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Preparing the hdd for installing windows 8. How to install Windows directly from the hard drive using various methods? Enter your username, password and password hint

Greetings, friends.

Probably every computer or laptop user has encountered a situation when he realizes that it is time to reinstall the operating system. This is due to difficulties in work, frequent mistakes and other unpleasant moments. But what if you don’t have a USB flash drive, a plastic disc to burn the image on, or the drive refuses to work? No need to worry. Today I will tell you how to install Windows from a hard drive. Many people don’t even suspect that such tools even exist.

It must be said right away that this option is only suitable for operating systems that are in working condition, since many movements will need to be made using the shell. That is, if you suddenly get a blue screen, this method will not help.

Additionally, it is worth noting that this guide should only be applied to future installations of Windows 7 and newer versions. Moreover, it does not matter at all on what device the operation is performed. Therefore, it will not be possible to place Windows XP on a computer or laptop in this way. Because other mechanisms are used there.

For the procedure itself we need several tools:

    A program for working with images - usually this DAEMON Tools. Personally, I generally use the built-in capabilities of Win.

    Utility EasyBSD.

    The very image of the operating system.

Step-by-step instruction( )

Important! It is advisable that before this moment your hard drive has already been divided into at least two partitions - for the system and files.

So, to install Windows 8 from an HDD, you need to perform a number of steps. First, create a separate section for installation files:

Now, to install Windows 10 or an earlier version, you need to properly prepare the files themselves:

Now you need to do this, the computer understands where it needs to boot from. This is exactly what the app is for. EasyBCD. The order of actions is as follows:

If in some situation you don’t understand something, you can just watch the video:

If you select "", you will see whether the entry appeared or not. In your case it should already be in place.

After the work has been done, close the application and restart the computer. As a result, a menu should appear from which users can select the desired system. Then specify the installation disk "". As a result, the standard operating system installation procedure should start.

Bootice( )

The last chain of actions can be performed via Bootice. The program allows you not to create an additional disk, but installs everything from the existing one.

We do the following:

It is worth noting that there is no need to indicate exactly where the file responsible for the correct loading of the system is located, since the application will find it itself.

Installation( )

This method does not require setting boot parameters through the BIOS, as is the case with using a plastic disk or USB drive. This approach is useful if suddenly the buttons on your keyboard do not work, allowing you to get to the right place.

In general, regardless of the version of the future OS, the process is almost the same.

It is important to remember that it is best to have one hard drive connected before starting the process. This will simplify the partition selection process. In addition, the equipment will consume less resources, which will generally have a positive effect on performance. Therefore, you should not install the OS on another hard drive this way. The same can be said about placement on an SSD. Of course, if each action is performed correctly, no problems should arise. But even with the slightest mistake, there is a possibility of losing all the data on any of the partitions.

It is also worth noting that a similar procedure is possible from an external hard drive. True, for this you will still need to run Win to set all the parameters. However, again, such procedures are not recommended, since by mistake you can simply delete data.

If you are using a connected device, you can set the boot setting from it in the BIOS and simply place a new shell on your laptop or computer. True, for this it is necessary to correctly record the OS on the external component. More details are available.

In any case, regardless of the chosen method, anyone can place a new one if they already have Windows on their computer.

Well, I hope this article will help you deal with problems on your device.

In general, I would like to recommend finding a compact portable USB device in advance (today they cost minimal money) and recording the correct system. Personally, I have three of these - for each latest version of the OS from Microsoft. Thus, I can insert a flash drive into the port at any second, and within two hours completely restore the computer’s functionality, while having a brand new shell.

I wish you good luck in your difficult work! Subscribe and tell others about the blog.

Perhaps it's time to write about that how to install Windows 8. In general, this version of the OS turns out to be quite versatile: it can work both on regular PCs or laptops, and on tablets. In this article we will figure out how to install Windows 8 on a computer or laptop. About the details of purchasing Windows 8 Pro at a discount.

The new version of Windows gives the user even greater security, modern design and technology. The removal of the Start button is perhaps the most important visual innovation in desktop versions of Windows 8.

