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  • Why is the iPhone so expensive, why is it better? iPhone turns into your remote control ... home! Apple Pay is fast becoming the best mobile payment system in the world.

Why is the iPhone so expensive, why is it better? iPhone turns into your remote control ... home! Apple Pay is fast becoming the best mobile payment system in the world.

No matter how Russians scold the bourgeois iPhone, this gadget still continues to be popular both in our country and around the world. Despite the high cost in our understanding, the iPhone is sought to be acquired not only by the wealthy segments of the population, but sometimes by those who can barely make ends meet. Although everyone knows that today's smartphone market boasts functional devices at a more or less decent price. So why is the iPhone so popular? Go figure it out!

For those in the tank!

iPhone is a series of smartphones manufactured by Apple. These guys are also known for their iPads, iPods, MacBooks and other reasonably priced gadgets. The company was founded by the deceased Steve Jobs who has made a significant contribution to the IT industry.

iPhones run their own iOS operating system. The smartphone was first announced in early 2007. Since then, Apple has released new iPhone models every year. So in September 2016, the latest version was released at the moment - along with more expensive brothers iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 7 Pro.

By the way, the prefix "i" in the names of Apple products, according to Jobs himself, primarily means the Internet.

Well, now let's figure out why everyone loved this iPhone so much.


Really amazing quality. It has the highest pixel density - they cannot be seen with the naked eye. The picture is so clear that you just want to aimlessly swap desktops. This procedure will also be pleasant because the iPhone has a better click response. It is really more convenient to work with it, you directly feel that you are using something high-tech, and not a Chinese toy. Thanks to the high refresh rate of the screen, we see smooth and neat animations, which also gives a certain charm.


Let's admit that the iPhone is recognizable. It has its own "corporate style", which distinguishes it from other impersonal smartphones. Some may say that Apple does not give users the right to choose, but if it comes to that, nothing prevents you from individualizing your gadget by buying an inexpensive case. Yes, some iPhone models look awkward because of the increased size, but these are the trends, because it is easier to work with a large screen.


We have already talked about the perfect responsiveness of a smartphone from Apple. These guys decided to take care of users by developing simple interface which will be understood by everyone. Therefore, representatives of the older generation, if possible, will prefer the iPhone, because you can figure it out in a few minutes.


Apple's own app store although not everyone is satisfied with the prices, it has a strict moderation: all sorts of dubious and low-quality programs are eliminated. If you buy something in the AppStore, you can be sure that you will get exactly what was said in the description. All games are made with high quality and work stably. In addition, you don’t have to worry that your device won’t pull some cool toy. Although if you are the owner of the first iPhone, then you will not be given guarantees in this regard.


There are a lot of different devices and devices for the iPhone. Are they needed? Yes and no. Apple has this policy: they seem to say that they do not force anyone, but in the end you understand that you have to buy something in addition. And in the end, you will spend like another iPhone. But still, all accessories are distinguished by their reliability and quality.


The proprietary operating system was developed specifically for the iPhone. Full device compatibility eliminates freezes, crashes, errors and application failures. The probability that iOS will crash is 0, unless there is any mechanical damage that will disrupt the system. In addition, unlike the universal Android, the iOS update is installed on all devices, so that further owners of old iPhones can be sure that they are software-provided.


Apple values ​​its users. There was a story some time ago when the American intelligence agencies demanded that they get the data from the iPhone of one alleged terrorist. The case even went to court, because Apple did not make any concessions.

iPhone is not afraid of viruses and hacks. Although it is loudly said about hacks, this smartphone is not for every hacker in the teeth. I remember that Apple paid good money to the first hacker who cracked the new iOS in order to safely cover this loophole.


Buying an iPhone, you can be sure that with it you go through more than one year. It is practically not subject to system failures, and the build quality minimizes the appearance of backlashes, squeaks, and in general, the metal case of the iPhone retains its original appearance for a long time.

A little about the latest model

We will not do a detailed review, because we don’t need it - just go through the main points.

The Brigade in a row group has a song where the following lines are found: “In the toilet, the phone is the 7th iPhone!”. Well, now officially you can drown it not in the toilet, and in the pan, and in other “wet” places. Like hell, YouTube will soon be flooded with videos of the underwater adventures of the waterproof iPhone 7.

The guys from Apple tried to improve the camera, which has always been the weak point of the iPhone. The 7 Plus version has two cameras, which seems to improve the quality of photos and videos. Let's hope it's not just cheap show-offs.

The new iPhone has the coolest Apple A10 Fusion processor. And these are 4 cores and 64 bits. Thanks to this, the operation of the smartphone has become more efficient with less power consumption.

There is also a cool laser sensor that can recognize gestures from a distance. And the kit will include tiny wireless headphones AirPods.

So why still the iPhone?

This is a high-quality not impersonal smartphone. Man has always sought to emphasize his status, and the iPhone today is best suited for this purpose. Show off?! Yes, show-offs, which, coupled with convenience and manufacturability, make the Apple product so popular and in demand. It is not for nothing that many new iPhone chips will soon be adopted by manufacturers of other companies.

