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Selection of search phrases Yandex. Yandex and Google search query statistics, why you need it and how to apply it in practice

This article will focus on the statistics of search queries: how it should be viewed, where it can be viewed, what it is for, etc. This topic will be very interesting for SEO newbies. Let's not pour a lot of water, but I'll get down to business.

1. What is search query statistics for?

Now let's talk about how and where you can view the query statistics.

3. Services of statistics of queries of Yandex and Google

I will consider two services in the most popular search engines of the Russian Internet: Yandex and Google (this is quite enough for analyzing queries). If we compare the statistics of other search engines, then the difference in numbers will be quite small (of course, if we compare in proportion to the frequency and audience of search engines).

3.1. Yandex Wordstat service

Yandex has a special service: (Yandex Wordstat). This is a very popular service, but it does not show the frequency of search queries, but the frequency of queries in Yandex Direct. In most cases, this is enough to understand whether a request is popular or not.

I will briefly explain how to use wordstat yandex. By entering a request in the form, Yandex will offer all word forms of this request:

The frequency of the request in the general table will be indicated taking into account all the clarifications and additions. If you need to find out the frequency of a specific keyword in the same word form, then you need to write it in quotes and put an exclamation mark in front of each word:

It should also be borne in mind that Yandex does not have a difference in the plural to write phrases or not. Yandex does not take into account word forms at all, and also does not take into account all prepositions.

Having received some data on search queries in Wordstat, you need to remember that these data are far from accurate. For example, I take them into account only proportionally, i.e. if a query is popular in Yandex Direct, then it is logical to assume that it will also be popular in search results.

To take into account prepositions (what, how, in, on, etc.), you need to put a plus sign "+" in front of it. For example, the query "+ how to make money + on the Internet".

3.2. Google Adwords service

Now let's talk about Google, which provides an even slightly more interesting tool than Yandex. Service link: You need to log in, then click on "Tools and Analysis" then "Keyword Planner". Here you need to drive in keywords and you are offered a large selection of key phrases that Google finds from its Adwords contextual advertising database. It is also very cool that you can see the history of the change in the frequency of the request.

When Rambler had a very good service, but recently now it does not have its own search base, because it uses Yandex SERPs. In general, there are only two good services in Runet, which I considered.

All systems for keyword analysis, SN collection, etc. take data from these two services - remember this!

4. How to find out the dynamics of the popularity of a request

Yandex and Google give a free opportunity to see the dynamics of the popularity of a request. This is convenient for determining the general trend and prospects of some queries. You can also use this to determine the seasonality of requests.

In Yandex Wordstat, you need to select the "Request history" checkbox and you will see a graph of changes.

The analysis of search queries is used by every competent optimizer. Statistics show what people are most often looking for on the Internet using search engines.

Its main purpose is compilation. If you do not have one (most often we are talking about blogs), they turn to the statistics of search queries when writing articles, "sharpening" it for a specific keyword.

Most webmasters consider the main tool for the selection of keywords Yandex query statistics. (Wordstat) - Yandex query statistics

Yandex Wordstat ( unites all kinds of word forms, while most often not taking into account prepositions and interrogative forms. If you just write what you are interested in in Yandex Wordstat, then the service will show you the total number of hits for a given word, word forms and phrases in which it was encountered.
For example, let's write:

request statistics
(Views: 31535. Words included: Yandex query statistics, search query statistics etc.).

In order to achieve concretization for a specific word form in Yandex Wordstat, you need to use special operators.

The most common is to enclose the desired search query in quotation marks (""). In this case, a specific keyword in any word form will be taken into account.

"query statistics"
(There are already 4764 impressions. Includes: request statistics, request statistics etc.).

Exclamation mark operator! allows only the exact meanings of keywords to be taken into account.

"! statistics! requests"
(There are already 4707 impressions. Now we have found out the exact number of impressions for the query we are interested in. Pay attention, the operator! Stands in front of each of the words).

Using the - (minus) operator, it becomes possible to exclude specific words from the display.

Using the plus + operator, you can force Yandex statistics to take into account conjunctions and prepositions. You will receive data on word forms with these particular parts of speech.

The bracket operators () are grouping and | - or. These operators are used to compose a group of keys under one request at once.

It is worth noting that operators can be combined with each other in various ways to significantly reduce the time for collecting statistical analysis data.

Yandex search query statistics provides not only derivatives of the entered words, but also associative queries that users used along with your queries. This feature contributes to a significant expansion of the semantic core (tab on the right - "What else were people looking for ...").

The first tab of "By Words" contains the total number of hits for specific search queries. Using the region tab, you can determine the particularity of the same keyword in a particular search region.

The "On the map" tab displays the frequency of using queries on the world map. To track the frequency of this request for a certain period, you can use the tabs "by month", "by week". This is especially true for seasonal queries.

