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By what parameters to choose a car navigator. Smart TV or regular

Before buying something, you need to clearly answer the question: "How much money can I spend on this?"

TVs belong to the category of equipment, where the price is practically unlimited from above. There are more than worthy models for 20 thousand rubles, and there are also for six and a half million.

How do you like a TV that costs more than the new 420-horsepower Porsche Cayenne S? The best thing about these models is the comments and feedback from the "buyers".

Sold an apartment in Moscow, bought a TV! I live in a box from under it, I enjoy 4K format! Everything is super, I advise!

Bought four TVs per room instead of wallpaper. Everything is beautiful, you can choose the location. The only drawback is that it is impossible to leave the room, since there are no doors on the TV. Help leave the room.

It is a pity that the set does not include a person who will praise your choice during the warranty period.

But seriously, the combination of the uncertainty of acceptable spending, lack of knowledge on the topic and some of the seller's techniques that provoke a person to buy and dull his sanity is a very real risk of losing a large amount or getting a loan.

Determine the dimensions

“Now I’ll buy it, and I’ll think of something with placement” is a very bad way to think before purchasing any large product.

You will most likely want to position your newly purchased TV in an existing environment. This can be a separate bedside table, headset or wall mount.

  1. If the TV turns out to be noticeably narrower or wider than the bedside table, then such a design will look very poor.
  2. An oversized TV will simply not fit into a wall-mounted headset, and this will become a big problem.

Mounting on a wall gives you more freedom, but there are also limitations.

There is such a thing as the optimal viewing distance. It is generally accepted that these are 3-4 diagonals of the TV.

Let's say the diagonal is 40 inches. An inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. 40 inches is 106.2 centimeters, that is, it is supposed to watch TV from at least three meters. Will it be possible to apply this rule in your house or apartment? Not? It's okay, because the optimal distance is a rather arbitrary parameter.

It is much better to pre-measure the distance from which you will watch your future TV and evaluate candidates for a purchase at this very distance. You yourself will understand which screen diagonal will be optimal for you.

Too large a screen will not allow you to cover the whole picture, your eyes will start running around the image, trying to see details on the periphery, and quickly get tired.

A screen that is too small will not work either. You realize that you do not see small details, and in general there will be no theatrical effect of presence that a person expects to receive from a modern widescreen TV.

It's okay to come to the TV with a tape measure.

Optimal resolution

Resolution is the number of pixels that make up the screen.

Now the industry standard is de facto Full HD displays, in which the image consists of 1,920 pixels horizontally and 1,080 pixels vertically, but advertising is actively promoting 4K TVs, beautifully telling about the charms and advantages of this technology over the "outdated" Full HD.

A 4K screen typically consists of 3,840 horizontal pixels and 2,160 vertical pixels.

It turns out that such a display has four times as many pixels.

The more pixels, the clearer the image the screen can give. Is it logical? It is logical.

This means that 4K TVs provide four times sharper images. Is it logical? No.

Marketing uncles are silent about two very important things:

  1. A 4K TV needs 4K content.
  2. The human eye is quite limited in its perception of sharpness at a distance.

The first feature is easy to demonstrate using any picture.

Here is the Lifehacker logo in a resolution of 150 x 150 pixels. Let's assume this icon is made for Full HD viewing.

And here is Lifehacker's logo in a resolution of 300 x 300 pixels. Let's say it's made for 4K viewing.

The difference in detail is palpable, isn't it?

Question: what happens if you do not have an icon in 4K resolution, but only for Full HD? That's right, the TV will try to stretch the image to fill the screen. Take a close look at what a 150 by 150 px icon looks like when stretched to 300 by 300 px.

See? The image is clearly worse.

For comparison, look at a normal 300 x 300 px logo, to the right of which is the original 150 x 150 logo, stretched to 300 x 300 px.

The difference in quality is obvious.

Much the same thing happens on a 4K TV when you play Full HD and even lower quality content on it.

In a real situation, the difference will be less noticeable due to the so-called upscaling - image stretching, in which special algorithms try to neutralize accompanying defects. It turns out better, but it still can't match the quality of real 4K content.

Even in 2017, there is very little 4K content. The vast majority of films and programs are provided in Full HD or HD format.

The second factor, due to the limitations of the human eye, is even easier to demonstrate.

Take another look at the normal and stretched logos.

Now slowly move away from the monitor.

When Steve Jobs showed the world the iPhone 4, the world's first smartphone with a Retina screen, he meant that the pixels on the device's display are so small that the eye cannot see them from a typical distance from a mobile phone.

Human vision is actually not that sharp. For each screen, there is a distance from which the pixels of which it is composed are no longer distinguishable. The larger the pixel, the greater the distance.

You can use the Lifehacker's Retina calculator to independently calculate the pixel indistinguishability distance for any of your gadgets.

The paradox is that on a Full-HD TV with a diagonal of 40 inches (106 centimeters), the pixels are no longer visible from a distance of 160 centimeters, and the recommended minimum distance for comfortable viewing is 300 centimeters. The advantage of 4K will appear only when you sit down in front of the same screen at 80–150 centimeters, but who will do this and why?

Full HD is already overdriven.

Why, then, are 4K advertisements so actively promoted? In fact, this technology is needed, but only for designers and other professionals who need to correctly see the smallest details at close range on the monitor, but everything else is a marketing necessity that exists and works solely due to the ignorance of consumers.

Think for yourself, what else can a TV manufacturer do when there are dozens of the same companies with the same products? Of course, to invent something new, something that will set him apart from the swamp of carbon-copy telescopes. This innovation does not have to be beneficial to the user. The main thing is the very fact of having something special, and the PR people will come up with everything right.

Competitors, in order to keep up with consumers, have to repeat such essentially useless innovations, but as a bonus, manufacturers get the opportunity to significantly raise prices. New technologies are the same!


Frequency is the number of times the picture on the screen is refreshed in one second, measured in hertz. 60Hz means the image can be refreshed 60 times in one second.

It is believed that image refresh rates above 60 Hz are not picked up by humans. But to view 3D content at 60 fps, when you need to alternately show frames for the left and right eyes, you need a 120 Hz TV.

Higher frequencies, be they 240 Hz or 100,500 Hz, are just another marketing noodle.

