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Why the old iPhone slows down with the release of the new version, and how to avoid it. Watching videos on iPhone X is disgusting

Hey! Many people are worried about what happens after all data is deleted from the iPhone via Only there is very little adequate and normal information on the Internet on this issue. And to be absolutely precise, there is practically none. Most resources simply take and copy the phrase from the Apple website - "When you erase data from the device, the Find iPhone function and Activation Lock are also disabled."

Which enters many into a stupor and raises a lot of questions: If you erase the device through "Find iPhone", then it will be freed from Activation lock and it will be possible to use it? Is blocking on Apple ID removed? Will the data be deleted entirely? What is the difference from Lost Mode? (- read it, it will not be superfluous). And these are only the most basic "riddles". In fact, there are many more!

However, if we return to the description of this function, it turns out that the answer to all these questions is obvious - after clicking “Erase iPhone” the device will be “clean” and not locked.

So what happens? The author of these lines in vain advises everyone to erase the device if it is lost (stolen) and it is not possible to find it? That is, on the one hand, we delete all our data (this is a plus). On the other hand, will we completely unlock the phone (this is a minus) and anyone can use it?

But, in fact, there is something missing in this phrase. And at the end of the article we will correct it :)

In order to clearly show what happens during and after the process of deleting data from the iPhone through "Find iPhone", I decided to do this action myself. True, the iPad will participate in this experiment (the phone will be restored from backup- this is a very long time), but for an iPhone, the result will be completely the same. So let's go!

We have the "Find iPhone" function enabled on the device and imagine that we have irrevocably lost the gadget (or stolen it). We need to erase all data from it, for this:

  1. Go to and enter your Apple ID account.
  2. Click on "Find iPhone" and select the one you want to clear in the list of devices.
  3. Click "Erase iPad" (or iPhone) and confidently agree that all materials and settings will be deleted. And, of course, after this action, the device cannot be detected or tracked.
  4. And here is a small problem for those who do not own complete information about accounting Apple records ID. The fact is that in order to confirm your intentions, you need to answer Control questions(at least two out of three).
  5. After that, we indicate the phone number and short message- they should be displayed on the device screen after erasing. Looking ahead, I would like to note the fact that for some reason all these inscriptions were not shown on the display. Why? Honestly, I don’t know - if you have ideas, then write in the comments. Click "Finish".
  6. Everything! IPhone data or iPad completely removed. And this is where the most important thing begins - this must be remembered. We see the inscription "Erasing completed" and one more line - "Remove from find iPhone".
  7. Now, if you press it, then the device really "frees itself" from Apple lock ID and anyone can activate it. And if you don't press it, your iPhone or iPad will be in Lost and Erased mode.

In this case, unlocking the device is almost impossible. Even through technical support... With a high degree of probability, the gadget can be safely handed over for spare parts. And even then, the most expensive of them - motherboard will be locked in iCloud.

As promised, we will slightly correct the phrase from the official Apple website :)

And now short conclusions - if you erase your iPhone or iPad using the "Find iPhone" function, then:

  1. Blocking Apple activation The ID will not be automatically removed. This can be done manually after the completion of the process.
  2. All data is deleted entirely.
  3. Now it is impossible to determine the geolocation and location of the gadget.

P.S. Questions, common thoughts, discussions - comments are open for all this. Write! Well, you can also "like" the article, which is really there ... helpful information the same!

Anyone can drop an iPhone in water. The situations are different, the result is the same: the smartphone is living out its last days, hours, or maybe minutes. It should be remembered that what happens next depends only on your actions. There is now a thin line between a pile of expensive metal and a fully functional smartphone.

What happens to an iPhone in its last hours how to turn back time and why folk methods will be doubly dangerous in our article.

Human life is impossible without water, but it is also the worst enemy of electronics. Contrary to the opinion of some, the liquid itself does not interfere with the electronics working and performing their task. The point is in its chemical composition.

Salts and minerals are an important part of drinking water besides distilled water. With any liquid, the very minerals and salts are washed out of the body, and if the usual drinking water compensates for the loss, then "dead" harms the health of the body.