  • First, Yandex statistics does not provide data on the number of people who searched for specific queries; it only shows the number of hits on search results containing this query.
  • Secondly, Yandex Wordstat displays data for the last month by default. It should be borne in mind that some requests may be seasonal in nature, and there are also requests, the so-called “rise of interests”.
  • Thirdly, the number at the top of the request includes all keywords containing the request itself and its word forms. Special operators should be used.

Taking into account all the possibilities that provides, and the competent use of all the tools, this service becomes the most important component that most webmasters use when promoting modern resources.

Google Query Statistics

Google has two services that can be used as keyword statistics. Google's keyword research is often used as a complementary tool to expand the semantic core. This service usually independently determines the language and region for the search, the task of the optimizer is to compose a starting set of words. As a result, the system will offer you similar requests, indicating the frequency of their impressions and competition.

Google Search Statistics is more about comparing the popularity of multiple search terms. In addition, a visual representation of changes in the dynamics of the popularity of a request in the form of graphs is offered.

Rambler query statistics

The Rambler query statistics are not so popular, since the Rambler search engine is not so actively "used" by Internet users. The main difference from Yandex statistics is that there is no combination of results for different word forms. In other words, you can get accurate statistics on the frequency of the request in the desired number and case without the use of additional operators.

The statistics of Rambler search queries would be a convenient addition to Yandex, if this search engine were more authoritative on the Runet. It is worth noting that Rambler statistics allows you to determine the number of views, both of the first page and of any other page with respect to a specific set of words.

Search terms - frequency and competitiveness

What else should a beginner optimizer know about targeted queries? It is usually customary to subdivide all search queries into high frequency (HF), mid frequency (MF) and low frequency (LF). And also for highly competitive (VC), medium-competitive (SK) and low-competitive (NK).

Of course, the best option would be a high-frequency and at the same time low or medium-competitive request. But these are rare. It happens that a low-frequency query is highly competitive. Typically, high-frequency queries are highly competitive, medium-frequency queries are medium-competitive, etc.

It should be borne in mind that these terms do not carry any definite quantitative meanings, since these figures will differ for each topic. It should be understood that the promotion of a specific site will be determined not only by its subject matter, but also by the specific situation on the market.

It should be borne in mind that the competent use of search engine query statistics is one of the components of the optimization process. Visitors who go to certain search queries should receive the information they expected, only in this case they will want to return to your resource.

Dedicated to theory keywords, we covered the basics of the concept "keywords" and mentioned that there are 3 excellent online services for their selection - the search engines Yandex, Google and Rambler. Today we will talk about this topic in more detail and in practical terms.

Anticipating your question, I will immediately say that you need to use all three: each of them has its own chips that will make your life easier. But one of them, of course, should be the main one, and the other two - auxiliary (not to be confused with the minor ones!). I suggest choosing Yandex as the main one, because it has the richest statistics. Let's start with it and consider the following questions:

  1. Getting started with the Yandex statistics service -
  2. Frequency of keywords. HF-, MF- and LF requests
  3. Concurrency query concept
  4. My Tips for Building a Keyword List
  5. What is the semantic core of the site?
  6. Benefits of Associated Queries
  7. More tips for building your keyword list.
  8. The most important advice for webmasters for life
  9. We continue to edit the semantic core. Yandex query operators
  10. Conclusions and recommendations

1. Getting started with the Yandex statistics service -

In order to start working with it, you must have a Yandex account. To do this, you just need to create a mailbox on Yandex () and you will have access to all Yandex services. And, of course, to the Keyword Statistics service.

To search for information on the Internet, users interested in goods and services enter their queries into search engines - keywords and phrases. Each query represents the needs and desires of a particular user of the search engine. These queries are analyzed by search engines, and on their basis, search results for sites suitable for the user are given.

contextual advertising

  1. PPC ads are shown only to those users who may be interested in it.
  2. The advertiser pays only for the user's transition to the advertising link, and not for the time it appears.
  3. The advertiser determines the cost of a visitor's transition to his site.
  4. Impressions occur depending on the cost that the advertiser pays for clicking on it.
  5. The dependence of the advertising campaign on the impression audience, since the delivery of advertisements is based on user search queries.
  6. Strict control over the effectiveness of the conducted company. The number of clicks from advertisements to the site is easy to calculate. At the same time, an analysis is made of both the site for advertising and the advertisement itself in relation to the number of its impressions to the number of clicks from it.
  7. Fast return on investment.

Analysis of search queries

The benefits of receiving and analyzing the search queries entered for any business operating on the Internet are enormous. Thanks to the analysis of these requests, developing business areas are highlighted, and the product is adapted to the target audience of users. As a result, the site is promoted in the search engine to the first lines of the rating and gets the opportunity to be viewed more often by visitors.

