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  • Air got under the protective glass, what to do. How to properly and accurately stick a protective glass on the screen of a phone, tablet without bubbles at home: instructions, photos, videos

Air got under the protective glass, what to do. How to properly and accurately stick a protective glass on the screen of a phone, tablet without bubbles at home: instructions, photos, videos

The protective glass is several times harder than the most durable film, and therefore saves the device not only from. According to the manufacturers, it is able to withstand even a blow with a hammer. We do not recommend such experiments. But we can say: in the event of a fall, it is most likely that the protective glass will break, and not the screen of the device.

In this case, the glass does not affect the sensitivity of the sensor and the brightness of the image.

However, glass is more expensive than film. And you can pick it up only for relatively popular models of smartphones and tablets.

How to stick protective glass

Step 1. Prepare the room

If dust gets under the protective glass, you will have to live with bubbles on the gadget's screen or tinker with removing them. To avoid this, do a wet cleaning in the room, or at least:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. With a clean cloth, preferably with detergent, wipe the table on which you are going to glue the protective glass.
  3. Wash your hands.

Step 2. Prepare the tools

In addition to the device and protective glass, you will need:

  1. Display cleaner, antistatic agent, or plain alcohol.
  2. Microfiber cloth.
  3. Stationery tape.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Plastic card or scraper.

Step 3: Degrease the screen surface

To do this, use a display cleaner, antistatic agent, or alcohol. Carefully remove all stains. If you've just removed the old one from your phone, wipe off any remaining glue. Wipe the screen dry with microfiber.

Step 4. Stick the glass

Take protective glass. On the one hand, it is covered with a film, it must be removed. Now the glass must be held around the edges so as not to leave fingerprints on the surface.

Carefully, without touching the screen, place the glass 5–10 mm from the smartphone. Align the glass so that the speakers and buttons are under their respective holes.

The most exciting moment has come. When the glass is perfectly aligned on the edges, simply lower it onto the screen. Thanks to the adhesive inner coating, it will fix itself.

If any bubbles appear, remove them with a microfiber cloth. Wipe the screen with it from the center to the edges, expelling excess air.

Step 5: Remove Missing Motes

Perhaps some speck of dust still got under the glass and left an additional bubble on the screen. Unfortunately, microfiber will not remove it. You will have to re-raise the protective coating.

This can be done with a plastic card or a scraper. In addition, we need a strip of stationery tape. It is better to take a transparent adhesive tape: white construction tape or colored varieties will leave marks on.

Pick up the edge of the glass, lift it up so that you can get a speck of dust. Now stick a piece of tape on it and sharply tear it off along with the debris. Everything. It remains only to return the protective glass to its place.

How to ideally stick, stick, glue a protective glass on the screen of a mobile, smartphone or tablet at home.

From the article you will learn how to glue a protective glass on a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, Xiaomi, so that later you do not have to get rid of the air bumps that have appeared under the glass.

How to properly and accurately stick a protective glass on the screen of a Samsung smartphone without bubbles: instructions, photo video

  • Any device that is used daily needs protection. And if you are the owner of an ultra-modern gadget, then neglecting the possibility of installing a protective coating on the display can cause chips and scratches on the screen.
  • Such additional protection will help keep the gadget attractive for longer, as well as extend the period of its active use. Even high-end devices that have a special screen protector need additional protection in the form of glass. After all, the most durable glass from which the display is made can be scratched by sand and keys.

Protective glass is a reliable barrier against scratches, bumps, chips. After installing an additional means of protection, various defects in the display of the gadget are not terrible.

If you follow the instructions, you can cope with this difficult task at home on your own.

Protective glass is a reliable barrier against scratches, bumps, chips.

How to glue the protective glass on the smartphone screen?

  • A beginner may think that the process of gluing protective glass is complicated. But with a little practice, you will become a real expert in this matter.
  • There is no significant difference in which device screen you will install a protective coating on. It will be an iPhone, smartphone or tablet, the procedure does not have significant differences.
  • In order not to have to carry out the procedure of gluing the protection several times, an inexperienced person should start not from the screen, but from the back of the gadget.

The fact that the screen of the device needs protection should be considered immediately after its acquisition, because the display is very sensitive. Various mechanical damage can occur even if the device is constantly in your pocket.

