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  • According to the form of presentation, information is divided into the following. Representation of information by a person

According to the form of presentation, information is divided into the following. Representation of information by a person

Information is subdivided in form views into 2 types:

A discrete form of information presentation is a sequence of symbols that characterizes a discontinuous, changing value (the number of traffic accidents, the number of serious crimes, etc.);

An analog or continuous form of information representation is a value that characterizes a process that does not have interruptions or gaps (human body temperature, vehicle speed on a certain section of the path, etc.).

2. By area of ​​origin extract information:

Elementary (mechanical), which reflects the processes, phenomena of inanimate nature;

Biological, which reflects the processes of the animal and plant world;

Social, which reflects the processes of human society.

3. By way of transmission and perception distinguish the following types of information:

Visual, transmitted by visible images and symbols;

Auditory, transmitted by sounds;

Tactile, transmitted by sensations;

Organoleptic, transmitted by smells and tastes;

Machine, issued and perceived by means of computer technology.

4. Information created and used by a person, for public purposes can be divided into three types:

Personal, intended for a specific person;

Mass, intended for anyone who wants to use it (socio-political, popular science, etc.)

Special, designed for use by a narrow circle of people involved in solving complex special problems in the field of science, technology, and economics.

5. By coding method distinguish the following types of information:

Symbolic, based on the use of symbols - letters, numbers, signs, etc.

Text, based on the use of combinations of characters. Information is contained not only in these symbols, but also in their combination, in the order in which they follow. So, the words CAT and TOK have the same letters, but contain different information.

Graphic, based on the use of an arbitrary combination of graphic primitives in the space. This form includes photographs, diagrams, drawings, drawings, which are of great importance in human activity.

One of the most important characteristics of information is its adequacy. Adequacy of information - this is the level of correspondence of the image created with the help of information to a real object, process, phenomenon. The correctness of decision-making depends on the degree of adequacy of information.

The adequacy of information can be expressed in three forms: syntactic, semantic and pragmatic.

Syntactic adequacy displays the formal and structural characteristics of information without affecting its semantic content

Semantic adequacy determines the degree of conformity of the image of the object with the object itself. Here the semantic content of the information is taken into account.

Pragmatic adequacy reflects the compliance of information with the management goal implemented on its basis.

Information(from lat. informatio, clarification, presentation, awareness) - information about something, regardless of the form of their presentation.

Currently, there is no single definition of information as a scientific term. From the point of view of various fields of knowledge, this concept is described by its specific set of features. For example, the concept of "information" is basic in the course of computer science, and it is impossible to define it through other, more "simple" concepts (just as in geometry, for example, it is impossible to express the content of the basic concepts of "point", "ray", "plane" through simpler concepts). The content of the basic, basic concepts in any science must be explained by examples or identified by comparing them with the content of other concepts. In the case of the concept of "information", the problem of its definition is even more complicated, since it is a general scientific concept. This concept is used in various sciences (informatics, cybernetics, biology, physics, etc.), while in each science the concept of "information" is associated with different systems of concepts.

History of the concept

The word "information" comes from the Latin. informatio, which in translation means information, clarification, familiarization. The concept of information was considered by ancient philosophers.

Before the industrial revolution, defining the essence of information remained the prerogative of mainly philosophers. In the 20th century, cybernetics and computer science began to deal with issues of information theory.

Information classification

Information can be divided into types according to various criteria:

on way of perception:

on form of presentation:

on appointment:

on meaning:

  • Relevant - information that is valuable at a given time.
  • Reliable - information received without distortion.
  • Understandable - information expressed in a language that is understandable to the person to whom it is intended.
  • Complete - information sufficient to make a correct decision or understanding.
  • Useful - the usefulness of information is determined by the subject who received the information, depending on the volume of possibilities for its use.

on truth:

The meaning of the term in various fields of knowledge


The traditionalism of the subjective has always dominated the early philosophical definitions of information as categories, concepts, properties of the material world. Information exists independently of our consciousness, and can be reflected in our perception only as a result of interaction: reflection, reading, receiving in the form of a signal, stimulus. Information is non-material, like all properties of matter. Information stands in the following order: matter, space, time, consistency, function, etc., which are the fundamental concepts of a formalized reflection of objective reality in its distribution and variability, diversity and manifestation. Information is a property of matter and reflects its properties (state or ability to interact) and quantity (measure) through interaction.

