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  • Why doesn't aliexpress open. Why can you get a ban or account blocking on AliExpress? Technical work on Aliexpress

Why doesn't aliexpress open. Why can you get a ban or account blocking on AliExpress? Technical work on Aliexpress

This article is intended to help if you have the following questions - what to do if Aliexpress ( does not work, does not open, does not load, does not load, can not enter or log in.

It happens that Aliexpress does not work or does not open, and instead of the site, the inscription "Cannot access the site", "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" and so on flaunts.

Usually, in reality the site works, because such a "huge" Internet resource is watched by many administrators and technicians... The truth is that the site does not open only for you... But, if you are reading these lines, it means that everything is fine with your Internet connection.

And it happens, damn it, that Aliexpress does not work exactly on the day of massive discounts, as it was in my case. This needs to be addressed.

Installation and registration are quite simple, but still I will post screenshots of the necessary steps for clarity:

What else does using a VPN give

What else gives using a VPN besides solving the unavailability problem:

  • Information encryption- those who can follow your actions or purchases on the Internet, for example, your Internet provider, simply will no longer be able to know which site you are visiting or what you are buying.
  • Confidentiality and bypassing locks in one bottle, - do not want to "shine" your IP address? Banned from a forum, blog or any other site? ZenMate will help you with that too. This is the same famous IP change. For any site, you will now be a completely different user with a completely different IP address.
  • With ZenMate you can become a resident of almost any country... V demon paid version plugin, you can access any Internet resource from Germany, Romania, China, USA. The site will assume that you are a resident of this country, in some cases it is very useful. For example, some overseas online stores automatically display their best products only to users in their home country. In the paid version, you can become a resident of about 20 more countries.

One more thing, do not forget about other famous trading platforms and online stores.

If you are faced with a problem in which the Aliexpress website slows down, does not load, hangs, glitches, and also gives other errors, in this article we will figure out what could be the reason for such a problem and how to fix it.

Aliexpress does not work

Aliexpress slows down

Aliexpress is an Internet resource with a huge audience. Every day, users buy and sell their goods here, the number of which is huge. It is even impossible to imagine what kind of load is being created on the servers. From here it becomes clear that at times these servers may not be able to withstand. And that's why Aliexpress starts to slow down.

This problem often arises not only with the Aliexpress website, but also with other resources on the Internet that have high attendance... Therefore, one of the reasons why Aliexpress does not work or slows down may be . In most cases, errors can occur during peaks of activity, at a time when there are too many at the same time on the site. active users.

What's the solution: wait a little, if the problem occurs very often, if possible use the site during the least number of active users, at night or early in the morning from 4 to 7 am Moscow time.

Aliexpress hangs

Another common reason for freezing sites, including the Aliexpress site, is engineering works on Aliexpress servers. At this time, short-term jumps, freezes are possible, for example, when the server is rebooted.

Aliexpress is buggy

Sometimes a problem why Aliexpress is buggy may be wrong job various scripts, modules, plugins site. Perhaps at some point in time, some of these scripts did not work, they glitch. That's why Aliexpress is buggy.

Aliexpress does not load

If Aliexpress does not load at all, a very common reason could be security issue... To protect themselves and their users, developers are taking more and more new protection measures, stronger and more complex. Sometimes such protection is harmful to users.

For example, if you for a long time carried out on the site, constantly opening and closing the pages of the site, security components may consider the actions of such a user to be unsafe, comparing him with various bots, viruses, etc. As a result, it is possible blocking a user by IP address... But, as a rule, in this case, the corresponding inscription is immediately displayed on the site.

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For what reasons else may Aliexpress not work or slow down? Yes, the most diverse. We have already sorted it out: these are problems with servers, planned maintenance, failure of modules, plugins, various scripts. And the computer itself can sometimes create a similar problem, for example, the necessary plugins and scripts that are responsible for loading website templates have stopped working in your browser.

And if reviews do not open on aliexpress, in this case, as in others, clearing the cache of your browser can help.

And it will not be superfluous to check and, if necessary, update your browser or temporarily use another one, at least in order to finally make sure that the site is inoperable, thereby independently identifying the reason why Aliexpress does not work or why the site slows down, does not work well, is slow, and there are others aliexpress errors.

