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Connect bit mts. Description of the Internet option Super Bit on MTS

So, today we present to your attention the “BIT” (MTS) option. We will try to figure out with you what we have to deal with, and also understand how to enable and disable this feature. In general, there are several quite interesting tariffs for this option. And we will also get to know them today. Let's quickly find out what the "BIT" (MTS) option is.

What is this?

Well, the first thing we have to discuss with you is what opportunity will open up for us after connecting today’s function. The thing is that this is a very important element for the work of absolutely any modern user. Why? Yes, all because the “BIT” (MTS) option is nothing more than a so-called package of services for providing mobile Internet.

As a rule, every modern user is accustomed to using the World Wide Web from their gadgets. And it is for this reason that each mobile operator begins to offer its customers different tariffs for the Internet on a cell phone. The "BIT" (MTS) option is exactly what the average user needs. But, besides it, there are other tariffs. Let's get to know them. Maybe they will suit you better.


So, now it’s time to quickly “go through” all the possible tariffs that the “BIT” (MTS) option can offer you. After all, each option itself implies some differences. And they, in turn, are suitable for different intensity of Internet use.

For example, there is a standard "BIT". It is quite often used for Internet surfing, communication and reading mail. If you are not a particularly active Internet user (using a phone), then you can safely connect it. At the same time, you will receive 75 MB/day, and pay only 180 rubles per month. Very attractive and good price. In principle, this tariff should be enough even to download some files. Not particularly weighty.

And there is also the “Super Bit” (MTS) option. This is a slightly expanded variation of the standard "BIT". You will receive 3 GB of traffic for a month, and will already pay 250 rubles. This option is perfect when you actively use the Internet on your phone. The "Super Bit" (MTS) option is what every modern client needs. You can easily not only communicate and surf the Internet, but also watch entire films. And all this without any special “brakes”. Is it worth talking about downloading large documents? Of course yes. You can easily download any game or program onto your gadget. And all this will take a fairly short period of time.

And there is also the “BIT Smart” option on MTS. This is a tariff that, when exceeding 100 MB per day, reduces the speed to 64 kb/sec. For this service you will have to pay 8 rubles per day. With all this, this option is perfect for travelers. After all, it operates invariably throughout Russia. And this is very profitable. The option on MTS is, one might say, a traveler’s real dream. Now let’s talk a little with you about what conditions you should comply with before you start using these tariffs. At this time, you can decide what is right for you.


Let's start with the most important points that are worth considering. The first thing any modern user should pay attention to is the cost of the service. The thing is that each tariff has its own subscription fee. With all this, if at the time the funds are written off you have a negative balance, then the money will still be written off from you.

You will not be able to use the Internet on your phone. To do this, you will have to replenish your balance to positive. And only after this will you be given back access to the World Wide Web.

Among other things, the "BIT" (MTS) option is provided to all users of this mobile operator within Russia. Regardless of your location, tariff prices will not change much. The main thing is to have the required amount to be debited from your account before connecting. Now you can try to connect the "BIT" option to MTS.


So, the first option that can be offered to all clients is to use a special USSD command. It is she who will help you independently connect any function that a cellular operator can offer. The main thing is to know the combination to dial to send a request to the technical service.

In our case, there are several options for the development of events. For example, if you need to connect specifically to “BIT”, then dial *252# on your phone, and then click on “dial”. "Super BIT" is connected using the command *628#. “Smart” is better to connect using another method. Currently there is no command to automatically start using this tariff. And it is for this reason that we will turn to you to another method that can only be offered to MTS clients. Which one? Now you and I will recognize him.

Personal Area

The second scenario is the use of advanced technologies. In our case, the Internet and the official website of the mobile operator. The thing is that it has a “personal account” section, in which each user can control the spending of funds, as well as connect new features.

