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Why does not show the digital receiver. Why doesn't digital TV work? From electronic media

Telecommunications provider Beeline uses modern software and technical equipment to provide the highest quality connection. If Beeline television does not work, then you need to determine the cause of the problem. Almost all factors can be independently identified and eliminated. In the presence of serious problems, it becomes necessary to consult a specialist or technical work of the master.

If you encounter any problems on the connection side, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Technical malfunctions on the server or on the part of individual equipment.
  • Decreased data transfer rate for one reason or another, or insufficient funds in the account.

To resolve any issue, you should contact the office of the company for an individual consultation of a specialist. An experienced employee of the company will help to find and eliminate the cause. If necessary, a master will be sent to the address of the client of the company.

What to do if Beeline TV does not work?

First you need to conduct a self-diagnosis. To do this, you can enter the official website of the provider and go through an online consultation. You need to answer a few questions to determine the cause of the problem.

The system will ask clarifying questions and offer solutions. As a rule, if the installation of the equipment was carried out by a competent employee, then problems do not arise during use. Most often, problems appear when making independent adjustments.

Beeline prefix does not work - reasons and what to do?

If the Beeline TV set-top box does not work, then you will not be able to use the service stably. Common reasons include engineering works on the server or not Money on balance.

In order to establish the cause, you should view on the official website of the company news feed. If the operator makes adjustments to the system, then in the "News" section, information about the beginning and end of technical work has already been published.

  1. Download app from App Store or Google Play and install it on your smartphone.
  2. Log in to your personal account by entering the authorization information specified in the contract.
  3. Go to the "Balance" section and, if necessary, make the promised payment.

If the balance is positive, and technical work is not carried out, then measures should be taken to look for other causes.

Beeline TV set-top box does not work and does not load

Why is Beeline TV not working today if everything was fine yesterday? Sudden breakdowns, which are accompanied by a complete failure of the device, are most often associated with equipment failure. If the router does not turn on, then you should take the equipment to a service center and leave a request for a replacement.

All buttons are on

When all indicators are on and there is no connection to the server we are talking about the problem in the settings network card. Even after replacing the hardware, the system will not work properly. Most likely, you need to start by troubleshooting the TV. Many TVs do not see the network until the settings are manually entered.

No signal

If the image is distorted on the screen and the broadcast freezes, which is accompanied by an unpleasant sound, then this problem is due to the fact that there is no signal. Such violations occur when exposed to the following factors:

  • System overload - often users connect several devices to one set-top box at once. Uninterrupted work is possible only when switching to a suitable tariff plan.
  • Wrong connection setting - to view walkthrough you should visit the official website.
  • Bad weather conditions - heavy rain or snow can disrupt the signal. The service is restored on its own.

In order to troubleshoot, you should reboot the router and restore the factory settings. Usually, this measure helps troubleshoot.

Sound doesn't work

If the sound does not work properly on Beeline TV, then you should re-enter the settings sound accompaniment for your TV. For this you need:

  1. Go to the "Format" section.
  2. Select "Soundtrack".
  3. Activate "Auto settings".

If the sound does not work, it is additionally recommended to check the settings on the TV. The problem may not be with the router. If the problem cannot be solved, but it becomes necessary to carry out full reboot prefixes with flashing.

Power supply not working

If the router does not function in any way (the buttons do not light up), then most likely their power supply has failed. Such a problem occurs spontaneously and requires the replacement of equipment. If the power supply does not work, then you should contact the service center. As a rule, you do not need to pay extra for a replacement, because routers are issued to subscribers in addition to the used tariff plan and have a lifetime warranty and free maintenance.

Orange button lit

What are the problems with the Beeline TV box if the orange indicator is on? Such violations occur very often on Motorola consoles and indicate not only a breakdown. Of great importance is the icon next to which the orange button is lit:

  • Connecting to the network / @ - failure on the part of authorization or interference with access to the Network.
  • LOS - problems on the line or loss of signal.

To solve the problem, when all the buttons are lit, you should reboot the device and check the connection of the patch cords. If the actions taken did not help to cope with the problem, then you should contact the technical support of customers.

Why Beeline cable TV does not work and what to do?

If the problem occurs when you first turn it on, then it is a incorrect installation antennas. When everything worked as it should before, and then there were problems, the reason may be as follows:

  1. Receiver card settings failed. It is enough to reboot the device, and if necessary, make the settings yourself.
  2. Disconnecting wires. Recheck to fix the problem. Are all plugs connected?
  3. Receiver failure. IN this case you need to reflash the equipment or replace it with another one.
  4. Channel list failure. To solve the problem, you need to run auto search and reconfigure the complete list.

Probably, each person faced the failure of one or another technique, and in Lately relevant is the situation when digital television does not work. A person turns on the TV to watch a long-awaited sequel to a series or favorite show, but gets only a blank screen. And digital television does not work every time for some reason that no one understands. Either there is no broadcast, or the signal does not pass, or prevention is on separate channels. Digital TV does not work even if the antenna or even the TV itself breaks down, or maybe the cable goes somewhere. There are a lot of reasons why there is no TV broadcasting. This article will help you understand some of them.