For example, a company sells microwave ovens. To find her website on the Internet, the user must enter the query "buy a microwave".

In order for the company's website to be as high as possible in the search results, the keywords placed on it must be as relevant as possible (correspond to the niche occupied by the company). Then it will get ahead of general sites and more potential buyers will visit it.

How to find keywords

A very simple to use, but very powerful tool in its characteristics, which simplifies the search for keywords in Yandex, offers the keyword planner "Yandex. Wordstat".

On the main page "Yandex. Wordstat" there is a line for a keyword, a number of switchable functions and a button "Pick". The key phrase for the search is entered into the line, and the "Pick up" button is required to launch it.

Important points:

  • the use of keyword operators is allowed in the string;
  • you can also exclude unnecessary words directly in the line.

To refine the search, it is always useful to indicate the region in which the product or service will be searched for. Specifying an entire country as a region usually gives a very large selection of options, so it is better to limit yourself to cities.

After selecting a city, you must put the switch in the position "by words" and press the button "Select". A two-column table appears on the screen.

On the left are those phrases that match the entered query, and on the right are the words entered by users along with our query. That is, this column contains keywords that also need to be included in the list. In the same Yandex service, you can study the history of requests and determine the demand for any period. To do this, you just need to put the switch in the "Request history" position.

Evaluating the information received, you can flexibly change the strategy of contextual advertising, making decisions on how to conduct advertising campaigns in each specific city.

For Chrome, a convenient plug-in aimed at selecting keywords has been developed - the Yandex Wordstat Helper service, which significantly saves time and effort in searching for keywords in Yandex. It can be installed from the Chrome Web Store.

What is "Yandex. Direct"

It is a system for posting ads to and its search engine. For each specific user, these ads are individual, because to place them, the system uses the search queries that this user entered into the system earlier. Therefore, such advertising is contextual.

Yandex.Direct simultaneously displays advertisements not only in Yandex search results, but also on other resources:

  • "Classmates";
  • "Livejournal";
  • online newspaper Iz Ruk v Ruki;
  • search engine "Aport";
  • portal

How to run an advertising campaign

The strategy of a competent campaign for contextual advertising of a product in the Yandex.Direct system consists of three parts:

  • study and formation of key queries;
  • creation of effective advertisements on their basis;
  • analysis of results.

Formation of key queries

Hello friends and colleagues! Many of you, my readers, have your own site - perhaps more than one. If you are a blogger, or advertising your services on a business card site, or the owner of an online store, you know firsthand how important a site's position in search engine results is, and that this parameter needs to be constantly monitored. And if you are just planning to do site building - take note of the need for such tracking.

Just in case: the position of a site for a query in the search results is the place where your site appears in the list of pages issued by the search engine to the user in response to a specific search query. Knowing the positions allows you to assess how effectively the content of the site is working, whether you are going in the right direction, or whether you need to change something in your approaches to the development of the project.

But the requests for which you promote your site in search engines can be a very significant number. It is impossible to constantly manually drive them into Google and Yandex in order to check the position of the site in the search. And there is no need to engage in such nonsense - there are many services on the Internet that will successfully do this work for you.

Today we will just talk about the resources that provide these services. A traditional overview of 11 services is waiting for you: we will thoroughly analyze two of them that I personally use, and quickly go over nine more:

- an inexpensive and easy-to-use service. The cost depends on the number of keywords and regions: removing positions of one word once a day (one region) for a month - 60 kopecks. Thus, the monthly cost of your project is calculated using the formula 60 kopecks * number of keys * number of regions. 100 requests in one region - only 60 rubles. Very attractive price.

Let's see how you can check your site's ranking for keywords. I wrote out a few of my keys, contained in the titles of my articles, and I will use them to demonstrate how they work:

So, Top Inspector. Registering:

We fill in the required fields - login, email, password, agree with the license agreement and click the "Add new project" button. Next, we see a table in which you need to enter data about the project:

Enter the project name, domain.

We indicate the region "Moscow and the region" - my project has no georeference, but copywriting can be done by people regardless of their place of residence, so we choose the most popular one. If your project is geo-dependent, you can specify the required region, and more than one - using the green plus sign on the right, additional lines are added to select a region (no more than 4).

Do not be alarmed if, when choosing regions, it turns out that there are only a few of them in the drop-down list: start entering the initial letters of the name, and the desired region will be found.

Wordstat request. We indicate what kind of request will be checked: wide, phrasal or exact. Small digression:

  • Broad match - queries that include the specified keywords are checked, and they can be in different forms (cases, numbers, etc.) and diluted in other words;
  • Phrasal match (keywords are taken in "") - the query being checked contains the specified phrase, i.e. keywords in the form you provide. Other words may also be added.
  • Exact entry (keywords in "", while before each word!) - the request must exactly match the specified phrase, without adding other words.

