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Why are they not showing channels through a prefix. Why does the TV not pick up digital channels

Everything more users connect interactive television, and there are several good reasons for this. Compared to analogue or cable TV broadcasting, it has many advantages, but there are also certain disadvantages. Most often, users are worried about why the set-top box freezes digital television... Before you can find a valid solution, you need to understand how it works. given view TV.

Users can be connected to interactive television several methods. Both in the case of interactive TV, and for a dedicated IPTV line, a special set-top box is required. If in the second case one channel is used for TV and the Internet, then in the second television will not depend on the speed of the Internet. If the picture is frozen, there is no need to immediately look for the cause of the breakdown. The first step is to check if the set-top box is connected correctly.

There may be several reasons for the problem:

  1. Interruptions in the work of the provider.
  2. The cable is damaged.
  3. Fault in the console.
  4. Problems with the router.

Some of the problems can be solved on your own, but it is better to contact your provider for help. When connected via an IPTV line, the picture will freeze due to Low quality the line itself or at incorrect work devices. If you notice that the gadget is very hot, it is also recommended to contact the provider, you may need to replace it.

Interactive TV uses one channel to broadcast TV programs and the Internet. Most of the broadcasts are broadcast in HD format, and it requires a wider channel to transmit information. If the digital TV box is not working, a wider data channel will be required to reduce the load during simultaneous work multiple gadgets.

In case of a one-time freeze, you need to reboot the STB. The gadget will check for updates in software and will automatically install them.

However, a reboot may not get rid of the problems, but lead to the fact that the gadget will freeze even more. This is for a reason incorrect installation updates. In this case, it is recommended to reset the device to factory settings.

Reasons for the breakdown of a digital set-top boxDVB-T2

V last years more and more countries are switching to digital television. This technology broadcasting has many benefits. It is shielded from external interference, so the viewer can enjoy a clearer picture and good sound... According to an international obligation, analog TV must be completely turned off.

Modern TVs have a built-in receiver, but if the device is not capable of receiving a digital channel, you will need to additionally buy a special DVB-T2 set-top box. A decimeter antenna is also connected.

Have digital TV broadcasting there are some disadvantages as well. While watching your favorite TV show, the picture freezes or disappears completely.

There are several of the most probable causes on which the digital TV set-top box hangs:

In the case of analog television, picture distortion occurs, various interference appears, colors disappear. In the case of digital broadcasting, the picture freezes. Also, a sign of a weak signal is cubes breaking the picture on the screen, and if the signal weakens even more, the picture disappears completely. WITH a similar problem owners of satellite dishes often collide, but it usually occurs during bad weather.

Bad weather

Its phenomenon is less pronounced, but in severe thunderstorm the set-top box may freeze completely. The signal received from the tuner must be higher than the minimum value, otherwise in bad weather you will have to give up watching your favorite programs for a while. It is also worth checking if the antenna is properly fixed, and inspecting all the connections that are in the path of the cable to the TV itself.

Digital television may not be shown for other reasons: old receiver or a location outside the digital TV reception area. If we assume that the device itself is working properly, the reason is not correct setting.

The first step is to complete automatic search channels, if it did not bring the expected results, it is recommended to perform manual setting... If the problem is no signal, then this is a common symptom of a malfunctioning antenna or incorrect connection.

Today it's hard to imagine life without television broadcasting... No signal is a fairly common problem that most TV owners face sooner or later. The reasons why it may occur this malfunction there may be several. These include, first of all:

The most common reasons for not stable signal on your TV, from this category, as a rule, are:

  • defect in the connecting cable;
  • malfunction of the satellite dish or antenna;
  • failure satellite converter.

A problem with connecting cable can be a very obvious answer to the question of why there is no signal on the TV. If the antenna or satellite dish has bad connection with the device due to damage to the cable, this situation is quite reasonable. Check the plugs and the wire itself for defects. By the way, the quality of the wire itself also affects transmitted signal, so it will not be superfluous to know.

If you use a satellite dish to receive a TV signal, you need to make sure that it is in correct position(below we will give advice on how to do this). satellite receiver covered with a layer of dust, ice or dirt, no wonder it doesn't work. In this case, carefully clean the surface.

Malfunction satellite converter is pretty common reason on which there is no satellite signal on the TV. The converter acts as a regulator that lowers the frequency of the satellite signal to reduce signal transmission losses. In order to solve the problem, replace the faulty converter with a new one.

Important: if you are not sure that you know how to perform such manipulations with satellite dish- entrust this business experienced master... Otherwise, you risk causing irreparable damage to the device.

