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Choose a domain by keywords. Choosing a domain with a keyword

First of all, let's clarify the technical details, which may limit your choice - almost all domain zones have their own registration rules, but they are all basically the same. For example, let's take the rules for registering domains in the RU zone:

“The domain must end with the characters“ .ru ”, the domain name itself can consist of at least 2 characters, maximum of 63. The domain must begin or end with a letter of the Latin alphabet or a number, in between, you can use letters, numbers or a hyphen; it is not allowed to use hyphens in the 3rd and 4th positions at the same time. "

At the moment, all 47952 three-character domains in the RU zone are already taken.

Domain is very often chosen:

  • by the name of the organization, surname or first name;
  • by the name of a product, service or trade brand;
  • by the name of the field of activity, the common word.

1. The domain should be as short and easy to remember

This is the simplest and most important rule - the shorter the domain, the easier it is to remember and type in the browser line. Often, an abbreviation or abbreviation is better to use as a domain name than the full name. For comparison, which of the domains of the German bank Aizkraukles is easier for you to remember - or

2. The domain should be pronounced easily and unambiguously

For example, the letter "z" can be written as "zh" and "j". If your domain has such an ambiguous spelling of letters, register several possible options. By doing this, you will save yourself from having to specify to your clients or friends every time which letter should be used in your domain, and even if the user types in the wrong address, he will still get to your site.

3. Which is better? Use a common word or come up with a new brand?

Common words are easy to remember. Quite often, Internet users type them in the address bar of the browser when they want to find the product or service they need. For example,,,,,,

It is very difficult to find a free domain consisting of a common word at the moment, and users value the site not for a beautiful and short domain, but for its useful content and ease of use. And for this reason, for example, Internet search is associated not with or, but with absolutely nothing denoting domains,, the main popularity of which is based on high technologies and large advertising budgets.

4. Domains in non-traditional domain zones

7. Choose a domain for your site in a special service

It is not an easy task to find a beautiful domain in the .RU, .РФ or .COM zone for a project on the Internet, which contains the desired keyword and is free.

Ideas for your domain name can be found on one of the popular services for selection of domains from the largest registrar of domain names REG.RU -

The search is carried out in the popular domain zones .RU .РФ.COM and .NET.

The following services are available to all users:

  • domain selection by keyword;
  • checking for the availability of several domain names;
  • Search .

The service will select options for domains based on the specified parameters - keyword, language, domain zone. There are additional features to help you find your domain.

Register a domain at a discounted price

After you select a suitable option for yourself on the REG.RU website, you can use the website in the service, because much lower than that of the registrar REG.RU.

Choose a beautiful domain for your website

Hi guys! We continue to deal with domains and in today's part we'll talk about how to choose a domain for a website.

It's not so easy to come up with a good domain in our time, when everyone is either already occupied or bought out by cybersquatters.

Cybersquatting(English cybersquatting) is the registration of the best domain names or domain names containing someone else's trademark for the purpose of their further resale or unfair use. The people doing this are called cybersquatters.

But, despite this, hundreds of new sites and interesting projects with unique names appear on the Internet every day. Today we also have to brainstorm a little and arrange a search for free domain names for the future site. As a last resort, contact special people and services for ideas.

I believe that the selection of a domain should be taken seriously, since it plays an important role in the future successful promotion. It's like choosing a name for a child and then raising him with him for many years. I am telling you about this, relying on my experience of creating more than one project on the network.

You may not be aware, but domains, in the process of using them, gain reputation in search engines, and this reputation affects the results of site pages in search. Therefore, I would recommend choosing a domain immediately and for life, without thinking of changing it in the future.

How to do this, let's figure it out.

Determine the site's focus and audience

Let's start with the fact that everyone has a different goal of creating their site and, accordingly, the approach to choosing a domain. Therefore, we will build on what you want to get from it. I have highlighted several types of sites, to which they most often try to come up with and choose the best domains.

Website of the company, project, brand name

The purpose of such a site is most often to provide information to the client about the goods or services being sold and about where they can be purchased. It is better to choose a domain according to the name of the company, so that it is easier to find and remember. If you do not yet know what your company will be called, then you should think about it first.

