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  • Connecting the tricolor gs b520 receiver to the TV. GS B520 Receiver Applications and Features Overview

Connecting the tricolor gs b520 receiver to the TV. GS B520 Receiver Applications and Features Overview

Failure of the power supply is one of the most common failures. satellite receivers... As a rule, this occurs due to the loss of capacitance of capacitors due to long term work, or in case of damage to the damper elements and diode bridges from a sharp voltage drop.

The symptoms of a breakdown are quite simple, the receiver either does not turn on at all, or after turning on the device screen starts blinking and nothing else happens. At the same time, repair of satellite receivers comes down to replacing damaged elements, and does not take much time. In the most difficult case, the problem is solved by completely replacing the power supply.

Crptomodule breakage

A rarer, but rather simple case is the breakdown of the cryptomodule, which is responsible for decrypting the encoded signal. In this case, the receiver works normally, but a message appears on the TV screen stating that the signal is encoded (depending on the model, this message can be displayed both in Russian and in English). Repair of satellite receivers in in this case is also quite simple: replacing the cryptomodule with a working one will help correct the situation.

Tuner malfunction

Failure of the tuner is accompanied by scattering or complete disappearance of the image, as well as periodic or constant loss of sound. This symptomatology is nonspecific, and may also be the result of damage to the antenna jack or cable, malfunctions satellite converter, and even a banal weakening of the signal due to external factors... Therefore, the repair of satellite receivers in such cases should be carried out only after a thorough diagnosis.

Malfunction of the system (mother) board

This category of malfunctions is very diverse, and in most cases, in order to unambiguously identify the cause of the failure, a full-fledged diagnosis is required. Many symptoms are ambiguous and may result from wrong setting peripheral equipment, damaged cables, and other factors.

For example, if the receiver goes into continuous loading, or all symbols light up on its display at the same time, and the device itself refuses to work, this may be the result of a failure. software... Repair of satellite receivers in this case comes down to a simple flashing (that is, reprogramming the device). At the same time, this symptom may be a consequence of the exit from building BIOS receiver, and request replacement of the defective chip.

When the voltage coming from the power supply was ringing, it turned out that a voltage of 1.8 V was present in the power supply circuit of these buffer stages (the lower one in the image above).

To understand what it is responsible for in the circuit of these cascades, I had to printed circuit board to draw a diagram of the data of the buffer stages.

It is assembled on two transistors. Accordingly, an input signal is applied to the input. At the output, we should receive the signal that is directly fed to the video output and to the "RGB" outputs of the SCART connector.

This 1.8V voltage is supplied as power to this stage. But, for this stage, this is a very small voltage. Because the swing of the output video signal is standardly 1 V. Plus, the voltage drop at the “collector-emitter” junction is about 0.7 V. That is, we are already approaching the extreme value of the supply voltage.

It is unlikely that the circuit should be powered by such a low voltage. For normal work of such a stage, its supply voltage should be from 3 to 5 V.

The next step. By the number on the board itself (at the top of the board) of the power supply, we find its diagram.

From it you can find out what voltage should be at this pin. This receiver is equipped with a power supply model "FP06M024".

Based on the circuit data, the output voltages for our power supply are +5 V, +30 V, +22 V, +3.3 V and + 12V V. As you can see, there is no 1.8 V voltage in the output voltages of this power supply.

If we trace the circuit of the power supply itself, that the line on which we have 1.8 V, in fact, should have 5 V.

Next, we figure out how this voltage is formed. We see that in this power supply, stabilization is carried out along the 3.3 V line. From here, the signal for the master divider of the U3 TL431 microcircuit is taken. This is our controlled zener diode, which directly controls the optocoupler, and due to this, the output voltage is stabilized.

12 V - stabilization is carried out using a linear stabilizer 1117 for 12 V.

22 V - not rigidly stabilized. This voltage is stabilized due to the inductive coupling of the 3.3 V and 22 V windings. That is, when our voltage drops, it will equally sink both on the 3.3 V line and on the other lines.

But, the 3.3 V line is brought into the optocoupler control circuit, therefore, if there is stabilization along the 3.3 V line, then there will automatically be stabilization for the rest of the voltages.

Same for 30 V.

And the 5 V voltage is stabilized by a separate stabilizer, which is assembled on field-effect transistor U5 and the same microcircuit as in the circuit feedback controlled by the TL431 zener diode.

This zener diode changes its resistance between the anode and cathode in such a way that at control pin 1 we maintain a voltage of 2.5 V.

Here we have a resistive divider. The resistance ratings are the same. Therefore, if the output is 5 V, then at the division point there will be half of this voltage.

Accordingly, if output voltage you need to do more than 5 V, then the resistance of the upper resistor needs to be increased.