To bring your idea to life, you will have to go through the authorization process. Your mobile phone is entered as a login, and you must come up with a password yourself when registering in the system. After that, go to the “services” section, and there find “Internet”. Next, you will see all possible tariffs, as well as some conditions for their provision. Choose something suitable for yourself, and then click on the required line. Now you just need to click on “connect” and confirm your actions. That's all.

In addition, this method is used to connect the “BIT Smart” (MTS) option. You can disable it in the same way - through your personal account. But now it’s worth talking about refusing Internet access services altogether. How can you implement your idea? Let's deal with this problem.


If you decide to disable the "BIT" option on MTS, you can use the most common call. More precisely, using the method already familiar to us - USSD commands. They are the ones who will help us solve the problem best.

In order to disable the "BIT" option on MTS, dial *252*0# on your phone. After this, you can click on the call button and wait until the request is processed. You will receive an SMS notification that the function has been successfully disabled. After this, you don’t have to worry about writing off funds for “BIT”.

If you have “Super Bit” connected, you will have to dial *111*628*2#. After this, you can wait for a notification from the system again. As soon as it arrives, you can be sure that you have completed the task.

Internet assistant

In addition, to cancel Internet services, you can use the Internet assistant on your phone. It is automatically installed after the first use of the MTS SIM card. In order to use it, you just need to find it in the applications.

Next, select "services", and there - "Internet". After this, a menu will appear in front of you in which you can easily and simply select your tariff, and then click on the “disable” command. After a few minutes, you will receive a notification about the refusal of options for the Internet. That's all the problems are solved.

There is no point in describing the advantages of mobile Internet on a tablet or smartphone. It is quite obvious that with connected access to the Network, the device acquires additional capabilities. Considering the functionality of modern gadgets, we can say that with an online connection they can really do much more.

But there is another problem - choosing a tariff plan that is ideal for your needs. Each mobile operator has its own set of tariffs, which differ in cost, data package and additional features. Making the right choice in this whole kaleidoscope is not an easy task.

Today we will take a closer look at one of the most popular services available to MTS users. The service is called “Super Bit”, and what it can offer the subscriber will be discussed in this article. Let's try to reveal as much interesting information about this tariff as possible.

Internet for entertainment: “Super Bit”

We all know that mobile service providers provide different amounts of data for various subscriber needs. The cost of the packages within which they are provided, of course, varies. Thus, the more opportunities open to the subscriber, the more expensive the specified service will cost him.

The tariff plan in question is a typical “entertainment” option, suitable for fans of online services with which you can watch videos and pictures.

Even on the MTS website (“Super Bit” can be connected directly in your personal account, as well as using combinations that will be discussed later) it is written that the tariff is suitable primarily for entertainment purposes. Thanks to the significant amount of data, the user has the opportunity to work with files (upload them to, for example), communicate on social networks, watch videos, talk on Skype and much more. This gives grounds to assert that “Super Bit” is a tariff designed to work on a tablet. Although one can argue with this.

Tablet or smartphone?

It all depends, first of all, on how actively the user works with his gadgets. You can even download videos and download TV series onto your phone - then, of course, this tariff will be just right. On the other hand, someone who is used to checking email on a tablet will not use up the stated amount of data. This means that such a package will be too much for him.

If you look at the information about this tariff plan in more detail on the official website, it will become clear: it is intended for smartphones. Other, more “voluminous” tariff plans for tablets and PCs are located in another section, and their cost, as well as the volume of traffic provided, is much higher.

Therefore, instead of discussing “Super Bit” (MTS), the description of the tariff plan should be read first. And after that, build theories about how the declared amount of data can be used; from which gadget would it be more appropriate to work with the tariff; and what the subscriber can afford for the gigabytes allotted to him.

Tariff plan terms

The most important thing is how much and what the subscriber receives from the operator as part of the tariff plan. If we talk about “Super Bit”, MTS (the description on the site completely coincides with the actual amount of information provided) allocates 3 gigabytes of data per month for the user’s free disposal. It is noteworthy that you can work with this package not only in networks of a certain format, but also select them at the discretion of the user. This means that 4G Internet will cost the same as a 3G connection. Let's put it this way: it is very convenient for those who have advanced smartphones and tablets.