So, there are four known editions of Windows 8:

  • Windows RT
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8 Pro
  • Windows 8 Enterprise

Desktop PC owners should only be interested in the "8" versions, since Windows RT is designed for mobile devices.

Preparing to install Windows 8 correctly

Before installing a new operating system, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory measures - create a DVD disk, or a flash loader, or boot from a hard drive with unpacked OS installation files. You can buy a disc in a store, or you can buy a digital version of Windows 8 and burn it to a disc or create a bootable USB flash drive.

Before installing Windows 8, you need to save data and program settings from drive C.

If your hard drive is new, then there is nothing to copy.

Insert the disk/flash drive with Windows 8 into the drive/usb and restart the computer.

To boot from disk and install, you need to go into the BIOS of your computer, to do this you need to reboot and almost immediately press the DEL button; on some motherboards it is replaced by the F2 button.

After the BIOS has opened, you need to install the boot from your media on which the OS is recorded (DVD disc or flash - depending on what media you use to install Windows 8). This section can be located in different places - it depends on the manufacturer of the motherboard and BIOS, but it always contains the word BOOT: look for FIRST BOOT DEVICE, BOOT or BOOT DEVICE. As soon as you find it, install your media there first - either DVD or flash.

Windows 8 installation steps

If you did everything correctly, the message “Press any key..” will appear on the black screen, which means press any button. Press any button (except the shutdown or restart button) to move on. The updated Windows 8 logo will appear, followed by the first installer window.

At this stage, you need to select the language to install, time format and input method. Select or leave the default and click the “Next” button.

Click the “Install” button. After this, you can breathe easy - you have already done almost everything important in order to correctly install Windows 8. In the next window, you need to enter the key to activate Windows 8. This key is located on the disc box or in the form of a sticker on your computer. On laptops, a sticker with a key is placed on the bottom of the case. After entering the key, click the “Next” button.

We accept the terms of the license agreement by checking the box next to “I accept the license terms.” Click “Next”.

In the next window, the installer asks how we will install Windows 8.

There are two options available: “Update” and “Custom Installation”. The first is designed to update a previous version of the operating system. We recommend selecting “Custom Installation”. We will talk about the possibilities of updating from other versions of Windows in the following articles. Keep in mind that the information contained on your device will be deleted, so take care to save important information on removable media.
In the next window, select the drive on which you plan to install the operating system. If the computer is new and has never installed Windows on it, most likely there will be only one item “Unallocated disk space”.

In this case, you need to go to “Disk Settings” and create two partitions: the first for the system, the second for data. For Windows 8, it is better to allocate at least 35 GB, plus don’t forget about space for programs. To avoid running out of space in the future, leave the system partition at 70-90 GB, since hard disk space is cheap now. Leave the remaining space for the second and subsequent sections. If there is little space on your hard drive, there is no point in partitioning it, so it is better to allocate all the free space to one partition. This could happen, for example, if you install Windows 8 on an SSD drive.

If any system has already been installed, then the window will look something like this:

You can repartition the hard drive into the number of partitions you need, or leave it as is and simply select the partition on which another system was previously installed. Typically, this drive is called "Local Drive C:". Partition letters are not displayed here, but the required disk is easily calculated based on the specified dimensions. In this case it is “Disk 0 Partition 2”.

When copying is complete, the computer will reboot. The black screen will again display “Press any key..”. The computer will restart and as it boots, the computer screen may flicker and go completely black. That's how it should be. We are waiting for the “Personalization” inscription to appear.

The installation of Windows 8 on your computer is almost complete. All that remains is to complete the initial setup and you can get to work. On the first setup screen, you must select the color scheme that will be used for the Metro interface and specify the computer name. Click “Next”.

The next screen prompts you to go to settings or use standard settings.

You can configure the settings later and go straight to work by clicking the “Use standard settings” button. On this Windows 8 installation is complete.

Now you do you know how to install Windows 8 on your computer?, all that remains is to follow the above steps of the installation guide and install the new system in practice.

In this article we will look at the question of how to install Windows 8 from a disk. There is nothing complicated here, but sometimes certain difficulties arise. To avoid getting into a hopeless situation, carefully read the article. Here we will look at all the problems that may arise when installing Windows 8 on a computer that previously had Windows 7 or older versions of the OS installed.