About the keyword service i.

I choose Exact Match.

Search engines. The top inspector allows you to check the site by positions in the Yandex and Google search results - you can choose one search engine, you can both.

And the last point is whether you need to take into account subdomains.

Press the "Create" button - that's it, the new project is ready.

We get to the page where you want to add keywords. We take the prepared list and enter these words:

Click the "Add" button.

Pay attention - using the separator "|" in the key phrase, you can specify the address of the landing page, i.e. the address of the page on your site that should be returned for this request.

It is possible to import words from Yandex.Metrica and Google.Analytics, if you have the corresponding services connected. To do this, go to your profile and make the necessary settings:

But for now, let's not be distracted by them. We need to customize the project further. After entering the keywords, the system informs us that new words have been successfully added to the project. We can either continue to enter new queries into the project, or group the words that we have.

Grouping is a very useful feature if your project contains hundreds of keywords. How to set it up:

As you can see, the grouping is carried out using shortcuts. Click "Create a new shortcut":

You can specify not only the name, but also the color of the label.

Create a label "article" and assign it to those phrases that include the word "article". This can be done by simply dragging the shortcut to the appropriate line.

You can assign multiple shortcuts to one key phrase:

Now, when we go to the "Keywords" tab of the project, the words will be grouped according to the given labels:

Please note that the key "How to learn how to write articles from scratch" is displayed in two groups, since two labels have been assigned to it.

This feature allows you to conveniently conduct analysis and not get confused in a large project.

This is a very convenient function - checking the positions of a competitor site will help us in working on our own site. True, of course I would like to see more competitors.

However, our project is not yet working, positions are not taken off until there is no money on the account. Follow the link "Balance replenishment":

You can deposit money in different ways:

I selected Yandex.Money. After successful completion of the payment, you need to "unpause the project":

Well, let's wait. The schedule for removing positions cannot be changed: this action occurs once a day, the exact time is unknown - it is determined by the service itself. There is no way to find out the position of the site on demand.

So, the project has been initialized. Now, when entering the Top Inspector, we see the following:

Let's take a look at the “Take out positions” tab.

What we see here:

Let's see if the data we see here matches the real state of affairs in search engines. Let's take the query "article plan": Yandex - 3rd place, Google - 1. Look in Yandex:

Second place. Let's look at Google:

Also the second. It seems like the truth ...

So, we looked at how to check the position of a site for queries in the Top Inspector. It remains to see what reports this service allows to create. Go to the "Reports" tab:

You can compare data for two dates, you can view data for all dates for a period, or only for a specific date. This is how the report for the period looks like:

Pay attention to the note about export. Let's now make a report for the date and see the export options:

Export - to a CSV file, it is a delimited text file. It can also be viewed in Excel.

In the report settings, you can see the parameters. But in general, there is nothing worthy of attention there.

The Top Inspector has the ability to receive mailings:

Test mode, by the way. Who wants to - can conduct tests. Click "Add mailing configuration":

I think this is a handy feature - you don't need to go into the service to get a report.


Top Inspector- simple service, without unnecessary "bells and whistles", with an intuitive interface. The cost is very attractive - 60 kopecks per month for the daily shooting of one key phrase.

  • Checking in Yandex and Google
  • Search depth - TOP-50
  • Convenient interface, the ability to group requests and write comments in reports

- a resource similar to Top Inspector, but more expensive and with advanced functionality compared to the previous service.

You can register here either through the registration form, or by starting right off the bat to analyze your project on the main page:

Enter the name of your site, if any - alias addresses:

All Positions can determine the position of a site in five search engines: Yandex, Google,, Rambler and (Belarusian search engine). We choose, Yandex and Google will be enough for us:

In the next step, we enter our keywords:

The final step is to enter the email and code:

Click "Finish":

In essence, our actions are registration with the service. A letter with a login (e-mail address) and a password will be sent to the email address provided by us, with which it will be possible to enter All Positions in the future.

If the system has not yet managed to process the request, then when we first enter the service we will see the following information:

Now is the time to tell about the pricing policy of All Positions.

What is 1000? No, these are not rubles, but the internal "currency" - coins. The newly minted user is credited with 1000 "lifting" coins to get acquainted with the possibilities of the service. After the key word positions are removed, the number of coins on the account will decrease. One request in one search engine (one region) costs one coin. The rate of coins is different depending on the amount we pay for their purchase:

The frequency of position checks in this service, in contrast to the Top Inspector, can be set differently:

  • Every day
  • After updates (updates) Yandex
  • Two times a week
  • Every week
  • Once in two weeks
  • Once a month
  • On demand

Thus, it is easy to calculate that a daily check of 100 queries in one region in two search engines will cost us 6,000 coins. At the rate of 0.08 rubles per coin - it turns out 480 rubles per month. Compared to 60 rubles for the same in the Top Inspector, 480 rubles are impressive. Let's see what is offered to us for them.

