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Why won't the file open? Possible causes and their elimination. The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start: possible causes and solutions to the problem

Spelling N and NN in nouns

Derived nouns n or nn is written depending on the morphemes with which the nouns are formed, or in accordance with the stem from which they are derived.

1. nn written:

1) if the root of the word ends in n, and the suffix begins with n: elder-nick (elder), druzhin-nick (squad), raspberry-nick (raspberry), swindler (purse), aspen-nick (aspen), mountain ash (mountain ash); bezdan-nits-a (dowry), sleepless-nits-a (sleep), bell-nits-a (ringing), log-nits-a (log);

2) if the noun is formed from an adjective that has nn, or from a participle: soreness (painful), agitatedness (agitated), hryvnia-ik (hryvnia), power of attorney (trusted), pretentious-itza (cutesy), spoiled (spoiled), chosen-ik (chosen), exiled-ik (exiled), konn-itza (equestrian), root-ik (indigenous), larch-itza (deciduous), inadvertence (unintentional), education (educated), public ik (public), organizedness ( organized), prisoner-ik (captive), sent-ik (sent), privileged (privileged), production-ik (production), millet-ik (millet), handicraft-ik (handicraft), relative-ik (related ), sacred-ik (sacred), semion-ik (seed), proper-ik (own), modern-ik (modern), consistency (coordinated), nebulousness (foggy).

2. N written in words: scarlet-itza (crimson), varen-ik (boiled), windiness, windy-ik, windy-itza (windy), hotel-itza (living room), drovyan-ik (wood-burning), hemp-ik (hemp) , smoked-ost (smoked), kostyan-ika (bone), maslen-itza (oiled), trickyness (tricky), oat-itza (oatmeal), peat-ik (peat), smart-ost (smart) and etc., as well as in the words alsha-nik, omshan-ik.

Spelling Н and НН in abbreviated adjectives suffixes (formed from a noun)

1. Нн is written:

1) for adjectives derived from nouns using suffixes -enn-, -onn-: artificial, cranberry, straw, operating, session, station and etc.; here you can also include adjectives formed from nouns for me (time, flame, etc.): temporary, fiery, seed, nominal, tribal etc.

In the adjective windy one is written n , since it is not formed from the noun wind, but from the verb to wind by suffix -n- , which does not contradict the spelling rule n in verbal adjectives: weathered, weathered, weathered- formed from verbs;

2) for adjectives formed from adjectives using a suffix -enn-, indicating a large measure of the sign: tall, hefty, wide and etc;

3) in adjectives derived from nouns based on n(second -n- adjective suffix): long (length), true (true), millionth (million), antique (old), canvas (canvas) and etc.

Type adjectives ram, carp, seal written with one n , since they are derived from nouns with stems in n by adding a suffix -j - .

The words spicy, ruddy, young written with one n (non-derivative adjectives); in words derived from them, one n is also written: spice, rosy, blush, youth(but: yunnat, since this word is formed from the combination young naturalist).

2. H is written for adjectives formed from nouns with suffixes -in-, -an-, -yan- : pigeon(pigeon), goose(goose), chicken, eagle, swan, leather(leather), sandy(sand), cereous(wax), linen(canvas), silver, wood-fired and etc.

Exceptions: glass, pewter, wooden.

It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives, the spelling of which depends on their meaning:

a) windy- "accompanied by the wind, with the wind" (windy weather), "frivolous" - transfer. (windy girl, youth); wind- "driven by the force of the wind" (wind turbine, pump, mill); in combination with chickenpox, the adjective has a suffix -yan- , cf .: chickenpox- colloquial;

b) buttered- "soaked in oil, oiled, soiled with oil" ( butter pancakes, porridge, hands), transl. ( oily eyes, oily voice, also: oil week - carnival); oil- "for oil, from oil, in oil" ( butter biscuits, oil paint, oil engine, pump etc.); Wed: oil bottle("Intended for oil") and butter bottle("Stained with oil");

v) silver plated- “silver-plated, silver-plated” (silver-plated spoon); silver- "made of silver" (silver spoon);

G) salty- "containing salt" (salted fish); saline- "consisting of salt" ( saline mine, saline pillar). In combination saline acid suffix for the adjective -yan- .