Such domains usually consist of:

  • full name (,,;
  • abbreviations ();
  • abbreviations (;
  • names + regional affiliation ().

Landing page for the sale of goods

Landing pages are usually created in order to drive traffic to them, and the domain name here, as a rule, does not really matter. But, some take into account such a factor as website promotion by a search query and register a domain under the name of a specific product.

Nowadays, since the competition on the Internet is fierce, I would not pay significant attention to this factor. You can choose absolutely any address here.

Portfolio, personal business card site

Such sites are in most cases used by individuals or individual entrepreneurs - to talk about what services they provide.

Therefore, a domain is chosen either with the name of their project, or with a first or last name (only if it is not too complicated), so that it is easier to remember the author and find him by last name. For example:,

Blog, content project, online store

Since 2016, I have been helping people create blogs and content sites to make money. We pay special attention to the choice of a domain name so that it is easy to pronounce, write and remember.

The idea for creating a domain name for such a site can be anything:

  • niche(,,;
  • author's name and surname(,,;
  • Project name(,,;
  • keyword(,,

I am now also in the process of creating another construction site and for a week now I have been puzzling over its name and domain. An endless number of interesting options are invented every day.

When I did blog, the domain name was born quite simply from the original name of the project aimed at changing the quality of life. Hence the following reduction came about: change - i, quality - k, life - life.

Having determined what role the domain name of your site will play, and how your audience will use it, let's move on.

Choose the correct domain zone

In the last part, we sorted it out, I advise you to read it. The only thing I would still recommend is not to select Cyrillic domains in the .rf, .rus, .moscow zones, etc. The problem is that most systems are developed based on Latin characters and other values ​​are not supported in them.

Therefore, when used, domain names in Cyrillic are as follows - http: //xn--80aaacq2clcmx7kf.xn--p1ai/, which entails a number of inconveniences in further work with them.

It is best to use the zone.RU in the vastness of the Russian-speaking audience. This is also due to the fact that we are already used to hearing the ending “dot ru” in the website address and intuitively add it to the name of the company or project in the browser.

In the choice of the zone, in my opinion, in addition to its meaning, such a factor as consonance also plays a role, and in special cases an exception can be made. Example:,

Find the correct letters

Using the correct transliterated letters will help avoid confusion in how visitors remember and write your site's domain name.

For example, when choosing a domain for a construction project, I had the idea to take a domain - Since the main idea is to help people move to their private homes. But then I was confused - what is the best way to write it? Because the letter "y" can also be written through i or j. I had to abandon this idea.

It is better to take letters that do not have a double meaning and the same pronunciation.

Good letters: a, b, d, e, h, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, z.
Bad letters: c, f, g, i, j, q, w, x, y.

Similarly, in the Russian alphabet, if possible, avoid letters that are written in transliteration of several characters.

These are the letters - i, u, h, c, z, w, u.

Several useful services for converting Cyrillic letters to Latin letters that will help you:


Don't use hyphens and numbers

From a marketing point of view, ideally, a domain should consist of one word or a short phrase that is easy to read. It is not recommended to use additional hyphens and numbers, unless, of course, this is directly related to the name of the project, region or some idea.

For example:,, and so on.

Regional zones in the name

If your site is directly linked to some regional zone, then you can add an abbreviation in the domain name. But this is only if you are not going to expand to other regions.


Don't take a long name

I recommend using names of no more than 14 characters, excluding the domain zone. The longer the name, the worse it will be for people to read and remember. As I said, a domain can consist of a phrase with 2 - 3 words, but they should not exceed this number of characters.


Cut right

If the name is too long, it is best to shorten it. So that it not only looks beautiful, but also pronounces well, without losing its meaning. You can shorten the word to at least one letter, as it happened with me.

Abbreviated domains also look quite normal and are widely used. The main thing is that the name or description of the site further reveals it and gives it significance.


Experiment with additional words

It is not always possible to find what you want. Therefore, additional words can come to the rescue. Such as the:

  • live,
  • life,
  • online,
  • blog,
  • travel,
  • love,
  • site,
  • shop etc.


The service helps a lot in this. REG.RU with selection of domain names. He himself will substitute and give you hundreds of options using similar words.

