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Why not download the app from the app store. Apps from the App Store are not downloaded or updated

Ten consecutive solutions to the problem.

“There was no such thing under Jobs,” is the first phrase that comes to mind when you spend an hour trying to bring to your senses the frozen gray icon of a downloadable application from the App Store.

About problems with updating software and error while loading applications Apple did not comment. You have to look for a solution by going through all the stages one by one: from simple to complex.

Note: To combat the problem of "gray waiting icons" and errors when downloading applications from the App Store, it is recommended to perform all the steps one at a time. At any time, the download can go further and there will be no need to carry out the subsequent steps described in this manual.

Step 0. Read the news

Before scolding your smartphone or tablet, do not be too lazy to look through the news feed :) You will probably find news that “App Store servers have fallen” or the App Store is experiencing problems, and the company is doing everything possible to fix the current situation.

Step 1. Check your internet connection

The reason why the application may not load or update may be a banal lack of Internet traffic or problems in the operation of the Wi-Fi wireless network around you. The icon of a working Wi-Fi, 3G or LTE still says nothing.

Solution: Open your Safari browser and go to any web page. If everything is in order with the connection, we move on.

Step 2. Stop downloading

A hanging gray icon that remains in the "Waiting" or "Downloading" status for a long time is a reason to stop downloading.

Solution: Tap on the icon, thereby stopping the download. Repeated tap can solve problems and the application will start loading.

Step 3. Turn on / off air mode

You can also try to resume the download by briefly switching to the "Airplane" mode.

Solution: From the Springboard screen, pile from the bottom up and click on the airplane image. Wait a few seconds and turn off the mode by tapping the icon again.

Step 4. Remove the application and reinstall

Complete removal of the application (if possible) with further reinstallation can help in this situation.

Solution: Hold your finger over the "problem icon" and wait for the transition to edit mode (shaking icons). Tap on the cross that appears next to the icon and delete the application. Open the App Store and reinstall it.

Step 5. Installing the second application in parallel

You can restore the download and establish a connection with the App Store by downloading any additional application.

Solution: Download any app you see from the App Store. After the download starts, the hung application can automatically continue the installation.

Step 6. Logging in to your account again

You can reanimate a frozen application by logging out of your account with re-authorization.

Solution: Open the App Store on your iOS device and go to the tab A selection... Tap on the name of your account and in the window that opens, select Log off... On the same page, log back into your account and re-download the application.

Step 7. Reboot iOS device

As another option for the treatment of a stuck and stuck loading "gray" application, you can resort to restarting the device.

Solution: Hold down the Power key and disconnect the device. Once turned on again, the application can automatically start installation. Alternatively, use a hard reset: hold down the Power and Home keys for a few seconds.

Step 8. Synchronize purchases with Mac / PC

If none of the above points helped, and the application still flatly refuses to load (there is no way to either pause the installation or uninstall it), you need to synchronize with the stationary version of iTunes.

Solution: Connect your iOS device to a computer or laptop running iTunes. Make sure that you are logged into a valid Apple ID account (the account under which the application is downloaded from the App Store must match the one authorized in iTunes). Select "Sync".

Step 9. Factory reset

You can resume downloading the application in a drastic way by performing a full reset.

Solution: Start small and accomplish Reset network settings: open Settings - Reset - Reset network settings... In case that doesn't help either, get ready for a complete reset of all settings. Back up your iOS device before performing this step. Open up Settings - General - Reset - Reset All Settings.

There are a lot of applications in iPhone that ease the daily hustle and bustle and life becomes a little easier when the gadget can warn about some important meeting, call or business. But sometimes the tech fails and you will notice that the iPhone is not downloading the apps you need. There are some steps you can take to help with this situation. If you do not know how to do it yourself, experts will do it for you at the following prices from the list below.

