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Connecting a new tricolor receiver. Tricolor tv television in a country house, cottage, dacha

It is not at all necessary to call a specialist to set up a conventional satellite dish. In this case, you can save money. We will tell you how to independently tune the Tricolor TV antenna to the satellite. With these tips, you can get it right. It is only slightly more difficult than connecting a monitor to a computer.

By the way, you can already ask the seller to assemble the antenna and bring it home assembled. This will save a little time, but even self-assembly will not complicate this process. All that needs to be done at home is to drill holes for the bracket (a plate is attached to it), and then follow the recommendations and actions in the instructions. The instruction itself must be attached to the purchase, so check the kit for its availability.

Tools and devices for tuning the Tricolor TV antenna

You will need those tools that are in any home: strong electrical tape (where can you go without it), different screwdrivers (you may need only one screwdriver of a certain type), a hammer drill or drill, pliers, a knife, 8-13 wrenches.

It is possible that some additional tools may be needed (a ladder, a stepladder, special drills for a hammer drill, clips for securing the cable, etc.), because the installation conditions are always different for different houses. Some have used and even manage to improve the original design of the bracket and weld additional ribs to it.

The standard package includes the antenna itself, a bracket, a receiver (set-top box), and a converter. Sometimes sellers have promotions and different bonuses may be included in the kit, but this is rare.

Self-tuning of the Tricolor TV antenna in theory

The procedure itself is as follows (very generalized): one person sits at home and looks at the TV screen, the other is trying to direct the antenna to the satellite and pick up the signal. Using the remote control, the signal is adjusted until the picture on the TV becomes clear.

It is worth noting that for different settlements, the independent tuning of the Tricolor TV antenna to the satellite will be carried out slightly differently. For example, when setting up an antenna in Samara, point it in the direction where the sun is at 12:30. Then it needs to be adjusted slightly depending on how the picture on the TV screen changes. As soon as the tuner sees that the picture has become clear, he gives a signal to the one who installs the antenna on the roof, and he, in turn, fixes it on the bracket in the desired position. That is, in the position in which the antenna picks up the signal.

Catching a signal is not difficult, because the Eutelsat 4 satellite (it is with its help that Tricolor TV broadcasts) covers a huge part of Russia and gives a strong signal.

Instructions for self-tuning the antenna "Tricolor TV" to the satellite

As stated above, Tricolor TV operates EUTELSATW4, which is located at 36 degrees east longitude. Installation is carried out in several stages, each of which we will describe sequentially below.

Determining the location for the antenna

The main criterion for such a place is a free view in the direction from which the signal will come. There may be leaves and trees behind the antenna, this is not important, but it should be clear in front of its face. Depending on the city, the visual line connecting the satellite and the antenna is elevated from the horizon by 27-30 degrees. If this visual line rests against any structure (house, for example), then you should look for another place.

Experts recommend installing the antenna on the roof of the house, on the outside of the balcony, but not inside (because of the glass). Also, you cannot install the antenna on sloping roofs, because it will collect snow in winter, and these are additional loads for which the antenna is not designed.

If the antenna has not been assembled for you in the store, then you should assemble it yourself strictly in the same order as indicated in the instructions. At the place that you have chosen, we attach the bracket. Depending on the conditions (wall material, etc.), we select the correct fasteners: drills, anchor bolts, screws, etc. It is important to consider the possibility of precipitation, in particular snow. Install the antenna in such a place that snow cannot fall on the converter.

F-connector connection

Next, we connect the cable to the converter using a special F-connector (it is included in the kit). Then we fasten the cable to the envelope holder with ties or simple electrical tape and be sure to seal the f-connector. The same tape is ideal for sealing. Just roll the joint in several layers. It is advisable to use silicone sealant in addition, but if it is not there, then it's okay. Some users find another solution: they use a regular plastic soda bottle. The bottom is cut off, a joint is placed in it, then both ends are wrapped with electrical tape. Reception, though primitive, but working. Although ideally it should be silicone sealant and electrical tape.

The F-connector itself is easy to install: bare the cable, insert it into the connector, and fix it. Everyone was dealing with a regular cable that connects to a TV. It's the same here. The photo below shows examples.

Now we put the plate itself on the bracket. To begin with, it does not need to be twisted tightly, but it should not dangle from the wind either. Tighten the adjusting nuts, but not very tightly, because you have to turn the plate left-right and up-down to find the perfect point.

Setting up a satellite dish "Tricolor TV"

First, it sets the angle of rotation of the antenna and the azimuth. So far, approximately. Depending on the city, you need to exhibit in different ways. For example, the azimuth in Togliatti is 197.49 degrees, the elevation angle is 27.884 degrees (you need to orient yourself to the south). A compass or city map will help with this.

Install the antenna so that it corresponds to an elevation angle of 26.6 degrees. This means that the plate itself should be tilted 3-4 degrees down. Then connect the cable that comes from the converter to the set-top box. It needs to be inserted into the LNB IN jack (the leftmost one in the picture below).

TV connection

The same F-connector is used here, so there shouldn't be any problems. Now we connect the TV to the receiver. Everything must be done in the order indicated in the instructions. That is, first we connect the cable to the TV (use the RF OUT jack on the receiver and the only antenna jack on the TV), turn off the TV. If the receiver is turned on for the first time, the LNB power on it may be turned off. In some it is so. The power turns on when you follow the instructions in the start menu. When enabled, the search is activated and must be checked by simply pressing the EXIT button.

Setting up the receiver on TV

  1. Antenna - 1;
  2. Frequency - 12226;
  3. Satellite EutelsatW4-EutelsatSesat;
  4. FEC - 3/4;
  5. Polarization - Left;
  6. Flow rate 27500.