Package cost

350 rubles per month - the cost of the “Super Bit” tariff plan (Internet). MTS does not limit the service by region. This means that you will be able to fully use your device throughout Russia.

Please note that the tariff plan is specialized purely for providing online access services. This means that once you sign up, you shouldn't expect to get extra minutes for on-net or off-net calls, free SMS or other bonuses. What does the MTS Super Bit tariff include? The description on the site says that it is 3 GB of traffic.

How are funds written off?

It should be noted that money is withdrawn from your subscriber account once a month. The write-off date is the day your service was activated last month. Accordingly, your task as a subscriber is to replenish your account on time and take care of the presence of the full amount on it (350 rubles).

Another interesting point is the daily withdrawal of money in case of insufficient funds. As described in the characteristics of the “Bit” tariff plan, if there is insufficient money, a withdrawal of 8 rubles per day occurs. However, on “Super Bit” such an option does not exist at all. Here the data package is provided for a month, whereas in the “Bit” tariff it is provided for a day.

How to connect/disconnect?

It may be that the user is not satisfied with the opportunities provided by Super Bit (MTS). In this case, disabling the service would be the most correct decision. The subscriber can manage it (connect or disconnect depending on preferences) in several ways. The first, as already noted, is a personal account on the MTS website. By logging into it, the subscriber can see which specific services are currently available on his number and, accordingly, can easily disable or connect them. The same applies to the tariff plan that we are discussing.

If you are a subscriber of the MTS network, you can connect to Super Bit by calling the operator. It's free, and all you have to do is ask for an application to activate the service using your phone number. Please note that it may take some time to process - it will be required to update the data.

You can also activate the service yourself using a short combination that you need to enter on your phone. This is *628#, after which you need to press the call key. Accordingly, the command to disable the service is *111*252*2#. Another option is to ask your operator for help.

Additional features

For those for whom the amount of data provided under this tariff plan is not enough, there is the opportunity to purchase so-called “speed limits”. They can be used if you see that you will reach a zero traffic balance. The service is provided in packages of 100 and 500 megabytes and costs, respectively, 30 and 95 rubles per day. Additional data disappears 24 hours after activation or as the user spends it.


For those subscribers who believe that this amount of data is too much for them, there is an alternative. You can order a service cheaper than Super Bit. MTS describes an alternative service, by the way, right on the same website page as the one indicated. We are talking about the “Bit” tariff plan. It costs less, although it requires a smaller data package: in total, as noted above, 75 megabytes per day with a monthly payment of 200 rubles. It is important to note that the “Bit” tariff is intended to work within Moscow and the region, so it loses relevance in other regions. To verify this, go to the “Bit” and “Super Bit” (MTS) services page. Their descriptions, as it was emphasized, are located nearby so that it is easy for the visitor to make comparisons.

If, on the contrary, you find there is not enough data, you can switch to more expensive, but free tariffs for tablet computers and home PCs. On MTS these are the “MTS Tablet” (4 GB per month) and “MTS Tablet Mini” plans (step-by-step increase in the package from 13 MB per day and beyond). However, the conditions that are provided for by these tariffs are a topic for another article.

Now the Internet for a person is an important part of life in which you can communicate, learn news and share information. MTS offers various options for accessing the network. One of the most successful is the “SuperBIT” service.

Description of service

After connecting the option, subscribers can:

  1. Communicate through social networks or modern instant messengers.
  2. Watch videos online, download programs or read news.
  3. Listen to music and download songs you like.
  4. Use mail and clouds to store data.

The option is valid throughout the country, regardless of the connection region. MTS subscribers with the service receive 3 GB of traffic every month. A fixed subscription fee is charged for use.