Salts and minerals present in ordinary natural water tend to precipitate and accumulate over time. Moreover, they are all chemically active elements capable of an oxidation reaction - i.e. on contact with oxygen - damage the structure of metal and other materials.

Moreover, electronic device that got into natural water and continues to work, enters into dense, simultaneous contact with ions of negative and positive charges. The flow from the energy source in the device instantly closes on itself. This is called " short circuit". It often causes irreparable damage to all components of the device that conduct electricity in this circuit.

Thus, by dropping a working smartphone, tablet, computer and, in general, any electronic device into the water, you arrange an instant local apocalypse inside the case. The more significant the contact of internal components with water, the more serious the consequences will be.

I dropped my iPhone in water. What to do?

Take your smartphone out of the water immediately and turn it off if it hasn't turned itself off. If you don't have an iPhone, just as quickly open the cover and remove the battery. Since the battery cannot be removed from the iPhone, your situation remains extremely difficult. Even when turned off, a source of energy remains inside, which does not need to receive commands from you in order to exchange impulses with water and fry a couple of microcircuits on motherboard.

Wipe the device thoroughly, removing all visible water. If you do not own the necessary tools for parsing iPhone cases, go to the service center without delay.

In no case wrap it in towels or in any kind of cloth: this way you will increase the humidity inside the case, which will increase the chances of saying goodbye to the gadget several times.

Some are lucky, and water does not penetrate to the motherboard. In such cases, thorough cleaning and drying is sufficient. And for someone some microprocessor on the board will die, and then the repair time will stretch for days, sometimes weeks due to the search for the necessary components for replacement.

But what if you can't go to the service immediately?

So, you turned off and wiped dry the device. Never pick up a hairdryer: hot air will accelerate the evaporation of liquid, but can easily damage internal components and provoke accelerated destruction of contacts on the board.

Network wisdom says: if you put your iPhone in a container of rice, the next morning it will become dry even inside and will work as before. As usual with such recipes, this is partly useful advice... And in part it is very harmful - because it is deceiving.

Let's analyze the case when an iPhone is put there, barely touching the water. If nothing really got inside the case, in a day you take out a very lively, fully functional device. Rice absorbs residual moisture, including microscopic droplets remaining in the shallow openings of the housing. In particularly fortunate cases, this may indeed be sufficient.

Only water is so, half the trouble. Much more dangerous are minerals and salts, which are inevitably dissolved in it. The liquid, evaporating from the boards and cables of the iPhone, will leave behind crystals that are invisible to naked eye but extremely dangerous for electronics.

The deposits of salts and minerals remaining on the board begin to oxidize upon contact with oxygen. The process is accompanied by the slow erosion of sensitive, vital parts in the device. The consequences for the user can be very different: from strange glitches that you want to blame on firmware problems, to real problems, like a sharply refusing module wireless or loss of screen sensitivity with false positives.

Believing in the healing qualities of cereals, people continue to use smartphones, not realizing that they carry a device in their pocket that is sentenced to death.

What happens to an iPhone after being in the water

All smartphones that have entered the service due to contact with water are urgently disassembled to the last train and screw. Each spare part, which has traces of water, is blown through with a compressed air stream, and then checked in detail for more serious damage. Some of them cannot be restored: for example, a camera module whose tightness has been broken. The part will have to be replaced with a new one.

As a rule, serious cases of water ingress inside the case will leave marks on the motherboard. It's one thing when, after contact with water, you can limit yourself to replacing a speaker or microphone, and quite another when the motherboard is at risk of decomposition. "Motherboard" is the most expensive part of an Apple smartphone, and getting a new one is not only difficult, but also expensive.

Powerful Soldering Station allows you to lift "from your knees" gadgets with rotten chips and contacts. On the tip of this soldering machine, hundreds of iPhones and iPads have come to life. And the microscope allows you to very quickly find problem areas on microchips and boards.