There is a possibility of scratches from coins, keys, or simply from the fact that the owner of the device scratches the display of the gadget with a fingernail. If there are minimal scratches on the display during the gluing of the protective glass, no manipulation will save you from the appearance of bubbles.

That is why if you decide to remove the old protective glass and replace it with a new one, then you must act with extreme caution.

  • alcohol wipe
  • dry wipe
  • special liquid for cleaning TV or computer screens
  • scotch
  • protective tempered glass

Step 1:

  • Let's start the process of gluing protective glass with the preparation of the workplace. In the room where you will deal with the protective coating, you need to carry out wet cleaning.
  • Thus, you will reduce to a minimum the amount of dust and micro-garbage floating in the air. You can avoid the appearance of air bubbles if the process of gluing the protective glass takes place in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • If you glue the protective glass in the bedroom, you will have to spray water from the spray gun so that the textiles available here in large quantities do not attract debris particles and do not complicate the procedure.

Step 2:

  • Hands should be washed with soap. It is also worth having wet wipes with you in case, despite cleaning, dust particles get on your hands or on the work surface. You can remove them without getting up.
  • We have all the tools, fixtures, protective glass necessary for work on a clean work surface.

We have all the tools, fixtures, protective glass necessary for work on a clean work surface.

Step 3:

  • We remove the old protective glass from the phone screen by slightly pulling the edge at an angle of 60 degrees.

Step 4:

  • We clean the phone display with a microfiber cloth or regular alcohol. It is important to remove all dirt left after the old protective glass has been removed.
  • You can use a special cleaner, which is sold in hardware stores.

If you have time, then it is quite possible to prepare such a tool yourself. The recipe is the following:

  • We take 5 parts of water and one part of alcohol.
  • In the resulting mixture, add dishwashing liquid (a little).
  • With the resulting mixture, rub the phone screen until it shines.
  • The remaining dust particles or particles of micro-garbage are removed with a piece of adhesive tape.

We remove the old protective glass from the phone screen by pulling a little on the edge

Step 5:

  • We take out the protective glass from the package. We find the film and remove it.
    The protective glass must be positioned so that the center button and speaker line up with the holes in the glass.
  • Swipe your finger from the center to the bottom edge, thus securing the patch surface.
  • We take a credit card or a special spatula, which is often sold complete with protective glass. We pass over the glued glass, not pressing hard on its surface, and remove small air bubbles.
  • A few days after the completion of the procedure, very tiny tubercles will disappear on their own. However, it is necessary to ensure that the display cover has a smooth, perfectly flat surface.

Why tempered glass is better than special display film

Why protective tempered glass is better than a special film for the display:

  • Protective glass does not affect the color reproduction and sensitivity of the gadget
  • Tempered glass - reliable protection of the original glass of the gadget from falling and other mechanical damage
  • Glass at home is easier to stick, because bubbles remain under the film from dust particles of any size
  • It is almost impossible to determine the presence of a protective glass on the screen
  • The gadget does not become heavier in the presence of a protective glass, the dimensions remain the same
  • The protective glass has an oleophobic coating, which serves as a reliable protection against mechanical damage.
  • The glass surface is pleasant to the touch.
  • Unlike film, tempered glass does not come off accidentally, as it is fixed firmly and securely.

If you have purchased a high-quality coating, then such a protective glass can be re-glued to a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, Xiaomi. For repeated use, after careful removal of the coating, it will be necessary to treat the adhesive side with formic alcohol.

  • The napkin is moistened with a special agent, and the glass is gently wiped. After that, you need to leave the gadget for a while so that the liquid is glass.
    Protection is set in the same way as described above.
  • The main thing is that the holes for the center button and the speaker match. Air and liquid residues are again expelled with a credit card or spatula.

From the video, you will learn an easy way to equip your gadget with a tempered glass protective surface without resorting to the help of a specialist.

Video: How to stick a protective glass on the screen

Video: glass on Xiaomi Redmi 4X

How to properly and accurately stick a protective glass on the iPhone screen without bubbles: instructions, photo video

Protective glass is selected in accordance with a particular brand of phone. Therefore, no pre-treatment of the protective coating is required, unlike conventional film.

The protective glass is glued on the front side of the gadget, in the same sequence as the film. You just need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • All manipulations should be carried out with care.
  • Strong bending can cause cracks in the glass
  • Glued glass can not be smoothed, the main thing is to expel the formed air bubbles

Protective glass is selected in accordance with a specific brand of phone

How to ideally stick a protective glass on a tablet without bubbles: instructions, video

The video instruction will help you to correctly stick the protective glass on the tablet.