The most fashionable Russian with an iPhone

Our site in no way encourages everyone to save up for a brand new iPhone. It's a matter of taste and habit. But the statistics and owner reviews speak for themselves: the iPhone lasts longer than its competitors on the market!

And they have a cool box))


Let's not deny that the iPhone has certain disadvantages, ranging from gently forcing users to buy expensive accessories and ending with a closed file system, which is not always convenient. Nevertheless, the iPhone deserves popularity due to its quality, reliability, high technology and ultimately the prestige that many are willing to pay for, even those who constantly spit in the direction of Apple products. Such is the modern man ...

Let's get it straight, dude: no one can say with certainty that the iPhone is really cooler than Android - and vice versa: no one can convincingly convince you that Android is cool, and the iPhone is a waste of money. When it comes to smartphones, you need to understand that any criteria is a relative thing, it all depends on your needs, expectations and budget. So don't think that me and the dudes are trying to talk you into buying an Android phone. We just decided to focus on the advantages that smartphones with this OS have: who knows, you may change your mind about shelling out for an expensive masterpiece from Apple and decide that Android is a rational alternative.

12. Standard micro-USB cable

We have nothing against Apple. In our editorial office, of course, there are owners of iPhones, iPods and MacBooks - where without them. But these same iPhones have one problem (except for the price, of course) - that they use Apple's cables. Apple refuses to use conventional micro USB connectors and thereby complicates our lives, and in addition to this, they empty our wallet. Imagine: you will have to have a special charger, a cable to connect to a computer and something else - and Apple stuff is expensive. And one more thing: the company pays designers and engineers to develop the whole thing, and the cost of their work is included in the price of your iPhone. Not really, right?

But if you have an Android phone, you can connect it to your computer with one of the 15 micro USB cables that are already lying around your house. And if you suddenly lost the charger or the same cable, there is nothing easier than walking to the nearest store and buying the necessary thing for a maximum of a couple of hundred rubles. And this is a serious advantage, agree?

11. Good old stylus

Apple founder Steve Jobs said, "If you see a stylus, throw it away." And it can be understood: if the engineering team is not able to create an interface that does not require additional tools, this can really be regarded as a failure.

Of course, this can be viewed in another way. Apple's feature is an interface that is understandable on an intuitive level. And what method of entering information is more understandable than handwritten? Until now, the world is full of people who believe that writing something by hand is much faster than typing on the keyboard. Over time, they may change their minds, but right now, why not give these guys what they want?

Smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy Note II come with a stylus, and Android does a good job of supporting this interface. But the iPhone is not.

10. Vibrate when pressed

Do you like it when your phone vibrates to your every touch? Yes, for me. It's not that big of a deal, but for some, this vibration is an important thing - especially for those who have only recently started using a virtual keyboard and want to be sure that they really clicked on something. And if you don't like this feature, turn it off and that's it.

But on the iPhone, you don't have that choice. It doesn't vibrate when you press it.

9. Easy sharing of information

8. Ability to customize the desktop

Have you always wanted to always have some specific widgets at hand? On Android, you can customize everything to your liking. You can arrange the icons however you like, and you won't get anything for it.

iPhone? I'm sorry dude. Only standard icons. What's happened? You don't want them all to be displayed on your desktops? Do you want to arrange them in a different order? Ha ha ha! Well, yes, you can put them in folders, but the folders will remain on the desktop. Get used to it.

7. Ability to choose a keyboard

You may need some time to get used to the virtual keyboard. There is a possibility that the version preinstalled on your phone will not suit you completely. It would be cool if there were other keyboards with a different arrangement of letters, a different smart input method - right?

If you have an Android phone, you can try installing a different keyboard. And if you don't like it, another one. And if it doesn’t work at all, well, you can buy a phone with a regular keyboard.

If you have an iPhone, then you have to get used to what you have. Of course, this is a good keyboard, but if you want to experiment, then this idea will have to be abandoned.

6. You can attach any file to the letter

This iPhone bug is so crazy it could have been number one on our entire list.

And the thing is that the client for Gmail is also full of holes, as far as applications are concerned. So if you have Gmail, I'm sorry man. But if you have an Android machine, then the client for Gmail continues to be bad, but the standard interface can still attach any garbage to the letter. Well, anyway.

5. Near field communication

In the Samsung Galaxy S3 promo video, you must have seen the moment when the dudes bring their phones to each other and exchange files, right? And all because Android supports Near Field Communication technology. Its development is not yet fully completed, so applications have a limited set of functions. So far, you can throw pictures and music to each other - but this is not very interesting. But in the near future, with the help of this system, it will be possible to pay with money from an electronic wallet - isn't it wonderful?

What about the iPhone? And he does not yet support this technology. Perhaps they just decided to wait until it turns into something really worthwhile. But still, in this regard, we risk falling behind progress if we buy an iPhone.