Conditions and cost

To activate SuperBIT, you need to know the basic conditions:

  1. After activation, 3 GB of traffic for accessing the Internet is added to the balance.
  2. The package is valid for a month, access to the Internet within the quota will be at maximum speed.
  3. Connecting other options from the family will not be possible. In this case, one of the services is automatically disabled, and the more voluminous of the entire line works.

Compared with the "BIT" option, this service has a higher speed and more traffic, which is provided immediately in its entirety, and not every day.

Since SuperBIT does not have an unlimited limit, you need to keep track of the remaining megabytes and other data on the service:

  1. To receive a notification that traffic will end soon, just enter the request *111*218# or send a message to number 5340 with the text INFO.
  2. To check the status of an option, whether it is activated or deactivated, enter the command *111*217# or an SMS is sent to number 5340, the body of the letter contains the symbol “?”.
  3. You can turn off any notifications using the command *111*219# or the word STOP in SMS.

The subscription fee for using the option is 350 rubles. It is written off immediately after activation, and then every new month on the day the service is activated.

Subscribers who participate in the MTS loyalty program can buy SuperBIT using points. To do this, you will need to spend 990 bonuses under the MTS-Bonus program.


According to the terms of the option, 3 GB of Internet per month is credited. If the traffic ends before the period for accruing a new quota, then an additional 500 MB is automatically connected. They can be activated a maximum of 15 times per month. Each connection costs 75 rubles.

The entire remaining megabyte will not be transferred to the new month and will simply be cancelled. If the main limit is used, as well as all additional 500 MB, then access to the Internet stops. You can increase the volume using the Turbo Button service.

How to connect

Activation is free, and to enable the service you must perform one of the described actions:

  1. Go to the MTS website, log into your personal account and register. After logging into the system, go to the number management tab, find the desired service and press the connect button. A similar opportunity is provided in the My MTS mobile application.
  2. Send the service combination to the network, after which SuperBIT is activated in 5 minutes. Enter the request *111*628*1# on your mobile device or *628# and a call is made.
  3. Send a text message to 111 with code 628.
  4. Call the MTS operator at 0890 and ask to turn it on remotely. To do this, you need to give passport data.
  5. Personally contact the manager of the MTS communication salon. Employees will independently perform the connection at the request of the subscriber. The main thing is that there are documents confirming the identity of the owner of the SIM card.

SuperBIT is activated in a couple of minutes from the moment of application. After connection, an SMS confirmation is sent to the number.

How to disable

If the option is no longer needed, it is necessary to connect another service with less or more traffic, then the option is deactivated. To do this you need:

  1. Send a text message by phone 111, specify the combination 6280 in the body of the letter.
  2. Enter the request *111*628*2# on your device and make a call.
  3. Use a mobile application or personal account. After entering, go to the active services section, find SuperBIT and press the disable button.

If difficulties arise, contact MTS employees for help. You can call the operator at 0890, who will remotely turn it off, or personally go to the communication salon, where company employees will provide assistance.

Almost every person connected to the MTS network wants to use the mobile Internet. The latest systems are able to offer each user to watch movies and videos using different sites via the Internet. In this situation, the question very often arises of how the connection to the network occurs and what features it has.

Connecting Internet services

Each subscriber can connect the Internet option, and he can choose the following service:

  • To connect MiniBit, you should dial *111*62# from your mobile phone, then the call button, after the answering machine says everything, press "1". You can also use the Internet and activate the service on the company’s website. There is also an option using SMS, which should be sent to number 111 and indicate “62” in the text of the message.
  • The bit on MTS is connected using the USSD command *111*252*2# or using the code command *252*0#. After the grid and don't forget to press the call button. You can also send a message to the operator at number 111, and write 252 in the text. Or you can go to your personal account on the company’s website.
  • SuperBit is connected using the command *111*628*2# or the simpler *628#. After entering the command, be sure to press the call button. It is also possible to send an SMS to number 111 and write 6282 in the text. Or you can go to your MTS organization campaign account and connect to the service.
  • You can also connect BIT Smart by sending an SMS using the free dialing number 111 and writing 8649 in it, also in the previous options you can use the website or dial the next series of numbers *111*8649# and be sure to call the call button.

