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  • Why communication does not work on mts and what to do in this case. Disruptions occurred in the work of the largest Russian mobile operators Reasons for the lack of communication of MTS

Why communication does not work on mts and what to do in this case. Disruptions occurred in the work of the largest Russian mobile operators Reasons for the lack of communication of MTS

It is difficult to imagine a subscriber willing to voluntarily put up with the lack of cellular communication. But sometimes it’s almost impossible to avoid network connectivity problems. First of all, in such situations, in order to cope with the difficulties that have arisen, one should think about why MTS communication does not work today, in 2020. Correctly identified reasons will allow you to cope with troubles as soon as possible. The main thing is not to rush to conclusions and approach the issue as seriously and thoroughly as possible. And then the restoration of communication will not take much time.

When faced with difficulties for the first time, it is worth thinking about who is to blame for what happened. Perhaps the source of the problems lies in preventive maintenance, which requires a temporary suspension of the operator's entire cellular communications. It will be possible to check whether this is so:

  1. on the official portal of the mobile company;
  2. on major news resources that will not miss such an important news;
  3. in the official communities of the operator on social networks.

Each source indicated is trustworthy and able to instantly explain the reasons for what is happening.

Why is MTS not working today?

If it's not about prevention, the implementation and completion of which cannot be influenced, then the subscriber is obliged to look for other causes of problems with MTS communication today in 2020. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • network congestion caused by a huge number of users who decided to use the operator's services;
  • spoiled weather that can cause serious interference;
  • finding a person in the area of ​​lack of communication or the presence of numerous interference between the phone and the radio tower;
  • malfunctions of malfunctions in the smartphone.

The listed problems are equally successful in depriving a person of the ability to make calls and use the mobile Internet.

Network congestion

Network congestion is a situation when a large number of users decide to use cellular communication at the same time. Usually, such failures occur on holidays, when people congratulate numerous friends, relatives and loved ones on a solemn event. Overloading is easy to recognize. It is revealed by two characteristic features:

  1. the signal quality indicator on the phone shows a large number of bars (high-quality connection);
  2. inability to call.

It is impossible to cope with the overload, it remains to calmly wait until the situation changes in a positive direction on its own.


Weather affects cellular communications much less congestion, but it can also have a significant impact. It is possible to recognize the occurrence of interference with interruptions in signal reception due to weather by the behavior of the indicator. The number of stripes on the smartphone display will be unstable, will actively change, gradually increasing, decreasing or completely disappearing.

It is not easy to influence what is happening in this situation. The user is able to search for a place where the signal will be more stable, and the influence of weather conditions will decrease. But the effectiveness of such steps is not great, therefore, it makes no sense to expect that these actions will bring success and change the situation in a positive direction.

Phone technical problems

The next reason that can lead to interruptions in the operation of the cellular network is the breakdown of the phone. To eliminate suspicions of a mobile phone problem, you should:

  • reboot the device to eliminate the likelihood of a trivial failure;
  • insert the SIM card into another, obviously working device (if the MTS does not work there, the problem is not in the smartphone).

Additionally, if the user uses a device with two SIM card slots, you can move the SIM card to another slot. It is important to add that difficulties with the phone, if the restart did not help, cannot be solved on your own. We'll have to go to the repair shop.

A place without a network

In some cases, the reason that MTS does not work today is the remoteness of the subscriber from the radio tower. You can check the MTS coverage area on the official website. But, if it is impossible to visit the portal, you need to remember where the phone worked the last time and return to that place again. If the troubles are related to the user's location, returning to the coverage area of ​​the tower will return the smartphone owner the ability to call and use the basic services of the telephone company (you should not count on a 4g Internet connection).

MTS mobile network is not available - what to do?

It has already been mentioned above that the struggle against difficulties should be started with finding their source. If you can't figure out the reasons for what happened, you should:

  1. restart the phone;
  2. move the SIM card to another slot;
  3. make sure that the SIM card is intact, not stained and inserted correctly;
  4. check the operation of the phone and make sure that it is not broken;
  5. try to find a place where numerous interference will not interfere with signal reception.

But most of the above causes of troubles leave users with only one solution - to wait until the connection is restored on its own.

Bad connection - what to do?

In addition to the above actions, subscribers are able to ask for help and clarifications from the contact center staff. To do this, you can call the hotline. Calls using a SIM card of third-party operators are allowed. In addition, you can ask the question “why MTS does not work” through the website or the official social network. The support staff will definitely try to help the client and advise what to do in the current situation.

