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Why is livetv not working. Special versions of browsers

Hello everyone! I am in touch with you again, Alexey. In this short post you will learn how to enter a blocked site by Roskomnadzor. Very interesting right? Surely you have come across resources on the Internet that you could not open.

Sometimes it happens that some resource becomes inaccessible on the Internet by the decision of Roskomnadzor. And as a result, you cannot load the site due to the fact that it is blocked by your provider. For example, the same torrent tracker was blocked at the request of the copyright holders. That was a year ago and to this day it remains blocked in Russia. You can check it yourself. This is how it looks:

In general, after reading this article, you can go to absolutely any site. It also happens that some foreign resources are restricted by access to visitors from other countries. Or, for example, you are abroad, and you need to open your favorite site, which is not available.

So how do you learn how to open blocked sites? There is more than one way. Although the principle is the same, but in a different design. Now I'll tell you everything, read on.

What is the principle?

As I said, the principle is the same, but the execution is different. In order to download a blocked resource, you must be in another country. Who would move for such a trifle? No one. That is why, and not only because of this, there are so-called intermediaries. That is, this is a computer that will be located in another country and which will be able to transmit its traffic to us. They are called proxy servers. There is also VPN networks. All this can be paid or free. Actually, in this way we will get access to any site. This is the principle - to use an intermediary between the user and the Internet.

A proxy allows several computers to access the Internet through one, which is actually a proxy server. That is, you can set up a local network at home or at work by connecting several computers, one of which will have an Internet connection. For implementation, you need special software. I will not go into details. I just wanted you to know about this Additional information about the essence of the proxy so to speak.

VPNs are a little different. This is a completely different technology, but nevertheless it will be an intermediary. You will go to the private network and go to the global

Turbo mode in Opera and Yandex Browser

The easiest way to open a locked resource is to turn on turbo mode. In normal mode, the browser acts directly, immediately addresses the server of the site you need. If the turbo mode function is enabled, then your web browser accesses the Opera or Yandex Browser servers. Depending on what you are using. The server accepts the request and "goes" to load the web page for you. After downloading, he transfers it to you. This is how it works. In addition to this feature, the servers will compress the traffic transmitted to you. Actually, this is the main purpose of such an opportunity. It is no coincidence that "Turbo" is called

True, this does not always work if you are going to load sites through a Yandex browser. This is due to the fact that some Yandex servers are located in Russia. Therefore, this trick may not work. But you can always put an add-on and not think about it. By the way, since I'm talking about extensions, I suggest you read the post here. There I talked about add-ons for Yandex Browser.

How to enable turbo mode in Opera: click on "Menu" in the upper left corner of the screen and select "Opera Turbo".

How to enable turbo mode in Yandex Browser: Enter the string in url - browser: // settings and go down to the very end without opening the "Advanced options". Check the box "Always". Or follow the link browser: // tune and activate the mode.

Dedicated browser extensions

There are special extensions that help you change your ip address. When enabled, the web browser communicates with the site server through a proxy. I have provided examples of extensions below.

  • For Firefox: anonymoX
  • For Opera: ZenMate VPN
  • For Yandex Browser and Chrome: FriGate

FriGate is already in the list of add-ons in the web browser from Yandex. You just need to activate. Go to the address browser: // tune and turn it on.

For Chrome or Yandex Browser users, I suggest using an extension that will help save traffic and visit blocked sites in one go. Google developer. You can download it here. Truth does not work with HTTPS requests.

Special versions of browsers

I never use this option. Somehow it did not take root. Such browsers immediately work through several proxy servers, thereby helping to maintain deeper anonymity on the network and give access to all resources on the Internet. I want to note that when using such web browsers, sites load much slower. This is either anonymity and access to resources, or speed. Have to prioritize

Here is one of them - Tor Browser. There is also Globus. Which one to download is up to you. Both are analogues of Chrome in terms of interface. However, I recommend the first option.