There will be two indicators on the TV screen. The lower one shows the signal level, the upper one - the quality. The person on the roof must move the antenna mirror slightly horizontally to find the position at which the signal level will be maximum (bottom indicator). Then the dish should be moved up and down to find the best signal quality (upper indicator). This is how the search for the desired point is carried out and the Tricolor TV antenna is tuned to the satellite. As soon as the point is found, the plate must be finally and firmly fixed in the desired position.

Influence of weather on setting and searching for a signal

Signal strength is highly dependent on weather conditions. If it is raining or foggy, cloudy, then it is unlikely that you will be able to tune the Tricolor TV antenna yourself. It is simply impossible to catch a strong signal strength. This should be done on a clear day under ideal weather conditions.

As soon as all the described actions are performed, you can search for channels. The instructions for the receiver necessarily tell you how to do this. But this is understandable even intuitively. Here we will not describe the process of searching for channels, but note that first we need to find only the info channel. In theory, only it should be available to the user after installing the antenna. Access to others after registration on the Tricolor TV website and card activation.

The subtleties of self-installation and tuning of the Tricolor TV antenna

There are some unspoken rules and subtleties that you need to know about:

  1. We look at the neighbors. There are almost always plates in the neighboring houses of neighbors. To begin with, we install our antenna in approximately the same way.
  2. If it was not possible to catch the satellite within the first 20 minutes, then it is better to look for another place for installation.
  3. When setting up the receiver, it is better to have a small monitor (TV) nearby so that you can immediately see how the picture changes when the antenna moves. Most often, people, trying to tune the Tricolor TV antenna to the satellite on their own, shout to each other or talk on the phone.
  4. It is best not to change your PIN unless absolutely necessary. If you change the code and then forget it, there is no way to restore it. Although it is possible to flash the receiver again, it is difficult and not available to everyone.
  5. Once all the channels are found, you need to finally tighten the antenna to the maximum.
  6. If suddenly the antenna tunes to another satellite (and this may be), then you do not need to save the found channels. You will have to adjust the Tricolor TV satellite dish again yourself, rotating it horizontally and vertically in order to find the best signal point.
  7. Finally, tighten the bolts carefully. Often, when tightening the bolts, users knock off the position and everything has to be done again.
  8. You need to register on the Tricolor TV website after setting up, not before. First, you set up the antenna, and as soon as the information channel is shown clearly, you can register on the company's website. After receiving the smart card, all channels will become available over time.

That's all. We can assume that you have done the tuning of the Tricolor TV antenna with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in the process itself, and any person who knows how to use a drill / puncher and knows how to connect the simplest F-cable to the receiver and converter can handle this. No specialized knowledge is required, so you don't need to call a specialist if you don't want to spend extra money.

Of course, this process is not described in as much detail as possible. It is likely that some difficulties may arise during the installation that cannot be foreseen when writing the article.

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Tricolor is the leading provider of satellite TV. The Tricolor set is not cheap, and even for the connection you will have to pay a round sum. How to connect Tricolor yourself, keeping your finances?

Cymbal Assembly Tools

Contrary to popular belief that it is impossible to assemble and install a dish antenna for satellite TV, you can still do it yourself. An exception is if the subscriber lives very high, and the plate will be mounted not from the side of the balcony. In this case, in order to protect yourself, you need to call the masters, at least to install the plate to the wall of the house. And you can already connect the cable in the future and independently.

If you can personally install a plate, you need to arm yourself with the following tools:

  • wrenches of various sizes;
  • screwdrivers of various sizes;
  • puncher;
  • insulating tape;
  • fasteners;
  • level;
  • pencil, or a pen for sketching.

The best place on the wall for a plate

Setting up a Tricolor plate will not work without a properly selected place for its installation. The antenna should be installed only on the south side of the house. If the apartment is located so that not a single window faces the South, you need to fix it where the South will be closer, and then tune it to the satellite.

When choosing a wall, you need to focus on the following:

  1. there should be no tall buildings and trees in the immediate vicinity of the dish, they can interfere with the signal.
  2. Another factor affecting the installation of the dish is its position in relation to the TV. The closer they are to each other, the better the signal will be, and hence the image.

Unfavorable places for installing the Tricolor plate:

  • glazed balconies and loggias;
  • places without drainage systems;
  • the area where the plate can be covered with snow;
  • roofs with a gable or more roof, asymmetrical roof.

How to assemble a Tricolor plate yourself?

The first step is to collect the entire plate. How to do it yourself?

Quite simple if you follow the instructions below. If there is an opportunity to invite assistants to help, it will be just wonderful, because the antenna is rather bulky, it is inconvenient to mount it alone.

  1. The initial stage is the installation of a massive bracket, which is included in the Tricolor TV set. The types of fasteners and tools depend on the type of wall - it is load-bearing or solid.
  2. When fixing the bracket, remember that the converter on it must be installed downward to protect the plate from being covered with snow.
  3. Next, you need to fix the converter and the cable together using the F-connector. To do this, you need to free the cable from the top insulation by no more than 10 mm.
  4. Next, you will have to tightly wrap the cable with shielding braid and foil. The inner insulating layer must also be removed 10 mm and the connector tightened as much as possible.
  5. Next, you need to prepare stitches and electrical tape in order to install the cable in the arc of the holder for the converter.
  6. Sealing is a necessary procedure. It should extend along the entire length of the cable. In some cases, a silicone sealant may be required.
  7. Then you need to fix the antenna to the bracket. It must be installed so that at any time it is possible to rotate the plate in different directions.
  8. Completion of the plate assembly: you will need electrical tape and ties, because the cable must be fixed on the bracket, in addition to the antenna. If you fasten the cable with a small margin, this will subsequently facilitate the installation and repair of the device, if necessary.

