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Why a small ping of the Internet. Why high ping

Internet ping directly affects the connection speed. So, one of the methods for diagnosing the quality of the connection to the World Wide Web is the ping test. If it turns out that the problem lies precisely in this parameter, users by all means try to lower the ping. Many people reinstall the system or change the provider. But is it worth resorting to such drastic measures? How to check ping and internet speed?

This concept denotes the reaction time of an Internet connection and is its characteristic feature. In simple terms, the parameter shows how quickly the client computer, having sent a request to the server, receives a response. The indicator is measured in milliseconds. Checking ping and internet speed means assessing the quality of your internet connection. This check compares the number of packets sent and received.

There can be various reasons for understanding what the ping of the Internet should be. Someone checks the indicator solely out of interest, while others collect statistical data. The main reason for checking ping is, as a rule, poor quality of the Internet connection. You can understand that the speed of connection with the World Wide Web leaves much to be desired by the following signs: * pages are loaded too slowly; * Internet connection is interrupted every now and then; * media files are not loaded, errors appear; * online games "slow down", "crash". What should be the normal ping of the Internet? So, a high ping of the Internet determines a slow connection speed.

You can also diagnose the quality of the connection before problems arise in the following cases: 1. To determine the game service. For some users, the online gaming industry is a way to make money. It would be better to "ping" the server in advance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. 2. To select resources for posting information. Hosting is required to implement the project. The service in various variations is available on the World Wide Web, but it can be difficult to make a choice. One of the quality indicators of a hosting provider is the ability to access its own information resource at any time without interruption. 3. In order to know how the ping of your own electronic resource is determined in other countries.

The definition of what is ping on the Internet and the factors affecting the indicator can be grouped into three categories: 1. Distance. The more intermediaries between the points of sending and receiving information, the longer the geographic distance of the server from the client computer. 2. Workload. The ping value increases in direct proportion to the number of simultaneously running online applications. 3. Equipment. An important factor in determining the quality of the connection is the technique by which it is provided. By the way, this statement concerns both the server and the client computer. The speed will be influenced in a certain way by the type of connection: direct, wireless, modem. Depending on the devices (modem, wi-fi router), the speed will also vary.

In order to determine what the Internet ping should be, you first need to check the indicator on your own computer. The ping method depends on where the indicator will be diagnosed. If the procedure is carried out for personal purposes, then you can use the following method: 1. Select the key combination Win + R. 2. Enter the cmd command in the command line, 3. After pressing OK, type the word ping. 4. After pressing the spacebar, enter the website address. 5. After pressing Enter, all information will be displayed on the screen.

If the number of packets sent is equal to the number of packets received, then this is a normal ping for the Internet. For optical fiber, this figure should be equal to one hundred milliseconds. With this value, there will be no noticeable critical changes in the operation of the Internet. Ping up to one hundred and fifty milliseconds is considered acceptable, over is already a problem that needs to be solved.

In order to find out what the ping of the Internet should be, they use various online services. Ease of access, waiting time and other information can be obtained for the purpose of further analysis of your own information resource. The statistics, by the way, include users from all over the world.

There are several online services for ping testing, the most common of which are: * Ping-admin. This service is used by people all over the world and provides information on access to various electronic resources for computers, which can be located anywhere. To use the resource, you need to enter the address of the site of interest and press Enter. *

It is logical that after testing (especially if the results of evaluating the parameter did not satisfy the user) the question arises of how to reduce the ping of the Internet. Basically, advice on changing this indicator is given by avid gamers, because they are the ones who most often struggle with a decrease in ping. From the general recommendations, the following tips can be distinguished: 1. To make the ping value minimum for visitors to your own web resource, you need to segment. This means that it is necessary to select the target audience from all site visitors. You should determine the geographic location of users and select a server that provides hosting services in the required region. 2. In order to remember as little as possible what ping on the Internet is, you need to unload the Internet channel. This means the banal closure of useless applications. 3. Carrying out the defragmentation procedure. Ping depends not only on the technical characteristics of the devices, but also on the order in the computer. Work will be done faster if the files accessed by the program are arranged in an orderly manner. 4. Choosing an Internet provider that provides the best quality services. 5. Using proxy servers. The danger of this method of reducing the ping rate is the possible loss of some data packets. The ping value is an important characteristic of the quality of the Internet connection and the comfort of working at the computer. Prophylactic testing is sometimes necessary. If there are obvious problems, you should use one or more methods to lower the ping.

