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Pros and cons of Apple iOS. IOS operating system: advantages and disadvantages

At the moment, the electronic world is filled with a mass of mobile devices, tablets and laptop computers of various types. For most people, life without cellular communication is already unthinkable, and residents of large cities use smartphones so actively that they have become simply salvation for them in any situation. In this regard, competition in the software market and in this area is significantly aggravated. The operating system struggle can be considered one of the most decisive confrontations between the mobile giants. It is the question of which is better: Android or iOS, which has become increasingly a concern of modern users. Both systems are represented by major players in the mobile market, so it's understandable why people want a better product.

Now it is impossible to say specifically which is better: Android or iOS, since the first system is newer than the second. It is developing dynamically, capturing the attention of more and more users. However, the second has become a proven helper for many fans of Apple products. Each system has its own tangible pros and cons, which usually depend on the tastes of the users. Such people not only choose one product, but also identify themselves as supporters of one or another option quite categorically.

If we talk about which is better: Android or iOS, then it is worth considering the fundamental differences between these systems. First of all, it should be said about the design, which users like or dislike solely depending on their individual preferences. If we talk about the convenience of the interface, then the advantage in this case is "Android", since widgets and icons are installed here very easily. On all Apple hardware, widgets are located in a special menu, after which you need to go into the settings, and this is very inconvenient.

Both operating systems have a large number of applications, but Android has a well-thought-out multitasking experience. Apple products, up to the iPhone 4S, will close old applications when new ones are opened, which in some cases significantly reduces functionality.

Understanding which is better: Android or iOS, it is worth mentioning personalization and customization. Here you can give a slight advantage to the second system, since here the more stable operation of specialized firmware is noted in comparison with similar Android products. Both systems have excellent browser support as well as social networking. It is difficult to say why iOS is better than Android, since both platforms support many programs for transferring videos and photos, as well as text information in real time. However, for the Apple product, there is a faster connection on Wi-Fi and 3G protocols, which makes working with the Internet much more convenient.

The advantage of iOS lies in the more stable operation of applications and the absence of viruses. The system's program code is closed, which protects the user from unwanted software. With "Android" the situation is slightly different. Viruses here are a common situation, which is solved by installing antivirus software, which provides protection even during the installation of programs. Apps for iOS are provided only for a fee, for a competitor there is a whole set of freely distributed ones.

It is clear that it is impossible to unambiguously call one or another system the best, since each of them has its pros and cons, paying attention to which, the user will be able to make the best choice for himself.

Today, the entire world is filled with millions of electronic devices. Tablets, laptop computers, smartphones and other mobile gadgets - people cannot imagine their life without them. All this leads to increased competition in the software market, especially operating systems.

Of the operating systems for mobile devices, iOS and Android are at the forefront of the competition. iOS is the brainchild of the well-known Apple company, and the equally well-known company Google is developing the Android operating system.

Both systems have their loyal fans, their pros and cons. We will try to compare them in some fundamental parameters and, to some extent, answer the question - which is better: Android or iOS.


The first parameter on our list can be decisive for many. A detailed comparison at the price of Android devices and their rivals from Apple is not even possible - devices with an apple are three to four times more expensive than their counterparts.


This is a moot point, because it is subjective. It all depends on the tastes of the individual user. But instead of design, you can compare interfaces. Here, Android devices should be preferred, since they have a much larger set of widgets, and it's much easier to install them.

Apple devices, in addition to a limited number of widgets, are all placed in a special menu, which is rather inconvenient.

Customization and personalization

Android is, without a doubt, much more flexible in this regard. Live wallpapers, custom screens and, of course, launchers - the user has many options to customize the interface. It is possible to replace system applications with third-party ones (browser, message manager, etc.). The only question is why? After all, the quality of third-party applications can be much worse.

IOS has traditionally limited options for customizing and changing the interface - you can only change the order of what is on the screen. Oh yeah, another wallpaper. They can also be made dynamic. So iOS strongly limits the user in the desire to customize the interface. But this can be seen as a plus - the work of iOS is more stable.


There are enough applications for both operating systems. But only Android can be considered a truly multitasking system. In order to open a new application, in all iPhones, up to version 4S, you need to close the old one. Managing open applications on Android is about the same as on a regular computer..


As it seems to many users, there are much more games on iOS than on Android, and they are better developed. Another plus of Yabloko is that new items appear there earlier.


The undoubted advantage of many Android applications is their freeness. Almost all iOS apps are paid. By the way, the App Store offers many more applications than the Google Play Market. Interestingly, those applications that are absolutely free on the Google Play Market already cost money on the App Store..

