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Why does the blue screen constantly come out. Why does a blue screen appear?

Blue screen is a very urgent problem that hundreds of users are struggling with. Why does the blue screen appear and how do I fix the problem?

A blue screen often appears when you use non-licensed software, so if this problem already exists, then think about buying licensed software. Blue screen will never appear on licensed systems. What should you do if there is no money to buy expensive software, and the blue screen still haunts you?

It is also called BSOD or STOP error. In vain, many slander Bill Gates that he came up with a crooked operating system, which constantly gives an error in the form of a blue screen with different configurations. If not for the blue screen, many computers would have lost a lot of important information. Blue screen refers to hardware errors, in other words - the problem may be in the hardware or in their drivers. Failure to correct the problem in a timely manner can affect the performance of your computer and the integrity of the parts.

- this is not a massive problem, but most likely a Windows defensive reaction. When the system does not find an optimal solution to the problem, then a blue screen turns on for insurance, which shows all the detailed information about the error and says what further actions need to be taken to solve it. Most often, a blue screen pops up when some hardware fails in the computer. The reason may be RAM or hard drive, video card or power supply, and others. BSOD can appear due to pirated software, non-original drivers and any other programs that you downloaded from the Internet and installed on your computer.

I want to please you that soon the blue screen will disappear altogether, since Windows 7 is one of the last operating systems where it can appear. Don't be too happy because other Microsoft products will have black screens instead of blue ones. By and large, this problem does not solve this, so it is worthwhile to understand well how to deal with it and what it is.

I think everyone already knows what a blue screen looks like. I'm sure most users don't know how to fix this problem. It happens that the blue screen pops up for a couple of seconds, and then the computer immediately restarts. Often times, the PC can restart itself after the blue screen appears. Many people solve this problem by reinstalling the system, but as practice shows, this is far from the best option and it does not always help to solve the problem.

It is very easy to read the error. You need to hold down the F8 key as soon as the computer restarts. Then select "disable automatic restart" from the menu list. After restarting your computer, you should see a blue screen again, which will not disappear anywhere. Carefully write down everything that you see on a piece of paper or take a picture of the monitor screen with a camera. It is very important to rewrite the last line that starts with the words STOP. What should be done next?

First, you need to perform a series of standard, simple steps, which often help to fix the problem very quickly. Determine whether your problem is software or hardware. This can be done very simply, you need to take a Live-CD, this should be a must for every system administrator or computer technician. If it is a hardware error, then even from the Live-CD you will still get a blue screen.

Next, you need to turn off the computer and turn it on after a while. If nothing changes anyway, then think carefully about what you have recently installed on your computer and changed some components. New devices often cause this error because they conflict with Windows. Try to put everything in its place and check again. If the system boots, and BSOD appears, but not as often as before, then you need to try to update the system through the official Microsoft website.

A blue screen can also appear when the mains voltage is very low. Check your voltage. If you do not know how you can do this yourself, then it is better to call an electrician, because it can be life-threatening. Test your RAM with Memtest. The check lasts a very long time, on average from 6-9 hours, but it will accurately give all the information about the state of your memory. If the RAM is broken, then it is better to replace it. It is she who often causes the appearance of blue screens.

Check your hard drive. I recommend using the MHDD program. All these programs can be found on the Live-CD. If everything is fine here, then go to the BIOS and reset the default settings. Check which BIOS version you are using, if there is a newer one, then update it.

In conclusion, I want to make a small hint. There are many sites on the Internet that have complete decryptions for any BSOD error. It is enough to know the error code that starts with 0x000 .... and then you will receive recommendations that will help you fix the problem. Either way, diagnosing your hardware won't do any harm.

Regardless of the computer owner as an inexperienced user, sooner or later he may face such a symptom as a "blue screen". This usually means that the computer is in serious trouble, and the time has come to invite the wizard.

What is Blue Screen?

The blue screen of death has been around since the early days of Windows. Outwardly, it appears as English-language inscriptions in white letters on a blue background. In this case, it is often possible to get rid of it by restarting the computer with or without the RESET button, or by turning off the power and then turning it on again.

The appearance of a blue screen signals the presence of problems in the system, so it is not recommended to ignore such symptoms. It is necessary to urgently diagnose the computer, tk. when a blue screen appears, after a while you can get a completely inoperative computer, lose important data, etc.


The term "blue screen" originated from Eric Noes, who introduced it into practice in 1991, while working for one of the Californian firms. During the development of the first versions of Windows (then they were designated as 1.0 and 2.0), error messages were displayed on black screens, but it was changed to blue, which is better perceived by the eyes and not so annoying.

Since then, including the latest common modifications of Windows 8, the screen continues to turn blue when critical errors occur. If we turn to the origins of the transition to it, we can note that the original name of this type of error sounds in English as Blue Screen of Death, abbreviated BSoD.

STOP code

This is also the name of a blue screen that appears as a result of a critical error that prevents the operating system from fully functioning. For this reason, a decision is made to stop its work with the display of a message about it. Not just symbols appear on the monitor, but a description in English of the cause and the most optimal ways to eliminate them.