What's with MTS today - does not work 2020

There are many reasons that can prevent a subscriber from making a call. But no matter what the difficulty may be, users should not panic or worry. Sometimes difficulties with the network are caused by the simplest reasons, for example, the client turned off roaming and, forgetting to turn it back on, went abroad.

To find a solution and restore the operation of the SIM card, you need to calmly think and consistently review the main sources of problems. In extreme cases, you will have to contact the contact center staff or just wait until the troubles pass by themselves.

Megafon's clients were the first to report communication failures. Messages with complaints began to appear on social media. Clients from Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Togliatti, Kazan, Ufa, Volgograd and Nizhny Novgorod reported about the lack of telephone communication and the opportunity to use the mobile Internet.

The company acknowledged the existence of "massive communication difficulties" among its subscribers. Megafon's Twitter says that they are already working on fixing the problems.

The "larger" a telecom operator and the more subscribers it has, the more towers and other equipment it has that needs to be kept in perfect order to provide high-quality communication services and mobile Internet regardless of any external factors. Unfortunately, MTS also has failures in communication services. I will tell subscribers what to do in this situation.

Communication from MTS is


Why communication on MTS does not work today

The main reasons for the lack of communication:

  • Repair work on the operator's equipment (planned or unscheduled).
  • Bad weather conditions (thunderstorm, hurricane, etc.).
  • Large congestion of the MTS network.
  • The location of the subscriber.
  • Failure in the smartphone or phone.
  • Sim card malfunctioning.

How to understand what happened

  • We read the news on the MTS website (usually operators promptly notify about force majeure and repairs).
  • Call the official support of the operator by number 0890 (from the MTS number) or 8-800-250-08-90 (from any phone).
  • If you do not have an MTS network in roaming, then you need to call the number +7-495-766-01-66 (the call is free for MTS subscribers, but if there is no network, then you will not be able to call from the MTS number, and the call from the number of another operator will be paid, keep this in mind).
  • Ask the question “What happened and why the connection on MTS was lost today” in one of the official MTS communities on social networks. They usually respond quickly.

What to do if there is no connection to MTS: problem solving

I have listed the problems, now briefly about how to try to solve them.

  • If there is no communication in some "zone" due to equipment repair by MTS, then there is no point in advising anything except to wait until the end of the work. If possible, use a connection from another operator.
  • Bad weather will end sooner or later and everything will be restored. Unless, of course, bad weather has led to some damage (then see above).
  • Network congestion happens in places where a large number of people congregate (a concert, a football match ...) Everyone wants to share a photo on Instagram or VKontakte, call and tell “how cool it is,” but the network power is not enough. Therefore, either try to wait a little and call, "post a photo" again, or just wait until the end of the event. The people will disperse - the quality of communication is normalized.
  • The MTS network (MTS coverage map) is not available everywhere. Perhaps the exact place where you want to use it is not "covered". You just need to move to the area where there is coverage.
  • The failure of the smartphone, first of all, you need to try to cure the banal reboot of the device, in many cases it helps. If it does not help, we go to the repair or look for information on the solution specifically for our device.
  • Failure of the SIM card is "treated" by the method "took out / inserted" the SIM card back. If it doesn't help, go to the MTS office and change the sim card there. It's free.

Let's consider all the problems, why there may be no connection on the phone with an MTS SIM card.

One of the reasons for the incorrect operation of mobile communications is a malfunction of the operator's equipment. Sometimes some towers fail, or an entire region may fall out at once. This is due to unforeseen accidents that can be caused by massive equipment failure, as well as adverse weather conditions and other problems. In rare cases, failures occur due to the fault of intruders damaging base stations for hooligan motives or for profit.
In the event of an emergency, the reception may remain, but it will not be possible to make calls. To figure out on whose side the problem is, it is enough to make a call to the operator and clarify whether the network is working normally in the required region.

Technical work at MTS today

The second reason why there may be difficulties in using a smartphone is planned work related to the modernization or repair of existing equipment. Usually, the operator tries to warn about their plans in advance, using the official website, social networks and in some cases even bulk SMS. Therefore, it is useful sometimes to familiarize yourself with the news posts posted on official resources, so that such a shutdown does not catch by surprise.

Network congestion

All operator equipment is designed for a specific bandwidth. If subscribers in the region are sharply exceeding a certain limit, or they begin to use various services more actively, this can lead to network congestion, as a result of which some of them will be temporarily disconnected.
A good example of such difficulties is the time of the New Year holidays. Quite often, if you try to make a call to friends and acquaintances directly at midnight, you can get a reply message “Network busy”. This is due to the fact that a large number of people are trying at this very moment to get through to their friends and relatives, and as a result, the permissible limits are exceeded. Usually, this problem is of a short-term nature, and after a few minutes the network starts operating normally.