Connecting with other devices

To connect to other devices, Android devices use standard interfaces. In order to drop any file, including the application, on an Android device, no tricks are needed. It is enough to be of sound mind, to have a memory card in the device and a regular USB cable. The vast majority of such gadgets are recognized by a computer with a modern operating system as an ordinary drive. Even without the need to install additional drivers.

With Apple gadgets, everything is much more complicated. They have developed their own proprietary interfaces for switching. Often there may be a need for all kinds of adapters, which are quite expensive. As for the task of copying files from a computer to an Apple device, special software is needed for this. It's called iTunes and requires registration and setup over the Internet. Many users do not like this because the procedure is too time-consuming.

However, these restrictions can be circumvented by doing a so-called jailbreak. This operation provides access to the initially closed file system of iOS devices. Apple's official position is that jailbreak is an illegal procedure and the device on which it was performed is no longer subject to warranty repair. Russian legislation thinks otherwise, and in the Russian Federation, a device with a jailbreak must be accepted for repair..


Both systems have excellent social networking and browser support. But, if we talk about network connections via Wi-Fi and 3G, then iOS is certainly faster. Accordingly, it is more comfortable to work with the Internet on Apple devices.

Stability and safety

iOS is a proprietary closed operating system that makes applications developed for it more stable. Another weighty plus of iOS is the complete absence of viruses. Android cannot boast of this. But this situation is quite fixable. You just need to install antivirus software that will check all applications during the installation period.

Battery charge

Comparison of iOS and Android operating systems in this parameter shows a clear advantage of iOS... As practice shows, intensive use of iOS devices during the day is unlikely to lead to a complete discharge of the battery. The same cannot be said about devices running on Android.

Instead of a resume

Let's summarize some of the results. Android - advantages:

  • A wide field of activity for all those who want to adapt the product for themselves. From widgets to CPU overclocking. Any firmware can be installed;
  • Most Android smartphones support external memory cards;
  • The indisputable advantage is the low price;
  • Ability to drop any files on the device without problems;
  • A huge number of free applications.

Now its flaws:

  • The main disadvantage of android devices is the instability of work. If you do not optimize the system, then it will be very difficult to use the phone in a year;
  • The presence of viruses. If you do not install an antivirus and at the same time actively download free applications on the Google Play Market, you can be very upset about the loss of money from your account;
  • The battery charge lasts for a very short time;
  • There are no physical buttons for navigation, only touch buttons. It would be nice if at least the home button was physical;
  • To uninstall the application, you need to do a lot of body movements. It also happens that after deleting a game, its cache continues to occupy memory.

IOS pros:

  • Stable operation of the system. If you want to use all the features of your phone and not bother with system optimization, buy an iPhone;
  • The system works quickly, without any brakes or glitches;
  • The firmware does not come out raw. It does not happen that after an upgrade the system will work worse;
  • The work of the Internet is not interrupted during the conversation;
  • A very simple menu. There is no need to rummage through the settings for a long time, everything is on the surface;
  • An important advantage is the complete absence of viruses.

Cons of iOS:

  • Undemocratic price;
  • Blocked bluetooth. Can only be used with accessories;
  • The complexity of the procedure for uploading files to the phone;
  • Inability to remove system icons;
  • Compared to android, the sound is quite quiet.

We collected information, conducted polls, played with both platforms and finally decided to put forward a verdict in the dispute: which is still cooler - Android or iOS?

Our opinion may be radically different from yours. And there are reasons for this. We will try to be as objective as possible towards both sides on different barricades.

After all, one cannot say that Android is better than iOS, or vice versa. These are two completely different operating systems. The question is different: for what tasks this or that system will be more convenient. And we found it out.

First criterion assessment systems will touch on security.

You should be aware that immediately after purchasing a smartphone with the Android operating system, you must first of all install an antivirus on it. After that, this antivirus must be constantly updated. This is due to the fact that hundreds of applications are developed for Android every day. Not all of them are safe. Especially if you download them from unknown pirate sites and markets. You can find out more about licensed stores for Android in our article.

As for iOS, everything is much quieter here. Apple always moves away from templates in every possible way and develops all products itself. They have their own laboratories and blacksmiths with their own characteristics. It is very difficult for ill-wishers to find a way to introduce malignant products into the Apple monopoly. But viruses are still there. Only their number is negligible. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that your iPhone or iPad will be damaged by a malicious program. But this is only if you yourself do not want to hack the system of your smartphone by jailbreak. In this case, the threat increases.

IOS wins the first round!

Second criterion- applications.

Google Play serves as the main store for downloading Android apps. There are endless numbers of them in the store. Many of them are free. But among them there are a number of low quality applications, and also such applications are sometimes endowed with viruses. Use other stores to protect yourself from virus attacks by looking for better quality apps.