Main reasons

If digital television does not work due to the lack of a signal, this will be immediately clear, because not a single channel will respond. So something is wrong with the antenna. Prevention cannot take place on all channels at once, most often on one or, in extreme cases, on several. The rest will work, and why digital television does not work is not a question for such a situation. If the cable has gone somewhere, then the question is legitimate, because silence and a dark screen will be everywhere.

The first way to check this is known to everyone, even people far from technology. You need to disconnect and reconnect the cable. If it does not help, then contact the specialists and ask them why digital television does not work today. If the user suspects the cause of the breakdown of the TV, it makes sense to independent action no. Only a service center or a private master who knows how to repair TVs will help.

many many if

Users cable television have the opportunity to immediately contact the company that provides broadcasting services as soon as they detect the absence of sound and image. There are usually masters there, they will always help in all cases. If there is no cable TV, then first you need to get to know your neighbors and ask if everything is in order with them.

If digital television has not stopped working for them, then all problems should be sought from specific user. If a regular indoor antenna is used, problems usually occur frequently, so many people now purchase special amplifiers, then there is no answer why digital television does not work. Antenna amplifier - very effective help, and it is not difficult to get it - it is not too expensive and is sold everywhere, in every hardware store.

Common Problems

Satellite television antennas are very powerful, but even they sometimes refuse to transmit a signal, and a frustrated user spends a lot of time with a phone in his hands, asking the broadcaster why digital television does not work today. This problem is considered to be common. The satellite is shifting, namely, the antenna was tuned to it, and it was from it that it caught the signal.

It exists but is not available. The problem is solved quite simply, but not every user will be able to reconfigure the antenna to another satellite on their own, so it’s better to contact specialists right away. In addition, it is not a fact that this satellite has shifted. The antenna may also change its position due to the wind or from the fall of an object on it, for example, a tree branch.

On the benefits and harms of curiosity

There are many reasons, and users have even more solutions, unless, of course, they can correctly determine the reason why digital television does not work well. If the cause is not clear or the user made a mistake in the diagnosis, problems and additional ones may appear with independent actions. Therefore, it is better to resort all the same to the help of real professionals. They will determine why 20 digital television channels are not working, or, for example, only ten out of twenty are working.

Not well versed in modern technology the user is unlikely to be able to do this. But there are (and in a fairly large number) people who are inquisitive, and this is their choice: to fix the signal or break something else. You can only fix some minor flaws, moreover, those that are in plain sight, for example, place the cable correctly to the socket or select the amplifier for the antenna in the store. The rest must be left to specialists.

far and near

In the city, it is much easier to get answers to the following questions: why digital television channels do not work, why sound and image reception is poor, why not all channels work efficiently, and many more questions regarding broadcasting and reception. But very often there are situations when it is difficult to solve such problems in a metropolis. It is impossible even to list all the cases in which the master will not immediately cope if digital television does not work.

Kaluga, for example, is a very modern city, but for some reason there are a lot of reviews on the Internet about signal problems. City dwellers generally have much less problems with calling technical support, but how much more difficult it is to solve such issues far from civilization! In the outback, time does not flow so quickly, modern technologies come there very late or never come at all. Therefore, fans of digital television need to find out what options exist for them today.

Three options

Firstly, this is cable television, when the signal will be distributed directly through the television cable, and it is connected to a separate TV set. This is a very high-quality transmission, but it is not available in every outback, mainly in cities. And the subscription fee is quite high.

Secondly, this is satellite television, when the signal is coming from near-Earth orbit and is received by an individual antenna ("dish"). This can be done everywhere, and the sound and picture will be of high quality. The subscription fee is quite high, the equipment is also expensive. And from time to time, the user still raises the question: why did digital television stop working?

Thirdly, on-air, when the signal is distributed by ground repeater stations, and it is received by an individual antenna. There are few costs here, but the signal level is much lower, the reception quality depends on everything in the world - here is the weather, and the distance from the relay tower, and the height of the antenna mast, and much, much more. And every user from time to time will spoil the mood from the fact that terrestrial digital television does not work.

Of course, at present, everywhere, everyone and always helps out the Internet, where you can always see everything you want. However, this article is not about these cases.


All of these methods are good enough. But it is necessary, when choosing one of them, to represent at least in general terms, What is the difference. For example, just terrestrial television and digital are completely different. The latter is that for the transmission of images and sound is used digital coding both audio signal and video signal. And digital channels are used for transmission. Such encoding ensures minimal losses during signal delivery, since no interference of the encoded information is terrible. And if digital television channels do not work, then they do not work completely, at all. And if they work, then only in excellent quality. The boundary state and interference are absent here. Exception - only what happens poor quality connections. Then the TV seems to slow down, turn off and turn on again. And this is corrected in only one way - you need a different antenna or the existing one needs to be raised higher and deployed towards the TV tower.

It should also be noted that many users do not know that digital television is always a limitation in the number of available channels. Depending on the region, there may be ten, twenty, the number varies. The principle does not work here: I raised the antenna higher and caught absolutely everything. No, only what is available is configured. For have a nice watching must first be purchased television antenna, TV or television with support for signal compression standards and a tuner (you need to find out which one on this moment not yet obsolete). Many of the most modern TVs do not need a set-top box, they only need an antenna. But not everyone has these, and therefore often users are looking for the reason why the set-top box for digital television does not work, although the problem may be in the TV itself.