From a material point of view, information is the order of the objects of the material world. For example, the order of letters on a sheet of paper according to certain rules is written information. The sequence of multi-colored dots on a sheet of paper according to certain rules is graphic information. The order of musical notes is musical information. The order of genes in DNA is hereditary information. The order of the bits in the computer is computer information, etc. etc. For the implementation of information exchange, the existence of necessary and sufficient conditions is required.

The necessary conditions:

  1. The presence of at least two different objects of the material or non-material world.
  2. The presence of objects in a common property that allows you to identify objects as a carrier of information.
  3. Objects have a specific property that makes it possible to distinguish objects from each other.
  4. The presence of a space property that allows you to determine the order of objects. For example, the arrangement of written information on paper is a specific property of paper that allows letters to be arranged from left to right and from top to bottom.

There is only one sufficient condition:

The presence of a subject capable of recognizing information. This is a person and human society, societies of animals, robots, etc.

Various objects (letters, symbols, pictures, sounds, words, sentences, notes, etc.) taken one at a time form the basis of information. An informational message is constructed by selecting copies of objects from the basis and arranging these objects in space in a certain order. The length of the informational message is defined as the number of copies of the basis objects and is always expressed as an integer. It is necessary to distinguish between the length of an information message, which is always measured as an integer, and the amount of knowledge contained in an information message, which is measured in an unknown unit of measure.

From a mathematical point of view, information is a sequence of integers that are written into a vector. The numbers are the number of the object in the information basis. The vector is called the information invariant, since it does not depend on the physical nature of the basis objects. One and the same informational message can be expressed in letters, words, sentences, files, pictures, notes, songs, video clips, any combination of all previously named. No matter how we express information, only the basis changes, not the invariant.

In computer science

The subject of study of the science of informatics is precisely the data: the methods of their creation, storage, processing and transmission. And the information itself recorded in the data, its meaningful meaning is of interest to users of information systems who are specialists in various sciences and fields of activity: a physician is interested in medical information, a geologist is interested in geological information, an entrepreneur is interested in commercial information, etc. (including a computer scientist interested in information for data handling issues).


Working with information is associated with transformations and always confirms its material nature:

  • recording - formation of the structure of matter and modulation of flows through the interaction of the instrument with the carrier;
  • storage - structure stability (quasi-statics) and modulation (quasi-dynamics);
  • reading (study) - the interaction of a probe (instrument, transducer, detector) with a substrate or matter flow.

Systemology considers information through connection with other bases: I=S/F, where: I - information; S - consistency of the universe; F - functional connection; M - matter; v - (v underlined) a sign of the great unification (systematic, unity of foundations); R - space; T - Time.

In physics

The objects of the material world are in a state of continuous change, which is characterized by the exchange of energy of the object with the environment. A change in the state of one object always leads to a change in the state of some other object in the environment. This phenomenon, regardless of how, which states and which objects have changed, can be considered as a signal transmission from one object to another. The change in the state of an object when a signal is sent to it is called signal registration.

A signal or a sequence of signals form a message that can be perceived by the recipient in one form or another, as well as in one volume or another. Information in physics is a term that qualitatively generalizes the concepts of "signal" and "message". If signals and messages can be quantified, then we can say that signals and messages are units of measurement of the amount of information.

The same message (signal) is interpreted differently by different systems. For example, a consistently long and two short sound (and even more so in character encoding - ..) signals in Morse code terminology is the letter D (or D), in BIOS terminology from AWARD, a video card malfunction.

In mathematics

In mathematics, information theory (mathematical communication theory) is a section of applied mathematics that defines the concept of information, its properties, and establishes limiting relationships for data transmission systems. The main sections of information theory are source coding (compressive coding) and channel (noise-immune) coding. Mathematics is more than a scientific discipline. It creates a single language for all Science.

The subject of mathematics research is abstract objects: number, function, vector, set, and others. Moreover, most of them are introduced axiomatically (axiom), that is, without any connection with other concepts and without any definition.

Information is not among the subjects of study of mathematics. However, the word "information" is used in mathematical terms - own information and mutual information, related to the abstract (mathematical) part of information theory. However, in mathematical theory, the concept of "information" is associated with exclusively abstract objects - random variables, while in modern information theory this concept is considered much broader - as a property of material objects.

The connection between these two identical terms is undeniable. It was the mathematical apparatus of random numbers that was used by the author of information theory Claude Shannon. He himself means by the term "information" something fundamental (irreducible). Shannon's theory intuitively assumes that information has content. Information reduces the overall uncertainty and information entropy. The amount of information available to measure. However, he warns researchers against the mechanical transfer of concepts from his theory to other areas of science.