Matrix type

In fact, the matrix market is now dominated by a single technology called LED, on the basis of which the vast majority of displays are created. That is, the screens of all TVs are approximately the same.

Only the type of matrix is ​​important, and it will be either LED or AMOLED, which is actively promoted now.

AMOLED is otherwise called organic matrices. Distinguishing an LED TV from an AMOLED TV is very easy for the price. The second one with the same diagonal and other parameters will cost much more.

At the level of perception, the AMOLED screen beats LED in only one, but very important property: it is able to show you the true black color.

The main problem with LEDs is the reliability of black display. The entire area of ​​the screen is illuminated regardless of the color of individual pixels, and black, as we know from an elementary physics course, is not light, but the absence of light. As a result, black turns into some kind of gray, which is especially annoying in dark films and scenes.

AMOLED works differently. In an organic matrix, each pixel glows independently, and when it is necessary to show black, the diode simply turns off, becoming truly black.

Left - LED, right - AMOLED

AMOLED displays are also credited with high "juiciness", but often it gives the opposite effect. The colors seem unnatural, acidic. Not everyone likes to look at such a picture. But when sunlight enters the room, the contents of the organic screen are almost invisible.

The unjustifiably high price of AMOLED does not allow us to call this technology competitive. Buy a regular LED TV and you won't go wrong.

Color gamut

As mentioned above, screens are now made using the same technology. And this technology is fine-tuned enough to show a picture of acceptable quality, covering the entire color range. For aesthetes, there is a fine manual color adjustment, while everyone else has enough preset modes.

All sorts of powerful phrases like Super True Absolute Elite Pro Vision are marketing again, dust in the eye, just additional pre-configured modes. No more.

Color gamut is a parameter that you don't need to pay attention to at all.

Flat screen or curved

The curved screen is another example of a forced race for manufacturers, one of the most pointless innovations, and one that is more inconvenient than beneficial.

A curved TV must be viewed from a strictly defined position, when the distance from any point on the screen to the eyes will be the same, otherwise the picture will be distorted. Try to look at the screen a little from the side, and you will understand everything.

Accordingly, it will be extremely inconvenient to watch such TV with the whole family or with friends. The curved screen significantly reduces comfortable viewing angles.

Simply put, curved TVs are crazy marketing and down the drain.

Smart TV or regular

In fact, Smart TV is a set of applications built into the TV's software shell for broadcasting various content from the Internet. Recently, manufacturers have offered full-fledged Android as a platform with Google Play and their own sets of applications.

The weak point of such decisions is management. Entering queries and moving the cursor using the remote control is long and inconvenient. The solution may be to use a smartphone or tablet as a control. Check the availability of such a possibility when choosing a model.

However, if you buy a TV without a Smart TV and no internet connection, you can make it smart later with an external set-top box from Apple or Android. Or, you can use an intermediary like Google Chromecast to stream content from your smartphone or computer.

Which is the best option? Choose by preference and price. It is quite possible that a separate set-top box will cost significantly less than the built-in Smart TV in the TV.

The disadvantage of an external set-top box is that it will take up one HDMI port, which could be adapted for something else.

The advantage of external attachments is that they can be changed based on needs. You can also install third-party firmware on them. The speed and frequency of software updates may vary depending on the specific STB model.

The choice of external set-top box is also determined by your budget. The price of a device, as a rule, directly depends on its capabilities and set of functions.

The only critically important criterion is your TV's resolution support. Very cheap set-top boxes may not perform well or will not support Full HD resolution at all. Pay attention to this.

If you know little about Smart TV and are not sure whether you will use it, then buy a TV without this function. If necessary, you can always buy a separate set-top box for viewing content from the Internet.

HDMI ports quantity

In many families, the TV becomes a multifunctional media center, that is, a lot of different devices are connected to it.

If you plan to use a lot of peripherals, consider the number of HDMI connectors per port per device.

For instance:

  • Set-top box as a substitute for Smart TV - 1 port.
  • Game console like PlayStation 4 or Xbox One - 1 port.
  • Media player - 1 port.

As you can see, even a minimal set of equipment requires three HDMI ports. Calculate the number of connectors you need in advance.


A good speaker system is by definition bulky, but modern TVs, on the contrary, try to make them as thin and light as possible. There is simply nowhere to place a sound system.

Connoisseurs, if they have money, can choose among the top TV models that have really cool sound. Such devices are huge, cost as much as a car and weigh several tens of kilograms.

If you want it to rumble and bomb, buy the sound separately, multichannel, with a subwoofer and a good amplifier.

No “ordinary” TV will give you juicy bass, balanced mid and crystal highs, and therefore you don't need to pay attention to acoustics at all.

Action plan

So you've read everything and are ready to buy your new TV? Fine. Well, in order not to forget anything, we offer you everything described above in the form of a short list.

  1. Decide on the maximum amount you can spend on a TV.
  2. Decide on the acceptable dimensions of the future TV.
  3. Measure the distance from which you will be watching TV. When choosing, evaluate candidates for a purchase from the same distance.
  4. Decide on a resolution. Consider whether you need 4K anytime soon, or Full HD is enough.
  5. Decide on the frequency. Consider if you need a TV over 120Hz.
  6. Decide on the type of matrix. Visit the store in advance and personally compare the picture and cost of conventional and AMOLED TVs.
  7. Decide on the shape of the screen. Visit the store in advance and personally compare the picture and cost of conventional and curved TVs.

DVRs are very popular among car owners. In addition to their main purpose (assistance in the recovery of events in the event of an accident), they also have a number of additional functions that make driving even more convenient and comfortable.

This demand prompts manufacturers to produce a wide variety of recorder models, equipped with different functions and significantly differing in cost. How to choose a video recorder for a car without getting confused in the offered assortment?

Of course, you can contact a specialized store with a request “help me choose a video recorder” and hope for the good faith of the sellers, but it is much better to try to figure out the issue yourself. How Do I Pick a Good DVR?

There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, you can easily find an informational article or just watch a review. The DVR in the car is selected based on its functions, price-quality ratio, available budget.

Car DVRs are small devices, often equipped with a display. Their main function is to record in real time while the vehicle is in motion. In the minimum configuration, the car DVR has:

Additional functions of the registrar may or may not be present, including from this, as well as from the manufacturer, the price of the device depends.