Spelling N and NN in verbal adjectives and participles

Full forms

Are written with nn suffixes of full forms of passive past participles: -nn- and -ynn- (-enn- ). Adjectives correlating with them in form are written in some cases, too, with nn in the suffix, in others - with one n .

1. Write with nn participles and adjectives in -souched, -sweets, -sweets(formed from verbs in - to eat, - to eat), For example: spoiled, uprooted, lined, painted, organized; uprooted, spoiled, painted, lined, reorganized.

2. They are also written with nn communion not on -owed(- swathed, - eaten) verbs perfect kind and adjectives related to them; the vast majority of such verbs contain a prefix.

a) Examples of forms formed from prefixed verbs: bleached, washed, tied, toasted, painted, dyed, peeled, cursed, dyed, counted, untangled, made.

b) A list of forms of primordially non-prefixed verbs, as well as some verbs, the prefix in which can be distinguished only etymologically: abandoned, given, finished, bought, deprived, captive, forgiven, let go, decided, seized, revealed; met, undertaken, offended, acquired, obliged, visited, supplied.

Forms are also written according to this rule. two-species(meaning both perfect and imperfect) verbs to marry, bequeath, promise, execute, give birth: crowned, bequeathed, promised, executed, born.

Exceptions. Are written with one n adjectives correlated with participial forms as part of the following stable combinations: a goner, a named brother, a named sister, a planted father, a planted mother, Forgiven Sunday .

3. The sacraments are not on -owed(-watched, -watched) verbs imperfect(they are formed only from non-prefixed verbs) and adjectives related to them are written differently: participles with nn , adjectives - with one n , For example: wagons laden with wood, fish fried in oil, oil painting, hair cut by a hairdresser and short-cropped hair, green-dyed benches, a floor that has not been swept for a long time, walls that have not yet been whitewashed, money has been counted many times, an offer made many times; but: loaded barge, fried fish, written beauty, bobbed hair, painted benches, swept floor, whitewashed walls, a matter of minutes, pretended indifference; similarly knitted and knitted, ironed and ironed, braided and braided, peeled and peeled; are also written: chewed and chewed, pecked and nibbled, forged and forged.

According to this rule, the forms of two-species verbs are written concussion, baptize and hurt... Wed: a shell-shocked soldier, a seriously wounded soldier, a soldier wounded in the leg, a newly baptized baby, but: shell-shocked commander, wounded soldier, baptized child.

As you can see from the examples, the participle is recognized by the presence of dependent words. There are, however, rare cases when the dependent word is not a sign of the participle. For example, you should write: his antennae are clearly dyed(clearly artificial where is the word clearly used with an adjective); walls, previously whitewashed, are now covered with green paint(walls, used to be white).

In words with the prefix not-, in compound words and in some combinations? Repetitions, the forms of participles and adjectives are written in the same way as in a separate (without a prefix and not as part of a compound word or combination-repetition) use .


1. Words with a prefix not- :

Are written with nn : uneducated, unaligned, untested, unfinished, unbought, unforgiven ;

Are written with n : unbleached, unplowed, uninvited, unbroken, unfed, unpainted, unmeasured, unpaved, unplowed, unbidden, uncounted.

2. Compound words:

Are written with nn : highly skilled, solid stamped, acquired, freshly painted, purposeful, born blind, insane;

Are written with n : plain dyed, homespun, finely chipped, self-styled, badly wounded, one-piece .

3. Combinations-repetitions with a prefix re- in the second part, which have an amplifying meaning. In them, the second part is written in the same way as the first (with nn or n ), For example:

Are written with nn : pledged-re-pledged, resolved-re-resolved ;

Are written with n : patched-patched, washed-erased, repaired-re-re-read, read-re-read, darned-re-darned.

Exceptions. Are written with nn instead of n :

a) adjectives desired, awaited and (as part of stable combinations) Have you seen anything ?; Is it a heard thing? They are formed from imperfective verbs wish, wait and see, hear .

Special cases: adjectives put on spilled sea; they are formed from the prefixed imperfective verbs put on, pour, i.e. from verbs with the suffix - wa- that do not naturally form the passive participles of the past tense;

b) adjectives with a prefix un-: unknown, unseen, unexpected, unwanted, unexpected, unwanted, unexpected, unheard of, unexpected and (as part of a stable combination) awake eye;

c) complex adjectives long-awaited, homebrew and (as part of a proper name) Andrew the First-Called.