Let's say terrestrial digital television is selected for use. You can use the most common antenna, which catches two or three channels well in fairly good quality, a couple more in bad quality, but even those in very good weather. This antenna needs an attachment. For example, DVB-T2. Any can be, they are technically almost identical. Most often, set-top boxes have two outputs - SCART or "tulip" and HDMI output, as well as a USB connector to view content electronic media. The boxes for all consoles are different, but they seem to be made at the same factory in China. Therefore, when buying, you need to carefully examine the control panel as the most frequently used item, whether everything is in order with it. Otherwise, there will be problems in switching channels, adjusting the volume and the like. If all is well, you can connect the antenna to the set-top box, and the set-top box using a "tulip" (usually sold in one set with the set-top box) must be connected directly to the TV.

Here you need to know that the RCA connectors for stereo sound and video signal are the same "tulip". Yellow is for video, white is for left stereo or mono, and red is for right stereo. If the kinescope of the TV is obsolete, it is the "tulip" that will help out. If the TV is plasma or LCD, there is an HDMI output, and you need an appropriate cable, another will not work. You need to purchase it separately. Otherwise, the user will not like the image too much. The TV needs to be switched to AV mode, then the set-top box interface will appear. Setting up the console is not too difficult. Even if you just do everything by default, the quality will fully satisfy even connoisseurs. The main thing here is to set up the channels themselves. The menu has a channel search. You can also select auto search. In a few minutes everything will be ready. For almost any locality, this will be enough.

From electronic media

As already mentioned, it is needed in order to play back recorded on a flash drive. To do this, you need to insert USB device into the console, go to the menu, select "USB" "Multimedia" accordingly, then select desired format- video, pictures or music. The contents of the flash drive will open on the screen. Now you need to choose desired folder and open the file. Everything is even easier than doing it with a laptop or computer. However, many people still cannot deal with these operations on their own. Especially the elderly, who do not keep up with the rapid movement of technological progress, need help. Young people do it best. And even small children adapt much more easily.

But that is not all. A user who has such an antenna attachment for digital television should be aware that it is possible and reverse operation produce. For example, burn your favorite program directly from the TV to a USB flash drive. And the steps for this purpose are just as simple. It is enough to press the "Rec" button on the control panel of the set-top box, and the recording will obediently go to the USB device. In a word, digital television today, even for a remote locality, is not a myth or a dream, but a completely feasible thing. And if it is digital terrestrial, then a resident of the outback or temporarily settled in a dacha, in a village, does not have to spend about ten thousand rubles on installing satellite television, and then pay a considerable monthly fee. Even today it is possible to achieve comfort with small means.

Trust the provider

Almost everyone enters into an agreement with a provider in order to receive a digital television service. For a long time working and enough powerful firms and a set of equipment is supplied to the user, as, for example, by Rostelecom. However, almost all providers do not satisfy the client on the day of the request. You need to wait a day or two, and if it is a remote place, then a week, not even one. In order not to lose time, and digital television started working immediately, you can make initial setup on one's own. Literally everyone can need this knowledge and skill, even if you have to move the TV to another room or change it to a new one you just bought. Therefore, everyone should understand the connection diagrams and configuration technologies.

At the same Rostelecom, this service is offered in two versions - together with the Internet ("Interactive 2.0") and a separate digital television ("Interactive TV"). The latter can only work on a router that belongs to the company, others will not work. And the routers at Rostelecom are disgusting, in all the reviews this is exactly what is written. Therefore, it is better to choose 2.0, and if there is no other provider nearby, you will have to call technical support almost daily with the question: why does digital television not work during the day? You won’t be able to connect version 2.0 on your own, you still have to wait for technicians. Settings with someone else's equipment at Rostelecom do not match. The user is lucky if another provider is nearby and can connect him to his network.


1. Departure of the set-top box from the normal mode. This can happen if it is turned off for a long time. You just need to turn it on to the network and not be afraid of the inscription, which indicates that the DRE channel is encoded. If you wait a couple of hours, the receiver will fully restore and all encrypted channels will open.

2. It may happen that the set-top box (receiver) is not registered. To exclude such a situation, you need to look at the identification number on the back panel and enter it on the provider's website.

3. Sometimes the antenna settings get lost. Such cases are described above. Here you will need the help of a specialist who reactivates them.

4. If the sign suddenly appears on the screen pay channel, you just need to pay for a subscription to the provider's services, apparently, the user forgot to do it on time.

5. Sometimes there are difficulties with software compatibility. Some dexterity is required here. If the receiver is GS-HD, you need to restore the list of channels in the menu (there is such a key there). And if it doesn’t work, on the remote control and on the receiver panel at the same time (this is the most important) you need to press two buttons each - CHANNEL and TV / RADIO. Precisely at the same time - four fingers. Then press STANDBY on the remote. And everything has to fit in the software.

6. When "No signal" appears on the screen, it is worth looking for a solution to the problem with the antenna. Much has been said about this above.

7. Check the cable. If it doesn't help, call a specialist.

The fact that digital television gives an image on the screen best quality, how analog signal, many of our compatriots have already been able to verify.