Even if at first glance everything with the board is all right sometimes this is a delusion. Water damage and oxidation can be minimal and the effect is critical. First and absolute necessary action, which awaits all wet devices - cleaning from salts and minerals, as well as from oxidizing metal.

Experience has shown that it is enough to use a soft bristled toothbrush for this. Naturally, this is not done dry: a special solution applied to the brush removes oxidation and salt residues from the board.

Once the solution is dry, it's time to assess the damage. There is nowhere without a microscope, especially with subsequent soldering.

Do you see the water? In fact, she is no longer there. But salts and minerals managed to split one of the connectors on the motherboard, into which the display cable is attached. Moreover, the device from the outside is working normally. But the impression, as you can see, is erroneous.

This is what an iPhone looks like for those who believe in rice, a hair dryer and for those who postpone a trip to the service until better times.

Nobody is immune from problems. But those who know how to behave are much more likely to get out of the water dry. Together with a working iPhone and iPad. If this happened to you, family or friends, do not waste time. As in rescuing real drowning people, seconds count here. So take action yourself: dry quickly and go to a specialist right away. They will help you.

Do you think that on the day of the start of sales this year in Russia there will be a queue at GUM, which premiered last week? We have no doubt that, despite the obvious impoverishment of the population, the queue for the next "toys" by Jobs (or, probably, already Cook) will be longer this time than in previous years. And the crowd will not be stopped by the price of new fashionable pipes, some models of which, after another weakening of the ruble, have broken through the "hundred" (yes, several iPhone models will cost more than 100 thousand rubles in Russia).

It would seem, well, what an event here. Another smartphone from Apple, which - let's be honest - this time really did not surprise with anything. Well, we have “messed up” a little iPhone X, well, they have released a terribly ugly budget smartphone (although I can't call it budget language) smartphone. But no, in fact, this time Apple is really going to "sell" smartphones to the whole world, in which there is practically nothing new, for the same money (and more) phones, for which a year ago.

And for our country, the new "X" models will be even more expensive. In the end, just think that the iPhone XS 512 Gb Max model costs 127,990 rubles. And this is for regular smartphone with most functions used by only 2 percent of the population. Yes, this is the price of a good laptop!

Or think about it: four iPhone XS Max cost like. Or instead of three new top smartphones you can buy a new Lada Granta restyled. You can also buy a two-year-old used Hyundai Solaris in decent condition instead of five iPhones.

Well, here we are, as you can see, until the time when the phone began to cost the same money as a laptop (interestingly, I dreamed about it Steve Jobs when he presented the first iPhone model?). Why is there a laptop, several new non-nashen pipes stand like a used car.

Yes, even if the domestic car is an old "foreign car", but this is a car that, well, cannot be compared with any telephone. Yes, even if it is cast from gold, it will still remain electronic gadget called a phone / smartphone and will not be able to compare with a car.

What's going on with the world? As the antihero Antibiotic from the movie "Gangster Petersburg" said: "What's going on?"

And unlike the hero of this film, who nevertheless got to the bottom of the truth, the phenomenon with Apple phones you are unlikely to find a logical and reasonable explanation. This is the fashion for gadgets, and fanaticism from Apple, and much more, from trends in society and ending.

As a result of many cumulative factors, many people around the world are ready for days to stand behind the next novelties from Cupertino, spending their last money, or to get into credit for the sake of a coveted gadget with a half-imposed and unnecessary functions, about which the head of the company Tim Cook told during the presentation of new smartphones, as if Apple had invented a perpetual motion machine.

On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with such insanity on the iPhone. Well, you have the opportunity - buy a phone, but at least for 200 or even 300 thousand (just do not take on credit, taking the last money from the family).

The market is the market. Apple does what the consumer wants. Although, as it seems to us, the consumer has long been waiting for some new achievements from Apple, new desired functions... But alas, American company and has not thought to move on for several years. And this is logical. Why change something when you can just cut the loot on old smartphones wrapped in a new wrapper, calling the technologies that appeared on Android phones 5 years ago a huge step in the smartphone market?

The worst thing is that half the world is being pursued by the cunning from California. Especially the younger generation of people who don't care what the American company does to their minds.