We go to All Positions with a login-email and a password. When I log into my work account, I see the following:

There are quite a few things here, but in general the picture is already familiar from the Top Inspector. In the same way, you can switch between Yandex and Google, observe statistics in the form of graphs and percentages. In the table with queries, we see their frequency and page positions in search engines.

I have several working projects here, so for the purity of the experiment, I will add the selected keywords that we worked with in the Top Inspector to a new project in order to consider the capabilities of the system in more detail. At the same time, we will analyze how a new project is added.

In the "Projects" window, click "Add", enter all the data:

Let it be on demand. Click "Add". Now the system will inform us that no requests have been found and will offer to add them:

Immediately after clicking the button, the service starts generating a report on the positions of our keywords.

By the way, we have not indicated the region - neither during the initial registration, nor now. To make any changes to the report settings, use the "Settings" menu:

In the "Miscellaneous" tab, we see a line in which you can specify the region:

Here, we can observe a significant difference from the Top Inspector, namely, you can not specify the region, in this case the search is not tied to the region.

Here we can change the type of query to Wordstat.

It is not very convenient, as it seems to me, that when registering and creating a new project, the settings are indicated only partially. If we need to change or add something - the same region, for example, if our requests are geo-dependent, then we need to go to "Settings" and do it there. You can forget about it, right?

Let's now take a look at our Test project and examine the capabilities of All Positions in more detail using its example.

Let's start at the very top. There are two types of reports here:

  • Site position - what interests us now
  • Statistics is the number and analysis of site visits. To collect it, you need to connect Google Analytics:

It's also a pretty interesting feature, but we will not consider it now.

Below we see a drop-down list - you can select a group of requests and observe data only for it. How do I include requests in a group?

Click "Add Requests":

Here it will no longer be possible to simply group requests, you will have to re-enter them. Not very convenient.

The chart can be built according to different parameters:

Since there is not enough data for building a graph in the current project, I will use a graph from another project. Let's see how various parameters are displayed on it:

  • Visibility / attendance:

The question may arise: what is visibility? Please, here is the answer:

Do you understand everything? In general, the higher the number, the better for our site. Attendance is shown on the graph if the project is connected to Google.Analitics.

  • Top requests

Let's go back a little higher and take a look at the "More" and "Competitors" buttons:

Click "Details". This button gives the details of the report for a specific request:

  • Overview - change of position for the period;
  • TOP 10 - sites in the TOP-10 for this request;
  • Snippets - a list of snippets (text fragments shown in search results under the page address), issued by the search engine for a period.

The request "order an article for the site" is in third place in the Yandex search results. Let's check if this is really so? We go to Yandex and type a request:

Ranked # 2 in organic search results. Well, plus or minus is correct.

Let's check the position of the site in Google, for this we select Google in the "Search Engines". It's not so happy here, 56th place. Let's see:

Look, the position of the site in the Google search is generally accurate. Well, in this way you can make sure that the service readings correspond to the real state of affairs.

Now let's look at the "Competitors" menu.

The service itself determines our competitors - for all requests or for a specific group. In this case, we found 155 competitors. You can see the dynamics of visibility on the chart by checking the box in front of the site in the table. Counters installed on competitors' websites are also displayed - you can go to them and see statistics, of course, if the counter is not closed from access.

A little below there is a menu with the following tabs:

  • Export - the same as in the Top Inspector, the report can be exported in two formats.
  • Import - it is possible to import landing pages, as well as queries and groups, in CSV format
  • Subscription;
  • Report for clients - we give clients a link, and they can view the report without registering in the system and without gaining access to their account.

So, it remains for us to consider a few points. We analyzed what features are in individual projects, but All Positions also has a “Project Manager” service that allows you to view information on all our projects. You can enter it either through the left sidebar:

Or through the top menu:

In this menu, we see generalized data for all projects:

  • When the report is updated
  • When will the next check take place?
  • Positions (+/-)
  • The number of requests, how many of them are included in the TOP-3, -10 and -30.

In the same top menu there is an item XML limits.

What is it, why are we offered to exchange them for free checks? Where can I get them?

First, a little about the XML format and XML requests.

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a format that can be used to store and transfer various data between programs. An XML file is a text file specially structured and marked up with tags.

XML requests are XML files that the sending program sends to the receiving program and that contain specific requests. In response, the sending program receives other XML files containing the requested information.