Use key phrases and associative words

Those who are just starting their work with websites may not yet be familiar with such a term as “key phrases” (otherwise - keywords, keywords, search queries). Those words by which people search for something on the Internet.

I have a separate series of articles on this topic. I definitely recommend that you study it, because this is the basis of natural website promotion on the Internet.

Using a key phrase in your domain name, by which your target audience should find the site, you have a better chance of getting to the top of the results. Keywords and associative words will quickly help the user understand what the site is about and whether he found what he was looking for.

Useful sites:

  • is a special Yandex service for selecting words.
  • service for searching associations by word. It helps a lot in generating ideas.

Don't be similar to competitors

So that you are not confused with someone else and customers do not pass by, look for a domain name that does not coincide with your competitors or a well-known brand.

Analyze the market situation. A simple hyphen or a differently written letter in transliteration can distinguish you from a competitor, or maybe some additional word.

By the way, I really don't recommend registering a domain with an error. As scammers usually do to cheat on the user's carelessness. I think you yourself have come across such sites.

Be unique. Make your brand out of the unknown.

Idea tools

One head is usually not enough, so you can resort to additional tools for finding ideas.

Special services

REG.RU Is the official registrar of domain names. In it, you can immediately see what similar options it offers. You can immediately register and buy it. I buy all my domains on it. - read separate instructions.

Domain store REG.RU- here you can view and select domains that are sold by cybersquatters. For beginners, prices, of course, are unrealistic, but you can look for ideas from what is there.

Domain auctions and stores:

  1. GoDaddy Auction
  2. SEDO Auction

Competitions and tenders

Organize a competition for the best idea for a domain name on the Internet, or ask friends and acquaintances for help.


Take advantage of special exchanges where they sit and come up with different original names for a fee.


For now, if I find any more tools in the future, I will add them to this article.

Having picked up a suitable variant of the domain, it is imperative. It may turn out that it previously hosted a site that violated the rules. As a result, sanctions and filters from search engines were imposed on the domain.

Also take care of the future promotion of the project on social networks and check if the URLs on them are free.

Let's say I have a website domain, my VKontakte group can be found at:

Https:// iklife

This is necessary for a unified grid of project resources on the Internet. Create them immediately for a new domain.

Here are specially prepared templates for you:

Copy and substitute your ending for verification.

Summing up

As you can see, coming up with a good domain name for your website takes a lot of hard work. Cybersquatters continue to buy interesting options for pennies and sell them to us for thousands of dollars. If you are going to buy a domain from them, then be careful and follow the security rules, I will tell you about them in the following articles so as not to end up in the clutches of scammers.

Ask your questions in the comments and to be the first to receive information about the release of new materials.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. We have already discussed, disassembled and even found out where it is possible. All this is wonderful. The site needs to be located somewhere and the choice of hosting in this regard is very important. But the site also needs a name (domain). Without this, nothing will work.

However, the problem is that every year it becomes more and more difficult to find something more or less intelligible. At the moment, about half a billion domain names have already been registered in the world, and this number is constantly growing.

Do you have any ideas for a future name for the site? Great, it only remains to check if it is still busy (see how to do this below). By the way, some hunt, because there, along with a good name, you can get a little more residual weight from the site posted on it earlier. But first things first.

The problem with the selection of domains and why do you need to check them?

So, your future (or an existing one, for example) site needs a name. You yourself understand that in many ways it will be decisive in the fate of an Internet project (whatever you call a boat, it will float). But the problem is that everything more or less sonorous and cool has already been dismantled (at least in popular domain zones). It looks like the situation with - everything is already taken.

Agree that the version of the name for the site looks original (and with one hundred percent probability it will not be occupied by anyone), but hardly anyone will be able to reproduce this as a souvenir. And this is very important - domain memorability... It would be logical to give the site a short name to make it easier to remember and type.

But many years ago, almost all domain zones ran out of free three-character domain names (such as 2IP) and now they can only be bought from cybersquatters (domain speculators who buy the most promising options with the hope of future resale) for big money. Agree that this is not our method. The same goes for four-character domain names.

