phone. The interlocutor should be able to write it down without errors.
  3. The domain name should contain an emphasis on the topic of the site or the type of activity of the services offered.
  4. Use only those foreign words that are widely known and understandable to all visitors (shop, auto, top, etc.). Not everyone is fluent in a foreign language and the rules for writing certain words.
  5. If the site represents a brand, the domain must necessarily reflect this, be recognizable. At the same time, you should not make the usual transliteration for complex multi-part names. So, for example, the organization "Western Heat Generating Company" should choose the shortened address, rather than the full name in Latin characters.
  6. In the event that all eligible domains are already taken, try checking the domain by including numbers in it. So, the address is in no way inferior to the domain.
  7. Experts advise registering domains in several zones at once (RU, SU, COM) and "glue" them by setting up redirects to the main site. This increases the position of the resource and protects against the risk of cybersquatting. Therefore, before taking over a domain for yourself, do a massive check of the name in other zones: perhaps a similar brand already exists.

The most recognizable domain zones

  1. RU. Regional zone of the Russian Internet area. The most common option for sites targeting a Russian-speaking audience. Suitable for all directions: commercial resources or personal Internet blogs. The area worth checking out first.
  2. RF. Cyrillic analogue RU. Less busy, but can make it difficult to navigate to sites in older browsers. The address of a site like "imyasayta.rf" is easy to remember.
  3. COM. Initially, the zone included only commercial sites of organizations, but now anyone can choose it. Recommended for checking for multilingual sites and resources operating at the international level.

On Majordomo you can check the domain for employment in all zones - RF, RU, COM, ORG, NET, RUS, SU, TECH, ONLINE, STORE, SITE and others.

In this article I will describe all the currently relevant methods for determining the domain owner. I want to warn you right away that there is no one hundred percent chance that we will accurately determine the owner of the domain. This is due to the fact that some webmasters indicate fake (erroneous) data about themselves when registering domains - nothing can be done about this. I can only say that such people are a minority, which means that there are more chances to find an owner than not to find it.

The domain owner can be determined in several ways. Let's consider each of them in detail:

1. Through Whois data

This is by far the easiest and most reliable way (see what Whois is). At the same time, probably everyone knows about him or at least heard about him. There are quite a few services that give complete data about the domain, and I would not be surprised if you know an even more convenient service than I will suggest below. I would suggest using the following sites to determine Whois:

For instance:

After obtaining Whois data, you should pay attention to the "Domain Administrator" column (sometimes it is called person). It is in it that the full name of the domain owner is contained. If there is a Private Person in this column, it means that the owner of the domain decided to remain anonymous. This can be done by enabling the Private Person option in the domain properties, which hides the full name. However, in this case, there is a way to calculate it. I offer two ways to do this:

a) If you know the e-mail, then there is a possibility of finding the owner through this data. To do this, enter the service, enter the mailbox address and it will give you all the domains of this person. Perhaps, in some domains, the Private Person option will be disabled and in this indirect way you can determine the owner.

b) View the history of the domain. I advise you to use the following free services that allow you to do this:

  • (does not show the whole history, but only from 2011-2012)
  • (also works with .rf domains, but you need authorization to work)
  • (works only with, excellent service, below is a screenshot from this service)

For instance:

Finally, I would like to say that if using all the above methods did not suit you, then, for example, in there is an opportunity for a fee to find out the whole history of the domain owners (if the domain changed its owner). To be honest, I have never used such a service, so I cannot say anything about its effectiveness. By the way, many registrars have paid services for determining the owner.

All the remaining methods will be listed below, or rather, the signs by which you can learn at least something about the domain owner. However, the chances of success are much less than the considered method of determination through Whois.

2. Via WebArchive

Go to the WebArchive website: Type the site you need into the search and watch the story. If it is, then try to find some contacts on the site. Perhaps they have a clue or at least something useful in your case.

For instance:

3. Try to contact the owner of the domain

I see only two ways to contact the owner:
a) either write a letter to the address indicated in whois (but it may not be indicated);
b) either write to the address: [email protected] DOMAIN.

By the way, if you do not know where to write, then try to search through some search engine for the following phrase: "@ DOMAIN". It is possible that somewhere in the index there is information about the valid postal addresses of this domain.

As a last resort, you can call by phone if it is on the site (or on other sites of this owner) or in Whois.