If it is necessary to obtain a voltage less than 5 V, the resistance of the upper resistor must be reduced.

and was amazed - a lot of negative reviews, like a carbon copy written and most likely ordered from competitors. And what is surprising is that many authors sometimes do not even have the slightest idea what they are writing about, mixing and confusing the concepts of Satellite TV and Cable. Moreover, they write a continuous negative about the Tricolor in general, without specifying a specific brand and model of the receiver (and there is a large range and manufacturers are very different - Russia, China, etc.), the diameter of the plate (60, 90 or 120 cm), and about transponders generally keep quiet. Most authors refer to the absence of a signal in bad weather - but they do not write who and how they installed and tuned the dish, not a single author gave specific data on the strength and quality of the signal in clear weather and in bad weather! So is it worth trusting such reviews? But from competent setting a lot depends on the plate. So is it worth it to indiscriminately find fault with the Tricolor? It may be better to call qualified specialists from the Tricolor service or dealer center and do fine tuning satellite dish to the satellite?

I use satellite equipment Tricolor TV since 2006 and have never regretted it. I had the first receiver GS 7300 and he served reliably for 10 years. The picture rained down only in a heavy downpour, or in a heavy snowfall. Over the years, I have changed only the Chinese cable (rubbed against the edge of the roof and water got into it) from Chinese to Italian. There were no other breakdowns. If there were any questions, everything was resolved through the Technical Support service in the LC on the Tricolor website - quickly and competently - they helped, usually within 24 hours. In 2016, in May, I changed the obsolete GS 7300 receiver according to the Stock, to a more modern one GS B520 paying the company's dealer 3999 rubles.

New receiver with a new, convenient remote control, with an external IR - control port, with a USB port on front panel- turned out to be even better and more convenient than before.

I was pleased with the convenient location of the USB - port, connection to a TV receiver via HDMI, the absence of unnecessary buttons and a display on the front panel - (the simpler, the more reliable).

The new receiver heats up less, since the power supply unit is placed outside the body of the device. It has become much lighter in weight and more compact than the previous receiver (I compare it with the old GS 7300). The receiver is also equipped with a remote IR control port - which is also very convenient - now the receiver itself can be stowed away in the nightstand, or placed behind the TV case.

The menu is completely different - more convenient, since all channels are divided into categories - Children's, All-Russian, Cinema, Music, Radio, etc. I was also pleased with the presence of 20 high-definition channels and the fact that many channels can be watched 2 hours earlier. An HD image with a resolution of 1920x1080i has also become available.Channels can be edited at your discretion and form new groups from them - Favorite, Popular, etc.

The new receiver also has the function of recording programs on a USB flash drive, deferred viewing, distributing TV broadcasts to smartphones and tablets. I have not yet studied all the innovations - I am gradually mastering them. In general, I am satisfied with the new receiver so far - the image quality and sound are excellent. The signal strength is always 85 - 87%, but the signal quality is 36% - which does not allow you to watch the channels Tricolor TV in any weather with high image quality.

And one more thing - with a more detailed study of the device, the receiver GS B520- turned out to be not a receiver, but a stripped-down TV set-top box - there are not many in it useful functions, they are reduced for the sake of reducing the cost of this set-top box! Yes, and this model of the device was released specifically for the Promotion for the exchange of the old receiving equipment to a new one - so such an under-receiver came out. I recommend everyone to think carefully before switching to this model prefixes from Tricolor TV.

GS B 520, new receiver for operator, receiver box.

Today, let's take a closer look and talk about the new product for the operator. Not about some kind of advertising magazine copy, but a real serial sample.

Which can already be purchased in the vastness of our country in the public domain.

We could post a photo from a photo of a magazine or presentation ... .. But many. Who is not one day with us. You know. What we try to post detailed reviews and depending on the interest in the topic of viewers, readers, subscribers or friends, we post continuation of materials about a particular product.

Today the turn came to the receiver, which replaced several models at once. This is a GS B520 receiver.

GS B 520, operator receiver, receiver description.

Let's start as usual in our similar reviews with packaging.

That is to say - a candy wrapper, but will this candy be tasty?

We'll find out at the very end. As we can see, the packaging design hasn't changed much. Although for such a time it would be possible to try and make small innovations in the packaging concept. Of course, there are reasons for this. But of course it's too early to say how weighty they are. Perhaps, somehow we will touch upon this topic in more detail.

GS B 520, new, number and date of issue.

Only the production date can be noted. Judging by the information from the sticker, this receiver, with which we are dealing today, is still "warm". Since its production date suggests that it is not even a month old yet. Which of course can be attributed to the pluses. Because in this case, the logistics of this product from the moment of production to the moment it is received by the end customer is at its best, let's see if this fact is the only plus or not.

GS B 520, new receiver, new card sticker.

Here, of course, you can answer one more detail, now they began to glue a sticker on the packaging of the receiver for which part of the country they are intended.

In this case, we see that the European part of the country is painted over.

Opening the package, you can notice a very tight arrangement, this receiver is located with a minimum gap in it. But you can see about it in our video. We will not post these photos here.

GS B 520, new receiver overview, general view.