This means that there is only one way left for us - to turn on fantasy to the maximum and try to come up with something that others did not think of or in this direction did not think at all. Generally, creativity is welcome... I selected a domain for my blog for two days, probably. I checked a lot of options - everything was already taken. The name came to my mind (Andrei Mironov's song was spinning in my head), I checked it and was unspeakably surprised that it was free.

Where can I check the availability of a domain (find a free one)?

All registrars take data on whether a particular domain is free from one database (they get access to it using the protocol I already wrote about), so it doesn't matter which registrar you will check. Let it be REG.RU(the oldest registrar in runet). By the way, below is given form to check the domain name for zones popular in runet:


Examples: google,

The domain can be entered without a zone (i.e. vasypupkin). As a result, you will be transferred to the website, where the zones where this name is already taken will be highlighted in red, and where it is free (it will be possible to buy it right there and then, because they can get ahead). This form supports validation only in Runet zones, that is:

  1. ru - originally assigned to Russia
  2. su - a rudiment left over from the Soviet Union and now representing the resource space in Russian
  3. рф - domains in the national language (in our case, Russian).

Checking a domain for availability in several domain zones

Naturally, you can choose a future name for your site. in any other domain zones, for example, publicly available (.com, .info, .org, .net, etc.). Your right. To do this, you can go to this page and enter the desired name (no zone) in the search bar:

It will be enough just to put a tick in front of those domain zones where the check will take place (there are more than seven hundred of them available). Here, again, a double-edged sword - to take a successful domain in a not very suitable zone, or not very successful, but in your own zone. Read about it below.

As a result, the registrar will give you information about in which of the zones you selected for verification there are vacancies according to the parameters you specified:

By default, the system selects (adds to the basket) all free domains, but, of course, this will be superfluous. If you really decide to buy, then one thing (although, many buy the same domains in other popular zones, in order to avoid, so to speak). In the screenshot, I have chosen the RU zone, which is quite logical and affordable for the price. All that remains is to click on the "Register" button below.

I also advise you to use the tips and tools from the page " Help in choosing domains"

Quite handy tools that allow you to partially replace rich imagination and creativity.

As I said, this is not an easy matter. I mean, registering a domain name is not difficult (and not expensive), but the problem is that many of your ideas have already been implemented by someone.

Is there some more a number of nuances when choosing a domain which I would like to voice (kind of, but still based on experience):

  1. It is quite logical that a site aimed at the audience of the Russian Internet would be located in the corresponding domain zone. As I said above - it's RU, or at worst - SU (although this is less desirable, because not everyone is aware that this is also "our" zone). In general, I personally speak for the RU zone. Here the prices are lower, and the recognition of the zone is one hundred percent.
  2. I would not select a domain in the zone RF... The apparent simplicity of this solution hides many pitfalls. Yes, I registered a new one for myself .. Just for search engines and other services necessary for promotion, this name looks like this - xn - 80aedhwdrbcedeb8b2k.xn - p1ai. Nightmare, isn't it? Although, if you don't care, then ...
  3. The words from which the selected domain name is formed, as a rule, are written together, or they are separated by a sign "dash"... The second option is considered "" and it makes sense to use it only when all the other options are already taken, and you really want to get a domain in the right zone and with the right words.
  4. By the way, for all zones except national (such as RF) you can use only combinations of Latin characters and some valid characters (,,, [_], [-]. As I said above, if the "cool" option is already taken, then you can use a dash to separate words. underscore, but this is not ice at all, because it is not really visible in the address bar and confusion may arise.
  5. I also wanted to say about the words that are part of the checked domain name. Once upon a time, search engines ranked better sites where in the domain they met keywords by which this site was promoted. This is not the case now. In the best case, there will be no effect from this, and in the worst case, there will be a filter or pessimization. Therefore, you should not choose a name for a site like “”, but rather use the name of a company or something else creative (domain memorability is the main thing).

Selection of the right option among the expiring domains

At the beginning of the publication, I already mentioned that if you have I can't find a suitable free domain, then you can look for something on the "secondary market". Yes, domain names can also be used. After all, they need to be renewed every year, and if the payment is delayed by at least a month, then the domain name is put up for sale (at auction, as a rule).

Moreover, they can cost significantly more than new regions. Why?

  1. Well, firstly, most of them are already something meaningful and digestible.
  2. And, secondly, they sometimes retain residual weight in search engines (the links placed on them are valid, there is a TIC and PR).

