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Connecting bluetooth headphones to a Samsung TV. How to connect wireless Bluetooth headphones to your HDTV

We bought a TV and found at home that there was no output for ordinary headphones. Instead of the usual output with the designation of headphones, there are two outputs, supposedly right and left. The fork - the tulip was not easy to find. In the huge "Radiotovary" store they found something similar, but it did not fit, as it turned out that one still had to guess with the distance between these two exits. What was bought by a millimeter did not fit. In this regard, 2 questions: 1. What to do? 2. What is the manufacturer's goal to make a headphone output in such an unusual way?

Keywords: how to connect headphones to a TV, how to connect headphones to a samsung TV, how to connect headphones to a TV if there is no jack,

24 answers to the question "How to connect headphones to a TV?"

    reply # 0 / replied: Customer Service

    • answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (3) / (62)

      Well friends, who drove you in the neck in the store? It was necessary to look more closely and since headphones are so necessary, take a TV with the appropriate connector. And you apparently have a linear audio output. No, the sound can still be fed into the headphones, the only question is whether the volume will be adjusted. But in essence - take your headphones, measure the required distances with a ruler, go to the store and look for the required adapter. And the goal has nothing to do with it. Headphone output is optional. You are to blame for making a purchase inattentively and not checking the functions you need.

      answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (3) / (55)

      Capitalism is schmapitalism, and yet a standard headphone output is optional. So you do not need to shift the responsibility for your own laziness to look at the product when buying, on anyone, but not on yourself. You have two choices - to buy an adapter (it's not as difficult as it seems) or a new TV.

      • answer / replied:

        Helpful answer? (23) / (3)

        just the whole charm of capitalism is to prevent such commodity experts who do not allow a complete explanation of all the functions of the purchased goods ...))))))

        answer / replied:

        Helpful answer? (17) / (1)

        Vitalik, if you have nothing to say on the merits of the issue, then there is no need to arrange a woman's chatter here! What is needed and what is not necessary without such windbags, we will figure it out.

    • answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (3) / (5)

      I will repeat myself with the advice: We buy wireless headphones for 1.5-2.5 RuY I have violated the rules of the forum and have the following advantages: 1. Range of 15 - 25 meters, not limited by line of sight and wires. 2. Headphone volume control 3. No one will ever stumble over the sleepiness from the stretching you stretch across the room.

      • answer / replied:

        Helpful answer? (6) / (0)

        You cannot connect wireless headphones to all TVs. In the Samsung 7000 series there is no such possibility, so they told me in the store. Even after entering the service mode, it is not possible to enter these headphones with software version 1034 (latest) as additional equipment !!!
        Do not rush to praise capitalism - they have only profit on their minds, they don't give a damn about our problems.

      answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (8) / (7)

      And such a question (maybe a stupid one - for women, but still): radio headphones also somehow connect, you also need to plug something in somewhere so that they understand where the sound is coming from ... So, radio headphones can I connect if there is no standard output?

      answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (3) / (3)

      vitalik76 wrote: Capitalism is schmapitalism, and nevertheless the standard headphone output is not a mandatory function. So you do not need to shift the responsibility for your own laziness to look at the product when buying, on anyone, but not on yourself. You have two choices - to buy an adapter (it's not as difficult as it seems) or a new TV. I'm watching, you know everything, and I have 2 questions for you: 1. where exactly can you buy an adapter for TV LE26B450? 2. will there be a good sound? here others say that the sound will be unimportant ...

      answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (10) / (2)

      1. Of course, there is no adapter only for this particular TV in nature. You just need to take any one that has two tulips at the input, and a 3.5mm mini-jack at the output. Do not want to buy, contact any person who is not afraid of the word soldering iron. Having the indicated connectors and pieces of wire, he will make a similar adapter for you in a few minutes. 2. The sound will be normal, but the loudness will probably not be regulated. However, this can only be established experimentally. By the way, there are headphones on sale with volume control, so this is not a problem either.

      answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (53) / (0)

      Here you are self-assured fuckers, I read and you piss me off !! Then the man asked how to connect the headphones, and you are doing moralizing here! Teach Yourself !! And if you do not know the answer to the question. then there is nothing to climb at all! Damn clever guys !!

      answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (30) / (1)

      Moderator! awww! rub comments not related to the post!
      there is a specific question, I went to read the answer to it,
      but in the end I read:
      1. how smart everyone is;
      2. what are all around *** ki;
      3. as everyone *** @ lo, that everyone around is smart and *** ki

      I have not read only one thing: ANSWER TO THE QUESTION set by the topicstarter!

