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The density of the public road network. Section III

Road density common use is one of the main quantitative indicators characterizing the achieved level of transport services in the region. The network is subject to standardization highways with a hard surface of local, regional or inter-municipal significance (without streets in settlements), i.e. road sections intended for communication settlements between themselves. At the same time, federal roads are not taken into account, since most of them are not intended to serve the adjacent territories and settlements located on them.

The road network is modeled taking into account the Guidelines for the preparation of local standards for urban planning, taking into account the spatial features of the structural and functional organization of the territories of municipalities of the Moscow region, approved by the order of the Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region dated 03.23.2009 N 14a "On approval guidelines on the preparation of local standards for urban planning, taking into account the spatial features of the structural and functional organization of the territories of municipalities of the Moscow region. "The density of the road network P in the region is directly proportional to the length of the network L and inversely proportional to the area of ​​the 8th region.

One settlement has a specific area of ​​the territory with an average area.

Rice. 2. Determination of the average distance between neighboring settlements of the region

Taking into account the above, the length and density of the road network is determined by the formulas:

; i = 1, 2, 3, ..., N. (27)
; i = 1, 2, 3, ..., N. (28)

With fixed values ​​of N and S, the length and density of the road network depends on the degree of road connectivity of settlements Ri.

In the tree-shaped road network, all settlements are interconnected and there is only one single communication route between any pair of settlements. Such a network, supplemented by a road section with an exit to the border of the territory, consists of sections and has the shortest length. In a tree-like network, the degree of connectivity of each settlement is greater than or equal to 1, and on average is 2.

, i = 1, 2, 3, ..., N. (29)

In the particular case, for Ri = 2, the network has the form of a chain, i.e. has no ramifications.

Rice. 3. Tree-like road network

, , , , , , , , .

Lack of branching in the network leads to unacceptably high overrun Vehicle due to the multiple excess of the path length between non-adjacent pairs of settlements over the distance between them, as can be seen in Figure 3.

The increase in the degree of connectedness of settlements by the completion of new additional connecting sections branches the network and forms cycles in it. As a result, alternative shorter routes of communication appear between pairs of settlements and the over-mileage of transport is significantly reduced. Online in Figure 4.

Rice. 4. Road network with alternative paths.

Added sections (2 - 8), (2 - 5) inside, and (4-), (6-), leading outside the region.

, , , , , , , , .

With an increase in the degree of road connectivity of settlements to 4, the network takes the form of a quadrangular lattice with nodes in settlements and the overrun approaches the theoretically minimum value for a quadratic lattice, but the length of the network doubles.

Therefore, road connectivity should be increased selectively, primarily for settlements with the highest traffic intensity. The intensity is mainly due to the size of the population and the administrative status of the settlements. For the purposes of the Standards, the following typology of settlements with a degree of road connectivity was adopted:

group 1 with R = 4 - administrative centers of municipal districts, urban districts, urban and rural settlements and other settlements with a population of 1,000 people or more;

group 2 with R = 3 - settlements with a population of 200 to 1000 people, not belonging to group 1;

group 3 with R = 2 - settlements with a population of up to 200 people. The normative length and density of the road network with the number of settlements of the first group, the second -, the third - are determined by the formulas:

; (30)
. (31)

and do not depend on the shape of the territory (elongation, broken borders). The methodological error of the formulas is due to the assumption made in the calculation about the uniformity of the distribution of settlements over the territory. Concentration of settlements in local areas of the territory in the limit leads to their merger, i.e. decrease in the total number of points. With a reduction in the number of settlements, the length of the network decreases by the formula:

. (32)

With an increase in N, the relative calculation error and, due to the uneven distribution of settlements, asymptotically decreases and at N> 50 becomes insignificant for practical calculations.

Two methodological errors arising from modeling the length of a really non-straight section of the road between the boundaries of non-point settlements 1 and 2 to direct distances between their centers are comparable in magnitude and, having different signs, partially compensate each other. As a result, they can be considered acceptable for practical calculations.

Rice. 5. Modeling the length of the road by the distance between the centers of settlements 1 and 2,

The Normatives set the minimum values ​​of the road network density for the Moscow region as a whole (0.42 km / sq. Km) and differentiated by sustainable settlement systems and municipal areas.

The average distance between neighboring settlements in the Moscow region is about 2.7 km. The bulk of the length of the network falls on the road sections between the settlements of the third group (with a population of up to 200 people). The third group includes more than 80 percent of the total number of settlements. The density of the road network achieved in the region is 0.31 km / sq. km is about 3/4 of the standard.