“The search for ways to apply information theory in other fields of science is not reduced to a trivial transfer of terms from one field of science to another. This search is carried out in a long process of putting forward new hypotheses and their experimental verification. K. Shannon.

In jurisprudence

The legal definition of the concept of "information" is given in the federal law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and information protection" (Article 2): "information is information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation" .

Federal Law No. 149-FZ defines and consolidates the rights to information protection and information security of citizens and organizations in computers and information systems, as well as issues of information security of citizens, organizations, society and the state.

In control theory

In control theory (cybernetics), the subject of which is the basic laws of control, that is, the development of control systems, information is messages received by the system from the outside world during adaptive control (adaptation, self-preservation of the control system).

The founder of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, spoke of information as follows:

"Information is not matter or energy, information is information." But the basic definition of information, which he gave in several of his books, is this: information is a designation of content received by us from the outside world in the process of adapting us and our senses to it.

- N. Wiener Cybernetics, or control and communication in animal and machine; or Cybernetics and Society

This idea of ​​Wiener gives a direct indication of the objectivity of information, that is, its existence in nature, regardless of the consciousness (perception) of a person.

Modern cybernetics defines objective information as an objective property of material objects and phenomena to generate a variety of states that are transferred from one object (process) to another through fundamental interactions of matter and imprinted in its structure.

A material system in cybernetics is considered as a set of objects that themselves can be in different states, but the state of each of them is determined by the states of other objects in the system. In nature, the set of system states is information, the states themselves are the primary code, or source code. Thus, each material system is a source of information.

Cybernetics defines subjective (semantic) information as the meaning or content of a message. (see ibid.) Information is a characteristic of an object.


Disinformation (also disinformation) is one of the ways of manipulating information, such as misleading someone by providing incomplete information or complete, but no longer necessary information, or complete, but not in the right area, distortion of the context, distortion of part of the information.

The purpose of such an impact is always the same - the opponent must act as the manipulator needs. The act of the object against which disinformation is directed may consist in making the decision necessary for the manipulator or in refusing to make a decision that is unfavorable for the manipulator. But in any case, the end goal is the action to be taken.

So our festival has come to an end. On the third day there were many interesting events: master classes of teachers for students and teachers, creative meetings with writers and poets of Karelia (Nadezhda Vasilyeva, Yana Zhemoytelite, Pavel Sysoev, Elena Pietilyainen, Elena Kharlamova) and also a conversation with Saraev G.A. Commissioner for Children's Rights in Karelia. And, of course, on March 27, on Theater Day, there was a backstage tour of the Musical Theatre. It was magical! At the closing of the festival, all the delegations spoke warmly about the last Pushkin festival and told everyone: “See you soon! See you at the XIX festival in Kondopoga”.

Shlyakova E.I.

Shlyakova E.I.


Within the framework of the XVIII Interregional Pushkin Festival, DO "DTDiU No. 2" together with the MOU "Secondary School No. 10 named after A.S. Pushkin” held the 1st stage of the contest “The soul has come to awakening”. The selection of works by a competent jury was very painstaking. Jury members: masters - teachers of the highest category, have more than 15 years of experience with children of different ages - toddlers, schoolchildren, students and children with special needs. Jury composition:
Loginova Natalya Vyacheslavovna – graphic designer, media center Exit
Madilainen Viola Alexandrovna - master of the DPI, Markova Ilona Vladimirovna - senior. methodologist, MOU "Petrovsky Palace", Khyarginen Elena Pavlovna - master of the DPI, Chistyakova Oksana Leonidovna - teacher of additional education, MOU "Petrovsky Palace"

Congratulations to the winners of the 1st stage of the competition. The following competitive works are invited to participate in the 2nd stage of the competition.