4. Additional memory

Are you missing the 64 GB of storage built into your iPhone? Don't worry. Just insert a USB flash drive into the micro SD slot, and ... Oh, wait, the iPhone does not support additional memory cards. So be content with what you have. But on Android there is no such problem. Hooray!

3. Replaceable battery

Not all Android phones hold a charge well - remember the same Samsung Galaxy S3. But at least they have a replaceable battery, and if it fails completely, it can be replaced with another one. Or you can buy additional batteries, charge them and carry them with you for future use - for example, if you are on the road. But if the battery wears out on the iPhone, nothing can be done about it.

2. Bigger screen...or smaller

Apple tried so hard to make the screen on the iPhone 5 bigger - but it didn't come out so much more, How many longer. Thanks to this, more icons fit on the desktop, but this has almost no effect on viewing media files.

Samsung Galaxy S3? It really does have a big screen. And the same with HTC One, Sony Xperia, Motorola Droid Razr and LG Optimus - they all have larger screens than the iPhone 5.

What if you don't want a giant screen? Well, okay. There are a lot of Android phones with a smaller screen.

1. Simple interface on PC

When you connect your Android smartphone to your computer, you can rummage through its contents like you would a normal folder on your hard drive. If you want to upload or delete music, photos, videos or documents, you just grab the icon, pull - and it's done. And even on iMac, you can do the same if you download the application for Android (as we have in the photo).

What about the iPhone? Well good luck dude. You can add media files (pictures, videos, music) through iTunes - and it seems to be easy. Simple, but not really, because the creators wanted to make iTunes unnecessarily complicated.

What if you want to transfer other files to your iPhone? I'm sorry, buddy. You will have to feel like an idiot: nothing will come of it.

What is better Android or iPhone? We will look for answers to this eternal question in today's article.

When buying the most fashionable gadget, many are guided by their personal motivation - someone chooses by cost, someone by design, functionality, brand. And someone according to all these criteria at the same time. Modern smartphones and tablets have different software (software), the most popular of them are Android, iPhone (iOS platform), Windows OS. The latter is not so popular among our compatriots, most often users prefer Android and iOS.

Visual comparison

For everyone who cares about the design of a smartphone, you can find a lot of developments from manufacturers with the Android system. There is definitely room for the soul to roam here - a variety of display diagonals, the number of speakers, case material, protection against shock and moisture, etc.

Speaking of the iPhone, here the laconic design has not changed dramatically for a very long time. The shape of the case is the same, the back cover up to version 4 was rounded, but then it “leveled out”. The sides of the case with version 4 also became more even. But then there was no significant difference in outward appearance. Only the diagonal of the display increased, the material of the body and the color scheme changed. As before, this smartphone retained a universal design that looks harmonious on both a successful businessman and a glamorous diva.

Photo: Model iPhone 5S
Photo: Android smartphone model

It cannot be said that the iPhone is more beautiful, and other smartphone manufacturers (Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Moto, HTC and others) have not finalized the models. Among the range of smartphone designs, you can find a very decent model. Therefore, in this paragraph, we do not single out a leader.

Assembly and details

Since iPhones have been improving their internal component for a long time, the quality of parts and assembly is at their best. Many manufacturers using the android operating system are more chasing the number and variety of models than build quality. Rarely do models come out that adequately represent the gadgets of their class. But their cost is much higher than other common models (often on a par with iPhones).

Do not even compare, for example, the iPhone 7 and Lenovo K5. Of course, here the "apple" smartphone wins in terms of build quality at times. But the price also differs at times (almost 5 times). But the Samsung S7 could compete with him in terms of the quality of parts and assembly. And the price of Samsung is slightly inferior to the price of iPhone.

According to statistics, iPhones last much longer than Android devices. Selling an iPhone is much easier and more profitable than Android smartphones. This is due not only to the build quality, but also to the software.

And yet, the build quality of the "apple" must be given credit. In this, he succeeds in front of competitors with Android OS. Therefore, when figuring out which is better than an android or an iPhone in terms of build quality, we give preference to the latter.

Software, Applications

Before proceeding to this comparison, it is worth noting that only iPhones use the iOS operating system, but many devices from different companies use Android. Therefore, the comparison will take place precisely these two platforms, rather than specific models of smartphones.

1. Platform protection. iOS is a fairly closed platform that doesn't have any alternatives. iPhones and their software are produced by the same manufacturer, so controlling device compatibility is easier than Android. Android, on the other hand, is open to all sorts of updates that are not suitable for all devices. This can affect system performance and stability.

2. Apple App Store very reverently selects applications that can get on the device. Therefore, they work more stably on iPhones than on the Android system. Only a small percentage of malware and apps can get onto the iPhone. The Android store is more clogged with all this and the chance to “pick up” spam and viruses on it is much higher. iOS does not support the Adobe Flash multimedia platform, which provided viewing of flash video and flash applications online on Internet resources. It is Adobe Flash (according to unconfirmed reports) that can lead to the entry of "harmful" into the system and increased energy consumption. According to rumors, it will soon be abandoned and this will equalize the possibilities of these two platforms.