Preventive work

If your TV says “no signal” in extremely rare cases, it is possible that your operator is carrying out preventive work to eliminate delays and other problems in TV signal broadcasting. The only way out of this situation is to wait until the preventive work comes to an end. It is quite simple to distinguish one reason for the absence of a signal from another:

  • take the remote control from the receiver;
  • enter the system menu;
  • check if there is an inscription "no signal" in the receiver menu.

If the device starts to write about the absence of a signal in its system menu- so the problem lies in the satellite of your operator... In some cases, the set-top box may "hang" (for cable TV subscribers). Try to reboot the device: disconnect it from the network, and after 30 seconds, turn it on again. Perhaps the problem will go away. The same actions can be done for.

In any case, it will not be superfluous to contact your digital TV provider to find out what to do in this situation.

External factors

How to set up a satellite dish yourself

To set up a satellite dish with your own hands, you must:

  • go to the operator's website and find an angle calculator;
  • enter the coordinates of the satellite and find out your location;
  • aim the antenna at the satellite using the data obtained earlier.

Define your current location you can use regular smartphone... As a rule, their accuracy is sufficient to select the optimal direction of the tray.

If you often have problems with no signal, then information on methods will come in handy. This may require. In any case, this is a solvable problem, both for old TVs and for new ones.

New technologies are firmly integrated into modern life... We must try to follow the times and learn to be friends with new and interesting inventions. On the agenda: digital television. It gets to our house through a cable and satellite (antennas, dishes). Today we will touch on the second. Go!

Let's first figure out which antennas exist and which ones are more often used. As you know, there are indoor and outdoor antennas. There are two types of antennas: passive and active. Active - will help to strengthen the signal due to additional connections... They need to be connected to a power source. Passive ones are used in those places where the user is confident in the signal, they are used independently, without the help of additional equipment.

This is a "grid" antenna, quite popular, since the cost is not high. Minus: the design is not very reliable.

Quite classic UHF antenna range.

More preferable than the previous one, since the length of the elements is longer. It is called "Mir", MV range.

An excellent model for urban environments, compact, broadband "Hummingbird".

Same way broadband antenna... There are both MV and UHF elements. If you only need digital TV, then the long antennae can be detached.

Why digital TV doesn't work today

Let's take a look at the current ones. this moment reasons for the inoperative state of home digital TV:

  • The simplest and most obvious. It is necessary to check the antenna connection to the TV or to digital set-top box, if any.
  • You may be out of range of the antenna.
  • An old receiver (a device that receives digital TV broadcast signals. Then it is decoded and converted. For SCART or RCA connectors, it is converted to analog format, and into digital format for HDMI connector. Then the signal is transmitted to the TV.)
  • No signal.
  • The console stopped working.

Let's look at these reasons.

It is quite easy to exclude from the first to the third. It is good enough to check if all the wires are connected correctly and according to the instructions, you need to check the plug and wire for any damage, find out how well your area is covered with a network (usually there are no such problems in small towns and megacities), inspect the receiver and, in the event of a malfunction, purchase a new one. By the way, quality wires will, of course, be a priority, since the reception quality may also depend on them. Next, you need to get acquainted in more detail with the two remaining reasons.

No signal. What to do?

Here are the three most common problems that keep your TV from showing a channel with your favorite TV show:

  • Preventive work;
  • External factors;
  • Hardware problems;

As you may have noticed, the first two depend little on us, ordinary viewers, and therefore we most likely will not be able to influence. In the first case, you just have to wait until the work is finished, although such a reason is possible in very rare cases, but rather the problem will lie in the second point: some material things, for example, a lush tree standing not far from your antenna, can interfere with the signal transmission. In this case, you can either try to remove interfering objects, or simply change the location of your companion.

If everything is working properly, you are sure that the signal reaches you in sufficient volume, then you should set up the TV itself, that is, search for channels. This is usually done automatically.

Digital TV is not working well

Now people mainly use digital TV services, as this is a new step in the era beautiful picture. Analog TV fades into the background and is practically not used in new TVs. I think it is already clear that if you noticed poor quality, interference, etc., then first of all you need to check the condition of the antenna and tv cable connecting this whole little structure. It may be necessary to re-configure, try to search manually. Bad signal can also be caused by urban sprawl, weather conditions, the relief of your area and, most likely, those hands that collected all this. There are defects in cheap set-top boxes, such as Roslen, Oriel, and then signals can suddenly disappear, confusing the viewer. In order to solve this problem, you just need reload your tuner.

Here are two more possible cases:

  • Defective firmware. The tuner may not work with the firmware that it has at the moment. To solve this problem, you can independently search the Internet for a suitable firmware and update it in the set-top box, or contact a service workshop.
  • Electronic malfunction of the attachment, antenna. This can happen after power surges, unsuccessful falls, or, perhaps, after the child has played with this strange "thing".