How to choose the right DVR for your car? There is no definite answer to this question, since the purposes for which the device is purchased may differ. It is not at all necessary to buy the best recorder if its main purpose is ordinary video recording.

An inexpensive DVR will do a good job with this task.

It will be correct to choose the DVR according to the parameters. It is based on them that you can decide which DVR is better to choose.

What criteria should be used to make a choice?

First of all, it is worth remembering that this device is necessary for video surveillance. Therefore, the main quality by which you can choose a car DVR should be the ability to record video in proper quality.

It, in turn, depends both on the software capabilities of the device (video in HD or Full HD format), and on the specific optics installed in this model.

Full HD image is the most preferred, but the price for recorders that can record video in this format is higher.

The most modern models write images in Super HD format, it is quite possible that in 2017 they will completely replace matrices that write Full HD, besides, with a higher video quality, you can always switch to a lower one in the settings.

The easiest way to evaluate the optical properties of a recorder is to watch a video on the Internet.

In this case, you should definitely look for records made on a specific recorder at different times of the day and in different weather conditions in order to evaluate how the mechanism adjusts the brightness of the image.

Glass lenses have better performance, while plastic lenses become cloudy and lose their properties over time.

Viewing angle

Another characteristic of video recording is the angle of view covered by the recorder. The optimal value in this case will be 130-140 degrees.

A larger angle is simply not necessary: ​​it will give slightly more information, but the video quality will deteriorate significantly.

On the other hand, it is also undesirable to choose a smaller angle: in this case, the surroundings with a high probability will not get into the recording and important information may be missed. For example, a DVR with a low viewing angle may miss the "main road" sign installed on the side of the road, and in the event of an accident, it will be more difficult to prove your case.


Obviously, the video filmed by the recorder must be recorded somewhere. The vast majority of car DVR models use a micro SD memory card. In rare cases, you can find models that write an image to an SD card or hard drive for a DVR.

The standard memory for the DVR is 16 gigabytes, but almost all varieties are capable of supporting larger cards. Also, some types of recorders are equipped with built-in memory, but its volume is extremely small and it is not recommended to use it.

To increase the amount of information recorded on the card, you can change the video settings to choose the most convenient and appropriate video format, frame rate and the type of encoding and compression used.

Obviously, HD video will take up less space than Super HD, for example, and 60fps video will take up more than 30fps.

Unfortunately, the capacity of even the largest memory card is limited and sooner or later runs out. Since the registrar should not stop recording for a minute, the manufacturers have chosen the following solution: after the space on the card expires, overwriting of the oldest files begins. The stream itself is divided into parts, the duration of which is customizable in most cases. The length of one fragment ranges from 1 minute to 15 minutes.

A five-minute rewriting cycle is considered optimal for city traffic. If you get into an accident, it will be much easier to navigate in five-minute fragments than in many short one-minute fragments, moreover, it is highly likely that this segment will include the entire accident. On the other hand, when traveling on excursions or talking with a traffic police inspector, it is more profitable to set a rewriting cycle of 15 minutes so that the information is recorded in a continuous stream.

The selected video recorder for the car must be securely attached to the windshield of the car, otherwise it loses its meaning: with shaking and vibration, the video quality deteriorates noticeably, and it becomes impossible to make out specific details of what happened on it.

The vast majority of models are now equipped with a suction mount. The advantages of this method are obvious: if necessary, the registrar can be easily transferred to another car, as well as removed overnight for greater safety (unfortunately, this technique attracts increased attention of criminals).

The disadvantage of this method is that in the cold season, fixing the device can be very difficult.

When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the bracket: on the one hand, the fewer parts in it, the less the device will be subject to shaking, but on the other hand, it is recommended to choose a bracket with a rotation of 360 degrees. Such a structure will allow, if necessary, to film what is happening in the cabin or on the side of the car (for example, a traffic police inspector).

Another disadvantage of the suction cup can be its massiveness. In combination with a large recorder, the system can cover a sufficiently large area of ​​the windshield, thereby impairing the driver's view while driving.

The second common option is double-sided tape. Recorders equipped with it are usually small in size, often even without a screen. In this case, it is not assumed that the device will be removed and carried. They do not attract much attention, but they can still be the object of theft, and moreover, they cannot be rotated to change the view.

More recently, car recorders have appeared that are attached directly to the mirror. They are almost invisible, and besides, they do not obstruct the driver's view.

Gps sensor

This feature is optional, but it can make life much easier for the driver. With the help of software settings, the video recorder will be able to warn about approaching cameras and radars, show the trajectory of movement.

The main function of this sensor is to show the speed in real time and on the record. On the one hand, this is an undoubted advantage: such an argument can easily defeat most accusations and prove the driver's innocence in a given situation.

This function is quite convenient if the screen constantly displays the maximum permissible speed for a given section of the road. But, on the other hand, if the speed limit is violated, such a record can testify against the driver.

The best solution in this case are models for which you can turn off the speed recording on the video when you exceed a certain mark or at your own will.


This function is also present in the vast majority of models. It is also called "shock sensor". Its essence lies in the fact that upon impact (the force of which must be calibrated in advance), the record of a given time segment cannot be deleted from the memory card by anything other than formatting. This protects the driver from accidental destruction of important information that can help restore the picture of an accident.

This function can also work autonomously in some models, which is very useful if the car is hooked in the parking lot and fled from the scene.


Strictly speaking, there is no need for a screen for video recording, but its presence seriously makes life easier for the driver.

First, if you have a screen, you can install the camera in the best way, adjust its viewing angle. Secondly, the screen can be indispensable in a dispute with a traffic police inspector (for example, in a situation where he unfairly accuses the driver of a violation).

In this case, it will be possible to immediately view the recording of what happened, after which the questions, as a rule, are removed. But the screen size is not important: in case of a conflict, a small screen will be enough to establish a chain of events, and it is much more convenient to view the full-fledged recordings on a computer. There is no need for a large screen.

Length of cable

In most cases, the recorder is powered from the cigarette lighter. Therefore, when choosing, it is imperative to pay attention to the length of the standard cable: too short a size will limit the positioning of the device, and too long will interfere under the right hand. The optimum cable length is one meter.