3. Games have become quite popular on smartphones. There are a large number of games on iPhones with the iOS platform and on gadgets with Android. True, in both cases there is a fragmentation problem (mismatch of application / game extensions with display and performance extensions).

4. Navigation capabilities. In both cases, the device has GPS navigation, which accurately works by connecting the device to the Internet. Here, the Android platform has succeeded over iOS. For iPhones, maps are a fairly new phenomenon. Therefore, they are not as perfect as Google Maps, which are often used by android owners.

5. Convenience of the interface. Android is a little more complex in perception than an iPhone on an iOS system. Much more convenient and easier to understand. But at the same time, “apples” do not have as many functions for changing the theme, wallpaper, widgets as android. Therefore, lovers of adjusting everything to their needs will be delighted with the latter.

In all, we can conclude that iOS for iPhone is more adapted, secure and reliable than Android for smartphones.


The iPhone manufacturer slightly underestimated the power consumption of its smartphone and awarded the 7 Plus version with a 2900 mAh lithium-ion battery. For this type of smartphone with a 5.5 '' display, this is clearly a shortfall. According to the latest reviews about the 7th iPhone, with moderate use, it loses its charge for a little more than a day. And if you use it regularly, then you will have to recharge the device much more often. Service life is measured in battery life. With normal use, it will last up to 3 years.

Android smartphones have a variety of batteries. Here, for example, Lenovo P2 with a 5.5 "display has a battery capacity of 5000 mAh, and Meizu M3 with 6" - 4100 mAh. These are already more real indicators that are necessary for the full maintenance of the OS and display. The service life is no different from the iPhone. But not all smartphone models have such a significant capacity, so it’s impossible to unequivocally say by this parameter that Android or iPhone is better.


If we take into account the number of devices that have Android software, then among them you can find a wide variety in display diagonals, the number of colors, and screen resolution. In iPhones, this range is more scarce. Only the latest versions have increased in size. Before that, there were 3.5 "and 4" formats, at that time smartphones with android were produced 1-1.5 '' more.

Also, the popular brand Samsung has released a smartphone - s7 edge, which for the first time uses the side curves of the display instead of their borders. Among the buyers of this gadget, you can find only positive reviews. Many even say that it is much cooler than the last iPhone.

As for the display, it must be said that you can find much better characteristics in smartphones with android, since the choice of manufacturers and models allows.

Accessories and spare parts

In this matter, without further ado, you can immediately give the palm to iPhones. Due to the relatively small model range, accessories are produced for them in very large volumes. If the headset is lost or damaged, finding a new original one is not a problem. The same applies to the charger. The abundance of covers, pads, bumpers is simply amazing.

This cannot be said about Android smartphones, which, due to the wide range of models, do not have so many accessories. The charging jacks in them have the same format, the headset jack is also standard 3.5 mm. And non-original options are also suitable. But when it comes to a banal bumper or protective film, it is not always possible to find them for the desired model. Manufacturers of such accessories simply do not keep up with the pace of release of new android devices.

Also, if your smartphone breaks down, you can find any detail on an iPhone without any problems. Almost all repairmen and service centers undertake its repair. Android devices do not boast of this. Finding, for example, a display on some Meizu is almost impossible. This makes rare smartphone models almost disposable. Broken - thrown away. Only the popular ones, which were put on sale in a decent amount, have a chance at least for Chinese spare parts.

Connectors and SIM cards

What a shame, having 2 SIM cards in use, to know that when buying an iPhone, you will have to forget about one of them. Or buy another phone. It's completely impractical these days.

Among smartphones on the Android platform, it is rare to find instances that have only 1 slot for a SIM card.

Although not everyone needs the use of several SIM cards, but one is enough. In this case, these devices are on an equal footing and it is impossible to say which is better than an android or an iPhone.

Connectors for the charger in iPhones and smartphones on another platform are radically different. For "apples" there is a unique Lightning connector, and in Android smartphones there is another, very common micro USB. For the headset in both cases, the jack is the same.

Photo: iPhone charging connector
Photo: Android charging connector

It cannot be said that somewhere is better, and somewhere the connector is worse. So here they are on an equal footing.

Camera and speakers

As for the camera in iPhones, here it has amazing characteristics. Especially when it comes to the latest models. Even the iPhone's 12MP camera outperforms many Android options from different manufacturers. Unless only Sony can create healthy competition, and even then not all models of this manufacturer.

iPhone macro photography looks much sharper and with more color reproduction. The same applies to shooting in backlight. Portrait photography also looks very impressive. The noise level when shooting at dawn, sunset, in a dim room is acceptable low. Not all smartphones of well-known manufacturers that use the Android platform can boast of such characteristics.

Photo: iPhone 6s camera
Photo: Camera on android

Therefore, if you choose which is better android or iPhone, then the latter is a big plus.