AliExpress, unfortunately, is capable of not only pleasing good goods but also upset. AND it comes not only about defective orders, quarrels with sellers and loss of money. One of possible problems in using the service - the banal impossibility to enter it. Fortunately, there is a solution to every problem.

AliExpress is constantly evolving, therefore the structure and appearance sites are regularly updated. The variety of improvement options can be huge - from the banal addition of new product categories to catalogs to optimizing the address structure. Especially in last option users may find that going to the site using old links or bookmarks will lead to an old and broken account login page or to the site in general. Of course, the service will not work in this case. Repeatedly similar problem already met when the creators of the service globally updated the site and procedures for logging into accounts.


You should re-enter the site without using old links or bookmarks. You will need to enter the name of the site into a search engine, and then go to the given result.

Of course, after the update, Ali validates new addresses in search engines right away, so there shouldn't be any problems. After the user is sure that the login is successful and the site is working, it can be bookmarked again. Also, the problem can be radically avoided if you use a mobile application.

Reason 2: Temporary inoperability of the resource

AliExpress is a large international service, and millions of transactions are processed here every day. Of course, it is quite logical to assume that the site may simply fail due to excessive a large number requests. Roughly speaking, the site, with all its security and sophistication, can fall under the influx of buyers. This situation is especially common during traditional sales, for example, on Black Friday.

It is also likely to have a temporary disruption or complete shutdown service performance for the duration of any major technical work. Very often users are faced with the fact that there are no fields for entering a password and login on the authorization page. As a rule, this happens just during maintenance work.


Using the service later, especially if the reason is known (the same Christmas sale), trying again later may really make sense. If the site is undergoing technical work, then users are notified of this. Although in Lately programmers try not to disconnect the site for this period.

As a rule, the Ali administration always meets users halfway in the event of a service drop and compensates for the inconvenience. For example, if in the process the buyer and the seller had a dispute, then the response time for each party increases taking into account the time at which it was impossible to continue the disassembly technically.

Reason 3: Violation of login algorithms

Also technical capability breakdowns may lie in the fact that the service in this moment there is a problem with in concrete ways authorization. There can be many reasons - for example, technical work is underway to optimize the login option.

Most often, such a problem occurs in cases when authorization occurs through social networks or through an account. The problem can be on both sides - both Ali itself and the service through which the login occurs may not work.


There are two solutions in total. The first is to wait until the workers solve the problem on their own. This is best suited in cases where there is no need to urgently check something. For example, there is no dispute, the package will clearly not arrive soon, there is no important dialogue with the supplier, and so on.

The second solution is to simply use a different login method.

It is best if the user knowingly foresees this problem and connected my account to different networks and services and can perform authorization by any method. More often than not, one of them still works.

Reason 4: Problem with provider

It is very likely that the problem with logging into the site may be caused by problems with the internet. There are cases when the provider blocked access to the AliExpress website, or incorrectly processed requests. Also, the trouble may be more global - the Internet may not work at all.


The very first and simplest thing is to check the functionality of the Internet connection. Trying to use other sites is fine for this. If you find any problems, you should try to restart the connection or contact the provider.

If only AliExpress and related addresses do not work (for example, direct links to products), then first you need to try or. There are a large number of browser plugins for this. Anonymity of the connection and IP forwarding to other countries can help to connect to the site.

Another option is to call the provider and ask them to sort out the problem. Ali is not a criminal network, so today there are little known Internet service providers who would deliberately block the resource. If there is a problem, it is most likely a network error or technical work.

Reason 5: Loss of account

It is not uncommon for a scenario to develop when a user’s account was simply hacked and the login information was changed.

Also, the problem may be that the account is unavailable for completely legal reasons. First, the user deleted his profile himself. Second, the user was blocked for violating the rules for using the service.


In this case, do not hesitate. First, you need to check your computer for viruses, which could just steal personal data. Further attempts to recover the password without this step are meaningless, as malware can steal data again.

After successfully entering the site, it is worth assessing the damage. First, you need to check specified address, recent orders (whether the delivery address has changed in them) and so on. It would be best to contact support and ask for details of actions and changes on the account for the period of time when the user lost access.

If the account was blocked due to violation of the rules or the will of the user himself, then you need to re-create it.