Before proceeding with the installation, we need to prepare the computer. First of all, we must have a bootable DVD. If we are talking about a laptop, then you can enable booting from disk by simply pressing the “Esc” key and selecting the appropriate device. If the system is installed on a desktop computer, then in the BIOS you need to set the initial boot from a DVD disc. This option is located in the “Boot” section. .

So, we have a disk, we have enabled booting from disk in BIOSe, now we can proceed to installation.

Also, do not forget about the license key, which we will need during the process. If you bought it remotely via the Internet, then do not forget to rewrite it so that it can be accessed during the installation process.

Creating a bootable DVD in Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool: Video

Installing Windows 8

It is worth noting that installing Windows 8 from a disk is performed in the same way. Therefore, the rules described below are suitable in any case. Insert the disc into the drive and restart the computer. Due to the fact that we have set boot from disk in the BIOS, the computer will not load the operating system, but will immediately start working with the disk. In some cases, this action must be confirmed by pressing the Enter key. Just watch the screen carefully.

So, if you did everything correctly, the system will automatically begin the installation. And first of all, as in all previous versions of the OS, we will be asked to specify the installation language, keyboard and currency. That is, if you need the Russian version, then in three points you select “Russian”. If you need another language. Then select the appropriate parameters. Click “Next”.

Next, a window will appear in which you should click the “Install” button. It is located almost in the very center of the screen, so you won’t be able to miss it. After this, the message “Starting installation” will appear.

In the next step we will have to choose between two options:

  • - This is an option for those who use previous versions of the OS and do not want to lose data. In this case, Windows will update to the new version.
  • Custom installation (or full installation) is an option for those who do not need to save anything. In this case, you will receive a clean operating system.

We choose the second option.

How to install Windows 8 from a CD/DVD: Video

Selecting and working with hard drives

It is worth noting that if your hard drive does not have important data, it is recommended to format it. You can also perform the following operations in this menu:

  • Delete and create partitions.
  • Format.
  • Perform conversion and so on.

But all these actions will delete all data on the drive. If your hard drive has only one partition, then it is recommended to split it into at least two volumes. One will be needed to install the operating system, and the second will be needed to store files, install games, and so on. To do this, click the “Disk Setup” button. Several additional features will appear. Now, select our hard drive and click “Delete”.

Now we have an unallocated area. Select it and click “Create”. A window will appear below in which you can specify the size of the volume to be created. It is measured in Megabytes. Create a 60,000 Megabyte partition and click “Apply”. This will be the system partition on which we will install Windows 8.

Of course, it will require less memory, but during use you will install various programs, as well as service packs, which also require additional disk space. If you completely take up all the space on the system partition, your computer's performance will decrease significantly. When creating the first volume, the system will automatically create an additional boot partition of 350 Megabytes.

Click the “Create” button and immediately “Apply”. Thus, we will collect all the remaining unallocated area into a second partition, in which you will store all your data. Next, select a partition with a size of 60 GB and click “Next”. That's it, after this the copying and preparation of files, installation of components and updates, and so on will begin.

Continue installation

Everything will happen automatically. During the process, the computer will reboot several times. It is worth noting that after the first reboot, you should enter the BIOS and return the initial boot from the hard drive where we selected CDDVD in the BOOT section. The fact is that in some cases, after the first reboot during the installation process, the system will boot from the disk again, and copying files will start again.

So, after completing the process of copying and installing files, we move on to the next stage. Here we need to configure our computer. And first of all, you need to enter the computer name, and also select your preferred window color scheme. Next, we can apply the standard settings or enter them manually. Here you choose a more convenient option. More experienced users configure everything manually. If you are not an advanced user, it is recommended to select the standard settings. It is worth noting that everything that is configured here can be changed at any time while using the OS.

Next, the system will ask us to enter . In this OS, these fields are required, unlike in previous versions. Enter your name and create a password. When setting up your desktop, carefully read the prompts on the screen and you will not have any difficulties. And this completes the installation process. Now you know how to install Windows 8 from a disc.