Photo: iPhone 5 speakers
Photo: Android smartphone speakers

Manufacturer service

Arriving anywhere in the world, you can find a specialized service or store to service your iPhone. They are located in almost all major cities. The service is so good that the owners of this gadget have practically no problems with it - any issues are quickly resolved.

To service your Android smartphone, you need to find a representative office of a specific manufacturer. For example, Samsung can also be found in almost every corner of the world. This also applies to LG customer service centers. Lately, Lenovo has also been trying to improve the service.

Consequently, Apple cares more about customer service than other manufacturers.

Comparison results

When choosing between two smartphone platforms, you need to cast aside all doubts and follow your intuition. The times when you won’t surprise anyone with an iPhone are long gone. And before choosing your smartphone, think about whether you want to surprise others or just use a reliable and functional phone, and for adequate money. Do you want to be the most original? Buy a touch phone! What about as an option...

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

There is a huge experience with alternative smartphones based on Android, including top-end gadgets. I tried to change the platform, but it's not the same. Better iPhone in the end was only the new iPhone.

Aren't you a stoned apple fan, Roma?

A perfectly reasonable statement: that I write huge articles about the experience of using Apple devices and actually use all of its gadgets in my daily life - and work.

What I bought and now use from Apple technology:

  • iPhone 6s Plus 128 GB
  • Apple Watch with sports band
  • iPad Pro 12.9 ″ with Smart Keyboard (this article is currently being created on it)
  • MacBook 12, my main work machine (yes!)
  • iPad Mini second generation, which is used by the wife and children.

Before that, there were all iPhone models, almost all iPad models, and about five different MacBooks. In general, I have been friends with Apple technology since 2007, that is, since the release of the very first iPhone. It was after meeting him that he caught fire to transfer all his work to the Mac, which he did in 2008.

I have always been gadget lover, which, in principle, is interested in all portable consumer equipment, including alternative platforms. There are many different experiences, and I always wanted to try something else.

For example, I started getting intimate with Android back in 2010:

And it was not just an acquaintance, I seriously tried to use Samsung Galaxy S as the main smartphone. Still, a larger display, high resolution, AMOLED.

But I had enough for two weeks, then the device moved into the category of backup smartphones for a second SIM card and web surfing on the road, and then there was an iPhone 4 with a Retina display, eclipsing all the advantages of the Galaxy S. After gathering dust on the shelf for several weeks, the device was sold.

It would seem that happiness has come. Tried technically progressive Galaxy S II with a magnificent AMOLED Plus screen, eventually waited for Galaxy Note I:

The scenario is already familiar - the delight of a chic hardware, a huge display, versatility, and then a return to the iPhone.

When I purchased the following Android gadgets, I deliberately took them as additional devices. Thus, the following models remained in the personal collection for a long time:

The soul was calm, the alternative pleased precisely as an addition to iOS, but until the boom of smart watches began. Emergence among personal gadgets of the best representative of the newborn platform of wearable gadgets Moto 360 pushed me to the biggest transition from iOS to Android for all the time of personal experimentation.

For a month, the iPhone just lay on the shelf, and its place was taken by One Plus One in conjunction with Moto 360:

Three months later I got a smartphone Nexus 6, which still works properly and is actively used. He tried to take the place of the iPhone, but in the end he still returned to supporting roles.

I have been working with Android almost since the formation of the platform. And I don’t just work, but I use its capabilities to the maximum, up to installing alternative firmware and forming an impressive set of software that very successfully replaces analogues on iOS.

However, I always go back to iPhone.

Why is the iPhone

At different times, there were different reasons for trying to leave iOS for alternative platforms and different reasons for returning, although a number of them are still relevant today. Accordingly, it makes sense to consider these points in stages. After all, what can one say, the modern Android platform is indeed a full-fledged alternative to iOS, which in some places surpasses it, in some places it is inferior, but there is no big gap between competitors. Well, let's start with...

... Affairs of bygone days

My first experience with Android was 50% driven by a desire to explore an alternative platform as part of my personal development as a browser. Of course, in those days the site was different and practically did not write about alternatives, but even then they were of interest to readers, and I began to slowly reveal the topic. The remaining 50% interest in the alternative is a more advanced filling than the iPhone, and a larger display.

In the case of the subsequent three gadgets based on Android (Galax S II, Galax Note and Galax Note II), for the most part, it was the devices themselves that pushed me to experiment, not the software. That is, their hardware stuffing. In tablet phones, I also liked the format, when one device replaces both a tablet and a smartphone on the road. Android itself was not very exciting then.

Yes, "Robot" successfully competed with iOS, but there were good reasons to return to the iPhone:

  • >UI lags on Android up to Lollipop were very noticeable and annoying.
  • By itself, the standard Android interface was far inferior in quality and animation to that of iOS until the release of Lollipop.

I tried various “whistles and fakes” in the form of total customization of the interface using alternative launchers, firmware and rooting gadgets with rolling ZIP packages, but none of these experiments allowed me to even come close to the convenience and simplicity of the basic iOS interface.

