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Connecting and setting up roaming. Methods for replenishing an account by a MegaFon subscriber in roaming

Roaming is unique opportunity stay in touch anywhere in the world without changing your phone number. And today hundreds of thousands of people take advantage of this opportunity, going on business trips and traveling around the world. And traveling with a Beeline SIM card is even more convenient than without it, since Beeline provides roaming in almost all countries of the world.

As for intranet Russian roaming, truly heavenly conditions await travelers here. Let's look at roaming from Beeline in more detail and describe all its delights.

Roaming Beeline in Russia

Intra-Russian roaming comes in two varieties: intranet roaming in regions where Beeline is present, and national roaming, operating in regions where there is no base stations black and yellow operator. It should be noted that the cost of intranet roaming is more favorable when compared with national roaming. Therefore, you need to make sure that when traveling around Russia, the phone is registered in “its” network.

How to transfer your phone to roaming on Beeline? In most cases switching to another network occurs automatically and all calls begin to be charged at different rates.


Cost of communication services in intranet roaming for Russia is as follows:

  • All incoming calls - 9.95 rubles/min;
  • All outgoing calls to Russian license plates– 9.95 rub./min;
  • Outgoing SMS to Russian numbers – 4.95 rubles;
  • SMS to international numbers– 5.95 rub;
  • Incoming SMS – free;
  • 1 MB of received/transmitted data – according to the tariff;
  • Reception/transmission of MMS - according to the tariff (traffic may be charged in roaming).

As a rule, all mobile phones are automatically registered in the Beeline network. But if something goes wrong, subscribers can choose the desired network manually using your phone settings. And in order to reduce the cost of roaming calls from Beeline, you should understand the conditions provided by additional options.

In Chita and Ulan-Ude, intranet roaming works only in 3G networks. Accordingly, when traveling around these cities you need to arm yourself with a phone that supports this standard.

Regarding national roaming, then it provides for more serious and expensive prices:

  • Any incoming calls – 29 RUR/min;
  • Outgoing calls to all Russian numbers – 29 rubles/min;
  • Outgoing calls to CIS countries – 94 rubles/min;
  • Outgoing calls to any other countries and numbers satellite operators– 254 rub./min;
  • Outgoing SMS in all directions – 5 rubles;
  • 1 MB of received/transmitted data – 15 rubles. for 50 KB (billing interval is 50 KB).

National roaming is quite expensive, but in most cases, subscribers always have access to cheaper on-net roaming.

How to connect

In order to activate roaming on Beeline, you do not need to perform any operations - this service available to all subscribers - both new and old. As for national roaming, the following conditions apply:

  • The inclusion threshold is not lower than 600 rubles;
  • The shutdown threshold is below 300 rubles.

Thus, in national roaming you need to monitor the balance of your personal account.

Postpaid subscribers tariff plans can use national roaming at any time positive balance.

How to disable

In order to disable roaming on Beeline, contact support specialists at 0611.

Beeline roaming abroad

International roaming allows you to access communication services almost anywhere in the world. Communication rates here are more expensive, but costs can be reduced by using additional options.


Tariffs are divided into three directions - popular countries, other countries and CIS countries. The list of popular ones includes China, almost all European countries, Egypt, Turkey, USA and many other countries. The list of other countries includes destinations rarely visited by tourists - Argentina, African countries, Australia, etc. More full information according to tariffs, it is best to get it on the Beeline website. We will only give brief information about tariffs:

  • Incoming calls to popular countries– 69 rub./min, in other countries – 129 rub./min, in CIS countries – 49 rub./min;
  • Outgoing calls to any Russian numbers in popular countries - 69 rubles/min, in other countries - 129 rubles/min, in CIS countries - 49 rubles/min;
  • Local calls in popular countries - 69 rubles/min, in other countries - 129 rubles/min, in CIS countries - 49 rubles/min;
  • International calls - 129 RUR/min to any country in the world.

Price sending SMS V international roaming is 19 rubles. As for the cost of Internet access, the following tariffication applies to popular destinations: the first 40 MB per day costs 200 rubles, each subsequent megabyte costs 5 rubles. The same applies to roaming in the CIS countries. In other countries, 1 MB of received/transmitted data costs 90 rubles. But MMS in roaming are charged as follows: the cost of incoming is calculated based on the traffic consumed, and the cost of outgoing is calculated based on the cost of traffic plus the cost sending MMS according to the subscriber's tariff.