If you create a site with similar topics on it (or restore an existing one with the help), then it may have a better chance of success than a newly registered domain. In any case, it will be more expensive to sell links from it if you plan to make money on this.

You can buy an expiring domain at registrar auctions. One of the most famous is Registration of expiring Below are some proposals of such a plan with Reg.Ru (for a detailed view, click on the price):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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It's no secret that the domain name plays a significant role in the promotion of a web resource. If it contains keys, then all other factors being equal, sites with good names will be ranked higher in terms of key queries than to collect them, which do not have keys in the name.

Basic rules for using keys in names

  • Keys must be used without abbreviations and separated by a hyphen. For example, if 2 companies are engaged in renovation, then a web resource like remont-moskva will be higher in the search results for the keyword than remmosk, because the second option for the search engine is an unknown character set.
  • If a web resource is positioned for any one region, then this name should be used in its name. For example, remont-orenburg clearly informs the search engine what region it should be attributed to (in this case, it is Orenburg).
  • Bad-sounding letters are best avoided. For example, the Russian “C”, “Sh”, “Zh”, “Yo” and other letters have no analogs in the Latin alphabet. Therefore, no matter what symbol you use (for C, it is usually c, ts, cs, etc.), some people will still make mistakes when accessing a web resource.
  • In the name, you can use the correct transliteration (remont) or translation into another language (repairs).
    It is worth weeding out too long and complex names.
  • Don't use more than one hyphen.
  • The shorter the better.
  • Check the results for similar names and exclude similar ones from your list.

How to find a domain name by keywords

1. Manual method.

This method assumes the use of manual mode. To select a domain name by keywords, it is necessary to compose the semantic core of the site, highlight the most important queries and make a list of names. Then remove the names that contradict the rules and check the remaining ones for employment in Whois. This method is very long and labor intensive.

2. Registrars and their services.

In a semi-automatic mode, many registrars provide keyword-based domain name generator services. For example, the Reg-Ru website also has a similar service.

We enter remont, an additional word, other indicators and get the result.

You can install the required filters.

And select those names that are available for registration.

A similar service is available at Mastername.

  • Entering the keys.
  • Selecting zones.
  • Click "Pick".

3. Independent online domain generator for keywords

In order to find a good name, there is a more sophisticated and intelligent service. Allows you to set more filters, change the endings of words, choose topics, etc.

Let's get acquainted with the result.

As we can see, the service independently selects new keys related to the specified topic, and does it quite well.

So, if you have read the information, it will help you make the right choice, which will positively affect the promotion of the Internet resource.

From time to time it becomes necessary to register new domains. At the same time, the natural universal problem that exists today is the difficulty of choosing an easy to remember and readable domain name... For example, I prefer domains in zone .com, and given that this is the most popular zone, it is quite difficult to find a "normal" domain. In addition, I always strive to register short, 5-6 letter names, and this is a plus to the problem.

For many years there have been online services that somewhat help in solving this problem - the so-called domain name generators... Most of them generate domain names based on user-specified ones keywords, which he wants to see in the domain name (for example, NameBuddy from, or offer alternative options based on these keywords.

An additional convenience of using such services is that they immediately show domain occupancy in different zones, and, if any of them is free, they offer to register it.

But in addition to the 2 above options, there is also more original and convenient domain selection tools... If you are experiencing difficulties, and all more or less decent domains are already occupied, then these services are just for you.

  1. Instant Domain Checker is a service that "on the fly", without reloading the page, determines the availability of the entered domain name. It is necessary to specify at least one or more characters in the corresponding field, the check begins immediately. The search is carried out simultaneously in two domain zones.
  2. Domain Name Ideas Generator - I generally consider this tool a godsend - indicate the desired length of the domain, choose a language from the list, based on the rules of which the names will be generated and - voila! - ready-made domain options. Despite the fact that there are practically no meaningful names, you can easily pick up a sonorous and memorable name.

The list turned out to be so short. Of course, I would like to supplement it, but I never came across similar interesting services helping to find domain names.

If you know similar sites that differ in originality, then please leave links in the comments. Perhaps it will be interesting not only for me.

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