Let's look at the receiver. We see that this case is made of plastic, on the front panel we see a connector for external connection and one button that turns on this receiver.

GS B 520, receiver for, information on the body.

Now you can see several stickers on the case, one of them is the receiver number, the second is the identification number in the operator's system and the third is the region for which this receiver is intended.

GS B 520, new operator receiver, connectors for external connections.

Now let's see the connectors. Everything is standard here, dwell on each and write what this connector is for. This one does not seem to make sense for this, the only thing is that an additional connector can be noted for connecting an RJ45 or network or eight connector and it will run out or ethernet - whoever it is more convenient to call it. We will talk about how he fit into this receiver later, when we disassemble this receiver.

GS B 520, new receiver, new slot.

And one more thing we would like to note within the framework of this review is an additional slot on the side wall, what it is for and what its functional load we will also definitely check, but this will be a little later.

In the meantime, you can watch the video about the receiver.

Happy viewing!

We watched the video, now you can continue.

GS B 520, receiver, remote control.

As you can see the remote control already in this receiver is new, small.

GS B 520, receiver, connector information in user manual.

Anyone who has forgotten which button means what can be remembered by looking at the corresponding page. Here's an example:

1. On / Off button - using this button you can switch the operating mode of the receiver from the working mode to the standby mode and, accordingly, vice versa.

2. Button "Big TV" - using it you can call the application "Popular TV channels"

4. "Radio" button - switch between viewing TV and listening to the radio.

6. Button "OK" - Confirmation of the selection in the modes where necessary. Using it, you can call up a list of TV channels on the screen.

9. The "Subtitles" button, it has a yellow color and with this button you can call up an info banner or use the application prompts to enter additional functions.

GS B 520, receiver for the operator, information on the remote control buttons.

11. Stop button - stop playback in various applications.

18. "Menu" button - with its help you can call information on the TV screen from the main menu of the receiver

Here the description is on two sheets and we will not describe all the buttons.

GS B 520, receiver, power supply for the receiver.

And just look at the external power supply for this receiver, it also changed a little visually, while the connection connector and input and output characteristics remained the same as on many other receivers from GS Group.

Receiver GS B520, this is one of the new developments of the Tricolor company. The device is designed for the trade - in program (exchange of old equipment for new). When replacing old SD - receivers with modern models HDTV format, the current subscription to Tricolor TV services remains.

Receiver GS B 520 single-tuner, there is access to watching TV on mobile devices Oh.

  • receiver Tricolor GS B520;
  • power unit;
  • instruction;
  • connecting cord;
  • remote controller.

The approximate cost of the kit is 3000 - 6000 thousand rubles.

Attachment characteristics

The tuner supports DiseqC, and it is also possible to select and tune satellites yourself. Previously, this option was only available on the GS-9305. The device supports HD, therefore the picture broadcast by the TV High Quality... In addition to the cinch cable, you can connect an HDMI cable.

This is the first provider receiver to implement the "Record" and "Delayed View" options. In order to use this function, necessary for the console B520 Operator Tricolor Connect Flash Media ... The set-top box also reads other files from the flash drive, for example, you can view photos, listen to audio recordings.

The set-top box has built-in applications: games, timer, TV guide. Can be installed additional programs... The USB connector is located on the front of the tuner for more convenient connection different media.

Detailed specifications can be studied in the operating instructions, where Full description and contains all the necessary information.


The design of the receiver is made in a classic and austere style, the color is black, glossy. On the front panel there is a button for turning the tuner on and off, as well as a digital timer, the rest of the connectors are located on the rear side. Receiver small size, ventilation zones are located on the top cover.

Watching video content from mobile devices

In order to watch the operator's TV on a mobile device or tablet, you need to connect the set-top box to the Internet. And the “PlayTricolor” application must be installed in the smartphone.

For subscribers who do not know how to connect the set-top box to the Internet or perform installation, it is recommended to study the "USER MANUAL".


To update the software you need:

  1. Disconnect the receiver from the power supply.
  2. Insert flash drive with b520.upd file
  3. Switch on the device. There should be no graphs and notifications on the TV monitor - sms.
  4. After a while, an update request will appear on the screen, confirm it by pressing "ok".
  5. When the device update is complete, the tuner will automatically reboot.
  6. Disconnect the receiver, remove the USB flash drive from it and copy the file b520_gs1upd.
  7. Turn on the prefix.
  8. Insert a USB flash drive with the b520gs1.upd file.
  9. The update process starts.
  10. When finished, it will automatically reboot again.
  11. The device update is complete.

Advantages and disadvantages

The set-top box is equipped with all the necessary functions and options.

The pluses include:

  • high image quality;
  • the convenience of use;
  • technical equipment;
  • stylish design;
  • protection against piracy.

The main disadvantage is the long pause when switching TV channels. The set-top box recognizes files with music, photos, but movies downloaded via torrent or from another portal cannot be watched using it.

The warranty is valid for a year. And for additional items, the warranty period is 6 months.

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