Mounting the TV connector

Following the further instructions, you can independently prepare the connector for the cable:

  1. for fear of damaging the shielding braid, that is, very carefully, you need to get rid of the cable from the upper insulation by about 15 mm;
  2. shielding braid and foil must be placed along the entire length of the cable;
  3. then it will be necessary to rid the cable of 10 mm of the inner layer of insulation;
  4. then it is necessary to screw in the connector as much as possible and disconnect the conductor with pliers, which should protrude no more than 3 mm beyond the edges.

The picture on the TV, which will be broadcast via satellite TV, depends on the work carried out by the installer. The order of the instructions should be followed very carefully. It is necessary to put all your efforts and work into setting up Tricolor TV!

How to adjust the Tricolor plate yourself?

The more accurately the antenna is adjusted, the better the quality of the video broadcast on TV will be. The peculiarity of the dish adjustment depends on the angle and azimuth of the place where the antenna is installed. These quantities are measured in degrees.

The difficulty in choosing azimuth and angle is that in some regions it differs. To what values ​​are needed for a particular region, you need to go to the Tricolor website.

If, for some reason, the channels are out of order, or show poorly, it is necessary to re-adjust the cymbal by rotating in different directions until a subtle signal appears. You need to rotate the plate slowly, moving it to the side by a millimeter so as not to miss the signal.

Before setting up the cymbal, you need to connect the cable to the TV jack and turn on the TV. Turning on the TV, you do not need to tune in channels right away, you just need to check for the presence of a signal from the satellite.

How to set up Tricolor channels?

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To tune the Tricolor channels, you need to go to the "Antenna settings" menu. Then you need to move the antenna cursor in the plane to such an extent until a satisfactory signal is received.

  1. There should be no noise or ripples on the screen, and the sound should be clear and of high quality.
  2. The next step is to go through the "Received signal strength" option.
  3. Then, using the remote control of the receiver, press the "MENU" button.
  4. Then you should find the "Settings" tab, confirm the command by pressing the "OK" button.
  5. For further installation, a password is provided. At the initial stage, the provider provides for the introduction of four zeros. In the future, subscribers should change the password to one that is easy to remember.
  6. Next, you need to go to the "System settings" tab and again approve the command by clicking "OK".
  7. Next, you need to enter the "Antenna settings" menu and confirm the request.
  8. After the Tricolor subscriber chooses the antenna installation mode and the list of channels, you need to determine the satellite that corresponds to the region: Eutelsat 36A or Eutelsat 36B.

You need to find two scales in the antenna installation menu options, they characterize the signal quality. The top must be filled at least 70%, the bottom 65%.

How to choose a cable for satellite TV and lay it?

It is necessary to start connecting satellite TV with the selection and laying of a high-quality coaxial cable. The cable marking must be SAT, which means that it is capable of transmitting satellite signal frequencies up to 2400 MHz.

Specialists of the store where the cables are sold can assure that the cheaper one will do. This is so, the image quality can be very different for the worse if you save money and purchase a cheap cable.

Cheap cables are also bad because they age over time, even if the original image quality was perfect. After a few years, and even after a year, the picture on the TV becomes of a poorer quality, or disappears altogether. In this case, many subscribers begin to blame the quality of the provider's services, for which they are greatly mistaken.

When connecting Tricolor television, the distribution television network should be built in this way:

  1. from the installation site of the TV (s) a cable is laid to the installation site of the satellite signal distribution device ( it can be a multiswitch or an active splitter).
  2. The switchgear is an active equipment, therefore, in order to avoid overheating or short circuits, it is necessary to provide a power outlet with a 220 V power supply in the place of its installation.
  3. Further from the place of installation of the distribution device, you need to lay 2 cables to the place of installation of the plate. If only 1 cable is laid to the satellite dish, there is no way to lay more, then you can use a polarizing diplexer. It helps to transmit 2 polarizations from an antenna to a multiswitch over one cable (there are limitations for using a polarization diplesker along the length of the cable and its attenuation coefficient).
  4. A television outlet is installed near each TV connected to the Tricolor; it, like the cable, must be marked "SAT".

How to connect the Tricolor TV + terrestrial digital channels system

If the subscriber has several TVs and not all are used equally often, then it is recommended to install a combined system in which the most frequently used TVs, on which you need to have the maximum number of channels used (including in high definition format - Full HD), are connected to the Tricolor television TV ”, and those TVs on which there will be enough thirty digital channels are connected to digital free channels.

Digital channels are broadcast from Ostankino as part of three multiplexes:

  1. RTRS 1 (Russia 1, Match TV, Russia 24, NTV, 1 channel, Russia K, Karusel, 5 channel, TVTs, OTR);
  2. RTRS 2 (Muz TV, TNT, Mir, Zvezda, Friday, TV-3, Domashny, STS, Spas, Ren TV);
  3. RTRS 3 (Match! Arena, Match! Game, Match! Fighter, My Planet, Science 2.0, Russian Novel, Russian Bestseller, Russian Detective, History, Cartoon, Sundress, Country, Amusement Park, IQ HD, 24 Dock, 24 Techno, Mother and Child, NSTV, Trust, Euronews, Music of the First, House of Cinema, Time, Telecafe, 365 Days, TNT Comedy, Much TV, HD Life, STV, India, Comedy, A Minor, Interesting Cinema, Kitchen TV, Auto Plus , Our football, Life news).

The described system allows subscribers to really save on the annual subscription fee for television, since the subscription fee for the RTRS 1, RTRS 2 and RTRS 3 multiplexes is not charged.