The second parts of these prefixed and compound adjectives also correspond to imperfective verbs.

Short forms

Short forms of passive past participles are written with one n , For example: read, read, read, read; read, read, read, read; marked, marked, marked, marked; tagged, tagged, tagged, tagged... The forms of the neuter gender are also written in impersonal use, for example: smoky, littered, ridden, haunted, hauled-over-hauled, hauled-over .

Short forms (except for the masculine form) adjectives with a qualitative meaning, which coincide in form with the passive participles of the past tense of the perfective verbs, written with nn , For example: educated, educated, educated(from adjective educated‘Discovering the results of good parenting’); spoiled, spoiled, spoiled(from adjective spoiled‘Accustomed to fulfilling his whims’); sublime, sublime, sublime(from adjective exalted‘Full of high content’). Such adjectives have comparative forms: more educated, more spoiled, more sublime.

Compare the following examples in pairs with short participles and adjectives: She was raised by a distant relative . – She has good manners, she is well-mannered. She is spoiled by good conditionsShe is moody and spoiled.

Short forms of adjectives on-nny written with one n if these adjectives require dependent words and do not have a comparative form. Examples: attached to someone'In affection' - She is very attached to him; fulfilled‘Full, imbued’ - The soul is filled with sorrow; heard about something‘Knowledgeable’ - We've heard a lot about his antics.

Some adjectives have differently spelled short forms in different meanings. For example, different spellings of short forms of the word devotee: She is kind and loyal and She is dedicated... In the first example devotee Is the same adjective as well-mannered, pampered, sublime, it has a comparative degree more loyal; in the second - the same as tied, fulfilled, heard(requires dependent words: someone, anything).

Short forms of adjectives, expressing various emotional states, can be written with n or with nn depending on the transmitted shades of the value. For instance: She is excited(she gets excited) - Her speech is agitated(her speech reveals, expresses excitement). In the first case, it is also possible to write excited(which would emphasize that her appearance expresses excitement), and in the second case, the spelling excited impossible (since speech cannot ‘feel agitated’).

In difficult cases of distinguishing between such short forms, you should refer to the academic "Russian spelling dictionary".

Short forms of complex adjectives, the second parts of which match the participles on -nn are written with n or nn depending on the value. Adjectives expressing signs that can manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent, i.e., forming forms of a comparative degree, have short forms (except for the masculine form) with nn ; adjectives that do not allow forms of comparative degree by meaning have short forms with one n , For example:

well-bred, -no, -nny; comfortable, -no, -nny; self-confident, -no, -nny; purposeful, -no, -no; purposeful, -no, -no(there are comparative forms more well-mannered, more comfortable, more self-confident, more purposeful, more purposeful);

interconnected, -no, -y; interdependent, -no, -y; generally accepted, -no, -y; contraindicated, -no, -y(no forms of comparative degree).

Short forms of adjectives with a qualitative meaning, the full forms of which are transmitted in writing with one n , are written in the same way as complete. For instance: done, done, done(from made‘Unnatural, forced’); confused, confused, confused(from confused‘Illogical, confusing’); scientist, scientist, scientists(from scientist‘Thoroughly knowing something’). The forms of the comparative degree are also written ( more done, more confused, more learned) and adverbs on -O(done, confused, learned).

Such adjectives are few and far between; the vast majority of participle-related adjectives in -th do not have a qualitative value; such are boiled, boiled, soaked, dried, chiseled etc.


Adverbs in -O , formed from adjectives and passive participles, are written with a double n or one n - depending on how the corresponding adjective or participle is spelled.

For instance:

Are written with nn : unintentionally, unheard of(from unintentional, unheard of), agitated, agitated(excited), confidently;

Are written with n : confused(confused), confusion, confusion(from confused), scholar(very scholarly expressed),windy(it's windy outside today).

Online security is an important topic that every user will sooner or later face. Even with a good antivirus and compliance with security rules, sometimes unwanted software gets on the computer, which updates its programs and causes errors.