5 – 7 years
Nomination Heroes of the works of A. S. Pushkin
– “A barrel floats on the sea…” Vasilkov Slava, 5 years old, MDOU No. 100, teacher Nemytchenko Ekaterina Andreevna
- “At the seashore, a green oak” Yachmenkina Ksyusha, 6 years old, MDOU kindergarten 22. Teacher Stafeeva Tatyana Vasilievna

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". Gr. Tsvetik-semitsvetik, 5-6 years old, MDOU d / s 121, Buto Irina Borisovna, Repina Nadezhda Vitalievna

7 – 11 years old

- "Magic bird - Princess Swan" Pereverzeva Polina, 10 years old, MOU DO "House of Creativity for Children and Youth No. 2", Petrozavodsk, Donova Anna Alexandrovna
- "Fish - a sorceress that fulfills wishes" Alina Grishchenkova, 11 years old, MOU DO "House of Creativity for Children and Youth No. 2", Petrozavodsk, Donova Anna Aleksandrovna
– "The Swan Princess" Kuzmina Anna, 10 years old, Central Children's Theater of the Prionezhsky District, Association "Young Ecologists", Antonova Galina A
Nomination Childhood of A. S. Pushkin
“Childhood of A.S. Pushkin" Lyovkina Daria, 8 years old, MOU "Academic Lyceum", Melnik Nadezhda Sergeevna

Pushkin A.S. Vakhrusheva Evgenia, 10 y.o., secondary school 38, Alekseeva Yu. L.

12 - 14 years old
Nomination Heroes of the works of A. S. Pushkin
- “Once upon a time there was a pop, a oatmeal forehead” Yakovleva Polina, 12 years old, MOU DO “House of Creativity for Children and Youth No. 2”, Petrozavodsk, Donova Anna Aleksandrovna
- "Baba Yaga and the Gray Wolf" Amozova Margarita, 14 years old, MOU DO "House of Creativity for Children and Youth No. 2", Petrozavodsk, Guryeva Tatyana Yurievna
Nomination Early nineteenth century. The life of contemporaries, nature, your choice
"Glory to the poet!" Sergeeva Anastasia, 14 years old, MOU DO "House of Creativity for Children and Youth No. 2", Petrozavodsk, Guryeva Tatyana Yurievna

15 – 17 years old
Nomination Heroes of the works of A. S. Pushkin
- "Mermaid" Volodkina Alexandra, 15 years old, MOU DO "House of Creativity for Children and Youth No. 2", Petrozavodsk, Guryeva Tatyana Yuryevna
– “Scientist cat” Radionova Valeria, 15 years old, MOU DO “House of creativity for children and youth No. 2”, Mishina Galina Nikolaevna
Nomination Collective creativity
"Tsarevna Swan", 9B (auxiliary), GBOU RK "Boarding School 23", Khlebaeva Irina Vladimirovna, Zhukova Elena Mikhailovna
Nomination Early nineteenth century. The life of contemporaries, nature, your choice
"Boldino Autumn" Vinogradova Svetlana, 17 years old, MOU DO "House of Creativity for Children and Youth No. 2", Kuzmina Natalya Anatolyevna

Stage 2 full-time.
Competitive works are provided in the MOU “Secondary School No. 10 named after A.S. Pushkin "(M-on Center, Anokhin St., 37a) 1st floor, room 4. Reception of works on March 25 from 9.00 to 11.00 during the registration of the participants of the festival. Acceptance of works is carried out by Kuzmina Natalya Anatolyevna.
Together with the work, the participant submits an Application in the form specified in Appendix 1, including Consent to the processing of personal data provided by the parents of students and a printed Label on white paper (Appendix 2). The application is submitted in paper form.

The award ceremony for the Winners of the Competition will take place on March 27, 2019 from 14.00 to 16.00 at the closing of the XVIII Pushkin Festival. MOU "Secondary school No. 10 named after A.S. Pushkin" (m-on Center, Anokhin St., 37a) assembly hall.

Entries can be picked up immediately after the closing of the XVIII Pushkin Festival. MOU "Secondary school No. 10 named after A.S. Pushkin "(M-on Center, Anokhin St., 37a) 1st floor, room 4. From 16.00 to 17.00.

Shlyakova E.I.


On March 25-27, 2019, the XVIII Pushkin Festival will be held on the basis of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 10 named after A.S. Pushkin".

Festival participants:

  • Kostomuksha MBOU "Secondary school No. 2 named after A.S. Pushkin";
  • Kondopoga MOU "Secondary school No. 6";
  • Petrozavodsk MOU "Secondary school No. 10 named after A.S. Pushkin";
  • Petrozavodsk MOU "Derzhavinsky Lyceum";
  • Medvezhyegorsk MAOU "Secondary School No. 3";
  • settlement Girvas MOU "Girvas secondary school";
  • village Lyaskelya “Lyaskelskaya secondary school”;
  • Petrozavodsk, GBOU "Specialized School of Arts";
  • Petrozavodsk, schools of VOO "Center";
  • Petrozavodsk, MOU "Academic Lyceum"
  • Petrozavodsk, MOU "Lyceum No. 1";
  • Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 345 named after A.S. Pushkin;
  • g.o. Naro-Fominsk Club of sports ballroom and historical dance "ANGAZHEMENT"
  • St. Petersburg, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen;