Other functions

Recorders for a car can be equipped with other functions: an additional slot into which a second memory card is inserted, LED lighting, photography, HDMI-connector, interior recording and many others. However, these opportunities are often nothing more than marketing ploys, not bringing any real benefit, but at the same time significantly increasing the price of a car video recorder. It is better to avoid such functions when buying.


Which is the best dash cam manufacturer? Now the highest quality is demonstrated by Korean companies. The DVR from China and Taiwan has about the same reliability, but the latter look more attractive due to the higher quality case materials. Which company to take the device depends only on personal preference.

It is not necessary to purchase products from a well-known brand if there is no need for a truly functional and durable device. In ordinary everyday situations, inexpensive Chinese recorders will do their job well, although their quality will be slightly lower. Depending on the needs, the answer to the question of which DVR to choose will differ.

The TV manufacturing industry is one of the fastest growing. It has always been this way: once the world imperceptibly moved from black-and-white screens to color ones.

Then - from huge CRT screens to miniature "flat" ones.

What are the main trends of today? How to choose a TV that will not become obsolete morally and technically within a reasonable timeframe? There are, of course, exclusively subjective criteria. Well, for example. Which diagonal TV should I choose? It all depends on the preferences of the buyer.

Where to place the device, how to choose a TV bracket, or what is the most convenient position for the TV on a stand? All these questions, of course, are relevant, but each owner will have to solve them individually. Because the taste and color of a friend, as you know, is not. We will try to consider the technological aspect of the purchase of equipment.

TV: Plasma, LCD or LED?

The most modern display technologies used by the electronics industry in the TV segment are LCD (their principle of operation is based on the physics of liquid crystals), LED (they also use special LEDs in addition to liquid crystals) and plasma (work using gas-discharge elements ). Displays based on these three technologies are gradually replacing traditional CRTs (cathode ray tubes). How to choose a TV based on the pros and cons of each?

LCD and LED displays are primarily united by compactness ("flat screen"). Also, these technologies are characterized by lower power consumption in comparison with CRT monitors. There are discussions about the quality of the image in the expert environment. Some experts emphasize that LCD TVs are characterized by a fairly low level of contrast, there is a distortion effect when viewing the screen from different angles. Most LED devices do not have such disadvantages.

LED TVs are divided into two sub-segments, depending on the type of backlighting. The most common ones today are Direct and Edge. The first type of backlight is characterized by the arrangement of diodes directly under the monitor matrix. The picture, thanks to this solution, turns out to be clear, bright and saturated. But such devices are also much more expensive than analogs that use Edge technology, in which the LEDs are located not under the matrix, but along its perimeter. In addition to its low cost, this technique has another advantage - a small thickness (no more than three centimeters).

Among the disadvantages of LCD TVs (especially for older models) is the presence of a "pause" between the signal to the screen and the actual projection of the image. This interval is called the "matrix response". Keep this in mind when considering how to choose an LCD TV. The technology used in the screens of LCD devices assumes the following feature: when current is applied to the matrix, the pixels begin to glow (produce a programmed color shade) not immediately, but after a certain period of time. The smaller it is, the higher the image quality, especially in dynamics (when there is an intense video sequence movement).

Plasma TVs are devices that use gas bulbs instead of liquid crystals and LEDs. Such devices are characterized by very high brightness and contrast. In terms of image quality, "plasma", as many experts believe, is significantly superior to LED and LCD TVs. However, it has a number of significant disadvantages. First of all, it is high energy consumption. In addition, the features of the technology are such that the screen “pixels” fade over time. In addition, the price of such devices, as a rule, is higher than that of LED and LCD counterparts with similar functions.

"Which TV should you choose?" - the reader may ask. There is no definite answer. The buyer has to decide what is more important: the picture quality, power consumption or the shelf life of the device.

Projection TV: Mini cinema in the room

Among the innovative types of TVs are projection TVs. They are arranged like a cinema, when a color image is projected on a white canvas. Their main advantage is their low price. Experts point out, however, that such devices have the problem mentioned just above, related to pixel burnout. In addition, the image to many users does not seem bright enough and inconsistent when viewed from different angles.

Laser TV: ideal for an immodest price

Another innovative type of TV is laser. Many experts consider them ideal in terms of picture quality and lifespan. There are no problems with pixel burnout, their power consumption is low. However, the price is much higher than for LCD, LED, plasma and projection TVs.

Does the brand matter?

Having decided on the criteria for choosing a modern TV in terms of display manufacturing technologies, the buyer will certainly pay attention to who produced the TV. There is a version that almost all household appliances are assembled according to the same principles, similar or exactly the same technologies. Sometimes devices differ only in one brand logo on the panel. There are also opponents of this thesis, who believe that the quality of technology still strongly depends on the manufacturer. In support of this, they cite sales figures, which clearly show that there are leaders and outsiders on the market. This allows us to assume that the quality of the equipment produced by both is different.

Which TV to choose - Japanese, Korean, European or Russian? This question is answered, of course, by the buyer himself. But it is certainly worth considering the peculiarities of the market positioning of leading brands. This will help form an idea of ​​the consistency, competitiveness of the manufacturer and will give some hint as to which brand of TV to choose.

Matching on SAMSUNG

In recent years, the Korean brand has been the leader in the Russian market in terms of TV sales (it accounts for about 30% of the segment's revenue).

The specificity of Samsung is that a significant part of the products are manufactured here, in Russia, at an electrical plant in the Kaluga region. It is possible that some TV buyers, when thinking about how to choose a TV for their home, first of all pay attention to the country of origin of the equipment. The fact that the device was produced in Russia can make patriotic citizens happy.

It is indicative that in 2012, when many of the largest market players went negative in terms of turnover, Samsung sales in Russia increased by 12%. Marketers note that the brand pursues a competent marketing policy, and also pays great attention to the constant updating of the line of TV models. Some experts also emphasize the fact that Koreans have played one of the most important roles in promoting SmartTV technology on the Russian market, which is now rapidly gaining popularity.

PHILIPS breathes down the back

The Dutch brand Philips is the second in terms of sales in Russia after Samsung (about 20% of the market). Just like the Koreans, the European company opened its own production facilities in the Russian Federation - in Kaliningrad and in the village of Shushary (Leningrad Region).