Do you know why this happens? The thing is, the world is getting dumber right now, turning into a mindless consumer.

Have you ever wondered why over the past 20-30 years there have been practically no breakthroughs in the world (it’s even a shame to talk about Russia) in the field of some outstanding global projects? For example, why in the last century for some 10-20 years we conquered space, and the Americans flew to the moon, and now, 20 years later, things are still there? Where are the new scientific discoveries? ? And such questions can be asked very, very much.

Do you know the answer to these questions? The point is that today's society, and especially the younger generation, does not care about science or any breakthroughs in technology. Give the majority of them some kind of product or service now. As a result, many, having received an iPhone, bought an expensive shirt on credit and ate a Big Mac, enjoy life. You and I live in an era of mass consumption of everything and everything, which has long clouded our minds.

What do many people need to be happy today? The phone is fashionable, beautiful clothes, a car, an expensive dog, a watch. The list goes on and on.

Alas, science is not in vogue today. Unnecessary gadgets are in vogue today, but not science. Unfortunately, from the era of reckless consumption, people literally become stupid. So it is not long before the Middle Ages to reach and begin to believe in witches and warlocks. And the beginning has already been made.

Watch the Ren-TV channel with anti-scientific programs. And the worst thing is that in Russia (and not only), more and more people are again beginning to believe in fortune-tellers, psychics, etc. Do you think television is to blame? No. The media always give out only the information that society wants to see and hear.

Unfortunately, all this is very difficult for many to understand, and for some it is not at all to understand. Especially for those who are ready to spend their last money on an iPhone or buy a smartphone on credit. And, naturally, it is unrealistic to get through to their minds. The consumer is the consumer. He lives in a different world.

But you must agree that instead of American smartphones, it is better to use this money for something else. Well, for example, buy a less expensive phone, and spend the rest of the money on a family, or generally help orphans by sending help to some fund.

But, alas, usually such thoughts do not appear in the minds of consumers. There is emptiness ...

Appearance problems now and then haunt Apple smartphones. Metal back first iPhone scratched almost faster than the owner had time to figure out how the revolutionary gadget works, the plastic cases of 3G and 3GS were easily scratched, and cracks appeared near the connector. Glass with two iPhone sides 4 and 4S also quickly lost their presentation due to imperfect at that time anti-scratch technologies. Peeling paint on a beveled edge in the first batch of iPhone 5 was one of the most high-profile problems with Apple smartphones, since the coating was erased literally in the very first days of use. Least of all problems were with the iPhone 5s, which seemed sturdy compared to its predecessor, and few people discussed the resistance to damage of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, because after people were carried away by the unplanned bends of the case when carrying the smartphone in tight pockets.

In the iGuides editorial office, we decided to catch up and talk about what is happening with the external iPhone view 6 and iPhone 6 Plus after months of use. And most importantly - do they need some kind of protection and which covers should be chosen. V Lately the value of such information has grown significantly, along with the cost of smartphones in Russia. It will not be so easy to change the device at the end of this year, so I want to keep the presentation of the device longer. We had the opportunity to trace the fate of three iPhone 6s golden color and two gray iPhone 6 Plus that were bought in different time and were used in different conditions... Gold-colored smartphones were worn in a pocket, with a branded case Apple and Handwers pocket pouch. Gray iPhone We just carried the 6 Plus in our pocket and Apple branded case.

Smartphones silver color proved to be equally resistant to abrasions, scratches and damage. Regardless of availability protective accessories they have perfectly preserved their appearance since the day of the start of sales. A completely different situation develops with the golden iPhone model 6 - two out of three have lost their appearance as a result of rubbing against jeans and a Handwers pocket. The markings are most noticeable on a smartphone that has been used without protective cover, it was purchased on September 30, 2014, and its condition can be seen in the photographs in this article. The iPhone 6, which was constantly pulled out of the case during use, also rubbed a little, but so far not so noticeably. However, it was bought recently - on January 14, so after a few months of use it risks being compared by outward appearance with a device worn without a case. The only golden “six” that retained its presentation was in the Apple branded case.