  • If a similar problem occurs, restart your device. Perhaps there was some kind of error in the code that led to a circular loop. All this does not allow downloading applications. Restarting will update all iPhone programs and activities so you can continue downloading.
  • Also, if the iPhone does not download applications, it will be possible to make an "Update" of the firmware, which will lead to the same settings that were at the time of purchase or factory settings.
  • Be sure to check if your friends who own iDevices have a similar problem. This can be a massive problem that repeats itself on a large number of devices.
  • Try downloading not through your phone, but directly through a connection to your computer and iTunes.
  • If this does not help and the iPhone does not update applications, restore from a backup that was with working parameters and check if you can download any messages.
  • Such problems can be due to a common glitch in the firmware. It is also worth avoiding "Beta" versions that do not yet have quality parameters and may have errors leading to problems.
  • Problems in the AppStore itself can lead to the fact that no one can download the application. This could be a problem with one specific program or a mass.
  • One of the surest ways to fix the fact that programs are not downloaded or updated is this: go to "Settings" and see the statistics of all programs that you have on your device. Of these, there may be those that have an empty field in the size column. If you see this, you just need to remove the program from there and start it again. This will help you download the app correctly and keep it updated without interruption.

Apple devices are admired by many. Flawless body lines, beautiful interface, high-quality applications. But even the owners of iPhones and iPads periodically face problems that arise, such as freezing of downloading applications from the App Store. Below we will analyze the reasons why applications are not updated, downloaded or loaded, as well as simple step-by-step instructions on how to cope with this.

The essence of the problem, signs and causes

It’s rather unpleasant to watch how the application is trying to download to the smartphone for an hour. Especially when its owner wanted to spend a few pleasant minutes playing a new game or working in a useful program. And especially if you have nothing else to occupy yourself or if you are running out of time, and the application is extremely necessary. The iPhone becomes a useless piece of plastic or aluminum. But a few simple ways can fix the situation.

How to understand that the application loading is stuck

The icon turns gray and the setup wheel freezes. The application does not react in any way to user actions. Another symptom is an error appears when trying to download an app from the App Store. This can happen with both the iPhone and the iPad. The solutions to the problem are the same for all Apple gadgets with any OS version.

What to do when the app is not updated, downloaded or downloaded from the App Store: step-by-step instructions

Problem: App does not load from the App Store

So, a step-by-step algorithm of how to "bring an iPhone to life." Follow all the steps one at a time, without jumping from beginning to end. Each next step can be a solution to the problem.

Solution: wait for the end of work on Apple servers

Take a look at the news feed. Perhaps there was a notification that the store's servers fell, and technical support is trying to do everything possible to fix the situation. Then you just have to wait, busy yourself with something else.

Solution: check the stability of the internet connection

Check your internet connection. You can argue that, judging by the icon, wi-fi is working at full capacity, or the 3G / LTE icon is clearly lit. But this is not yet a sign of complete order.

What actions to perform: launch the Safari browser and load any page on the Internet. If the page is fully displayed, then the connection is indeed functioning stably. Let's move on to the next step.

Solution: stop then resume downloading the app

If the app still has a gray icon, it makes sense to pause the download.

What you need to do: Press "Pause" on downloading the application (tap on the application icon). Now click on the icon again. Sometimes it helps, and the application restores the download.

Solution: switch to airplane mode

Unexpectedly, the following method may solve the problem. You should switch to the "Airplane" mode, just for a while.

Here's what to do: From the Springboard, swipe up from the bottom, then select the airplane icon. Airplane mode will turn on. After a couple of seconds, turn it off by tapping the icon again.

Solution: uninstalling the app

Didn't it work out? Delete the application. Indeed, it is very simple.

What actions to perform: click on the gray hovering icon and hold it, the icons will begin to vibrate (go into editing mode), and a small cross will appear on the left of the icons. Click on it, the application will be deleted. Go to the App Store again and try to install the program again.

Solution: running a second installation in parallel

Another non-standard method, a little secret that few know about, is the parallel installation of a second application. Indeed, it can revive the former.

What to do: Go to the App Store, select absolutely any application and run it to install. Often, after starting the download of the second application, the first is also restored.

Solution: Re-authorize in the App Store

What else to do? For example, re-login to your Apple ID account.

Action to take: Log out of your account. This can be done through the App Store - the "Featured" tab displays your account name. Click on it and select "Quit". Then sign in to your account again, and then try downloading the app again.