There is no MTS network in this area

During a trip through the territory of Russia, you may find that the network coverage periodically disappears. This is due to the fact that in places where settlements are located quite far from each other, there are much fewer base towers. It is difficult and unprofitable for an operator to install stations where there are practically no subscribers. Therefore, if you need a phone all the time, it is better to plan the route in advance in accordance with the network coverage map, which is located on the official website of the operator.

Sometimes in the area there may be no coverage in 3G modes, but the network confidently works in the 2G standard. You should check if the phone or tablet is not prohibited from switching to an outdated network type in the settings. If so, you need to disable this option. After that, the coverage area will increase, although the Internet speed may decrease significantly.

The room does not pass the signal

The problem can arise in a large city, where, it would seem, towers are at every corner. It's all the fault of the buildings that screen the signal.
Reception deteriorates significantly when the subscriber descends into the basement. Some houses built more than 50 years ago also have thick walls, which can cause poor or no reception even on the upper floors.

Another type of building that is good at hindering cellular networks is metal boxes and hangars. Some hypermarkets, garage complexes and similar premises are being built on this principle. As a result, the reception inside can either completely disappear, or the quality can be significantly reduced. One can only put up with this, because the only solution to the problem is to leave this building.

SIM card deteriorated

The previous list of problems was mostly related to situations that do not depend on the client and his equipment. However, sometimes the defect can be on the subscriber's side. One of the most common malfunctions is SIM card damage.

The card can fail for a number of reasons. This list includes the following problems:

  • The SIM card received a discharge of static electricity from clothing or other object when it was outside the phone;
    The card has been bent or otherwise physically affected;
  • The contact group has been contaminated or physically damaged.

In the latter case, you can try cleaning the contacts with a regular eraser or a napkin soaked in a solution for cleaning office equipment. If this does not help, you should contact the operator for a new SIM card tied to the same number.

The phone went bad

It is quite possible that the subscriber's device itself, in which the SIM card is installed, is damaged. It's easy to check. You just need to take a card of another operator and install it into a suspicious phone. If the problem persists with it, then the only correct solution would be to repair or replace the smartphone in which the malfunction occurred.

Advice! Sometimes it can be eliminated programmatically using utilities provided by the manufacturer. In order to save on repairs, it is better to first follow the instructions from the developer's site of this device.

In roaming

If it was decided to go abroad with a domestic SIM card, the network may not appear immediately.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of operators that provide roaming services for MTS subscribers in the selected country. If your phone has automatic network search enabled, it is better to switch it to manual mode and select a suitable operator from this list.

In addition, the settings of the device may prohibit making and receiving calls, as well as sending and receiving SMS in roaming. These parameters should also be checked and set to the required state. It is advisable to make such settings altogether before the trip, when you have cheap internet at hand and you can find instructions for your smartphone.

It is a holiday today

The situation with network congestion on New Year's Eve has already been mentioned above. However, this is far from the only holiday during which one may encounter instability in the operation of the operator's equipment.

Any major dates are by default a weekend, during which there is a heavy load. People call their relatives and friends, use the Internet more actively, which can lead to an excess of bandwidth. If the message “The network is busy” is displayed on the smartphone, you need to wait a few minutes and try to repeat the call. The Internet can also be very unstable.


Due to the weather, the connection may deteriorate, even if the provider's equipment was not damaged or another force majeure did not occur. The antennas of base stations and mobile phones are interconnected using high-frequency waves, for which snow, rain and fog can be quite significant interference. Therefore, in cloudy weather with precipitation, the connection always deteriorates.

If you urgently need to make a call, and the coverage leaves much to be desired, you can come closer to the window or, if the subscriber is on the street, leave the dense buildings. This will reduce the number of obstacles and improve the quality of the connection. The same applies not only to regular communication, but also to the work of GPS navigation.

What to do if a bad connection

First, you need to make sure that the problem is not on the subscriber's side. Will be good. If you have another phone at hand, preferably with a SIM card from another operator. With its help, you can check the health of your own card and smartphone. To do this, it will be enough to swap the SIM cards and see where the problem persists.

If it was possible to find out that the problems are on the operator's side, you can check if there are any planned works using the official website. In the event that the information is not there, it remains only to contact the MTS support service in any available way, be it a chat, a call or filling out a form on the website and wait for an answer about the time frame for solving the problem.