In order to bring the system to life, you need to do the following:

  • install satellite and digital terrestrial antennas;
  • from the satellite dish, you need to lay two cables to the switchgear and one from the digital terrestrial antenna;
  • each cable connects to one device;
  • the digital terrestrial signal must be amplified before being connected to the switchgear. For this, an amplifier or a mini head-end is installed (which is more preferable).

As a result of such painstaking work, both the Tricolor satellite signal and the digital terrestrial signal will be present at each branch of the switchgear. It will be supplied to each TV through the distribution network.

  1. To watch Tricolor TV channels, you need to install the Tricolor TV receiver or CAM module.
  2. Other TVs watch digital channels for free.

How to connect TV from Tricolor without a satellite receiver?

If the subscriber has TVs fixed to the wall with a bracket, and there is no place to install the receiver, or the subscriber wants to control Tricolor TV with only one remote control from the TV, not using the one that comes with the receiver, then it is proposed to install Cam-module (DRE-Crypt MPEG-4 conditional access module) or headend.

To connect Tricolor TV using Cam-module, it is necessary that the TV supports the format DVB-S / S2 MPEG-4 and had a CI slot (Common Interface)... In this case, the distribution network is built in the same way as for connecting Tricolor TV on satellite receivers.

  1. A special TV interface through the TV network must be connected to the plate.
  2. The cam module is installed in TV CI slot, in the TV menu, you need to register the broadcasting settings of the Tricolor TV television.
  3. Satellite TV channels are controlled via a TV remote control.

Connecting "Tricolor TV" television using a television satellite headend is a difficult task, it is difficult to cope with it if you have never encountered it before. Moreover, it is also more expensive. In this case, the signal from the satellite dish will be fed to the headend, where it is converted into a digital cable DVB-C format.

  1. From the headend through the TV distribution network, the signal will be fed to the antenna input on the TV.
  2. You need to tune the channels on the TV with the usual channel search through the main menu.

How to connect an even number of TVs based on the GS E501 / C591 system

If there is a need to connect two, four, six or more TVs, then you can really save money by using the GS E501 / C591 system.

The connection diagram of the Tricolor TV GS E501 / C591 system slightly differs from the one described above, and this must be taken into account when laying cables.

  1. To install the Tricolor TV GS E501 / C591 system, the plate is installed as for simple equipment.
  2. The converter is used by QWAD - with four (six, depending on the number of TVs connected) independent outputs.
  3. From the converter to each GS E501 receiver, you need to lay two coaxial cables marked SAT.
  4. The GS C591 receivers are connected to the GS E501 receiver through a UTP category 5e cable (twisted pair).
  5. If the subscriber has a computer network - SCS, then it is not necessary to lay a UTP category 5e cable, since the signal can be transmitted over the SCS home network.

In 2014, General Satellite has developed and brought to the market a set of Tricolor TV equipment for 2 TVs - GS E501 / C591. The cost of such a kit will not be much more expensive than a kit for one TV. The option of connecting four TVs using two GS E501 / C591 systems is considered the most advantageous.

How to connect a TV to the receiver: detailed instructions

When the cables are laid, the dish is installed and configured, you need to proceed to the direct connection of the television to the cable. We suggest considering detailed instructions:

  1. On the rear panel of the receiver there are LNB IN connectors - connected to the convector, LNB OUT - for a high frequency antenna cable, a connector for a power supply, and also, depending on the tuner model, SCART, HDMI or "tulip".
  2. Since the model range of Tricolor TV receivers is quite diverse, the set of available connectors may differ. All of the outlets listed may be present, but more often than not there is only one kind. USB output needed for updating software tuner.
  3. Next, you need to focus on the existing differences in the firmware of the receivers. Some of them allow transmitting images to all outputs, others will offer the subscriber to choose which output the signal will go to. Depending on the technical characteristics of the tuner, there are several options for connecting it to a TV.
  4. Regardless of what cable the subscriber will use to connect the receiver and the TV set, it is necessary to take an antenna cable and connect it to the LNB IN jack of the tuner.
  5. When you plan to use a high-frequency cable, which is described above, you need to connect through the LNB OUT and the antenna connector of the TV.

Next, you need to turn on the receiver and TV. If the receiver is connected and started to work, you can recognize it by the inscription "Boot", which will appear on the display of the tuner. When a channel number appears instead of this inscription, you need to search for channels on the TV until the message "No signal" appears. This means that the subscriber has connected the receiver correctly.

In the same way, connect SCART - EXT, "tulip" - AV or HD cable MI. Using the TV remote control, the desired type of input signal is selected - AV, EXT, HDMI, by successively pressing the “Sourse” button (or “TV / AV” on older TVs) until “No signal” appears. The connection was successful, it remains only to tune the antenna (how to do it - read above).

If the cable connector was selected incorrectly, the TV cannot be connected, even if the cable is inserted into the socket. How to prepare a TV connector is described above in this article.

Digital television and wireless Internet are no longer something special today, they are available to almost everyone. The service price is not high. True, not every TV (in the case of connecting satellite TV) is still capable of supporting this format. This requires special equipment that converts the digital signal to analog.

Why do you need a receiver? This is a device that sees satellite TV signals, converts digital codes into analog ones and transmits them to a TV set (for example, samsung). To make the signal clearer, and in order to connect the receiver, it is best to use only one wire. Thanks to this, switching signal sources can be carried out on the receiver itself. And at the same time, it will be enough just to turn on the TV. The most popular provider today is the wireless Tricolor TV.