How to connect

In principle, international roaming is available to all subscribers by default. And if guest network supports online roaming, then it will turn on automatically. If the phone registers on the network without online roaming, then you need to make sure that the balance personal account was more than 600 rubles, otherwise roaming will not connect. In addition, if the account balance decreases below the threshold of 300 rubles, access to communication services will be terminated. As for subscribers with postpaid tariffs, then they need to activate the “International Communication” service.

How to disable

There is no need to disable roaming - just return to home network and calls will be made in accordance with domestic tariffs. You may need to disable some paid roaming services. If you need to disable basic service roaming, contact consultants at 0611.

Useful options for Beeline roaming

When roaming in Russia, we recommend enabling the “My Country” option. Thanks to it, the cost of incoming and outgoing calls, as well as the cost of sending SMS, is reduced. First minute incoming call costs 3 rubles, all subsequent ones are free. All outgoing calls to Russian phones will cost travelers 3 rubles/min.

There is no subscription fee - and this is a big plus. When roaming internationally, use the “My Planet” service. There is no subscription fee, the cost of incoming calls will be 15-19 rubles/min, the cost of outgoing calls will be 25-49 rubles/min (depending on the location of the subscriber). The cost of SMS is 9 rubles.

Would you like to call even cheaper? Then choose the service “Planet 0”. Subscription fee will cost from 0 to 100 rubles per day of use (if no calls were made, no fee will be charged), incoming calls will cost from 0 to 30 rubles/min, all outgoing calls will cost from 20 to 69 rubles/min, SMS costs will cost from 7 up to 9 rub. The exact cost of the call depends on the country where the traveler is located.

More detailed information You can find out about the cost of communication services with connected options on the official Beeline website.

Attention! On August 20, 2018, Beeline will cancel intranet roaming completely. You can read about this.

I have already written an article about changes in Beeline roaming conditions, you can read it. In this publication I will share additional information.

Let's start with the fact that Beeline published news on April 13, 2018 on its official website, which states that changes in Beeline roaming will begin on April 24, 2018.

Briefly about the changes

I will very briefly remind you or tell those who have not read the last article about the changes. The region of your stay, that is, the region to which you are traveling, will now be considered home, and communications will be provided there under appropriate conditions.

But with other regions the connection will be long-distance. It seems that everything is fine - a reduction in roaming prices, but Beeline, like MTS, has introduced paid incoming calls from other regions, including the connection region (that is, the real home region).

An attempt to mislead

And now an example of how mobile operators present their changes in a positive light. Here is a comparison of “what was then” using the example of the “Zero Doubts” tariff from the official news on the Beeline website.

Incoming calls from other regions have become almost twice as cheap. Beeline - well done? Although, wait... I have the “Zero Doubts” tariff and incoming calls from other regions when traveling around Russia are free... Here, in fact, is proof:

And then we find out that Beeline decided to make a comparison using the example of archived tariff plans:

Parameters may differ, you say? Yes, and they are different. This is what information about incoming calls should actually look like:

When will Beeline cancel roaming in 2018?

Let's move on now to the latest news. The news on the Beeline website indicates that the changes will begin on April 24, although the SMS that some users received stated “April 18.”

I called Beeline technical support to find out when the roaming changes would take effect. This, by the way, is a separate little story. Previously, on the archived “GO VI” I was not automatically connected to a technical support operator. At the post office [email protected] I was informed that everyone could reach a live operator and that my archived tariff had nothing to do with it. Then I switched to "ALL 1" for the test. A call to number 0611 - everything was fine, the robot spoke the information - we were connected to a live operator. Now I have “Zero doubts” without a subscription fee - again I can’t get through. I had to select " Financial questions" (3), and then "Help from a specialist" (0).

Technical support told me that the changes will be introduced in different regions on different days. For example, For subscribers in the Moscow region, new roaming conditions will begin to apply on May 10, 2018. In general, Beeline is obliged to notify all its subscribers about changes 10 days before the new conditions come into force.