What if, after visiting a suspiciously resourceful resource, not a single familiar site opens? Does the browser open tabs on its own, or does it selectively block your requests? The solution is set out below.

Possible reasons

There may be several reasons for the appearance of such a problem:

  1. a virus has got on the computer;
  2. the "hosts" file has been modified;
  3. there is a problem with the DNS server;
  4. problem in the registry;
  5. the browser shortcut has changed.

Redirecting to a phishing site

What are phishing sites? Outwardly, they are almost indistinguishable from well-known Internet resources, but at the same time they pose a serious threat to the privacy of users. By clicking on such a link, you can transfer important information to scammers, such as passwords for social media accounts and even bank accounts.

Links to such resources are often sent in emails or private messages. They ask the user to check their banking information, get a lottery win or change security settings, and at the same time use a fake address leading to a malicious resource.

If you suspect a phishing attack, you need to:

  1. change the passwords of your online accounts, the data of which could have been stolen;
  2. scan your computer for viruses;
  3. check the status of accounts and contact the bank;
  4. closely monitor possible fraudulent transactions conducted from your pages or credit cards.

Fortunately, you can check the state of the "hosts" file and return it to its original state yourself.

Video: the site does not open

Fixing the hosts file

"Hosts" is a text document that contains a database of domains and IP addresses. Viruses are often written into it, thereby blocking access to some sites and replacing them with phishing variants. By default, the file is located at: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc \ hosts. If the operating system is installed on a different drive, just change the letter in the specified path. You can open it using the standard Notepad program. In this case, it will look like this:

Pay special attention to the list of IP addresses and all sites listed in it. If they have undergone changes and the names of various resources have appeared, be it, and others, it means that they were added by a virus that does not allow access to the specified sites. What to do in this case? It depends on the version of the installed operating system. If you are using Windows XP, you can simply delete the required items and save the file (note that you must have administrator rights to do this). In later versions of Windows, things are a little more complicated.

To do this, you must first change the security settings of the file:

After that, you can manually delete the addresses (all except " localhost") and save the changes.

The hosts file is not edited

There are times when viruses modify or hide "hosts", which makes editing it more difficult. Let's consider three problems encountered.

  • there are two documents in the folder with the name "Hosts".
  • In this case, you need to pay attention to the file extension. Some viruses add a dummy file that copies the original. Moreover, it will be with the extension ".Txt", while the real one does not. Of course, you need to edit the original document.
  • the "hosts" file is missing at the specified address.

This means that the virus disguised it and made it hidden. Such files are not visible by default.

To put it back in place, you must:

  1. click on the "Service" option in the folder header;
  2. go to "Properties";
  3. select the "View" tab;
  4. check the box next to "Show hidden files in this folder";
  5. click "OK", saving the changes.

Photos: Set options for displaying hidden files and folders

After this procedure, "hosts" should reappear in the folder, then it can be changed.

  • at first glance, there are no additional addresses in the document.

The list with the addresses added by the virus can be hidden at the very end of the document after many blank lines. This makes them difficult to detect. After opening the file, scroll to the very end, making sure that there are no additions hidden in it.

Virus search

After carrying out the above operations, you need to scan the system for viruses. Any antivirus will help with this, but be sure to conduct a full system scan. In addition, you can use anti-virus utilities, for example, Dr.Web CureIt or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool... Other free scanners that can be found online can also help: ESET, Kaspersky Security Scan, McAfee Security Scan, and others.

After checking your system and removing viruses, do not forget to clear your browser cache.

For example, for Google Chrome, you need to do the following:

  1. click on the menu icon in the upper right corner of the program;
  2. go to "Settings";
  3. open "Show advanced settings" at the end of the list;
  4. in the "Personal data" section, click "Clear history".

Photo: location of the "Clear history" option

The CCleaner program can also help with cleaning. Its convenience lies in the fact that with just one click you can delete the cache on all search engines installed on your computer.

For this you need:

Places where viruses can still be

Well, the malware has been removed, and it seems that viruses can be forgotten for a while. But to be on the safe side, it's worth checking PC startup. It is possible that programs that can re-download the virus to the computer or redirect to an infected site are hidden in this list.