This gives rise to the first rule of connecting the receiver - to connect it to a TV or computer so as to ensure the maximum quality of signal reception. According to the degree of reduction in quality, several connection options can be distinguished (when it comes to video images):

  • HDMI wireless.
  • Component.
  • S-video.
  • Composite.

For an audio antenna, the choice becomes even smaller:

  • HDMI (not yet available everywhere);
  • digital (optical or coaxial);
  • analog RCA connection.

The second important point can be formulated as follows: the simpler, the better. This means that the TV receiver should have as few wires as possible. True, in this case, the number of users will matter. If there are more than three, the simplicity of the connection will come in handy. If the number of spectators is minimal, you can focus on quality, install the receiver, where there will be several connecting contacts. The third rule is that the cable should not be cheap or excessively long. A shorter wire “sees” the signal better. But at the same time, its length should be such that you can freely check the connection by expanding the monitor.

Ways to connect a satellite dish Tricolor to a TV

There are at least several popular options for how to connect a receiver to a TV:

  1. HDMI connection (by the way, some samsung models support it). The most preferred option due to the high quality of both audio and video signals. One end of the HDMI cable connects to the output on the rear of the receiver and the other to the TV, if there is a jack for it.
  2. The composite connector is the simplest, but the picture quality leaves much to be desired.
  3. The S-video port is connected more than one wire, but at the same time it allows you to receive a clearer signal from the Tricolor antenna, but the color rendition comes out a little meager.
  4. RCA, also called "tulips". It is a 3-wire component interface that can be used for plasma and LCD monitors (samsung, for example). The image quality in terms of color and clarity is quite acceptable.
  5. If SCART is used, the TV receiver is connected in one of three ways: S-video, composite or RGB. Of all the analog ones, the latter, by the way, is the highest quality.

The Tricolor circuit when connected has its own characteristics, more on that below. In any case, you can set up a wireless Internet connection, satellite channels, etc., or you can invite professionals. In the latter case, you can be sure that everything will be done quickly and efficiently. The price of the issue is by no means transcendental. Convenient, comfortable and fast. Immediately after the completion of the work, it will be possible to watch your favorite programs and films.

The nuances of connecting the Tricolor antenna to the TV

The receiver for Tricolor can be connected using an antenna cable. To do this, you need to connect the receiver via the antenna cable to the antenna jack on the TV.
After that, you need to turn on the TV and receiver. The channel number appears on the display of the receiver. Now, on the TV remote control, press the "0" button and start the search for satellite TV channels. Automatic scanning stops at the frequency the receiver is tuned to. If the connection is correct, then the message "no signal" will appear on the TV screen (say, samsung).

There is another option for connecting to satellite signals - using a cable with a bell or Scart connector. First, the receiver is connected to the TV with the required cable and turns on. The channel number also lights up on the display. In order to switch to video mode, the A / V button on the TV is pressed. The required antenna connector is selected through the menu. As in the first case, an inscription about the absence of a signal should appear on the screen.

On the Internet, you can find information on how exactly such an inscription should look. If something went wrong, or there is no inscription at all, then the receiver is not properly connected and the TV does not see the satellite TV signal. In this case, simultaneously press the buttons "0" and "1" on the remote control. This is done in order to communicate with satellite equipment. Once the antenna signal is found, the channel will display a picture. Information about the activated channel will be visible at the bottom. In order to see the scale of the signal quality and its strength, press the "i" button on the receiver's remote control. Why is it needed in this case? In order to more successfully search for a satellite signal.

Each of us needs rest after a hard day at work, and as you know, for many, the best way to relax is to sit comfortably on the couch in front of your favorite TV. It is even better if an interesting film or TV show is on TV at that moment.

The role of TV in the life of a modern person

Today, not the entire population of our country has access to a large number of channels via the signal of an ordinary television antenna. Basically, this problem is faced by people living in small cities. That is why you have to "poke" 2-3 channels throughout the evening, which, in addition to everything, are displayed in not the best quality. Literally ten years ago, there was only one alternative, namely the purchase of a VCR and cassettes, which are not so cheap.

Today, thanks to rapidly developing technologies, any person, regardless of where he lives, can become the owner of a large number of television channels. Perhaps this is due to the connection of satellite television "Tricolor TV".

Work technology

Perhaps, in our time, all adults have already heard about the satellite television "Tricolor TV". However, for the majority, a satellite dish is still something very large and heavy. Modern equipment for the operation of satellite television is available in absolutely all representative offices of companies that provide these services, so the Tricolor TV connection is available to absolutely everyone. Antennas for receiving a signal of this type are nowadays implemented in very small sizes. The diameter usually reaches a maximum of 70-90 cm, and the weight does not exceed a couple of kilograms.

In addition to all this, few people imagine how the technology of this type of data transmission works. The principle of operation is not very different from that of a conventional antenna. In the case of standard television and the usual antenna, the television signal is received absolutely in any place and direction. In turn, for the operation of the satellite dish, an extremely precise adjustment of the direction to the satellite is required. It is enough to make a 1-2 degree error in the slope - and the signal quality can deteriorate sharply or even disappear altogether. Next, let's try to figure out how to independently connect "Tricolor TV".

The advantages of satellite television "Tricolor TV"

The first and, perhaps, the main advantage of this TV over the usual one is a wide selection of TV channels. At the same time, installation is possible absolutely on any territory of the country. Also, in addition to the quantity, the quality of the image should be noted. When using satellite television, this figure becomes much higher, which is good news.

A good alternative to this type is cable TV. However, this method is also possible in more or less large cities where there are companies providing this type of service.

How to connect TV "Tricolor": trust the experts

In order to install satellite TV at home, you need to purchase a complete set of equipment. This kit includes a receiver, antenna, remote control and instructions on how to connect a tricolor TV.

