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Why is it better not to be on social media? Why am I on social media? Your real life is boring

Social networks have quietly entered our lives and have become a "ritual" for everyone who spends more than 1 hour a day on the Internet. And if 6-7 years ago you could meet those people whose profiles are not on the Internet, now you can find everyone there!

Everyone has their own social network. A person can choose for himself the resource that is most convenient and understandable for him to use and, of course, which contains all his friends and relatives. Thus, 9 out of 10 people sit on this “needle”.

When we feel good, we sit in the social. networks. We sit there and when we feel bad. After all, there will always be someone in your friends who you can write to and “cry” into the virtual shoulder.

WHAT IS WRONG? IN in social networks it is easier to build relationships, easier to break relationships, EVERYTHING is MUCH EASIER there than in real life. Therefore, they get to know each other a lot, sort things out, gossip, insult, flirt, get jealous, etc. Agree, much of the above is much more difficult to do live, looking a person in the eye. That is, there is always the appearance of “stormy” relationships, but in fact you cannot build happy strong relationships in social networks.

Moreover, you can always simply remove a person from friends as from your life. It's that simple! the network is a form of social connection without risks or obligations.

WHAT WELL? Weak people quickly get hooked on different kind addictions, including social networks. And they waste all their time. But there is a category of strong people who know how to use social networks as tools to achieve their goals. And for such people, social networks are good. They get richer, build business relationships, find like-minded people, and so on. Their time on social media is never wasted.


This is the simplest way of interaction between two people or a group of people in the social. networks.

WHAT IS WRONG? The bad thing is that this method is so primitive and easy that instead of pleasant, meaningful words to a loved one, friend, acquaintance or even a complete stranger, we get used to stupidly “like”. Very soon people will forget how to correctly express their thoughts and feelings to each other. What for? After all, you can just “like” and he will understand everything!

WHAT WELL? This method establishes virtual connection between people, even if they are on very long distance. By “liking” I show that “I am and I am with you”. Well, how true this is is another question ... We have already created the appearance of this good-natured gesture.


And how actively a person leads his personal profile, posting various photos and materials in it about himself and his opinion, he so strongly shows his desire to be a public, famous, popular person, if he really is not one.

After all, this is exactly what all TV stars, actors, politicians, etc. do! Most of them have personal blogs where their personal life, thoughts, ideas are presented. All people want to have the same popularity and fame. According to Maslow, no one canceled the human need for respect and veneration.

WHAT IS WRONG? If in reality you are not a public person, then on a social network there is an opportunity to feel like one. Especially when they comment on your photos, posts, statuses, etc. You feel that your life is being watched and even trying to get into it. The bad thing is that this fake popularity takes too much time and directly draws you into this game. Have you ever experienced this?

Instead of starting to discover new talents in oneself, showing oneself as a person in a real society, and not in a virtual one, finding one's own path of potential development, moving along this path, growing, overcoming oneself, a person chooses much more easy way- upload photos from the next party, sitting at home on the couch, thereby demonstrating your excellent lifestyle.

WHAT WELL? The good thing is that there is a small percentage of people who will be able to reveal their talents in social networks. For example, they find their way of development in author's articles, creation of various social movements, charitable groups, etc. And in this way they really become readable and receive universal recognition.

OUTPUT: The social network is useful for those people who know their way and follow it. These people use social media. networks solely for their intended purpose, and not in order to create the illusion of their own importance and popularity, or just to kill their time.

The social network is not harmful for those who have a powerful information filter in their head against intrusive advertising, meaningless discussions and other mental "garbage", the reading of which takes precious hours of our lives.

the site publishes a series of materials by Dmitry Solovyov on human behavior in social networks. The lecture was given to the students of the British Higher School of Design. The author draws attention to the fact that the work does not claim scientific status. In this part, the main reasons why people are drawn to social networks are considered.

1. Procrastination

procrastination- postponing unpleasant deeds and thoughts for later.

2. Mechanism of procrastination

A person faces a task to which one must make efforts, expend energy, think or overcome fear. The brain avoids wasting energy and instead of solving a problem suggests to a person - go to the Internet, to a social network, you don’t have to do anything there, just watch and communicate.

If you do not control the process, then instead of doing things, a person begins to spend time on a social network.

3. Soul

To understand the next point, let's imagine that a person has a soul. Whether it really exists or it does not exist is a religious question. For now, for convenience, let's use this metaphor.

4. Investment of the soul

A person lives in the world, distributing particles of his soul to people and phenomena around him. When people meet a nice person, they put a part of their soul into him. Now they are not indifferent to what happens to the person close to them. If he is far away, or it is not known how things are going for him, then anxiety comes, the soul begins to hurt. An example is parents and children, lovers, pets, even a country or famous people and just objects. The soul can invest in anyone and anything. Indifferent people invest their souls. Investment occurs if a person passes the path of knowledge and understanding. A person invests in others - by love, suffering, imagination, observation. People add as friends those they are interested in, or those they know personally. In whom they have invested their soul in the real world. Now a particle of their soul is in another person, and a person cannot simply let the other go away from himself, because he has invested time, effort and frankness in communication.