Video: How to stick a protective glass on a tablet

How to remove air bubbles from under protective glass: tips

  • It is better to carry out all manipulations in a room with a limited amount of textiles (in the bathroom, in the kitchen).
  • Bubbles that appear after gluing are removed by smoothing the surface of the protective glass with a flat object (for example, a credit card).
  • If air bubbles still remain, it is better to repeat the glass gluing procedure. But before that, the screen of the gadget must be wiped with a special wipe, which comes with a protective coating.
  • Micro-garbage from the protective glass is also removed with this napkin. In the absence of a special napkin, a computer one is used.
  • When gluing the protective glass, it is better to hold the device with your left hand. Hold the edge of the protective surface with your thumb.
  • Stick on carefully. Make sure that air does not get under the protective coating and that the integrity of the protective accessory is not violated.
  • If air bubbles remain under the glass, then it must be lifted over the edge, and then carefully lowered so that no air enters.

Now you do not have to look for information on how to glue a protective glass on a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, Xiaomi, because we have collected all the answers in one article.

Video: How to stick a protective glass on the iPhone screen

Some precautions when handling gadgets can not be called redundant. Even novice users are well aware that the touch screen is one of the expensive elements, the replacement of which costs a substantial amount. Significantly increases the strength of the device special glass, protecting it with a small mechanical impact. Many mobile phone owners prefer to glue the protection themselves without contacting a service center. As a result, after such attempts, noticeable air bubbles appear that spoil the appearance of the screen. Let's talk about how to get rid of such a nuisance, what exactly can an ordinary user who does not have technical knowledge do for this.

Ways to eliminate air under protective glass

Once again we warn you that we will talk about the usual procedures, there is nothing complicated about them. So, if air got under, it is recommended to take one of the following actions:
1. In a number of simple cases, an ordinary piece of even plastic can help. To solve the problem, a credit card or a driver's license is suitable, with which you should try to expel the bubbles that have appeared.
2. When you fail, do not despair. Get a small needle, which you will need to carefully pry off the edges of the protection. Use a needle in those places where the accumulation of air impurities is noticeable. After the air is removed, firmly press the protective element against the screen of the gadget.
3. A standard hair dryer can help. It takes a few minutes to warm up the smartphone a little. In no case do not bring the hair dryer close! The equipment should work at a distance of 25-30 cm! After completing the event, place the electronic product on a flat surface under a press of several heavy books. After about 6-8 hours, only a memory will remain of the air bubbles.
4. In the presence of a large number of blisters, it is worth resorting to a more radical method. It is possible that the air under the protective glass will disappear after the complete dismantling of the protection. After that, attach a strip of adhesive tape to the glass surface, onto which all small debris will pass. Then install the glass accessory in place.

Despite the seeming simplicity, each of the procedures described above requires careful preparation. Note that the work should be carried out in an environment of maximum sterility, with a minimum presence of dust. At home, to solve this problem, it is advisable to use the bathroom - in rooms with a high level of humidity, there is much less dust. With each action, do not exert significant physical effort. The work is delicate, does not like haste, requires caution. Be sure to remove the fat from your hands, otherwise serious problems may arise.

Try to initially stick the glass correctly

In order to avoid problems, there is no need to remove bubbles under the film on the phone, try to immediately stick the protective coating correctly. Understand that it is better to do the task well initially than to try to correct the mistakes made later. We will provide useful information that will help you avoid problems when installing a thin accessory.
Don't forget to remove greasy stains from the screen surface. Be sure to use a liquid with a high alcohol content to achieve this goal. Do not forget to wear disposable medical gloves that do not hinder movement and allow you to perform precise work. Remember that the sticky side of the accessory should never be touched. In this case, the adhesive parameters of the coating deteriorate significantly. The ideal option among professionals is the presence of a suction cup, it greatly facilitates the process of completing the task.
If you have doubts about your own abilities, take your smartphone to a specialized service. Any master is able to solve such a simple problem for a modest reward. By the way, the quality of work, in many respects, depends on what kind of glass you have purchased. Practice proves that failures occur much more often when trying to stick cheap copies. Therefore, never save on protection, purchase only expensive copies.

How to cut a protective glass for a smartphone?