Yandex.XML is a service that allows users to send such XML requests to Yandex and receive a response, also in XML format. Thus, you can check the position of a site in Yandex by accessing the search base directly, rather than loading and processing each page of the search results. The search engine itself provides this information in response to the request sent by us.

However, Yandex, although it provides such an opportunity, at the same time limits it to the number of requests that the site owner can send during the day. The number of these requests is called XML limits.

Limits are accrued to resource owners who have added their sites to the Yandex.Webmaster service and confirmed their rights to them. A certain number of limits are issued for each site, and Yandex keeps the calculation algorithm secret. The distribution of limits throughout the day is not the same: in this way Yandex regulates the load on its servers.

To find out how many limits you have at, you need to register at:

In the Limits section, you can see the number of limits assigned to your sites (provided that the sites are registered with the Webmaster).

Limits can be transferred, bought and sold. This is exactly what All Positions offers us to do. If you do not use them, hand them over to someone who can dispose of them for their intended purpose. It is the services that determine the site's position that it is very convenient to use direct access to the Yandex database. How to transfer limits is indicated in the All Positions instructions. In return, you get free checks.

Similar proposals are made by many other positioning services. However, there are those who do not use XML queries and analyze search results pages.


All Positions- the service is more multifunctional and flexible than Top Inspector. What are its differences?

  • Ability to choose the frequency of checks
  • More metrics - visibility, checkable frequency of impressions, ability to track traffic
  • Fast position checking
  • Ability to exchange XML limits for free checks
  • 5 search engines
  • Check depth - TOP-150

However, it should be noted that the interface cannot be called intuitive; it takes time and persistence to figure out its settings. The top inspector certainly wins in this respect. Also, the service is more expensive than the Top Inspector - 480 rubles versus 60 for checking the same indicators.

There are a great many services on the Internet with the help of which you can see the positions of the site.

Moving on to a brief overview of nine more resources that I have selected from this variety. Among them there are both services that only allow you to check the positions of the site online, without providing other information, and multifunctional complexes that provide SEO promotion services, which only professionals can fully understand. In cases where we will come across services of the second type, we will not delve into their functionality, but will focus exclusively on checking positions.

Of course, you are probably wondering how to check site rankings for free. We will pay attention to which resources offer free tests, which give a test period, which you can work on without registration.

Sign up for a free copywriting webinar for beginners - I'll show you how authors make money on the Internet!

One of the services that provide many SEO tools is.

Here's what he tells us about the validation capabilities:

Let's select "Check Site Positions" and enter our keywords. By default, the checkbox is only on Yandex, we will put it on Google. We will not select the region, we will not use the PHP script either - this is a check using XML limits.

Click "Check" and get the result:

What can we see here:

To the left of the request is an icon with a graph image. By clicking on it, we will get a graphical image of the site's position history since the last check:

  • Hovering the mouse cursor over the position number, we get in the pop-up window the address of the page containing the corresponding key.
  • Red or green numbers show a drop or increase in the site's position compared to the last request.
  • It is possible to export the results as HTML or CSV.

The daily limit is removed after registration and balance replenishment. The cost of checking one request in one search engine is 2 kopecks. 100 requests in two search engines every day - 120 rubles.


Quite convenient and inexpensive. You can check 30 queries per day for each search engine for free, on weekends - 100 queries, on update days - 25. The depth of check for Yandex is TOP-200, for Google - TOP-150. (SE Ranking) Is another comprehensive SEO analysis tool. There is an opportunity to try it for free, which you can see right away. Well, great, that's exactly what we're going to do.

We press the corresponding button. We are invited to create an account:

You can check 50 keywords a day for free. This limit is more than enough for us.

We register, now we need to add a project:

We press the corresponding button, now we need to fill in the data about our project:

For a test account, the verification depth is 100 and cannot be changed, in paid accounts it can be changed.

Expert options - we probably won't use them.

We enter our keywords. Please note - it is possible to group them. Click "Add queries" - they are entered in the table, "Next", and the last step is to add search engines:

There are 7 systems in the list, taking into account the mobile versions of Google and Yandex. The traditional two search engines will be enough for us:

Finishing the project setup. Press the button "Positions":

We get the following results:

The report has three types:

I note that it is not easy to deal with such an interface right away, but a trained eye can already see what functionality there is:

  • Ability to write notes - about actions to promote the site;
  • Settings - you can change the project settings;
  • Guest link - can be passed to the client;
  • Export of the report - to Excel and CSV.

By clicking on the position number opposite the key request, we will see detailed information about it, including the address of the relevant page.

But that's not all. At the top of the page there is a menu:

Let's take a look at how SE Ranking performs against its competitors:

Competitors can be added manually to monitor them, you can entrust their selection to the system (button "All competitors"):

In general, the service has all the necessary functionality. Let's see what the tariffs are.