The AppStore has slightly fewer applications. As we found out, there are also fewer viruses here. But the disadvantage is that you will have to pay for most of the applications. An analogue paid Android app will be cheaper.

Round two - Android wins!

Third criterion- support for memory cards.

Android wins this round ahead of schedule. After all, as you know, not a single Apple gadget has the ability to integrate with a microSD memory card. Android devices allow you to use memory cards, increasing its capacity.

Fourth criterion- widgets.

Android wins again. And again early. Apple does not use such a technology for quickly entering various properties of a smartphone. But it is very comfortable.

Fifth criterion- price.

iPhones and iPads are expensive devices. Android offers different price options: from the cheapest, to those that exceed the cost of apple. A more democratic approach.

Another ball for Android.

Sixth criterion- system memory.

Android has a division of memory into system and main memory. This is the same as on a computer (drive C is for installing the system; drive D is main memory, is for everything else). So on Android, an operating system is installed on the system memory. And its volume is small. You can find out about the amount of system memory in the settings. It is usually small. This means that if the system memory gets clogged, then you will not be able to install applications, even if there is still space on the main memory.

There is no such unit on iOS. Therefore, here you can install applications to the eyeballs.

This advantage goes to the iOS piggy bank.

We tried to point out the advantages and disadvantages of both systems using six criteria. What's better? This is your individual choice.

To date, the iOS operating system has won the hearts of millions of iPhone and iPad owners. But, as with any operating system, iOS has its pros and cons. This article takes a closer look at the main pros and cons of iOS.


  • The iOS operating system demonstrates an excellent quality of work. No other operating system can boast such excellent performance. Most buyers choose Apple products precisely because of their excellent workmanship.
  • The iOS operating system is perfect for application developers. Almost any user who is proficient in a programming language will be able to sell their application on the Apple Store. In other words, the user is offered a constant income.
  • The very high speed of iOS opens up a huge number of possibilities for users. For example, play the latest games with realistic graphics or watch HD movies. This is due to the fact that the iOS operating system was created specifically for devices from Apple.
  • The chances of detecting a virus on your device is very low, because the system is completely safe. All apps are rigorously tested by the Apple Store. Plus, iTunes keeps your device as secure as possible and keeps your phone data permanently.


  • The iOS operating system can only be found on Apple devices. Therefore, the buyer is given a very narrow choice when buying a device, unlike Android.
  • The user is limited in almost everything. It is forbidden to change something in the system files, transfer files from the computer, pirate applications, and much more. For an attempt to remove restrictions using a special program, Apple denies users any assistance and warranty.
  • In the iOS operating system, memory cannot be expanded using flash cards or other portable storage devices. Even when buying, the user must decide how much memory he needs, otherwise he will have to constantly clear the memory for new applications.
  • It is certain that the operating system iOS is almost the best operating system, despite its disadvantages. But even with its minor drawbacks, iOS is and will continue to occupy a leading position in the market, because no operating system can compare with iOS in terms of the quality of work.

Even before the start of sales in Russia and other CIS countries of the long-awaited iPhone 7 model, a new version of iOS 10 was available for download and installation. Specialists of the Cupertin company loudly announced that the new version of the operating system is the most ambitious update in history. At the same time, many users who have already updated their OS to version 10 believe that the changes are not so radical, and it will not be difficult to get used to them even for beginners who are discovering the world of Apple devices. Therefore, in this review, we decided to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the new OS. iOS 10 for Apple devices.

Even before the start of sales in Russia and other CIS countries of the long-awaited iPhone 7 model, a new version of iOS 10 was available for download and installation. Specialists of the Cupertin company loudly announced that the new version of the operating system is the most ambitious update in history. At the same time, many users who have already updated their OS to version 10 believe that the changes are not so radical, and it will not be difficult to get used to them even for beginners who are discovering the world of Apple devices. Therefore, in this review, we decided to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the new iOS 10 OS for Apple devices.

Features, benefits of iOS 10

As a rule, before the release of the next OS update, Apple employees claim that it is the new update that will delight users with reliability, stable operation, and an increase in the speed of mobile devices. But if you take, for example, iOS 9, which was supposed to be the fastest, it often had freezes, lags, which, although they appeared irregularly and were treated by a regular reboot, caused some discomfort and even negativity among users.

With the tenth version of the OS for Apple devices, the situation will arrange a little differently. The operating system has been thoroughly tested on the following devices: iPad mini 2, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus. The only flaw is the rather slow scrolling of chats in the Telegram messenger on the iPhone 6s Plus. The problem was quickly resolved by optimizing the application itself.