You can get to the startup menu as follows:

Photo: system configuration window and autoload

You can also check autoloading using the aforementioned CCleaner program:

DNS server problems

One of the reasons why some sites do not open in the browser may be problems with DNS servers. What should be done in this case?

A temporary solution to the problem is to change the connection settings:

Important! Changing these settings may lead to the fact that some resources supplied by your provider may not be available. The specified method works for versions of Windows 7 and 8 operating systems.

Registry problems

Problems with opening certain sites can also arise due to registry errors caused by viruses.

You can go to the registry as follows:

  1. press "Start" - "Run";
  2. in the line enter "Regedit" and click "OK";
  3. in the opened registry editor you need to go to the address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Windows;
  4. find in the list Applnit_DLLs, its "Value" field should be absolutely empty, if there are any inscriptions in it - delete.

The second, easier way is to use CCleaner:

Clearing the client's DNS cache

Sometimes a simple clearing of the DNS client cache also helps to cope with sites that do not open.

To start it, do the following:

  1. ipconfig / flushdns
  2. ipconfig / registerdns
  3. netsh winsock reset

Browser shortcut changed

Another reason for errors, when some or all of the sites stopped opening, can be the postscripts that viruses make in the shortcuts of browsers. Due to their presence, unwanted resources may automatically open.

Dealing with this problem is very simple:

  1. right-click on the browser shortcut located on the desktop;
  2. go to "Properties";
  3. pay attention to the "Object" field;
  4. for Google Chrome, its normal state is as follows: C: \ Users \ Yuzer \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ chrome.exe;
  5. if after the path, browser name and extension ".Exe" there are other addresses leading to third-party sites - we delete them.

Photo: checking the shortcut in the Google Chrome browser

We hope that these recommendations helped you restore your browser to work and get rid of all the errors that occur. Adhering to simple safety rules will help prevent a second encounter with such a problem, and if it still manages to slip unnoticed again, you know where to look for a solution.

Have you been trying to load your VKontakte page for hours, but nothing succeeded? Are there advertising banners and messages demanding to send SMS on the screen? Even password recovery on the network via email does not help? If at least one of the points is relevant to you, you have come to the right place! Let's figure it out why contact doesn't work.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. We find out the reason;

  2. We are trying to try all possible solutions to the problem;

  3. We draw a conclusion about what needs to be done and what not needs to be done when a similar situation reoccurs.

Why contact does not work (reasons)

One of the most common reasons for problems with access to the social network VKontakte is a virus attack. Its main purpose is to steal money and passwords, which can also be sold and become significantly rich.

So, if you find a file called vkontakte.exe or just vkontakte on your computer, you should know that this is a malicious code. Its main task is to modify the C: WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts file, which allows replacing real social media pages with their exact copies. You open a browser, go to the main page of VKontakte, enter your username and password and easily give all your personal data and codes to computer scammers.

There is no mini-copy? Are you asked to send an SMS to a four-digit number? Don't rush to grab your mobile phone! This is another scam ploy.

Not even this? You just do not load the web page of the network? Don't be surprised, it could be a virus too.

And one more reason is the banal reconstruction of the site, carried out by managers and masters of the social network. In this case, all that remains for you is just to wait for its completion.

VKontakte does not work. What to do?! Ways to solve the problem

So, first you need to answer the question of WHAT was done BEFORE the network problems arose. This may well help fix the problem.

The easiest way to fight online scammers is to install an antivirus program. In the first minutes of operation, it detects and removes all malicious files contained on the computer.

For enthusiastic users, the instructions are somewhat different.

In order to ensure a safe entrance to the social network VKontakte and to neutralize a personal computer as much as possible from malicious programs, you must:

  1. Open the file C: WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts with notepad.

  2. Go to "My Computer", click on the "Local drive C" icon, select the "WINDOWS" folder, then "system32", then "drivers" and, finally, the "etc" folder, which contains the malicious hosts file , which must be right-clicked and opened with notepad.

  3. Another way to "get" to the hosts file is with a computer explorer.

  4. Read carefully the records contained in the file. Found lines containing addresses of social networks, or other sites? Remove immediately!

  5. Do not under any circumstances remove the uncommented line localhost, all other lines starting with the # sign should be cleared.