Reason 6: Software violations at the user

After all, the problems can be in the user's own computer. The options in this case are as follows:

  1. Virus activity. Some of them can redirect to fake AliExpress version in order to steal personal data and Money user.

    Solution option - comprehensive computer scan antivirus software... For example, you can use

  2. On the contrary, the activity of antiviruses. It was reported that in some cases disabling the operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus helped to solve the problem.

    A solution is to try temporarily.

  3. Incorrect operation of the software for connecting to the Internet. Relevant for users of computer modems to connect to wireless networks- for example, using 3G from MTS.

    A solution is to try restarting the computer and reinstalling the program to connect the modem.

  4. Poor computer performance. In view of this, the browser may not open any site at all, let alone AliExpress.

    Solution - close all unnecessary programs, games and processes through "Task Manager", clean up the system from garbage, restart the computer.

Mobile app

Separately, it should be said about the problems of logging into an account using the official mobile AliExpress Apps... Three reasons can most often be present here:

  • First, the application might need to be updated. This problem is especially noticeable if the update is critical. The solution is to simply update the app.
  • Secondly, problems may lie in the very mobile device... Restarting your phone or tablet is usually enough to resolve the issue.
  • Thirdly, there may be Internet problems on the mobile device. You should either reconnect to the network, or select the strongest signal source, or, again, try to reboot the device.

As can be concluded, many performance problems AliExpress service are temporary or easily resolved. The only option for critical impact of a problem on something may be a case when a user needs to use the site urgently, for example, when there is an open dispute or a discussion of an order with a seller. V similar situations it is better not to be nervous and be patient - the problem rarely closes access to the site for a long time, if you approach it constructively.

differs from other sites in that it sells a wide range of products. Everyone who has made at least one order has managed to appreciate its advantages. The site is available for everyone who has the Internet, but sometimes it is impossible to access it. Let's take a look at the main reasons why Aliexpress does not work.

Why is Aliexpress not working today?

There are several reasons why Aliexpress may not work. We have divided them into two groups.

  • Problems from the site

As a rule, if the problem lies in the very Aliexpress, then there can be two reasons for this:

  • Engineering works ... They are usually used to change the interface, edit data, add new functions, and so on. Most of the work is carried out no longer than two hours, but they can last up to two days.
  • Congestion... On ordinary days, the system is rarely overloaded, but during sales or major holidays, it may not be available.

Anyway, if the reason is really on the side Aliexpress, then you should wait a little and everything will work out by itself.

  • User problems

First, try to go to Aliexpress from another device. If everything is in order, then the problem is on your part. This could be for several reasons:

  • If you enter from a work computer, then, most likely, access to the site is blocked by the administrator. This is done to ensure that employees are not distracted from their work. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to do something, so you shouldn't even try.
  • If Aliexpress freezes or takes a long time to load, this may be due to an overflowing cache. In this case, you need to clean it up. Typically, this option is found in the settings. You need to click "Clear the history" and select the data to be deleted.
  • The problem may also be from the Internet provider. If it denies access to Aliexpress, then you will not be able to access it.

In any case, if you have any problems, then try to fix them yourself. Otherwise, log in from a different device and contact support Aliexpress .

Video: Aliexpress website does not work (Problem solution)

The Aliexpress website is available for all browsers and countries, so when errors occur using the site, users have many questions about how to quickly fix them. In fact, there can be many reasons for problems with the use of the site. You can fix the problem through the browser settings, try to log in through the mobile version, clear the cache, etc. It is not always possible to quickly identify the cause of login problems and fix it, since the Aliexpress resource is subject to blocking for various reasons: due to the work of the provider, due to a system failure, and technical problems... If the user cannot enter the site or log in, the reason for this may be a system failure when the 404 error is knocked out. Also, problems with the entrance can be caused by technical reasons, problems with the Internet connection or problems with the operation of the device from which the entrance is in progress. If any problems with authorization arise, they can be quickly eliminated, but if there are problems with the usability of the site, then there may have been problems using the application. How to fix problems with logging into Aliexpress and what may cause difficulties using the site, you will learn from the article.

