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  • Why does the phone ring on certain numbers. You can never be completely sure of anything, especially when it comes to personal security.

Why does the phone ring on certain numbers. You can never be completely sure of anything, especially when it comes to personal security.

on the Android platform, you can hear yourself, phonite, crack, or any other defects appear. What to do and how to fix.

Many users face the problem when phone either android tablet starts acting up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with the fact that during a conversation (call) any distortion or defects in the transmission / reproduction of sound appear. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software failure- i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: hardware failure- i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (i.e. - replacement or restoration of spare parts of the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems with the operation of the data transmission and playback system and directly adjusting and adjusting incoming and outgoing calls smartphone a or android tablet is to blame software failure, which you can fix on your own.

Fixing a software bug:

Method 1. Pretty simple - go to "settings", find there "backup and reset" in which you choose full reset settings to delete all data. Be careful, using this method often turns out to be effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone ov and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all, it controls the system functions, corrects, and fixes all possible settings and synchronization errors, a small, easy-to-use, free utility for Android devices. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description. After installing the application, it remains only to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing more is required. The application will take full control of the device functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% ​​faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading and operation speed of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs on 50% faster.)

Method 3.

Changing the device software, or, as it is also called "re firmware ". This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. For the independent implementation of this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website of your device, download the utilities necessary for the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repair of your tablet a or smartphone a.

phoning when talking on a phone or tablet / when talking on a smartphone or tablet on the Android platform, you can hear yourself, phoning, cracking, or any other defects appear. What to do and how to fix.

There are no negotiations, then this is one of the signs that your cell is being tapped. When the battery is very hot, this is a clear sign that it is draining, which, logically, cannot be when the phone is in “sleep mode”. Perhaps your mobile spyware. Also, keep an eye on your cell phone drain time. phone. If the battery is discharged very quickly, and no one has touched it, then this means that some extraneous processes are taking place in it. Remember that if you are the owner of the old phone, the battery may be quickly discharged due to excessive wear. In this case, it should be replaced.

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Today, in order to follow someone, it is not necessary to contact a special agency. It is enough to install a spyware program on a cell phone and perform unauthorized actions on your own. There are many programs with which you can listen to someone else's telephone conversation and messages. There are ways that you may not know about and it is very difficult to recognize them. But there are several indirect signs that can report "wiretapping".

You will need

  • Telephone.


Check battery temperature. If the battery temperature is high, then it is. If this happens within , then you should not worry about it. But if the battery remains hot and in standby mode, when no one touches it for about two hours, then there is probably spyware inside it.

You can never be completely sure of anything, especially when it comes to personal security. Are you sure your phone is not being tapped?

This is quite simple to do, despite all the assurances of mobile operators.

Reading SMS messages, wiretapping conversations or simply tracking your movement on a map is a serious security threat and an invasion of privacy.

Despite the fact that wiretapping in our country is possible only by court order, it is used not only by the special services and certainly not necessarily legally.

There can be many reasons for an increased interest in the content of another person’s conversations: jealousy, self-interest, fear, greed or revenge.

A jealous spouse, an envious subordinate, a distrustful boss, a banal burglar, business competitors, and others, others, others can invade your life.

But there are enough ways, if not to prevent an intrusion, then to determine that you are "under the hood of Muller."


If your phone interferes with the operation of other devices near which it is used, such as a TV or radio, then this may mean that there are "extra parts" in the phone case that tell someone who does not need about you.

In principle, interference during a conversation near these devices can occur just like that, but if this does not happen during a conversation, then with a high degree of probability something is wrong.

background noise

If your phone during a call began to “flash”, crackle, click or make some other muffled, but at the same time noticeable background sounds, the likelihood that you are on the hook is high.

If your phone starts making these sounds when not in use, the chances of eavesdropping become very high. While no one, of course, has canceled communication interference, cell outages and other such "natural" sound sources, background noise is a solid claim that your phone is not only yours.

Spontaneous phone activity

The fact that your phone unexpectedly spontaneously turns off, resets or installs some applications can mean not only the presence of viruses in it, but also an "invasion". By the way, an additional symptom may be the spontaneous switching on of the backlight of the keys and the flickering of the screen.

Turn off delay

If your phone began to turn on longer than usual, or the process of turning on itself began to take place differently, or if you have to turn on your phone several times to turn it on, this may mean that you are being "shepherded". Although on the other hand, it can be a simple software or hardware failure.


One of the indicators that you are not the only one using your phone is the battery. He can tell you a lot, he is one of your main informants. If your phone runs out of power much faster, this can be a strong argument in favor of intruders getting in. The battery starts to discharge faster only in two cases: if it is damaged and its service life is coming to an end, or if your phone has begun to do more work - send additional information to intruders, etc.