Web anonymizers

Web anonymizers are a resource on the Internet with an input form. Everything is simple here. You need to enter the url of the resource that you want to open. Great for occasional use. The internet is full and easy to find. I personally use Through the site, you can go to any others in an anonymous state.

There is another good anonymizer called chameleon. I suggest you try it out. Here it is .

Online text translators

With the help of such services, you can open a blocked site for a couple of times, and still get a translation. I use Google Translate. I have never failed! Just copy the link into the first translation form, the second one will have an active link that you can click on. Click and enjoy bypassing site blocking

Computer programs

Yes ... There are also programs that will help in solving this problem. In addition to the web anonymizer, has a program that you can freely download and install on any operating system. That is, even to your phone with android or ios (iphone). You can try the full functionality for free for just one day. Then you have to pay.

For those who do not want to pay, I propose to cheat! You are given a unique key that is tied to your E-mail address. In the free version, it is valid for 24 hours. You can get a new one by entering another E-mail. Everything is logical. But every time registering E-mail addresses is not so hot, so you can find mail for 10 minutes. Search the internet. Or do as I do, create a new mailing address in the existing one. This function is in but also in, it seems, too. In gmail, I don’t know how. For you need to go to the mail settings and you will see there at the very end. Here is a link if that.

Proxy Switcher

In principle, a normal program. Finds just a bunch of servers to connect to. One thing worries me. I don't know where all these servers come from, honestly. Perhaps they just have a base that is being edited. Do not know. But the program is shareware and a lot of people mention it, so it gives me a little confidence.


Simple proxy client. To use it, you need to know the ip address, port and version of the proxy server in order to configure it. To find all this, you can use the Internet and find free proxy lists.

Hide ip easy

Another program to hide your ip. You will be able to open blocked sites, depending on the country you selected, and remain anonymous. True, it is paid

Underwater rocks

I decided to tell about them last. I will not rant too much. Briefly and clearly. If you have any questions, please write in the comments.

In general, the danger lies in free proxy servers. If it belongs to an intruder, then you may regret it. But what could possibly happen? The thing is that traffic will go through his server, thereby giving him the opportunity to dig into it. Let's say you entered the site by entering your username and password. The chances are that an attacker will be able to dig them up. By the way, this is done when distributing wi-fi, in a cafe, for example. As a result, he will receive login data, and then you cry bitterly.

So it goes. But not always free, it means bad. Although, of course, it is better to use paid, knowing this information. Or carefully choose a proxy server to avoid such situations.


In order to be able to access a blocked resource on the Internet, an intermediary is needed. A computer that is located over the hill In order to use it, you need special programs or extensions. I wrote about all this above.

Moreover, VPN and proxy servers help you stay anonymous on the Internet, which reduces the risk of attacks on your computer or mobile device. Unless, of course, you are connected to the attacker's server.

That's all dear friends! If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments. Also suggest on my blog so as not to miss new posts. See you later!

class = "eliadunit">

After numerous blocking of domains, users began to look for methods to bypass it. On the example of the blocked site, below it will be shown how to get free access to this Internet resource. Let's start by showing you what our browser's web page currently looks like when we try to navigate to the site.

Method 1 - alternate domain

What's the easiest way to access Use a second alternate domain

Method 2 - program

Download program LiveTV on the forum of the site itself. At the time of writing, it works only on Windows. The program is easy to use, and in case of problems in use and installation, you should look for up-to-date answers on the forum of the blocked site, using other methods of opening it.

Method 3 - anonymizers

Most likely many of you have heard about anonymizers, these are sites substitutes your ip-addresses in such a way that the site you visit sees your fake current position. Geolocation spoofing is the most popular way to visit a blocked site. Since the site is blocked only on the territory of Russia, introducing ourselves as a foreigner, using a foreign IP, we will be able to see the site we need.

But everything is somewhat more complicated: anonymizers located in Russia are not allowed to display prohibited Internet resources, because they themselves may fall under the law. Therefore, you have to use foreign anonymizers or one-day anonymizers.

class = "eliadunit">

More convenient, in my opinion, is the site located at, this is the most popular anonymizer among those that popped up as a result for the query "free anonymizer online". The rest of the portals do not give access to our test resource You can see the result of the resource work below.