Traditional events of the festival:

  • Opening of the festival
  • Conference "Pushkin Readings",
  • Festival Guest
  • "Derzhavinsky exam" - poetry competition
  • Master classes
  • Pushkin ball

Festival organizers:

  • Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia (;
  • Administration of the Petrozavodsk City District (;
  • Education Development Center (
  • MOU "Secondary school No. 10 named after A.S. Pushkin” (http: // site);
  • Union of Pushkin Schools of the Republic of Karelia;
  • FSBEI HE PetrSU Scientific Library (
  • MOU DOD "DTDiYu No. 2" ()
  • National Library of the Republic of Karelia (
  • MOU DOD “Petrovsky Palace” (
  • MU MC "Change" (/

We invite you to participate and cooperate!!!

Shlyakova E.I.


From March 11 to March 15, vocational guidance lessons “Live, study and work in Karelia!” were held for students in grades 8-10.

We learned about the diversity of the world of professions, the specialties that are in demand in Karelia, and the possibilities of vocational education. The guys also got acquainted with the My Career portal, which allows them to find out about the labor market and get tested.

We hope that someone was able to finally decide on the choice of a future specialty.

Shlyakova E.I.


In 2014, an important event of a national scale took place in the Russian Federation, which was of great importance for every Russian also from a patriotic point of view: the Crimean Peninsula (Crimea) became part of our country.
In honor of this event, on March 18, our country celebrates an important holiday - the Day of the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
A decade of patriotic education continues in our school, and lessons and class hours are held:
"Crimean Spring",
School class hour "Day of the reunification of Crimea with Russia"
Book thematic exhibition "Crimea and Russia"

Every day you learn something new that you did not know before, i.e. get new information. (This is the knowledge that you get at school, this is the information that you draw from books, this is the news that you hear on the radio or from people with whom you communicate).

Information is information about the world around us.

People and living beings receive primary information about the world around us through organs. sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

Most of the information we receive with the help of the organs of vision:

With our eyes, we perceive letters, numbers, drawings, we distinguish the color, shape, size and location of objects.

But can you fully trust your senses?

Illusion pictures: circle size. Which of the circles located in the middle is larger?

The figure shows two segments. Which one is longer?

Looking at the picture, you can observe the illusion of color perception. In fact, the circles on different squares are the same shade of gray.

To obtain more accurate information, in addition to the sense organs, a person has long used various devices and devices:

ruler, protractor, thermometer, barometer, scales, compass, telescope, microscope, etc.

A person can present the information received in the form of records, images, sounds, etc.

Types of information by way of perception

For a person, information is divided into types depending on the type of receptors that perceive it.

Visual - perceived by the organs of vision. We see everything around.
Auditory - perceived by the organs of hearing. We hear sounds around us.
Tactile - perceived by tactile receptors.
Olfactory - perceived by olfactory receptors. We feel the aromas around.
Taste - perceived by taste buds. We taste.

Types of information according to the form of presentation

Let us consider only those types of information that "understand" technical devices (in particular, a computer).

Text Information

A text in a textbook, an essay in a notebook, a replica of an actor in a play, a weather forecast broadcast on the radio.

In oral communication (personal conversation, telephone conversation, radio performance), information can only be presented in verbal, textual form.

Numeric Information Multiplication table, arithmetic example, hockey game score, train arrival time, etc.

In its pure form, numerical information is rare, except perhaps on math tests. The most commonly used form of information presentation is combined.

Example. You received a telegram: “Meet the twelfth. The train arrives at eight o'clock." In this text, the words "twelfth" and "eight" we understand as numbers, although they are expressed in words.

Graphic Information Drawings, diagrams, drawings, photographs. This form of information presentation is the most accessible, as it immediately conveys the necessary image (model)
Musical (sound) information Everything we hear is human speech, music, birds singing, car signals, etc.
Multimedia (multi-environment, combined) Color graphics are combined with sound and text, moving video and 3D images.

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It's no secret that people have four channels of information perception, which must be taken into account when organizing and compiling your speech or presentation, and even during personal contacts in business. Earlier we learned the principles of compilation.

Of course, one of the channels of perception of information prevails in a person, but it would be ridiculous to believe that he completely lacks other components of perception. He just uses one most often, but others also play an important role in communication and assimilation of information.