  6. Enter vkontakte.exe in the search bar of the explorer and immediately delete the given file.

  7. Clean up local drives and desktop from all dubious and incomprehensible additions. They could also serve as the reason for the infection of the computer.

  8. Set the correct date and time data based on your location.

  9. Reinstall your computer, after which you will be able to share information on social networks and e-mail messages again.

  10. You need to reinstall your antivirus software just in case. It can be Kaspersky, Avast or Avira, or NOD 32 and others.

  11. Another useful tip is to install the COMODO firewall on your computer, if one is not included in the basic configuration of the existing antivirus program.

  12. A complete update of the software, as well as applications and web browsers, will not be superfluous. This will significantly reduce the risk of a repeated attack by fraudsters.

Is the browser working, and the social network VKontakte is active again? Congratulations, you did everything right.

Do you want a repetition? In this case, you should consider a number of tips and rules:

  • First, protect yourself and your loved ones from visiting suspicious sites. Avoid pages with lots of flickering images and banner ads. As a rule, it is from such sites that the threat “flies” to computers.

  • Second, take your time to click on links provided in emails. One click is enough for your PC to become infected.

  • Thirdly, do not accept unknown files from unfamiliar users of ICQ, Skype or other similar services.

  • Minimize your visits to "adult sites". It is on them that users most often come across, carried away by seductive banners or alluring advertisements. As silly as it sounds, love your halves.

  • Try to update the databases and signatures of antivirus programs as often as possible. This will significantly increase the level of protection of the personal computer from the predatory actions of fraudsters.

  • Do you have an IE web browser on your laptop or home computer? Get rid of it soon! Download Google Chrome, opera or Internet Explorer as a last resort.

  • Do not download third-party applications and add-ons from unknown sites. Is free? So what? Remember, free cheese is only in a mousetrap!

  • Replace your antivirus program completely and install a firewall. This will provide your computer with even more protection.

As you know, the Windows operating system is one of the earliest and most widespread among the entire population of our planet. From this, only one conclusion can be drawn - hackers and computer fraudsters have been working with her for a very long time! Their main task is to find all sorts of ways to hack it and invade the privacy of users. Every day, talented programmers write more than a hundred programs that allow them to steal personal data from Internet users and make a huge fortune on it.

Practically none of the modern websites or antivirus programs can provide 100% control and protection against the invasion of malicious programs into the lives of peaceful users. All this suggests that most active Internet users will simply have to abandon the Windows system and switch to the less popular Unix, for example. However, the "power" of fraudsters is gaining momentum every day, and it is almost impossible to give a guarantee that the Unix operating system will last much longer than the development of Bill Gates. Inexperienced users should start by installing Mandriva Linux, Kubuntu Linux or SUSE Linux on their computer. They are less criminal for viruses, stable and in no way inferior to Windows in design. If you are an experienced user, are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to tinker a little with the console, Arch Linux is ideal for you, an affordable and at the same time improved operating system.

If you have tried all of the above methods, and VKontakte access is still closed, we advise you reinstall the operating system... This is also very easy to do.

How to reinstall the operating systemWindows:

Before starting the installation, keep in mind that when you update the version of the operating system, all programs and drivers will need to be reinstalled again. So, the first step is to copy the files you need to external media. Then - download drivers from the Internet or use the DriverMax program, which copies all programs available on the computer.

So, let's get down to the immediate installation!

  1. Go into BIOS and select DVD-ROM as the first boot device. To get into the BIOS, you must press the F2 key at the start screen and select the "Boot" submenu. Prioritize CD / DVD and save by pressing F10.

  2. During boot, the screen will display the message: "Press any key to boot from CD", to answer which is enough by pressing any key.

  3. Then we will partition the hard drives and select the one into which you want to install the operating system. As a rule, disks are divided into 2 partitions: the first is for storing the system itself and programs, the second is for placing personal files (movies, music, etc.).

  4. Use the D key to delete all previously created partitions, and use the C key to create a new one with a size of 100000MB.

  5. Reselect the unallocated area and create a new section equal in volume to the remaining space.

  6. Select drive "C" and click "Format partition in NTFS".

  7. After some time, the copying of files will end and the system will require the introduction of the key, as well as the specification of the time, date and location. Each user is able to enter these data independently.