When you want to connect Super Bit, you are offered to listen to detailed information. This is a very important point, since over time the information may become outdated, because every day more and more new tariffs and options appear, which is a consequence of the fact that older functions stop working.

How to connect the BIT option: important points

If you are an active person who cannot imagine a day without the Internet available via mobile, then you should definitely find out about the unique “BIT” option. This system helps to implement Internet service on any device and there is no traffic limit, the data transfer speed is high, and the cost is low.

In order to connect such a service, you can use the following methods:

On your mobile device, dial *252# and the call button, you can also dial *111*252*1# and call. It is worth saying that the Internet will work properly, no matter what combination you type.

You can send a free SMS to 111 and enter the text 252. This method will activate your request to activate the service. After a few seconds, you will receive a response SMS, in the body of which you can read about confirmation of activation of the option.

You can do it even simpler, use your computer and the Internet by going to the company’s website and selecting Internet Assistant. Then you should go to the "Internet" section. Then select the BIT function you need and click connect. From now on, you can use this feature on your mobile device.

Another way to resolve this issue is to contact the company’s office and ask them to help you connect this option. To do this, you need to have a document confirming your identity with you, because employees will ask you to show it to make sure that you are not a fraudster. And they will help you connect to this option.

And the last connection option is to call the number 0890+0; after the company employee picks up the phone, you must tell about the purpose of your call. Surely you will have to tell some information about yourself that only you know. First of all, you must provide your full name and serial number of your passport, and after that the main points of such a procedure are drawn up. Then you will be asked about your mother's maiden name. When you provide answers to all questions, after a short period of time, this option will be connected to you, and you will be able to use it.

Mobile Internet has long been firmly established in the life of modern people. The main problem for most subscribers who use a smartphone to access World Wide Web networks is paying for each megabyte of traffic used.

Tariff description

The MTS Super Bit service is an advantageous offer for those who want to freely communicate on social networks, watch videos, listen to music, use an email client and cloud storage. As part of this service, MTS subscribers are provided with 3 GB of Internet traffic for 30 days at the rate of 100 MB for 24 hours. Speed ​​in 2G, 3G and 4G networks is limited only by the capabilities of the owner’s smartphone.

After using daily traffic, Internet access does not stop, its speed simply decreases to 128 kBt/s.

The tariff is valid throughout the Russian Federation. According to customer reviews, the main attractiveness of this service is its small subscription. a fee that is charged to the subscriber once per calendar month of use.

Connecting Super Bit

To activate this option, an MTS client can:

  1. Use the command *111*628*1#;
  2. Create a message to the free service number 111, where you indicate the digital code 67;
  3. Carry out the activation procedure in the “Client Account”.

There is another simpler, but longer way: dial *628#. Next, follow the prompts of the voice assistant.

Disabling an option

If there is no need for high-speed Internet, then the option can be easily disabled:

  1. By command *111*628*2#.
  2. SMS with text 670 sent to the service number.

You can also carry out the procedure for disabling the service in your Personal Account or using the “Virtual Manager” service.

It should be understood that the provider provides its customers with a lot of options for obtaining various services, many of which are mutually exclusive. Any options for tariff plans "Internet", "Unlimited" or "MTS for Tablet", when the Super Bit option is activated, should be deactivated. When the Super Beat service is activated, the Super Beat Smart option cannot be activated.

If you have any problems with the activation or deactivation of the service, it is recommended to contact the duty operator of the consultation center.

Using the option abroad and in Crimea

Most MTS subscribers, leaving the country, do not stop using the resources of the World Wide Web. For such cases, the provider has provided the possibility of using the Super Bit option.

Internet traffic outside the home network is much more expensive than on its territory. The amount that the provider charges varies depending on the country in which the client is located.