Method 4 - browser anonymizer

Online anonymizers have the disadvantage that they are slow. It is very simple to fix this flaw without changing the idea of ​​workaround. You need to install Browser Tor, you can download it from the official website

  1. After downloading the installer, you need it install, for this you need to launch it with two clicks and unpack it. It is advisable to unpack to the root of the C: \\ drive, in this case you will not see unexpected and unpleasant access errors or wrong paths.
  2. After installation, you need to correctly launch the program. To do this, first start loading the list of free ip-addresses for the proxy, this is done by running the file " Start Tor Browser.exe».
  3. After the proxy filling procedure is over, you should start the browser itself. To do this, you need to run the file " Start Tor Browser ”(Shortcut).
  4. Introduce in the address bar of our website and get the result.

Now you know aboutfourpopular and free methods to bypass Internet blocking of LiveTV website.

Recently, the government has been censoring an increasing number of Internet resources, but there are ways to access a blocked site. The decision to block many resources is taken by Roskomnadzor not without reason. Most often, access is closed to sites that contain information that violates the laws of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes access to some resources is blocked on corporate networks. For example, the company's management may restrict the use of popular social media and entertainment resources. In China, for example, many of the world's social networks and entertainment sites are banned. Therefore, sometimes you need information on how to open a blocked site.

Become anonymous: use proxy sites

Become anonymous

Very often in a professional environment, employers create certain boundaries by limiting the access of office employees to certain specific pages. Then when you need to access them, proxy sites can really do the trick. In the case of their use, there is no direct connection between the two interacting parties (client and server), i.e. they act as an intermediary. The proxy server processes the user's request by extracting the necessary resources from the remote server and forwards them to the person.

Anonymous proxy is a type of proxy server that hides the Internet user's IP address so that the target server cannot determine its location. Despite the fact that the anonymous proxy server identifies itself as a proxy site, it is still capable of maintaining anonymity.

There are hundreds of proxy sites on the Internet that can provide unlimited access to any resource by hiding your IP address or masking a prohibited resource. In this case, it will be quite simple to open it.

Using a VPN

VPN, or Virtual Proxy Network, allows you to connect your device to another network over the Internet. A VPN lets you access blocked sites from your home network and replaces your IP address with a different one. Before entering the site, you will have to install the program, which can be either paid or free.

VPN works as follows: the system receives all traffic in encrypted form, and then redirects it to the user who requested it. First, censors or systems that block certain sites do not see the traffic received or sent by the user, so they cannot block access to information that has been banned. Second, since this is all redirected, they might not know what content was being viewed.

For example, let's say you're in China and you're trying to access Facebook or YouTube. If you are connected to a VPN server in another country, all your traffic goes through it first and then on to Facebook. Rerouting, along with encryption, prevents government censors from knowing what traffic is going through a connection, or which sites you've visited. This way, all your traffic is securely encrypted so that censors cannot intercept or block it.

There are many free or cheap VPN services that you can use and enjoy uninterrupted access to blocked sites. Any of these programs can be downloaded without difficulty.

Video instruction for installing the "Browsec VPN" extension in the browser

Changing proxies in browsers

The blocking problem can arise when using corporate networks, for example, if you are surfing the Internet from a work computer in the office or from a device in your school. But in this case, there is one interesting feature. Your college or institute may have more than one proxy server for its network. Sometimes access to some websites is restricted on one proxy, but available on another. So you can try changing your browser settings to get access.

Disabling network proxy settings in web browsers is not a difficult task. All you need to do is find the connection / network point in your browser settings and either cancel or select a different proxy.

List of browsers and browser extensions with which you can enter the blocked site:

In connection with the latest developments in the blocking of social networks Vkontakte, Mail, Odnoklassniki and Yandex services in Ukraine, the above list solves this problem. If you still have questions, you can always write to us in the comments to any article, we will definitely answer you.