The console stopped working

As we wrote earlier, the set-top box may not work for several reasons: quite common (broke, fell, etc.), left-hand firmware, drivers.

The solution is quite simple: a small trip to the service workshop, I hope, will not bother you, although if you have the desire and opportunity, you can both update the firmware yourself and fix it if it is not hopelessly damaged yet.

It's worth checking the back of the tuner to see if you plugged in the wrong cable, or plugged it into the wrong port. When turned on and configured, the remote control may not respond. Do not forget to see if the batteries on it are already ordered to live long. J

Many people face a problem when, after purchasing, their TV does not pick up channels. You should not immediately get upset and rush to return the product back to the store. Most of the problems can often be solved on your own.

Digital broadcasting is a technology in which images and sound are transmitted using compressed coded signals. This method transmission has many advantages over analog:

  • excellent quality of the transmitted picture and sound;
  • immunity from interference;
  • ability to transfer a large number of channels;
  • easy and quick setup;
  • Internet access.

Causes of the problem

In fact, the reasons why the TV does not find channels are overwhelming. Let's take a look at the most common ones:

  1. Wrong type of decimeter antenna. It is possible that the antenna you have installed is not suitable for digital channels.
  2. Wrong direction of the TV antenna. This problem can occur due to the location of the antenna in the opposite direction from the main broadcasting station.
  3. The receiver is disconnected or defective. Such an option is not excluded. It is worth carefully checking the correctness of the connection of the receiver, as well as its operability.
  4. Very weak signal reception. If, after checking all the previous reasons, you do not find any problems, it is worth checking your receiving device. It is possible that its signal is insufficient to find channels.
  5. Old firmware version. Outdated TV firmware can also cause this problem. You can update the firmware yourself by downloading and installing desired file from the official website of your TV model. If you have equipment from Samsung, respectively, you need to go to the website. However, we advise you to transfer this matter to professional hands by contacting a service center.
  6. Read also,.

How do I fix the problem?

If you still do not know why your TV cannot find digital channels, let's try to explain in detail the solution to this issue.

Connection methods

It is possible that this problem occurs due to the wrong method of connecting to digital broadcasting. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. However, before you start searching for channels, you must connect the equipment correctly. Consider these options:

  • With a decimeter antenna. V in this case you need to connect the TV antenna and amplifier to your signal receiver, then connect it to the TV. Then select autosearch and wait for the result.
  • Through cable. A large number of providers provide digital TV services. In almost all modern TVs there are built-in signal maps. In this case, to receive a signal, it is enough to plug the cable into the jack and turn on the automatic channel search. Of course, such a service is paid.

Search setting

It is possible that the problem lies with wrong setting search. The setup scheme on all TVs is almost the same, so you shouldn't have any difficulties. In this case, we recommend that you do the following manipulations in order to make sure that the setting is correct:

  1. Enter the "Settings" or "Broadcast" section.
  2. Find the Search for Channels option.
  3. Click on "Auto Search" or "Auto Tuning".
  4. Select your connection type (described above).
  5. Select the search mode "Full" and the type of channels you want to search (analogue or digital).
  6. Click Search or Scan.
  7. Sort the found.

After that, the correct search setup will be completed. If you were unable to catch more than one channel, we advise you to read factory instructions your TV or receiver. Perhaps you will find a solution to this problem there. As a last resort, you need to contact a television setup specialist who will find and fix the problem.

If as a result of the search only 10 digital channels were found instead of the desired 20, then first of all you should make sure that viewing all the channels in your location in the city is possible. This can be done by interviewing neighbors or by calling specialized organizations that install antenna equipment. You should not call Eldorado or Auchan, as in most cases they do not have such information. Call your antenna installer. As a rule, these are firms that establish, among other things satellite dishes and you can find their coordinates, for example, on the website in the "Where to buy" section. If reception of all 20 channels is in principle possible in your area, check the antenna and cable.

Channels freeze or signal drops

For the stable operation of digital television, it is important that the received signal is of a sufficient level. More precisely, it is important good value signal / noise. When this ratio falls below a certain limit, viewing problems begin. The easiest way to see the signal level is to double-press the INFO button on the remote control of the DVB-T2 set-top box on the problem channel. The "quality" scale should appear on the screen and its value should be as large as 50%. Often a "level" or "strength" scale is displayed next to the signal scale - you do not need to rely on it. If the signal level is low, then the advice is the same: check the cables and antenna and, if necessary, replace them.


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