In order for your home to be able to receive digital channels, you need:

- conventional decimeter antenna;

- DVB T2 receiver, or receiver;

- a TV tower that transmits a signal to DVB format T2, within range of the antenna.

So, you have all this installed, connected (except for the tower, of course) and even worked for a while, but suddenly the signal disappeared. What could be the reason and how to fix it on my own?

No signal from TV tower

Sometimes the absence of a signal is explained by the simplest reason - at the current moment the TV tower does not transmit it. For example, preventive work is being carried out or malfunctions in the operation of the equipment forced the broadcast to be suspended and the repair to come to grips.

Digital television is still a fairly new direction, so the signal transmission process is not perfect everywhere, there are failures and equipment breakdowns.

Poor reception conditions

If the signal is received on weak antenna without an amplifier or with a low-power amplifier, or there are high-rise buildings or other interference-producing structures in the space between the antenna and the TV tower, the signal may periodically disappear when atmospheric conditions deteriorate.

In other words, during rain, thick fog or snowfall, strong interference for signal. In this case, buying more powerful antenna or moving the existing antenna to the highest possible height to provide a direct line of sight to the tower.

This is easy to do if you mount the antenna on the roof of the multi-storey building in which you live. If this is not possible, then you need to buy an antenna with a powerful amplifier.

Receiver failure

Inexpensive set-top boxes Chinese made from time to time they can present such surprises - spontaneously disconnect from signal reception. In this case, the message “No signal” appears on the screen.

The simplest action - turning off, and after a few seconds turning on the digital set-top box - often returns the set-top box to working condition.

Poor-quality "firmware" of the receiver

This defect is most typical, again, for inexpensive Chinese technology. The only way out is to flash the processor of the set-top box.

Download required version You can download firmware from the receiver manufacturer's website, but at home and without certain skills, this is not so easy to do. Most likely, for this you will have to contact the workshop.

Spontaneous reset

Sometimes technology also presents such surprises as a failure of channel settings. In order to restore the settings, you just need to start auto search, and all available channels will be restored in a few minutes.

Problems begin when auto search could not find a single channel. In this case, you should repeat the search manually and make sure that there are no even weak signals, which are usually ignored by auto-search.

To check the signal level, you need to find the “INFO” button on the remote control and press it three times in a row - the screen should display information about the signal strength as a percentage of the required one. If the signal is really very weak, you will have to buy an amplifier or move the antenna higher.

Set-top box malfunction

The simplest and most obvious case is that the prefix has failed for some reason. This may be a power surge in the power supply, a lightning strike on an antenna placed on the roof, etc.

, most likely, does not display any messages on the screen at all, even about the absence of a signal. It might not even turn on. In this case, only contacting a repair shop or buying a new receiver will help.

The modern world can no longer be imagined without digital TV. Such signal transmission has been used for a long time for broadcasting television and radio channels in many countries of Europe, America and Asia. In Russia, the process of transition from analog TV to digital was delayed.

The digital signal coming through the receiver's antenna allows you to watch more TV channels throughout the country without loss of quality and interference. In this case, the signal itself can be fed both to the antenna, which is attached to the set-top box, and directly to the TV. It all depends on how modern the model this device you possess.

With devices that support DVB-T2, everything is simple. In order to connect to digital TV, just insert the cable into the appropriate connector and perform a simple channel setup. If your TV is outdated and does not support this type of signal, then in order to view digital channels, you should purchase a special set-top box ....

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Connecting a digital set-top box to a TV

The rapid development of technological progress in the field of television broadcasting provides great opportunities digital television for more good reception television programs in comparison with the outdated - analog. But in order to be able to watch digital TV broadcasts, you need to connect the receiver (special set-top box) to the TV. Before connecting digital set-top box to the TV, you will need to decide on the choice of the receiving device - the antenna. So, in order to watch digital terrestrial television (CETV) without problems, you will need:

Antenna; receiver (prefix); channel setting.


The type of antenna is selected depending on the distance to the transmitting TV tower. Therefore, you should install an indoor antenna or an outdoor one. But, regardless of the type of location, it should work in the decimeter range, namely, to receive frequencies from 470 to 860 MHz. indoor antenna will work well within the city where...

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Government program phased transition to the digital broadcasting standard DVB T2 is approaching the final stage - a gradual reduction in the number of analog repeaters. This suggests that the time has come to join new technologies and switch to digital. We will talk about the equipment needed to receive a television signal in a new format, as well as how to properly connect a digital set-top box (receiver) to a TV or monitor.

Necessary equipment

To watch digital broadcasts, unlike analog broadcasts, you will need a receiver that decodes the signal. Many modern models TVs (Philips, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, LG, Panasonic, etc.) are equipped with such a unit. To verify this, please refer to the user manual, this short instruction included with each product. At the same time, check if the built-in tuner supports the DVB-T2 format, if not, you will need to purchase a receiver.

Receiver Supra

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Connecting an Android set-top box to a TV

Very often, our customers have a problem connecting an android set-top box to a TV. Actually, this article should show the options for connecting your TV box to a TV. Looking ahead, I’ll say that we have not touched on all connection options, but the 3 most basic ones.

3 ways to connect a set-top box to a TV

Across HDMI cable; Via AV cable (tulips RCA); HDMI converter adapter;

Let's take a look at each of them in detail.