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5. Collect the soul in one place

Every person wants to possess all his soul. He wants to keep the attachment points always in front of his eyes. But his soul is scattered all over the world, over people, over ideas, over objects. Mark Zuckerberg came up with a place on the Internet where every person can gather their souls in one place. Facebook has the ability to keep your whole soul in front of your eyes every day, every second. The social network is the place where the soul wasted in the world gathers. When a person reads a news feed, he keeps his soul in front of his eyes.

6. Desire to refresh the page

People removed parts of the soul on the Internet. And now offline, users experience anxiety - “pins are stuck into the living parts of their souls”, but they do not know about it. The soul requires protection, immediate reactions to stimuli, but when people are offline, they cannot follow the soul that is on the Internet. They become tempted to check their social media profile to find out what happened to it during their absence. It's like with a girl. When she is not around, I want to know what is happening to her every second. The desire to delete the profile may come from the desire to remove this state of uncertainty and uncertainty from the soul.

Why are people still drawn to the social network

1. Escape from loneliness

Constant communication with friends steals people from themselves. Instead of turning to themselves, diving deep into themselves, users run from this loneliness into superficial communication on a social network.

Bulimia is a painful gluttony, a craving for food that is never satisfied. Such a pastime can be called social communication bulimia.

2. Jealousy and social media

People want to know about close person all. About all his affairs, contacts, behavior. And people often go to the pages of the social network to track the behavior of their loved ones. They want to embrace a person in everything, his whole life.

Those points that a person is sprayed on in social networks are presented in a structured way - here is a photo, here is a wall, here are other people's messages. A person wants to grasp all this at one moment, but the essence of perception is such that it cannot hold everything in one glance. And the run along the points begins, which gives rise to the illusion of control, that we see the whole person.

A person may not like that someone else enters into an act of knowledge with his partner. If someone posted a song to a girl on the wall, this means that there are invisible points in which she exists with this person, and they are hidden, or maybe in them she experiences unearthly pleasures or emotional experiences that she does not experience with her partner. Thoughts about this can be disturbing, this ignorance can be disturbing, this impossibility to embrace a person as a whole in the act of knowing or wanting to control.

3. The habit of communicating

The investment of the soul is a positive phenomenon. But people go to social networks also because of habit. If at first people invest in the living destinies of people, then, instead of surprise and investment, they begin to live coolly.

Every “self-respecting” user considers it his duty to take a picture of his food and post it on Instagram. Apparently, for other users to choke on saliva of envy and make an immediate repost.

Woke up, ate an egg? Who cares? Social connections? Just call a friend and go out for a drink together.

Daniel Craig

The number one reason celebrities quit using social media is boredom. Most of them are not interested in gastronomic posts, cats and memes.

Reason 2 - too much attention

I don't want anyone to know where I am.

Sandra Bullock

Reason 3 - reputation

Party. You return home drunk, turn on the TV, and there, on the other side of the screen, someone infuriates you. You fight back, go to bed. You wake up in the morning and your career is over. Your drunken ravings were scattered all over the world before you woke up.

George Clooney

The stars also have their own opinions. The only difference is that sharing it with the public is dangerous.

Julia Roberts

Reason 4 - Conservatism

Being old-fashioned is trendy these days (pardon the pun). Just one in three misses the Soviet toffee and vinyl records. Many celebrities are also “old school”, and therefore do not sit on social networks.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but if I know something about you from social networks, I need to make an effort on myself to forget about it and enjoy the movie.

Bradley Cooper

Reason 5 - health

Many of us even sleep with our phones in our arms, even though doctors say it's harmful. And many celebrities believe them.

I don't have Twitter and never have. IN free time I try to stay away from harmful radiation which, unfortunately, comes from gadgets.

Shailene Woodley

Reason 6 - kettles

Nowadays, computer illiteracy is almost indecent. However, many celebrities are IT dummies, and therefore do not use social networks (although they might want to). For example, star spouses Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie admit that they don’t even know how to turn on a computer.

I full kettle. When I see that a person treats BlackBerrys like a normal hair dryer, I get a shock.

Jennifer Aniston

I’ll make a reservation right away by “freezing”, I mean aimless reading of the news feed, “jumping” on the pages of acquaintances and strangers, conducting lengthy dialogues in comments or messages without a clear goal (not to be confused with the sublimation of real communication - when, for example, you miss someone, it is not possible to meet with someone).

  1. So. If you justify the endless scrolling of the feed by searching good books, movie or music, think about whether this search takes away more time than the same cultural experience? After all, for those half an hour that you are stuck in some kind of film or book society, you could easily watch a third good movie or read 50 pages of a good book. It’s easier to make a list of films / books / music on “watch / read / listen on occasion”, and in between cases write down something that friends recommend to us, the history of world culture or digests that we somehow read.