Today, a huge number of craftsmen and companies that are engaged in connecting satellite television "Tricolor TV". If you entrust the whole process to specialists, then high quality is guaranteed. However, there are unscrupulous workers who, in addition to incorrectly setting up the equipment, may not completely install the antenna securely, which in the future may lead to the failure of the entire system as a whole.

Handwritten equipment connection

Many people ask themselves how to connect Tricolor TV themselves, so let's try to disassemble this whole process.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out all the preparatory work. For example, you need to decide exactly where the satellite dish will be installed. Also make sure there are no obstacles in the direction of the antenna. After all, do not forget that even the leaves of trees on the way of receiving a satellite signal are a serious obstacle, or rather, an obstacle. After that, it is worth deciding on the location of the TV, and, accordingly, the receiver.

Proceeding directly to the installation, you should start by assembling the antenna. Assembly can be done indoors for more convenience. This process must be carried out in full according to the instructions that come with the equipment. After the antenna is ready for installation, it is necessary to securely fix it in the place prepared for this.

After that, you need to understand how to connect the "Tricolor TV", or rather the receiver, to the TV and to the antenna. At this point, a lot depends on the TV model. Connection is possible in several ways. An HDMI cable can be used for digital signal transmission. If your TV does not support this type of data transmission, then you should use an RCA cable, or, as it is popularly called, "tulips". And finally, it is also possible to connect using the Scart cable.

Once the receiver is successfully connected to the TV, you need to start connecting the satellite dish. How to connect Tricolor TV is described in detail in the instructions. To connect the antenna to the receiver, you need to stock up on a coaxial wire and several F-nut connectors.

When installing this wire, avoid laying it near electrical wiring. It is important to observe this rule, as otherwise there may be a lot of interference in the signal transmission.

After the cable is laid and connected to the receiver and antenna, you need to start setting up the latter. To do this, you must turn on all equipment, go to the receiver menu and select the "Signal quality" parameter. For each region, the coordinates along which it is necessary to direct the antenna are different. They are indicated in the instructions. Next, you need to point the antenna at an angle that is specified for your region. Having adjusted the signal quality to the maximum possible, you should fix the antenna in the final position. This completes the setup.

How to connect the cinema halls "Tricolor TV"

In order to connect packages of additional channels, you need to contact the services that provide these services. There are a lot of similar companies today. You just need to choose a cinema and pay the cost of the corresponding package. Most often, payment is made for the year the service is provided.

Today we will talk about how to independently connect to an LCD TV and set up Tricolor TV digital television equipment with our own hands. We will also learn how to adjust and configure a satellite dish and a Tricolor TV receiver at home

Satellite digital television Tricolor TV is a very good thing. 120 channels + radio in digital quality is a very good offer. However, the initial investment is quite large.

The installer will take a decent amount for setting up Tricolor TV. Is it possible to save on the services of a master and set up Tricolor TV yourself? Of course: there is nothing supernatural in setting up Tricolor TV on your own.

Let's consider how to install the Triclor TV antenna, connect the receiver and tune the antenna to the Tricolor TV satellite.

To assemble, install and configure the Tricolor TV antenna, you will need: a drill (puncher), wrenches, a Phillips screwdriver, a pencil, a level, a compass and a protractor (or an iPhone with an electronic compass and protractor).

The technical parameters of the receiving antenna system must ensure the characteristics of the signal at the input of the digital satellite receiver, necessary for stable reception of the broadcast signal of the Tricolor TV package (frequency 12226 MHz, polarization-left circular, flow rate SR = 27.500 Msymb / s, error correction parameter FEC = 3/4). The type and design of the converter must correspond to the type of antenna used. The technical parameters of the cable must ensure the transmission of the signal received by the antenna to the input of the satellite receiver with parameters ensuring its reliable operation.

Determination of the installation location of the antenna of the Tricolor TV dish

The choice of the antenna installation site is determined by the following requirements:

Providing line of sight to the Eutelsat W4 satellite (36 east longitude)
- reliability of the mechanical fastening of the antenna.

When choosing an antenna installation site, it is not recommended to locate it near powerful sources of radio interference (radio stations, radars, antenna systems of mobile base stations). Due to significant losses of the satellite signal in various (including transparent to visible light) materials, the antenna should not be placed inside a glazed balcony or loggia. Polyethylene film with a thickness of 70-200 microns does not significantly affect the transmission of satellite radio signals.

To make sure that there are no interfering objects (buildings, trees, etc.) in the direction of the satellite, you need to determine the angular coordinates of the satellite: azimuth (the angle in the horizontal plane between the direction to the true North and the direction to the satellite) and the elevation angle of the satellite (angle in vertical plane between the horizontal direction and the direction to the satellite). Table 1 shows the data on the angular coordinates of the Eutelsat W4 satellite (36 E), calculated for some cities of Russia.

Using the given values, it is possible with sufficient accuracy to determine the directions to the satellite for other settlements located at distances of 100-150 km from the indicated cities. It is preferable to determine the direction to True North using a geographic map of the area. Errors in determining the direction to true North at the antenna installation point using a magnetic compass can be significant due to local distortions of the Earth's magnetic field associated with the presence of magnetic iron ore anomalies and metal structures.

If, when determining the installation site, there are doubts about the possibility of providing a line of sight to the satellite, associated with the presence of close interfering objects, more accurate measurements of the elevation angle and azimuth of the satellite may be required. In this case, it makes sense to choose another place for installing the antenna, where the requirement of line of sight to the satellite is met with large tolerances in determining the calculated values ​​of the angles.