Connect via HDMI cable

The first point is the simplest and most common. All you need is to connect the cable HDMI set-top box with TV. After that, do not forget to change the signal source on the TV (look for the Input or Source button on the remote control). Although everything here is really very simple, but sometimes there are situations when your TV does not see the prefix in any way. In this case, we recommend trying to connect the prefix to another ...

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Many digital set-top boxes for TVs are made with only 20 channels. On the market are various manufacturers, and the models are quite different in parameters. The main indicators of devices include the input stream, sampling rate, and memory.

It is also important to consider processor options and supported formats. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a good digital set-top box for your TV, you should know the main manufacturers and read the reviews of real customers.

Reviews about MXQ S805

The specified set-top box for a 20-channel TV receives good reviews from customers. Many owners praise her for a convenient menu. Symbol rate the model is quite high. Thus, discretization problems rarely occur. If you believe the buyers, then a high-quality remote control is included in the standard set of the device. Line connectors on the rear panel of the set-top box are provided. The owners also praise the devices for ...

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I assume that you read the previous articles and followed the algorithm I described, but nothing worked out for you. If this is not the case, then I recommend that you read all this, perhaps your problem is solved in the early steps. For example, you are simply not in the digital TV reception area or you have an old receiver.

Now let's try to figure out what's the matter, and why you don't have digital TV. I must say right away that in this article we will talk It's about setting up the set-top box and antenna. That is, we do not consider the repair of the devices themselves, and we assume that they are working.

Not all channels caught

So, if you tried to do an auto search, but not all channels were caught, we try to do manual search(read about the second method). Most likely, you did not catch the second multiplex, and you will need the frequency of the nearest tower that transmits it.

There are duplicate channels

If you caught duplicates, then we read the same article, only at first.

But if you don't get it...

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Faq: Choosing a smart set-top box for an old one CRT TV

Smart set-top boxes for Android are suitable for all types of TVs, including those that use cathode ray tube(CLT), in other words - a kinescope.

Choosing an Android set-top box for a CRT TV is not a difficult task. The fact is, in order to register smart on an old TV, you need to complete a series simple actions by selection smart device, which will assist your TV.

Formally, the main criterion for selecting a prefix for CRT TV must have an AV jack. This jack looks like a headphone jack. Technically, the AV connector is what it is, however, the difference from the 3.5mm Jack lies in additional contact in charge of the video.

Thus, in order to connect a smart set-top box to an old TV, you need:

a) AV connector on the set-top box

b) tulip cord or as it is also called - RCA

What is the quality of the image...

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For changing analogue television comes a higher quality - digital. Connecting it is no more difficult than the usual analog, to which we are all accustomed. To do this, first of all, you will need to purchase a special DVB-T2 digital set-top box or a TV with an already built-in digital tuner. In addition to the receiver (set-top box), you may need an additional cable and a CAM module. The latter is needed if you plan to view an extended list of broadcast channels. You can connect the set-top box to the TV yourself without involving a specialist (although when buying additional equipment employees of the selling company will most likely insist that you invite the master). To save on calling a specialist, let's take a closer look at what equipment is needed to install the receiver.


As already mentioned, to watch on-air TV programs in digital quality you will need a special DVB-T2 set-top box, also called ...

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Wiring diagram, set-top box setup

How to connect an add-on

Together with an attachment to comes with switch (switch) and cables - from the switch to the set-top box and from the switch to the computer / router (router). It is necessary to connect the prefix in accordance with the picture.

Time setting

If TV program does not match the broadcast on the channel, you may have lost the time settings. To do this, go to the STB Interface ("Menu" button on the remote control), scroll with the arrows to the right to the "Portal" menu and press the "OK" button. Next, you need to press the "Setup" button on the remote control, in the "Advanced settings" section that appears, change the "Time zone" to "GMT +03:00 Moscow" and apply the settings. If after all the above settings the discrepancy persists, contact Technical Support.

How to choose the resolution for your TV (for advanced users)

The video output resolution affects the image quality.


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The article presents detailed instructions How to connect a digital set-top box to a TV. Everything more users prefer digital television, since today it is one of the most modern ways signal transmission. Therefore, the quality of the broadcast picture and sound is several times better than analog broadcasting.

To have access to digital TV, the user must purchase digital receiver, and then connect it and configure it.

Connecting and setting up a digital tuner

The receiver can be connected not only to a TV screen, but also to a PC, video player. But in this case, the user needs to additionally purchase a special adapter, it is necessary to connect the coaxial wire. You can buy this adapter at most electrical stores.

To watch digital channels, you will need the following equipment:

Television; prefix; television or satellite antenna; consumables;


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If you have become a happy owner of a smart TV set-top box, there will probably be a lot of questions regarding the operation of the TV Box. With the help of this manual, it will become much easier to use it. We will try to cover as much as possible from the most elementary steps with an Internet connection to more complex issues. In order for the guide to be supplemented and increased, ask us questions in the comments, we will be happy to answer.

Before using the set-top box, it is best to do a factory reset, this will help get rid of glitches that could occur after the factory firmware. In 10% of cases, this happens, and as a rule, the user notices something wrong only after full customization by installing programs, accounts, etc. What a disappointment it will be if everything has to be deleted and redone. If the tv box was purchased in our store, there is no need to reset, as we check all devices before selling.