Another factor in the presence of listening may be the temperature of the phone's battery. If the phone is warm or hot after a long period of non-use, it means that it is wasting energy somewhere. If you did not set any tasks for him, then someone else did it. A mobile phone can record and/or transmit conversations in the room it is in, even when it seems to be idle.

Human factor

If your confidence that something is unclean has already grown stronger and formed into confidence, we recommend that you do a "reconnaissance in force". To a person whom you fully trust and who is forewarned by you in advance, leak obvious misinformation about your actions or movements and look at the possible reaction of potential attackers.

Although, as Gruppenführer Muller used to say in the magnificent film "17 Moments of Spring": "You can't trust anyone! Only me." Well, if the "solitaire has come together" and you really are "herded" you should, perhaps, contact the law enforcement agencies. Naturally, this should be done only by those whose conscience is clear and who does not expect that these particular bodies are wiretapping.

What to do if you hear an echo in the phone during a conversation? And in general, why is this phenomenon observed? These questions are being raised more and more frequently. In fact, telephone echo can be due to various reasons. Sometimes it turns out to resolve the situation without any problems, in some cases it is not possible to do this. In general, if the subscriber has the described problem, he will have to go through several scenarios, the diagnosis of which is very difficult without outside help. So what to do if you hear an echo during a conversation? Why is this happening? How dangerous is the phenomenon?

Is it subject to adjustment?

The first step is to understand how realistic it is to solve the problem. Perhaps there is no way to eliminate the echo in the receiver that interferes with the conversation?

As practice shows, echo during a telephone conversation is a phenomenon that usually needs to be corrected. And without radical action. Accordingly, do not be afraid if this problem occurs. But what causes the echo in the tube? And what to do in this or that case?


The most obvious option is a manufacturing defect. Relevant for new phones. It is likely that the device was initially defective. As a result, an echo is heard during a conversation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the problem begins to bother the buyer immediately after the first call. That is, from the very beginning. You can act in several ways:

  1. Send your phone in for repair. If the reason is not at all in marriage, but in some kind of breakdown, then it will definitely be eliminated. And it will be possible to pick up an already working device.
  2. Exchange the gadget in the store and write a complaint about the purchase of a defective product. Relevant if the echo is detected immediately after purchase. Usually sellers quickly exchange defective phones for serviceable ones.

However, marriage is only one of the reasons. It has already been said that it is detected immediately after the start of using the phone. What are the most common situations in real life?


Why is there an echo in the phone during a conversation? Sometimes subscribers complain about this situation. Moreover, regardless of the services of which operator they use. Why is the interlocutor or yourself heard repeatedly?

It is likely that the volume of sounds is to blame. Or, as people say, phone settings. The other party's speaker or microphone is too loud. Because of this, the indicated problem occurs.

"The Wire"

Why is there an echo? If the device has been used for a long time, it is possible that a bug is installed on the mobile phone. It helps someone to listen in on phone conversations. This is where the echo comes from.

Fortunately, such a situation is a huge rarity. If there are suspicions of wiretapping, you can take the mobile phone to a service center, report suspicions and wait for the diagnostics and repairs to be completed. This technique is the fastest, most logical and simplest solution. After all, it is very difficult to get rid of the bug on your own.

factory feature

If an echo occurs while talking on the phone, you should not be scared. And immediately think that a low-quality product was bought, too. The thing is that each mobile phone has its own "stuffing". That is, all phones are arranged differently. The cause of the problem may be precisely the factory feature.

That is, initially the phone was assembled in such a way that when working with a mobile network, an echo will be heard. Actual mainly for older models of gadgets. The solution is only 2 options:

  1. Deal with the echo. You have to listen carefully to the words. But sooner or later it will get boring.
  2. Immediately buy a new phone. It is advisable to continue to make a test call before making a purchase.

There are no other solutions for this situation. How to remove echo in the phone when talking? It all depends on the cause of the problem. What other methods of struggle should be paid attention to? For example, if all the previously listed layouts do not explain the resulting echo?


In such a situation, only the service center will help. Or buying a new phone. But we are not talking about the features of the device of the mobile phone. An echo in the phone during a conversation may occur if it is a speaker breakdown.

A fairly common problem faced by subscribers who do not monitor their mobile phones. If the phone has been dropped or dropped into water, it is likely that an echo problem will occur.

By the way, if you leave this phenomenon without attention, in the end the speaker will refuse to work in principle. That is why after some negative impact on the phone and the appearance of this problem, you need to contact the service center. There the speaker will either be repaired or replaced. Luckily, you don't need to buy a new phone in most cases. But you should not expect that the repaired speaker will last for a long time either.

Housing tightness

An echo in the phone during a conversation can occur when the tightness of the gadget case is violated. The situation does not occur too often, but it is very problematic to deal with it.