Solution: reboot the device

Have you tried rebooting the device? If not, it's worth the risk.

What to do: Press and hold the Power key until the iPhone turns off. Then turn it back on. Check the app icon. Once enabled, the download may resume. Alternatively, try another reboot method - "hard". Press simultaneously two keys - power and "Home" ("Power" and "Home"). After restarting your smartphone, check the app icon again.

Solution: PC sync

Is the "stubborn" application still hanging? Synchronize your smartphone with iTunes on your personal computer.

What to do: connect the gadget to a PC on which you first launch the iTunes application. The Apple ID accounts on the smartphone and PC must match, otherwise nothing will work. Check if this is not the case, log in on both devices under the same account. Synchronize your devices.

Solution: factory reset

If you need the application so much that you are ready to go for a factory reset, then continue reading. However, back up your device first. You are now ready to do a factory reset.

What to do: First, reset the network settings. To do this, go to "Settings", then to "Reset", and then click "Reset network settings". Check the app. Is not downloading? Perform a full factory reset. Go to the same item "Settings", then "General", then "Reset" - and "Reset all settings".

Solution: switch to DFU mode

If this does not solve the problem, the last method remains. Put your smartphone in DFU mode.

What you need to do: Connect your iPhone or iPad with the "harmful" application to the computer running iTunes. Now attention:

If this did not help, it may be worth abandoning the installation of this application, because such manipulations with the device can in the future lead to its unstable operation and malfunctions. Look for alternatives to the app.

By the way, you can still just wait.

Apps are not updated in the App Store

Sometimes the owners of Apple gadgets are faced with such a problem.

One of two ways will help:

Of course, no one is immune from such a problem. There are too many possible reasons that can cause problems with downloading applications. General recommendations to follow in this case:

  • before downloading the app, please pay attention to its size. If it is rather big, make sure that everything is in order with the Internet, then start downloading;
  • read the news or ask your friends if there have been notifications from Apple about server outages;
  • if you've tried all the methods and got to the most radical - factory reset - think if you really need this application. Perhaps there are alternatives in the App Store, try choosing a different one or return to downloading later, because the "hard" methods of solving the problem cannot pass without leaving a trace for the device, in the future this may result in malfunctions in its operation.

In general, the problem is not so global as to somehow prepare for it in advance. One of the listed methods will help in any case.

The problem of freezing downloads of applications turns out to be an unpleasant surprise for many users. However, it is worthwhile to understand the reason a little - and it will not be difficult to eliminate it. Step-by-step instructions covering all options for solving the problem will provide undoubted practical help.

Trying to download an app from the App Store and the download process keeps getting stuck? Or maybe you've finished restoring from an iCloud backup and it seems like you've been downloading apps for ages and never finished? Such errors while downloading applications periodically occur on both iPhone and iPad. However, there are several ways to solve them, and in this post I will tell you about them.

1. Check your network connection

Make sure your internet connection is working properly before proceeding further. The easiest way to do this is to test it in other applications. For example, open any page in Safari or send a message in iMessage.

If the problem is really in the connection to the network, then as soon as it is restored, the download of the application will continue from the moment at which it stopped. If other applications function normally, go to the second method.

2. Restart download

Sometimes users accidentally click on the icon of an application that has not yet been loaded and it stops. This is very easy to understand, since the icon caption will indicate the “Pause” status. Just click on the icon again to start the download again. And even if the download was not paused, but simply stuck, such a restart can help and the download of the application will continue.

If tapping on the icon does not work, wait a while and then repeat. If there is no result, go to the next method.

3. Reboot your iOS device

A reboot can help fix many errors, including an application load failure. Just press and hold the button at the same time Home and the button Power... As soon as the  logo appears, release both buttons, wait for your iPhone or iPad to turn on and check for frozen downloads.

If the download of the application continues - everything is fine, if not - return to the App Store and try downloading the application again. If it freezes again, go to the next method.

4. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the application

Sometimes deleting an application that has not yet been loaded and restarting the download can help. If after restarting the application it was not cleaned up, try uninstalling it manually. To do this, tap and hold on the icon until they begin to wiggle, click on the “cross” in the upper left corner of the stuck application icon and confirm the deletion.