There is a whole list of different codes, which, in addition to the text, also have a digital designation starting with 0x (then there is a digital combination in the 16th system). The information is intended for a technical specialist, a simple user is usually powerless to understand anything. Although you can try to find a description of the error on the Internet by entering the phrase "bsod codes" as a search query.

Why does the blue screen appear?

The list of crashes and problems causing blue screens is long. And not always the textual description accurately indicates the true reason. Studying the description of the main STOP errors, you can find out the most likely node where the malfunction occurs, but only the master can reliably check it.

Replacement of components

It is easier to find out the reason why this blue screen appears when some actions were carried out with the computer: an upgrade, updating drivers or the operating system. So, replacing individual components, for example, memory modules, video cards, hard drives, can lead to a chance to see a STOP error.

The reason may lie in the malfunction of the devices themselves and their incompatibility with new models. After upgrading the hardware, it is recommended to do this with the driver of the replaced device. Otherwise, the problem can manifest itself from the periodic display of a system shutdown message on the monitor screen, to a closed loop without a chance to start Windows to correct the situation (reinstalling the driver, removing it, etc.).

In the simplest case, it is enough to restart the computer; in more complex situations, at least for a while, you will have to return the old hardware. It is worth noting that with such an error, all unsaved data with which the user was working at the time the blue screen was issued is lost.

Incorrect keyboard use

There are known cases when the blue screen is caused by pressing certain buttons on the keyboard, or rather a combination of them. This can happen by accident, for example, a child sat down at the PC or deliberately, they do this when they want to show their knowledge of the "intricacies" of Windows.

In this case, the appearance of a blue screen is not a manifestation of problems, but an artificial call to the function to display an error message. It has no danger, but it can lead to loss of unsaved data or system malfunctions, because for it it is still a "problem", the recovery function may be activated, as a result of which time will be lost.

What to do when BSoD appears?

The first thing that is required of the user is to restart the computer using the RESET button or by turning off the power and then turning it back on. If the error message appears repeatedly, then it is necessary to diagnose the hardware.

Often the cause of messagesBSoDis such equipment:

All these procedures are for the most part available in complexity to all users, but if in doubt, you should contact an experienced master.

Can a blue screen be avoided?

There are a number of preventative procedures that can help prevent blue screen problems. They should be carried out systematically.

  • It is necessary to use anti-virus programs, to update them regularly.
  • It is worth refusing to install a large number of unverified programs.
  • Use drivers downloaded from official sites only.
  • With the help of special programs, it is necessary to clean the system from garbage (temporary files that interfere with the normal operation of the computer).

It is important to keep track of the relevance of the drivers and programs used. Gradually, developers stop supporting obsolete hardware, and it may work incorrectly with new versions of programs. And, most importantly, if there are doubts about the correctness of the actions, it is better to contact a qualified master.

Many users get scared when they see a blue screen on their monitor, because they have heard a lot about it, but do not always understand what it is. First, you need to understand the terminology, since the blue screen in Windows can appear for various reasons.

So, when booting a computer, if you press the Del button, the BIOS panel (menu on a blue background) may appear, designed to configure the system, in order to remove it, just press the Escape key. Also, during boot, a blue screen with varying percentages may appear, which means that the system is being checked for errors, most often it occurs due to an improper shutdown of the PC. Actually, these cases do not pose a danger and it is not worth talking about them further.

Now, it is worth mentioning separately about the blue screen, which appears due to errors, but not critical ones. So, while the PC boots up, a notification may appear on a blue background that a device is not connected. You should carefully read the message in order to establish what the problem is. Most often, it appears in cases where the wired keyboard has disconnected from the system unit or its plug is simply not firmly inserted into the socket.

In such a situation, we simply check the reliability of the connection - if the plug is pulled out or inserted loosely, we return it to its place and restart the PC. If you have checked and found that the plug is okay, try a different keyboard and reboot again. Well, now let's move on to that same "Blue Screen of Death" or BSOD. In the event that after the appearance of the Blue Screen of Death the computer restarts automatically, this is not very good, since it does not allow you to analyze the error.

In this regard, you must first disable automatic reboot. It is easy to do this through the menu - in the context menu "My Computer" select the tab "Properties / Advanced / Startup and Recovery / Options" and uncheck the "Perform automatic restart" checkbox. Now after the appearance of the Blue Screen of Death, we will receive the necessary information that will allow us to troubleshoot the problems causing the critical error.

In the event that the system does not automatically reboot after a BSOD occurs, do not panic. The first thing you need to do is read the message on the screen, at the very bottom there will be a section "Technical Information" which will indicate the reason for stopping work. An error is indicated with approximately the same number 0x000000xxx, you need to rewrite this line on a piece of paper.

That's it, now we just restart the computer using the Reset key, in extreme cases, disconnect it from the power supply (however, this should only be done if other methods did not work). Since most often the Blue Screen of Death appears as a result of incorrect installation of updates or conflicts in software, then we should find out which specific software led to the error. That is why we wrote out the error number earlier.