Pay per check rates:

100 daily queries within a month in two search engines will cost us from 300 rubles.


A flexible tool for checking site rankings, and more. The service is paid, but it is possible to test it for free for 14 days. The interface is pretty nice, but you have to figure out "where is what". If you are only going to check site rankings, there is not much point in using SE Ranking, its functionality is more suitable for web developers and SEO-optimizers.

Is the next service in line that we will consider. Here, too, you have the opportunity to try for free.

We register, confirm the email by clicking on the link in the letter, then we receive another letter with registration data.

Now you need to start a project.

Please note - upon registration we received 10 rubles to the account. We start to create our project:

Enter the site address and project name. That's it, it appeared on the list:

It seems to me very convenient and understandable. If you click on the icon, the message that we see on the screen appears. Let's fill in everything, for this we will use the settings under the project name.

When choosing a search engine, you can specify whether traffic by regions or general traffic will be taken into account, and select regions (at least one).

The ability to customize the schedule of inspections is good news, especially compared to the capabilities of the Top Inspector.

In the "Integration" item, you can connect Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics.

The list of keywords is not too obvious in the "Core" section:

Here you can create groups of requests, you can add a request to only one group. To enter a group of requests at once, you need to use the "Import" button:

In order to remove the positions of the site, go to the "Positions" section and press the button.

You can view the results for each search engine separately, or compare the search engines.

There are a lot of analysis tools: this is the presentation of results in various forms, and the ability to get statistics on groups, regions and search engines.

If you go to the "Analytics" section, you can see even more information in different sections:

In general, a detailed analysis of Topvisor's capabilities is a topic for a separate large analysis. I can say that the functionality impressed me, and the interface pleased me. Let's see the tariffs:

Now our tariff is XS, +10 rubles for registration (however, after checking the positions, there are already 8.5 left). Please note that the frequency check is paid here, in contrast to the services discussed earlier.


An excellent service if you need not just take off positions, but a full-featured SEO tool. Many of its capabilities, in particular, building a semantic core, site auditing, and so on, remained outside the scope of our review.

The interface is very user-friendly, but it is worth noting that the richness of functionality is the reason for certain difficulties when trying to figure out how to manage all this wealth.

Another multifunctional service for webmasters is. It should be noted right away that the service is free and registration is not required for a one-time check of site positions, however, position monitoring, which is carried out on an ongoing basis, is a paid service with mandatory registration:

Let's figure out how to check the position of a site in Google and Yandex in Seogadget. Compared to previous services, everything is extremely simple here:

The checkbox "Show competitors in the TOP" displays a list of competitors in the table under each request, you can check it as you wish. Here we go!". Result:

Unfortunately, a Google search failed for some reason. This is a temporary error, it happens on other services, but the impression is of course spoiled. If we check the positions with competitors, the picture will be like this:

In general, comments are not required here.


The service is simple, free, but here's a mistake in Google - and something good can no longer be said.

- system of automatic website promotion. It sounds pretty solid, but we just need to figure out how you can check the search positions of the site here. We will not consider other tools.

At the next step, we add a region, and the system offers us a list of requests that are optimal in its opinion for website promotion. If we want to work with our key queries - remove the jackdaws and click "Start promotion".

In a few minutes, we receive a report, in which, in addition to data on site positions, there is a lot of other information regarding the budget for promotion for these requests and recommended pages:

There is another very useful function in this service - determining the visibility of the site. You can specify either your site or any other:

We go to the page of the corresponding service and enter our data:

We will see detailed information about the site:

  • Effective impressions per month
  • The number of key queries, how many of them are in the TOP-3, TOP-10, etc.
  • Traffic per month, by region
  • Competitor visibility history

Etc. A very useful tool for analyzing and promoting your site.

Now about the tariffs:


Service for SEO-website promotion, many useful tools, rich functionality. For example, using this service, you can pick up requests for your resource. There is an opportunity to work completely free of charge. If you are interested in integrated promotion, you have a direct road here. But just to check the position of the site in the search engines, without going into details, here you can easily and quickly.

On the main page of the service, we are greeted with an invitation to check the position of the site and get a bonus. Let's do this:

Most likely, the bonus is some amount on the account. We'll find out now. We press the button, we see a window for entering key queries:

Choosing search engines and regions. There is Yandex and Google, including mobile search, and Let's go further:

Click "Check Positions!" We are waiting for a long time, about half an hour. Of course, not a day, like some ... By the way, about the bonus: indeed, 25 rubles were credited.

Some imbalance in design is striking. It is not clear where to look first. In fact, you can find many indicators here, but where to look for them is not obvious. In addition, it is impossible to look at the summary table for all search engines: now we have Yandex listed, but if we select "All", then several more of the same tables will be added below. Inconvenient.