Using Google Translate

Unblocking websites with translators will work just fine if the site you want to go to is not globally blocked. It is as simple as possible, it does not require registration or downloading of special programs.

Companies, educational institutions and countries do not usually ban Google Translate, which can be used to your advantage. To gain access to the blocked site, you must enter the address of the page that you need in the field for translation. The same URL will be displayed on the right, but already converted into a link to the resource. By clicking on this link, you will be taken to the desired Internet resource. You can also use Microsoft's Bing translation service to unblock a restricted resource.

However, you will not be able to stay on a blocked resource for a long time, since websites may close when the address of the pages changes.

Another disadvantage is that it may not work with dynamic sites like Facebook or YouTube. The page converted with the help of translators is unable to play audio and video recordings. If you are looking for exactly the view, it is better to use extensions like Hola or ProxMate. It may not be as convenient, but it is more effective.

Wayback machine

Another method that can help you is contacting Vaibak. The Wayback Machine is a service that stores copies of virtually every site on the Internet. It saves multiple versions of the same page at once, and you can use them to access earlier versions. Users can also use it to view blocked content on the Internet.

All these methods of gaining access to blocked resources are quite simple, and everyone who has such a need can easily master them. However, when switching to a prohibited Internet resource, you should remember that this may be a violation of current legislation and you need to be careful with this.

The easiest ways to open blocked sites

To bookmarks

On March 13, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation combined the sites of several Internet publications and the blog of Alexei Navalny, once again forcing the users of the Russian Internet to think that in the near future blocking will become a routine for them.

TJournal tried the most popular blocking bypass tools and found among them a version "for dummies" - in which everything works at once, without settings.

Turbo Browser Modes and Google Translate

There are widely known methods of opening blocked sites that do not require the installation of special applications and any settings. Many of them are not as effective as we would like.

For example, using the "turbo mode" in the Opera browser, it was possible to open the blog of Alexey Navalny, blocked by LiveJournal, without any problems, but it was not possible to enter the site, access to which was restricted by the provider.

At the same time, the traffic compression mode in mobile browsers Chrome and Opera has shown itself to be the best. Blocked pages loaded quickly and without distortion.

And the option to skip the site through the Google translator turned out to be ineffective. Neither Navalny's blog nor the tracker ever opened.

Web services

In terms of convenience, web services that offer the opening of blocked sites through proxy servers are not very different from each other. More often than not, they just need to copy the link to the line on their home page and make one click. At the same time, they display the desired page with their own header and work very slowly.

One of the best among them is ProxFree. It is easy to use and does not add its own ads. Analogs include Proxyweb and Hide My Ass.

Smartphone Apps

The most obvious and simplest solution for iPhone and iPad users turned out to be the Onion browser, which works through the Tor Onion Router, where traffic is almost impossible to track. The only thing that is required from the user is $ 1 for the universal version for all Apple platforms.

In practice, Onion is a seemingly unremarkable browser that allows you to open any blocked sites. It is suitable as a closed tool that does not affect the operation of the rest of the system. For Android, there is a counterpart called Orweb.

If you want to bypass blocking without using a third-party browser, then TunnelBear is worth a try. This service is available on iOS, Android, PC and Mac and works on VPN technology.

It is much more difficult to "get" it on mobile platforms than Onion. On iOS, he first prompts you to register, confirm your email, install a profile with VPN settings, enable his profile in the iOS options, and only then start working.

But, unlike Onion, TunnelBear allows you to pretend to be a user of another country and use the services of, say, the Netflix service.

The main disadvantage of TunnelBear is the price. In the free version of the application, only 500 megabytes of traffic is available per month, and the annual unlimited will cost 979 rubles (and this is only the price for iOS devices). You can't call him friendly. On the other hand, it has versions for iOS, Android, PC and Mac: the latter two are very easy to use.

Browser plugins

The most convenient and effective tool in this area turned out to be a plugin for Mozilla and Chrome called friGate. The authors of the extension separately note that when using it, speed is not lost. It really works "out of the box" and opens pages blocked in any known way, notifying the user about entering the "forbidden territory" just by changing the icon on the control panel.