Every more or less advanced Internet and local network user is faced with such a procedure as ping. Most often, this is asked to be done by the service center wizard at the provider in order to understand the problem. In this article, we will look at what ping is, what it is for, and how to ping correctly.

What is ping?

Ping (ping) is a process that allows you to check the quality of the network and its speed to a specific server. Most often, ping is carried out using the console (command line), both in Windows and Linux operating systems. There are also special programs for pinging. It is worth noting the convenience and quality of this method of checking the local network and the Internet, since it is quite simple and very informative.

Pinging means that you send a certain number of data packets from a computer to a specific device, both on the local network and on the Internet. Thanks to this exchange of packages, you can get information on the quality of the connection.

If the sent packets do not come back, then this means connection problems. Packets that did not come back are called "losses". The more lost packets, the worse. If packets are lost in full, then this means either there is no connection to the network, or the device to which the ping was made is unavailable - it all depends on what exactly you pinged. The response speed is also important: the lower it is, the better the connection from your device to the pinged one.

What is ping for?

As already mentioned above by the experts of the site, ping is necessary in order to check the quality of the Internet connection and the speed to a certain network device. Let's take an example of situations in which ping is necessary and very useful.

The first situation when pinging is performed is problems with the Internet, for example: you are working in a browser, and Internet pages load very slowly or do not load at all. The second situation is when the Internet simply disappears or the Internet connection is disconnected. The third situation is when the streaming of audio and video slows down. The fourth situation is when there are problems connecting to something: to a website, game server or other device on the network. Thus, thanks to ping, you can find out if there are any problems with the network or Internet connection, where exactly is the problem and what it is.

Quite often, ping is checked for online games, where a high speed of data exchange with the server is required.

How to ping correctly

In order to ping, you need to open the console and enter the appropriate command, indicating the address of the device or resource with which you want to check the connection.

In order to check the quality of the Internet connection, ping the Google DNS servers with the command (which must be entered in the console):

In the same way, you can ping not only servers and network devices, but also sites. In order to check the quality of the connection to Yandex, enter the following command:

In order to check the operation of the connection to the provider's server, ping its DNS server or other local resource, for example, a router on the roof.

To check the performance of your home local network, ping your router with the command:


In the Linux operating system, ping continues indefinitely until you stop it yourself by pressing Ctrl + C. In Windows, the standard ping is done by sending only 4 packets. In order to send a larger number of packets, the "-n" prefix is ​​added to the ping command indicating the number of packets to be sent. To send 100 packets, for example, to the Google DNS server, write the following command:

ping –n 100

To send an infinite ping in Windows, add "-t" separated by a space to the standard command, and to stop - press Ctrl + C. For example, let's ping endlessly to the Google DNS server:

ping –t

After the end of pinging, a report will be displayed below, the analysis of which will help you understand the state of the network.

Ping is the time required to send information to the server (computer → server) and back (from server → PC), measured in milliseconds (ms).

If you just open and view certain sites on the Internet, work with e-mail or download some files from the Web, then you simply will not notice any difference between high and low pings (for example, 130 and 30 ms.). But in dynamic online games, this indicator is almost of paramount importance, since it directly depends on whether the game will lag (slow down) or not. Network lags due to high ping can be expressed, for example, in a decrease in the reaction of the game character (tank) to your commands, strange behavior of other players is also observed: they appear and disappear, movement in jerks, etc.

Accordingly, the higher the ping, the longer it takes to exchange data between the server and the client (that is, your computer), and the lower, the better. Next, let's look at how to measure, and how you can reduce Ping if it is too high.

Checking the ping:

  • Open the Windows command line (using the "Win" + "R" key combination, call the "Run" tool, where we write "cmd" and click "OK");

  • In the command line, write: ping (or the IP of the site / server), for example, like this: ping the site (in the screenshot), note that the site address must be specified without http / https;

  • To check, you can also use one of the online services (Check ping online).

What affects ping:

Ping directly depends mainly on the distance to the remote server!

Also, an important factor is the quantity and quality of equipment between the client and the server (routers, switches, etc.), and the smaller it is, the lower the ping will be, since each of the devices takes some time to process data packets.