Experts praise Philips for its wide range of models in a wide variety of price segments. Thus, everyone has the opportunity to buy a good and at the same time inexpensive TV set. If the buyer is thinking about how to choose the diagonal of the TV, and at the same time he is interested in the acceptable cost of the device, he, perhaps, should pay attention to the offers from the Dutch.

By the way, one of the samples of their technology earned the title of the best 3D TV in Europe in 2011-2012. It is worth noting, however, that the brand's global marketing strategy has not been very successful. Due to large losses, the concern sold the bulk of the shares of TPV Technology (Hong Kong).

TOSHIBA: honorary bronze

The share of the Japanese brand TOSHIBA in Russia is about 12%. Experts explain the company's success by the fact that the TVs it produces are, as a rule, very easy to learn, and it takes very little time to set them up. Just like Philips, the company is ready to offer the Russian buyer a large selection of models in a wide price range.

SONY: almost a pedestal

In fourth place in Russia is the Japanese brand SONY (about 10% of the market). Experts explain the popularity of the brand in the Russian Federation by the fact that the company has already shown itself well in the first years of its appearance on the Russian market. Until now, the SONY brand is associated with high quality among the inhabitants of our country. True, as in the case of Philips, the state of affairs at the global level at the Japanese company is not very good: the last few years, as analysts note, the company has been consistently suffering losses.

Other famous brands

There are other major players in the TV sales segment as well. Many Russians decide to choose LG TV - this brand has about 9% of the market share in the Russian Federation.

Panasonic also has significant positions, traditionally offering Russians interesting innovative solutions.

Top 10 Most Important Options

After we have decided on the technology for manufacturing the display and the brand, the question arises: "How to choose a TV based on the need for certain functions?" Consider the 10 most important criteria for modern TV, which you can focus on when purchasing a device in a store. It should be noted that they are universal for all types of devices popular today - LCD, LED, plasma. So, our task is to choose a TV set according to the parameters that are most significant for the modern buyer.

1. Matrix resolution

There are two main formats - HD Ready (considered a lower level) and Full HD (more innovative). Experts note that it makes no sense to choose a matrix with Full HD (a TV that supports it, as a rule, costs more) if the device screen is small - it will still be problematic to see small details. To see how good the picture is in HD modes, it makes sense to opt for a 32-inch TV at least.

2. Support for HDTV and UDTV standards

HDTV stands for High Definition Television. It is an innovative standard that allows you to obtain very high image quality by making the most of the high-definition device in combination with digital communication technologies. Also, the HDTV standard allows you to achieve the highest sound quality (due to multichannel audio stream playback). Typical HDTV screen format is 16x9. In the process of further improvement of technology, the UDTV standard appeared, which stands for "ultra-high definition television".

3. Screen resolution

Resolution is a parameter that determines the number of dots (pixels) per unit area. The more there are, the brighter, clearer, more saturated the picture. Resolutions are usually indicated in vertical units (for example, 1080p or 720p, where p are pixels), but almost as often the number of pixels that form their image is indicated, and horizontally. For example: the resolution is 1920x1080. Full HD TVs are typically at least 1080p.

4. Contrast

The higher the contrast of the device, the higher the image quality. This parameter is the ratio of the maximum brightness level of the monitor to the minimum. Contrast is one of the most important characteristics for LCD and plasma TVs.

5. Sound power

The higher the setting, the better the sound quality. Even if the nominal volume level of the TV set is not high, with significant power we have less distortion of the sound stream. That is, the question is not in the volume of the speakers (including external ones, connected), but in the level of technology of the sound subsystem of the device.

6. Availability of multimedia connectors: HDMI, SCART, VGA D-sub, USB

If the TV has an HDMI connector, this will greatly expand the functionality of the device. This technology allows the transmission of video and audio signals in digital format. With the help of HDMI technology, you can, for example, synchronize a TV picture and an image of a computer monitor (or mobile devices).

SCART is an innovative interface, which is a switching connector compatible with a large number of multimedia standards - S-Video, composite video, stereo sound, etc. Using the SCART connector, you can not only send a signal to a TV, but also receive a digital data stream from the device itself (for example, to record a video broadcast on a tape recorder or computer).

This interface is designed to transfer the video signal from the TV to other devices with minimal distortion. The VGA standard was first used in personal computers. Now it can be used to exchange information between many types of devices.

Another typically "computer" interface that has been introduced into the television industry is USB. Using this connector, you can connect flash drives, other drives, and a large number of other devices to the TV.

7. 3D support

One of the most pronounced trends in the modern TV industry is 3D technology. They allow you to see the picture shown on the screen in a three-dimensional projection, that is, in a form that is as close to real as possible. Watching 3D movies and clips is very exciting for people. Many people now and then think about questions of this kind: they say, I have a 3D TV. How do you pick a good movie to watch tonight? And they forget about important daily matters.

8. Support for SmartTV technology

SmartTV is an attempt to "hybridize" TV and computer. If the TV supports this technology, then it turns into a kind of PC (or, with a certain platform architecture, into a "big" smartphone, into which you can download various applications).

Above, we noted that the popularization of SmatTV technology in Russia is largely due to the marketing of the Korean company SAMSUNG. Therefore, if the question is "how to choose a" smart "TV", then perhaps it makes sense to pay attention first of all to the proposals from this Asian brand. It can be assumed that, occupying about 40% of sales of TVs with SmartTV support, SAMSUNG is able to supply Russian users with a wider range of opportunities - in particular, in terms of the number of specialized TV applications and their adaptation for the Russian market.

9. "Picture in Picture"

Before choosing a TV finally, having studied the specifics of displays, brand positions and analyzing the necessary options, you should pay attention to a number of additional functions that are quite useful in many cases. Among those - support for the "picture in picture" technology, in which not one, but two or more images from different sources can be displayed on the screen. This allows you to watch several channels at the same time (or, for example, a certain program and a DVD movie).

10. Protection from children

Another useful function is to protect the TV from children. Before asking the question of how to choose the size of the TV, it makes sense to think about whether it will turn out that something will be shown on the big screen that is not quite compatible with the age of the viewers? And if so, maybe you should choose a device that allows you to limit the display of unwanted pictures (for example, to children)?