Despite the fact that problems with the Aliexpress website are rare, no user is immune from problems with login or operation. Difficulties can be caused different reasons, which can be identified by a number of signs that prevent normal work site. Aliexpress Marketplace - virtual platform, which is available in 2 forms: for PCs and smartphones. Since this is software, first of all, any problems with authorization can be a consequence of not correct work input source. Some providers and programs, in particular antiviruses, block access to sites that, in their opinion, are a threat to the PC and personal data of the user. If you have a problem why I can't log into Aliexpress, then the first thing to do is to check if your antivirus is blocking the entrance. In order to check if the application is blocking the entrance, you need to go to the settings and remove all tasks. If after that, it turned out to be logged in, then you will have to turn off the antivirus every time, since it will be impossible to enter the site with it.

In many programs, Aliexpress is included as a prohibited site, so they can create a block, as a result of which it will be difficult to enter. Some time ago, the Aliexpress website was banned by Roskomnadzor, and therefore users located in Russia could not enter their Personal Area. Similar blocking has now been eliminated, but similar situations arise when the provider blocks the entrance to the site from your IP address. There are programs with which you can change geolocation, the so-called VPN, when the country of entry changes in the browser and the blocking is automatically removed. In this case, you can use the location settings in the browser. To do this, you need to allow the browser to access the network in the firewall or antivirus settings. The application can be in the list of those who are allowed access to the network, therefore, you need to remove it from there, and add it again.

If you can't log into Aliexpress, then the reason may be the lack of an Internet connection. Check network settings, turn off source and turn on again. The connection failure may be temporary due to the technical work of the provider. The lack of an Internet connection knocks out a corresponding error in the browser. Also, too slow connection can cause the lack of connection to the site. Go to your browser settings and turn on "Turbo" mode to speed up your Internet connection.

If the connection to the site is not established, try to go to Aliexpress from another browser. Some browsers have a "Protect" mode that protects online payments. Since the site has access to bank details, turns on given protection... Allow access and indicate "Login, I trust this site" and then you will be able to enter the site from this browser. Also, there are problems with logging into the site with outdated version site. Go to the "Advanced" settings in the "About browser" section to view the current version. If it is out of date, please refresh your browser and try to sign in again. Sometimes, the Aliexpress website won't open because you need to clear your cookies and cache. If the browser is cluttered different files, then this can cause its slow work and problems with the transition to sites where there are many different sections and blocks, such as Aliexpress. Go to the "History" section and delete it.

If you still can't access the site from a PC, then try to enter through your mobile phone. Perhaps the reason for the login problems is updating the site to latest version, technical work, problems with Internet access. If it was not possible to log in from the mobile version, then most likely the reason is the site's operation. Problems with logging into Aliexpress can be as easily fixed as for other sites, so use the above recommendations or contact the provider's support service to find out the reasons for blocking access to the site.

Forgot password: recovery procedure

To authorize on Aliexpress, you must enter your username and password in the "Login" line. They can be saved automatically if provided by the browser, or you can enter them again each time you enter. An e-mail address is specified for the login, so it is impossible to forget it, but the password is often forgotten. The site provides a password recovery procedure, through which the user can gain access to the account. To do this, open the "Login" column on the main page and select the "Forgot password" button, the procedure for recovering which is carried out by e-mail.

Password recovery is carried out in 3 stages: you need to specify the email address, identify the user and enter New password... First, you enter the mail to which the account is registered, and then in a new window it will be used to send the confirmation code. Click on the button on the right to get a six-digit code. Copy it from the mail, and transfer it to the line " Verification code". Then confirm the action and a window will appear where you need to enter a new password, consisting of capital and lowercase letters and numbers and repeat it. Then save the new password and you can proceed with authorization.

If you do not remember your e-mail address, then you need to select the second option "Support" to contact the employee for assistance from the employee. Save the new password for this site so that it is assigned to the login and every time you log in, it appears encrypted in the corresponding password window. You can also recover your password through the mobile application. To do this, you need to indicate "Login" in the mobile version and restore data using the link "Forgot your password". Recovery is performed in the same way as in the extended version. You can also log in through VK, Facebook and Google accounts. In the Aliexpress application, the username and password can be saved by default and do not enter these data every time you log in.

How to log in to Aliexpress if access is closed?