Let's be honest, not everyone liked the revolutionary iPhone X. It has several serious "shoals" at once, which users are not ready to put up with. As a result, disappointed, many users change new flagship Apple on the "good old" iPhone 8 Plus.

If you still haven’t decided which top iPhone to buy in 2018, here are the reasons why the “top ten” may not come to you.

1.Face ID is slower than Touch ID

New Apple technology face recognition of the owner of a smartphone is undoubtedly a revolutionary thing. But, unfortunately, on this moment it is raw, its speed is comparable to the speed of work Touch sensor First generation ID. Not everyone wants to return to 2013, when a fingerprint sensor was first introduced in iPhones in iPhones.

If you have previously used an iPhone 6s or newer, slow Face ID can be annoying.

In addition, you need to remember that after successful unlocking, you will have to swipe up from the bottom edge.

2. The edges of the iPhone X are scratched

Surgical stainless steel on iPhone facets The X is less scratch resistant than the familiar aluminum side bezels on the iPhone 8 Plus. You can read about this from our editor-in-chief Nikita Goryainov.

For all perfectionists, such an unexpected impracticality of the flagship's case may turn off the purchase. Don't like covers? iPhone X is not your option.

3. iPhone X can't lie flat

Many users reasonably believe that design back cover The iPhone X is clumsy. The camera washer roughly protrudes from the body and does not allow the device to lie flat on the table. The smartphone sways against the lens module.

As a result, to get rid of this joint, the iPhone X will have to be stowed away in a case.

4. iPhone X battery is weaker than iPhone 8 Plus

Battery new flagship iPhone The 8 Plus lasts longer than the iPhone X. Apple is softly hinting about this on its website, but in real tests, the hint becomes the harsh truth.

For example, experts from Consumer Reports (USA) conducted detailed test, in which a robotic stand performed typical operations on a smartphone screen. IPhone X scores 19 hours and 30 minutes, iPhone 8 Plus scores 21 hours.

5. Viewing videos on iPhone X is disgusting

The new flagship iPhone X has a superb display with terrible proportions.

When watching videos in horizontal mode the owner of a new device has two options, and both are bad.

In the first case, watch a video with black borders around the edges. In the second, he will agree that the entire image will not be visible, from above and below the screen will trite the picture. For example, on YouTube there is no content recorded in the "top ten" format, respectively, to fully look at gorgeous screen iPhone X videos will fail.

With iPhone 8 Plus like problems, of course, no.

6. Calling the control panel in the iPhone X - a pain

For those who are used to calling every day quick panel management, iPhone interface X will disappoint. In ordinary iPhones, the Control Panel is called up with the usual swipe from the bottom up, in the top ten this gesture means “minimize the application”.

Accordingly, to open your favorite quick panel, you need to swipe down from the upper right corner. This corny uncomfortable as the display on the iPhone X is long.

Why Apple specialists on the interface, they came up with just such a gesture - a rhetorical question, but it infuriates me completely.

7. Random screenshots of the iPhone X are the norm

Due to the lack of the familiar Home keys, in order to take a screenshot on the iPhone X, you must simultaneously press the side button and the volume up button.

This means that random screenshots will be a habit for the owner of the "ten", who holds the smartphone in the area of ​​these buttons. Many flagship owners face this problem.

8. iPhone X repair costs space money

My colleague Nikolai Maslov wrote everything you need to know about the repair of the top ten back in December last year.

In short, broken screen The iPhone X will cost too much money. It is better to immediately glue the protective glass on it. Nerves are more expensive, and the wallet is not rubber.

Here's one that motivates you to get it right.

For comparison, replacement iPhone screen The 8 Plus will cost $ 169, and $ 110 more for the iPhone X!

9. For iPhone X, marriage is normal

Well, and the last most sad fact. Buying a "ten" is a lottery game. For inexplicable reasons, the new flagship can fail anything.

For example, our editor-in-chief Nikita Goryainov, Artyom Bausov, “ten” Andrey from the sales department.

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