      G @ NDONA !!!

      answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (13) / (1)

      There are a lot of clever people. And they advise smoothly. But the tulips on this TV are audio INPUT. I thought about connecting bluetooth headphones, but the trouble is that this TV set cannot connect such headphones. The seller did not bother to talk about this innovation. I, a slob, did not even think that headphones and a TV are not compatible things. Here's a trouble out of the blue.

      answer / replied:

      Helpful answer? (7) / (1)

Sound plays an important role for a full immersion in a film or video game, and since it is not always appropriate to use acoustics (an elderly person can hear poorly, a child sleeps, poor noise isolation in a house / apartment), you need to know how to connect wireless headphones to a TV. Modern TV models have long learned to use remote headsets (bluetooth, Wi-Fi, radio, IR), most importantly for smart TVs from Samsung, LG, Philips and other manufacturers. In turn, they can be used both for watching TV and listening to music.

Before you buy wireless headphones, you need to figure out how they differ and find out how they work. Let's clarify that even on older TV models it is possible to connect non-contact speakers. The accessory is supplied with a base that acts as a transmitter. For work, a 3.5 mm jack, RCA tulips, HDMI or regular USB is used. About each method a little below, and now about the types of headphones:

  • Wi-Fi. One of the most acceptable options. They work by means of a special module capable of converting and outputting an audio signal to paired devices. They are distinguished by their compactness and convenience.
  • Bluetooth. They are versatile and can be used to interface with most modern gadgets besides TV. They function through an appropriate module, which can be indoor or outdoor. The sound goes through a digital-to-analog conversion stage, which can degrade the sound quality. It is definitely not possible to listen to music in them through the wall - the coverage of bluetooth technology is no more than 10 meters in a straight line.
  • Infrared. This is a rather inconvenient option, since for their performance a constant "open contact" with the infrared port is required. Any obstacle, hand, table, wall and others can spoil the signal.
  • Headphones. Based on the name, it is easy to guess that the built-in radio transmitter is responsible for receiving the signal. The principle of operation is like a walkie-talkie, it allows you to hear the transmitted sound at a distance of up to 100 meters. Of the minuses - low noise immunity, even an electric shaver will create interference, leading to a deterioration in the transmission quality.
  • Optical. The rarest, but the highest quality.

All of the above options can be with or without a microphone, which can be useful for communicating on Skype.

The main advantage of wireless communication is mobility. Users get the opportunity to move freely around the room, albeit with slight restrictions regarding the range of the selected type of sound transmission. Of the minuses, you can pay attention to the battery, which needs to be recharged after 10-12 hours of active use.


Connecting bluetooth headphones to TV takes a minimum of time and effort, which allows you to enjoy sound after a short period of time. Before connecting the headset via Bluetooth, make sure it can sync with your TV set.
Pairing occurs in two ways:

  • Through the bluetooth adapter built into the TV.
  • External transmitter.

To use the first option, you need to turn on the headset and visit the wireless options in the TV settings. Here we select the bluetooth item and click on the search for gadgets for further pairing. If everything is done according to the instructions, synchronization with confirmation via code will follow. Usually the password is 0000 or 1234, more details can be found in the attached instructions.

If you do not have bluetooth support, you will need to use a special transmitter that connects to the TV set via usb, 3.5 output, HDMI or tulips.

Please note that it will need an additional power source, which can be batteries or the supplied power supply.

Tuning involves simple synchronization with subsequent transmission of the signal to the receiver.

Infrared channel

If the TV does not see the stereo headphones via bluetooth or Wi-Fi, you can try infrared technology. Install the transmitter directly on or under the TV, connect the wire and audio output on the rear panel. Plug the power supply into an outlet.

On the case of the accessory, select the audio feed through the infrared port via channel A or B, connect the speakers by powering them with AA batteries. Position yourself directly in front of the TV screen, removing any obstacles on the way in advance.


They work on the principle of transmitting radio frequencies directly to the device. They are connected via a radio channel, which allows you to listen to any TV broadcasts without wires. They are connected using special modules that are installed in the audio output of the TV.

Some models of TV sets are pre-equipped with a transmitter, so there is no need to purchase additional funds.

Before purchasing radio headphones, pay attention to the volume control and their size. They are often quite inconvenient for the average user.


It is the best choice for wireless sound enjoyment. To connect, you will need to have a TV with built-in WiFi modules, since the gadget is connected directly to a device that transmits an audio signal. By the way, you can simultaneously listen to a TV show from TV through 2 pairs of gadgets.