Finally, I would like to tell you about one interesting service that allows you to determine all sites of one owner (though only in the domain This can be done on the website:

For instance:

You went to the site and you wanted to know who owns the domain. Maybe you want to buy this domain, maybe you have a conflict with the owner of the resource, or maybe, on the contrary, you wanted to chat with him, but there are no contacts on the site. But it's not a problem. You can use our service, which allows you to easily and simply establish the owner of a domain in any domain zone, as well as on which ns servers the domain is located.

In order to find out information about the owner of a domain, you need a Whois service. In order to get the information you need, just enter the domain you are interested in in the search bar and in a few seconds you will know what you need.

Of course, if the Private person option is set, the owner information will not be shown. But by writing a letter to the specified address, you can be sure that the registrar will forward it to the domain owner

- Domain check and site name search - Domains search from us

Whois service is a service for checking domains.

Enter any site name in the search box, and you will find out if the domain is free or busy. If a domain name is already taken, you can find out who the owner is and how to contact it.

Convenient selection of domains works: after turning on the "query history" mode, all domain names that you have already searched for are visible. If during the check you have a desire to buy a domain, some of the domain registration services are listed on this page on the right. Search for a name for a site and a domain selection service are available for domain names in Russia, CIS countries, international and national domain zones. Domains are searched from us.

- whois service, geography by ip, seo site analysis

This is a universal service written in Ajax, which combines all the main network services, allowing you to quickly get the necessary information about a domain, site, or IP address. Whois service supports any domain zones, including New.Net. The request goes directly to the whois server of the domain registrar, which allows you to get accurate, complete information.

- Get information about a domain, site or IP address

Our whois service allows you to get information about a site or IP address.
Here you can:
Find out the registration information of the site owner.
Determine the IP address of the server by domain.
Find out the location of the server by IP address.
Determine the type of server and find out what operating system the server is running.
Find out DNS server and DNS administrator E-mail.
Determine the manufacturer of the device by its MAC address.
Find out which sites are on IP.
Find out your IP address, get information about your computer.
Determine the country and city by phone number.

- free domain check

WHOIS service (Who Is) is an automated system that provides public access to information about a domain name and its Administrator. This service allows you to find out the date of domain registration and its expiration, the end date of the preferential renewal period, the registrar supporting the domain name, as well as information about the Domain Administrator, if he did not use the service of hiding personal data. According to the Rules for the registration of domain names in the .RU and .РФ domains, information about the Registrant-individual is presented in an impersonal form. To contact the Registrant in the .RU and .РФ zones, use the feedback form provided in the WHOIS.

Whois domains service is not only a convenient interface for searching a domain, IP address, DNS server, registrar or converting a domain name to punycode and vice versa, but also an opportunity to check the site's performance, where you can get full information about its availability, find out information about the domain ... The main innovation is the display of Whois service information in Russian for domains in .RU / .SU / .РФ zones (status, domain age and registration date, domain name expiration).

Enter the domain / IP / DNS / Registrar in the corresponding request field and get full information!

- check the domain for availability, find out information about the domain

Whois is a program or script that allows you to check a domain for availability or find out registration information about a domain.
The principle of the whois service is to request a server that stores data for all domain names registered within one zone, receive this data and display it to the end user.
Use this service to check the RF domain or any other IDN domain. Punycode conversion is done automatically.

To find out domain registration information (whois data), including:
Domain DNS records;
domain status;
domain owner name;
contact phone number and e-mail of the domain owner;
registrar ID;
domain creation date (start date of delegation)
domain registration expiration date (delegation expiration date);
enter the domain name and click the check button.

- Check whois domain, check whois by ip site - complete information about the domain

WhoIs check allows you to find out registration information about a particular site. As a rule, it is used to study competitors' sites, but you can use the WhoIs service to get information about your own site.

How can such a service be useful?
After performing a WhoIs check, you will be able to get information about when the domain name lease ends. You may be able to outbid the domain name in case the owner forgets to pay for it. Of course, such manipulations are quite rare, but if we are talking about competitive and “monetary” niches, then such a check is one of the main ones that allows you to fight for each domain as efficiently as possible.