You return after all these adventures on your iPhone, as if you came home, put on warm slippers, wrapped yourself in a blanket and sat down in an armchair by the fireplace with your favorite book in your hands and a glass of warm mulled wine next to you. It is so cozy and good there, everything is at hand, everything is done quickly, conveniently and predictably.

  • Meager alternatives to used third-party software on iOS

I waited a very long time for a good Twee-client, until Robird appeared, and then Fenix; a worthy Markdown editor for Android was released recently in the form of iA Writer 3; MoneyWiz also appeared far from immediately, and the second version was delayed for six months after the iOS version).

  • Dancing with firmware in an attempt to get the desired interface quality led to unstable smartphone operation.

Could be out of touch at the right time. Even the stability of stock firmware, especially on new gadgets, left much to be desired. Spontaneous reboots, freezes - all this is a normal practice for Android gadgets of past years, and even today, especially if we are not talking about the most branded devices.

You need to urgently call, but the smartphone “hangs” and it infuriates. This has never happened with the iPhone. Even in times of frenzy with jailbreak and installing all sorts of modifications from Cydia.

  • The lack of a normal backup system on Android, which was almost originally in iOS. By the way, the brainchild of Google still does not have such a high-quality system for backing up and restoring personal data.

Please note that I am not talking about the ecosystem yet. At that time, it was not yet so critical for me. And not so actively Apple developed it. Notes, contacts, browser favorites - it's nice to have it all in one place on Mac, iPad and iPhone, but it wasn't difficult to achieve the same on Android. Unless there was a convenient notepad, but not to say that Apple Notes were perfect. The program is easy, working, convenient - yes, but no more. A simple notepad that cannot be compared with the version in iOS 9.

Modern realities

Today the situation is somewhat different. No matter how much I am a fan of iOS, I have to admit that Android has matured a lot by the Marshmallow version, third-party software has pulled itself up, and an extravaganza of devices for every taste, color and budget will impress anyone. Through the efforts of Chinese companies, for $ 200-250 you can buy a very functional and high-quality gadget for all occasions.

Moreover, the coolest Android flagships, like the same Galaxy S7 Edge, even in design often look more interesting than the latest iPhone models. The mentioned device is more compact with a similar diagonal of the display, it has the best screen on the market, it is smart and comparable in terms of autonomy.

Yes, and I myself own a very serious smartphone in the face of the Nexus 6, a big plus of which is the always up-to-date version of Android. However, the main smartphone remains the iPhone. In this case, it's Phone 6s Plus and here's why:

Instant reaction of the iOS interface, though adjusted for the use of a flagship smartphone. It is possible to prove with foam at the mouth that Android no longer slows down, and when compared with 4.x, then indeed the lags are almost imperceptible. But I'm the only one who uses both the Nexus 6 and the iPhone 6s Plus on a daily basis. The first has lags, the second does not. A simple example is following a link to Facebook from a Twitter client.

On the iPhone, this happens instantly, on Android - a second pause, which can stretch for two or three. There are no twitches of the system interface, but such strange lags are found here and there. I also heard about lags from the owners of the Galaxy S7, however, they say this was corrected in the latest firmware.

Safari and even Chrome on iOS perform much better than Chrome on Android. Open a "heavy" page (for example, The Verge, Russian LifeHacker) and compare the performance of browsers on two top smartphones. In the first case, everything flies, in the second - it seems to fly, and then bam, you crawl your finger across the screen, and the scrolling starts with a noticeable delay.

I noticed such a joke not only on the venerable, albeit powerful Nexus 6, but also on the vaunted Galaxy S7 Edge too. I specifically checked this moment when the tube fell into my hands.

Widespread use of Touch ID in the iPhone. Not only is the fingerprint sensor in the iPhone 6s Plus the best on the market, but almost any third-party software supports it: 1Password, MoneyWiz 2, Privat24 (in the Internet bank, even payment transactions are confirmed by a fingerprint), WebMoney, Evernote, etc. Yes, Android has support for a fingerprint sensor, but third-party developers are in no hurry to implement it in their software.

3D Touch not everyone understands and uses it, but for me this is a huge plus for iOS and the company's latest smartphones. I constantly use this feature to quickly switch between applications, while typing and when calling my favorite contacts. Sometimes - for previews of photos, letters or web pages.

What's more, 3D Touch is already used in most of the popular third-party apps I use every day, including Tweetbot 4 and Spark.

The iOS on-screen keyboard is still the best. Yes, Google's proprietary keyboard has gotten prettier in, but it is still inferior in terms of convenience and quality of work to that in iOS.

At a minimum, in landscape orientation, I can comfortably type large texts on the iPhone 6s Plus keyboard - entire articles, plus there is undo / redo typing and hot keys for copy / paste.

In the Google keyboard, as a big plus, I can only write down support for continuous input of the SWYPE type. The touch pad for cursor control built into the space bar is also good, but it didn’t lie next to 3D Touch.

Text selection on iOS is more intuitive and convenient. On iOS, double-tap on a word and you highlight it, like in OS X or Windows. In Android, you need to tap on a word and hold your finger. In Android 6, the copy/paste dialog appears side by side like in iOS, but it's slow.