There are times when it is necessary to cut off part of the protective glass for a smartphone. This can be done in several ways.

For example, using a sharp clerical knife or scalpel. Before starting work, the unused part of the glass should be covered with some kind of cloth or napkin, this is necessary so that small fragments do not damage it. After the excess part is cut off, the edges should be smoothed with sandpaper (no more than 1 type of hardness), so that they do not cut hands or tear clothes in the future.

You can also get rid of excess edges using only sandpaper. But this method is only suitable if the edges are very small. Sandpaper is best to take the 80-100th number, you can do more, it all depends on the roughness and thickness of the glass and stick it on some object with a flat surface, for example, on a wooden board. It is better to process along the edge so that there are no fragments.

If the glass is already glued to the phone, the chance of cutting it becomes very small, since in this case it can break up into many small fragments. At home, it is advisable not to do this, it is better to contact specialists or buy a new protective glass.

What to do if the protective glass on the phone is peeled off?

Many smartphone users often have the problem of peeling off the protective glass from the screen, most often this starts to happen in the corners, and then over the entire surface. This comes from getting air, dust or dirt under the glass. In this case, the glass must be carefully removed, washed on both sides with warm water and carefully glued back onto the screen without wiping. Then, using a cloth, carefully remove excess drops of water from under it (due to excessive moisture, the glass will slide at first), put it to dry for 3-4 hours, after it dries and you make sure that the glass no longer rides , squeeze out the last droplets of water with your fingers.

Another option to cope with the problem of peeling off the protective glass is to prepare sugar syrup, it has an adhesive base. Apply it to the areas of the screen where the glass leaves. And also it can be applied to the entire screen. To do this, remove the glass, wipe the phone screen with alcohol, distribute the syrup droplets along the entire length of the screen. When sticking the glass, the syrup will spread over the entire plane and the glass will stick very well.

What is better to glue the film or protective glass?

When purchasing a phone, I want it to serve as long as possible. Touch screens on modern technology are very sensitive and fragile, they can be easily damaged due to which they will not last as long as they could. In this case, many people have a question: "How to ensure a long life of the touch screen, what is better to buy a film or a protective glass?". Each of these options has its pros and cons.

There are quite a lot of protective films: glossy, matte, mixed (combines the properties of a glossy and matte film), mirror, antibacterial, anti-spyware. Each of them has its own specific advantages.

The films are quite thin and don't add much volume to your phone. With such an accessory, the gadget can be put in any case, but they have the ability to slow down the sensor.

As for the protective glass, it is noticeably thicker than the film, due to which the smartphone is given a certain small volume and cannot fit in certain types of cases. Also glasses are a little more expensive, but they are also more reliable, especially at the time of the fall.

Unlike film, glass does not spoil the clarity of the image, and does not impair the sensitivity of the screen. They also have a large variety, for example: from a silicone base, from a containment layer, with an anti-reflective coating, with a protective layer, from an oleophobic coating.

These two accessories have their own advantages and disadvantages, so what is more suitable for your phone is up to you.

How to remove bubbles from the protective glass of the phone?

Very often there is a problem of air bubbles under the protective glass of the phone. The question arises: where do they come from and how to get rid of them? There are several options to eliminate them.

  1. Try to drive them out by swiping some thick cardboard, such as a credit card, across the screen.
  2. Also, the most ordinary needle can come to the rescue. Just pry up the part of the glass where the air bubbles have accumulated and release them, then press the glass back down so that the air doesn't get in there again.
  3. Take a hair dryer, place it 30 centimeters from your smartphone and heat the glass at medium temperature for two minutes, then put the phone under a stack of books or some other press for 7 hours.
  4. If there are a lot of bubbles, you will have to clean the glass of excess debris. Remove the protective glass and use tape to clean it, then wipe the screen with alcohol and place the glass back.

Is it possible to glue a protective glass on a broken screen?

If the smartphone screen has been damaged, there is no need to immediately panic. Everything depends on the degree of damage. If there are several shallow cracks on the screen and they do not disturb the operation of the sensor, then you can safely glue a protective glass or film on it. Thanks to this, moisture and dust and dirt will not enter the cracks and your sensor will last longer. But if the cracks are very deep and the screen is covered with craquelure, then you cannot do anything on your own, in which case you need to contact the service center to specialists.

Is it possible to glue the protective glass on the film?