1. Connection

Use only original block...

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Many buyers of DVB-T2 digital tuners were incredibly happy about the fact that these devices are equipped with a USB port and allow you to play music, photos and videos from a USB flash drive. In fact, if you decide to buy a DVB-T2 tuner, you will also get a media player!

As always, in a barrel of honey (not so sweet, by the way) there was also a fair fly in the ointment. New owners of DVB-T2 tuners notice that in many cases they play video without sound. Since the days of silent films have already passed, this state of affairs causes a certain misunderstanding among people.

Why is there no sound when playing T2 video tuner from USB?

In fact, problems with sound (more precisely, with its absence) are explained very simply: ours are with you digital tuners DVB-T2 standards support MP3 audio encoding, while many movies contain AC3 encoded audio. The problem lies precisely in this and now can be solved by several ...

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Most countries in Europe, and in general, the whole world, have long since switched to digital broadcasting television. However, in our country the transition process was delayed. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many families still have televisions that do not have a digital receiver. But for watching digital channels - this is not a problem. Indeed, there are special set-top boxes for viewing digital television on sale, which are quite inexpensive, and you can connect them to almost any old or new TV.

What you need to watch digital TV channels

When purchasing a set-top box for digital television, many even have no idea how to use it, how to connect it correctly and how to set up TV channels. Because this type of transmission television signal is just entering our lives. Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated about it. All you need to watch these channels is:

Television; prefix; antenna or other signal source.

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DVB-T2 tuner does not turn on world vision T34

Digital TV set-top boxes entered our lives not so long ago, but besides good points cause a lot of criticism in terms of quality. It is still too early to talk about some statistics and how much they work out for failure, but already now there are quite a few cases of failure in the operation of these TV set-top boxes.

I will list some of the most common malfunctions in which the prefix refuses to work:

The red indicator is on; red indicator flashes; the console reboots and does not turn on; writes "ON" and does not turn on (lit green light bulb); the tuner does not turn on after the firmware; does not turn on from a distance.

The reasons why the tuner does not turn on can be divided into several groups:

Electrical circuit malfunction; Firmware failure; Remote control malfunction.

In case of any breakdown in the circuit, it can manifest itself in different ways, but the worst thing is that with the same manifestations, the reasons can be ...

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Broadcasting of digital terrestrial television of the DVB-T2 standard covers almost the entire territory Russian Federation. As we already know, you can check the availability of the on-air “numbers” on the rtrs.rf map. If broadcasting is carried out in a given region, then only subscriber equipment of the required standard is needed for reception, in our case, DVB-T2.

But the following may happen. You bought reception equipment (or you already had it), and set up digital broadcast channels does not work. What could be the problem? The most common are:

The antenna is not designed to receive digital terrestrial television (does not accept the UHF range);
Software your equipment is not up to date;
The equipment does not support the DVB-T2 standard.

Not all antennas are capable of receiving a digital terrestrial television signal. Most often, the lack of a signal is experienced by people who have connected their equipment to a local antenna. Here you can't guess...

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Free-to-air digital TV became available to the public in early 2015, but many users continue to watch analogue television.

The transition to digital broadcasting is difficult handicapped TVs that do not support DVB-T2 technology. A signal of this format is capable of receiving modern models with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner. Other TVs will be able to switch to digital only with the help of additional equipment - an external T2 tuner.

The Zenobund operator has decoded 32 channels at the request of the government, which plans to turn off analogue broadcasting by the end of June 2017. To date, 95% of the territory of Ukraine is covered by digital broadcasting.

Popular questions about DVB-T2 digital set-top box

Foxtrot online store experts answered the most common questions about DVB-T2 receivers presented at

1. Why can't the digital TV receive a signal?

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No sound when viewing .mkv in media player, how to fix?

According to my statistics, this is the most frequently asked question among those present on the topic of using DVB-T2 digital set-top boxes, what to do and how to get out of this situation at the lowest cost, and for what reason there is no sound, now we will consider it step by step.

Why is there no sound?
At the moment, from the entire line of DVB-T2 set-top boxes World Vision there is only one model T55D that has support for digital multi-channel sound Dolby Digital, AC-3 and this is present in technical specification devices, the rest of the range of models has the ability to play only sound audio tracks of the STEREO or MONO standard, which is actually the problem of the missing sound on most modern films being played, since they all come with sound track AC3 or DTS. And only for this reason there is support for the video series, but the lack of sound. This question software is not...

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We connect digital receiver

All of Europe, America and Japan have switched to digital television. Russia is also rapidly developing the progress of terrestrial digital TV. Many have purchased this receiver, someone hired specialists to connect and configure, and someone connected and configured it himself, so in this article we will tell you how to connect a digital set-top box to a TV. And how to choose the right digital set-top box, we wrote about this earlier.

With the advent of digital television, even in the most distant corners of our country, digital channels are broadcast, which are also broadcast in central Russia. That is, the channels that are broadcast in Moscow, the same channels will be broadcast in Chukotka. The quality has definitely changed better side, compared with analogue broadcasting. There are TVs that support DVB-T2 digital broadcasting. It’s very convenient, we connected the TV cable to the TV and that’s it, no more wires, and the digital TV set-top box shows in perfect quality. But if you have...