Yes, yes, the interface of this dialog box slows down. It does not appear immediately, it does not react quickly. In previous versions of Android, it generally appeared at the top of the screen, which is completely unintuitive, although it is more convenient for someone.

Notification badges on badges(red circles with numbers). Yes, I really miss them on Android, although the notification system in Marshmallow is already done perfectly and it is almost impossible to miss an important event.

Phone and Messages apps". They were as sad on Android as they were. Well, I can not understand the logic of the interface of these programs and they look scary. Again, it's a matter of taste and I know people who are sick of the iOS phone interface, but for me personally, it's native, tube, the best.

The interface of applications for iOS in the majority is better than analogs on Android. And the interface of the operating system itself still works more pleasantly - the same inertial scrolling, which is absent in Android (instead of it, some shadows pop up, but the effect is not the same).

As for apps, take Instagram, MyFitnessPal, Evernote, Cupybaton, iA Writer - there are many examples. It happens that interfaces are similar, but the quality of work is not the same. It happens that they differ in the case of Android - for the worse.

Ecosystem. Yes, without this reason, in any way. Still, when using iPhone, Mac and iPad, it is very convenient when all the main data is always synchronized with each other, whether it be contacts, notes, bookmarks in the browser.

The ability to open a tab or several tabs on one device, see them all and, if necessary, close them on another device, helps me tremendously in my work. Chrome has similar features, but excluding remote tab management. Updated "Notes" with support for text styles, lists, pictures, folders are replacing Evernote for me more and more and they just work - smartly, efficiently, instantly launched, instantly synchronized.

Answering a call from an iPad remotely is no problem. In the case of Android, you will have to run after the phone.

Messages, including regular SMS - similarly - it's convenient that they are available on all gadgets at once. There are also difficulties - AirDrop is buggy and does not see other devices, sometimes "Reminders" are not instantly synchronized, but the problems are solvable.

To reiterate, in everyday use in my use case, the Apple ecosystem helps a lot in life and work. She literally holds in her tenacious paws. I also got hooked on Apple Music.

Apple Watch- this is the best smart watch in terms of design and functionality, IMHO. I used Pebble, Android Wear devices, but Apple's product is more convenient on all fronts, from the interface to the banal feature to answer a call from the watch.

Not everything is perfect, there are also interface brakes, third-party applications leave much to be desired, but in simple everyday use, the Apple Watch is much more convenient for me than any alternatives. Including activity trackers.

In principle, there are enough Apple branded applications in smart watches and they all work perfectly. Timer, alarm clock, "Workout", "Weather", plus functional dials, no complaints about the notification system, an excellent voice recognition system if you need to answer an SMS or in another messenger.

Games. Now I don’t play very often, but even the vaunted Galaxy S7 lags behind the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus in GPU terms - this is when comparing hardware. At the software level, iOS also provides more advantages, starting with Metal and ending with the fact that this platform simply brings more money to developers. Therefore, games are primarily sharpened for it. Yes, and it's easier, there are fewer devices.

From the latest examples of cool games I can cite (with 3D Touch it is much more fun to play, the graphics are fire), Bejeweled Stars (not on Android yet). Of course, in terms of assortment, the platforms are close, but in terms of hardware and the priority of the release of iOS games, they are ahead. This is when it comes to smartphones.

In terms of tablets, Apple is tearing its competitor to shreds, and there are basically no gaming alternatives to the iPad. Until now, the old iPad mini pleases children and wife, pulling out the latest toys without any problems, including Defenders 2, for example.

Yes, any long-time user of Android devices will give me 100,500 counterarguments and that's fine. After all, everyone has their own requirements for a smartphone, their own operating schemes, their own preferences. Here it is more interesting to hear the opinion of those who simultaneously use both platforms.

I’m sure the reaction will no longer be so unambiguous like: “ Yablofan author, go kill yourself against the wall!". And Android has enough of its pluses too. They are definitely worth mentioning.

For "Robot" I will put in a word

Open file system nevertheless convenient. Save a torrent, download an MP3 track, transfer a file via Bluetooth, connect an external drive via USB and drive files back and forth - all this is easy and available only on Android smartphones, and in some situations it is necessary and important.

Although this is not my case and this has rarely been required over the years, but I can understand those people who praise the platform for precisely these features.

The second important point is Google Now, as well as advanced features like Now on Tap, when you can scan the screen and get thematic hints. Yes, I'm not a particularly active user of these things, but they are really cool and are currently tearing Siri with her attempts in the field of artificial intelligence to tatters.

Many acquaintances use them on an ongoing basis and cannot imagine life without these services. I understand them very well too.

Normally working DropBox, which is a continuation of the story with the open file system. I can safely save 25 screenshots in the folder I need in DropBox using my Nexus, but on the iPhone, if AirDrop suddenly crashes (usually solved by turning off / on Wi-Fi on a laptop), I can only save screenshots one at a time in the DropBox root folder , or you will have to send them to yourself by mail, or connect a cord if there are 50 or more such screenshots.