When buying a gadget, everyone wants to protect it from scratches and cracks. Sometimes, when purchasing a protective glass, a protective film is already pasted on the phone. The question arises: is it possible to stick glass on a film for greater protection?

Of course, you can stick it, but it will not give additional protection. This can only make the sensor work worse. So you need to immediately make a choice of what is more necessary and better for you: film or glass.

How to stick wallpaper on glass?

In some situations, sticking wallpaper on glass becomes just a necessary task. But how and with what glue to do this, many do not know, and some argue that this is completely impossible. In fact, it all depends on the density and type of wallpaper. Canvases can be glued to ordinary wallpaper glue or PVA glue. If you need to glue a small area, you can do this with a glue gun.

Paint the walls or wallpaper?

Painting the walls or gluing wallpaper is an individual decision. After all, the walls in the two cases will look different. Yes, each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at each of them.

Painted walls are easy to clean. At any time, as soon as the color gets tired, the walls can be repainted, and the color palette is very multifaceted. But as for the budget, it depends on what to compare with, expensive wallpapers with expensive paint or expensive wallpapers with budget paint, even if not with the cheapest one.

Preparing the surface for painting will be a little more difficult than for wallpapering. The walls should be perfectly flat, without any cracks, dimples or humps. During grinding, even scratches are not allowed, otherwise the paint may begin to crack and crumble over time. For wallpapering, with a work surface, you don’t have to bother like that. It's not scary if there are some small problems on the wall, the wallpaper will hide it perfectly, especially if they are expensive and dense. Any wallpaper, like paint, contains chemicals, regardless of the price policy of the material.

As for practicality, it can be noted that the painted walls are more easily soiled, but despite this they are easier to wash, there is also a risk that the washed stain will be very striking against the general background, but as for the wallpaper, then on curvy and especially dark colors, some spots are not noticeable at all.

If you still can’t decide which is better, paintable wallpaper can be a good alternative.

You can read about how to glue wallpaper correctly by clicking on the link:

How to glue wallpaper without glue?

Some people do not want to use glue for wallpapering, since the canvases themselves have chemical elements, so they try to protect themselves and their loved ones as much as possible. In such cases, it is best to cook a paste from natural materials, flour or potato starch, this method will be environmentally friendly and will not bring any harm to your health, and it also keeps the wallpaper on the wall perfectly, preventing them from peeling off.

Why can't windows be opened when wallpapering?

When wallpapering, some people make the mistake of opening the windows wide open. In order to ventilate or with the hope that the glue will dry faster this way. But it is absolutely impossible to do this. Since in this case the walls will dry unevenly and the wallpaper may simply begin to fall off. In the best case, if they peel off at the edges, then they can be glued, but if air forms in the middle, this cannot be corrected without damaging the canvas. The optimum temperature for wallpapering is considered to be from +18 to +25 degrees Celsius.

Airing the room after gluing is not worth at least two days, in some cases it may take more time, it all depends on the quality of the glue and the canvas.

How to remove glue from a phone case?

How to remove glue from a phone case primarily depends on the material from which it is made and how dry the glue is. If the cover is silicone, in no case use sharp objects or sandpaper, this will damage the surface. To remove glue from such a case, there are several ways:

  • With soapy water. Pour warm water into a bowl and add a little shampoo or other soapy solution to it, mix until soapy foam forms and place the accessory in this solution for half an hour, then wipe it with a sponge, paying particular attention to problem areas.

  • With soda. This method is great if the glue is very dry. Mix soda and water until a thick paste forms, then apply it to the dirty area for one hour, when the time is up, scrape off the stain with a cloth and rinse the cover under running water.
  • With acetone. Wet a piece of cotton wool with the product and wipe the glue, rinse the accessory under the tap and wipe it dry with a cloth.
  • With the help of alcohol. In equal proportions, mix alcohol with water and send the cover there, soak for 10 minutes, then rub the problem area with a washcloth, which should also be moistened in this solution beforehand.

If you need to remove glue from a plastic cover, just take a cloth and soak it in kerosene, gasoline or the same alcohol, or in acetone, then simply wipe the dirty area.

If you have a question regarding the subject of glue, and you cannot find an answer to it, write it to us via . We will gladly answer.

Often the problem is related to flaking around the edges of the display. The top left corner is the most affected. Although the right quite often does not stand aside. The situation is not the most pleasant, but it is quite possible to fix it yourself.