Moreover, many modern TVs have such options. Using a special code (or a sequence of actions performed by the user), access to certain channels or functions of the device can be prohibited. So, for example, you can block channels of the category "for adults". It is important not only how to choose the right TV, but also how to watch it correctly, from the point of view of the perception of the TV picture by different categories of viewers.

Choosing a TV antenna

Despite the dominance of digital technologies that allow viewing TV programs in modes of unprecedented video and sound quality, the use of traditional TV antennas is still relevant.

For residents of summer cottages and country houses, it is much more important to solve the problem of installing a high-quality device for receiving a signal than the question of how to choose a good TV. What parameters should be taken into account in order to “catch” the channels well? Consider the characteristics that are applicable to devices for receiving a signal of any type. Knowledge of the following features can be useful for those who are interested in how to choose an indoor antenna for a TV.

1. Gain

The higher it is, the more chances you have to “catch” the signal, and the clearer the image will be. This parameter should not be confused with any values ​​for a device called an "antenna amplifier". In this case, we are talking about conventional ("passive") room equipment. The gain is measured in decibels. Experts call a value of 3db a good indicator.

2. Directional pattern

Measured in degrees. This characteristic, as experts believe, is one of the defining characteristics for indoor antennas. The most common range is 40-80 degrees.

3. Coefficient of immunity from interference

Measured in decibels. The higher the coefficient, the better the TV picture will be. This parameter shows how big is the difference in signal reception by different parts of the device.

How to install an outdoor antenna correctly?

Having decided how to choose an antenna for a TV, in terms of key technical parameters, we systematically approach the next question: "Where to place the device?" If possible, take the equipment outside - this increases the likelihood of "catching" more TV channels than using an indoor antenna. Not to mention the quality of the picture - it is almost guaranteed to be higher.

First, if possible, there should be a line of sight between the device and the TV tower.

Secondly, the antenna should be clearly fixed. It should not turn around and swing strongly from the wind.

Thirdly, the cable connecting the equipment and the TV must have a sufficiently large cross-section (the best option is 8 millimeters). In this case, the signal from the device to the TV will pass with minimal distortion.

Fourthly, if there is an amplifier, you need to put it on the antenna itself, and not indoors. Only in this case its functionality will be fully utilized.

No matter how functional and technologically advanced modern digital TVs are, "how to choose a high-quality TV antenna" is a rather urgent question. We hope you received a comprehensive answer to it.

What parameters should be used to choose a DVR? How to buy the "right" device with such a variety of models and manufacturers? Driving instructors answer all questions.

Main settings

Automotive instructors advise you to pay attention to the following characteristics when choosing a car DVR:

1. Resolution

Choose a resolution of at least 1080 pixels per line or FullHD. As a rule, this parameter is included in the name of the device. Note that often the matrix resolution corresponds to the image resolution. There is a so-called interpolation, due to which a small picture is stretched to the required size, in particular up to 1080. In this case, a blurring effect is obtained, and the image quality deteriorates.

2. Frame rate

The standard frame rate for today is 30 units. Pay attention to the smoothness of the video, that is, the recording should be continuous and stable.

3. Auto start and loop recording

The names of these functions speak for themselves. It is better not to buy a DVR without them.

4. Memory card

The best option for a memory card is 32 GB. A smaller size for a DVR will simply not be enough, otherwise you will have to be content with low-quality and blurry recording. For example: 16 GB is enough for 2 days when driving 3 hours a day.

5. Video codec

In the years of the MPEG codec, the image quality was not very good, and the video took up a lot of space. Now DVR manufacturers have switched to H.264. Here, the loss of recording compression is minimal, and the space occupied on a digital medium is spent as efficiently as possible.

Unnecessary functions

Drivers often overpay for absolutely unnecessary functions. For example, the presence of a GPS navigation device in the device. Most car owners believe that a GPS dash cam is the real evil, especially when it records the real speed of the car on the video.

The presence of speed can play a bad joke when analyzing an accident. And vice versa, it is unlikely that it will be possible to prove to the traffic police inspector using a video recorder that you did not violate the speed limit. So there is no point in overpaying for GPS.

A few words about the number of cameras. The more, the better, you say? But no! The two cameras in the DVR are two image sources. That is, the "brain" of the device must process more information. This is done by the processor, which usually costs a lot. But the manufacturers are cunning: they put two cameras, but they lower the resolution. The second option is to reduce the shooting frequency below 30 frames per second. So before choosing a dual-camera DVR, think about the quality of the recording.

The video snooze function, on the one hand, is a useful thing. But, as experience shows, they use it very little.

Battery and display

It is better to purchase a video recorder with a built-in battery. There is nothing even to discuss here. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to use the device as a video camera.

The display is also very important. For example, you need to prove your case or show a video of a traffic accident to traffic police officers. Thanks to the built-in display, you can view the recorded video at any time. The Touch Screen display makes it easier to make adjustments and adjustments as needed.

Mounting the recorder

An important parameter for a car DVR is its mount. There are two options for fixing the device to the machine glass: suction cups and double-sided adhesive tape. It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better, since in both cases there are pluses and minuses.

If you are the motorist who removes the radio panel every evening, putting the car in the parking lot at home, then you will probably also remove the DVR.

So adhesive tape will not work for you, as it is not designed for multiple peeling and gluing. Moreover, if re-fixed, such a tape will not securely fix the device.

For frequent removal of the recorder, a suction cup is perfect. When buying, pay attention to fixing the suction cup itself to the device. The DVR should be rigidly connected to the mount, there should be no backlashes and gaps. The length of the connection should be minimal, and the attachment point itself should coincide with the center of gravity of the recorder. For example, it is better not to consider the option where the suction cup is attached to the device leg. Otherwise, the recorder will vibrate and dangle while the car is moving.

Of course, the suction cup won't hold the device as tightly as the adhesive. But observing some simple rules, your recorder will always reliably "sit" on the windshield: the surface where the suction cup is attached must be clean and dry; the pressure force should be such that the device is fixed on the glass the first time.

So, if you put your car in the garage, then take a DVR with adhesive tape. If you are afraid of robbers, then your option is a device with a suction cup.