Aliexpress website is located in free access and all users have the ability to use it from any device. In the event of a problem with access, it is necessary to establish its cause in order to understand how to bypass the blocking. All technical work on the site is carried out at night, so as not to disturb users, but there is always a risk of problems with the site. How to log into Aliexpress if access is closed depends on the cause of the problem with the entrance. There are several problems with authorization:

  • problems with the Internet connection: disconnect the Internet and reconnect it, turn on the "Turbo" mode in the browser to speed up the connection, change the access point or network;
  • problems with the browser: clear the cache and cookies, allow the browser to access this site through the settings, change the location in the settings, disable protection against phishing data;
  • problems with loading the site: disable antivirus or applications that are responsible for protecting personal data;
  • problem with entering the site, the username or password is incorrectly entered: check the data input language, enable or disable Caps lock;
  • problem 404 (the site is under maintenance, there is no access to the server): try to log in from a different device or wait until the connection with the server is restored.

If you cannot log into Aliexpress with mobile phone, then, most likely, the version of the application is outdated. You need to go to the phone settings and update the application to the latest version. Also, the problem with the login may be the result of a device malfunction. Often problems with software spread to large sites, therefore, due to the lack of correct operation or an error in access, the site may not open. To resolve the problem, you need to clean the operating system from unnecessary files and, possibly, reinstall the browser.

I can't enter my Aliexpress account

At least once in my life, every user said, I can't enter the Aliexpress account, and such difficulties arise, both due to inattention and due to the incorrect operation of the site. Difficulties with authorization and access to an account are a common problem, which is most often caused by the fact that the user has simply forgotten the password. To log in, you must use the password recovery form, which allows you to access your account via email. Problems with authorization occur, most often when the user enters an incorrect username or password. The login on the site is saved by default, and the password is entered manually, so when logging in, make sure that the layout is set to English language and the Caps Lock button is on or off. Also, the reason may be an incorrect password. If you can't log in, then request a password recovery and enter a new one. If you get an error during authorization, try logging in from the application, where all data is saved automatically. If you have problems with access to your personal account, you can contact the support service or write to the online chat.

The problem that I cannot enter my Aliexpress account may be the reason for the incorrect operation of the site. If the site is undergoing technical work or the interface is being updated, then problems with authorization may be caused by these problems. You need to wait until the end of the technical work, since the site will also work incorrectly from other devices.

Newly registered users may not be able to access their account if they do not pass the confirmation email. Personal page on Aliexpress is associated with by e-mail, therefore, during registration, you need to follow the link in the letter to link your account to the mail. If you do not confirm the mail, then three days after registration, the account will be blocked.

I can't log into Aliexpress from my phone

The Aliexpress application has the same functions as the extended version, and to log in, you must enter your account login and password, after which it will be saved in the system and will be used by default. The problem that I can't log into Aliexpress from my phone is primarily due to the fact that the version of the application is outdated. The operating system of the phone is updated offline and all applications need to be kept up to date. If the application has not been updated for a long time, then there may be malfunctions in its work. To update the application, you must open the "My Profile" page, where it will be indicated at the top Current version... If it says "Update", then just click on the link and the application will update itself. Also, you can update it through the phone settings.

If the issue is not the version of the application, then the cache may be clogged. You can clean it through the request history in the phone settings. Any files that are not needed should be deleted so that they do not load the application work. If the phone has been attacked or a virus, the application can be blocked to prevent fraudsters from gaining access to bank details. V in this case, the entrance will be unavailable until the threat is removed. Application malfunctions can be caused by various updates within the site, therefore, due to the absence of any active ingredient the application may throw an error. In this case the only way is an complete deactivation application and its secondary installation, followed by the introduction of a username and password.

Also, note that for each operating system, there is different applications and cannot be installed Aliexpress iOS on Android and vice versa. Do not download the application from third-party resources, as the official mobile version available in Google play... Also, make sure that the login and password for authorization are correct. Do not use the same data for authorization in different sources.

Why isn't Aliexpress opening today?