Restoring the sticky layer of the protective film on the phone

There are several options for fixing the problem. Each user makes a choice in favor of a particular one based on personal capabilities and preferences.

Some precautions when handling gadgets can not be called redundant. Even novice users are well aware that the touch screen is one of the expensive elements, the replacement of which costs a substantial amount. Significantly increases the strength of the device special glass, protecting it with a small mechanical impact. Many mobile phone owners prefer to glue the protection themselves without contacting a service center. As a result, after such attempts, noticeable air bubbles appear that spoil the appearance of the screen. Let's talk about how to get rid of such a nuisance, what exactly can an ordinary user who does not have technical knowledge do for this.

Despite the seeming simplicity, each of the procedures described above requires careful preparation. Note that the work should be carried out in an environment of maximum sterility, with a minimum presence of dust.

Can the protective glass on the smartphone be re-glued?

At home, to solve this problem, it is advisable to use the bathroom - in rooms with a high level of humidity, there is much less dust. With each action, do not exert significant physical effort. The work is delicate, does not like haste, requires caution. Be sure to remove the fat from your hands, otherwise serious problems may arise.

Protective glass comes off at the edges
Why does the protective glass peel off
What to do if the protective glass peels off

Tempered glass is designed to further protect the display and prevent its destruction upon impact or fall. And the accessory provides the desired result without much difficulty. But only if it is properly glued to the base.
If the glass is not glued correctly, it may partially peel off. Dust and dirt begin to accumulate under it, and the smartphone itself sharply loses its original aesthetics. Yes, and its security raises very serious doubts.
How to solve a problem? What to do in such a situation and what may be required for this? Let's consider the issue in more detail, and also study those aspects that need increased attention.

In the first case, you will need to purchase a special tool in advance.

Why does the protective glass on the phone peel off?

We are talking about the Border Liquid gel, which is offered by a Chinese manufacturer. It has a transparent base and provides a solid connection between the glass edge and the screen surface. It is enough just to apply the gel on the edge and press it firmly to the base. The procedure is not particularly difficult, and its implementation will not take much time.
But if the corner has peeled off, then you can get by with improvised means. In this case, you will need a napkin, glycerin (vegetable oil) and a thin brush. The composition should be carefully applied to the edge with the complete filling of all existing voids. Excess agent is best removed with a napkin. The thinner the initially exfoliated section, the higher the quality of the work performed.

Why does the protective glass peel off

The reason for peeling can be different. And often there is not one provoking factor, but several at once. It all depends on the accuracy of a particular user, the conditions for using a smartphone and the frugality of a person.

The most common problem is:

  • The presence of chips and defects on the glass itself;
  • Insufficient cleanliness of working surfaces before gluing;
  • Sharp temperature fluctuations during the operation of the Iphone;
  • Moisture or air gets under the glass;
  • Clogging of the base from the inside with foreign particles.

Although situations with improperly performed gluing are quite common. Here we are already talking about the lack of proper experience and ignoring the basic rules for gluing.

What to do if the protective glass peels off

If the protective glass has peeled off, then there may be 2 reasons for this:

  • Preparation and gluing were carried out with violations;
  • The glass itself is not compatible with a specific smartphone model.

In the first case, you can try to re-glue. And here it is already necessary to strictly adhere to the advice and recommendations that experts offer.

The work itself is carried out as follows:

  • The display is wiped with a special rag to completely clean all extraneous traces;
  • The smallest particles of dust are blown away from the surface by the air flow;
  • The screen itself is degreased with a special liquid for the most durable connection with the coating to be installed;
  • The location of the glass on the display is determined and the film deposited on one of its sides is removed;
  • Glass is placed on the surface of the screen and gently pressed against the base;
  • The air remaining from below is squeezed out to the edges to obtain the highest quality protection as a result, without the least visual defects.

This work is considered completed. If the glass does not fit initially, then it is more expedient to immediately replace it with a more suitable option. It can be universal or designed exactly for a specific phone.

I recorded the video for those who really need it and may come in handy. This advice is not for "professionals" who tear off glass with their nails. Personally, I do not use protective glasses, but change the touchscreen on my phones, because.