That is, it should be understood that ping does not in any way depend on the speed of your Internet connection, but depends on the provider, namely on the equipment it uses and its settings! This implies that regardless of the speed of Internet access on the tariff plan you have chosen, for example, up to 50 Mbps or up to 100 Mbps, the ping will be the same (for one provider).

Example: you used a tariff plan with an Internet access speed of up to 80 Mbit / s, while the ping in one game or another you had at the level of 120 ms, and you decided to choose a more expensive tariff plan from the same provider, but with access speed up to 100 Mbit / s, in the hope that the ping will be less, but that was not the case ... the ping remained the same. Next, you change your Internet provider, and connect to a tariff plan with an access speed of up to 60 Mbit / s, and, having measured the ping, you find that the ping has decreased to 30 ms (the opposite situation is also possible), which is what this tells us, right, that the bandwidth of the channel does not in any way affect the latency between the two machines.

Thus, as one of the options for reducing ping (perhaps even the most effective), there will be a banal change of your Internet provider (if, of course, there is such an opportunity).

In addition, ping is negatively affected by anything that can delay the transmission of packets, that is, disabling firewalls, antiviruses, torrent clients, online broadcasting, etc. will also contribute to a decrease in ping.

To reduce ping, you can use, for example, the following programs:, Ashampoo Internet Accelerator or Leatrix Latency fix,

but all of them are intended only to optimize the processing of data packets on your part (on your computer) and will have absolutely no effect on the output, and we have already said that Ping directly depends mainly on the distance to the remote server and the quantity (quality) network equipment on the side of the provider, which, as you probably understand, all of the above programs will not be able to exert even the slightest influence.

Methods to reduce ping, such as setting a high priority for the system process (a particular game) in the Windows task manager, or interfering with the operating system registry, also do not have the desired positive effect in the direction of lowering pinga, as in the case of using programs have only an impact on the setting (optimization) only from the client's side.

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Every modern child living with video games, and an adult too, has probably repeatedly come across such a concept as "ping". It is also an integral part of the computer networks set up by the master. Next, let's take a closer look at what this concept means and how to reduce ping in order to optimize the gameplay or network performance.

What is ping and how to check it

Ping is a time period during which one information packet is transmitted from the client to the server and returned. Associating this process with real life, we can say that ping is like the time spent on the transition from home to the store and on the way back. The store is the server and the person is the client. The unit of measurement is millisecond (ms).

To determine the Windows OS ping, it is enough to enter the command line by entering the cmd command in the Run menu, which is called by the WIN + R key combination, or the search bar of the Start menu.

Then, you need to enter the "ping" command and specify the address of the remote machine / site separated by a space, the connection to which will be checked.

As you can see in the screenshot, the basic information allows you to see the average value and determine if there are sharp changes in case of a bad connection.

How to reduce ping - current ways

There are a number of basic actions during which the user may think that the ping value should be reduced relative to the connection to a particular server / site. Of course, this is necessary when it comes to playing online video games, where it greatly influences how the player's battle goes. It may also be required when setting up an integral computer network, where you simply cannot do without a high-quality connection.

If it is excessively high or constantly "jumps" relative to any of the directions of the client's connection to the server, then the problem may be as follows:

  • Bad internet connection. It is corrected as follows: the method of connecting to the network changes (the modem changes to a direct cable connection or another), the provider changes, if a low-quality connection is its flaw, the tariff is updated to increase the bandwidth allocated to the channel to the client.
  • Outdated network card driver. Everything is quite simple - you need to update it by downloading the necessary files from the manufacturer's website or any other thematic resource.
  • Viruses, startup list, bootloaders. All of the above can have a negative impact on the speed of the network. Naturally, the system must be cleaned of viruses, the startup list must be adjusted, leaving only what is necessary, the bootloaders must be disabled at the time of the game or any other actions related to connecting to a specific server. The latter is especially true for torrent clients, which, when downloaded, can "fill up" the entire Internet channel allocated to the user.

You can also make certain changes to the system registry, but you should do it with caution, remembering that the consequences of the performed actions with the registry are sometimes quite difficult to fix.

Having started the registry with the "regedit" command entered in the same paragraphs as for the command line, you must do the following:

You can create non-existing parameters, but, again, we remind you that it is better to entrust the introduction of such changes to a specialist who feels confident when setting up the system registry configurations. All these actions will help reduce, but be careful.