Where to call if there are problems with communication
In order to inform the operator about the problems with communication, you can use the official technical support numbers. Often, you will have to make a call from a smartphone with a SIM card from another company, so you need general numbers, not short numbers:

  • Support for MTS 88002500890;
  • MTS support in roaming +74957660166;

Calls to internal numbers starting with 8800 are free for all operators. This is convenient because you can use any phone that comes to hand to find out from the technical support employee when exactly the problem will be resolved.

In the case of roaming calls, you will have to calculate in advance the expenses associated with international calls. Therefore, the best option would be to prepare your phone for the trip while still in Russia. If you wish, you can also call the support service and consult. Operators will help you not only to set up your smartphone, but also to find profitable offers for communication abroad.

It is difficult to explain why there is no MTS connection when you have no idea about the situation. Communication may be missing for a variety of reasons, so no one will give you an unambiguous answer (with the exception of a help center specialist). Many forums advise not to look for an answer to this question on the Internet, but to immediately contact the MTS customer support service. This advice makes sense, but what if there is no connection at all? In addition, it can sometimes take a long time to connect with a help center specialist, so many people prefer to find ways to solve the problem on the Internet.

As part of this review, we will tell you about the most common reasons for the lack of communication on MTS, and also tell you how to restore cellular communication. As for the restoration of communication, this is not always possible and much depends on the cause of the problems with cellular communication.

Reasons for the lack of communication MTS

Don't know why there is no MTS connection? Is this problem so annoying that you are already thinking about? Before resorting to such measures, you should figure out why there is no cellular connection. It is possible that similar problems will not arise with another operator.

MTS may not be connected for the following reasons:

  • Network congestion;
  • Engineering works;
  • Location;
  • Bad weather conditions;
  • Phone problems.

MTS may not be connected for any of the above reasons. How to find out which one is relevant in your case? Each reason has its own characteristics, focusing on which you can understand why there is no MTS connection. Of course, not all reasons are individual, but even in such cases, a solution can be found.

The following information will help you determine the reason for the network outage:

  1. Network congestion. If you have carefully read the agreement on the provision of communication services, then you probably know about the existence of a clause according to which the operator can limit the speed of the Internet or even deprive of communication for a while, with a high network load. If the network is congested, you will run into problems not only when using the Internet, but also when sending messages or trying to call. It is difficult to determine this reason, because there are no visible signs in this case. The signal may be strong, but the connection will not be possible due to the congestion of the network. At such moments, it is especially difficult to get through to the operator, so you just have to be patient and wait. As a rule, such a problem is quickly resolved on its own and you cannot do anything here.
  2. Engineering works. This problem is very similar to the previous one. It is also not possible to influence her. On the other hand, it will be easier for you to call the operator and clarify why there is no MTS connection. The operator must warn about technical work in advance, however, for some unknown reason, not all subscribers receive appropriate notifications. If you do not want to wait for the operator's response, try to go to or on the operator's official website - there will most likely be information about technical work and their duration.
  3. Location. Pay attention to the signal indicator on your phone? If the signal is weak or absent altogether, then you should not be surprised at the lack of communication. How to solve this problem You yourself perfectly understand - you need to change the location. If you are unable to leave the area, for example, you live here, then you should consider buying a SIM card from another operator, which has a stronger signal in your area.
  4. Bad weather conditions. Is there a strong wind or rain outside? If the connection disappeared precisely after the change of weather, then most likely this is the problem. How to solve this problem? Not unless you can influence the weather.
  5. Phone problems. None of the above reasons suits you and you still don’t understand why there is no connection on MTS? Perhaps the problem is with your phone. First of all, see if the SIM card is inserted correctly. In addition, the problem may be caused by a malfunction of the phone's operating system. In this case, you just need to reboot the phone or reset to factory settings. A more serious problem is also possible when the phone itself is faulty and it needs repair. In this case, only the master will help you.

What to do if there is no MTS connection

The problem with the lack of communication is not uncommon for all Russian operators, which is especially important for small settlements. MTS, like other mobile operators, regularly increase the coverage area and, perhaps, soon even the most remote corners of the country will not experience communication problems.

Unfortunately, this time has not come yet. So what should you do if there is no MTS connection? As you already understood, a lot depends on the cause, and there are more than enough reasons. In most cases, you just need to wait and the connection will be established. If there is no connection for a long time, you need to call the operator or go to the nearest MTS office. Also, it will not be superfluous to check the malfunction of the phone.

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