In the upper right corner - report settings, a little lower - buttons for export and display of charts. Export pleased me - there are many different options for saving reports:

Let's take a look at the settings, in particular the "Checks" tab. Here you can configure search engines, regions, frequency of checks:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • After the update
  • Manually

And also the depth of checks - up to 500. The cost depends on all these parameters. For example, if we select Yandex with a depth of 150, Google with a depth of 100, indicate one region and select a daily frequency of checks, then for 100 requests the monthly cost will be 450 rubles. A lot. What else is there?

  • Keywords - you can create groups and add new words to groups.
  • Competitors - You can add 10 competitor sites to track.


A service with rich functionality, but the impression is spoiled by an unfortunate design. If you get used to it, it is quite possible to use it.

Is a popular resource for webmasters and SEOs. The main thing here is a forum where representatives of the respective professions communicate. You can register on it for a reason, but by invitation (invitation) from the participant. But we are not interested in the forum at the moment. Let's see how you can check the position of the site.

Go to the Tools section, find there the item Analysis of positions by requests:

Let's test the service.

So, don't you think we've seen this before? Very similar to Seogadget, even the button is also called “Let's go”. Well, let's go. As we remember, Seogadget gave an error in Google, let's see what happens here.

Like this. Well, a negative result is also a result.


If the tool is declared in the service, it should work, otherwise it is better to remove it from there. Do you agree?

- a specialized service for determining the position of the site. Without registration, you can work in the following modes:

  • Automatic check is our usual check of site positions by a list of keywords. You can choose from 8 (!) Search engines, search depth - 300, number of keys - up to 2000. You can specify only one region.

However, this service is paid, the cost can be viewed in the "Cost of services" section:

As you can see, there are different options for generating reports, the other three are available only to registered users of the service. For my 13 requests, the cost of one report will be 9 rubles. 10 kopecks

There is something wrong with the prices, don't you think?

  • The second test option is a simple test. This check allows you to find out where the site is for one key request, the service is free:

The check takes several minutes, and the following laconic report is generated:

Fast and easy. But if we still want to see the positions of all our requests, we have to register.

After a quick registration, we fill in our data for our project:

It is proposed to select the mode of using the service. We select the automatic creation of a report for all positions. Further:

Pay attention - here the price of the report is already 5.2 rubles. This is because I signed up. Without registration, let me remind you, the issue price is 9.1 rubles. We will not include ratings, but note that there is such an opportunity.

Click "Check Positions" and the payment page appears. Since we have 10 rubles on our account after registration, we select the item "From account account":

The report began to form. It's nice that there is a progress bar showing that the service is working and not messing around:

Finally, the report is ready:

As you can see, there is nothing superfluous, if I may say so, even the definition of the frequency of requests is not here.


Very simple, but too expensive service. The interface is nice and straightforward. If you only need to check the position of a site in the search, without any additional functionality, and you don’t mind the money, you may like it here. On the other hand, there are services that are much cheaper and at the same time with a bunch of all sorts of "chips". For a one-time free determination of the position of one request - that's it.

- another service for checking site positions. It stands out from a number of similar services in that it is clearly focused on SEO studios: the functionality contains elements of a task management system, and there is also the possibility of invoicing, generating invoices, and preparing acts.

However, we did not come here for this - we need to find out the position of the site. We see the big button "Try for free" and click on it, we immediately get to the registration form:

We find ourselves in your personal account and see the message:

The cabinet has sections such as Employees, Clients, Personalization - to create a personal client page. Everything suggests that professional optimizers are welcome here.

We will now go to the Checking positions section. As you can see, there are two possibilities to add a project - a regular add and a quick one. In the quick add, you need to specify:

  • Project name
  • domain
  • key queries
  • search engines - Yandex, Google and
  • frequency of inspection

Let's use the usual project addition and see what you can configure here:

5 competitors are tested for free.

In the Requests tab, enter keywords and configure the type of frequency processing:

and a way to handle visibility:

Search engines are understandable. Checking time:

Access to the project - you can specify employees and clients.

And press the button "Check":

We confirm. We admire the progress bar for a while and get the result:

To get a detailed report, you need to click on the name of the project.

Throwing off the request rate doesn't seem to work.

In the report, you can create various selections and group queries. In the Work Calendar, you can leave comments that will be displayed in reports. In my opinion, it is convenient and informative.

Let's see the tariffs:

The cost of one check is from 6 kopecks. Thus, checking 100 requests every day for a month is 360 rubles.


The service left a pleasant impression, spoiled only by the fact that the frequency of requests was not determined. The price is average, the interface is simple and convenient, while the functionality is quite large.

So, we examined 11 services with which you can check the position of the site in the search results. Some of them left a pleasant impression, some did not. Are you even aware of this case? checking positions? How and how often?

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