The normative density of the road network is not the same in different sustainable settlement systems. The recreational-agrarian Zaoksko-Meschera settlement system is characterized by a dispersed distribution of settlements with an average distance between settlements of about 3.6 km, which predetermined the lowest standard density of 0.30 km / sq. km. The urban Odintsovo settlement system, on the contrary, is characterized by an increased concentration of settlements on the territory and the normative density is the highest in the region of 0.72 km / sq. km. For the same reasons, the normative density in municipal areas is different: the smallest in Shatursky is 0.29 km / sq. km and Lukhovitsky districts 0.31 km / sq. km, the largest in Leninsky 0.65 km / sq. km and Lyuberetskiy districts 0.61 km / sq. km.

Section III. Estimated indicators of the density of the network of public highways

1 area of ​​use

The calculated indicators of the density of the network of public highways are used in the preparation of the master plan of the urban district "the city of Yakutsk".

2. Basic concepts

For the purposes of these standards, the following basic concepts are used:

public road network- a set of sections of public highways with hard surface of local, regional or intermunicipal significance, passing through the territory of the urban district "city of Yakutsk" outside the boundaries of settlements;

public road network density- the ratio of the length of the network of public highways passing through the territory to the area of ​​the territory;

length of the public road network- the total length of road sections forming a network of public highways,

3. Qualitative characteristics and quantitative indicators

3.1. The calculated indicators of the density of the network of public highways are quantitative indicators that characterize the level of development of the network of public highways in the corresponding territory.

3.2. The calculated indicators of the density of the network of public highways determine the minimum permissible density of the network of public highways in the urban district "the city of Yakutsk" as a whole.

3.4. Estimated indicators of the density of the network of public roads of the urban district "Yakutsk city" are determined in accordance with table N 6.

Table 5

The main purpose of roads and streets

Main roads:

high-speed traffic

High-speed transport links in large urban districts and urban settlements: exits to external highways, to airports, large recreation areas and settlements in the settlement system. Intersections with main streets and roads at different levels

controlled traffic

Transport links between districts of large urban districts, urban settlements in certain directions and sections of predominantly freight traffic, carried out outside residential buildings, exits to external highways, intersections with streets and roads at the same level

Trunk streets:

city-wide significance:

continuous movement

Transport links between residential, production areas and community centers in large urban districts and urban settlements, as well as with other main streets, urban and external highways. Providing traffic in the main directions at different levels

controlled traffic

Transport links between residential, industrial zones and the center of an urban district, urban settlement, centers of planning districts; exits to main streets and roads and external highways. Intersections with main streets and roads on the same level

regional significance:

transport and pedestrian

pedestrian transport

Transport and pedestrian links between residential areas, as well as between residential and industrial zones, community centers, exits to other main streets and roads

Pedestrian and transport links(mainly public passenger transport) within the planning area

residential streets

Transport (without skipping the cargo and public transport) and pedestrian communication on the territory of residential areas (microdistricts), exits to main streets and regulated traffic roads

streets and roads in industrial, including communal storage areas

Transport communications, mainly of cars and trucks, within the zones, exits to main roads. Intersections with streets and roads are arranged on the same level

pedestrian streets and roads

Pedestrian communication with places of employment, institutions and service enterprises, including within public centers, places of rest and stopping points of public transport

park roads

Transport links within the territory of parks and forest parks, mainly for the movement of cars

Access of vehicles to residential, public buildings, institutions, enterprises and other objects within districts, microdistricts (quarters)

bike paths

Along routes free from other types of transport.


1. The main streets, as a rule, stand out from the composition of transport-pedestrian, pedestrian-transport and pedestrian streets and are the basis of the architectural and planning construction of the city-wide center.

2. In the conditions of reconstruction, as well as for streets of regional significance, it is allowed to arrange highways or their sections, intended only for the passage of public transport vehicles with the organization of bus and pedestrian traffic.

3. Along the driveways, there should be places for temporary storage of snow, cleared from driveways, in the form of strips with a hard surface with a width of at least 1.5 m.

For calculation bandwidth(traffic intensity) when driving on a mixed flow street network different kinds transport should be reduced to one design type - passenger car, in accordance with table N 5.1.

Table 5.1

Vehicle type

Reduction factor


Trucks with carrying capacity, t:



Motorcycles and mopeds

Sidecar Motorcycles

Mopeds, scooters and bicycles

The main design parameters of the street network of the urban district should be established in accordance with table N 5.2.

Table 5.2

Estimated travel speed, km / h

Width in red lines, m

Traffic lane width, m

Number of lanes

The smallest radius of curves in the plan, m

The greatest longitudinal slope, _

Width of the pedestrian sidewalk, m

Main roads:

high-speed traffic

controlled traffic

Trunk streets:

city-wide significance:

continuous movement

Adjustable movement

regional significance:

transport and pedestrian

pedestrian transport

Streets and local roads:

residential streets

streets and roads in the production area

park roads

the main


Pedestrian streets:

the main

By calculation

According to the project


According to the project

Bike paths

* Taking into account the use of one lane for car parking.