How to reduce ping on the modem

People who use 3G modems to connect to the Internet are a separate category of users. The problem with working with such equipment is that they pick up the signal from the mobile towers of various operators, but this signal itself can be blocked by anything. All actions to improve the operation of a 3G modem and reduce ping require an increase in the power of the device itself.

Experienced players and specialists in working with such devices recommend the following methods of signal amplification:

Each of these actions will positively affect the speed of the Internet and significantly reduce the ping. You can check the connection level through the MDMA (Mobile Data Monitoring Application) application, which, after downloading and launching, will determine the connected modem (maybe not the first time), and then give the signal quality value in dbm units. Dynamic reading of information in real time with a delay of 5-30 seconds will allow you to determine the best place to place the modem.

How to reduce ping in games

Finally, we come to the most important stage, since the decrease in online games worries users most of all, because poor Internet connection and its other defects affect their success during battles. Let's consider making the necessary settings using the example of two very popular games: World Of Tanks and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to reduce ping in CS: GO

When playing CS: GO, you can change the ping by all the means described above, as well as by competently making changes to the launch parameters. To do this, you need to enter the library of games of the STEAM platform and select CS GO in it. Further actions are shown in the screenshot.

In the window that opens, click "Set launch parameters" and enter the values ​​shown in the screenshot in the line that appears.

Also, the player is advised to indicate to the game the optimal ping to start the competitive mode, so that it does not select servers for him more than a certain bar, if this, of course, is possible. To do this, in the menu "Settings" - "Game options", you must set the slider to the minimum value.

How to reduce ping in World Of Tanks

The peculiarity of World Of Tanks is that the game is played on a large number of servers, each of which is located regionally in different places. Below is the geographical location of the main servers from the Russian cluster of the game.

You can control it by installing a special game modification or software, such as WOT Pinger.

With the help of this software, you can track the servers that are most optimal for the game and use them exclusively.

Thus, we can conclude that ping has a significant impact on the efficiency of working with certain servers / sites. To reduce it, you can use any of the above methods. You can also contact specialists who will make the necessary settings in the system and specific applications, significantly speeding up the operation of your computer / laptop. It is recommended to order the same setting from the provider, where the user will be able to tell which high-speed Internet access tariff will be much more profitable for him.

Hello friends! In this article, I want to tell you about what ping is, and how to ping on the computer. Why ping? This procedure can be useful in different cases. For example, with, or other routers. You may need to make a ping to some site to check the operation and stability of the connection.

For example, an Internet provider may ask you to ping and send them the test result. This is when you have any problems with the Internet, I had this.

If you are building websites, you can use the ping command to find out if your site is responding or not. For example, when creating a site, you can find out whether the domain has already been delegated or not. And also you can find out the quality of connection with the server on which your site is located.

The ping command is useful, and just in case you need to know how to do it. I will show on the example of Windows XP. The roads were covered with snow, I couldn't get to the city :), so I work at my brother's computer, and he has Windows XP, but the differences from Windows 7 are minimal, I'll write about them.

What is ping?

Actually, ping is a utility. Which is used to test connections on TCP / IP-based networks, as it says on Wikipedia. And if in your own words, then ping- this is the period of time during which a data packet sent from your computer reaches the server and returns back.

Now I will write how to ping a site, thereby checking the operation and stability of my Internet connection, or check the operation of the site itself to which we send the ping command.

In Windows XP. Click "Start" and select "Run."

In Windows 7. Click on “Start”, "All programs", "Standard" and there we select "Run". You can also press the key combination Win + R.

As a result of these actions, we will have a window in which we write cmd and press “Enter”.

A window will open in which we will ping. If you want to ping to check your internet connection, it is best to ping sites such as You can ping not to the site, but only to the router. To do this, instead of the site, you need to enter the address of the router, usually If you make a ping to check the operation of a certain site, then of course you make a ping to it.

So we enter the command ping, that is, the command to will look like this:

Enter the command and press “Enter”. We wait a couple of seconds and see the result.

We look at the number of lost packets, it's good when their number is zero. Instead of, you can enter any site or IP address. Receiving a response from the server means that the site is working and you have the Internet too.

You may need to copy the result to send it to your ISP or hosting company. You can send, or you can copy the text.

To do this, right-click in the window area and select “Mark”.

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