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In this regard, I set out to set up as many as possible TV channels in the village. To begin with, I propose to consider what options are available today, in order to obtain quality signal and pictures on TV:

1 Cable television- television, in which the signal is distributed through a television cable that is directly connected to each television

Pros: Quality TV.

Minuses: Subscription fee, only available in major cities.

2 Satellite television. Satellite television broadcasts via a satellite "suspended" in near-Earth orbit. The signal is received by viewers on an individual dish antenna.

Pros: Quality TV.

Cons: Cost of equipment, subscription fee.

3 Terrestrial television. Terrestrial television distributes the signal using ground repeater stations, in order to receive this signal it is necessary to use an antenna.

Pros: Minimum...

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The situation is the following. For the first time I connected the set-top box to the Philips 32PFL9604 LCD TV through the complete scart-tulips. All OK. There is picture and sound.

Then various experiments began. The blue light bulb (hd) lives its own life, then it turns on periodically, then it turns off. And I noticed that if you wait a while on the included console (10-15 minutes), then the image turns on and the console starts to work normally. if you turn off the prefix, it goes into standby, a picture appears on the screen with the inscription press ok, when you click on ok, the prefix loads again and shows correctly. But if you turn it off long time, for example at night. when you turn it on again there is no signal on the TV. Further, when all the same it is possible to achieve the display of channels, there is completely no sound at all (mute mode is turned off, the volume is half, in the settings ...

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The whole world has long switched to digital television. Our country is in the process of transition from analog transmission start signal relatively recently. Digital television has contributed to the emergence of digital channels broadcasting throughout the country. TVs supporting digital broadcasting DVB - T 2 appeared on sale.

It is very convenient, just connect the TV cable to the TV, and no other wires are required. However, if the TV does not support digital broadcasting, then a digital set-top box comes to the rescue. Many, having purchased this device, do not know how to properly connect it to the TV. Therefore, this information gap needs to be filled.

Required equipment

In order for digital television to broadcast in the apartment, the following equipment is required:

Television; receiver; antenna or satellite dish.

The TV should be such that it has an input for the antenna, connectors for "tulips", scart - an input with a video input. Modern...

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A few years ago, the old analog television was replaced by a more modern digital one. It provides not only good reception signal, but also better picture and sound transmission.

To connect it, you need to purchase a special TV set-top box with a supported DVB-T2 standard. But not everyone knows how to connect a digital set-top box to a TV. Today we will tell you more about it.

How to connect dvb t2 box to tv?

Are you wondering how to connect a digital TV set-top box to your TV? In addition to the receiver itself, you need:

HDMI cable; CAM module; Antenna.

Any person can connect on their own, without resorting to the help of professionals, which will save a significant amount. Before installing the receiver, it is important to make sure that an antenna is available, which can be either indoor or outdoor. The choice of its type is carried out based on the remoteness of the TV tower:


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This article is for those who want to buy this newfangled gadget for themselves, but have no idea what “Alfacore smart TV box Android 6.0” or “Android 5.1 game consoles for TV” are. Visually android tv box - a small flat box small size with many inputs. But inside this very functional box - the whole world online information and entertainment.

The secret of creating Android smart TV boxes - who needed it

They say that android set-top boxes for the TV were invented by someone who was sorry to throw out the old one. Everything is possible! Android TV boxes endow the usual " blue screens"Abilities that are available to the new, "fancy" Smart TVs. And even a little more!

There is another version about the creation of a smart TV box. Rumor has it that in the age of the Internet, most users have stopped buying TVs. Companies issuing this technique were confused - how to return consumer demand, it was not clear. IN...

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New format broadcast supported by all modern TVs, but the digital standard is not available to owners of older models. To get it without buying a new TV, you need a TV set-top box to watch digital TV. The function will improve the quality of broadcasting, picture, sound.

What is a digital TV receiver

It is a small-sized device designed to capture a digital signal and then transfer it to any TV. The standard is abbreviated as DVB-T2. A digital TV receiver is an inexpensive device that turns your analog cable signal in digital. The device has wide functionality, which may vary depending on the manufacturer and the cost of the tuner.

Most simple models can't offer much additional features, but expensive options not only receive a TV signal, but ...

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What is a SMART-TV set-top box

Modern PCs, tablets, smartphones allow you to use Internet resources. But not only listed devices capable of providing access to network media files.

TVs produced today are also endowed with the ability of SMART TV - a function that opens the Internet for the viewer and allows you to watch TV channels, movies, videos, photos, as well as conduct active communication in selected social networks, Skype, Viber.

Abilities of the SMART-TV set-top box

In order for the TV to connect to the network, the designers have developed special set-top boxes - devices connected to the TV via a cable, adapter and designed to provide uninterrupted Internet access.

When buying a prefix, you should consider:

Brand, type of TV;

Type of connection (connector type);

· File formats available for reading by this equipment;

· Type of processor set-top box;

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A very common question. From practice, every tenth client buys a smart TV set-top box specifically for an old TV. Here it is necessary to make a reservation in what context we understand " old tv". It is understood that such TVs include models using ELT technology (CRT). That is, if you are the owner of a "plasma" purchased in 2008, for example, then the article does not apply to your TV.