The chosen location for installing the antenna must provide for the reliability of the fastening of the antenna and its elements. To prevent mechanical and corrosion damage to the antenna structure elements, it is not recommended to install the antenna in places where it is possible to get intensively water, snow and ice on it (under the eaves of inclined roofs and weirs).

Antenna installation and tuning plates Tricolor TV.

The design of the antenna system and the device for its fastening (support) must have the necessary mechanical strength, ensuring resistance to wind loads and its safe operation.

The mounting of the receiving antenna mounting device (support) on the selected surface is carried out taking into account the specifics of the installation site and the design of the antenna used. The antenna is mounted in accordance with the assembly instructions attached to it. The converter, designed to convert the high-frequency signal received by the antenna, is installed on the mounts provided by the antenna design. The receiving horn of the converter should be directed towards the surface of the antenna.

The receiving antenna system is connected to the digital receiver using an RF cable equipped with F-type connectors. A cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms and a low attenuation level in the frequency range of 950 - 2000 MHz is used. One end of the cable is connected to the F-connector on the converter, the other to the "LBN Input" of the satellite receiver. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of moisture penetration into the cable from the side of the connection to the antenna to prevent deterioration of its technical characteristics.

Connect the RF cable to the converter after disconnecting the digital receiver from the mains. The fully assembled antenna is installed on a fastening device (support), mounted and securely fixed in a chosen place (outer wall of a balcony or loggia, wall of a house, roof or elements or structures on it, a specially prepared site on the ground).

A digital satellite receiver DRE-4000, DRE-5000 is used to fine-tune the antenna to receive the signal from the Tricolor TV digital package.

Setup steps Tricolor TV :

1. Connect the receiver to the receiving system and to the TV. Turn on the power to the receiver. After switching the receiver from StandBy to operating mode, the quick setup menu is initialized (see the User Manual).

2. Complete the following menu items of the setup wizard in
Express settings:

Language settings - "OK"

AV Out setting - "OK"

After that, the "Automatic channel search" menu is displayed on the TV screen, equipped with graphical indicators of the level and quality of the received signal (see the User Manual). You can start tuning the antenna according to the received signal.

3. Slowly turning the antenna horizontally and vertically, close to the calculated azimuth and elevation angle, achieve the appearance of readings (signal level and quality) on the corresponding indicators of the menu displayed on the TV screen.

4. Moving the antenna within a small range relative to the horizontal and vertical position specified in paragraph 4, achieve maximum readings of the signal level and quality indicators displayed on the screen. The range of angular movement depends on the type of antenna used and does not exceed at least 1 degree.

5. Fix the antenna plates Tricolor TVin the position of the found optimal setting.

6. Confirm the start of channel search in automatic mode by pressing the "OK" button on the remote control.

7. If, when searching for channels, the names of the channels included in the Tricolor TV package are displayed on the screen, then you need to make the final tightening of the antenna mounts on the support. Go to item 9, if not, to item 8.

8. If the antenna is tuned to another satellite, and the list of channels differs from that broadcast in the Tricolor TV package, you must:

A) Refuse to save the found channels by choosing the answer "No" to the on-screen menu question "Save found channels?"

B) Select "Time setting -" Back. After that, the "Automatic channel search" menu will be displayed on the screen

C) Perform steps 3-7 of the configuration steps.

9. Continue the execution of the Setup Wizard program in accordance with the "User Manual" by completing the final steps:

Time setting - "OK"

Setup finished

Antenna installation quick guide

Tricolor TV broadcasts from the EUTELSAT W4 satellite
(36 ° E) on the territory of the European part of Russia.

The elements are not able to perfectly block the flow of light - the black on an LCD TV screen is not actually completely black.

Among the shortcomings, it is also necessary to note the distortion of colors and the loss of contrast, since the viewing angle of the LCD is not so wide. Because of this feature, LCD TVs could not gain popularity for a long time, but now, thanks to the efforts of the developers, distortion has become almost invisible.

The advantages of LCD TVs include a wide selection of models with different brightness (from 250 to 1500 cd / m2) and contrast (from 500: 1 to 5,000,000: 1). Thanks to this, the buyer can purchase a device that optimally combines the required image quality and an affordable price. In addition, LCD TVs are light and thin so they can be wall-mounted.

But the biggest merit of liquid crystal technology is its massiveness. Due to large-scale production, prices for LCD TVs are now lower than other similar devices.

Antenna installation and tuning steps plates Tricolor TV.

Determining the location of the antenna. The main criterion for choosing an installation site is a free view in the direction of the satellite, which you can roughly determine from the table in section 3 of this manual. Free view means that there are no foreign objects on the imaginary line connecting the antenna and the satellite: buildings, trees, etc.

The proximity of the antenna to the location of the TV and its accessibility to the owner will simplify the process of its installation and setup.
The antenna can be installed on the outside of a balcony or loggia, on a wall near a window or on the roof of a house.
It is not recommended to install the antenna inside a balcony or loggia with glazing, in places where intensive ingress of water, snow, ice on the antenna is possible: under the slopes of a sloping roof, weirs, etc.
Mounting the antenna to the wall.

Take into account the fact that when tuning, the antenna will have to be turned in the vertical and horizontal planes, and the surrounding objects (the wall of the house, the balcony fence) should not impede this movement.

1. We make markings on the surface for fixing the antenna bracket. We drill holes with a hammer drill. We fasten the bracket to the wall. Fasteners can be selected by you independently, depending on the wall material, antenna size, wind load.