The protective glass on the phone is peeling off

Touch feedback is better than through a protective glass. 2 more tips: 1) Adhesive tape should be glued flush with the side edges of the protective glass, so that when peeling off the table, the glass does not break due to being held from the sides with adhesive tape. it definitely won’t be anymore (well, this is my opinion). The main thing is that you will be able to remove them several times without damage. Good luck to everyone!

cat love: Thanks, it helped, only my hands are crooked and the bubbles remain. But thanks, it really works, I thought that tape would not help, but it did. THANK YOU IN GENERAL

Alexander Batkov: Please tell me, I peeled off the glass, it was all cracked and there was like a type of glue, since the glue has deteriorated, can I stick it without glue? Thanks in advance!

Ateev Alexander: Not an idiot but will fall

Ateev Alexander: I tried it too and it worked the first time

Makar Trukhanov: the best!!


John 1000: Specifically, I littered the new protective 3D glass when I tried to clean it. New and was with dust. I thought I bought everything for nothing. And my surprise when the adhesive tape cleaned it off awesome. I thought the glue on the inside of the glass would get worse, but no, everything is super. Thanks Video Maker!!! Really works as it should!!! All good! 🙂

Denis K:A speck of dust will find its place under the glass

Ilya Budagovsky: Yes, the dark fucker put the screen for 2,500, and they saw the marriage when he already pasted the protection

Bakdaulet Kambar: The tape helped a lot. At first, I was a fool to use a rag and could not clean it in different ways, but did not think about scotch tape. Thank you!

Koteika: And glue in the bathroom

Koteika: Tape advice. Try first just stick different types on the glass and see if there are traces or not. Take the thinnest line.

Alexey Kalinichenko: Thank you everything is fine))))))

Siny Bocman: nishtryak, helped from the 5th time (re-pasted the film) respect!

Yulia Yula: Probably this scotch and cancer cures ...

Pavel Sachok: Useful information

VitoCarlioni: what skochi nouzen

Gleb Sunyaikin: The video is very boring, but useful, mantiate more often, otherwise you can fall asleep!

Maxim Mikhailov: it is necessary to fill the glass with mounting foam so that there are no dust particles

Roman Kostin: There was a similar problem on a smartphone, when installing it in a bumper or a book case, the protective glass or film peeled off (their thickness does not matter). in the form of a barrel with a diameter of 14 mm, used for chamfering in holes and on small parts). On the bumper around the perimeter, even on the video, you can see a small chamfer that, when bent at the corners, stands out most of all, having first processed the corners from which the detachment mainly occurred, I decided process the entire chamfer around the perimeter. Peelings have stopped. The smartphone is holding tight. Try it. Good luck.

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Some precautions when handling gadgets can not be called redundant. Even novice users are well aware that the touch screen is one of the expensive elements, the replacement of which costs a substantial amount. Significantly increases the strength of the device special glass, protecting it with a small mechanical impact.

Many mobile phone owners prefer to glue the protection themselves without contacting a service center. As a result, after such attempts, noticeable air bubbles appear that spoil the appearance of the screen. Let's talk about how to get rid of such a nuisance, what exactly can an ordinary user who does not have technical knowledge do for this.

Ways to eliminate air under protective glass

Once again we warn you that we will talk about the usual procedures, there is nothing complicated about them. So, if air gets under the protective glass, it is recommended to take one of the following actions:
1. In a number of simple cases, an ordinary piece of even plastic can help. To solve the problem, a credit card or a driver's license is suitable, with which you should try to expel the bubbles that have appeared.
2. When you fail, do not despair. Get a small needle, which you will need to carefully pry off the edges of the protection. Use a needle in those places where the accumulation of air impurities is noticeable. After the air is removed, firmly press the protective element against the screen of the gadget.
3. A standard hair dryer can help. It takes a few minutes to warm up the smartphone a little. In no case do not bring the hair dryer close! The equipment should work at a distance of 25-30 cm! After completing the event, place the electronic product on a flat surface under a press of several heavy books. After about 6-8 hours, only a memory will remain of the air bubbles.
4. In the presence of a large number of blisters, it is worth resorting to a more radical method. It is possible that the air under the protective glass will disappear after the complete dismantling of the protection. After that, attach a strip of adhesive tape to the glass surface, onto which all small debris will pass. Then install the glass accessory in place.