The connection is configured directly or through an auxiliary router to obtain maximum indoor coverage. The price of such gadgets varies depending on the brand and the needs of the consumer. In the high-end segment, you can find headsets capable of delivering uncompressed audio for the ultimate listening pleasure. With full support for all audio ranges.

Connection setup takes place depending on the TV model. As a rule, it is enough to open the Wi-Fi options on the TV and select a pre-activated (switched on) headset there.

Additional wi-fi routers operating in amplifier mode allow you to expand the coverage up to 100 meters without sound distortion.

With optical output

A rare specimen, but it is believed that it is with the optical connector that the quality is highest. The connection is made to the corresponding coaxial S / PDIF (TOSlink) connector on the back of the TV case. Most often used to output audio to a 5.1 home theater system


Each of the listed types of remote headphones connects to the TV in its own way. This requires additional attention, because when purchasing a headset focused on a certain type of transmitter, make sure that there are appropriate outputs for it, not every TV receiver is equipped with an output for a 3.5 mm jack. Be sure to check the length of the charger cable, if included.

Don't underestimate the power supply for the speakers themselves, it's easier to take a system with a rechargeable battery than to spend constantly on buying batteries.

Possible problems

Most of the faults grow from the wiring diagram and subsequent configuration. Connecting to an old television set can become an insurmountable difficulty at all.

If all the connections were made according to the rules, but nothing began to work, it is necessary to check the power supply or test the socket. Additional settings can be made via the remote control.


The ideal solution would be to purchase a device complete with a headset. By the way, it is needed not only for watching movies, but also for people suffering from deafness. It is only important to choose such a model that would correspond to your idea of ​​the quality of audio reproduction.


If you do not live alone in an apartment, you often have to make compromises, in particular on who and what will watch on TV. But this is half the trouble, because you still need to consider whether someone from your household wants to listen to what you are watching on TV. What if you want to watch a TV show while someone is already asleep? It is already clear that wireless headphones for TV are the best way out of a difficult situation. But how do you connect them to a regular TV?

The only way to connect wireless headphones to a TV that doesn't have built-in Bluetooth

There is really one way, but it is universal, headphones can be connected even to old TV models. To implement it, you need to buy a special device - a Bluetooth receiver.

What does a Bluetooth receiver do? It connects via wire to your TV, it can be a regular 3.5 mm jack, which connects to the headphone jack, if the TV has one, or it can be ordinary "tulips". Thus, the receiver receives the audio signal from the TV, and then broadcasts it using Bluetooth to any wireless headphones. Simple and elegant solution.

A few simple steps to connect the receiver to your TV

Step 1 - charge the receiver's battery

The Bluetooth receiver can be equipped with its own rechargeable battery, which lasts up to 10 hours of uninterrupted operation. If your model has a battery, it must be fully charged before use.

Step 2 - connect the bluetooth receiver to the TV with a wire

Select the correct wire for your TV. It can be a regular audio cable with a 3.5 mm jack, or traditional "tulips". If your TV has tulip-only outputs, you will need an additional tulip-to-3.5mm jack adapter wire. All of these wires can be easily found at your nearest electronics store, chain stores, or on

Step 3 - set up your wireless connection

After you have connected the Bluetooth receiver to the TV with a wire, you need to establish a connection with your wireless headphones. To do this, turn on the receiver in the search mode for a new device, and activate the pairing mode in your wireless headphones. After that, the receiver and headphones within a few seconds will have to find each other and establish a reliable connection.

Step 4 - enjoy your favorite shows

That's it, now you can listen with wireless headphones to all the sound that comes from the TV, you don't need to do anything else.

Remember that the Bluetooth receiver has a limited range of reliable signal reception; in the usual case, you can listen to sound in wireless headphones without interference no further than 10 meters from the receiver.

Examples of Bluetooth receivers that you can buy inexpensively

I will give you as an example several models of receivers that can be connected to a TV. They are inexpensive, but should work well.

This is a simple bluetooth receiver that's great for connecting wireless bluetooth headphones to your TV. I want to note that it supports Bluetooth 4.1, this is the modern version of the wireless protocol, so you get good quality sound with any modern headphones.

The battery life is up to 8 hours, the time for a full battery charge is up to 2 hours.

This receiver sets itself apart from the competition by supporting the aptX codec, which allows you to enjoy high quality sound wirelessly. If you are going to watch movies with good sound, it is better to purchase headphones and a receiver with support for the aptX codec.

The battery life is up to 13 hours, the time for a full battery charge is up to 2 hours.