We drive this number into the search and read what experts can advise. Also, in some cases, a more detailed analysis of the error that occurred may be required; for this there is a special program - BlueScreenView. After launching it, you can get more detailed information about which of the drivers caused the Blue Screen of Death to appear. We again drive all the information received into the search and determine what needs to be done to troubleshoot.

Blue screen of death, aka BSOD and blue screen of death, is Windows' reaction to critical errors in computer operation. White writing on a blue background suddenly appears on the screen, after which the device usually restarts, freezes or turns off.

After restarting, the system works normally for a while. But then, if the error is not eliminated, the BSOD appears again.

Sometimes errors in drivers or failure of computer hardware can lead to this state. The reasons can also be in the failure of system settings, viruses, or even installed programs.

What to do if a blue screen of death appears

Special services built into the operating system can help you.

If you have Windows 10, go to Start → Settings (gear) → Update & Security → Troubleshoot. Scroll down the list of available services to the very bottom and select Blue Screen. Click "Run the troubleshooter" and follow the prompts from the system.

If you have an older version of the OS or the above tool did not work, open the Windows Control Panel and go to the Security and Servicing Center. In some OS versions, this path may look like this: "Control Panel" → "System and Security" → "Support Center".

Expand the Maintenance tab and see if recommendations for resolving Windows problems are displayed here. If so, use the suggested tips.

If all else fails, move on to the next step.

The appearance of the blue screen of death can have hundreds of different reasons, and each has its own solutions. By finding out the cause of the BSOD on your computer, you can find the best way to fix the problem.

On the death screen, Windows displays the code of the error that caused it. It can look like a collection of numbers and letters (0x0000000F) or a combination of different uppercase words often associated with underscores (SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNED).

You need to enter the error code in the search engine and thus find an individual correction instruction. There may even be a special QR code on the blue screen. Scanning it with your mobile device takes you to Microsoft's site with an interactive troubleshooting assistant.

If the computer restarts immediately after the blue screen appears and you do not have time to write down the error code, disable automatic restart. To do this, right-click on the "This PC" icon and select "Properties" → "Advanced system settings". In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab, click "Options" and uncheck the "Perform automatic restart" checkbox.

If you do not want to look for the necessary instruction and delve into it, or the solution found on the Web does not help, use the methods listed below.

3. Try simple, universal measures

These general measures affect many system parameters and help restore normal operation. They can also fix errors that lead to the blue screen of death.

  1. In the system settings go to "Windows Update" and check for updates. If available, install them.
  2. Check the system with.
  3. Update your drivers. You can go to the website of your computer manufacturer and download all the drivers for self-installation. But you can also use free services like

Generally, blue screen of death occurs when an unexpected fatal error occurred in the Windows operating system. This means that in most cases this error occurs unexpectedly while the computer is running. And usually blue screen of death, does not appear all the time, but only a couple of times if this error occurs precisely while the computer is running. But what if blue screen of death occurs constantly when the computer boots, which causes Windows to completely refuse to start.

Such BSOD error when booting the computer, can be caused by various reasons. The BSOD error blue screen of death message usually says: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

First of all, I want to say that this blue screen of death, may arise either due to a damaged operating system, or due to problems with the hardware of your computer. That is, either software or hardware problems. Let's look at what causes such problems and how to solve them.

Software problems

Software problems include any misconfiguration or malfunctioning of the operating system, drivers, services, and other programs. For example, this may be due to incorrectly installed drivers. It also often happens that blue screen of death, may appear after the notice of any boards in the computer, that is, hardware, and especially after replacing the motherboard or simply after installing a hard disk with Windows already installed on another computer.

In order to understand that blue screen of death, arises precisely because of software problems, you can try to boot Windows in Safe Mode by pressing the F5 key at the very beginning when Windows boots. And if the computer boots in safe mode quite successfully, then the software problems are definitely with your Windows system. You can also try to boot the computer using a bootable Live-CD with Windows, for example, based on BartPE. If Windows boots up normally, without blue screen of death, then these are most likely software problems.

In any case, all software problems can be easily resolved by simply reinstalling Windows. You can, of course, try to roll back installed drivers in safe mode, remove newly installed programs, drivers, and so on. That is, dig deeper into the system and make Windows work in the same mode. But the easiest way is to reinstall Windows.

Hardware problems

Hardware problems include problems with the hardware of your computer, when any device conflicts with the motherboard, for example, or an incorrectly configured device or incorrect BIOS settings. Well, if your computer is not portable, then solving hardware problems is not so difficult. Much worse if you have a laptop or netbook. Then, if a hardware malfunction happened with your laptop, then you will have to contact a service center for repair.

But if you have an ordinary non-portable computer, then to solve hardware problems, just try to take out the boards and other devices from the computer one by one and catch the moment when the computer starts working normally. Because, indeed, there are situations when it is a device conflict that occurs. So the solution is, most likely, replacement of boards or devices, or abandonment of some boards or devices.

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