The range of DVRs is quite wide. Such manufacturers as DOD, Mio, Neoline, KarKam, Lexand inspire confidence. But we advise you not to tie your purchase to a specific company, it is better to choose a device with the parameters you need.

A nice addition will be the presence of such a function as sound recording. For example, it is not always possible to remember the number of the offender's car, but you can always dictate this number and listen to it from the recorder at any time.

It is better to choose models with a USB connector. So, you can transfer information from the DVR to a Flash drive and view it on your computer.

The presence of even the cheapest DVR in the car justifies itself. The main thing is that it contains the parameters for setting the time and date.

Video on how to choose a DVR:

Do not violate and be careful while driving!

The article uses an image from the site

Modern DVRs are devices, from a technical point of view, rather simple, if not primitive. The recorder differs from compact soap cameras that can shoot video only in two fundamental features - convenient mounting on glass and the ability to record video clips “in a circle”, replacing old information with newer information (“loop recording”). Therefore, the prices for DVRs are relatively low: the simplest devices can be bought for 1000-1500 rubles.

We save space on the windshield: an overview of compact DVRs

Mounting methods

The DVR is mounted on the glass with a conventional suction cup. The stability of the image during shaking depends on its size: the larger the area of ​​the suction cup, the correspondingly less “jitter” of the image on a bad road. A large suction cup holds better, especially in winter, when it is generally problematic to stick something on cold glass. But a large suction cup (as well as an immodest-sized recorder) will noticeably hide the view, so a compromise is needed here. Obviously, for small cars, small size is more relevant than for minivans and SUVs.

The fastening mechanism is also important: a simple bracket with only height adjustment can be very compact, and it is convenient to hide it in the "glove compartment". But it does not allow you to turn the recorder to the side, for example, in order to record a conversation with a traffic police inspector.

DVR guide: choosing the best

There are several models that are not attached to the glass with a suction cup with a bracket, but with Velcro (double-sided tape). These are very small recorders, usually without a display. It is understood that the user will not remove the device every time he leaves the vehicle, which is of course convenient. But it must be borne in mind that the criminal interest in navigators and registrars has not gone away and the risk of finding a car with broken glass the next morning when installing such a registrar increases. There are models for completely concealed installation, with a remote video camera. But, unfortunately, they are still unreasonably expensive and have a worse recording quality than monoblock ones.

Recording quality and optics

The recording quality is determined by several technical parameters, the main of which is the resolution of the photosensitive matrix. Until recently, the HD resolution (1280 × 720) was considered very high, but now inexpensive FullHD matrices (1920 × 1080) are widely used. The cost of HD and FullHD recorders is almost equal, so, all other things being equal, it is better to choose a higher resolution. This will give a clearer "picture" in which not only cars, but also their numbers, as well as road signs and inscriptions on signposts, will be distinguishable.

Particularly discerning consumers may inquire about how to obtain FullHD resolution in the registrar. The fact is that some not entirely conscientious manufacturers build FullHD on the basis of HD matrices (old ones, stuck in warehouses). This is done programmatically: a second one is artificially added to each pixel, exactly the same. The number of pixels becomes twice as large, and formally the picture meets the requirements of FullHD. But its real quality does not improve, but even worsens. This simple technique is called interpolation, so in a conversation with the seller, you should casually ask: "Is there an interpolation in this device?"

Car DVR: 8 selection criteria

All FullHD allow you to switch to a lower resolution (through the corresponding menu item). This is necessary in order to fit more information on the memory card. In the case of "prolonged" road accidents or other troubles lasting quite a long time (for example, sorting out relations with traffic police officers or neighbors in the traffic stream), this can be important. But it's better, right word, to buy a larger memory card. 16 GB is enough to record any incident.

The transition to a lower resolution is also justified in the dark. The fact is that at low illumination, the dynamic range of the photosensitive matrix decreases (its ability to respond to both bright and dimly lit objects). And with an increase in resolution, this effect is more noticeable. So at night, in most cases, HD-resolution will give the best "picture". In addition, HD is usually recorded at a higher frame rate.

Another important aspect: the image quality depends on the type of optics. If the lens is made of glass, the quality will be higher. Plastic lenses are inferior and cloudy over time. But they are, of course, cheaper.

If there is a built-in shock sensor, select medium sensitivity (as a rule, it is the default). The shock sensor will allow the DVR to create an "indelible" file at the time of an accident, in case the DVR is de-energized or the energy in the built-in battery runs out. Such a file is deleted from the memory card only by formatting.

Technoguide: Car DVRs

And yes, of course, it is better to choose recorders with more or less capacious built-in batteries, at least half an hour of battery life.

Does the registrar need a display? The registrar himself does not, but the user needs it. It makes it easier to set the angle of inclination of the lens and adjust the parameters through the menu. For these purposes, the most modest-sized monitor is enough, 2–3 cm diagonally. This allows the registrar itself to be made small. Those who boast of large, high-resolution displays are clearly doing it for marketing purposes. All the same, it is more convenient to watch videos on a computer, and not on the display of the DVR, no matter how wide it is. And for quick viewing (for example, to prove to a traffic police officer that you did not cross a solid line), a small screen is enough. Moreover, the very fact of the presence of video recording and the readiness on its basis to defend one's own righteousness affects the valiant knights of the traffic police in a sobering way. And it doesn't matter what resolution the display is.

The built-in GPS receiver will also not be superfluous: if the analysis of relations with the traffic police or a participant in the incident reaches the court, then displaying the location of the car on the map can serve as a compelling argument. Police officers can often make mistakes in the protocols by giving the wrong address. What lawyers sometimes use when destroying "deprivation cases".

But LED backlighting, no matter how advertised, will not bring much benefit. Even more: at a certain tilt of the glass, infrared radiation will be reflected into the lens, illuminating the matrix. And weak LEDs are not capable of illuminating any significant space - in the headlights everything is visible without them. In fact, the presence of backlighting is necessary only in the "night watch" mode, when the recorder works in a "sleeping" car, recording what is happening around. But why would a car owner need it? There is a minimum of anti-theft - they will be hijacked together with the registrar, if they want. Unless it will be possible to sort out the attempted hijacking that failed for some reason.