Kebidumei is one of the most affordable receivers, it has only one option for connecting to a TV - a 3.5 mm jack, which connects to the headphone jack. However, if your TV only has a tulip output, you can buy an adapter wire separately. Sound quality is average.

This receiver is based on the outdated version of Bluetooth 2.1, be careful, it may be incompatible with some modern wireless headphones.

The battery life is up to 7 hours, the time to fully charge the battery is up to 2 hours.

By connecting wireless headphones to your TV, you can turn the volume to the fullest without risking conflict with relatives and neighbors. In this article, I will show you how to properly use Bluetooth headphones with your HDTV TV.

Why connect wireless headphones to your TV?

There are two “Why?” In this question. First, why bother with headphones for an HDTV TV? Here you can give different answers. Each user has their own reason. If a person suffers from hearing impairment, then headphones save the rest of the family from the TV screaming throughout the apartment. Even if you have no obvious hearing impairment, but you like to turn on the TV louder or quieter than the rest of the family, then a pair of wireless headphones will be an excellent way out of the situation. And if someone likes to watch movies or play on the console late at night and at night, then headphones are a must-have accessory for him.

Secondly, why do we need exactly Bluetooth headphones? Why not IR and RF headphones? Wireless TV headphones have been around for many years. Take the excellent Sennhesier RS120s, which have received many positive reviews. But they have one significant drawback. RF headphones are forever tied to the system you buy with them. Whichever flawless quality the RS120s may offer, they can only be used in conjunction with a bulky TV charger.

The beauty of Bluetooth headphones is that they are not just wireless, but very flexible. You can buy a pair of these headphones and use them with an HDTV, smartphone, iPod, and any other gadgets that transmit sound via Bluetooth. It is much easier and more economical.

Plus, the selection of Bluetooth headphones is wide enough so it's easy to find one that fits perfectly in your ear. The number of RF headphone models is limited.

Let's take a look at how bluetooth headphones are connected to the TV. With smartphones, everything is simple, since this option has long been standard for them. With the TV, the situation is a little more complicated. Modern TV models also seem to have to support Bluetooth, but in most cases this is far from the case. We will have to tinker in order to connect the bluetooth headphones to the HDTV.

What do we need?

First, we need to figure out what sound output channels the TV or the speaker system connected to it has. Only then should you go to the store for wireless headphones (if you don't already have them) and a Bluetooth transmitter.

If you are using a TV without additional acoustics, then examine the set of ports it has. If the sound from the TV (and from sources such as a Bluray player, game console, etc.) enters the speaker system, then its set of ports should be studied. In the second case, we will connect wireless headphones not only to the TV, but also to all other devices connected to the audio system.

Take a look at the picture. There are three main types of audio output that we can use. Composite: The two Left / Right (L / R) jacks are marked in white and red. The familiar 3.5 mm jack is often labeled “Audio”. And also an optical exit - a gray “door” with the signature “Optical”.

The vast majority of widescreen TVs have an optical port and at least one of the other two. The composite output and jack provide analog audio with no conversion required (with some Bluetooth adapter models, you may need an inexpensive adapter).

If your TV does not have an analog output (which is extremely unlikely), then you will have to buy a digital-to-analog converter connected to the optical output. A good model costs around $ 10.

Choosing a Bluetooth transmitter

The most important characteristic of a Bluetooth transmitter is the number of simultaneously connected headphones. Some wireless headphones can be connected to any transmitter, there are several options for two headphones and you're out of luck if you need to use more than two Bluetooth headphones at the same time.

For one pair of headphones, the Mpow Streambot is a great choice. For $ 25-30, you get excellent sound quality, as well as two important features - a built-in battery and the presence of not only signal transmission, but also reception. This means that you can configure to receive sound via Bluetooth from other devices. That is, everything that transmits sound to wireless speakers can play in your Bluetooth headphones without reconnecting them. Nice option that you don't need to pay extra for.

If you want to connect two wireless headphones to your TV, then the choice of adapters is greatly reduced, and the price goes up. I have never seen Bluetooth transmitters under $ 50. Two wireless headphones can be connected to a TV via the Avantree Priva ($ 57). Another good option is the Miccus Mini Jack TX4 ($ 58).

Choosing Bluetooth headphones for connecting to a TV

The selection of Bluetooth headphones is almost endless. You can buy a budget model, rubles for 700-800. And those wishing to boo will be able to find an option, the price of which is comparable to a used foreign car.

Personally, I did not pursue the perfect sound and preferred the budget option of wireless headphones for TV with good enough quality - Beyution Stereo Bluetooth Headphones ($ 23). They are light enough, but hardy. These headphones keep the battery charge for a long time, sit comfortably on my head and my ears have no complaints about their sound. You hardly need a higher quality to watch TV shows and movies.