When the changes take effect, the options “My Country”, “My Country (archive)”, “My Country 2013”, “Our Country”, “Our Country +”, “Travel Light”, “Travel for Friends”, " Home region" and "Home Region +" will no longer operate.

The “Calls within Russia” option will be renamed to “Calls within Russia 2017” and archived.

New Beeline services for traveling around Russia

Instead of the options listed above, others will appear.

  • Favorable intercity. This is an option for tariffs with per-minute billing, for example, “Zero doubts”. All long distance calls at home and while traveling around Russia – 3 rubles per minute. Incoming long-distance calls are free. Subscription fee – 5 rubles per day. You can read the description of this service
  • "Calls within Russia"- updated option, which is a package of minutes (100 units) for long distance calls from any region of Russia and free incoming long-distance calls. Its cost is 5 rubles per day. You can get acquainted with its two versions

FAS - who is she really for?

The attempts of the FAS RF are not entirely clear. Cancellation of roaming? Paid inboxes are difficult to reconcile with the cancellation of roaming, don’t you think? I don’t know what the FAS decree looked like to operators, but it was distorted so as not to lose money or even make money from above. So what's the result? MTS introduced its changes with paid incoming messages. Beeline will also introduce it. So, what is next? Will they be fined 100 thousand rubles? Not seriously, to be honest.

The Beeline network covers all 83 regions of Russia, and roaming within Russia in the Beeline network is available with any positive balance. Beeline roaming is also available in more than 213 countries around the world. When traveling with Beeline, your phone number will not change, and you can always call your loved ones and share your impressions!

Types of roaming

What is the difference between international, intranet and national roaming?

Intranet roaming- this is an opportunity to use your phone on the Beeline network in Russia.

Internetwork roaming– this is roaming in other networks of Beeline roaming partners.
It is possible:

Within Russia, this is national roaming (in those regions of Russia where the Beeline network is not yet available, or the service area of ​​the roaming partner’s network in a given region is larger than the Beeline network.)

In other states it is.

There is also roaming in satellite networks.

To use it, you need to purchase or rent a phone of a special standard into which you can transfer your SIM card.
In Russia, you can use roaming in the GlobalTel network. International roaming services are provided by Thuraya. In some countries, for example South Korea, you can rent a phone of the required standard right at the airport.

How to activate roaming?

At prepaid payment system:

National roaming – for using roaming additional connection not required, but it is necessary that your phone balance has more than 600 rubles. When the balance drops to 300 rubles, national roaming is disabled.

In more than 120 countries around the world you have access to:

Online international roaming. It connects automatically when there is any positive balance. When registering in networks with which online roaming is open, you can control your balance in real time;
When registering in networks with which online roaming is not available, you must have more than 600 rubles in your phone balance, including VAT, and when your balance reaches 300 rubles, the international roaming service is disabled.

At postpaid payment system:

Intranet roaming is enabled automatically.

National roaming is activated automatically.

International roaming - to activate the roaming service, you must activate the “International Communications” service.

If the phone does not register on the network

If you are in a country (city) where roaming is possible, you have a roaming service enabled, but your phone is not registered on the network, try the following:
1. Turn off and then turn on your phone. In this case, the phone will automatically register in the network whose signal level is maximum at a given point.

2. If your phone does not register automatically, try selecting the network manually through the phone menu. In the majority mobile phones this item located in the Networks menu.

3. If at manual search the device does not find any network, then either there is no roaming partner network in this area, or your phone is faulty. Try moving the SIM card to another phone.

4. If, during a manual search, the phone finds roaming partner networks, but registration in any of the networks (when selected) does not occur, check whether you have roaming enabled. To do this, contact the Customer Support Center from a landline phone number +7-495-974-8888 (from international roaming) and by phone 8-800-700-0611 from roaming within Russia.

For iPhone owners You need to pay attention to the “Data Roaming” function. If this function is turned on, then your phone can constantly support GPRS traffic, that is, regularly “independently” access the Internet. To avoid additional expenses to communicate in international roaming, we recommend that you disable the “Data Roaming” function on your phone immediately after the end of the Internet session.
To do this, go to the “Settings” section, then “Basic”, “Network” (Settings, General, Network) and in the window that opens, set the “Data roaming” switch to the “o” position.

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