If the subscriber is thinking about how to get rid of the emerging echo, you can offer him the following steps:

  1. Take the phone to a service center. They will be able to carry out a full diagnosis and fix the problem. Although few people are engaged in correcting the tightness of the case.
  2. Change body. This method does not always work. The body panels need to be replaced with more dense ones. You can buy these components in any store, depending on the model of the gadget.
  3. Change phone. The most logical, though not the most pleasant solution. It is almost impossible to fix problems with the tightness of the device. That is why you often have to buy new mobile phones.

But the options don't end there either. There is another fairly common reason for which an echo will be heard in the phone when talking with the interlocutor. You also need to know about it.

Mobile network operator

We are talking about the work of a mobile operator. In every city, such companies have a huge number of transmission lines. Because of this, for some operators in certain places, the signal overlaps. From here, an echo appears in the phone during a conversation.

There are several ways to fight. Usually at least one of them is effective:

  1. Change of location. Often the echo is heard only in certain parts of the city. In this case, it is better to avoid such areas.
  2. Change mobile carrier. Another way that helps to permanently get rid of the problem. Usually it is used by the population. Especially now, when you can easily change your mobile network operator while keeping your old phone number.
  3. Call to the operator. Alternatively, if echo is not a persistent problem, you can call your service provider and then report the problem. Be sure to name a place where it is inconvenient to communicate with interlocutors. The operator will try to correct problems on the line or explain why the echo is being heard.

Perhaps this is the end of all the most common reasons for the appearance of an echo during a conversation. How to act in this or that case, now it is clear. In reality, everything is not as scary as it seems.


However, before sorting through all the previously listed problems, it is recommended to use a little trick. Occasionally, an echo can be heard on a phone call due to minor system glitches. Both on the line at the operator, and in the mobile itself.

Turning the phone off and on again will help fix the situation. Or you can end the call and call the other party again. It is still recommended to use the restart of the smartphone. Such a technique, as practice shows, helps quite often.


What conclusions should be drawn? There are many reasons why an echo occurs during a conversation. It can be very difficult to diagnose it on your own. But most often this phenomenon occurs due to:

  • phone settings;
  • violations of the tightness of the device case;
  • factory marriage;
  • careless attitude to the phone / due to the long service life of the device;
  • the work of the telecom operator;
  • assembly features;
  • listening to conversations;
  • network or phone outages.

Most of the time, you can fix the problem. And as already mentioned, only in some cases it is necessary to act radically.

Chinese electronics manufacturers never cease to amaze. That's just the quality of devices to this day is an outright lottery!

In the vastness of Aliexpress, you can find a variety of mobile phones from unnamed Chinese manufacturers. An example is Servo devices - in fact, this is a typical noname (nameless manufacturer), with the appropriate quality.

However, the tubes of this manufacturer "cling" with their functionality. For example, in the line of this "manufacturer" there are devices that can work with 4 SIM cards simultaneously in standby mode, secure phones (in fact, this is not the case), a power bank phone, etc. This is what captivates in Chinese creations, because it is often not always realistic to find a similar solution among first-tier manufacturers.

However, after the acquisition, there is indignation, as well as frank disappointment with the quality, and regardless of the presence or absence of a pin on a typical Chinese device. In some cases, the microphone causes criticism (the interlocutors do not hear you well), and in some cases, along with your voice, background noise is also transmitted to the line.

This noise is a pickup on the audio path from the receiving-transmitting antenna of the device. Famous brands do not allow such mistakes, and this problem can hardly arise even in the cheapest “dialers”. But in Chinese devices, this problem pops up to this day. A design flaw, poor assembly, cost savings on components - in fact, all this is not important.

The owner first needs to understand that this problem is of a hardware nature. You may be wondering why this noise does not always occur? The fact is that the transmitter power varies, and depends on how far the device is from the base station at a given time, what is the level of its signal.

What to do in this situation? Definitely send the phone back to the seller, because. no firmware can fix this problem. There is clearly a hardware problem that can hardly be solved at home. It is possible that the screen is there, but it is poorly soldered. But do not rush to arm yourself with a soldering iron and correct this defect, because the components of modern devices are so close to each other that the “invasion” of an ordinary soldering iron into the circuit of the device is fraught with serious consequences. If repaired, then only with the use of special. equipment.

It is sad that Chinese manufacturers have concentrated on smartphones, and have completely forgotten the good old push-button devices, moreover, with support for several SIM cards.

It was Chinese manufacturers who once introduced multi-SIM devices, so it's surprising that now it's so difficult to find a decent solution that would support work with three or four SIM cards.

I really hope this is temporary. Smartphones to this day have not offered a worthy replacement - not only does the operating time leave much to be desired, but there are practically no representatives who could offer support for three .. four SIM cards.

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