Installing Windows on this disk is not possible GPT: Video

Minimum Featured
CPU 1 GHz, 32-bit or 64-bit 2 core processor
RAM 1GB for 32-bit system
2GB for 64-bit system
2GB for 32-bit system
4GB for 64-bit system
Hard disk 16GB is occupied by the 32-bit version of the system
20GB is occupied by the 64-bit version of the system
60BB GB for 32-bit version of system and software
80BB GB for 64-bit version of system and software
Video card 128 MB to enable Aero themes (visual style effects) 256 MB and above is enough for comfortable work

By default, most computers are set to boot from DVD. In order to check whether we have boot from DVD installed:

  1. Let's insert Windows 8 installation disk on DVD, or Bootable USB flash drive with Windows 8 into the USB connector.
  2. Let's restart the computer.
  3. If we see the message on the screen “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...”, then press any key on the keyboard and the Windows 8 installation will start.

If we didn’t see an invitation to install Windows, then we will have to indicate in Bios loading from DVD (flash drive). To do this, open: Lesson: Bios, how to boot from a DVD or a flash drive.

Installing windows 8 from disk

We will indicate the system language, time and currency format, and keyboard layout. Or we leave it as it is, Russian everywhere. And press Further.

Let's click install

In the activation window, enter the Windows 8 serial number and click next.

We accept terms of the license agreement, and click next

Choose Custom: Windows installation only, Point 2.


Paragraph 1: Update— installed over the old version of Windows, programs, settings, user profiles and a bunch of other things are saved. But when updating, a lot of garbage from the old version of Windows is also saved, and the update process itself will take much longer than installing from scratch. You can only upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8. If you cannot update Windows XP/Vista, it is better to select Custom: Windows installation only .

Point 2: Custom: Windows installation only - Clean installation, installation from scratch. When you choose this method, the previous version of Windows with all its files is overwritten, and the system disk is also formatted. When using this method, you can install 2 windows side by side, but for this you will need to prepare hard drive partitions. Therefore, when using this installation method BE SURE TO COPY ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION TO ANOTHER DISK

Windows 8 disk partitioning

Usually the top disk in the list is the system disk from which our windows boots. On the right next to the selected disk there is a Type column, which indicates the type of disk. We are only interested in the system drive (from which the boot actually takes place, and in which our old Windows is installed) and the logical drive (the drive on which the data is stored). For installation, we will select the system drive.


Here we select Disk disk 0 Partition 1, the information on this disk will be destroyed before installation.

If we need to keep the previous version of windows, then we can install windows 8 nearby, on a nearby free disk. We will have 2 operating systems. In this case, all information from the disk on which we will install will be destroyed.

If it is not clear how to properly partition a disk, then you can see in more detail in the lesson: how to partition hard drive

Copying and installing windows files

We are waiting for the copying and installation to finish.

Come up with a name for the computer and choose a color scheme

Windows 8 boot options

Since everything is already configured optimally, we select Setting default parameters

Connect to Microsoft

It is not necessary to complete this item, we will select“Sign in without a Microsoft account.” You can register and connect later.

If you want to use the services Live companiesMicrosoft. Then go to the link Register for a Microsoft account for Windows and enter your registration information.

Let's choose again Local account (Local account)

Enter your username, password and password hint

Click the done button

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Windows 8- This is the penultimate version of the system released by Microsoft today. As we expected, after the “Seven” we received the “Eight”. And of course we need to learn install Windows 8 to get started with this latest operating system. I suggest we do this today.

Let's look at the entire Windows 8 installation process, how it differs from installations of other versions of Windows, and so on. But before we get down to business, we need to naturally announce the system requirements. It's simple!

To install Windows 8 we need:

the processor must have a clock speed of at least 1 GHz
20 GB or more of free hard disk space
DirectX 9 support

In other words, if you previously had “Seven” installed, then you shouldn’t bother with the system requirements. The latest Windows 8 will work great for you.

1. Where to get a disk with Windows 8

You can buy the program in a store or online. If you are from the network, then most likely you will have an image downloaded that will need to be written to an empty disk. I explained how this is done in the lesson: . If this information is relevant to you, then read it, everything is very simple.

2. Set the BIOS to boot from disk

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