If the application has been deleted, try installing it again. If nothing happened and the icon still remains on the screen, go to the next step.

5. Download another app

I don't know why, but sometimes downloading another app from the App Store can help "stir up" stuck apps. Trying is not torture, so try downloading an app. It can be any free app or one you purchased earlier. Wait a little to check the result, and if it doesn't work, go to the next step.

6. Log out of your iTunes account and restart your iOS device

If all else fails, try logging out from your iTunes account. This should stop any content on your iPhone or iPad from being downloaded. Additionally, it is advisable to reboot the device before proceeding with the repeated application download procedure. Signing out of your iTunes account is pretty simple:

  • Open the App Store in the tab A selection.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the button with your Apple ID.
  • From the pop-up menu, select Log off.

7. Synchronize iOS device with iTunes

Even if you use iCloud for backups, you can still sync your iPhone or iPad with iTunes. Sometimes syncing and transferring your purchases can help with stuck downloads. Just plug your iOS device into your iTunes computer and sync it like you usually do when transferring music or movies. Wait until the end of the process and check if the applications that you could not download from the App Store have appeared on the home screen of the iPhone or iPad.

8. Just wait

Occasionally freezing downloads can be caused by changes in the App Store servers. Perhaps you were trying to download the application at the very moment when you were updating it. This happens very rarely, but, nevertheless, it can be. Return to the application after a while and check if it has loaded.

Have you encountered the problem of freezing of the process of downloading applications from the App Store? What solution did you use for this? Share your experience in the comments.

Many users sooner or later face problems downloading applications from the Google Play Market. These can be all sorts of errors or other possible reasons due to which applications may not load or load incompletely. But since every problem or error has a cause, there are also ways to solve it.

Why applications are not downloaded from the Play Market

There are a lot of reasons why applications from the Google Play Market may not be downloaded, and each of them has its own cause and solution options. The first step is to determine the cause of the problem in order to choose the most correct approach to solving it.

Apps won't download

If, when trying to download an application, the Play Market freezes and closes, or the text "Not enough space on the device" appears, then the problem may be in the Google Play server itself or in the amount of free memory.

Solution: if the reason is really in the Google Play Market service, then you just need to wait about 15 minutes and try again. Also, it is worth noting that if large-scale technical work is underway on the server, then users are necessarily warned with a text notification, which indicates the timing of those. works.

In cases where a text appears on the screen about the lack of free space on the device or SD card, you just need to clean the memory by deleting some little-used applications on the device or memory card. After clearing the memory, applications will be downloaded from the Play Market again.

To free up memory, you can uninstall underused applications

Programs are not fully downloaded

Sometimes users face a problem when a program or game is not fully downloaded. This is due to a problem with the device cache.

Solution: To solve the problem, clear the cache of the Google Play Market and Google Play services. To clear the Play Market cache you need:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Then go to Applications> All.
  • Select "Google Play Market".
  • Click on "Clear cache".

To clear the cache, you need to go to the Google Play Store or Google Play Services and select "Clear cache" in the application information

The same combination of actions is used to clear the cache of Google Play Services. ("Settings"> "Applications"> "Google Play Market services"> "Clear cache").

After the actions taken, the applications will be downloaded completely.

Files are not downloaded via mobile network or Wi-Fi

Via mobile network (3G)

Before looking for a solution to the problem, be sure to check if data transfer is enabled in the device settings and if the mobile Internet data indicator (3G or H / H +) is shown at the top of the screen.

Solution: try to disable and enable the "Data transfer" function in the device settings, and if it does not help, turn on the "Airplane mode" (flight mode), wait 1 minute and turn it off. If the problem persists, you probably have a traffic limitation. To clarify the information and solve the problem with this limitation, you must contact your mobile operator.