1. The width of streets and roads is determined by calculation depending on the intensity of traffic and pedestrians, the composition of elements placed within the transverse profile (roadways, technical lanes for laying underground communications, sidewalks, green spaces, etc.), taking into account sanitary and hygienic requirements and civil defense requirements.

In urban districts and urban settlements of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), when designing 4-5 storey buildings, it is allowed to reduce the width of city-wide highways in red lines to 40 m.

The width of residential streets in red lines for low-rise buildings is projected at least 25 m.

2. In the conditions of reconstruction, as well as in areas with a high urban planning value of the territory, it is allowed to reduce the design speed for high-speed roads and streets of continuous traffic by 10 km / h with a decrease in the radii of curves in the plan and an increase in longitudinal slopes.

3. For the movement of buses on main streets and roads in large urban districts and urban settlements, an extreme lane with a width of 4 m should be provided: for passing buses during rush hours at an intensity of more than 40 units / h, and in conditions of reconstruction - more than 20 units ./h the device of a separate carriageway with a width of 8-12 m is allowed.

4. The width of the technical lane, as well as the dividing lanes, is set according to the project, taking into account traffic safety.

5. On main roads with a predominant movement of trucks, it is allowed to increase the width of the traffic lane up to 4 m.

6. The greatest longitudinal slopes of the carriageway of main streets and roads designed in urban settlements of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) may be reduced by 10%.

7. Within the carriageway of streets and roads, strips up to 3 m wide should be provided for storing snow.

8. The width of sidewalks on main streets should be at least 3 m. Pedestrian paths in micro-districts (quarters) should be traced taking into account their protection from wind and snow drifts. The width of the pedestrian part of sidewalks and paths does not include the areas required for the placement of kiosks, benches, etc. In conditions of reconstruction on streets of local significance, as well as with an estimated pedestrian traffic of less than 50 people / h in both directions, it is allowed to arrange sidewalks and paths 1 m wide.

When sidewalks are directly adjacent to the walls of buildings, retaining walls or fences, their width should be increased by at least 0.5 m.

9. It is allowed to provide for the gradual achievement of the design parameters of main streets, traffic intersections, taking into account the specific dimensions of traffic and pedestrians, with the obligatory reservation of the territory for prospective construction.

10. In the context of reconstruction and when organizing one-way traffic, it is allowed to use the parameters of main streets of district significance for the design of main streets of city-wide significance.

"... The density of the network of public highways is the ratio of the length of the network of public highways passing through the territory to the area of ​​the territory ..."

A source:

Resolution of the Government of the Moscow region of July 14, 2010 N 547/29

"On approval of standards for urban planning of the Moscow region"

  • - survey, collection and analysis of information on the parameters, characteristics and conditions of the functioning of roads and road structures, the presence of defects and the reasons for their occurrence, characteristics of traffic flows and other ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - studies of economic, technical and natural conditions, in which the construction and operation of the highway will be carried out, in order to determine the optimal technical and economic solution for ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - technical registration of roads and road structures with the preparation of a road passport ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - the zone of interaction of traffic flows of two or more converging roads ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - according to Russian tax legislation, they are paid by: enterprises, associations, institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental affiliation, in the amount of 0 ...

    Financial vocabulary

  • Big accounting dictionary

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - division of existing and planned highways or their individual sections into categories - see also Road category ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - the totality of all roads on the territory of the country, territories, regions or districts serving all branches of their complex economy ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - a sectoral scheme of the general complex of schemes for the development and distribution of branches of the national economy, industries and schemes for the development and distribution of productive forces in economic regions ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - a tax that is paid by all companies, firms, institutions and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, as a percentage, on the volume of production, work performed and services provided ...

    Business glossary

  • - targeted tax, the payers of which are enterprises, associations, institutions and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, for which a tax rate of 0.4% of the volume of production is set ...

    Big Dictionary of Economics

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

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October 13, 2006, Yaroslavl Opening remarks at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council on the development of the road network

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October 13, 2006, Yaroslavl introduction at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council on the development of the road network Good afternoon, dear colleagues, The topic of our meeting today is the state and development of highways in Russia.

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The expression that Russia is sorely lacking roads has become beaten. I just would like to understand - where, how much? What roads should be built in our country in the coming decades?