The speed of friGate is ensured by the fact that it opens blocked sites from its own pre-compiled list. However, this is unlikely to become a problem for someone: it is replenished as quickly as possible.

An offer from competitors called hola! proved to be noticeably worse. First, in it you need to manually select the VPN of the desired country. Secondly, the plugin often turns the layout of blocked pages into a mess and looks messy in itself. However, as the creators note, it is more intended for viewing media content: to speed up the download of streaming video, it uses computers of other users with the plug-in installed.


The "iron" way to bypass the blockages is the Onion Pi portable proxy server based on the Raspberry Pi computer. It passes all the user's traffic through the Tor system and distributes Wi-Fi. The device will cost about $ 100, but it is not so easy to find it in Russia. You can also buy it with bitcoins.

My provider never got up to block RedTube,
Vadim Elistratov,

For several years now, Roskomnadzor has been obliging Internet providers to block websites that the so-called “Experts” considered unacceptable on the Russian Internet. They fall into the banned register. This is contrary to the principles of the Internet, where all information should be freely distributed. Fortunately, there are ways to bypass the blocking.

This article will also be useful for those who want to bypass the blocking at school or at work. The instructions will only contain the simplest ways. Choose the appropriate one. At the end of the article there is an instruction for mobile devices.

Browser cache

Try using a cache. This is temporary information. In this case, it contains the site at the time when it last worked. The only downside is that it may be out of date.

In the Google search engine, you can take advantage of this by clicking on the small arrow next to the site address. By going to the site, the date of its saving will be indicated. The same can be done in other search engines.

Browser extension

The easiest way to visit a blocked resource is by extension friGate... It is popular for its algorithm of work, which allows you to view blocked sites without slowing down the speed due to its own list. The list is constantly growing.

The extension uses its own proxy servers ( intermediate computers). It is enough to turn it on and forget. You will see a semi-transparent icon on the right. It means that the extension is working ( appears only if the site is on the list).

Install and use for:

If you are logging in from work or school, then most likely you will have to add the site manually, as the administrator has probably blocked popular Internet resources.

If the sites are not in the list, then try adding them manually. To do this, go to settings and create your list.

Then open it.

In it, enter the address of the site you want to access.

TOR - browser for anonymity

Download the free TOR browser. It allows you to hide your location. With each new session, your IP changes randomly. The data is starting to flow through users like you. This allows you to easily bypass the lock.

Outwardly it looks like Mozilla Firefox. Use it like a regular browser and easily enter blocked sites. Its main drawback is the slow speed of work. The download will take significantly longer than usual.

Turbo mode in Opera and Yandex

In this mode, not only the loading of pages is accelerated, but it also becomes possible to bypass the blocking due to the fact that traffic goes to the servers where the data is compressed and only then is transmitted to the client. Turn it on in the menu like in the image below.

In Yandex, it looks a little different. If you do not want to constantly turn on the mode every time you start, then go to the settings.

At the very bottom, check the "Always On" option as shown below.

Anonymizing sites

Any anonymizer will perfectly cope with the current task. It is a site through which another is viewed anonymously. In the process, your IP changes and thanks to this, the blocking does not work. You just need to enter the address of the desired site in the line.

Here are a few of them:

An example of a successful login to a site from the Roskomnadzor register. As you can see, the link is slightly modified, but otherwise there are no differences.

Login from mobile devices

All of the above methods are also suitable for mobile devices. In the case of the TOR browser, you can use the Orbot app. These are proxy servers combined with TOR for android devices.

In the settings of the mobile version of Google Chrome, you can also enable saving traffic... This will allow you to log in from phones or tablets.

You can download Opera Mini, which will have a similar effect.

The above methods should be sufficient. There are even more advanced methods ( VPN setup, proxy), but their use in this case is impractical. If you have any difficulties, please contact us in the comments.

In what way did you bypass the blockage?

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