What is domain information used for?
Most often, this service is used to check the availability of a domain. For example, you have come up with a beautiful domain name and want to check if such a domain exists, and if so, who owns it. Often, there is also a situation when there is no website, and the domain is bought by someone - in this case, checking the domain will allow you to determine its owner and get his contact information if necessary. Checking a domain name for availability takes a few seconds, and after such a short time you will be able to get the coordinates of the person you need.

- network utilities - Ping, Traceroute, IP Lookup / whois, DNS lookup.

The main features of our service:
Whois - obtaining information about second-level domain names in 134 zones (more than 1000 third-level domains),
including Cyrillic domains in .рф, .su, .com, .net, .org zones.
Domain directory: alphabetically.
IP Lookup / Whois - obtaining information about IP addresses.
DNS Watch - look up DNS records.

What is Whois? Whois is a protocol that is used on networks. It is based on the TCP protocol. Based on its very name, you can independently understand what it is intended for. Translated from English, it means - who is. The purpose of its creation was to provide the ability to obtain information about the owners of IP addresses, domains and autonomous systems. Such a protocol works on the basis of client-server technology. It is used to gain access to public databases that contain registration information for domain names and IP addresses. Typically client Whois program is inherently console-based. But, not every user, and especially one who is not very versed in the work of the command line, will be able to use it. Therefore, special forms are created on sites that provide access to such information. Our tool for working with Whois server works according to this principle. Although there are client programs for obtaining Whois information, but due to the specifics, web forms on specialized sites are more popular. The developers of this protocol wanted to provide system administrators with the ability to receive the required data on domain names and IP addresses... Now its functionality is a little wider and everyone can use it.

You can view the registration data of a particular web resource. Often, webmasters and site owners use such a tool in order to analyze a competing site. But it happens that such a service is also in demand for obtaining information about your site.

What can this tool give?

For example, if you want to outbid someone's domain, it will be very important for you to know exactly when its current lease ends. This is especially true when it comes to some profitable segments when you need to constantly monitor a competitor. Using our tool and checking Whois you will be able to see when the lease of the domain you need ends, and perhaps you will be able to re-purchase it.

Is such a check possible via an IP address?

If you know the IP of the site, you can easily. In this case, instead of the domain, you must enter this address. In this case, the information will be as complete as in the first case with domain verification. You will need to get information about who owns the site, his e-mail, and possibly get a contact phone number and even an address.

Where can such information come in handy?

Typically enjoy our webmaster tool and site owners, in order to find out if the domain they need is busy. For example, you want to create an interesting website and come up with a beautiful domain for it that will attract people. Now you need to check if this domain is free, and if not, who owns it and how you can associate with this person. Quite common are cases when a domain has already been purchased, but there is no website at all. In this case, it is very important to find out who owns this domain and try to buy it back. The domain is verified in just a few seconds, which is very convenient.

from 101domain | Saturday, July 15, 2017

We have already talked in the article "" about how to understand and where to see how old your or any other domain is.

How to find out the date of domain registration?

The registration date is the time when the domain name was created. You can check the domain registration date in the Whois service.

1. Whois service

Whois it is a network protocol, the purpose of which is to store data about the registration of a domain, the servers on which it is based, and records about it.

The service "check domain with Whois" and "Whois search" is available at almost all domain registrars on the site. In addition to registrars, this service is provided by domain zone registries.

On the Whois search page, you enter the name you are interested in, follow the instructions and prompts, and if everything is entered correctly, and the domain you are looking for is actually registered, you get a whole list of domain data.

The check will make it possible to find out the date of domain registration and how old the domain name is.

2. Determine the date of domain registration by line

Among all the data in the list, you can see several dates. You can find out the registration date in the line “ created»- creation date (year, month and day).

In line " paid-till " the period for which the domain is registered and paid for will be indicated.

There is one more line " free-date“, In which you can see the date of the release of the domain name in the absence of payment and further renewal of the domain name registration.

The strings " paid-till" and " free-date"Will change after the domain name is renewed for another period.

Line " created"Will not change until the moment when, for some reason, the domain name will not be removed from delegation, released from the registry and free for further registration.

3. Whois with Linux

If you are using a Linux operating system, whois is already installed on it. To find out the date of site registration, enter the following command in the terminal: "whois site domain" or "whois IP address". The date the site was created appears on the "created" line. But we draw your attention to the fact that the data obtained in this way are not always correct. Not all registries respond to such requests correctly.

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