In order to download applications using the mobile Internet, use the "Data transfer" item in the device settings

Via Wi-Fi

The reason that applications from the Google Play Market are not downloaded using Wi-Fi may be a weak connection or lack of one. If the download process does not start or stops at 0%, and after a few seconds the text "Timed out" appears, be sure that the problem is with your Internet connection. You can also check this by trying to load any site (for example google) in the device browser, and if the site does not load, the problem is in a weak connection.

Solution: first you need to try restarting the device, as in most cases this helps to solve the problem (if it is from the side of the device, not the Wi-Fi router). It is also worth trying to turn off and turn on the wi-fi on the gadget or restart the router.

To download programs using Wi-Fi, you need to activate the function in the device settings and select the network to which to connect

Apps are not downloaded due to Play Market error

If there are problems downloading an application from the Play Store due to an error, a text appears on the device screen with a description of the error and the reason for its occurrence. There is an optimal and most importantly effective way to solve such problems, which is used by users of devices on Android.

Solution: make a hard reset, that is, reset the device to factory settings. To do this, go to "Settings", then click on "Restore and reset". Next, you need to select "Reset settings", after which all device settings will be reset to factory settings.

To reset the settings to the factory settings go to the "Restore and reset" and select "Factory data reset"

Note: Be sure to back up your device before resetting your device to avoid losing important data. The backup can be used after a factory reset, after which all data will be restored.

How to create a backup on Android

Google Play Market not working

There are very few cases when Google Play Market stops working, which prevents users from downloading applications. In total, there are two options for solving this problem:

Solution # 1: uninstall Google Play Market updates and Google Play Services. To remove updates to the Market and Services, the same algorithm of actions is used:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Further in "Applications".
  • Select "All".
  • Then select "Google Play Market" or "Google Play Services".
  • Click on the "Uninstall Updates" button.

To remove updates, go to the application information item and click the "Remove update" button

Solution # 2: remove and then add your Google account. Go to Settings> Google Accounts> Account Setup> Delete Google Account. Next, restart your device, and then add your Google account again.

To delete a Google account, you need to sign in and click "Delete account"

Other problems downloading apps

There are also other problems that make it impossible to download applications from the Play Market.

Error with the text "Content filtering level does not allow uploading"

An error with this text means the age restriction that the downloaded application contains.

Solution: you need to allow all age categories, to do this, go to the Google Play Store settings, then go to "Customize filter" and check the boxes next to all applications. After clicking on the "OK" button, the user will be asked to come up with or enter a four-digit password (if it was set). The password is used so that no one except the owner of the device can change age categories.

Check the boxes next to all the items to resume the ability to download all applications from the Google Play Store

"Connect SD card" and "Damaged SD card" errors

Such errors mean that the user has a damaged memory card.

Solution: first of all, you need to connect your memory card to the computer using a card reader and try to transfer all the files from the card to the computer, since if the memory card finally breaks down, the files on it cannot be restored. Next, try to check the memory card for errors using the chkdsk command in the command line (Win + R> cmd), or try to format it. If the SD card still doesn't work, you'll have to buy a new one.

To check whether the memory stick is working or not, use the Windows command line with the chkdsk command

How to download from Play Market to SD card

It is worth noting that relatively new smartphones of all brands have built-in memory of 8 Gb or more, and after filling up the entire internal memory, applications start downloading to the SD card automatically.

If the user has a smartphone of an old model, which has a small amount of internal memory and there is a need for all applications to be downloaded immediately to the memory card, then you need to perform a number of the following actions:

  1. Go to the "Settings" of your device.
  2. Select the "Memory" item.
  3. Select "SD card" under the "Default disc for recording" label.

After the performed actions, all downloaded applications will be immediately installed on the memory card.

In order for applications to be downloaded directly to the memory card, you need to check the box opposite the SD card in the device's memory settings

How to avoid future download problems. What to set up

It is impossible to prevent Play Market errors or any other problems with downloading. You can, perhaps, download applications from sources other than the Play Market, but before that, you definitely need to get a good antivirus. Also in the device settings, in the "Security" section, you must allow the installation of applications from other sources.

Using one of the methods for solving problems and errors, each user will be able to restore the ability to download an application from the Google Play Market, as well as learn how to download applications directly to the SD card, and not to the built-in memory.

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