Any blocking of the site is a government initiative. So, at one time, residents of Russia faced the blocking of Aliexpress, when Rostkomnadzor banned access to Aliexpress, due to the sale of illegal goods and the potential distribution of shocking images. This prohibition was not much publicized, but until the clarification and solution of this problem, the site was in closed access for buyers. At the moment, this cause of problems with access to the site has been eliminated, but now residents of Ukraine can face it, where blocking occurs at the state level social networks and groups of companies suspected of using personal data and tracking information used by users. The reason why Aliexpress does not open today may be the blocking of the site by the provider who is responsible for the Internet connection. If Aliexpress does not open, then there are several ways how to overcome this problem:

  • use another browser;
  • change the location in the settings;
  • install an application for anonymous Internet access;
  • use the mobile version;
  • remove the task from the antivirus.

The access problem may be less global than you might think. Perhaps the lack of a correct login is a consequence of the clogging of the cache and cookies. Clear your browser history and sign in again. Also, make sure that the personal data for authorization is correct. Now, access to Aliexpress is allowed in all countries and blocking access is the work of the provider. If you are faced with such a problem, then change one internet provider on another, disable the antivirus or use the recommendations to change the access point. Also, Aliexpress may not work corny due to the lack of network connection, so check the availability of the Internet before entering the site.

Technical work on Aliexpress

Aliexpress website - large trading floor, which hosts millions of stores and has billions of registered users. The site was developed 12 years ago and is constantly being improved. Inaccuracies in translation, bugs, server errors, complaints - all this requires correction, and given the fact that the site cannot afford to close the work in order to clean up all the shortcomings, technical work is carried out on Aliexpress for several hours, mainly at night. But due to the difference in time zones, sometimes technical work falls out, just at the peak of user activity in other countries, and it turns out that the site is not available or simply does not load home page... Technical work on Aliexpress does not last long, a maximum of several hours, therefore, there is no other option, how to simply wait for their completion, because the site will not work, neither the extended version nor the mobile one. When technical work is carried out on the site, the interface is usually updated and all the shortcomings are eliminated, so you should not worry about updates or innovations, because they are all done for the convenience of users.

Browser problems: clearing the cache

Aliexpress users often complain about problems with accessing the site due to the incorrect operation of the browser. Indeed, due to the large number of transitions, the cache, that is, the server for temporary storage of files, overflows, and there is no room for new ones. Browser problems and clearing the cache are two related concepts. Browser history, temporary files, history, cache - these are all the same concepts that mean browser clogging unnecessary files... Sometimes, because of the cache, it is not possible to open the site correctly, because there is simply no place to download all the files. That is why, periodically, you need to remove all this garbage and clear the cache. How to do this depends on the browser you are using. To do this, you need to go to the settings and history. Click the button "Clear history" on the right and put a tick in the column " Cookies and other data of sites and modules "and select" For all time "in the list and confirm the cleaning. After that, you can go to any site.

In another browser, you must also find the "History" section in the settings and indicate that you need to clear "Pictures and other files saved in the cache" or find the browser history and delete temporary files. Clearing the cache is not harmful to the browser. All passwords that are stored in it will remain unchanged, but it will work faster and there will be space for new files. Due to a clogged cache, there will be a problem with logging in not only to Aliexpress, but also to other sites, so you need to periodically clean the cache.

Account blocking

If, when you log in to Aliexpress, you see the message “Your account is temporarily unavailable due to security reasons ", which translates as" Your account is temporarily blocked for security reasons ", this means that the site administration considers your actions to be fraudulent. Account blocking is a security measure when a user is temporarily frozen pending clarification of the user's motives. The reason for blocking may be a complaint from the seller, the conduct of several disputes at the same time, and the frequent cancellation of orders after payment. If you consider blocking your account unreasonable, you can contact the support service to find out the reasons for this decision and then unblock it. Blocked users are checked within 2 days and if there is no reason to delete the account, then it is simply unblocked, and the user can continue to work with the site. If the reason for the blocking turns out to be reliable, the account will be blocked forever.

Video: what to do if I can't log into Aliexpress?

The problem with logging into Aliexpress, at least, upsets users, but before you panic, establish the cause and try to solve it correctly. Cache clutter, problems with the Internet connection, blocking of antivirus and browser extensions - all this can cause problems with authorization and work with Aliexpress. If you still have questions about what to do if you cannot log into the site or account, we recommend watching the video, what to do if I can’t go to Aliexpress:

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