The procedure for activating the option is carried out according to the following algorithm.

  1. Code *111*2224 # .
  2. Message 2224 to the engineering number “111”.
  3. Using a voice assistant.
  4. In the Service Management section, which is located in the user’s personal account.

To deactivate the option, you need to do the following:

  • Apply code *111*2224*0#.
  • Send an SMS with the numbers in the body 22240 to the same number as when activating the service.

You can disable the Super Bit service abroad in another simple way, using the tips in the “Virtual Manager” service.

After Crimea again became part of the Russian Federation, the provider provided residents of the peninsula with the opportunity to use high-speed Internet “Super Bit” as part of the very popular Super MTS package. When connecting this option, the subscriber is credited with 3 GB of traffic. The daily usage limit is 100 MB. In this case, a subscription fee of 249 rubles is debited from the subscriber’s balance once every 30 calendar days. To activate the service, you need to send the USSD code *628 # from your smartphone and then press the call button.

Automatic notification when limits are reached

All MTS subscribers connected to the Super Bit service can enable automatic notification of the number of remaining megabytes of high-speed Internet. To do this, just activate SMS notification by dialing *111*218# on your cell phone.

The second method: create an SMS with the text info, sending it to the service number 5340.

To disable the auto-notification option, you need to dial *111*219#.

Terms of service

Today, the option is available to all subscribers of the MTS network in the capital and region. Valid throughout the Russian Federation, including the Crimean peninsula and Sevastopol.

Comparison of the Internet on different MTS tariffs.

The 30-day limit for high-speed Internet is 3 GB.

When the quota is exhausted, the subscriber is given the opportunity to expand his capabilities by receiving additional Internet traffic packages of 500 MB, which can be received no more than 15 times a month.

Despite the fact that this option works throughout Russia, in some areas of the far north and some areas of Magadan and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk it is not technically possible to provide a connection speed higher than 128 kBit/s. When the limit is reached, the Internet provision is stopped until the quota is updated.

Enable unlimited service

If the quota for the basic Super Bit package has been exhausted and there is no possibility of increasing the volume of traffic through additional packages of 500 MB, then to be able to use unlimited Internet you can use the “Turbo buttons”, which make it possible to connect an additional 100, 500 MB, 1, 2, 5 GB.

  • An additional 100 MB per day can be obtained for 30 rubles. To activate, dial the combination *11*05*1#.
  • The cost of 0.5 GB is 95 rubles. Validity period: 30 days. Activation: *167#.
  • You can connect 1 GB of Internet traffic for a month by dialing the USSD code *467# The cost of the package is 175 rubles.
  • The cost of a 2 GB package is 300 rubles/month. Activation code: *168#.
  • You can connect to a package with 5 GB of traffic by dialing *169#. Cost - 450 rub./month.

In addition, the provider has provided an option that includes 20 GB of high-speed Internet for 30 calendar days. The price of the service is 900 rubles. Activation is performed by dialing the digital code *469#.

The coverage area of ​​these services is the entire territory of the Russian Federation. When the subscriber is in roaming, the “Turbo Button” service is not charged and traffic on it is not consumed.


Payment for the Super-Bit option is fixed, monthly. Issue price 350 rub. If there is no money in the client’s personal account, the provider withdraws 14 rubles/day. for using the service. If at the time of withdrawal of funds from the client account the subscriber's number is blocked, withdrawal of funds is carried out immediately after the number is unblocked.

Price information from the official website.

For every 30 days in which the client’s number was blocked, the subscription fee is not charged. It is very important when, if there is no money in the account, it is impossible to “go into the red.”

The cost of additional package 0.5 GB is 75 rubles. and is withdrawn automatically if there are funds in the subscriber account.

Questions from subscribers

How to track the remaining traffic on the Super Bit option?

To obtain one-time information about the traffic used and its balance, you need to dial the USSD code *111*217#. Sending will occur after pressing the call button.

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