It is generally better to avoid unnecessary functions. They unnecessarily increase the cost of the recorder and confuse it when setting up. Perhaps there are gadget addicts that are ready to manually set the white balance or change the duration of the recorded clips every time, but they are a clear minority.

And the last thing. DVRs are powered from the cigarette lighter socket, and you should inquire about the length of the cable included in the box. Excessively long will get in the way under the right hand, and its mass will tend to pull the connector plug out of the recorder. Too short, on the other hand, will severely limit installation variability in large vehicles. The optimal cable length is 1 meter; anything larger is intended for hidden wiring and, accordingly, professional installation.

See also: Is the DVR recording evidence in court →

Which DVR to choose and what should be considered when purchasing a device?

Today, video recorders have gained wide popularity. These devices are used as component parts of video surveillance systems, as well as stand-alone devices that are installed in cars. As a rule, users do not have problems and difficulties with the choice of recording equipment for a video monitoring line. But the choice of a quality car gadget sometimes becomes a significant problem. Almost every motorist asks the question of how to choose a video recorder with effective performance. Due to the wide variety of modern models, there are a number of key aspects to consider when choosing a registrar.

To figure out how to choose the right DVR, you first need to study the technical parameters of the device and its functionality.

Modern electronic video recording systems are suitable for all brands of vehicles. The car enthusiast needs to know that all video recording devices are divided into three main categories, depending on the number of functions performed simultaneously. Devices can be duplex, triplex and pentaplex. Experts advise purchasing pentaplex models, since they are capable of performing five functions at the same time, for example: recording video, displaying footage on the display, projecting an image on the screen in the current mode, creating a backup copy and transferring it to the client.

What design should the car recording gadget be?

Regardless of which recorder will be installed in the car, every car owner should have an idea of ​​the design of this gadget. There are several design types of video recording equipment:

  • With one built-in video camera;
  • With two or more built-in cameras;
  • In the form of a rearview mirror.

Experts recommend choosing DVRs equipped with one built-in video camera. This equipment is distinguished by its compact dimensions and reasonable cost. Devices that have several cameras have an extended range of functions, but also more bulky in size. The advantage of multichannel devices is the ability to obtain a large-scale and expanded viewing angle. Having studied user reviews, one can trace the tendency that recently many of them prefer video recording equipment made in the form of a mirror. Such a DVR has the shape and appearance of a regular mirror, and is also practically invisible to prying eyes. It is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which DVR is better, since the choice of this equipment is purely individual.

What are the class types of DVRs?

Of course, it is important to choose a DVR by parameters, but it is also recommended to pay attention to the class to which this type of equipment belongs. Conventionally, video recording devices are divided into four classes:

  • Budgetary;
  • Camcorders;
  • Black boxes;
  • Professional devices.

The cheapest and most affordable are economy-class video recording devices. In everyday life, they are called budget. Due to the introduction of modern and innovative technologies, equipment belonging to the middle price range is distinguished by the quality and efficiency of its work. Such devices have one video camera, and the information is stored on a removable storage device. Power is supplied from the cigarette lighter.

The video shows how to choose a DVR:

Black boxes are considered multifunctional equipment. These devices not only record the events that are taking place, but in the event of an abnormal road accident, they can provide a complete picture with an indication of all the parameters and reactions of the vehicle driver. Compared to budget registrars, it is better to choose a black box, in view of the transfer of more complete information about what happened. Camcorders are considered versatile devices. When installed on the windshield, the camcorder functions as a video recorder, and when turned off, it functions as a portable video camera. This alignment adversely affects the quality of the recorded video signal.

Professional video recording devices have up to four video cameras that create a 360-degree view.

The device can be controlled remotely. The gadget transmits all necessary information on the built-in monitor, and control over the connected devices in the car is performed automatically. Professional devices are distinguished not only by a wide range of functions, but also by their high cost.

What aspects should be considered when choosing a DVR?

In order to choose a good DVR, it is recommended to pay attention to its following technical parameters and functional features:

  • Viewing angle;
  • Resolution ability;
  • Recording format;
  • Video compression codec;
  • Fastening mechanisms;
  • Support for removable storage and built-in memory;
  • Built-in speaker and microphone;
  • Additional connectors and slots;
  • Remote access capability;
  • Built-in display;
  • Recording speed;
  • Recording modes;
  • Power supply;
  • Built-in rechargeable battery;
  • Additional modular mechanisms (GPS modules, G-sensor, radar detector);
  • Number of video recording channels.

The above characteristics are basic, and each of them individually creates an overall picture of the device's operation. It is recommended to purchase video recording devices at specialized retail outlets. In order to advise a DVR that is distinguished by its quality and efficiency, the person providing the consultation must have information about the user's preferences and individual requirements. By selecting a specific model, you can perform a test survey that will display the actual parameters of the recording equipment.

On the video - how to choose the right DVR:

It is more expedient to connect one or two video cameras. An excessive number of cameras for a car is becoming superfluous. When choosing a video recorder, first of all, you need to pay attention to the resolution and viewing angle. Almost all modern car gadgets transmit video images in HD or Full HD format. The higher the number of pixels, the clearer and better the incoming video signal. The viewing angle must be at least 90 °. This value in all devices ranges from 90 to 170 ° (for one video camera).

You need to start your choice with volume. If you need a hard disk to store large amounts of information, it is better to take the largest volume, from 2 terabytes. In order to copy small data, such as documents, you can take a hard drive up to 250 gigabytes.

Hard disk speed

When copying and deleting large amounts of information, such as movies or games, the speed of the hard drive is important. Your best bet is a USB 3.0 hard drive. It is important to note that hard drives are connected using the USB port. The fact is that USB 2.0 supports speeds of 480 megabytes, and USB 3.0 - 4.8 gigabytes per second.


A hard disk's buffer is its RAM, also referred to as disk cache. The most used files are stored there so that you can quickly access them. The cache speed is several times faster than the speed of the hard drive itself. Buffer sizes can be 8, 16, 32 or 64 megabytes. Of course, the larger the cache, the better.

Spindle speed

This speed affects the speed of access to files stored on the hard drive. The discs have two rotation speeds: 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm. The higher the speed, the better.

Manufacturing companies

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