Live wallpaper. What is in iOS is a surrogate. On Android, live wallpapers are really LIVE. There are just brilliant examples, like Minima Pro, « floating islands», Dream Night Pro, Galaxy Pack and others.

Alarm Clock. The best alarm clock among all the platforms that I have met. Very beautiful, contains wonderful melodies, works great. I still haven't found an analogue on iOS. So I sleep with Nexus 6.

As you can see, not everything is so bad. And for me there are pluses in an alternative platform, and the further, the closer iOS and Android become, adopting the best chips from each other.

P.S.: could I still give up my iPhone in the future?

Even today there are crazy thoughts. At the time of release, the Galaxy S7 Edge was very attractive, but now the Galaxy Note 6 looming on the horizon excites thoughts. Yes, they attract me more with their hardware than with the platform, especially the AMOLED display. I hope that this will appear in the iPhone soon.

10 most powerful smartphones according to AnTuTu benchmark

Top-end iPhones outperform Android flagships both in performance of complex tasks and in synthetic benchmarks. For example, with the latest A11 chip, Bionic transcodes a 2-minute 4K video to Adobe Clips in 42 seconds, Google takes almost 3 minutes, and Samsung Galaxy S8 takes over 4 minutes. In the most popular benchmarking apps Geekbench and AnTuTu, the new iPhones also top the list by a wide margin.

2. iPhones have better cameras

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and Google Pixel 2/2 XL have some of the best cameras among Android smartphones. The first one does an excellent job with subject shooting, while the other two are able to surprise with night shots and photos in HDR mode. However, in a test that also includes simple natural light scenes and portrait mode, the iPhone 8 Plus still wins. In most cases, it will allow you to get much better and more pleasing to the eye pictures.

3. Better software and hardware integration

Every technical innovation in the iPhone integrates with a host of iOS software features. This provides additional options and simply provides a new experience from using the device.

An example is the technology, with which a stronger press on the icon allows you to open a small menu and immediately jump to certain functions of the application. Another example is the unique studio light portrait mode on the iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. It is provided by an additional camera and proprietary photo processing software algorithms.

Also, it is impossible not to note the technology of user recognition by face. It works through a set of TrueDepth sensors and artificial intelligence. It is the latter that allows you to recognize the owner even in a headdress or with a beard. All these features are laid at the level of the system itself, while Android device manufacturers are limited to their own shell. For such features to be available to everyone, Google itself must take care of them.

4. iPhone remains the easiest smartphone to use

Despite all the promises made by Android smartphone manufacturers to optimize theirs and make them lighter, iOS on the iPhone remains the simplest and most intuitive system. You can blame her for the lack of external changes, but for many, the preservation of the design, on the contrary, is a plus. Apple has been improving iOS year after year while maintaining its simplicity and recognizable appearance. By changing your iPhone 6 to iPhone 8, you don't have to re-learn the interface and look for familiar features. In addition, there is a convenient function for transferring all the necessary data.

5. Rapid and massive iPhone updates

The distribution schedule of fresh iOS 11, according to Mixpanel

The indisputable advantage of the iPhone is system updates that arrive almost on the same day for all compatible models. For example, according to the analytical company Mixpanel, iOS 11 is already installed on more than 70% of all iPhones. The latest statistics on the distribution of Android versions are no comparison. Fresh Oreo is currently installed on only 0.5% of devices, and last year's Android 7 Nougat has not even crossed the 25% mark yet.

6. The best apps come to iOS first

Many games and applications are still initially released on iOS, and after some time they appear on Google Play. An example is both, and, and Snapchat. Even Instagram on Android only became available two years after it debuted on the App Store. It is much more profitable for developers to create applications for iOS, since, according to statistics, in the US alone, the average user spends $47 on apps in the App Store per year. For Android and Google Play, this figure is $30.

7. Lack of pre-installed "garbage"

With full control over the iPhone software, Apple completely eliminates the possibility of pre-installed applications from third-party developers. This applies to both operator services and partner software, which can be found on many Android smartphones. These can be translators, additional browsers, unknown file managers, office utilities or games. Often, unnecessary applications cannot even be deleted from memory.

8. More options when working with Mac

With the new Continuity feature, call and message notifications on iPhone can be received right through your MacBook. You can also start writing an email or editing a document on your iPhone and continue on your Mac. Even universal is available, which allows you to copy text on your smartphone and paste it already into a document on a macOS device.

9. Best service and support

When there are some problems with an Android smartphone, you can try to find a solution on numerous online forums or go to the store where the smartphone was purchased. The seller, depending on the problem, can send to the service center. There, the apparatus is usually delayed for more than one week, until the turn comes to it.

In the case of the iPhone, you have an extensive database of helpful help articles on the Apple website, as well as the ability to get direct chat advice from a service representative. If the problem cannot be solved remotely, it will be possible to go to an authorized service center.

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