Sometimes, people's choice falls on the premium class of set-top boxes with the hope that the old TV will be as good as modern TVs in terms of picture quality. AMOLED matrices. This approach is fundamentally wrong. The whole problem of displaying a picture on a TV screen lies in the connection method. Recall that at the moment there are two traditionally standard ways to display an image: tulip and HDMI.

The difference is that in the first case, the signal goes through the converter to a resolution of 640x480 without the possibility of correction, when through HDMI signal goes in...

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Recently, Rostelecom began to provide all its customers with new service with the name "Interactive T. This service provides access to a large number different thematic channels and the "Video rental" option. The main hardware for such a TV is a special set-top box, which is connected to the TV via an HDMI port.

Problem situations due to which the TV starts to work incorrectly can arise due to several factors. The most frequent causes of failures in the system are emergency breakdowns on the provider's line, a failure in the equipment itself or its erroneous configuration, mechanical damage to the apartment cable.

Today's article will acquaint users with the main problems due to which television from the provider Rostelecom does not work properly, and teach them to fix them on their own, without calling the company's masters.

Article content

  • 1 TV does not receive a signal
  • 2 Breakdowns on the provider's line
  • 3 TV box failure
  • 4 Mechanical damage to the cable
  • 5 Problems with the router
  • 6 Where to call to solve the problem

The TV is not receiving a signal

In the case when, after connecting the set-top box to the TV, the image does not appear on the screen, the user needs to correctly configure their own TV. Majority modern devices equipped with a variety of interfaces for connecting to additional devices. If the set-top box was connected to the TV via HDMI port, then the same type must be set in the settings, because many TVs do not support automatic search new devices.

The TV remote control has a button called "Source", which is responsible for the signal source. Clicking on it opens special menu, where you need to select the port to which the set-top box from Rostelecom is connected. After selecting the required parameter, an image should immediately appear on the screen. If this does not happen, then try disconnecting the set-top box cable and connecting it back - it is possible that the contacts simply do not fit snugly together and do not pass the signal.

If the problem is still not resolved, the user needs to call a specialist who will diagnose the ports of the set-top box of the provider and the TV.

Breakdowns on the provider's line

When, after the correct connection of all equipment, the notification “No IP address” appears on the subscriber’s screen, this means that there is a problem somewhere in the network.

The reason for this may be a malfunction in the patch cord, a failure in the router itself, or a breakdown on the provider's line. If during the day the television worked and all the settings of the router were not changed by the subscriber, but the television disappeared, this indicates an accident on the provider's line.

In such cases, you need to call the service technical support Rostelecom at 8 800 70 71 811 and notify them of any problems. You can search desired numbers on the bottom of the TV box. If on given period line maintenance work is being carried out, the operator on duty will notify the subscriber about this and tell the approximate time of their completion.

Try connecting the set-top box to the Rostelecom cable directly, bypassing the home router. If the TV never appeared, then the subscriber's router and its wiring are not the causes of the malfunction.

TV box malfunction

The lack of a television signal can be explained by various failures in the set-top box itself. If there is a malfunction in its firmware, it is very difficult to deal with it yourself, it is better to call a company specialist.
In the situation when, after turning on the TV, it continuously displays one splash screen or even dark screen- you need to turn it off and take it to the nearest Rostelecom center for replacement or repair.

You can get information about the location of the nearest customer service centers on the Rostelecom website. To do this, you need to use the search service. Go to the site from any browser and simply enter your region of residence and city in the search bar. After these actions, the map that appears will show all the addresses of the provider's representative offices in the subscriber's city.

Mechanical damage to the cable

After an unexpected loss of a TV signal, when the screen shows a notification in the form of "No IP address", the consumer must, first of all, carefully inspect all apartment wiring for mechanical damage. If the patch cord is bent somewhere or broken in several places, then it may stop receiving the incoming signal, which will cause the television to stop working.

It is also worth checking if the cable is not transferred by the leg of a sofa or table, if it is pressed down by an interior door, and also if it is damaged by pets. Another reason may be the oxidation of the contacts on the cable connector. In any of all these cases, you just need to replace the patch cord between the router and the set-top box.

Problems with the router

In the case when the television is connected through a router, and not directly, it can also be a source of problems. When you first connect the TV to the router, you must enter special settings– enable IGMP reception, allocate a separate port for the set-top box, and so on. All such settings, for each set-top box model, can be found on the official website of the provider Rostelecom, in the column " Technical assistance". Also on our site, we have already considered the issue of setting and viewing IPTV. And you also need to clarify whether the subscriber's equipment supports multi-traffic transmission.

If the TV worked today, and the problems started recently, restart the router by turning it off for a minute and turning it back on. It is possible that there were interruptions in the power line, which caused the device to freeze. If the problem persists, check all user hardware configurations. Their failure could happen due to power surges or as a result of inexperienced actions of other users. You also need to check whether LAN port, which is specified in the settings, a TV is connected.

Where to call to solve the problem

Rostelecom has many technical support departments for its customers. In case of any problem, the subscriber can make a call to the number single service support 8 800 100 08 00 or 8 800 18 11 830 and get advice.

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