To begin with, let's take a few postulates that are not even customary to discuss. Usually they are brought in to show the level of our backwardness. For example, this: "the average density of highways in Russia is 15-20 times lower than in European countries." Horror, and nothing more!
- Indeed, if you take our average road density - about 68 km per 1000 km² of territory - and compare with European indicators, you can be discouraged, - agrees Head of the Federal Road Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Rosavtodor) Anatoly Chabunin... - True, the density there is not the same everywhere. For example, the highest in France: 1720 km. In Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Czech Republic, about 1600 km. But in Germany, only 650 km!
I think it is more correct to compare the regions. The highest rate is in the Moscow region: 636 km per 1000 km². In other areas, of course, the density is lower: Vladimir region- 194, Kaluzhskaya - 301, Ryazanskaya - 185, Tulskaya - 206 km.
The numbers are less than in Europe, but not by an order of magnitude! And when the Moscow region and Yakutia are added, where the density of routes is 5.5 km, then middle figure and it turns out to be terrifying. But, you see, it is not required in the regions of the Far North as many roads as in metropolitan area
Another postulate that wanders from report to report: "about 50,000 settlements do not have year-round communication on paved roads, which leads to stagnation of production and outflow of the population."
So it probably is, but how many of these “points” have the population left long ago? I myself saw many dead villages and towns - both in Central Russia and in The far north... Pulling a road to everyone to try to get the residents back? It's pointless. There is a state program - to build in five years hard-surface roads to each settlement where more than 125 people live and to the nearest highway no more than 5 km. There is logic and economic calculation in this. If only this program was implemented, and not abandoned "due to lack of funds" ...

Length and density of roads

The Russian Federation is characterized by a low density of highways, which is:

67 km per 1000 km 2 of the country's territory;

8 km per 1000 inhabitants.

At the same time, the density of highways per 1000 km of the country's territory is 1800-1830 km in France and Germany, 1070-1175 km in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, India, 670 km in the USA, that is, 10-25 times more than in the Russian Federation. In Russia, the length of paved roads 1000 km of territory is 20 times less than in Europe, and 10 times less than in Canada. In terms of the density of roads per 1000 inhabitants, Russia is 2-3 times inferior to the United States, France, Sweden, Finland and other countries.

According to Rosavtodor, the total length of the network of public highways of federal, regional and local significance in the Russian Federation (that is, state-owned roads) in the new classification for 2006 is estimated at 1,145,000 km.

In 2007, according to Rosstat, the length of public roads in the new classification in Russia was 746 thousand km. Of these, with a hard surface - 623 thousand km. The territory of the Russian Federation is crossed by 34 road routes of the European and Asian network of international highways with a total length of 32 thousand km.

The length of federal roads at the beginning of 2008 was 48.8 thousand kilometers, which is less than 5% of the total length of the country's road network, while federal roads accounted for more than 40 percent of all passenger and freight traffic. By the end of 2008, about 350 km of new roads had been built and 5,000 existing roads had been repaired. The length of the public road network is growing slowly: in accordance with the federal target program "Modernization transport system Russia (2002-2010) "by 2010, the density of roads per 1000 inhabitants will practically remain at the level of 2006. At the same time, the level of motorization in the country will increase by half.

Rice. one.

A source. According to Federal Service state statistics of the Russian Federation (Rosstat).

Rice. 2.

A source. Rosavtodor.

Category 1 road - a motor road with a traffic intensity of more than 7000 vehicles per day, a main design speed of 150 km / h, an improved capital surface, the number of traffic lanes is 4 or more.

Category 2 road - a motor road with a traffic intensity of 3000-7000 vehicles per day, a main design speed of 120 km / h, an improved capital surface, the number of lanes is 2.

Category 3 road - a motor road with a traffic intensity of 1000-3000 vehicles per day, a main design speed of 100 km / h, an improved lightweight surface, the number of lanes is 2.

Road of the 4th category - a motor road with a traffic intensity of 200-1000 vehicles per day, a basic design speed of 80 km / h, an improved lightweight or transitional surface, the number of lanes is 2.

Category 5 road - a motor road with a traffic intensity of less than 200 vehicles per day, the main design speed of 60 km / h, transitional or lower coverage, the number of traffic lanes - 1.

General condition of the territorial road network of Russia

The general condition of the territorial road network of Russia, according to Rosavtodor, is characterized by the following negative aspects:

The length of sections of territorial roads that do not meet the regulatory requirements for transport and operational status is more than 76% of the total length of the network;

The lack of paved approaches to small rural settlements leads to additional costs for transportation on unpaved roads, which are 3-4 times higher than on roads with a higher quality surface - the length of unpaved roads is about 220 thousand km, traffic on these roads is difficult in the autumn-spring period, which causes significant losses for agricultural enterprises;

About 50 thousand settlements do not have a year-round connection by hard-surface roads, which leads to stagnation of production and an outflow of the population.

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