How do you set it up?

You will probably spend more time reading the specifications of a Bluetooth headset than connecting it to a TV. This is not difficult.

In the previous section of this article, you identified the audio outputs on your source (TV or audio system). Now is the time to pair one of them with a Bluetooth transmitter. The transmitter is connected directly to a 3.5 mm headphone jack or composer audio output (or, in extreme cases, through a simple adapter).

In the case of an optical port, you will have to use the above-mentioned digital-to-analog converter. It connects to the TV and the bluetooth transmitter to it.

In the next step, we connect the wireless headphones to the transmitter. In the case of Priva and many other similar models, you need to press the main button located on the device and wait until the light on it starts blinking. When the light blinks, you need to press and hold the button on the headphones. After a few seconds, the devices should connect to each other. Put on your headphones, turn on your TV and enjoy!

If there is no sound from the headphones, then first of all check if they are connected to the Bluetooth transmitter. Disconnect the input of the transmitter from the TV and input sound from the other device. For example, from a laptop or smartphone.

If sound is played from other devices, but not from the TV, you need to go to the settings of your HDTV or audio system. Look in the menu for items related to headphones or auxiliary speakers. Some TV models do not supply sound to external sources until this option is specifically activated.

So, after spending relatively little money on additional purchases, we connected wireless Bluetooth headphones to the TV and expanded our multimedia capabilities. Both the Bluetooth transmitter and the headphones can be used not only with a TV, but with many other devices as well.

Do you have any questions about the topic of this article or about acoustics in general, HDTV, headphones and the like? Ask them in the comments.

Headphones, in the absence of an external speaker system, provide a good personal listening experience. And select models offer studio-grade sound. At the same time, in some modern TVs, there is no 3.5 mm jack, which forces users to look for another connection method. The solution to such a problem is described in detail in this article.

Ways to connect headphones to a TV

The available connection methods are divided into two groups:

  1. Wired.
  2. Wireless.

The first includes connecting directly to the audio jack using a cable. If there is no corresponding port, the action is performed using an adapter or converter.

The second includes Bluetooth connections. In the absence of a wireless module or not designed to work with a headset, the connection is made using a converter.

How to connect headphones to a TV via a cable

Let's take a look at wired connection methods, including using adapters and converters.

3.5mm TRS

The easiest and most common way to connect. A connector of this format is used in most electronic devices. If the plug is larger, for example 6.3 mm, then you should install the adapter to 3.5 mm.


Analog connector referred to as "tulip". To connect headphones, use only the white and red outputs - left and right channels. At the same time, you cannot install the 3.5 mm plug directly due to the different connectors. The solution is to use an adapter with two RCA plugs and a 3.5 mm jack.

AV receiver or AV amplifier

Devices of this class are intended for signal amplification, decoding of a digital stream, etc. Thanks to the many ports, the receiver allows you to organize a high-quality external sound system, as well as easily connect wired and sometimes wireless headphones.

HDMI adapter with output to 3.5 mm TRS

Since the HDMI interface can transmit a digital audio signal, it is easy to connect headphones using an adapter with a 3.5 jack output.


Most modern 4K TVs are equipped with a digital S / PDIF interface. Therefore, to connect, it is enough to use an adapter cable or converter. The latter converts the digital signal to analog form, with the subsequent connection of headphones with 3.5 mm TRS and RCA.

Important! Most converters require external power.

How to connect wireless headphones to a TV

Bluetooth module in the TV

This method involves connecting headphones directly to a TV, similar to a telephone. It is enough to activate the wireless headphones, turn on the Bluetooth module on the TV and perform pairing. In some models, it is sometimes required to additionally transfer sound from using an external audio system to headphones.

Bluetooth transmitter

The presence of a wireless module in the TV does not guarantee 100% headphone connection. Some TV models only allow you to connect your own headsets or use Bluetooth to communicate with an external audio system. In this case, a Bluetooth transmitter is suitable for wireless connection.

The device is an adapter that can be connected to the TV by any available wired method. An external connection and / or built-in battery is used for power supply. Pairing is often done by holding the button for 3-5 seconds and the connection is ready. The sound goes to the transmitter and then to the wireless headphones. Also, some models allow you to connect 2-3 headsets.


To connect wired headphones, use the standard 3.5 jack. If the TV does not have a corresponding port, then use wireless headphones, adapters or converters. The option with an AV-receiver or AV-amplifier will cost more than an adapter / converter, for that it will provide better sound and allow you to organize a high-quality external sound system.

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