  8. After the installation of the operating system is complete, enter the account name.

  9. The system is almost ready to go. It remains only to install all the necessary programs and drivers.

Did you complete all the steps according to the presented step-by-step instructions? Is the operating system updated and ready to go? Do not rush to open your web browser and start surfing the world wide web! The first step is to download an antivirus program. Note! This should be done exclusively on the official software sites, otherwise you run the risk of "earning" a new virus and repeating the whole procedure, and it probably took a lot of your time. set? Check for software and signature updates! Does your security software meet all the latest requirements? Congratulations! You can safely click on the web browser icon and type in the search bar the address of your favorite social network - Everything is working? How not ?! Really none of the advice presented helped you to restore the stable functioning of VKontakte? Wait, are you using a social network from your personal or work computer? The answer to this question is equally important.

The thing is that many businessmen or private entrepreneurs have long ago established a ban on the use of social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others in their offices. Perhaps the purpose of the innovation is obvious - saving time for employees and increasing their ability to work, which is certainly important for every boss. If the reason for the lack of access to social networks is due precisely to this, only your senior management can help you and only if it is susceptible to the influence of employees. Unfortunately, there are no other ways to resist this. Apparently, you will have to come to terms with proud loneliness and an abundance of work activities during working hours. However, there is still a way out - a mobile phone! Indeed, if there is no opportunity to correspond with friends and exchange useful information with them through a personal computer, you can use almost any portable device that has the ability to access the Internet. Of course, this is not a computer for you: it is significantly inferior in quality and size, and the Internet - in speed, but this is the only option to always be in touch.

So, let's summarize a little.

Can't go to the social network VKontakte? The solution to your problem has long been found! All you need is to carefully study all the information presented on our website and try it out on your personal computer. You can be sure that at least one of the described troubleshooting methods will help you 100%! Find out, study, act - this is the secret of success! The functioning of your computer, and in particular social networks, now depends only on you;)

If you still have questions about why "Contact" does not work, then you can ask your question in the comments to this article, or ask for help from our specialists who will help you figure out any computer problems that they can. arise with you.

It often happens that the browser cannot open some specific site, which was previously available for viewing. At the same time, he perfectly opens the pages of other sites and the user does not experience any difficulties - everything is normal. It would seem that - the server simply does not work - the site was turned off. But here's the bad luck, if suddenly you go to the same site, for example, from a mobile device via Opera Mobile and the site opens perfectly in it.

If the described situation is familiar to you, then I will try to answer the question: why a particular site is not accessible from your computer.

For example, here is the standard error that is displayed in the browser. Google chrome: « Sorry, Google Chrome cannot open the page blah blah blah…«:

First of all, if you are faced with a similar problem, you do not need to immediately follow the advice to clear the cache and remove coockies, because if you do this, you will have to re-enter the password in Classmates, remember password In contact with🙁 First, try accessing the page from other browsers, such as Firefox, IE, Opera... If the reaction to the site is the same in all browsers, then try the following: go to Opera, click on the button of the same name in the upper left corner and select "Compression Mode".

This function used to be called Opera Turbo... An important feature of this mode for us is that the site is opened through proxy server, that is proxy server between you and the requested site. If, when you try to open the site in this mode, the same thing happens - the page does not open, then the site is really faulty or out of maintenance. It is quite possible that after a while it will be turned on.

But if the site is still open, then we will try to narrow the circle of "suspects". I must say right away: if you cannot access the sites of antivirus software, Microsoft, then this is a 200% virus that blocks access. Here, from personal experience, I will say that only reinstalling the system will help.

Go to the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc and find the file there hosts... Open it with a regular notepad and check if there are any entries regarding your site in the following format:

Such entries block access to the site and are caused by spyware and viruses. Just sting the lines with regards to your site, save the file to the Desktop (be sure to select the "All files *. *" File type when saving) and copy it back to C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc. Restart your computer and enjoy your life.

If no suspicious entries were found in the specified file, then we are dealing with a completely different reason - BANOM Your his external IP address(or address range) website hosting... It's not your fault here - it so happens that the hosting blocks the addresses from which attempts were made hacking, DDOS attacks... Just wait for the IP to be unbanned - it will take about a week.

There is also a simple routing error. A similar problem is solved within a day or two.

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