Despite the seeming simplicity, each of the procedures described above requires careful preparation. Note that the work should be carried out in an environment of maximum sterility, with a minimum presence of dust. At home, to solve this problem, it is advisable to use the bathroom - in rooms with a high level of humidity, there is much less dust. With each action, do not exert significant physical effort. The work is delicate, does not like haste, requires caution. Be sure to remove the fat from your hands, otherwise serious problems may arise.

Try to initially stick the glass correctly

In order to avoid problems, there is no need to remove bubbles under the film on the phone, try to immediately stick the protective coating correctly. Understand that it is better to do the task well initially than to try to correct the mistakes made later. We will provide useful information that will help you avoid problems when installing a thin accessory.
Don't forget to remove greasy stains from the screen surface. Be sure to use a liquid with a high alcohol content to achieve this goal. Do not forget to wear disposable medical gloves that do not hinder movement and allow you to perform precise work. Remember that the sticky side of the accessory should never be touched. In this case, the adhesive parameters of the coating deteriorate significantly. The ideal option among professionals is the presence of a suction cup, it greatly facilitates the process of completing the task.
If you have doubts about your own abilities, take your smartphone to a specialized service. Any master is able to solve such a simple problem for a modest reward. By the way, the quality of work, in many respects, depends on what kind of glass you have purchased. Practice proves that failures occur much more often when trying to stick cheap copies. Therefore, never save on protection, purchase only expensive copies.

Protective glass comes off at the edges
Why does the protective glass peel off
What to do if the protective glass peels off

Tempered glass is designed to further protect the display and prevent its destruction upon impact or fall. And the accessory provides the desired result without much difficulty. But only if it is properly glued to the base.
If the glass is not glued correctly, it may partially peel off. Dust and dirt begin to accumulate under it, and the smartphone itself sharply loses its original aesthetics. Yes, and its security raises very serious doubts.
How to solve a problem? What to do in such a situation and what may be required for this? Let's consider the issue in more detail, and also study those aspects that need increased attention.

Protective glass comes off at the edges

Often the problem is related to flaking around the edges of the display. The top left corner is the most affected. Although the right quite often does not stand aside. The situation is not the most pleasant, but it is quite possible to fix it yourself. There are several options for fixing the problem. Each user makes a choice in favor of a particular one on the basis of personal capabilities and preferences.
In the first case, you will need to purchase a special tool in advance. We are talking about the Border Liquid gel, which is offered by a Chinese manufacturer. It has a transparent base and provides a solid connection between the glass edge and the screen surface. It is enough just to apply the gel on the edge and press it firmly to the base. The procedure is not particularly difficult, and its implementation will not take much time.
But if the corner has peeled off, then you can get by with improvised means. In this case, you will need a napkin, glycerin (vegetable oil) and a thin brush. The composition should be carefully applied to the edge with the complete filling of all existing voids. Excess agent is best removed with a napkin. The thinner the initially exfoliated section, the higher the quality of the work performed.

Why does the protective glass peel off

The reason for peeling can be different.

And often there is not one provoking factor, but several at once. It all depends on the accuracy of a particular user, the conditions for using a smartphone and the frugality of a person.

The most common problem is:

  • The presence of chips and defects on the glass itself;
  • Insufficient cleanliness of working surfaces before gluing;
  • Sharp temperature fluctuations during the operation of the Iphone;
  • Moisture or air gets under the glass;
  • Clogging of the base from the inside with foreign particles.

Although situations with improperly performed gluing are quite common. Here we are already talking about the lack of proper experience and ignoring the basic rules for gluing.

What to do if the protective glass peels off

If the protective glass has peeled off, then there may be 2 reasons for this:

  • Preparation and gluing were carried out with violations;
  • The glass itself is not compatible with a specific smartphone model.

In the first case, you can try to re-glue. And here it is already necessary to strictly adhere to the advice and recommendations that experts offer.

The work itself is carried out as follows:

  • The display is wiped with a special rag to completely clean all extraneous traces;
  • The smallest particles of dust are blown away from the surface by the air flow;
  • The screen itself is degreased with a special liquid for the most durable connection with the coating to be installed;
  • The location of the glass on the display is determined and the film deposited on one of its sides is removed;
  • Glass is placed on the surface of the screen and gently pressed against the base;
  • The air remaining from below is squeezed out to the edges to obtain the highest quality protection as a result, without the least visual defects.

This work is considered completed. If the glass does not fit initially, then it is more expedient to immediately replace it with a more suitable option. It can be universal or designed exactly for a specific phone.

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