2. Install the assembled satellite dish on the bracket.
3. We prepare the cable (at both ends).

a) We strip 15mm of the upper insulating layer of PVC from the edge of the cable without damaging the shielding braid.
b) The shielded braid is tucked in the opposite direction together with the foil.
c) The inner insulation is cut by approximately 10mm.
d) We screw the F-connector onto the cable until it stops.
e) Cut off the central core (conductor) so that it protrudes 2mm beyond the edge of the connector.
4. We fasten the prepared cable to the converter. You can additionally insulate the connection from moisture using electrical tape and silicone sealant.
5. Additionally, so that the cable does not dangle, you can attach it to the bracket with plastic ties or the same electrical tape.
6. Screw the other end of the cable to the receiver's “LNB IN” connector.
Installation procedure for standard satellite TV F-connectors Tricolor TV.

1. Remove the upper cable insulation by 15 mm without damaging the braided shield.
2. Place the braided shield along the cable.
3. Carefully position the foil along the braided shield.
4. Remove the inner insulation layer by 10 mm.
5. Screw on the connector until it stops.
6. "Bite off" the center conductor so that it does not protrude beyond the connector by more than 2 mm.

Antenna tuning plates Tricolor TV(55cm or 60cm)

1. Roughly set the azimuth and elevation angle of the antenna, focusing on the data for the city closest to you, given in the table. The azimuth can be set using a compass. It is more difficult to accurately determine the elevation angle, since the tilt angle of an offset antenna depends on its design, and the Tricolor TV project uses antennas from several manufacturers. For example, the exact vertical position of the antenna of the Ulyanovsk plant "Supral" corresponds to an elevation angle of 26.5 °. Therefore, in Moscow this antenna can be installed vertically, in Volgograd it can be tilted back a little, and in St. Petersburg it can be tilted a little forward. For antennas from other manufacturers, this situation may be different.

2. In accordance with the instruction manual of the digital terminal, connect the cable from the converter to it. Cut the F-connector as described above.

3. Connect the digital terminal to the TV according to the operating instructions of the terminal and turn it on.

4. The digital terminal is preprogrammed for Tricolor TV channels.

5. Slowly moving the antenna mirror in the vertical and / or horizontal planes around the estimated point of the satellite location, achieve the appearance of the television picture on your TV screen.

6. Activate the item "Received signal strength" in the menu of your terminal. Maximize the received signal level by smoothly moving the antenna mirror vertically
and / or horizontal planes. Remember that the signal strength depends on the weather conditions. Under heavy cloudy conditions, heavy rain or snowfall, the signal strength may decrease until the picture disappears. Snow adhering to the antenna also significantly impairs reception conditions.

7. Tighten the adjusting nuts while checking the received signal level.
Important additional information on Tricolor TV.

1. We draw your special attention to the fact that the viewing of Tricolor TV programs is controlled using the receiver and the remote control from the receiver. The TV remote control is only needed to turn on and off the TV itself. Switching channels, calling information, settings are made only on the receiver itself and only using the receiver's remote control.

2. The remote control of the receiver, like other remotes of electronic equipment, is infrared and operates in line of sight from the device at a distance of about 5 meters. To control a receiver in another room (room), you must additionally purchase a radio remote control for satellite equipment (specifically for your model of satellite receiver). The radio remote control operates at a distance of up to 100 meters.

3. The encoded signal coming from the satellite is processed by the receiver, not by the TV. The TV serves only to display images from the receiver on the screen. But, several TVs can be connected to one receiver, therefore:
a) To watch the same channel turned on on the receiver, you can connect several TV points (all TVs will show the same channel).
b) To view different channels on different TVs, you need to connect your own receiver to each TV.

4. Every weekend, updated decoding keys are sent from the satellite to the receivers, so it is recommended to leave the receiver working (do not turn off) from Friday to Sunday. If you could not do this or simply did not use your receiver for a long time, then some channels (or all) may not be shown (the receiver does not have updated keys for decoding them). Then the actions are quite simple: turn on the receiver on the channel that does not show (encoded DRE channel) and leave it until the picture appears. Usually the picture is determined in an hour or two, but it can take about a day. After this procedure, all channels must be determined.

5. The inscription on the TV screen "Scrambled channel DRE" means that the signal from the traveler is received by the antenna and transmitted to the receiver, but there are no decoding keys for this signal. You need to turn on the encoded channel and wait for the picture to appear. The inscription on the TV screen "No signal" means that the signal from the antenna is not being sent to the receiver. To identify the cause and its subsequent elimination, you need to check the connection cable between the antenna and the receiver and check the position of the satellite antenna itself (whether it is physically shifted even by a centimeter or two from the direction to the satellite).

6. Registration of the receiver and activation of the "Start" card for additional channels of the "Optimum" package is necessary for decoding the channels, ie. for the channels to start showing. The search for a signal from the satellite is carried out on the equipment itself, which will receive it regardless of the registration. Therefore, we recommend that you first catch the signal and only then register.

The channels of the "Basic" package will not be activated:

a) If you first registered the DRE ID of the satellite receiver and activated the "Start" card of additional channels of the "Optimum" package, but could not independently pick up the signal from the satellite within 5 days after registration.

b) If you registered the receiver and activated the “Start” card, but did not turn on the receiver within 5 days after registration.
In this case, the paid package "Optimum" of additional channels is activated independently. If the channels of the "Optimum" package are not shown, you need to switch on the encoded channel of this package (for example, "Telenyanya" or "Kinopokaz") and wait for the picture to appear.

To activate the "Basic" package, you need to write by e-mail [email protected] v a letter to the Tricolor TV technical support service. Describe the situation clearly and indicate your registration details. Tricolor TV technical support service will process your request and activate the packages again for 5 days. You turn on the encoded channel of the free package (for example, "ORT", "Russia", "NTV") and wait for the picture to appear.

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