You probably noticed at an institute or school that some students write almost nothing in the abstract, try to listen without being distracted or even record on a dictaphone, others write everything down in detail, accompanying their notes with a huge number of illustrations, and still others try to systematize information in the form of tables and formulas.

Here they are auditory, visual, kinesthetic and digital.

Ways of perception of information by a person. Audials, visuals, kinesthetics and digitals

To better understand how they differ from each other and how to take advantage of their personality, I will give a colorful example from the well-known cartoon about Winnie the Pooh.

So, a rabbit is a typical visual, Winnie the Pooh is a kinesthetic, an owl is an auditory and, finally, a donkey is a digital. Represented? For clarity, you can remember from the pictures.

Now for some theory.

Types of information by way of perception

  • The words

The main words of the visual will be the words: apparently, in my opinion, bright, review, view, beautiful.

The kinesthetic will use the words: feel, grasp, touch, firm, soft, calm.
The auditory will emphasize the words: I heard, loud, sound, heard, sounds like, muffled.
Digital words are: reasonable, logical, in my opinion, to understand, the language of numbers, functional.

  • Pose

Let's pay attention to what position the interlocutor is in. The visual is straight, the shoulders are straightened, the head is raised, remember our rabbit. The body can be both thin and full.

The kinesthetic posture is relaxed, the head and shoulders are lowered, the body is tilted forward, the body is often plump, rounded, soft, just like Winnie the Pooh.

The audial has a head on one side, as if he is talking or listening on the phone, the landing is straight. Isn't it like a cartoon owl? The digital often crosses his arms, the posture is straight, the head is raised, the body is often soft and full, we imagine the donkey Eeyore.

  • movements

The movements of the visual are inactive, clamped and constrained. In a kinesthetic, on the contrary, they are flexible, free, the lower part of the body takes part in the movement. But in the auditory movement, sometimes constrained, sometimes free, the middle part of the body is involved. And what about digital? Their movements are devoid of smoothness, they seem to be motionless.

  • Lips

Let's pay attention to the shape of the lips. In the auditory, the lips are more often in the form of strings, thin, in the kinesthetic, the lips are thick, in the auditory, they can be different in shape, in the kinesthetic, they are compressed.

  • Breath

Breathing in the auditory is full, chest, in the kinesthetic is low, abdominal, in the auditory in full, in the digital may be limited.

  • Voice

And even in the voice we will find the characteristic features of a particular type of personality. In the auditory it will most likely be high, rhythmic, loud. The kinesthetic is low, slow, hoarse. The auditory is melodic, rhythmic, changing. The digital is monophonic, inconsistent, with pauses.

  • Sight

Let's talk about direction. The auditory will look at the interlocutor, the kinesthetic will look at the interlocutor, the auditory will look down, or he will lead them back and forth. And digital generally looks above the public.
The easiest way to find out who is in front of you is possible when communicating. The visual during the conversation will carefully look at the interlocutor, and even if you ask him about it, he can say that when he looks, he hears better.

But kinesthetic, rather touch than look. The auditory will most likely turn your ear to you, according to the principle, in order to hear, it is not necessary to look. With a kinesthetic there will be no eye contact at all.

  • Distance

Pay attention to how far you are from the person. There must be a large distance with the visual in order to see everything and they do not like to be touched.

It is important for kinesthetics to touch, which means it will be located close to you. The auditory will be close, but will refrain from touching. Digital would be better off.

  • Main features

And now the characteristic features of the types under consideration. Audials do not want to be lower than the interlocutor, kinesthetics get out of stress, taking the blame on themselves.

Audials are verbose, but they will never ask rhetorical questions. Digitals become over-rational when stressed.
So, from all of the above, we will select the main words for our types.

  • Visual - COLORFUL.
  • Kinesthetic - COMFORTABLE.
  • Auditory - LOUD.
  • Digital is FUNCTIONAL.

Thus, when preparing for any speech or creating a presentation, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the channels of perception.

For example, for the visual we will reflect our information in beautiful illustrations and clear large text, for the auditory to the smallest detail, including the timbre of the voice, volume and pauses.

We will create conditions for the kinesthetic student so that he is comfortable at your performance. For digital, we will reflect the essence of the report in formulas and graphs.

Video about the perception of information by a person (visual, kinesthetic, auditory, digital)

Watch a video about human perception of information.

Selling products to different people should be different, because we are all different. For audios - one thing, for visuals - another.

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