Important! OS iOS 10 available for iPhone 5, iPad 4th generation, iPad Mini 2nd generation, iPod Touch 6, and all new versions of Apple devices.

Design, interface

In the new OS 10, there are no major innovations in the interface or design. At the same time, cardinal changes have been made to the lock screen. There is no Slide to Unlock feature. To unlock a mobile device, you just need to press the Home key, which is rather unusual. In this case, you can restore the unlock by touching the Home button. Go to Settings / Accessibility / Home.

Swiping to the left from the lock screen activates the camera, swiping to the right will open the widgets screen and also display the Spotlight search bar. Raise to Wake is available for iPhone 7 / 7Plus, iPhone 6S / 6S Plus and iPhone SE owners. As soon as you pick up the iPhone, iPad, it "wakes up" and the lock screen lights up along with all the notifications. Perhaps, for those who spend a lot of time on social networks, actively use instant messengers, this is a very useful option, but if there are people near you, they can, even accidentally, read the messages that are displayed on the display of the mobile device.

We should also note the design of notifications, which has changed for the better and received a beautiful translucent background. Widgets have become more informative, functional, which is also good news. This can be safely called a very successful solution for iOS 10.

3D Touch

iOS 10 can be safely called the second birth of 3D Touch. Now it is supported by iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, while its capabilities have expanded significantly. In the context menu, if you press hard on the application icon, now they appear in much larger numbers, not only from Apple, but also from third-party developers. Swiping up the display opens the 3D Touch Context Menu as well as Controls.

The "Control Center" is divided into three screens for more convenience. On the first one there are buttons and switches, on the second one you can control music, on the third one you can control your "smart home". if you do not have a Smart Home system, the third screen will not be displayed.


in IOS 10, font elements, thumbnails of covers of music albums have significantly increased. Sections "Media Library", "Review", "Radio", "For You", as well as "Search" have become more informative. If you wish, you can now view the texts of auditors directly in the media player. Listening to music on an iPhone has become much better, more comfortable, and more convenient. This can be unambiguously called the advantage of IOS 10.


Many of us devote a lot of time to correspondence with friends and relatives. In the new OS version, iMessages App has grown to the level of Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat in terms of comfort. It works much faster. Now you can view the content of sent links. There is integration with other applications. A lot of other nice little things have been added - stylists, GIFs, handwritten messages, animated emoji, funny pictures, light show effects.

The disadvantage is that you have to spend time searching for them to take full advantage of iMessages. The interface still needs some work. Some functions are useful, and some options can be called unnecessary, for example, handwritten SMS. Sometimes there is no synchronization between devices.


Among the advantages and innovations of the application, one can single out the fact that it uses computer algorithms to analyze the content of your photos, but at the same time “protects” the owner's privacy. that is, all actions take place only on your device. Photos are not sent to the cloud for analysis without your knowledge. If, for example, click on the magnifying glass at the top of the screen and enter the word "Dog", pictures with your dog will be displayed if you have pictures with a pet. Thus, you can search the content for the desired pictures, which is very convenient.

Minus - the analysis can take a long time, up to several days, especially if you need to complete complex tasks. In this case, you will constantly have to keep the iPhone. connected to the charger. An average photo collection will be indexed in about 10-12 hours, which is very inconvenient for those who work with graphic files on their device. Plus, Apple is giving up space in its cloud storage space pretty well. providing only 5 GB. for many users, this is negligible.

Other functions

A special attention in the new version of the OS can be called an auto-lock screen. we can say that the Cupertino company has adopted the classic Android chip. It is enough just to take the iPhone in hand, as the time, date, notifications and widgets will be displayed on the locked screen. This option works pretty well, which is pretty nice.

A new Sleep tab has been added to the Clock app. It allows users to set a comfortable sleep / wake up mode for themselves, that is, the minimum 8 hours that an adult needs for normal rest.

The flashlight has three levels of brightness, which is also very convenient. With the new iOS 10, users can finally uninstall branded apps. programs that are not used. This can be called one of the main advantages, thanks to which you can increase the amount of internal memory of the iPhone.

A significant drawback is the new interface and the design of the Control Center. No direct access to Wi-Fi setups. ON / OFF ONLY.

Conclusion, conclusions

Generally IOS 10 for iPhone, iPad cannot be called unsuccessful. There are many useful options, cool 2 chips ", which increase the convenience of using a mobile device. I am pleased with the faster, more stable, correct operation of the iPhone. But still, this update cannot be called large-scale, as representatives of the Cupertin company said. Great efforts were made to change the functionality of the fluo editor and messenger. Therefore, we hope that in the next OS updates, the developers will fix the minor bugs existing in this update and the next version will move at least three steps forward.

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