  2. All kinds of motivators, demotivators, smart sayings and "life stories" that should inspire us to work exploits. We all know deep down in our hearts that they are written not very smart people (a super-successful person is unlikely to spend on similar work your precious time). It's someone's job to increase traffic to the community/blog/website. Yes, yes, sit and puzzle over which picture and quote to pick up in order to get a thousand “likes” and “reposts”. Are you sure you are willing to pay for this work with your time?

  3. Friends on social networks - nonsense. Most likely, with those people with whom we really communicate a lot (our relatives, if we are in good relations loved ones and best friends) in social networks, communication does not occur at all - why not? Much nicer to call or meet with them in person. Why do we need contacts, all communication with which comes down to congratulations on the DR? This function is successfully handled by spam bots of services where we indicated our date of birth when registering.

  4. Probably, frequent viewing of other people's photos and reading correspondence in the comments can serve as a kind of "Pill" from confused feelings, bad mood or boredom. But, if you think about it, such a pastime is really a black hole. You can spend several hours and not give birth to a single fresh thought. I am sure that if at the moment of “freezing” in social networks to remove the encephalogram of a person, then the amplitude of the impulses will be minimal. The ratio of the amount of information to its content is strongly in favor of the first. Total - we get a salad from a large number ingredients at the lowest concentration. It looks like crumbs from the table that have not been swept away for several weeks. Tasteless and harmful.

  5. The most honest answer that a person can give, "hanging" in social networks to the question: "Why are you doing this?" - "I I do not know what to do I don't want anything." It seems to me that this is the problem of our generation. Making a living, even if you are lazy, is not at all difficult. It is not necessary, like 100-150 years ago, to work hard from morning to evening at some factory in order to reach the subsistence level. We all dress and eat well, we can afford to vacation abroad and buy almost everything we need to feel happy. Messages fly instantly (and no need to write letters by hand!), no need to spend hours in lines for groceries, no need to even look for right word in the dictionary - 5 seconds is enough to drive it into the line of the search engine. The era of imbalance - labor has not yet depreciated, although there are no more resources in the global sense. Most likely, this phenomenon will not last long. Therefore, since we are lucky enough to live in a state of surplus of free time, we need to come up with a worthy use for it: taking care of health (through physical exercise), gaining new skills, making money (while they are so easy to get) ...

It's no secret that Internet addiction and the harmful effects of social networks are the scourge of our time. Research centers report that the total income of enterprises and the state falls by 5-10% of what people in work time use social networks. Particularly often distracted from work are people whose work is connected with the use of the Internet. For example, there is a website promotion agency Brave, it is clear that the activities of this Internet agency are directly related to the Internet. But this does not mean that the employees of this company are on social networks, because in good firms, such as this - works good system incentives and employees do not suffer from such dependencies, because their selfless work is paid at the proper level.

Parents notice that they are losing touch with their children. Yes, and the children themselves feel that sitting on the Internet is not quite like real life.

In principle, many people understand that social networks are. But they can't get rid of them. And often people lack not knowledge about the dangers of social networks, but motivation. To motivate you to rise up against this harmful addiction, here is the following benefits abstinence from social networks:

  1. Your life will change for the better. In fact, if you are a lazy person, then you definitely won’t run cross-country, and replace social networks with watching Brazilian TV shows, for example, just to not change anything in your comfort zone. And the other side of the coin, if a person uses a social network for half an hour a day, then he will not get worse, and the university will definitely not quit.
  2. Without social networks, the world is brighter and more colorful. Nobody argues. But often the announcement of upcoming events, concerts, holidays in the city are published in the "social networks". Without these notifications, you can miss all the fun in the "real world". By the way, the press does not always cover all events. And some people have completely abandoned print media in favor of the Internet.
  3. The main thing is to get through the first month. When you give up social networks, the first days will seem terrible and unbearable. But you should not pay attention to this, because this is a banal breakdown that will soon pass.
  4. Your brains will become clearer. Since in social networks all users can add information, it is very obvious that stupid and unworthy people will publish this information. At first glance, the information may seem decent, but at its core, it is stupid. If you stop eating from this trough, your thoughts will become clear. As a result, you can take on more serious work, for example, devote time - or.

To summarize - everything should be in moderation. Sitting for days without food and water on social networks is bad, but stopping by a couple of times to read the news, chat with friends and family who live abroad is wonderful. The Internet is much more accessible than telephone communications. In addition, if you have many acquaintances, you may miss the most important events in their lives. Some may forget to congratulate a friend even on his birthday, and social networks will always remind you, moreover, in advance. For example, "Vkontakte", on the left of the page you can always see a reminder "Your friend has a birthday tomorrow." Most importantly, filter the information yourself. If you don’t like the community about glamor, then there is no need to subscribe, then the news will not appear in the feed. Also remove all dubious acquaintances from your friends. In capable hands, social networks are great helper in different areas life, both personal and business. Why make life difficult for yourself. In addition, many aspiring entrepreneurs use social networks as trading platforms. You can get some things much cheaper than in the store. Convenient, isn't it?

The best way to get rid of any addiction is to get involved in active work. Therefore, I suggest watching a video on how to defeat laziness.

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